HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-4-20, Page 8U
Phone tb j, A. STEWART Phone 16
Special Value in Clothing
for Men and 'boys
The Materials are all as carefully chosen for their colors
as their wearing galities. If you want your Clothes
to look well on you—you will surely like the
New Styles we are showing this Spring.
t0.00, *12 00, $15,00 to $20.00.
We have some splendid
Wines in Misses' and Ladies'
Smits, The Ala,terials are excel-
lent quality and are made up in
s Styles,
very Newest t
the y
Yen will want new Shoes
for Easter. Let us show you
what is new for early Spring
wear. Papular Prices $4 and $4.50
Perrins and 'Kayser Gloves
always give satisfaction. You
will he surprised to know the
prices have not advanced. Per-
`i ins Kid Gloves, Colors and
BIack per pair 51.25
For Waists and Dresses
in a fine range of colors bave
just; been placed in stock. This is
a popular Silk this season. Price
per yard $1.50.
Buy your Spring Hat now
and have it ready for Easter,
New Caps at 50, 75c and $1. 00
New Shapes in Fedoras in color
of Grey, Blue and Brown a
$2. 25.
Including a fair ranee of
New Patterns for 1916. The col-
ors are old dyes a.nd are fast,
Popular Prices. $1. 00 $1.25
Order your Easter Hats
early so as to give our trimmers
time to get it, ready for you.
New Hats are being made up
every dace
Pas -
Trp Holeproof this seas-
on. Six pair Hose are guaranteed
to wear six months without
holes or new ones are furnished
Free of Charge.
A fine assortmeet ofFancy
Collars for Dresses and Ooats
have just arrived for Easter
buyers, 25c, 35e, 50c and 75c.
A fine assortment of Lace
Curtains and curtain nets in
very pretty and dainty patterns.
Good values in Bedroom Cur-
There will be a lot of Rugs
and Linoleums sold during the
next few weeks. We are able to"
offer you old prices on these lines
Come in and see the new Pat-
terns and get our prices.
Market Report ---The following is
the report of the 'Exeter market
corrected up to[ April 21st.
'Wheat` 80 to 1150. ,
Oats 400 i t:.•t.t
0 to 5 c
� 5
.o y
w t 60 65
Buck hea ,-t4
Peas $L00
, It
� 6
Family 1. lou
r 'S.1
y �+
Lore Grade bloat •$1,7ar,
Bran $26.00 per ton.
Shores $27.00 per' ton
Eggs 20 to 22ts
0: 3 0
Tiuttt.2 28 t 0
Creamery' Butter e5 and 36e
Hogs :10.60
Potatoes. $2.25.
The popular floor covering
for bedrooms andhalls. In cillos
of blue, brown and green which
are guaranteed fast to sun and
rain, per yard 50c.
The Big Store with the little prices
l�.liyYll[ �'
Toorin g Car
M)del 833
41111111.i. I'
} , .� 11_4_;,1,
.-"„ es
Model 75, To:iring�p
Model 83B, Touring
Model 75, Roadster
Model 83B, Roadster
Model 66, 7 Pas- $1600 willys Knight $1575
ender Touring Touring
Wiliys Knight Roadster
We have a large stock of Dominion Tires at right prices.
A number of used Ford Care for sale also one used Ohevrolett.
Also the Light Six
W. ,SNELL, Sales Agent I
HAWKENS—At the rectory, Blyth, en
£i;anday, April 9th, to Rev. W B;r
amen : Vl la ekinet el:daughter/a
wti '-fsati r,,;wttt'airuedfield, o
• Amail 12th; ~' anise' ;Sarah "L. Bow ey,
to I1r, Andrew Ss an, ..ore Staruey,
GOOYBOLT—PYM — At Elimville on
Wednesday, April 19th, Miss.Laura
Gtodbelt to Mr, Harold: Victor Pym,
by Rev. G. A. Barnard.
ANNIS—:k AWCETT—In Fullerton, on
April 5th, by 'Rev, Dr, McRae, Mist-
i' of
St x. Wilbert Ann s, tf
hell., I
bort, and Mise Mabel •M,,. daughter
off Mr. aid Mrs. Jas. Fawcett, of
en, on Wednesday, April 19th, by
Rev. W. G.• 11, .14t�cAlieter, Hiss Gla-
dys V. Dearing, daughter of gr.
fresh Groceries
all the time
Orders deliverd at once
Produce taken in
i- rr
Chaic e lettuce and
all the time
Order Parn.; ell s
Try Wilson's
Ice Cream
On Fridaa' evening on Lonr
don Road between Crediton
East an Meer s 1 a
at i r eels
gentlemen's black purse con
Mining a large um, ofmoney.
t l e s. mou
g 6'Y
]Finder r be it• b see
, will su a ly
warded by leaving same at.
