HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-4-20, Page 3TRENCH WARFARE AND VALUE OF GUNS rum LOUD OF 'TIE ADMIRALTY SPEAKS OF THE WAR. Does Not Boast of British Navy, W C ,hf 1h Awaits w to Ca in nl g of Germans. The London correspondent of The New York Tribune cables under a recent dater: ArthurJ. Balfour is First Lord of the Admiralty, head of the British Navy—the greatest navy in the world. With it out of the way, Ger- many could, win the war in a couple of months, take over the British Isles, hammer France into submission, and demand ruinous indemnities that wpnld turn the world topsy-turvy. ib is Mr. Balfour's job to see that the navy remains very much in the treatment iLlill all 411C 41111C 411C trouble way. Recently I had the pleasure of seeing and talking with him at his I !s becoming more deeply rooted -- London home, only a stone's throw harder to cure. There is just one Wil - from the office of the Admiralty,llama' speedy Peuro Pills. for a Theys act direcm—Dr. tly Fully six feet and broad in pro - on the impure, acid -tainted blood. The portion, Mr,. Balfour does not show purify and strengthen it and thus his sixty-eight years. His manner is courteous and charming—if that ad- jective may be applied to a man. He is gentle and kind, without a brace of the brusqueness commonly associated with Sea Lords. Antithesis of Yon Tirpitz. SPR1NG.REMINDERS OF RHEUMATISM Raw, Damp Weather Starts the Pains, But the Trouble Lies in the Blood.. "LET i,1S BA1' PET DOGS!, German Paper Says ".Good, Cheap • Food" Would Thus Be Obtained, The London Express quotes the fol- lowing from the Neueste Naehrlehten of Leipzig;: "At the present time we have not a crust of ',read, not a slit.; of neat, not one potato too litany, .and even the bones and offal are eagerly searched, for thousands have boon made orphans by this fearful war, and Spring weather is bad far lieu- are now almost without food or shelter. t; ; 1 et there are still mere than 10,• matic sufferers. The changes from 000 pet dogs kept in Leipzig, use mild to •cold, the raw, damp winds 'less luxuries, which are fed on good start the aches and twinges, or in food, the sight of •whteil would . Make the more extreme cases, the tortures 1 the mouths of many a poor bulimia of the trouble going, But it must be wait water with envu, borne in minis that '9 is not the This is a scandalous state of things weather that causes rheumatism. The which must no longer be tolerated. trouble is rooted in the' blood—the "Let the authorities raise elle dog changeable weather.ine"el starts the tax. The resulthobe a snug little g Y revenue. Should the owners de'nlui• at pains. The only way to reach bhe paying the high tax for their idle la - trouble and to cure .it is through the dulgence the dogs could simply be blood. The poisonous rheumatic seized alai turned over to the butchers acids must be driven out. Liniments and made to serve a more useful put• and rubbing may give temporary re- pose dead than they dict alive, and a lief, but cannot possibly. etre the cheap and wbeleseme food'would be- trouble. The sufferer is only wasting cents at once available even.to the time_ and money_ with this kind of_poorast. �4,� --- "WHIRLPOOL BATHS," The. Latest. Medical. Invention.. for pearance and manner of both soldiers Wounded Soldiers. and civilians. It may be supposed e tut• a OU' 'Can i di The Doctor Calls It "Auto-Intoxication" it means self poisoning--- an. ailment that is almost uni- versal with nen and women of sedentary employment. Its cause is the daily intake of indigestible foods. Min- eral salts and saline laza- tives will not cure it. Help Nature to clean out the poisons by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit, a food that builds • healthy tissue and keeps the bowels sweet and clean. The. perfect food of health and strength for youngsters and grown-ups, for men who work with hand or brain. It. is ready -cooked and ready -to -serve. Made in Canada. The that a little of th h b t The "Whirlpool Bath" 'is the latest tions on all the fronts and the danger - medical invention. It is described in our submarines controversy leaks out a London medical periodical as fol - root out the cause of the rheumatism. lows: Inw and then in Berlin, Here is strong pr'oof of bhe above -"The wounded soldier whose wound ; suit that faith in final victory is statements. Mr. Michael Personage, has