HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-4-27, Page 1'Ta' ORTY- SECOND YEAR—No. 2242
1 Phone 32
Our Ladies' ready-to.wear department is exception-,=
ally well equipped for the coming season, with New Wash
Dresses, Blouses, Cloth and Wash Skirts, Suits, Middy
Blouses, Corset Covers, Underskirts, etc, etc,
New Summer Dresses
In a great variety of styles and materials, plain and
.'t.daintily trimmed at very moderate prices.
Ladies' House -Dresses
In ginghams, chambrays, prints, etc, Exceptionally
well made garments, good fast colors, sized from 16 to 44,
Priced from $1,00 to $2.00.
Middy Blouses
For ladies and misses in all the newest styles and
colorings, including plain colors, stripes, khaki, etc, good
fast colors, atl sizes from 75c to $1.5o:
Ladies' Hosiery Specials
500 pairs ladies' bluet cotton hosiery, sizes 854 to
tet., good wearing quality, fast dyes, on sale while they last
at 2 pairs for 25c.
25 dozen ladies' vests, sleeveless and quarter sleeve, veru
special at 2 for 25c.
Ladies' Easter neckwear, new shipment just arrived.
Men's Raincoats
We have just received a shipment of the celebrated Arthur's make of raincoats, direct
';oln the old country. Buying these direct enables us to save you dollars on every coat. We
also have other makers lines. Prices from $5.0o to $13.00.
Men! Buy your New Suit Now
Our values in men's and boy's suits were never better than those offered for the present
season. We have an immence stock of blues, blacks, tweeds, and worsteds. Nearly all lines
at old prices.
Men's Easter ties, socks, hats, shirts, collars, etc., are shown here for men in great variety.
Wonderful value.; in house furnishings including linoleums, rugs, carpets, window shades, curtains
curtain .nets etc. See our new wall papers.
Jones AND May
All Accounts due Jan. 1st, 1016 must he paid at once.
please settle },r. tnet Iv.
Custom ne: will
0 Cedar Mop
75c, $1.00, $L25
0 Cedar Oil
for Polishing and
3 --�
i Varnish FC' da
,m umc Nos Aub�n.btlsn�.'c
3 O•,, ,,, tiny
4 teen
Washing Machines 4 CotNMnt for p,y,,,Qd
25c and 500 per Bottle �
All Pr•eas awaucrthGt
�priuger,.•ii3 75, �.4, $4 50 ro
;.,,.,^'^,t, cram
Galy. rubs OJ„ $1. 1.10, Wash Boards, beet 45c,
Copper Bnilrrt. 4.50, Step Ladders. 95e, Curtain Stretoile•rs $1111 up,
• 4�r
Dctstl,.cne oat, Carpet Whips, 15u, Carpet Sa ee}�erb elan;
]Use C'hinamel, all colors 20c up; Campbell's Stains
20�1c up; Lowe Bros. H. S. Paii.,ts 1Uc til , Alxbastine
EAMAN'S 4, $4 50
.Air. Thos Cann had an auction sale
,lef :his household effects last Saturday
.good prices being realized. Mr. 'Cann
company with his nurse, Miss
den, whelre
left will. ma:Mondake tueir home
for ' Lone
..cion,. where they,
In future.
' A very interesting service took.
Waal in. the Methodist church, Elim-
Ville, on W edeesday, April19th, when
;1YIr. Harold V: Ey.!n, and Miss Laura
,Godbolt were untied • txx ., marriage.
Fruits a large crowd bad gathered
when. the bride aoeompanied by her
brother, Mr. C. Godbolt, and the,
groom accompanied by, the minister,
Ith'e Rev. G. A. Barnard, entered the
church which was tastefully decorated
with plants and flowers. The sister
of the groom, Miss Gertrude .L'yxn,
payed the wedding march, After the
coemony Mr. 0. Godbolt sang "The
Sunshine of S:'our Smile." The bride
and bridegroom then left the church
and drove away amid. the hearty con-
gre.tulations of the crowd. The bride
was dressed in a taupe grey si..lk suit
with handsome lace blouse. The hal
was old rose trimmed with Alice 'blue
to match the trimmings of the suit.
The happy pair are spending their
honeymoon at Midland on the Geor-
gian Baty.; •
Mr. A. J. Heywood, a divinity stuh
dent at Toronto University, who has
been visiting for a few days with his
parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. C. Heywood,
left this week for Alberta, where ht\
will take •charger of a circuit for- .the
Good Friday passed off quietly in
town. The weather was somewhat
disagreeable, a slight shower falling
during the day. A great many spent
the holidays out of town while others
visited in town.