The Times office or Vietor
;Snt,lls. .
WithaASTEtG' STYLES --A good variety,
the 1 1 li! G k or spring footwear for everyone -••-
See window—New Styles, old 'prteees
Pte. .1I. Parsons, of Parkhill, has gale'of Shoes a`' Cut urates. 'Come in..
been spending 90VGrA1' days in town, U. MlA:NtIS1UN
400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle
All•a e
Salt for ale, z d s
ton; 50o. per hag,—Exeter Salt Works
Mr. Wm. E. Sanders, of •town, has.
purchased a 75 -acre farm from ALr.
Cedric Stanlake on the 2nd cpneep,sion
of Ste e
cith n.
The Exeter Motor Sales iOo., 4V,
Snell, sales agent; here this week re-
ceived a shipment of live ear -loads of
Overland Automobiles.
Miss Annie Harrison, who has been
ill tor some time, .is in a very critical
(condition and at "time .of :writing her
death is expected at.any time.
Mr. Linden Harvey, who has been
attending University in Toronto, its
home for the holiday$. Linden has
Ane exam to write off in about! a
week's time.
The W. M. S. os Main street ohurcb
will hold special services next Su r4"
day rvhicb. 'has been designated Lily
Sunday. !Rev. W. G. H. McAlister
pe. in the morning, the pastor
!mei. e. W. Mu. worthy conducting
the aervace atJames street. On Mon,-
d,.y e ,•.ming an entertainment, wi11
be .held in Main street church.
o s00000• 41,•40 414.0 o
School closes Thursday! for a week's
holiday. [ t c
Mr. Fred Mills, of Windsor, is visite
ing in town; •Mr. J. Atkinson, of Clinton, was in
town this week.
Mrs. 3'. N. Howard entertained a
number of friends on Tuesday.
Miss K. Inwood, of London, is vis-
iting Mr. and! Mrs. S. Sanders.
Mr. J. 13awdein ,of London, was in
town the forepart of the wee,:
Several from town attended the
Iiensall Spring show on Friday.
Mr. Frank Cornish, .of'Windsor, is
visiting bis mother in town, who is
Mr. A. 'J, Heywood, ,a divinity stunt
dent at Toronto University, is home
for the holidays. -
Pie, ferry Windsor, of St. Thomas,'
visited his pareeit.l in ;town this week,
Pte. Ed
. Anderson, of
edhis pArents in teem over theveelt
'end.' • .
eeddieenal locals on page five.
A real estate deal etas been put
through whereby Mr. J. N. Hoe and
gets possesion of the 'Commercial nor
tel on Main street and Mr. T. H.
Newell gets the house and property
now occupied by Mr. Howard near
itie•erside Park. The exchange will
take place early in May. .We have
not learned . whet Mr. Howard int -
tends doing with the building but we
understand he . will either convert it
into an apartment house or dwelling
The buffet lunch given by Mrs. E.
A. Pollick on Friday, afternoon last
was well pp'trouizeYl and was a most
successful affair. (Refreshments were
sdrceed, tea being poured by Mrs. go -
/Ulster and Mrs. W. Martin. The
proceeds we:eh .h were over nine dol-
lars were contributed to the W. C.
T. U. for the soldiers' in the trenches.
The W. 0. 1'. Le. provide the boys in
the trenches with hot \cocoa and soup
A number "'oi friends, or Mr. 'Grant
Hooper met at the.s`lipme of his par-
ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. „.Hooper, of the
Lake Road, ;en Thursday 'evening of
last week and presented .him with an
address and wrist watch. The even-
ing was afterwards. spent 'in games
and amusements and, was thoroughly
enjoyed by all The address was read
by Mr. Milton! D. ,Oestreicher signed
by Preston Dearing and (Cecil Rowe.
Grant made a very suitably . reply
as 'did also Mr. Hooper, !both greatly
hppreciating the kindness and : good
!Wishes as •expressed` in the prespntae
and Mrs, W. H, Dearing, to fir.
Luther Reynolds, of Exeter.
ER WIN—DAVIS At the Trivitt
"e'llremorial church, Exeter, on April
:12th, Miss Mary; Grant, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Davis, to ,Mr.