become ' stiff furnishes one of the shaken. Fenlon, Main., says:—"My mother suf- greatest problems of the present day. I There was one thing that Professor fered several years with rheumatism. The problem has been approached Haglund noticed with a thrill; the Wo tried a number of remedies but from various directions, but so far the Condit on of women was undergoing a they all failed to cure. Then .we got most successful work of alleviation change. Before the war they "look - I should gay that war is the last Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and after sewm� tobeat carried on at the , ed up" to 'the stronger sex and there game Mr. Balfour would select for en- joyment or recreation. He is the an- tithesis of Von Tirpitz. Turning the conversation to the question of fighting, I asked: "What has been the big surprise of this ‘r • war—submarines, aerial warfare, speed or gun range?" "None of these," replied Mr. Bal- four. "In my opinion, trench „war- fareand the1 of till St using them for some time she was use of the so-called `whirl -pool bath.' completely cured and has had no The bath is designed for the arm and sign of the trouble since," the leg. By means of it a whirl of Sold by all medicine dealers or by water at very high temperature -120 mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes degrees Eahrenlleit—and pressure is for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' applied to the limb for about twenty Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. minutes The relief of pain is remark- able. After the bath the limb can usually be manipulated with freedom." specte 1 , lund, "an air of fearlessness and con- concise statement in regard to Dodd's valve artillery. h .— KAISER WANTS PEACE. was complete subordination to it. But now that women have taken the place of men in so many employments and the men have failed in almost two years of war to conquer and subdue Germany's enemies, the women feel that they are of far more importance in the community than they used to be. "Now they have," says Professor Iiag- TUB AS A PIED PIPER. Englishman's Scheme for Ridding a Cpmmunity of Flats. Let me give you en uufatitiix$ method. for gathering .in alt the rats for rniiee around„ says J.R,1L In the Pall Mall Gazette. £ et a large tub, fall it about three parts full with water, Stand a brick on Ile .end in the middle of the tub. Get some brown paper as a bridge stretching from tha rim of the tub to the brick, all around the tub, so as. not to let the water be eeena Thee put a slab or board up against the tub for the rats to run up. Put a piece of meat as a bait on the top of, the brick and saturate it with otl of rhodium. The ..rats will come from alt quarters at the very smell of it. The first rat up the bridge tries to get at the bait, and fails through the brown paper into the water. He thou climbs on to the top of the brick and starts to squeal. All the other rats' for miles around come rushing to the aid of their dis- tressed comrade, and each one top- ples into the water andis drowned. Only one can occupy the top of the brick .at a time. By this means whale neighborhoods could be cleared very rapidly., Ask Around You for the Proof THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS AL- WAYS CURE KIDNEY DISEASE In Every Neighborhood You Will Find People Cured of Backache, Rheu- matism, Dropsy or Diabetes by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Lac Bouchette Lac Sb, Jean, Que.— April 17th (Special.)—Mr. Arthur Fleurie, well known and highly re- d here has jus issued a short cry. u- CHILDH®OD CONSTIPATION. scions self-control." Kidney Pills. It is as follows: dents of the submarine haven't been ' So Do People, But Crown Prince "I have found that Dodd's Kidney surprised; they had thought out and and Generals Favor War. Mrs. Andrew G. Lund, Hughenden, planned ways of increasing its efli- •The London Weekly Despatch says:. Alta., writes:—"Two of my babies ciency and also defences against it. "A. well informed neutral just ar- were very much troubled with con - Students of air problems haven't raved in England from Berlin, in an stipation and I tried several remedies been surprised at the development of interview with Frederic W'll' Wile without success. ' A neighbor advised aerial warfare. The development of says. Slacker Gets Back. Frederick Palmer, the war corres- pondent, was