HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-6-1, Page 514M '",'iitinvday, Jana 1st, 1916, I i Crediton C1t ''1)ITON I Mrs. G, K. I?gown who underwent ,an operation for a serious case of (cancer ate Berlin is doing Incely. Her *teeny friends hope to see her • back tome sooiv Messrs. E. 13aker, S. ',Brown, i}I, F ' Jiiber raid Eli Lawson motored to to London on Friday last. . The !dry spell last week alloweJ the farmers. to get a great deal of their seeding done. IGapt. Daunooy give the town fly - ting visit Hist week in ordwu' to arrange for a 'recruiting meeting in the near future. Miss Alma Hill •spent. a few days, -it London this Week.' ' ' • 4 rev. S. Jefferson anti' F. W.Claark .left Tuesday morning for Kipgsville .tae attend the annual Alethodist.(Con= t'erence. Rev. iaefIereon expects to get a move this year as his terga of !four years .has elapsed. Mr. Elmer Lawson is sporting •an ;:Overland car, '' • DAiSIITWOOD Dr. N. F. and Mrs. Schram of London spent a day here last weak 'Rooming their . househoId ;effects to jmove to London. i1iss Clara Brown ro.f New .West+ exibaster, B. C. is visiting at her home Mere. Mr. and Mrs; Wes: Dngela'nd Cawed 3C Ir. and •Mrs. J. W. Graybiel attend- eed the marriage of the ,lattaer's son, at Woodstock last, Wedntesday. Mies Lavina. Koch ,of . l:;ondorn. is 'visiting ber parents here at preset. 14 Ir. Noarman Kellermann (pent a :fens days( in Berlin ar.d Toronto this week. - Miss Clara Graupner left Tuesday for Loraine, Ohio. lltr. and Mrs. Wilbur Graybcil of / oodlstock are spending a part of Their honeymoon here. • SEXSMITH . Mr. and Mrs. A. Moir and .family with Mrs. Moir's mother, Mrs. John 1Grould and other friends i, i this vicin- llty- " ' • 'The wet weather has considerably kllelayed seeding operation it these marts.. Master Earl Campbell was on the thick, list for• a few days this week. - Mrs. William' Northcott has return+ ted to her home in Exeter north =Her an extended visit with her iiiaughter Mrs. W. C. Pearce, near .liensall. 'THAMES 'ROAD ..Rev. Redmond occupied the pul- tpit at Bethany last Sunday, in the absence of Rev. S. lfuxworthy Who is attending conference. The seeding is progressing slowly sa few farmers have finished .,but *bey all believe that. "seedtime: and harvest shalt not :fail." ?sirs. 1•Iarry Ford is• attending the ;Branch Convention of the 1W. M. 8.' in St. Thomas this week, as delegate :from Bethany auxiliary. !R LTSSELLDA LE 'Wedding bells are ringing. • Mrs- A. Hodgei•t and daughter Marie visited friends near Lumley on Sunday. • t r • t , ' Mrs. ;Geo. Melville is spend`.ng a week with friends in Hensall. Mr. Ed.:Colqulioun has purchased ea Forty automobile from O'Brien !Bros, aft St. Marys, Mr. Alfred• Dow of Grimsby was .n (pleasant • 'caller among a number :aY leis friends here on Monday. Dar_ Geo. 'Gill and daughter Nettie tat ;Motherwell, were guests at the borne or i11r. and 'Mrs. Gleason Gill slate beginning of the week. GRAND BEND Miss Copp and DESS& Stinson spent the 24th in Clinton. Ruite a number of outsiders visit- sd bare on the 24th. ' Mrs. E.:Follick of Exeter has been ;spending a few days at the Bend. 'The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. G.eo. /Oliver May 21st and left a baby girl. ' 'lllr_ and Mrs. Thomas Handford of ;rngersoil were among the early cam'p- sers Jere. Mrs. Will alcCliuchey of Greenway visited her sister Mee. G. G1iv;elr a mean days last weak. • They had, a cleaning up day at the -.cemetery on Wednesday which made at big improvement Misses Giady r. D•.sjardine & t ladys ,Jct'.ory motored to o_est, Wednes- day with. Cobert- Stone. Mr- Joe Oliver o: the Mottled l:ne -jest ri valuable, horse on the. 24th. He antes since then pur:.hased a new team Df exits. . . Z G'R Cri 'Iter. F..3. Meyer and family have arrived from kineira, the Lorin, r hive dug recovered, Crum L -s illness: Elmore 'Trueniner, time of Mr. Dan 'Eruemncr, Goshen 'Lune south, nas ibcen suceesstul in• pax_ ng his th rd year dental earitaina•tions t . aR:uv, •1'', B. nleyer the ,n as .1•ast to ct liic Evangelical echarea,,p,leech d his thanod.uctory sezmo,i on Sunday mime, ing. 1'- ing. !lir. -14. M. Geiger preached iii the evening Installation cervices were 'aerie .,,ducted in. the Lutheran church last: IE1und.ay iorencon