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Exeter Times, 1916-4-20, Page 1
WouTir- S Ec oND YEAR—NO. 2242 EXETER, ONT. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 20th, 1916 JONES & MAY Phone 32 PLENDID SHowiNo OF [,.,AUKS READY-TO- WEAR OARMIENTS Our Ladies' ready-to•wear department is exception- ally well equipped for the corning season, with New Wash Dresses, Blouses, Cloth and Wash Shirts, Suits, Middy Blouses, Corset Covers, Underskirts, etc, etc. New Summer Dresses In a great variety of styles and materials, plain and daintily trimmed at very moderate prices. Ladies' House - Dresses In ginghams, chambrays, prints, etc, Exceptionally well made garments, good fast colors, sized from 16 to 44 Priced from $r,00 to $2.00. • Middy Blouses For ladies and misses in all the newest styles and colorings, including plain colors, stripes, khaki, etc, good fast'collors, all sizes from 75c to $1,50: Ladies' Hosiery Specials' 50o pairs ladies' bluet cotton hosiery, sizes /34 to to, good wearing quality, fast dyes, on sale while they last at 2 pairs for 25c. 250 dozen ladies' vests, sleeveless and quarter sleeve, very special at 2 for 25c. Ladies' Easter neckware, new shipment just arrived. Men's Raincoats We have just received a shipment of the celebrated Arthur's.. make of: =raincoats, direct from the old country. Buying these direct enabies`'us to save you dollars on every coat, We also have other makers lines. Prices from $5 0o to $13.00; Men l Buy your New Suit Now Our values in men's and boy's suits were never better than those offered for the present season. We have an immence stock of blues, blacks, tweeds, and worsteds. Nearly all lines at old prices. - Men's Easter ties, socks, bats, shirts. collars, etc.. are shown here for men in great variety. Wonderful values in house furnishings including linoleums, rugs, carpets. window shades, curtains, curtain nets etc. See our new wall papers. Jones AND May ; 1110 jUGARMAKING SUPPLIES "A PAILS, PANS and SPILES at Lowest `Prices. Washing Machines & Wringers Make Wash Days Easy Wringers $ 3.75 to e6.00 Washers $9.00 to $12.00 Galt Tubs, Wash Boards, etc. 1 FOR SPRING PAINTING U S E Lowe Bette II. S. Paints Melowtone +fihi-l.';taenel in all colors Campbell's Varnish Stains Heashee, Varnishes, etc, HERMAN'S ""STOVE `R�To�D PHONES 27 A AND 27 B-EXE.rC+ Et _.: The war has served one useful purr .dose -it Iras given woman an oppor- ?!unity. of showing that she is iboth :fable and, willing to do a share in. 'ibringing victory` td the Empire. Her {share, is a large one and she is doing :dt noble etEarher-Valiour. Ori Wednesday took lige of ,:,A;pril lath, .a wedding rtkhe home o1 Mr. and Men. J. W. Ilan ;tour' of Hibbert, when their dangh e !Meade Aileen, was marniied to Mr. r of the s m ' t w.- elan Miller Barbee, ,ship. The ceremony was performed .j, alev, Mr,• IG'Jarling, on Steals FLAGS UP, SOAR. The government is isawng an order that Ube flag must be flown on all 'government buildings in Caeada on the anniversary of the battle of St, Julien. Jiprie 22nd, .The wish is .ex- pressed that the einnfvoreary of elle day when the .Cahadin" Mt Division won undying honoit nor themselves and for Canada should be gene ratty oboterved municipal Councils and school tru„steos should take note on allig and sec to it 'net flags r . m�anfi.cilpal bultl4ings and . eohool houses. Newspapers Mighty Friends But Powerful Foes Rev. S. W. aluxworthy delivered a very eloquent and forceful sermon in Main Street 'Methodist church. last Sabbath evening taking for bis sub- ject: Is the Press an A11y of elle i"uipitl Ilis text wag taken from Psalm fr8, 11 "The Lord gave the word; great was the company of those that publish it." The speaker said he wan asking no favor of news- papers, but their assistance is great - ay appreciated. Newspapers ere mighty friends. but powerful +roes. The clean newspaper is a necessity