HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-6-1, Page 4r.
sesseseassest s" • ,;.• •
i' • •.,,
p es,
• .;
Her Health Restored by Lydia
E. Pirikham's Vegetable
• Compound.
kpffIndiana. "My health;
was sa poor and my constitution so run
down• that I could
net work. I was:
thin, pale and weak,
weighed but 109
pounds and was in
bed moat of the•
time. I began tak-
ing Lydia E.Pink-
hanfs Vegetable
Compound and five
months tater J
weighed 133 pounds_
I do all the house-
work and washing for eleven and I can
truthfully say Lydia E. Pinkhanr's Veg.-
stable Compound has been a godsend,
to me for 1 would' have been in my grave
today but for it. 1 would tell all wo-
linen sciffaringasa I was to try natee valu-
able reniedy.' —Mrs- WM. GREEN; 332
S. Addison Street, Inclianapolis,Indiana.
ea esenee. ales Ahern isthasally nesglaborhpati an this
sae., , • escriniGy, whewasome a:samosa:has not
• , .„ :found health by sasin k this good old-
Sia.dttiorted root an nerb rersedy.
If there is anytlieag about which you
woudd like special advice, write to the
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co, Lynn,
. •
• • ; ••Src..7:
')EiONOR BOLL FOR 161st Battalion
MAY 24th
SINGLE FARE— Godetitang and re-
t,urniag May 24th. no. •:.
FAME a. ONE THIRD --odGood going.
May 23rd and 21tb. return limit
May atth.
'Return tickets will be issued he -
ween. all stations in 'Canada east of•
Pt- Arthu.r and to Detroit and Pt,
Ruron, Mich.,. Buffalo, 'Salads. Beck
EZ TA. Niagara Palls, N.Y.
Tickets and full particulars on
tepglication to the ticket agents,
N...1111)013E, Anent.
STEM7Ft1:1R•i6 e'IT,'ne.."-
:You can secure a
• Position
• •
• •
** If Yoe take a coarse with es.
4 demand upon as fon trained kelp •
• •-
• is steamy times the number grade.
uating. Students are entering .•
•each week. You may enter at sns :
.4. time. Write et once for our free •
40 •
• catalogue of Commercial, Short- a
4 hand or Telegraphy departnient, :
• s •
. Mt Ac McLachlan, Priv • nu. .
40 • •
Made in Canada
Fertilizer $18 and
$22 per ton
Now is the time to
-buy wire fence be.
fore it advances in
Let rne quote you on
your reds in the
4 Lumber
iber •, rough.
Sbi rb,Oedar
Fenek .4 ft lotg,
ft long t long.
Cem r• di Board
and It,- Ag.
,;;.; ; For
Th* Kin,
it I A
.4ays Bougiit
br ;
Mai W., VI, I'leassaan'n
Lieut. Edgar Torrents:a,.
Sidney Smith, Hay P.O. "
Fred Tucker, Exeter
John Kendall ICaralaid,
lifeetor Heywood, Exeter.
Fred Hopkins, Whalen
Sylvanus Cann, Exeter
Wilbur Pfaff, . i 1
Milton; Pfaff L
Harold, Bissett _71,4•111• al`t
Fred Wells ; I 1 :,t1 d1.1!ft.. 11
Lloyd 'Rivers , (
Allatin.: A. Ricci • '1 1 j JAJ'
Eritest ollingwoods I tit
Albert S. Bolton •;- r.d• "1
Wilfrid O. Stewait
E. M. Williams, Fairsoulanz • ,
Grant Trooper •
'Thos. Harold Willtineon, Lumley
Cyril Tuckey
(Ralph W. Batten., Winchelsea
Geo. Edward Kellett, Elimvidle: •
David G. Appleton, •
Ga,rnet • luau, 1gredlten; '
Jame e It. Malt -shall • • • ,
Bruce LI, Matthews, 'Thames Rd.
John D. Lang, London R4.: t
1W.. W. Millon, Exeter se.! .
Lloyd England, Crediton
Gordon O. Culbert, Centinlia •
Earl Henry Redden, Greditees
Eyadi .
Bert Rivers , t:1
Sidney wezt 1 !,' r:_ f .1
Ernest Harvey ' '
Lra Taylor , ' L.. *C
John Willis . 1 • • '
, Elmore Willis
' jak.n W. Mallet t. " , • '
'Welter Harnese; I ' 1si 1.