w°h. nI. E. Rem .e -liras :formally' installed oy his ,.a,her 913,ev. A. Remo(„ oi' Hamilton. At the faceting of the Local 'branch o2 do Women's Institute the election -of officers for , the year resulted as follows; L're:'ident, Mrs, E. Appel, let. Vice I'reei.clenI, Mrs. 1C. Frit'!, And rise r'r:sident, .Mrs. J3::i. •Cam- kelt,' 3rd Viers President, Mrs. J. OnS'aai, Trete s � arias IC ;Ca m, r +cFritz 'rot s. Sell, i)irecto �, Mrs. M. , W. Sieg:, r ; Mee. W. O'Brien, 7 i rsi. alanso:ih 'traces correSte nd.ant; Dire M. !1!rittz. • tHE EXETER TiMES t FTLi�ISALL In sharing the :sorrows of others Your owe, are less hard to bear. Property ii rising in value in Hen - sell. and is being eagerly sought after. J. D; ad c'Donall may 'ceme out as an independent caaidate at the next Do minion election. Miss Swan and sister, Miss Tena, left this week for Rochester, .Minn., where the latter 'wilt undergo an op+ eration. WIOODITA'M The. anniversaries In connection with the Woodham Methodist Sunday School were held on Sunday May 21st:, Rev. W, Stirling of Fullerton prea °bed two very een:client sermons and delighted his large audience lay his able presentation of the truth.. On 'Wednesday May 24th •the cus- tomary picnic: was hheld. The ladies did' justice to themselves by the good filings which they provided and so ably nerved. The entertainment in the Hall fol- lowing .the dinner was of' a very bigu order. The addresses were of rnark,ed interest, Bev.. Mr. Burton of Kirkton, excelled himself, delivering the, best address we have 'been privilaged to listen to from him. Professor Dale of St. Marys was at home on his great theme "The War with Germany," Ho gripped his audience From start to llinish. It was :an cxceeding.ly ab,te 'presentation of the subject. Prof. Dale is thorough, ,sane, and: most con- wineing, He. is rendering excellen'l ssei•vice too otic country by ;his patri- otic addressesk The Kiltio Band of St. Marys was in attendance afternoon. and. eta,Yting Their selection'(' were -enjoyed by all' They were most 'liberal in the number of seleetionsr given. In the evening the Epworth Lea- gue put on a good programme. 'The Kiltie band gave some splendid selections, ."The Gallant Black Watch" "Southern 'Melodies" Serenade "Even.' tide," band march "Heads Up" being among the number, Piper McCurdy gave several numbers which we're enema appreciated. Master Jack Jose of Kirkton de- lighted the audience by several splen- did readings rendered in fine • style. Rev. Mr, Yule of Sts Marys gave a capital address on "Good Cheer," it was thoroughly appreciated. 1lfiss (Carrie 'Rae of St. .Marys is ever a favorite with a Woodham iitidience 'and she was at her best. Pure Fruit Flavours exclusively are lased in the fillings for L1GG.ET'S CHOCOLATES which are ,sold and guaranteed -by' all'Rexall Drug Stores. W. 8, 'Cole, Exeter RURAL MAI IE BOXES • The rural mail carriers find that the names are disappearing from 'many boxes on their routes. If. -'you 'miss; Do something for somebody, striving To ,help where the way seems long, And the homeless Hearts that len-' guisb Cheer up with a little lsong. Do something for somebody always. 'Whatever may be your creed, , There's nothing on earth can help you. So intact/ as a kindly deed. Do something for second childhood, To smooth out the wrinkles of care, Do something to cheer up the lonely That you have with you everywhere, ----♦-- The Women's Missionary Society The twentieth annual (Convention of =the W. M. Society, or Exeter district was held in Granton Meth:dist church Wedn.tstay May 17th, 1916. Mrs. Wil- son, organizer; presided. About three hundred assembled and a very suet easeful .convention was held. Morning devotional exercises were conducted by Mesdames Westman and McKay. After the reading and adoption of the minutes and appointment of come mittees, the former Organizer, Mrs. Marshall now Organizer Lor Stratford District, spoke. a few words of greeb- ing, Reports were then.receiv'ed ;from (ill ,but;,tivo o't'the twenty' -six Aux,ili aries of the District, bes:dee these from (Circles' and Mission Bands, Cleve 'eerie. at: which, showed, great persevi erance in work for Missions., 'A unique feature was the reading of Whalen Mission :Band report by a 0eyeaT- old bey, Mervin Jolinston, in such a, clear distinct manner that Mervin received great applause. Mrs. Steph- enson and Miss B. Morley sang a duet which was much appreciated. A touching reading by Mrs. Johns, on a "Soldiers Thought of HIome," was followed by an impressive memorial service Jed by Mrs. Follicle in bonor of the Live members of the District who have • passed away during the year: This concluded the morning ses- sion. The afternoon exercises were open- ed be' devotional service •conducted, by Mesdames Bean and Taylor. 