Exeter Times, 1916-4-13, Page 7COLD ' 'Triol On Her Lungs Causing Great Pain. TO -OE CURE WAS DR. WOOD'S Norway Pine Syrup. :Miss D. M. Pickering, St. 'Catharines, .. L, writes: "having derived great benefit. from Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, I th uglit 1 would write and tell yen of trigexperience. When I first came out fromI.riglaud I contracted a severe cold, owing to the change of climate, It settled on my lungs, and caused me a great deal of. pain. I tried every remedy I could think of, but got no relief. My father, who had heard a great deal about the good qualities of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, advised me to try it. I did so, and r atii pleased to say, found im- mediate relief. I only took one bottle and it cured the completely, My mother had a severe cold also, and Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cured her, so we never fail to keep a bottle of it in the hduse." Sec that non: of those so-called "pine syrups" are handed out to you when yott go to your•druggist or dealer and ask for "Dr. Wood's." It is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade )nark; price, 25c and $Oe. 4.4 Manufactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. • NEW MM' OF EUROPE. Royal Geographical Society Has Much Work To Do. The Royal Geographical Society in London is a hive of industry these days, not in the ordinary way as one of the conservative old British insti- tutions for scientific research, but as part of the war machine -making nape of the rapidly shifting geo- graphy of Europe, supplying the War Office and the Admiralty with geo- graphical data and maps worked out with scientific minuteness on land and water routes, topography, moun- tain passes arid all elle details which the military strategists must have. The scientific geographers are thinking ahead to the time for "fram- ing and dictating terms of peace," when the- man of Europe will be .elaeade over again and new boundai;ies laid down -a stupendous work con- sidering the vast areas of territory which has ;,hilted through military occupation, and which ultimately will have to be settled as temporary or permanent at a peace congress -the fronts in Russia, France, Italy, Aus- tria, the Balkans, Central and East Africa, Per?ia and the Pacific islands and ports. Dr. Keltie, secretary of the Royal Society and the: admit isirative direc- tor of the institution, said it was quite too soon yet to outline the so- called "new reap of Europe." The areas of occupation were indefinite and constantly shifting, and it re- mains to be seen whether recognized and established political boundaries of the past are to be changed per- rnanently, as it requires something more than military occupation to change them. Is 'War Declining? during the nineteenth century 586 battles were :fought. This is exclud- ing all the smaller engagements, which, if reckoned. along with the rest, bring fire total to 8;102 -that is, 81 battles per .year, or a fraction over one and a half every week during the full hundred years. Our battlegrounds were spree d over the following nine- teen countries: France, India, Austria, Russia, Belgium, Egypt, America, Ashanti, Soudan, Afghanistan, China, New Zealand, Zululand, Persia, Abys- sinia, Burmah, Mashoealand, Corea, and the Transvaal. How many battles will be recorded by future historians for the present ,twentieth century it is impossible to say. But if the great war drags on indefinitely, it is very possible that last century's total will be eclipsed. hi the Bak Becomes lame IT 11, ii ielfl CF Waal' iia)' TROUBLE - , Do i.t's Kidney Pills cure the aching b u•1Tby caring the aching kidneys be-. math -foe it. is really the. kiclueys•acliing and tint the hark. ee Dorm's Rainey 3'ills. are a special lidncy and bladder medicine for the eure of alt kirb1 'y troubles. Mrs. Louise.Oonshaw, 688 Manning Ave (`o.°nto, Ont., • write: '"I take great pleneurc in writing you, stating the benefit 1 .have t c.;eived i:,y us.ing Doan's Kidney Pills. About three years, ago I was terribly alllkteci with lame back,' and was so hast I could not rven sweep the floor. I was ndvi.