in life. It is as essential as the school and church. It is an entertainer std educator of immeasurablcf power. The n'ulpit gives the truth to the limited number who hear the message, but the press to the ends of the ,earth, now they are digging dugouts for the Men must know 'the,' truth if they are Sisters and they think thatgwill mine to be saved_ . the pulpit. mush make lmize the danger. All the patients it known and, the press rause spread say they would sooner be in ,, the h The yellow The people has almost had its day. 7'he'"people cannot a1: trenches than be Isere when we wf. newer thhave a raid. We were under rifle comesays be into ourooledhoThemes must spapbe some -at fire of the .lurkish guns while at what sensational but must speak out Suvia Bay butt we did not realize any against, tyranny, oppression, theft, 'fear in comparison with this. The and advocate the higher qualities or Turks have .some regard for a hospi- life. and fairness between man and tat but the Germans have none. Man. The speaker believes the edit Our one anticipation is the arrival for is correct when a city or town is of mails! ,and, they are quite exciting u J in the grip of grafters, the -crime just now, as our Christmas parcels bearer, carrying a basket al 1 should be published.. Faulty as the are only just arriving. t have been I and white carnations and !vesting press must be it is always en police advised of wevtrti having been sent, silk dress with veil a.nd wreath duty renderfr>g service as the costa- but so far have received none, but 'Pink- tent4 tit.p,it:,, bl,ssonz.. The gro"m's gift diazt of our etvilization. The preach- the other girls in my are 'more to the brute! was a. sunburst, to the ems message of salvation's to .save the fortunate, so usually' one arrives with +pianist n !solid geld brooch set web ,r r the •e meat - 'highest est- n to • they;•r i rye r a. Of co t�, :r mail. C.ind m< rl1 I .actpearls, whole man, faith, life body andand sou1 pny eats, and we have some tine �rar- loFver , tri rafter the usualcong1 deals with i practise, ties. Captain Hewitt received :c fixe , uta, ikitas tie bridal couple led rhe pulpit must) show the way to the - r genas• cake thi.1 bring so he will be { t invited. over to bring his cake sand way to 'the dining -room where alum- nussion..1Evangelism icannoti�lza coo- I ptuous ,! tatting dinner was served. mission when the social life ,m+tg (for each gees! .has..xa<: i+x3ee ' ri1e pe �• nes ivy re zrunx� r mus find plash its t n I,his or her own rzz+!g) costiY• ' ae..s were present aero is unhealthy and' the political • life e were advised the other; cSa9 that ' Sarnia t' inn; hroy, Marlette, 1' lint, is. corrupt. The' hindrance mast The 1105 bags et meet 'or the bt�to.etiC.t Londe):. arreai,, ,Crediton. Dashwood removed and the pulpit ,cleared. w . and p; , rr,,,,, The yonni anu . ix: wi' 1 mission c the is the making � force had 'been burned on an. ,ir,ar seri- p of character. The less, the school tng vessel, also that. the post -arc(' , reside Pre the ?;room's faun on '[be. and the government must aid to that in Saiontca had been burned tart third e�,a cssion of Usboxne, The end. All should be workers to week with out -going anal(., best w• -hes of a host o"r. fPiends fine i for human redemption. It is said Thttnlrs for the 1Flutt and ,Teff en- 'lo Mt and Mrs. ,J1:r�v'rrh.cie to 'their that the preacher should leave social c rtjoyod there inseams �- .