4' Refund Table Conference on ways of promote ing an eftective Auxiliary and Dii, sign Band was led by Mrs. Rev. than. Many helpful suggestions were given tor carrying on Missionary work. Mrs. Rev. Brown dealt with the subject, aglow to Organize-" Mrs. McNay spoke on the "influence of Programmes." Mrs. :Liev. Jefferson gave a bright and interesting talk on the relation of ICircies to the Main Auxiliary. Mrs. Chas. Johns then gave some good' ideas on '"Ways to Enlist the Congregation in Work of Auxiliary."' Mrs- .Rev. Knight took up the financial side of the question -and the! 'best ways 'of raising money your mail to -day or tomorrow, don't for the Society. Mrs. Dr. Orme next blame the carrier. First loolk -at your rendered •a beautiful solo. The Organ - mail ;box and ern if your name is ds- leer's Report was encouraging. The tinctly 'printed on bath sides. A' new money raised, notwithstanding all man •eceasionabb goes the rounds,and the other; demands of this year being if the names a;e not to be seen,. het has no way et telling and invariably Passes ,by. The mail matter is .then brought balk and )lies at 'the diustrite- uting point i:atil next day. A1.1 those .preciative words were, spoken of her having rural mall boxes ehuuld ate faithful; efficient, service of the past that their names appear prominenta six years. 'Notwithstanding her re- ly on the same, quest that her name be left out, she received a majority,' vote on the :.first ballot. Afterwards when no one' in the audience would accept ; the position and being urgently requested, Mrs. Wilson consented to take the offioe again another year, subject to the Branch meeting. A ballot was cast for 'her in the ensuing seslsion and she received an unanimous vote. • Greetings from the Presbyterian church were given by Hass. W. Young - son and from the Anglican church by Mrs. W: J. ,Dinsmore, these being 'ne- ' plied to by Mrs. 'Rev. Brown. Hen- salt's invitation to have the next lCon- by the first wife and three sons and ven'.:ioie held there was acoepted. ;sixc daughters •by the 'second. Mr. Fra- Miss Gray, returned Missionary from Port Simpson, then spoke on her $245.06 in, advance of last year. Over $.258 t Bing• rats- it in the :District.' Mrs. "Wilson then askeed• to b,; re- lieved erf her duties as Organizer.. Ap 'BEAT] OF MR. TEASER A. very unexpected, and rather sud- den death occured at Adair ,on •Wed- nesday, M•ay Lith, when Malcolm Fra- ser, in bis 64th .year passed 'away. Ile had been sick,.. scarcely a week of eu pnmonia, DIr.,,;Nraser was born at Mooresville and the whole of his life w•as spent in this neighborhood. He was twice married and let survived by This second wife and thirteen of a family two son's and 'two daughters ser was highly respected and his death is much regretted by. a large number of friends. The funeral was held .last, Thursday. Mr. Wm. Frazer of tew,n is a son. • DEATH OF THOMAS ELWOOD Thomas Elwood, coa., 4, DicGiil'ivra'f. died in his 70th year', after a long ilia ness. Hewes for many year$ a mems ter ot the Eb.ne.er Methodist church sort ono hundred years ago contrast andfor several years superiniaendant fug the dcgredation and misery of of the Sunday School. The funeral was that tame with the purity and noti.ity held to Ebenezer 'Cemetery and was of thought totbe J.ouni among its in/- largely attended. Services were can habitants to- day. The village of 700 ducted by 'lien. Mr. Jef:erson. The inhabitants compares very favorably floral offering:: weremany and, beau- with a white mania village to -day. Dr. tifiil. Mr. Elwood leaves aow w'i and Brown gave a "good address paying work ins !Crosby Girl's Home. A brighij evening service was held opened by song service, after which two ;selections were given by the choir and a splendid flag exercise ac- companied with music was given bty twelve little girls. Th`s was under the supervision alp Miss Dale. 