talking about England. v i lam 1 e, "Everything is warwar, war, over me to try Baby's Own Tablets and there,"he said. "Dear help the both these branches of fighting has € ",Everywhere in the German Em- they were so satisfactory that now I . young man who is not in khaki. He find relief. He feels it is his duty to been rapid, but along lines thought i pare there is all ardent longing for would use nothing else." The Tablets has a dreadful time. his fellowman. out before the war. peace, and they make no bones about never fail to cure constipation and i Now and then, though, one of If you inquire a our neigh - N o one anticipated that trench ' telling you so. There is a distinct they may be given to the youngest these slackers -as they are called— bars you will find sc people who Pills are an excellent remedy and that they cure kidney disease, rheumatism and indigestion." Mr. Fleurie has received such bene- fit from Dodd's Kidney Pills that he wants other sufferers to know how to mong y ores of gets a bit of his own back. have found in Dodd's Kidney Pills re - "A slacker, for example, was pass- lief from some form of kidney trou- ing a prison camp near London when ble. It may have been the dry, itching an interned German shouted at him skin, dizziness, nervousness and in - from the barbed wire fence: ability bo get refreshing sleep that " 'Hey, Kitchener vents you!' mark the earlier stages of the disease, "The slacker frowned. `What?' he or it may be diabetes, dropsy, rheu- said. matism, heart disease, or some other of the dangerous diseases that mark its advanced stages. You will find that Dodd's 'Kidney Pills cure kidney trouble, no matter where or in what form it is • found. Ask your neighbors for the proof. OSTRICHES WALTZ ON SAND. Indulge in Queer Antics on the Plains' warfare would play so great a part 'well known peace party. It is headed child with perfect safety. They are in modern fighting, and no one fore- ; by the Kaiser, and includes the Chan sold by medicine dealers or by mail at casted the tremendous importance of ;cello; Bailin, Dernburg, Prof. Del- 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams artillery. Even theGermans with all a bruelc, Von Jagow, and interests rep- Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. their thoroughness in making prepay- • resented by the Frankfurter Zeitung. M titian for this conflict, failed to foresee !and the Berliner Tageblatt. Born to the Purple. to what extent trench fighting would i "'The go=on -with -the -war -air -any- In the privacy of his home the vil- have Co be relied upon, once the con- cost party is headed by Von Tirpitz,' lage butcher was telling his wife of ending forces were o£ anyway neat s the arrival of a new summer resident.) " `Kitchener' vents you,' the Ger- I'alkenhayn, Hindenburg,. 14facken-man re eats eequal strength. sen, and its main prop and support -I "She came 'in to -day," he said, with r, ,Well, by Jove,' said the slacker, Verdun an Illustration. er is the Crown Prince. enthusiasm, and I can tell you she's , ,- he s got you all right!' " a.- "The Germans prepared for artil- "'The peace party realizes that it a real lady, brought up select and ex - eery fighting, but Verdun is a stele- cannot get the sort of peace in its elusive. She doesn't know one cut o ing illustration of the fact that they mind when the war began. The idea meat from another, nor veal from have not reached perfection. They of indemnity from any quarter is no mutton," . ®� Granulated Eyelids. Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murine es Eye Remedy. No Smarting, pounded and smashed fortifications longer cherished. I think Germany Which were considered impregnable.' would. rejoice—at Ieast, the Kaiser, But still they have not been able to 1 the civil government and the indus- reach their objective," , trial classes would—to stack arms on We were standing at the entrance ! this basis! Autonomy for Poland; to the Admiralty, and officers passing evacuation of Belgium, France, Ser- jn and out saluted the First Sea Lord. bra and Montenegro; restitution of just Eye Comfort. At In every case he returned the salute, ' Germany's conquered colonies; reten Your Druggist's BaleeinTubee25c,F per Bottle. Murine Eye orBook of theEyeFreeask Druggists or MurineEyeRemedygo.,Chlcago A NEUTRAL IN GERMANY. but continued to talk on just as if he tion of, Germany's fleet