Alfred Gambriel 1 : G., -
Nunn ' ; t r
•Lorne Cudmore 1 ;1
' 'Raba. Hy. Pasomore
R. Earle Southcott i . 1
Charles 'Cameron ( -;
Garnet Ford t
Williams Sims 1 1 ' •
Arva. E. Brokenshire ; '• ' '
Jef eg , ;
Nelson Stacey ; ; •2;sid f
Nor' ;:s johns • se at' a 1
Witese 'aulbert I -,JJ 1
James G, Walker 1 ,a1 ' •
Louis Day, Jr. • ; t I I
Thomas App•ieton i I •; ! I
Eric Hurdon 'C ;:
W. A. Smith, :Centralia '
Jackson Woods, Elimville., ,
Earl ns, Elimville
Edmond Oke
W. Ernest Net • • ;
Chas_ Dobbs • t I 17.1
IR; H. 'Cornish '
• William G. Birney, "
L.. V. Hogartb . • '1.
Win. J4. Veal ; ' I
Walter C. Cutbusb
,Elinee McFallss
• .„
John C. Straege Ideeberates ,1
John G. Hun,er. TTeboene ' •
Rafue W. Kestle, Usboane
'Geo. Bailey,Eitel 'vale as.,
• '‘ ;
A bore Is a rnan• ndrni8ret inthe least
Interestia wirsayan*f.,.6,entlitisinitie
over, but is enthusiastic Over softie -
thing fer which yon don't care P straw.
Wheniteoraestoditoiricaii heiresses,
at course the woman pays every time.
Taking the con-
ceit out of a 'man
,ought to be syns
otlymOtsa with
putting some
sense in him, but
it isn't. • " •
The on- ly dif-
ference is that
some of os are a
little more •Indi-
rect mid tactful
than othera'' in
trying to get the
best of the other
p fellow.
3 7'
frriportant Events Which Have
Occurred During the We&t.
The Busy World's Happenings Cnre-
riijCompiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Om. Paper .A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment. •
Three more Teutonplanes were.
brought down by French aviatars.
A general food board has been au-
thorized by tl.e German Government.
The genera compulsion bill 'was
given final adoption by the House of
The residents on Berlin street in
. Guelph are anxious to change the
name ei" it..
13rigadier-General. Logic has gone
to Camp Borden to arrange for the
reception of troops.
Geo Brown, Postmaster at Shake-
speare for more than half a century,
died in his 8,7th year.
Jack Murray, aged 3, 507 Adelaide
• street west, Toronto, was killed by
• au automobile yesterday.
Premier Asquith in the House of
Commons to -day announced that thes
officeatif Viper*" et Ireland ;has. beers,
Thomas Murray, Principal of Owen.
Sound Coilegiatee Institute; •, die -do
somewhat suddenly ofeonerrous ex-
haustion followed by bronchitis.
The first of a series of conventions
throughout Ontario in tbe interests
of "preparedness" for prohibition
was held for Essex county at Wind-
A provision agreement for the am-
algamation of the Cunard and the•
Comnionweafth and Dominion Steam-
ship Lines was °facially announced
last night.
Major George Kay of Stratford,
who went overseas with the 34th
Battalion, has been appointed man-
ager of the Claims and Pensions
Board of the Canadian Expeditionary
The man whe has0 pressing engage-
ment • shopal not corn/ski-1n if in -'the
end he ands he has been squeezed dry.
Any kinel 01 ready to rat living looks
gcrod to the perfectly bornaess chap
SON> aas make hie owe living.
l'robaldes. the roasect -why 'there.are
'so emery VT; t pay me singes is because
lar‘ girl slops u that tbe young
, man ee up to nil Orals
impited in 1 :3.)Ltr,Virg: engagement ring.
nereiy en imitation -
of lasIng wise ana sstintee is just as
• cfrocilvaan. sea.ug.
A girF taaa t - re euitors badly
ought to h rt.; e ;It with for eon-
. tenon rif.: me'. .
Frdee, F nj
The cn.: ••.• s ••
.A:.• 14;10 r -;•
n• •
; •
•avigetion. •••
t hand, • •
• at the land
•ed to
'Ir surprise,
s in the skies..
. hand
• 11.0
01 say,
not pay,
n sight.
'ler grip
• tons stili
• wilb
, . .
.17 Swine
ar and wale
•e they ricia
o flight
the line.
nilJo, '
The Harlan ship Orealla has been
sunk off Barcelona, ' according to
Lloyd's. • •
Greetings fo Canada on •Empire
Day were cabled by Sir Douglas Haig
and General Toffre.