„, .e „ea closures. We, reform and purity of politics alone i” 1 thunk Meta: must be 'very y social reform and hanging out such J;eauti£ul sunsc:=`fe.r ti;Fr 1'ii�r ,, 1 1~rs,»'.rch7,Seti a lot but where s z us down here. le ally, they •`re rudest Clean ovcrnmrrii mean prosperity in �, ends on lip ren street front, Mils, I Isten and the strap sect'happiness in the home Cribeble and et•� rvone just; end intend a eraet 1 .': new Izo+'�a. then it is the churches worlr. Tllic spelt bound and gazes. It must be the mountarns surrounding us that F.il.r ting., advertising eltanld be state government and pxzdate tele are _o rna nificent. e ntin,t^u.s. +''leen to-da�'"s dim,,er makes them s g r. • 'ox to -maims- relearn: tee in rlosr. touch, ntanuind mast be .l:d a yr r,1 ens a ex I *" le at home n Made to feel that it is al>sO.tutely Hate are all the �zr , (Cnatineed. On page five) Exeter Council A regular meeting of the council was held Friday,' April 14. Council- lor H'utd absent, (Minutes of the pre- vious meeting were read and Approved Councillor Roulston reported as to placing lire insurance on the contents of Tawn; Hall, Fire Hall, etc, aiso on weigh scale building, store room and eontenle. Approved. The reeve gave a full reiport of the et" Hydro Radial meeting at Toronto Mr, W. A. ,B,alkwill addressed the council i Liquor License Act arde son,, cousin of the groom and M. Village 'By-law. The !reeve promised Frank Triebner, Jr., brother of the to look into same. Mr, Wm. Parsons asked for the pri- vilege to tap the Carling Street drain at the. comer of Sanders Street, Miss Spicer's complaint re drain presented by the reeve. Per Beavers and Routlston tisat the matter be dealt with by the 'Public Warks Com.-C'd, Communication was read from J. T, Turner & Sons re' flags. Beavers and ltaulslon that the clerk secure a nine - foot flag. -Carried. Nuptials If it doesn't; up and pointers. DIINSFORD-TRIET31�tEht get waxen Borne of us will be down with' nervous on Wednesday, April lath!,, a quiet prostration for the thoughts of wedding took 'place at the Trivitt' Louseableanirg' and cleaning up onte Memorial church, when Rev. D. W. aside can be borne only so long with - Collins, of Windsor, united iv mart, net being able to work them off; riage Bliss Juila Maud, eldest daughe ter of Mr. and Ales. Frank Triebeer, u " ` of Stephen, anti Mr. Peru Dunsford News comes from England of a of the samo township The bride was (beverage which "smells like beer, married in her travelling suit of looks likes beer, tastes like beer" navy blue wide hat to match. They but isn't beer for it has no lteaB:aChe were attended be' Miss Mary AcheP wrapped up in it. After all the head- .r- ache is about the only reminder a man has of money spent, By-law No. 2, 1916-,-A by-law to guard against danger of accident from contact or interference with Electric light tropes, wires, anchors, o,r other eciuipme,nt of the Hydro system in Exeter was read the .necessary num- ber of times and finally passed on motion. of Beavers and Marton, same •to, be signed' and seated. By-law No.. 3, 1916.-A by-law to protect and preserve the boulevards acid private lawns in the Village of Exeter was read and passed on third reading by motion of Roulston and Beavers, same to be signed and sealed Mr. M'awson, auditor, gave his re- port .for the month of March, which wvias adopted on, notion of Herten and Beavers. Betavers-Harton-That the Reeve and Treasurer be empowered to bor- row the necessary ,money for current exp ermiture.-.Carried. Beavers and Harton-That the coun- cil ask for tenders for the necessary length of 4 in. Galt'. iron pipe to con- duct the overflow water from the tank to ground at water tower,-C',i, The:following accounts were read and a,pproy'ed, Electric Light Co.152: 34; Belt Telephone Co., 5,00; Geer Bantle. 34.80; H. T. Rowe 37.05; Can- adian Consoliclated Rubber Co., 6.S8; G. K. Steer 1.75; J. W. a*Taylor 15,00 Gen1VLawson 12.50; W. j.+ Bissett 37.