coaling sta- ,vere in his study, with nothing to , tions in various parts of the world, distract his attention. He is a mem- ' and greater facilities for German ship- ber of the War Council, and as such ,ring. e knows every detail of the fighting on land and sea. GOOD REPORT. It struck me as highly interesting — that this man bhe head of Breat Brit- Doctor Proved Value of Postum.. aln's navy, should consider that the surprises of the war come from the field rather than at sea. There was not a single word of boastfulness from him about the British navy, but even when one is well. I Swedish professor, Patrik Haglund, A Swedish Professor Reveals Uu- comfortable Conditions. The impression that the German Physicians know that good food and people are living `isolated from the drink, properly selected, are of the ut- rest of the world in dense ignoronce most importance, not only for the re- of what is happening beyond their lief of disease but to maintain health_, boundaries has been confirmed by the I came away with a feeling that he was not worried by any lack of pre- aration or efficiency in his depart - fa -lent, and that if Gertnany decided fin- ally to try conclusions on the sea Brit- ain would meet her without fear of the result. Of British naval officers I have met there was not a single one who was a pessimist. There is a spirit of unrest ernong them, the unrest of a perfectly rained thoroughbred in paddock be - ore the race, a keenness to get into"I frequently find it necessary to ,news, and all of it favorable to Ger-; action. At their head is Balfour, instruct patients when they take man arms. • Picking up•a copy of the A doctor writes, "I count it a pleas- ; who visited Germany recently on a ure to say a good word for Postum tour of observation, says the New with which I have boon enabled to YorkjSun. "The people in the shops, relieve so many sufferers, and which' in the streets, in the restaurants I count, with its valued companion know nothing," says Professor Hag - Grape -Nuts, one of the daily blessings,y lund. When he met old friends or "Coffee was banished from m own I made new drained" him of news. He found ones they "thoroughly table some time ago and Postum used ! that the censorship kept the people regularly in its place."(Both tea , P P P ple "in and coffee are injurious to many per- !ignorance of everything that might sons, because they contain the subblo, !give rise to inconvenient reflections." poisonous drug, caffeine.) The papers contained only official war calm, courteous and serene. He makes you feel that he is master of the situ - bion, strong and powerful as the ritish navy itself. You can give no igher praise to any war leader. Unreasonable. A stranded traveller reluctantly hooked a room at a somewhat shabby pillage inn recently. Ho retired to rest, but ten minutes later dame down - :hairs againt with anger in his face. "rI must insist on having another room, sir!" he informed the inn -keep - or sternly. "What's the matter with the one ',yort've got?" asked the latter, "rlVlatter!" snapped the angry man. y, there are a couple of mice fighting ---actually fighting! in a core ii.er of its" "Well, sir;" replied mine host cold- ) anti what d'ye expect for 50 Dents night—a bull fight?" Jt Which? O'Brien—Oi can say wan thing— (Wm a self-made man. Casey—Is it boastin ye are, or ppologizin'? Where It Was, "Where's your bayonet ?" "One o' them 'eathen Huns swell- »wed it, sir,' Postum for the first time to be quite Frankfurter Neueste Nachrichten at a sure that it is properly made accord- ;railway station, Professor Haglund ing to directions, then it has a clear, was amazed, to see spread all over the seal -brown color' and a rich, snappy front page an article entitled "Assas- taste, as well as health giving quali- ties." lees how the British Government had The above letter, received over ten murdered ten or more Englishmen years ago, is fully confirmed by a re- whose offense was that they had cent letter from the doctor, in which shown sympathy for Germany, 1 he sayst I The newspapers were filled with "It is a pleasure to render a good propaganda articles, in which a specl- report coveringa product of which X men was a panegyric upon the new am so enthusiastic a friend, !Belgium as ruled by German army of - "1 am using in my homo your floes and their civilian aids, "which Postum Cereal in both its forms. And, I gave anybodywith an ordinary sense what is more, I am having it used in of justice litle more," says Professor the ;families of several patients in Haglund,which with'reserve, "than a. feel - in endorsing the are fine qualities of your and all unite j Ing of ThatdithemGeiman people hacl no g doubt of the satisfactory admirable product.". ( y prosecution Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Onb. Postum comes in two formst of the war by the Government and its successful issue was plain from a talk. the professor had with a doctor' Postum Cereal—the original form— about the value of the German mark must be well boiled. 