'Miss Gray gave words of cheer. She dwelt. upon conditions of the town of Port Sirnp- two daughters, Mrs. 13. T3anting, airs. Fred Fenton, and one sof- a4 home; four sisters, Mrs. 'Cale at'Wat- erloe, Mrs. Morris of Toron.o. Mrs. W,. Easton of Ailsa Craig and Mrs. J. Bradley of 113rinaJeY, :also two bro- thers, James of the -United 'Stat'es, and John, in London. WILL LOOK AFTER PERTH AND HURON 'Rev. E. G. Powell, of Clinton was •appointed field secretary for Perth and Huron counties at a meeting of committees . representing the tem- perance organizations of the two counties, ,held- Monday afternoon fit Knox church vestry. His salary' was %fixed, at 81500 per year and en- penses, an equal portion of which is to be paid by • each county. Mr. Powell his been doing ef'.ic:,cnt and effective work, in seeing that ;the !Canada Tema-erance Act has been enforced in Huron county and the Perth Coiihty. i niperance Al- liance ant'cipatoe that be will do equally good service here. Those pre- sent all the utee'ting from out •o,, town were ;—Mr. Ar J. Irwin and 'Lteveekie,d E. G, Powell of Clanton, Mr. if, Bucbii- ax an o'j Wingh' am, aad„ air.. T. Dick- son of Atw'lod.—Lristotal • Manner ElOMETILING something for •soruebody, some- w'h.c. ee While]oggi g along life's road, es• 'burden cbcd Help s om Y to carry •,h And lighter, will grow your Load. Ib something Eor eomebody gladly, ;rwtLt sweeten: your e:Very cares serong 'tribute to the work of W. DI. Society and its influence upon the character of, the nation. He ,reviewed the work of the W. M. Society fru its dia":ersn:: spheres co: activity. A flew mi.n:eters de not recognize the !tenor fit of women's work but the W. 51. S. teal they have a ;strong supporter in Dr. Brown. of Ailsa :Craig. The singing of the National Anthem fol- lowed bye prayer, on behalf of friends who have lately lost soldier boys, .closed a very profitable Convention. The ladies of Granton and Wesley congregations received great prai.e for the way in which ;the visitors were entertained, ,dinner, and tea be- ing served in the basement of the church. 1 l las • "Do • STEPHEN ,COUNCIL The Council of the Tp.; of Stephen convened big, the Town .!gall, .Crediton on ;Friday, ,the 26th of ;May, 1916, at 2p. m. .All members present. The; minutes of the previous meeting! were ;read and adolite•d. •• 1- it was decided to •-build, the foo Jowiug bridges; oppos.Le Lot 17 Corr. 2; an the Exeter Side road between Lots all aur( "L1., Con. 4 and at ale Kenzie's creek on the 14th Con., and that tender.:! for the ccnstrctioxt then' of ha received by this council up 'to the .15th of June 1916 at ;noon, The following' orders were passed; !Cronstcn 1Novelity ICo. Additlooal caw -tags, 3.60, henry Smith, sheep killed by' dogs 4.66; Dickson & :Car• I - ,Frank Tay- lor, . .�: Fees " sL'e 13.00; .Ldr Solid grading, 15.75; 1:G2r,t Ba.st,,:grad= ing 14.00; Wm. Wh.ite grading ,350; Alvin Baker. grading 26 Z5; John Ki'clsard grading 1.75; Geo. Hepburn urn grading 50. 50; Ed. kah;aer grading 9,0a; Baker & Moir, '(Culvert .ete, 11.25. The council adjourned alto meet again eh Thursday, the 15th of June 1910 tit 1' p• to when gravel contracts! will be' let. !Ilenx'y Either, Clerk. HE COULD PLAY CHESS. And He Proved That Fact In, a Mos! Emphatic Manner. In Austria-Hungary some years ago there was a marvelous cbess, player, whose name and residences were . un- known, but who every now. and then 'displayed his .remarkable shill in the game. The last story of him was told by James II. Byatt of F•hiladelphia, who bad then just 'returned from Budapest. "I was playing chess `n'itb a friend in a cafe," said Mr. Hyatt, "and plain- ly saw my defeat, when a little bit of a shriveled Pole with a tray of cheap jewelry stood in front of us and offer- ed his wares in most persuasive tones: " `Go away,' I said. "You can beat him,' answered the peddler, whose attention was on the game. "What do you know about it? I asked. "'May I tell him?' be inquired, look - inn, at: my opponent. " `Certainly. Crack away,' came the reply' in a tone of assurance. . "T,ake bis knight,' said, my,; self:'ap. 