Mr. Thos. Hazlewood, of town, suf-
fered a paralytic stroke some time
'between Monday night and Tuedsay
&Horning. On Tuesday he found it
difficult to rise but finally managed
to get upe and hailed a passer-by who
went for tr doctor. He is at present
in a serious condition.
Board met ea the 'Library on April
19th. All present but Mr, Armstrong
Previous minutes adopted. Grounds
conuni_tee reported some trees had
been removed and ;the nag pole would
be ;attended to as soon as �` .ache
b n r
permitted. The •secretary was asked
to collect all ;back fees and in future
to collect fees in. advance For use of
typ•ewrx'.ers The auditor's report
was ac,onted. The fo]lowine accoun s
were ordered to be paid, J. Rowe,
sand. 55.75; S. Martin & Son, books,
$9.60; Grigg Statio.aery Co., $3,39.
Maci'aal, Sec.
After a lingering illness of several
months Miss Annie Harrison of town
passed away all her home on Stmcoe
street on Sunday April 23rd aged 62
years, 5 months and 3 days. For
nearly a wec,k her life hung in the
balance, Sha wits born at Owen
Sound but neariyi all of her life has
'been spent in this neighborhood.
Her aged mother, Mrs. 'Charles Hare
rie;on. of town and five sisters and
one brother survive, viz : .Mrs. Hol-
man, of 'Crystal City, Man.,, u\Irs. tR Rd.
Tapp, of Virden, Man.; Mrs. Rooke,
of town; Mrs. W'm. Ford and Mrs. A.
Francis, of Usborne and Dr. J. W.
Harrison. of Detroit. The funeral was
held on 'Pyesday. Owing to 'Rev. W.
G. H. McAlister, her pastor, having a
previous engagement (for Tuesday a
service was held at the house Monday
evening, Rev. 'Se W. Murcworthy con-
ducting the service on Tuesday. Inf
terment was made in the Exeter
School Reports
R:00111 IV
Sr, IV-1ionors, ' V. Jones 84; E.
Davis 83; T. Connor 83; 10. Heaman
80; 13. Senior 78; Maurice Harvey 77 ;
Pass, C Sanders and V. •Roweliffc,
equal 72; Mildred 'Harvey and E. Yale
low 72; W. Redden 71; V, Sweet 71;
G. Harness 70; 5, Sanders 69; E. Tay -
or 69; 10 Harness 05; s. MoFalls 65 ;
1 .'.Willard 64; D.' Knight 63; A. Vint
eent 62; IG Ford 60..
Jr. IV—Honors, V, Hodgert 79; M.
Kuntz 76. Pass, V. Walker 74; Geo
Hinds 7.3; D. Balkwiil 73; E. ;Russell
70; H. Dignan 67. No. on roll 33;
average attendance 31..
C. Vosper, teacher.
, 1R0011i V
Jr. IV —Honours, Mabel Johns 84,
Tlildred Horton 82, ,Mamie Morley 78,
Beverley Acheson 77; Perla Sanders
75. Pass—Florence Vincent 72; Grebe
Hedden 71, Alvin Andrews 71, Josef-
H'bine Davis 70, Willie Lawson 68,
Jessie 73owey 68, Kelvin Redden 06;
11lildre'i Norry 64;1 Olive Bedford 63.
Senior III.—Pass--'Reggie Taylor, 68,
iVerda Va'te 66, Clifton Davis 60. No.
enrolled 31. Average attendance 28.
J. S. Murray, ;Teacher.
Form III, Jr.—Honors—Grace Cre-
ech 90„ Geo. Bedford' 84„ Stuart Stan-
bury 84, Florence Norry •83, Ruth
Lamport 83, Margaeet Gladman 83,
Ferrol Hartlaib 81, Murray Scott 81,
Mildred Rowe 79, Wm. Webster 75,
Pass—Bertha burse;; 72, Florence
Harvey 89; Ernesti Willard 62.
Form II, Sr.—Honors—Maurice
Ford 87, Newman Hardy 85, Mary
Homey 83; Lorne Brimacombe 82,
Eth'l Houlden 80, Clifford Webster
79 Freddie Heaman '78, Helen 'Dint
nan, 74, Ruby Davis 74, Reggie North-
.rcott 67. Number enrolled 36. Average
attendance 33.4.