It was state! yesterday that Prince.
von Buelow might become German
Envoy at Washington.
Mr. R. J. Score, one of Toronto's
leading business men and church
workers, died, aged 74. '
Great Britain will not allow the
general export of dyestuffs from
Germany to the United States.
The fourteenth anrual convention
of the Labor Educational Associa-
tion of Ontario ,was,held at Berlin.,
King's -and regimental colors were
-presentedbyLada Eaton to the 109th .
Battalion of Victoria and. Haliburtou
at Lindsay. , •
Captain J. R. White, son of Gen-
eral Sir George 'White, was sentenced
to`prisori under, the defence of the
Reilmeact, for complicity in the Irish
A hailstorm about 6.30 last even-
ing did considerable damage to win-
dows in Montreal smashing about
a. thousand electric light bulbs in
Dominion Park. -
A motor truck was presented to
the 116th Battalion at Port Perry,
the gift of.dhn Oshawa firm, also
money dorfatiotos fro,m, Whitby and
Port Perry' high dad 'ardb/ic schools.
Four men are known to have per-
ished in a fire in the lower.levels of
the Yellow Jacket mine near Vir-
ginia City, Nevada. Two bodies
have been recoveerd. The fire start-
ed Tuesday night. '
Gladys and Cassie Casselman,
daughters of Clinton Casselman of
North Williamsburg, were instantly
killed yesterday when their father's
horse became unmanageable and
dashed into s train•on the G. T. R.
near Morrisburg.
Two Cenasian soldiers, freed by
Germany, have arrived in Britain.
It was rumored in Washington
that Secretary of State Lansing might
resign_ •
An Austrian aeroplane and a gun-
boat were destroyed by an Italian
True bills were returned in Lon-
don against Sir Roger Casement and
Bailey, his accomplice.
The first year's operations of the
Satin Ste. carie municipal electric
light department produced a surplus
of $22,900, and the Council will
lower the rates.
Evangelist Belanger of Quebec,
aged 62, was swept from a roof by a
tornado, and it is believed fatally
injured. Many thousands of dollars'
damage was done by the tornado.
Private Charles Harris, llth Bat-
talion, was sentenced at Guelph to
nine months in the Ontario Reforma-
tory for assault and attempted high-
• wey robbery et a Garafraxa farmer.
• The wife, two of the childrenaand'
an adopted daughter of Joseph Char-
ley, an Indian, on the Misstep,. Re-
serve at Fort William, were burned
to death in a fire which. destroyed,
their home.
Public opinion in Greece ba' been
greatly excite? by the hews that Tetz-j
ton submarines haVe torpedoed the
Greek steamships Adarnahtios Korais
and Anastasios Coroneos and • the
Greek ship Istros.
Private N .t. Budyke of the 214th.
Battalion, "Saskatchewan Wild
Cats," ran anuck at Saskatoon, ter-
rorizing The citizens by firing several
shots, then went into a barn and shot
hiraself through the heart.
• Alfred Noyes, the English poet,
who has 'heel on a tour in this coun-
• try, is preparing to return to Eng-
land to attempt to join the army.
Ile'says that if he is rejeeted he will
serve as an ambulance driVer.
Matthew Bownde and hie Wife were
found dead undoa carriage in the
outskirts of Ilatifax, *here the road
;/Winda along zt. cliff, and the body of
Sidney French, a dredgeman, was
found in the dock at the new ocean
More admissions were made in
Germany of a serious • shortage of
The League to Enforce Peace held
its 'first meeting in Washington yes-
Marion McCabe, 6 years, 194 Rus-
helme reed, Toronto, was fatally
stalded ' yesterday.
James Brennan, 12 years of age,
was killed by a train while crossing
thesteack at Cornwall.
;Mr. bloyd George has held confer-
ences with Jolla Redmond and Sir
Edward 'Carson on the Irish situa-
A young child of Joseph O'Connor,
Brantford, was fatally burned when
his clothes caught fire from a gas
. Mrs, Orton Warner died at Guelph,
five days after her sister, Mrs.
Holmes. Both were married a little
More than a year ago.
, Between $4,000 and $5,000 worth
of Opium smuggled into Montreal
from Liverpool on a liner was seized
by the Montreal police.
Seventeen Canadians for the Brit-
ish motor boat patrol service have
•benn sent to England, and another
• party is leaving shortly.
Hon.- R. H. Brand has been ap-
,.pointed .by the Minister of Munitions
as representative in London of the
Imperial Munitions Board.