15c and 25c, lin Sweden, The German doctor, when pkgs. so informed, asked how the Swedes _. depreciate the I could be so mad as to �nstant Postum—a soluble powder o dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa- mark, and he was dumfounded when ter, and, with cream and sugar 'makes told that it was not considered to be a tlelieloue beverage instantly, 30c worth any more, Even officers and and 50c tins,edical men whor, eturned from the Both. forms are equally delicious �ront "were ' absolutely ignorant .04 and cost ,about the same per eup, everything that had not happened in. • "There's a Reason" foe Postum, their immediate circle of action," Der- --sold by Greeere, lin was war weary, judged by the ap Perhaps. Mr. Gotham—I see the smallest cows in the world are found in the Samoan Islands. The average weight does not exceed 150 pounds. They are about the size of the mgrino sheep. Mrse Gotham—Do you suppose, dear, that is where they get the con- densed ondensed milk? TItERMOR WaterlessRemains Hent for 12 Hours Hot BottieLasts a Lifetime ' Tf rn O o T,Mrq,toA SANITARY WATERLESS HOT -BOTTLE STAYS HOT 12 HOURS CONTENTS NEVER EXHAUST 1301.10 MINUTES ONLY qk It Is made of metal, nickel plated, of a convenient size. Simply boll the "Thermor" for ten minutes only (no longer) and it stays hob for full twelve hours at an even temperature of 125. deg, Recommended by physi- cians on account of the steady heat and sanitary metal case, No trouble — no filling — no danger of scalding the hands— no leaks—no expense and one purchase lasts a lifetime. In sickness, such as Neuralgia, La Grippe, Rheumatism, Neu- ritis, Inflammation—in fact all aches and pains, the "Thermor" is invaluable. As a bed -warmer and a foot -warmer it has no equal, "Tire "Thermos" measures See" across and is 135" thiek, yet it weighs less than a filled two quart rubber bottle. The price Is $4.00 sent Posbpaid anywhere and sola under an ab- solute guarantee from the mak- ers. High-class •representatives wanted in some territories, GOLDEN GA'Z'E MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY, LIMITED 9 Youville Street, Montreal. It not only softens the water but doubles the Cleans- ing power of soap, and makes everything sanitary and wholesome. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. • ' t ,' !. t` HOW WE ARE PROTECTED. Air Saves Us From the CeleStla! Bullets. Is it not strauge that we never hear of an accident from ordinary meteors, though accidents from aerolites have' not been altogether unknown? Here is this greet vessel, the earth, sailing through space, and saluted every twenty-four hours by 400,00&,- 000 00,000,;000 of missiles, each flying toward her with many times the velocity of the swiftest cannon ball. This, comments Proctor in "Expanse of Heaven," goes on day by day and by night, when, Hv-i ing creatures are far from shelter, as well as when they are protected in their various abodes; and yet the in- habitants of the earth are perfectly safe from all danger, If one in a thousand -struck a human being the inhabitants of the earth would be al- most decimated in a single year. It is not merely that they have been so far fortunate as to escape hitherto, but that they really are as safe as though the earth were protected by armor plates. The real protection of the earth is the air which surrounds her. Soft as the air is, the resistance it opposes to swift motion is very great. The swift- er the motion the more effective is the resistance. In the ease of the meteoric missiles falling on the earth the resist- ance is so great, owing to their enormous velocity, that they are con- sumed and presently vaporized in their rush through the upper parts of the air. Thus the air forms a. perfect pro- tection to our earth. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere A BLief Respite. "I've. borrowed ow neighbor's (heliograph for this evening." "Giving a party ?" "No, but by thunder I'm going to have one quiet evening at home", Shaving a Pleasure --Not an Operationi "USIT," the wonderful new skin food and wrinkle chaser, is a boon to men with heavy,' wiry beards, and tender Ekins, A Than who has used it for a. short time 'said recently : "Shaving is a pleasure now. I used to consider it almost an pPeratton." It is only necessary to rub a few drops of ITsit tnto the beard before lathering to enjoy an easy, quick shave. "tYSIT" penetrates into the pores, softens the beard,and gives a clean, close shave. The bearpeels right off, without pull- ing a hair. ".JSXT" is kind to tender skin. There is no smarting or soreness after shaving. Gives the face a fine feeling of smooth- ness and freshness. "USIT" prevents dryness of the skin (caused by exposure to excessive winds. ,Accept no substitute. Send 50e to -day for a trial bottle--suf., :latent for over six weeks' use. IISIT M.aNTTPACTUB,BNG COntPAi i' 475 Roncesvalles Avenue, TOEONT0, SEED POTATOES SEED POTATOES, IRISH COB - biers. Delaware, Carman. Or- der at once. Supply limited. Write for quotations. H. W. it..,vson. Brampton. P"IACSINEEY. 1113 E E S E FACTORY BOILERS, 'tlJ Where Rufus Stood. Shafting, ,Hangers, Pulleys, Grates. Let us figureon your requirements. Rusty Rufus (pitching tale about Nnpanee Iron Works, Ltd., NaPanee. the part he had taken in the war)— Wot a fight it was, too. Look at the odds. Ten,to one! Sceptical Listener—Was you one of the Rustyten? Rufus—No, I wasn't, I was one of the one! • of South Africa. One of the oddest sights of the j sandy stretches of plain in southern Africa is a party of waltzing ostriches. A writer on the subject thus describes their queer antics: "When there are a number of them • they will start off, and, after running a few hundred yards, will stop, and with raised wings will whirl rapidly. !round till they are stupified or per-' !haps break a leg. The males pose also before fighting. They kneel on their ankles, op ening their wings and' balancing themselves alternately for-! ward and backward or to one side or', � the other, while the neck is stretched I on a level with the back and the head ;strikes the sides, now on the right! I now on the left, while the feathers 'are bristling. The bird appears at! I this time so absorbed in its occupa-1 tion as to forget all that is going on around him, and can be approached and caught. The male alone utters a' cry, which sounds much like an ef- fort to speak with the mouth shut tight." PQinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff Complimentary. He—But I asked you, dearest, to keep our engagement a secret for the present. She—I couldn't help it. That hate- ful Miss Oldun said the reason I wasn't married was because no fool had proposed to me, so I up and told her you had. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, Gentlemen,—I had my leg badly hurt, the pain was very severe and a large - swelling came above the knee. I expected it would be serious --I rub- bed it with MINARD'S . LINIMENT, which stopped the pain and reduced the swelling very quickly. I cannot speak too highly of MINARD'S LINI- MENT. AMOS T. SMITH. Port Hood Island. A Likely Rea4on. "Green was knocking Brown ter. - Oily yesterday. I thought they were the best of friends. What has hap- pened?" "X guess Brown •must have asked Green to pay back some of the money he loaned to him." Minard's Liniiiient Believes Neuralgia. Don't wait until it begins to sprinkle before starting to lay up money for a rainy day, P inard's Lfntesent Cures Burns, Etc. Revenge. "Why are you inviting Miss Not- avoice to your party if you don't like her?" "To get even with her," "I don't understand your method." "I'll give' her a perfectly miserable evening by not asking her to sing." "Do you think kissing is as danger- ous as the doctor's say?" "Weil, I know it has put an end to many con- firmed bachelors." DR. 5 MEXICAN LINIMENT Should be in every home. STOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLY. Sure Cure for Cuts—Wounds—Bruises Sore Back—Pimples—Rheumatism Neuralgia — Felons —Piles — Headache—Barbers' Itch—or any skin trouble. t JRES ECZEMA Price 25o, 50a and $1.00; sent prepaid promptly on receipt of price it your