H. M. Kinsman, Teacher
Sr. II- Honors—V. Bloomfield 86,
A. 1,1• illerd 81. M. Conelly 81, E. Kun-
tz 75. Pass—'C. Acheson 73, A. Ache:-
chesou 70, E. Keys 66, M. Nelson 60.
Intermediate II.—Honors— G. San-
ders 88. IC. Stanbury 87, I. Stewart
83.J'. Scott 82, 'L. Snell 81, V. Colli-
ingwood 80. Pass -C. Gladman 65, E.
Horn:y 6s. L Lamport 62. D. 'Bedford
fi2. W. Spencer 62.
Jr. II. — Honors,. K. Harness, 88;
IW. von Wascinski 82, lC'. Mitchell 79,
R. Dre.eck 78. Pass --1 :West .66, E.
Sanderson 65, G. BeaveYn'u5, E. Malli-
lett 62.
Sr. I—Honors, H. Nelson . 77; M.
(Bissett 75; Pass, Ie. Fanson 74; 0.
;Brown 65. No. on roll 43; average 38.
L Quackenbush, teacher.
Class 7.—V. tRouiston 88, R. Bloom-
field 73, M. Murphy 65, E. Northcott
63. E. iHart'lieh. 63, M. Johns 161.
Class 6.—G. Collin.gwood. 74, G. Bear -
ver 69, L Lane 69, M. Clark 167, G.
!Brook 61.
Class 5,—V. Kellett 70, H. Gower
F. West 65, G. Webster 63, E. Coomt-
b,s 62.
•Cias3 4.—G. Sanderson 81, B. Game
brill' 70, E. Hanna 00, R. White 60.
Class 3.—Florence Hunter 71.
Class 2—Clifford Lamport 77.
Class 1.—J. Gambrilll 66. Number on
'Roll 44. Average attendance 34.
An.na L. Dow, Teacher.
S, S. No. 1, USBORNE
The following are the results of
promotion exams bold on April 13th
and 14th. Total 750; pass 450. Jr.
4th to Sr. 4th; Gladys Dew 632; Annie
Strang 612; Ila Mitchell 464; Thos.
Dougall 412. Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th—FIati-
old Wood 587; Edgar Cudmore 518;
Madeleine Moir 479; Percy Barris
338. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd — Clarence
Down 464; Earl Mitchell 413; .Anna
Moir 405. 2nd c1ase to Jr. 2nd 'total
650, pass 390; Hanford Cooper 396;
Vera Dunn 369. Jr, 2nd .to Sr. 2nd—
Gordon Cudmore 426; Melvin Moir
400; Jas. Oke 310.
Ethel C. ?Case, Teacher
S. S. No.. 5, USBORNI;
The following is report of es,-
amination held in S. No. 5, Ust
borne: Sr. IV—Laura Hicks 83; 'Vic-
tor Jeffrey 81; Charles Jeffrey, 71;
Louie Amy 71; .Laurette Brown 66;
Arnold Ford 113; \label Brown 62;
Jr. IV—Violet 'Ratcliffe 62; Russell
Ratcliffe 61; Oran Moir 59, Gordon
Perkins 51; Amy Fisher 50. Jr. 1TI
Dorothy Armstrong 79;• George Moir I the damage they do. ek by when one
71; Anna Jeffrey 67; Elmore Kleine , o,'. these bombs drop they make ' a
fdldt 61; Tom. Yellow 55; Grant Ford hole in the ground big enough to
50; Sr. II—Percy McFalls 71; :Frees put a house in. I saw a holt about
Ford 65. Jr. tI—Crescent Hayman 85; hate a utile Irons this camp.
Tin weather is jest like summer.
We aro going to be inspected by King
George, Lord Kitchener, Sir . Sam
Hughes and Sir 11•obt. Borden on Mon,
day, April 3rd. We expect to be There
about three months before we go over
• to Prance. We are living in huts,
The following is the report of the about thirty to a hut, so we have a
'promotion exams held in No. 7 TJtir goal. time.
borne on Aprilt 13th and 1.4th. .From \/hen we go down town we are
Jr. 4th to Sr. 4tH— Clara Hutchinson; , bum}aieg into the people on 'the
From Sr. 3.rd, 1' Jr. 4th—Edna Pym,
for all the .streets aro 'pitch Brock; Froze Jr. 3rd to Sr. darn .,rid the traffic is all. to the
3rd—Honors, :Clarence TOW 1. From : left inst; ad ..>C the right.
Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd—Honors, Lena Pym Your ever-loving son
IL, H, DICKSON APPOINTED ,JUDGE With the Boys in Khaki
Mr, L. H. Dickson, of the lawfarm1 'Lieut. Hall, oC Hensall, spent Good
Friday in fawn.
of Dickson & Carling, has been
appointed Judge of Huron County to
fill the vacancy caused by the re-
tirement of His Honor Judge Doyle.
The appointment will necessitate Mr.
Dickson's removal to Goderich in the
near future as he will assume his new
duties as soon as the commissions are
issued. Mr. Dickson has practised
law in Exeter since 1884 and in losing
him Exeter loses a most worthy citi-
zen one who has always identified
himself with the highest interests of
our town. IIe is a prominent bowler
and both in his social and professional
life carries the esteem and trespecttof
all who know him.
Mr. Dickson was born in the vile
lage of Pakenham, Lanark and spent
his boyhood days and received his
early education at Pembrooke, Ren-
frew County. He graduated from the
Kingston collegiate. He studied law
in the office of Thos. Deacon, K. C.
of Pembroke, afterwards Judge
Deacon, of Renfrew; also Hector Cam-
eron, K. C. of Toronto and graduated
in law iin the year 1884 soon after
commencing to practise in Exeter. His
law partner is 11Ir. I. R. CarfLng. We
extend our congratulations on bis
• S.
Letters From the Front
Shoencliffe, Eng., Mar. 28, '16
We embarked oa the La,p'.an:l on
March 13th, my b'rth•day. and were
ketpt at anchor until Friday, 17th, when
we sailed accompanied by the cruis-
ers Calgarian and Essex, and Metaga-
me a troopship. We had a beautiful
voyage. The sea was as calm as Lake
Huron and we arrived in Livcrpoo' in
eight days. I 'seemed to be in nay
righ: element foe I was not sea sick
,t all When we were four days out
the Cruiser Essex left us and the
Drake •a larger boat froin England
took ,her place and from that time on
we wore our life belts constantly, and
the life boats were slung out ready
for use. at any minute. We, had good
quarters co:fling over and fine meals.
Wbe&1, we were six days out 3 torpedo
boat destroyers met us, and; yes got a
wereless next day that one had sunk
a German sub. These destroyers
make 36 knons an hour. On the 7th
day out ..we. ,passed .the Irish coast
and sailed in darkness at night after
entering :the war zone , and kept up
a zig-•zag course. At 3 o'clock cei
Saturday. the 26th we sailed into Liv-
eepoel. No sky scrapers in this city
The trains are funny—the side doer
variety—and we laughed our sides sore
but they bounce you along some. I
felt like putting one of the toy en-
gines in my ,pocket and taking it a-
long as a suuvertir. We crossed Eng-
n-lend ,in a night. It is an awfully pret-
ty country around Shorncliffe, hut it
has rained 23 .oat of 24 hours. We
are housed in ,cabins, 29 in ours, and
are fairly comfortable. The villages
"ere are so' creat, just like small toy
mode's. Ze,pps raided across here
Sunday night and blew up some ran•-
cvav cracks. We blanket rex: windows �l
at night .and keelp all dark. There is
an aeroplane coast guard along the
shore. We can see the channel from
the cabin window.
Shorncliffe, March 28th.
Dear Mother,—
Just a few lines to let you know@.004@b6+41.0aA0@®OrsbOd*04+0•4'@O 404•0O0•►O.04i0••A•••••b•44,04
Sergt, Maj. McGarry, spent the holi-
days et Clinton.
A number' ob the boys are quaran-
tined with the, measles.
Maj. Heaman was in London the
latter part all the week.
rrnar'ch' through..
Thee 7004 Battalion left London ion
Good Friday. ,Pte. Will Rn4sela• en&
Anderson, of town were among
the number. Mr. Milton' Russell, Air.
and Mrs. Geo Anderson, aesd seve'ra'l,
others from town were .down to .see
them off.