Heavy rains have caused high
',water in Rainy Lake and Rainy
;Paver, and consequent floods are
'threatening serious damage at Fort
'Chas. McArthur, a lineman for the
Hydro Construction Co., was instant-
ly killed 1 Amherstburg by being
crushed by an electric light pole fall-
ing on him.
•• Private W. J. Dean of Hawley,
Ont., died at Brantford General Hos-
pital, of internal injuries received at
Festubert when he was buried by
„sandbags blown up by a German
Dr. A. W. Waite was found guilty
in New York of murder in the first
• As Socialist was appointed for the
first time to hold an Imperial office in
• Germany.
• Three alliedssteamers were report -
sed during tbe week -end as having
een sunk.
Sarah Olsky, aged 4, 104 Denison
dieaue, Toronto, was killed by an
• Judson Gordon Brown, aged 18,
Was drowned in the lake off Balmy
Beach, Toronto.
•• Lieut. Bayne, of the 93rd Battal-
ion, was drorned while canoeing in
the river at Peterboro.
W A Hamilton, postmaster at
-Collingwood for thirty years, is being
retired, and succeeded by D. L. Dar-
Many- prize chickens were destroy-
(MIMI a 430,000 fire in the ontbuild-
tiagi ,of Mi 1'. B. Robins' estate at
York Mills, near Toronto.
'George Clements of Moose Jaw,
While. Hying to rescue two others
overcome by sewer gas, was himself
overcome, and died; the others will
• General Joseph Gailieni, French
ex -Minister of War, died of kidney
tremble in Paris yesterday. He was
formerly the commander of the de-
fences at Paris.
, Lightning destroyed a large part of
the stock in Lemon Bros.' produce
warehouse at Owen Sound, and did
considerable damage in the Kincar-
dine district and elsewhere.
• One hundred and twelve suggested
new names will be submitted to the
committee of 99 Berlin citizens on
Monday evening, to select half a
dozen to be voted on by the electors.
George Barche, an inmate of the
Brantford House of Refuge, was
struck by a train, and died in five
minutes.' His wife and son had been
killed in the same way at different
times. . •
Pte. Thomas Kerr, aged 46, and
unmarried, a South African war vet-
eran, and an old member of the 46th
Regiment, Port Hope, committed sui-
cide while military police were wait-
-Ing ;to place Lim under arrest for ab-
sencefrom the 136th Battalion.
•'• • TUESDAY.
. The total German losses to date
are estimated at 2,822,079.
The allied troops are malang
rsiteeaady progress in German East Af-
Lloyd George ordered that the hol-
idays of munitions workers be post-
poned for two months.
The body of Edward Welsh of
• Cowanville was found badly mangled
on a high railway bridge two miles
south. of Lindsay.
Canadian casualties during the
war have totalled 23,110, of Which
nunsbee 3,464 were .killed in action,
and 1,432 died of :wounds.
W. H. 'Taylor, •ex-M:P.P. for North
Middleaex, and postmaster of Park-
hill for the past ten years, died as a
result of -being kicked by a horse.
More than • a.thousand peaceful
a.lians liege been released from in-
ternment camps and sent mostly to
Nova Scotia and Alberta coal mines.
colonel A. T. Ogilktie of Victoria,
gsa,, commanding; the 15th Brigade,
C. P. A. has,heen appointed to corn -
Mend the Petawawa Camp this sum-
rcier. '
•'Damage to the extent of $600,000
was done by fire at the plant of the
New. Engladd Fish Company, and the
Alberta -Pacific grain elevator at Van-
couver. •
k• Orders have been issued by the
Ontario Railway Board, with a view
to preventing accident on the elec-
tric railway on the Canadian side of
the Niagara River.
Sir Robert Borden returned to Ot-
tawa yesterday after a ten days' fish-
ing trip%at Echo Beach, among the
Gatineau hills. Sir Robert looks
well after hid brief rest.
,JadIes J. Hill, railroad builder and
Almaden died in St. Patti, Minni,
yesterday, aged 78 years. He was
born An Brarnosa Township, Ontario,
awl clerked in a store in (welt&
Germans Fail in Costly Attacks
on Verdun Front.,
Two Heavy Attacks on Sunday Night
and Three on Monday Between
Hill 304 and Cumieres Are Driv-
en Off With Heavy Loss --French
Now Hold Intat of Cumieres and
Dead Man Hill.