'pointed inatrtletor- 1' did so to humor him, though I lost my queen by the operation. But, much to my surprise, I found that the very next move gave me the game. "'Let me play with you?' asked the peddler. 'I mate you in the moves you say and where you say.' " If yon do I will give you 10 florins; I answered. 'Take the white men. Mate me on my queen's fourth square in twenty-two moves if you can.' "We started in, my friend keeping account of the moves, and moved rap- idly. After about a dozen moves I had the advantage of a bishop and a pawn and was assured I would defeat my aggressive little opponent. When be let a castle go by an apparently care- less play I was sure of victory. Then came a sudden change in the situation, -and I had to move my king out of check. I was on the defensive and in rapid retreat. "'Twenty-one moves,' said my friend as the little peddler put me again in check with his knigbt. "'Mater cried my opponent as be swung bis queen across the board. "My king was on the queen's fourth square. "I gave'him 10 florins, and he walk- ed away shaking his head and hands with infinite satisfaction." - Dreams As Omens. From the earliest times recorded In history men:' have believed, .'in the prophetic character of dreams. So far as we know, the first to deliberately and systematically attempt the inter- pretations of dreams was Ampbyctyon of Athens, •who lived aboutthe year 1490 B. C.. The Bible mentions dreams in many places, and we are entitled to conclude from the Biblical refer- ences that there. were professional in- terpreters of dreams who were not in- frequently resorted to by the dream- ers.—Exchange. . The Ruling Passion. It is related of •a certain German sa- vant, to show how strong the ruling passion is in death, that as he 'was dying be exclaimed in French, in which language be was deeply learn- ed, "Je coeurs" (I die). Pretty soon he opened bis eyes before passing away and added, "Man kann such sagen, le me meurs!" (One can also In French use the reflexive form of the verb "to ale.") His last flicker of interest was In the word more than in the fact of Method In Her Breakage. "Augusta is an awfully bright girl, isn't she?" "Yes, indeed! When she is reading a novel on the front porch her mother never thinks of asking ber to wash tbe disbes." "Why not?" "She's sure to break so many of them." 'Honey Vinegar. Vinegar made from honey has an ex- ceptionally fine flavor and .is not ex- pensive. A small amount of honey furnisheA a large amount of vinegar. Follow these directions: Dissolve thoroughly in two gallons of warm, soft water one quart jar of extracted honey. Give it air and keep it in a warm place. wbere it will ferment and make excellent viuegar. , Coroners in England. In eeirly times the coroner in• ,Lf n•, land warn a revenue Officer of t� te crown, and his business was rQ !Dryer'; out the criminals, extort' their mike*, -ions and confiscate then' goods1 to the; crown. From records it aPpearetl.that; fling Alfred had a priedflection. fon.. hanging his coroners because .the) .did i what was unjust The The great military genius Conde ii'as :t precocious boy. At eight he gilder - stood Latin, and at eleven tie gage out t treatise on rhetoric. Whenfourteen he bad become thoroughly converts/at with the pritreiples of Warfare 1044 of 'itl'Iuilitarr tactic(. Great Conde. • POSTAGE STAMPS Study Their Backs and You May Come Across a Prize. TWO CLASSES, OF MARKINGS. One of These Is Accidental and the Other Is Intentional, but Either Adds to the Interest of the Specimen—A Curious Nicaraguan Issue:' It really is interesting to study the things' wbicb may be found -upon the backs of stamps. One might group these into two classes—accidental and intentional. In the first class would come "double printings" and "offsets." In- this' instance by double printings we refer to those stamps which were accidentally printed upon both sides of the paper. These are very rare. By offset we mean wbere too much ink was used or the sheets laid upon each other while too wet, so tbat the color from the face of one sheet came off on the back of the one next to it. These double impressions and oti'sets are found in the surcharging of stamps as well as in the original printings. :Otasets,aSeaconaparatiyeiy common:and vary very much in intensity of color and completeness of design. In the earlystaatps'of.Grent'Britain