The Pioneer Battalion of Loudon
which expects shortly to sail for
England calked for recruits frons the
Corp. AL Pfaff, of the Clinton anili'- Exeter boys on Monday and 1 Pies.
tary school was home for Easter. Fred Hopkins, of Whalen and Earl
Reddens, ai Crediton stepped out from
the ranks. They wi11i be transferred_
Mr. Will Birney, of Winnipeg, son
of Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Birney, of
town, arrived home last week to •eri-
liet with the 161st Hurons and .has
since donned the khaki. Will held a
lucrative position with a large firm
in Winnipeg and received a iempit•:
ing offer to go to their New York off-,
fice but turned it down. Shortly .af--
ter recruiting started for the 161st
Mr. Birney sent in his resignation an&
As soon as his place could be filled
came east.
Lieut. Torrance, who is taking a
course at London was in town for the
week end.
Sergt. Goodwin, of; the Bugle Ii3and,
Goderich, visited Mr. and Mrs. 'W. 4C.
Davis over Easter.
Mr. Homer Bagshaw,, of 'Tullisviille,
Sask., son of Mr. 'Wm. Bagshaw, of
town, has joined( the colors
Quite a number from the Exeter
detachment are off on two weeks'
leave to assist on the farrn.
Corps. H. Bissett and Lloyd Rivers
of the military school of. instruction
London, were home over the holidays.
' The boys were given leave of ab-
sence for the latter part of last week.
and those from out of town spent
Easter at thein homes.
Major Heaman has a suit of khaki:
clothes with •com'plete outfit for some
young man who will come forward
and request them. In fact he has
It is expected that the Huron Bate
talon will mobolize at London about
the middle of May. Arrangements
are being made to quarter the Bat-
talion in town over night on their
MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye -Sight spec-;
ialist, will be at tire Central Hotel,
Saturday, May 6th, One day.
The linemen when are bringing the
hydro Iine from Lunn have the wires
up nearly to Centralia. The installer-
nstallertion of the machinery at the !?ower
station is nearing completion and it
is expected than the system will be
complete by above the middle oaf May,.
SHOES — We have some very attractive styles
in ladies' and children's shoes and the prices
are right.
Astoria Shoes for Meng
MEN'S RAIN COATS —A line worth
$18.00 for $15.00. Another line worth $5,00
for $41.00.
CLOTHING -- A nicely assorted stock of
ready to wear suits for men and boys, the styles
- are right.
Our made to measure samples are here and show
good values. The style is guaranteed.
CAPS — A. new line of spring caps just lieeeived,
B. W. F
we have arrived all safe, but we had •
a torpedo fired at us, and our convoy •
had a big battle with a sub.
There was a ship sunk just a day •
ahead of us in about the same place
that we were fired at.. That was •
about one day out from England. We •
sure had soma: fine weather coming
over, with only one day rough sea. I •
came through it all evithout being e
sick. We had a nice boat to a come •
over in—the S. S. Lapland. It is just •
like a palace, about 600 ft. long and •
four decks. We lay at anchor for •
about four days before sailing and •
were nine days coming across. •
Well I have heard a lot e about •
England but we have to pay more for O
the same stuff than they do in Cane w
ada. .I intend going to Scotland for
a few days. Am only about 4000 •
miles from Eider, Ont., but I guess
it is too far to walk. 'We are fright •
on the east coast where all the zeppe •
1:ns c:e whip. they make their raids. •
The records of Canada don't know half 0
Hazel Kestle 70; Edgar Moir 68; L.
Yellow 55; Ernest, Prout 55.
Geo. i'fawson, teacher.
S. S. No. 7, USBf1 NE
Harold Hern; lase, Dora Brook, Mer-
vin Pym, absent) on account of Melt+•
nese, Greta Andrew.
Hazel M Hicks, Teacher.
Mrs. Muxworthy was able to attend • The 1c11cwintx utexcsting letter vas •
service in Mein street !.\Ie+t4tc !.est rcc. iv, d by Mr. .!les Stewart, of •
church last Sabbath morning, this town fr m 'err. 'rank Oke. an Exeter 1 •
being the first time ,for sere a,
months, ;ler runny friendst hope for , Old 1:,.,1, w•h r eniete.d in Toro ,ie with 0
her continued improvement, (Continued on page five) 1, • a •ai•eat,•tt.anitne4a a •arR•4a0fr •m4►*
% PHO 1E 81A
Our Sprin
of !;,,. en's
s is orthy f
t N Iusectio
,•i ('
New Hats, Shirts, Ties,
Arrow Collars, and all
other Furnishings for
All the Latest Styles in Springy
Clothing for men.
P I1 O N E 8 i a
•CAO••Aaft*^••••O.,•a N•4••••M41