PARIS, May 30.—Two heavy at-
tacks were made by the Germans
Sunday night, and three more Men -
day on the French front frorn Hill
304 to Cumieres, on the west bank of
the Meuse. In the final effort Ger-
man forces debouching from the Bois
des Uorbeaux occupied -French ad-
vanced trenches en a front of 300
metres ( (328 yards) north-east of
the village of `Cumieres. With these
exceptions the several attacks were
repulsed with heavy loss to the as-
saulting troops.
In a battle where the French took
the initiative Friday, and which
lasted far into the night, the defend-
ers of Verdun succeeded in wresting
from the Germans the eastern part of
Cumieres, the tactically important
village on the west bank of the
Meuse. In addition to regaining this
portion of the village the French,
captured several trenches to the
north-west of it. All subsequent
German counter-attacks, violent as,
they were, broke down under the.
French defence fire.
In this attack the French took
about 100 prisoners. The French
also made some progress to the east
of Hill 304 and repulsed a second
German attack near Fort Douau-
mont. The capture of several trench
elements south-west of Le Mort
Homme netted the French about fifty
A renewal by the Germans of their
oft -repeated efforts to break through
the French lines in Chanipagne, near
Tahure and the Navarin farm, proved
futile. While succeeding in the first
onslaught in gaining a foothold in
a number of small French trench ele-
ments, the meutons were completely
ejected by French counter -drives.
Sunday was devoted by the Ger-
mans before Verdun to violent artil-
lery bombardments throughout the
region of Le Mort Homme, on the
west bank of the Meuse, and the sec-
tor west of the Thiaumont farm, on
the east bank of the Meuse. No infan-
try attacks were made in the course
of the day. The aggregate of the
German losses so far in the struggle
to gain Verdun are given in the Petit
Parisen Suralay at about 350,000
men. The Echo de Paris says the
minimum of the German losses on
the east bank of the Meuse within
the past week is 11,000. After mak-
ing the, strictest rectification of its
figures, The Echo de Paris estimates
the French casualties at one-third of
this number for the fighting for Dou-
aumont and the Haudromont quar-
Staff' information reaching Paris
Sunday is to the effect that between
May 20 and 25 the Germans employ-
ed se-ven divisions on both banks of
the Meuse. Two were transferred
from Flanders and two from the re-
gion of the Somme. On the western
bank of the Meuse four divisions
were engaged in the attacks of May
21, 22, and 23. On May 22, prior
to the capture of Cumieres, the Ger-
mans delivered 16 attacks between
the Bois d'Avocourt and the Meuse.
Over fifty thousand men were used
in the storming of Hill 304 and Le
Mort Homme.
The Germans took the offensive in
Alsace Sunday night, making two at-
tempts at an attack north-east of
Balschweiler, a town north-west of
Altkirch. They were unable to leave
their trenches under the French fire.
Several Doctors Have Been Given
LONDON, May 30.—Captain G. R.
Geary, ex -Mayor of Toronto, has been
appointed acting staff captain at
Shorncliffe camp. This indicates
that the authorities have not released
him, as the Toronto City Council de-
sired, in order that he might resume
his legal duties.
The following assistant directors of
the Canadian Medical Services have
been appointed temporary lieutenant -
colonels: Majors P. W. C. Wilson,
Shorncliffe; J. McCombe, Londoa; 11.
A. Chisholm, Bramshott. Lieut. -
Colonel McCombe has charge of the
London area.
Hon. Captain H. Beaudry has va-
cated the office of paymaster No. 1
Field Ambulance to become paymas-
ter of the 69th at Shorncliffe. Corp.
J. P. Cadenhead, of the 16th Battal-
ion, his been granted a commission,
and is attached to the office of the
Canadian representative at the front.
Sergt. G. H. Hopkins, Shorncliffe,
and Pte. H. A. Johnston, C.A.M.C.,
have been given commissions. W.
H. Barnes receives an honorary com-
mission and 18 attached to the Cana-
dian Red Cross at London.
Lieut, C. S. Lemesurier, of • the
23rd Battalioa, will sail for home on
leave next week.
Field Marshal French expressed
satisfaction whea he inspected
Bramshott camp on Empire Day,
when the Canadian forces did a good
deal of work. The 87th Grenadier
Guards, under Lieut. -Colonel Rex-
ford, gave an exhibition Of special
work in bayoriet charging, while the
73rd Highlanders also made a good
Captain John Lewis, former editor
of The Montreal Star, has been pro-
moted Major.
Fell With Aeroplane.