"' Franklin 13. Erwin, of Ingersoll, by
Rev. D. •W. {Collins, of Windsor,
'Trivitt Memorial Church, on April
12th. by Be', D. W. !Coilins, of
Windsor, Miss Julia Maud, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank.
Triebner, of Stephen, to Mr. Percy
u ,fort', of Stephi:n.
1SXe0l BBDaSe-•-1:n Illanshard, Tuesday,
April 11, Ada Selena, youngest
daughter of Mr. and •Mrs. A. Me. -
(Curdy, aged 93 years, 11 months and
17 day's.. , ••••V
, TO RENT—Anyone desiring good
pasture for eight head of cattle ap-
any to Wm. Baghsaw.
Mr. and 'Stirs. B. W. F. 03eavers and
two sons spent' Thursday last in Lone
Miss Vera 'Rowe, who is visiting
her grandmother at Clinton( spent
(friday with her, parents.
Shampoo your head with Rexall '93'
Shampoo Paste -25c tins—Sold only by
The Rexall Drug Stores. W, S. !Cele.
'Back to the land" will be the
stern call this spring to many On-
tario men why thought their farming
days were over.
1frs. W. A. Turnbull and Diiss Isa-
bel., of Farquhar, returned home Sat-
urday after. visiting for a w eek with
Mrs. M. Eacrett.
It's gcing to make it hard on the
farm; well, doesn't it make le hard
in the shop, the factory and the of-
fice., when the experienced men leave.
Horsemen! The Times guarantees
you first-class work in getting out
your bills and folders for the com-
ing season. Call and see us.
Friday...the 21st is Good Friday and
'a public holiday. All places of busi-
ness will be closed. Next .Sunday is
Easter Sunday. Special services will,
be held in the different churches,
Beautify your premises with' flowers
this coming summer. Make your
plans and decide what flowers shall
be planted. There is scarcely any
end to the odd, pretty things which
may be had to adorn the ,'propertty
this coming summer.
The Scott Act comes into force in
Perth Co. on May l.st. The temper-
ance organization is in good shape
Cor enforcing the law. A move was
made in The {Commons to have the
enforcement postponed until Sept.
16 when the province goes dry.
Messrs. Harvey Bros. have 'purchas-
ed the old Broderick property now
oeoupied by the Patriotic League as
a tea room. They have also 'purchad-
ed two lots on North! street betwelen
the Colwell and Quinton properties:
The brick storehouseon the I3rodere
ick property will be torn down and a
residence erected on North kstreet.
Err. Carman Hoare, was home from
Exeter over the week-end.—Mr. 'Ras -
eel May, sort) of Mr. and Mrs. John
1fay. of town, who is a student fat
Toronto University, preparing him-
self for the Methodist ministry, has
enlisted in the city battalion come
mended by Colonel Hagerty, Mr.
May visited at the parental bore over
the week-enc'.—Clinton ,News -7 rcord.
A. recent; bulletin issued by the In'
land Revenue Department,. , Ottawa;
deals with 33 samples of the news•
fangled breakfast foods. Jt shows
that without any increase in nutria
tive vr',,r, one dollar's ',worth of
wheat'. • ' - breakfast food form,
oasts ; even more than
that,I -1, at the re-
gular, food value
1h'an j
ed Rads,
Lieut. Torrance is in London taking Po.. Ltd„ J, Sutton, Manager.
a course alt th'a London Military
Pte, Gerald and Mrs, f)uxdon, see • SALT FOR SALE. --An excellent
Hamilton, spent the week -end with qu•tlity of Sarniaperance '}dmade saltouse for`at
relatives, at the old Temthe
Pte. John W. Mallett' is .with the G. T R. station, Sold is any quant -
)rand as drummer leis sty, Your patronage is solicited and
161st Battalion
their tour oe the county'for 'recruits, satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED.
The Bruce .Battalion 1a• up to MAGUIRE, Exeter,
with 100 to s - �--
strength are. They ex- • p
pert to mobolizq about: May 1st and
go to London the middle of May. Day QId Chicks for Sale
Lieut, E. 1I. Campbell, of 'Welland,
renewed acquaintances in lawn over White Wyandotte, (Martin laying
the wee'•+ -end. Lieut. Campbell is strain) and Barred Rock (Model
practising his profession as dentist
with his 'aattalion.
A canvas wast made of the town on
Tuesday for donations for the Tobacco
Fond for the soldiers. The amounts
were .:,i: averaging about 25 cents
En all $44.30 was oollected,
THURSDAY, AY, APRIL 20th, ,10 6;, "*
A deputation utation from Goderich last
week waited on the acting Minister
of Militia, Zion: A. E. Kemp, and the
Premier Sir iRobt, Borden, in referr
ence to securing a military oamp at
Goderich. •
Mr. Jerrold Ver. Snell, son of Rev.