the color of the stamp has changed the gum, or perhaps.the paper, to a beautiful blue, and, as there was little or no color on the portrait in the design, this head appears in wbite upon a blue back- ground on tbe back of the stamp. This is called an "ivory head" and is very interesting. Before we take up the matter of what is intentionally placed on the backs of stamps we might say that the paper upon which sucb stamps are printed usually shows best from the back. It may, of course, be eitber thin or thick, white or colored partially or completely through. It may have silk threads here and there like the ttnited States revenues first issues on silk pa- per or silk all tbrougb like the later issue (1873) revenues, or it may be "granite" paper, like certain stamps of Austria, Switzerland and Japan. Again; there may be embedded in the paper silk threads running the whole length of the sheet, as in certain is- sues of Bavaria, Wurttemberg and es- pecially Switzerland, where threads of many colors may be found. In considering what is intentionally placed on tbe backs of stamps we no- tice first the gum. Tbis can easily be found in many shades—white, yellow- . is'b brown, dark brown, pink or rose. Some of the old ,(7erman. states espe- cially have a fondness for pink gum. The second thing to look for, in- tentionally placed .on the backs of stamps, is something' in the nature of a protection against cleaning or coun- terfeiting: Odder rifle bead "`would come grills or embossings. Excellent illustrations of these are found on our own stamps and again in those of Peru. Watermarks, while not placed on the backs of stumps, show much more plainly there and may be includ- ed in one's collection of "backs." As a protection against counterfeit- ing, one may call attention to the nu- merals upon the backs of, the early is- sues of Greece, for there are many errors and varieties to be found in these old Grecian stamps. Mexico protects some of her stamps by print- ing across the backs a line of blue moire, an irregular arraugement of curved lines. Sweden about 1386 com- menced printing on the backs of ber postage stamps a small blue picture of a post horn. Tbis practice was con- tinued some years. As a protection against counterfeit- ing and also as a means of identifying stolen stamps Spain employs a set of serial numbers. The postoffce depart- ment keeps a List ot the numbers on the backs of the stamps shipped to every postoflice, so that if one of these is robbed the authorities know and can identify, if found, tbe stolen stamps by tbe numbers they bear. Thirdly, we consider those stamps where the printing on the backs was intentional, but placed tbere for other reasons than to prevent counterfeiting. In some respects these are the most in- teresting of all. We wish to call at- tention to threespecial instances. Por- tugal in 1895 issued a series of stamps commemorative of the seven hun- dredth anniversary of the birth of St. Anthony of Padua. Tbere are four designs in the series. But what inter- ests ns in this connection is the curi- ous fact that upon the back of each stamp there is printed in tiny blue letters a Latin prayer. This series was also surcharged for use in the Azores. When we study Nicaragua we a>ie• bewildered by the multiplicity of sur- charges, especially after about 1901ae But in 1911 matterscame' to a ver; bad pass. There were * more postage stamps, so the aeverultant to0)1 atom,@ revenue stamps, IllaratlY once 14-k•W charged. and nPoit trip bnaks of tRtese revenue Steams Flailed a ;aarehatffq whieh,. maant beni good far Hostage. So ber( rise aavatjile stamps Wttit, )lost - age •Staimps pn` their backs, o' ta0st- age sin'rnps .piIl,ti; pure hn•-r; e1 ••receline Atalanta an got t)atcks.•. fidget' pray They are veratlajteresting.