- 50; John Ford 37.50; T. Houlden 2.50; R. Davis 4.35; I. Hall 5-10; H. Runeobr 1.85; A. Sanders 1.93; 'I'. Brock 4_90; R. Yellow 1.00; 7 ti .7.20; total $414,90. Jos. Senior, ;Clerk. Letter from Greece The following interesting letter from Nursing Sister M. Edna Dow, with' No. 4, Canadian General Hospital British Force in Greece, was receiv- ed by Miss Edna Follick and will be read with much interest bly Miss Dow's many friends in town. Are other letter that was written some two months previous to this one ar- rived only about a week ahead of it. Tuesday, Jany. llth My Dear Edna, - It seems a long time since I have written to anyone. Somehow I can- not settle down to writing lately, al- though I feel perfectly well and have never been a day off ,duty since lean- ing Canada. I don't think 3' ever felt better in my life. We have to guard against the very changeable' weather though, for it- will be from one extreme to the other in about twenty-four hours. We are not at all busy now, as there has been no fighting, but. the Allies are wonderfully prepared and indeed an advance from the German- Bulgars seems quite impossible, owe ing to our splendid position. Our greatest peril just now seems from airl-raids, and we have been having them frequently. Needless tat say we are all nearly petrified, as rna are helpless when the heavens rain bombs. The only thing we can do is lie fiat on the ground, as there is less dant f flying ,shrapnel. However, bride. Mr. and Mrs. Dunsford left on the morning train for Cleveland, To- ledo and Sandusky, Ohio, and on With marriage licenseegoing up o their return will reside on h five dollars and the municipalities be - groom's fine faxen on the Lake Road. ing empowered to increase the poll Their many friends 3vili join wilth tax to five dollars it looks as tbough the Times be best wishes for future they are getting the single men bee happiness, tween two fires with five the *O. only otJ * * M. 0 DR'WIN-DAVIS The Trivitt Memorial church was the scene of a second wedding on Wednesday, April 12th, this one at four o'clock in the afternoon when Miss Mary Grant Davis, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Davis, of town, was united in holy wedlock with Mr, Franklin IL Erwin, of Ingersoll, The ceremony wag performed by Rev. D. W. Collins,. of Windsor, and Was witnessed by a number, of friends of the bride. The bride was dressed in her travelling suit of navy blue with fawn hat. She entered, the church on the arm of her fattier, carrying a bouquet of white roses.Both bride and groom were unattended. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents, ker friends having tender- ed her a shower. Mr, and Mrs. Er- win left on the evening train for In- gersoll, where the groom owns a dairy farm. The Times joins with their many friends in extending con gratulations. THOMPS•0N —OYLE A very pretty wedding took place on Saturday, April 15th at high noon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Boyle, when their daughter Birdie was united in marriage to Mr. W. Stevely Thomp- son, $on of Dr. and Mrs. A. Tlromps-n, of London. Rev. D. W. Collins, of Windsor, former rector of the Trivitt Memorial church, was the officiating clergymen and only the Unman:1 ale relatives of the contracting parties were present. The bride entered the parlor on the arm of her father to the strains or the wedding march Played by Miss L. Thompson, cousin of the groom. The bride wore a most becoming gown of white taffeta with overdress of net. Her bridal veil was caught up with orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of bri- dal ridal roses. The bride's sister, Mists Lin Han Boyle, acted as bridesmaid, dress- ed in pink silk marquisette and carry- ing a bouquet of pink roses. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Stewart Thompson; of London. After the ceremony a very y luncheon was served in the dining's, room. The bride, who is one of IJxee ter's most popular young ladies, wee the recipient of many handsome and useful gifts, having been twice show- ered by her many fri.•ens. The gro.rtn is traveller for B. G. Struthers ne Co.• of London. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson left on the evening train for Buff' to and Cleveland. A great many of their friends gathered at the depot to give them a send-off. On their return they will take up their residence on William street. Their many friends will join wit the Times in eat nda ing congratulations, REYNOLDS-DEA1I'ING A very pretty wedding was soleme nixed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and 'firs. 'W. H. {Dearing, of the 2nd con. of Stephen, when their daughter, Gladys V., was united in the holy 'bonds of ma:trimOny to Mr. Luther Reynolds, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'Reynolds,. of Exeter. The bride entered the parlor while the strains of Mendelssohn'b wed' ding march watt played by Miss Ethel tjuiek, A,DIus.L.U., London, and was given away by her father. The 'cere- mony was performed under a beanti- ful evergreen arch decorated with pink and white roses and Easter lilies, by Rev. '\V'. G. II. McAlister, of Exeter. The bride looked charming in a dress of white Bananza wearing a bridal veil and orange bics- soans, which wan worn ,by her mother when she war married, and carrying a bouquet of white carnations. The bride's little sister 'Madeleine, made street little. flower girl and ring- , may 7af+•ly be daztc on the went price'- rC bn iz` aru>d +n page rive) • means eseape. a * i M 0 spot It might have been better had the government imposed a. tax of five dollars on the single men not paying other taxes and collect four dollars for revenue purposes; instead or taking five dollars for marriage license from the young couple about to start housekeeping. at a s We have sometimes heard it a re- marked that the price of potatoes was so low that it would pay better to feed them to the hogs than market them. With hogs around e10.50 and prices still going higher it might be still profitable to feed ti eer2. to the bogn giowever at the present penen of potatoes. some of us have to set one a little 04 our daay nations. A bill has been indorsed by the municipal committee in .the Pro-,. vincial parliament giving dere .mini'' cipalities the power to impose a tax .deco }1 to $5 on all mates not a rayl= ing other taxes. At' the present time, the poll tax is 41.i)0. The tax col- lector is armed with the law and is. usually backed up by a strong resn- luf•ion by the town council and with. this manages to collect, from a few who pay up about as willing as motet +'a x-xrayers do, butt those whoevade' the poll tax are abcut as numerous as the slackers *vita evade the r+eeruitl- ing offioers. UNDDR'WENT OPERATION Jean, the little daughter of Mr:. and Mrs. Nelson Sheere, was operated: on on Tuesdayl for the removal of her; tonsils and adenoids. The operation was performed by Dr. nIcGillieuddy. The little lady is suffering a great.! Ueal but it is ihoped she will soon he around again. The many friends of Mrs. Then. Acheson, of the Central Hotel will . be sheon pleased to know the underwent Mondayevening- ev�z nat the hands of Drs. Moore, of Loudon,. and Ryndnlan, of town, was success- ful and that she is doing - as well as can be expected. That ehe ynay speedily recover is the nape or her friends. 1 THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE SHOES — We have some very attractive styles in ladies' and children's shoes and the prices are right. Astoria Shoes for Men. MEN'S. RAIN COATS —A line worth $18.00 for $15.00_ Another line worth $5MO for $4.00. CLOTHING A nicely assorted stock of ready to wear suits for men and boys, the styles are night. Our made to measure samples are here and show good values. The style is guaranteed. CAPS --- A new line of spring ceps dust received. B. W. F. eeeeseo4enee40000te©esee et404.44eraer2elne6erne63edr+ineene••4• dee 4 +es fota- . Q s • New i1ats, Shirts, Ties, • • Arrow Collars, and all • • ther F arnishiigs for • • Men. •. • . . s • • • • All the latest Styles hi Spring • •�� •• Clot! ing, for men. • • •1 • • •, PHONE SIA !Si -LINOS A ; '.if , ,. d • 11.0 o t,txarc, • - 4%#aeon 0 • aati."xuY