J. A. Snell, of Watford, and grand, -
son of Mrs, James Snell, of town, has
enlisted in the .Army Medical Corps
and is in training at Wolseley Barr
racks, Loudon.
The soldiers attended Divine wor-
ship in raven Presbyterian church
last Sabbath morning and listened to
a splendid sermon by the pastor, 'Rev.
S. F. Sharp. • Miss Quackenbush sang
a very acceptable solo at the service.
L. (Corp. Chester Harvey and Pte.
Reg. Knight, oft C. M. R., Hamilton,
spent the week -end in town. Another
draught of 200 men from this 'batta-
Qion is expected to sail shortly to be
followed by the final draught in the
course of a few weeks.
The ,annual meeting of the Exeter
Lawn Bowling Association took. !place
on Wednesday ev'erfaig, of last week,
The treasurer's report showed the
Cn,tn:ces in a fair condition., The an-
neal lee
n-neal-lee for men was fired at $5.00
and for ladies SZ.00,' .payab e before.
July lst. It was decided to 'plan: a
nu.i. r,of trees around: the grounds.
Theusual tournament will be held at
a date to be fixed later. The election
of oflicers resulted as follows,—Hon..
Pres_dents, J J. 4e:tuee,. M.P., and H.
Eaber .M.P.P.;:_Pres,, R. G. Seldom,;
Vice., J. H. Grieve.; Sec., R.N. Creech
Treas., W. D. Clarke; Hon. Chap.,
Rev S. F. Sharp; Hon. Member, Maj.
tat, J. Heamene Auditors, F. W.Glad•-
ma:rrn and J. R. Carling; Ground Com.
Messrs. Seldon, Rowe, Stewart and
Madman; illembership 'Corn., 'the Club
Match Com., Messrs. Taman, Clarke'
Creech ,Wilson land Levett; Tourna-
ment Com., Messrs. Dickson, Seldon,
Gladntan Stewart, Scott, Heaman Le -
vett, Creech, Dore, Snell, Kuhn and
New Spring.
for Ladies -
Farm laying strain) day-old chicks for
Gala thtrough the season. Order ear-
ly,: if wanted. Aliso custom hatching,
done. Leave order. with O. B. SNELL
,E2xetex. Ont.
Two splendid recruiting meetings
were held in Exeter on Monday of
this week. The Hensel' members of
the 161st came down together with
the Battalion 'Band from in Clinton.
Headed by the band the boys paraded
the streets, the music greatly enliv-
ening the proceedings. The weather
was cold and chilly and a slight rain
fell most of the day. A meeting was
held in the Opera House in the afteit
noon addressed by' ,Col. Graham, of
London. The band rendered severalhr
selections: In the evening an
meeting was held addressed. by' !Col.
Graham and Maj. Osborne. The hall
was packed on both occasions and
the addresses by the speakers were,
both entertaining and inspiring.: The
'predominant note was •the Japed of
men to 'back up the men who are air
ready on the firing line. • The Huron
Battalion needs abouts 350 more men
to bring it •up .to strength. It is hop-
ed that this number will come for-
ward the next few days as recruiting
;neetings will be held all through the
county. The chair in the eveninj;
was taken by/. Mr. J. A. Stewart. A
quartette was sung by Miss Editb
Moncur, Mesdames Heaman, Gladman
and Dore. A signal drill was put on
by several of the soldiers. The Exe-
ter Orchestra furnished some excel-
lent music. A vote of thanks to the
e peakers was moved by OEtev- S L',
Sharp and seconded by Mr. L. H.
Spring fashions are arriving and
combine in rabric and Style a unique
and interesting , e legthq a, ,.meeting
the requirements storsetrest a Wetirsanda
•s unusual to present so early in
It i
the season so great a variety, but,
atyles were determined ,early and the
most favored shown.
The present :time is mostadvantag-
eous for 'buying es all indications•
poitn to higher prices in the future,
N. Sheere
Stand Upstairs. Opposite the Central
c 4 ^ t n ronouueed take -ache) is
the surest and safest cure for rheu-
matism., eciatioa, lumbago, sleepless-
ness end all forms of nervous exhaus-
tion. Takake pills are fifty cents a
box . from your druggist or by mail
from the Georgian Mfg. CO.,Oollin -wood, Ont.