- There were '2btee !longs --Fit, '3Q end "!a centavos-- so' made,..;: mete Zealand • furidallas ns another ,type: of inttsrestittg, Ducks. Here we 8wdilit p#ttrny posttyigl4e depart - Went coining an honest penny' by Sell- ing tbe,; paee •npon the •bifei:s of its atoms,* nil*ilsipg pur•"oset$. The 1 stemps,,otitlip • $i>sge i882,- 1 may be i found t •a'the Merits of breakfast toods e_. to A e .sea e soaps, , t. . R1� coffin ` ete` . • tio'rt *Mild contain a A good" itittetij} arieties. We do not knot" lam tatatty:t• 110k Nieb;ala9,i W .. Wo less than four radiating surfaces gather up almost every scrap of heat and send it through your comfortable rooms. Sunshine 11.171aC Drop in some time soon and hear about. McC ' special installation service thatgets out of eve ton f every ten of coal all the heat there is in it. 907 Sold by T. HAWKINS & SON. BURMA'S COLOSSAL BUDDHA. This Statue Is Said to Be the Largest In the World. The largest monument of the human form existing in the east today, if not in the world, is tale great reclining; statue of Buddha near Pegue in Bins ma, around which the government" erected a building with lattice steel pillars to:protect;it: fromitt>e•eleMenta:: This colossus was brought•to light din- ing the construction of tbe railway that runs northeast from Rangoon to Mandalay. While the permanent way was being banked up to protect the lines from occasional floods the engineer in charge required for the purpose of his work a harder ballast than the alluvial de- posit over which the line was running could give him. Less than a mile away . was a tree clad mound, and here, it was thought, suitable material might be found. The task of clearing away some of the trees took but an flour or so, and then shafts were sunk to find the needed stone. Before the diggers had gone down more than a yard they struck an enormous and fairly pre- served figure of Gautama. In actual length the statue Is 180 feet and fifty feet high at the shoul- der. The figure and its pedestal are of brick, covered with plaster. Since its discovery the plaster has been re- moved and painted over, the box at the head and the finger nails gilded and the headdress decorated with glass jewels. The statue is thought to be about 500 years old, but no one knows its history, no reference what- ever being made to it in Burmese leg- ends or traditions.—Wide World Mag- azine. One Way Out. Despite his illiteracy Mose Belt has gathered quite a competency from his whitewashing and kalsomining trade. Recently during the course of some business with a notary the latter pro- duced a document, saying: "Sign your name here, Mose." "Look heah," said Mose, with of- fended dignity, "I doesn't sign mals name, suh. I's a business man, suh, an' has no time for dem trifling de- tails. I always dictates naah name, suh." Equality. "No such thing as stuckuppishness about ber," says the loyal servitor, de- fending his mistress against the crit- icisms of the acquaintance who is in- veighing against class discrimination and the attitude of the wealthy to- ward the working element. "Well, but don't she order you around?" "Sure she does! She bawls me out just the same as what she does her husband. She don't make no differ- ence between me an' him even. Linea. Railroads, poems, plays, drawings, thougbtful brows, palms of hands and geometry are made up of lines. Lines sometimes have a president and a board of directors, and presi- dents and boards of directors usually have lines. The care of lines produces lines of care. Fishes and sentimental young ladies are frequently caught with lines. _Poets formerly were much given to inditing certain lines to young ladies, but the modern lady who desires cer- tain Lines usually goes to a modiste. A man who gets a line on other peo- ple is either a profligate son, a detec- tite or a tattoo artist. Ruddy 'Mare. There seems to have been no reason other tttaq its@ suggestive color for the seleetiart 011ie planet Mars as the ce- Iestiitt"s'bgl of the war god. Yet it vt49,..alAty ! Ily so regarded in ancient 'boles. arwe mild telt why Mars is red we might on the whole secret of that . t 111 11R straiie planet. Its color Is probably due tq eatoe peculiar quality of its soil. It may be principally composed of ma- teraill'resemblink l)tir red sandt,toue, or it ins,} be stelai:41 tad by an abundance of iron la its t'o;k. Suits to a T. The clause "It suits to a T." mean- ing it alts exactly, is es old as the fa- miliar instrument. the T square or T rule (so called from its resemblance to the letter T), used by mechanics and draftsmen for making angles true and n for obtaining er n i u a e d c tars, The.c- o P p e salon v a i a res s eofliinon tin use in the p time of Dr. Johnson, Who is.quoted by hoatveli as saying of 'Warburton, "YOU /0.01i lbw have; ted bii'n to a T. WHV pot give yorF 1ad I Ole same training? "When I was growing lad, and came upon many words in my reading that , I did not understand, nay mother, in - Stead of giving sae. the definition when • .