LONDON, May 30.—Capt. Grimes
Jones was killed and Lieut. Henry
Tennant, son of Harold J. Tennant,
Parliamentary Under-Secretary for
War, was seriously injured Sunday in
Kent, when a biplane in which they
were znanoeu-rring fell a distance, of
a hundred feet.
Ttursdaya june. Iste,19(lig. •
og,Branches in Canada
1 General Bankinr Business Transacted
1 .•••••• g
interest alowedi at highest current rate'
W. IX CL,ARKE, Mat -sager, Exeter 1131-esticli
SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President
JOHN AIME). General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Ass't General blianage4,
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000...
Accounts may be opeped at every branch of The canadianlaniki
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank'og,
business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. Ase'l
Exeter Branch— A. E. kulan,EManager.
tTrado Mart RogirteroAl
The Harmless
cent remHedy for
leasnese. Nervous Eq-
austioe, •
a0. AT ALL DRUGettrilli, or ly roma WOW'
Notice to Creditors JAS. BEVERLEY
IN 'THE MATTER OF the estate of E m balmer and Funds:it: Direetosta
e ip y Parkinson, late of the
Township of Uborne in the Coun-
ty of Huron, :Farmer, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant
to :"Revisecl 8tatutes of Ontario"
1914, chapter 121, that alt creditors
and °then' having claims against the
estate of! the said \Vesley Parkinson,
who died on or about ;the 'Seventh
}day of April, 1916: to- 'send by post
prepaid or deliver to A. E. Parkin=
son.' or toe 'Town of St. Marys, Solici-
tor for John T. Parlenson, the Admin-
istrator or the property of the said
seceased, the* names and addre; s,..s
and full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts and
the nature of the securities, if any
held by them.;
that alter such last mentioned date
the said Administrator will proceed
to distribute the assets a the de;'
ceased among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to tab
claims of which he shall then have
had notice, and that the said Admin-
istrator will not be liable for the
said assets or any part thereof to
any person orpersons of whose claims
notice shall not have been receivud
,toy him at the time of such' distrib-
Dated at St. iUarys thc 27th
day of May, 1916.
A. IL, PARKINSON, St. Marys, Ont.
+Solicitor for, the said Administrator
The man who can spend more than
he makes has a leaning, toward high
finance and an undoubted genius for
the same.
The man who inherits much money,
very rarely inherits the ability to
make more.
The pleashre with which some peo-
ple listen to themselves talk is often
surpassed by the weariness with
which others succumb to the same.
Being wise is a condition a fellow
arrives at after getting it in the neck
a few times.
If we could remember what we
chose to' remember arid forget what
we dontalke the world Would 'be more
pleasant, wouldn't it?
- It is so easy to jump, on to the other
chap when he in down that the only
Wonder is that some of US refrain.
Of course all men are vain, and some
of them are even' in vain.
Ni.l1 74b
Honor Graduate of
sita Office over
Law office.
day afternoons.
Residence 5b.
Toronto Urinate
Dic,ksen & SO.
Closed Weds:salsa
Phone Mee Mew
Honor Graduate of Toronto Usiigt•
entity 1 ,
1th extracted without Deem OS
any bad effects. Office over Gleio;
roan & Stantsury's Office Naas lelo
••• —kat
J- W., BROWNING M. D., )4,
s P. 8, Graduate Victoria Ublailta
city Office and residence Doceinigt
Labratory., Exeter,
• Ansooiate Coroner ;of H rose 14
Barristers, Solicitors Notaries *WS
veyanoera Commissioners, BaliziltELP
for the Moktons Bank et', t
Money to Loan at lowest rates eft Up
tenet. •
I. R, Carliag B. A,' la fld 1310144
We have a large amount prj16'
ate funds to loan on farm =4
:age properties at lowest rata pi
Barrietera, Solicitors, Maim 1114
Exeter o .
• t•s•
Tlio Morn and fi1b4r6
farmer's Mutual Fire Won
once Gompan
Head OltIce, Fitrovtlar, IOW
President ROM BB
Vice- President TE3. RYAS,
wm. BB0,0J WM Rag
AGENTS • ; lag)
JOHN ESSERY Exeter. swat Tie
borne and if iddulpla
'OLIVER HARRIS Munro afoot Me
Ilibbert•Fullarton and Logan. •
W. A. Tuttniuotin• •
Solicitors. Exeter. •ra4gg
The easiest way to get along without --• ' min
money Is to quit living,
Being wise to your own wooknesses pot infants and Children
may /Mt put money Into your pocket, 30 year*
but It May occasionally keep money In U$* FOy OVer •
there. ••