Auction Sale
On North Street, Exeter, on Sat'y
April 22nd, at one p.m. HotYreheld ef-
fect's consistinlg of parlor, d!n ng-,
room and kitchen utensils, stoves.
crockery, glassware,• china, carpenter
tools,. shoemakers tools and dozens of
other articles. See bills,
Terms—Cash. For particulars ap-
ply' on premises or B. S. Phillips.
Thole. Cann, Prop. B.S.Phillips, Auet;
A Reactionary 'Stern Period is cm-
-en the 24th 25th and 26th, This
.period is at the last quarter of the
Moon. and under the continued dom-
ination of the Venus equinox. With
these exceptions, the causes of storm
disturbances are reduced to a min-
imum at this time. Nevertheless, we
are to expect - falling barometer,
{rising temperature, return of storm,
clouds, and more or less precipitation.
The siudden extremes of temperatur'e
that characterize the Venus periods.
we may reasonably expect, will appar
during this period -that is, very warm
days will immediately premed the.
storm centre, but sudden change
to very cool, within a few hours,
will follow the storms, .bringing the
temperature down almost or quite to
the frost line, northward at night.
Rouse and Lot for sale on Eliza-
beth St., near James street church.
One quarter of an acre of land with
Mame. It is one storey and a half
house in good repair, three .bedrooms
i r -stairs, one down stains; parlor
and diniiak room, pantry, kitchen and
wood -shed; hard' and soft water, both
5,ridoors;" teller alt the size of 'the
house 22x30. ' Garden idplanted with
all kinds or best fruit. For tEurther
pr tticulars apply to owner—F. Gill,
on Huron street.
We have a specially select.
ed Stock of No, 1, Good
Standard d Clover Aisike,
Timoth y, Alfalfa, S wee t
Clover, Orchard and Blue-
grass, Seed Corn, etc.
Just received a shipment of
No. 1, Imported Alaike at
$ .2.,15
0 per bushel.
Special prices given on
Club Orders of 510 and up-
We have a quantity of
for Sale.
• A. Call Solicited
We can assist you in
selecting your furniture if
you are going to furnish
your home, or if you only
want some odd pieces.
Our Undertaking De-
partment is up to -date ire
every respect and we guar-
antee the best of satisfact-
R. N. Rowe
The Funeral Director and
Fairs-eiture Dealer.
' ,No matter ' w-hati your ailment' is,
do not think your ease is' hopeless
,you have tried Chiropractee
'Spinal ' adjustments: What it has
(done for others it will do for you. In-
formation costs you nothing. Free
examination for a limited time which
ry all prove tu" you eve •c'anremove the
cause of your disease. Chiropractors,
do not aslr where is your pains, ete.,
they make: a good guess. Without
one word front you we will ;locate the
cause by . the examination of your
.9 pine. Investigation invited. De..
B. M. Jones, Osteopath and ' : iChiro-
practor, 'Exeter Monday, Wednesday
and Friday's. Office at residence oe
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Sluggish Liver and ,Lowers—They
work while vola -steep:
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges-
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head-
aches come from a torpid liver and
Slogged bowels, which cause your
stomach. to become filled with =di-
gested food, which sours and ferments
like garbage in a swill barrel. That's
the first step to untold misery—Indi-
gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
skin, mental fears, everything that is
horrible and' nauseating. A Cascaret
to -night will give your constipated
bowels tip a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. pThey
work while you sleep -a 10-cene box
from your druggist will keep you feel-
ing good for months.
PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Aue*
tioneer. Sales conducted in any liar
catty. Terms moderate Order
at Times office will be promptly: stet
tended to. 1'bone ,116, Kirktons-
dress Kirkton P.O.
e> Stores
•• Av4r) '' F?VURt1c Ru( sTOPF , r
The mild but sa.e Iaza'.ive
with the pleasant taste
It you are biliots
or constipated
Rexall Orderlies
lieep your System
as clean as astone
jug rinsed with
cold springwater
15c. and 25c. boxes at the
Rexall Drug Stores Only.
W. S. Cole
Exeter Ont.
We are ready to demonstrate the new 1916 Mc Laughlin—six cylinder cars.
Thede cars are absolutely the last word in high class automobiles and any prospect
-i purchaser will make no mistake in examining Yve p g these cars,
We have two demollstratin -.. cars for sale, a D 60, and ,a D 45, both are
Prices of these Gals otr.app lication: Phone! bi' call for.,tlemonstratiOn,.
J �
• A. St e�rart
Agents in teier
Milo 4ne1