(;Appy aa! ',,,Fi tifOriebt seatsiu+.,td., the dictionary to learn it, and in this way I gradually learned many things bidexs tlut'sncss g of'tho,indlvidwl '., • word fit eneatlon•-=smuag'uther thiugtt t ,; how to use a dictionary, and the great `•f pleasure and advantage there might be in the use of the dictionary. Afterwards, when I went to the village .- school, my chief diversion, after les. sone were learned and before they were recited. was in turning over the pages of the 'Unabridged' of those days. Now the most modern Una. bridged—theNEW INTERNATIONAL— gives me a pleasure of the same sort. r So far as my knowledge extends, it is - at present the best of the one -volume dictionaries, and quite sufficient for all ordinary uses. Even those who '. possess the splendid dictionaries in .. several volumes will yet find it a great convenience to have this, which is so 41 compact, so full, and so trustworthy v as to leave, in most cases, little to be desired."—Albert S.Cook.Ph.D.,LL-D., Professor of the English Language and Literature, Yale Univ. April 28,1911. V WRITE for Specimen Pages, mustratione, Etc. of WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY G. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY, For Over 68 Years Publishers of The Genuine Webster's Dictionaries, SPRINGFIELD. Liras.. U.S. A. T._ Dnrtiepr. '4'4P4 "I notice, an eastern paper' ruts tips attractive mothers' department headed 'Frocks and Frills.' " "Some of these papers," growled the old man, "ought to run a fathers' dee partment headed 'Shocks and Bills.'" . Where Her Thoughts Were. Daughter—To tell tbe truth, pa, 1 didn't think much of the close of t) sermon. -Father—Thought more of the; clothes of the congregation, eh? Labor now to live so that at the boata of death thou mayest rather rejelea than fear.—A Kempia. SHRAPNEL By "hilly" Sunday The man with an ilea has done. more Lor the world than the man with a gun. If all the preachers preached the• truth, I would he out of a job, the devil would b.' in the hospital, and hell would be for rent. God won't prosper this nation as long as the government is in partner-; ship with the brewers and distilierts There is no measuring the trouble] one wayward bey can bring to a, mother's heart. Don't look at -your bank -book .to find out whether you are rich or poor. Look at your character. The worst, ,bankrupt is the bankrupt in char.; acter. The bay lreparation for to -morrow, • is to do your best to=day. Lifting on the burden of another beats training in. a gymnasium for increasing strength. The Lord sends a great idea into the world whenever he can find a man great enough to receive it. There ie somethin, wrong with the maxi who never wants to help the un-+ oder dog . It ii Las better to limp all the way toward heaven than never to make the start; at all. Faith to trust with its coat off anch its sleeves rolled up. ,it does'nil take any more ground to. raise a flower than it does a jimson-• weed. Lincoln said, "I hope it may be' said of me that I always pulled up. a thistle and planted a flower, wher. ever a .flower would grow. The' nickel has dried more tea than the Live-Idoltar gold piece. If every black cloud had a cycion in it, the world would have bee blown into toothpicks long ago. If the glamour and glitter could b taken out of sin, the devil's right ar would come off at the shoulder. Some folks cannot see anything 'bu. rheumatism in, the rainbow. .Love is a wonder -worker, 'but i gets along better when it has brain to dircet it. If it were not for the help he get from the church loafer, the deal would ,have been round-'shoulderlcl long ago. Adapt 'your meas, to the end. Yo cannot catch, a jack -rabbit in a meas tree. Many a man is on the flat o", h back to -day because .he wan not moi earnest yesterday.. The man who is always wattling i know- where Cain got his wife woo • i exxrrall• 'b� happier f hepaid Tao y P xm g' p attention to his own. The man who tries 'to hide be it a ,hypocrite is .a ib:gger fool than• t one. Whitt 'btdtds his hottst't in the ezatai.