druggist cannot sup - Dr. Lawrason Medicine Co. Dept. G. Toronto, Ont. Sickness Causes Inefficiency If you are losing tide and money through sickneso write at once to p. Harvey Roof Co. for a .est of remedies fpr Neurasthenia Asthma, Congestion of kidneys, Piles, Epilepsy or lalling Sickness, Nervous Deblitt', CatelTh. Eczema, Rheumatism, Old So, es or Uloees, and Indigestion. They haye been per- fected by years of medical practice. If not Satisfied with results after 30 days they cost you nothing. Send no money but return (his ad for postpaid teat &Ate ve akl purr cularff,, le_ Hervey, Reef Co„ Snits A, 6004, Station N., New York, 25,X, HAWK BICYCLES Aa u to -data High Ora Bicycle SttedwithollkerCharn Nerg Dear urs or Bercrtlet Coaster Brake and Hubs, Dela* Mak 7Yres'iglgrade cqui e,rnentiuctudingAud- cila 9�SfourdFREE 1916 Cata ague, 60 peges of .acyele , Srardr,'eJ and Rt -pair Mater:at. You can buy you• supplies front us al Wholesale Prices, `r.W,BOYD&SON, 27 Notre Dame St, Wesi,teroaireell r °w -rte' Qe will reduce inflained, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bunches; Heals Boils, Poll Quittor, Fistula and infected sores quietly as it to positive antiseptic and gertniaicle. Pleasant to MCI dons not blister or romovo the burr, and you can work rhe hover. Sz,DODeBook7liltf 4o. ASS011 BINE, 2R„the antiseptic liniment for wsnldnd, reduces Metal, Savottcn reins, Wens. Stralns, nrufeest rotope earn and inflammation. Price $1.Oo prr bottle at diastem or delivered. Will tdl yon more 11 you writ LiberalTrill wide forr^.•• is swans. 21, F, YOU113, I', 0, F., 510 Lymene BUI5 , Montreal, Onn. 41:wbine sod Absorhlne, 3r., aro rade its Csudl. BELP WANTED. 1�qp ,TEN WANTED FOR �S'oO.DWORH- IV.L ing factory; steady work. APPiY stating age and experienve. The Henry Wise Woodenware Co., Palmerston, Ont. 7 ANTED — 'I.AT1I MACHINIST$ and Fitters, Toolmakers, also operators experienced on the larger also shells. Phone or wire applications pre- ferred. B. Bell & Son company, Ltd., St. George, Ont. 7S'EWSP9=ER5 POB SAL1rS, 1)ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to 'Wilson Publishing Com- pany, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. e!'1 ANCBR, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC., ' internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. BelIman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. T TJ?IL NURSES NEEDED MAY 1ST. Exceptional advantages — Modern Nurses' Home; fully equipped Class Rooms; eight hour schedule; allowance of $5.00 per month with uniforms and text books after three months proba- tionary period; two years of high school required for entrance. For full particulars address Miss Frederika E. Gasser, Superintendent of Nurses, City Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, �. EMPIRE BUSINESS COLLEGE 340 Broadview Ave., Toronto, Ont. Day 16 MONTHS COURSE !Night The only College in Canada leaching all Typewriter Keyboards Oa rates are half ,boss prerailing elsewhere America's Pioneer Dog Remedies BOOK ON DOG DISEASES • And How to Feed Mailed free to zany address by' the Author H, CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 118 West 31st Street, New York 10 % Profit Men and Women, your spare time le worth up to $ 60 a week. You take no chances selling our Sanitary Brushes. Our sales system makes your income as- sured. Drop us a post card and let us tell you how. Canadian Fuller Brush, 63 Richmond W., Toronto, SPECIALLY MACE FARM FOOTWEAR r---7. DELIVERED TO YOU \ `'t'` $35 Here Is a light wweight, durable and oorntortable Working shoo specially suitable for farmers, woodsmen, mill - Men, trackman, laborers—all who re - /mire extra strong, easy footwear for working In. We make them of the splendid oil -tanned Skowhegan water - proofed leather that has made almaris "Moose Head Brand” famous for almost forty years. No need to suffer with tired, solo, ach- ing, bunting feet. Get a pair pf these nd find ease and comfort. If your slealer doesn't oarr'y them, penill d us s mine, enclosing e8.25, and we will chip you a pair,all charges paid, to any address in anada or U, B, Remi (stating size) • by postal or express order. Same style 'as shown, 8 tlYo- Ii,te high, $8,75AN'rrite for our catiiogg fully illustrating our Summer and Win ter too twear. 103EMT PA.LIIIE3 00., Zimit* L, 5J'redoricton, D7. $., Canada, etereselerivite ED 1, ISSUE 17-* °Zl