>ccl to try your • pills, and hcforr. Isbad aged nue box there wsis a great irnprovctncnt, and my back was touch better.. however, I kept on taking; them until my I.Iack was completely - cured: I highly recommend Dean's' for lame, -bade" Doau's Kidney Pills are the.: ori€.inal pill for the kidneys. See that our trade. ,nark the "Maple Leaf '• appears on the wraepee. - Doan's Kidney Pills are 50c per box, 8'boxes for $1.25; at all dealers or iri:ilect direct nit receipt: of price. by The T. Milburn Co., merited, Toronto, C)nt. • • la ordering tilted specify "Doan's. "" Cheese Dishes, Cheese Holl, --Take an ordinary long French roll and cut into slices remov- ing the crusts so as to leave round pieces of crumb. Butter each slice and cover ve}'y• thickly with grated American cheese; then pile the slices one on top of the other. Boil a half pint of milk with pepper, salt and a little grated nutmeg and when it is boiling pour over the bread and cheese, making sure to have it soak into every pert; Place in a well -buttered deep pan and bake for 15 minutes in a moderate oven, basting foul: or five times with the juice that comes from it. When cooked the top.should have a golden brown crust. Boston Roast: Mash up the con- tents of a pound can of kidney beans, adding half pound of grated cheesy: and enough bread crumbs to snake the mixture stiff enough to handle, Knead and make into a roll. Prepare the roasting tin by heating and putting butter and ,water in the dripping pan; then when the butter is quite melted and the pan hot put in the roll. Bake for about 15 minutes, basting with the butter and water, and serve with tomato sauce. Chopped onions may be. added to this dish if desired or a delicate flavor of the onions can be given by chopping them and cooking in the butter and water that is used for the basting. Vandervalle's Cheese Souffle. -Take two good soupspoonfuls of flour and mix it with half a teacupful of milk; melt a lump of butter the size of a filbert (about a quarter ounce) and add that; then enough grated •cheese to your taste and the yoke of four eggs. Add at the last the whites of the four eggs beaten stiffly, pepper and salt. Butter a mold, put in your mixture and let it cook for one hour tin the saucepan, surrounded with I boiling water and the lid on. Then , turn out the souffle and serve with a mushroom sauce.- The sauce is a good white sauce to which you have added already -cooked mushrooms. I Clean them, first of all, chop them and cook them till tender in butter and their own juice; then throw them in !the sauce and pour it over your souf- ' fle. Emelie Jones' Cheese Souffle. - 1 Grate a half pound of Gruyere cheese. Mix in a cup of milk a dessertspoon- ! ful of flour; beat •four whole eggs and !add first the cheese and then the flour and milk mixture. Season with pep- " per and salt and put all into a mold. 1 Let it cook in a saucepan of boiling 1 water for an hour and a half. Then i at the end f thi s time put it in the oven for half an hour. Sheese Pudding. -Boil up a pint of • milk and pour it on to one tablespoon- ful of rice flour, which has been mix= ed with a little cold milk, put back into the pan and stir until the mix- ture thickens. Remove the pan from the fire and add four ounces of finely - grated cheese, a pinch of salt and cayenne, two ounces of butter and the yolks of two eggs. Mix all well to- gether and then add the beaten whites of the eggs. Butter a pie dish and pour the mixture into it and bake in a moderate over for 20 minutes. Sprinkle grated cheese over the top before serving. Savory Cheese Pudding. -One-half pound cheese grated, one ounce of but- ter oil, pepper, salt, one teaspoonful of strong mixed mustard, an egg. Mix all and bake it in a beittered dish 20 minutes till set. Serve it very hot. Chinese Corks. -Make a thick white sauce and when it has gotten cold add the yoke of one egg and a few drops of lemon juice. Sprinkle in a slice of •grated stale bread and enough grated chees to flavor it very strongly. Then leave for two hours to get quite cold. Shape into small pieces like corks, dip them into the beaten white of egg and then into very fine breadcrumbs. Have ready some hot fat in a deep pan fry your corks until they are a golden brown. From the same source comes the directions for making cheese balls. Cheese' Ba11se-Take two dessert- spoonfuls of flour and blend with a little milk; add the yolks of three eggs. Grate two ounces of Gruyere cheese •and two ounces of Parmesan and add to the flour and eggs. The cheese should be grated as finely as ossible. Heat the niixtur well a so as to keep the flour from lumping, and cook for five minutes, then add the juice of one-half a lemon and a little dust of cayenne pepper. Set aside to get cold. Then make into small balls and roll in egg and bread - crumbs. Fry in boiling fat until they are golden brown, drain and serve at once on a hot dish. P stewing Flow to Clean Walls and Ceilings. In the care of all woodwork there is one caution never to be forgotten -to clean off spots just as soon as they appear. If dirt and grease are allowed to stand on woodwork it means that severe measures must be taken to remove the dirt, and usually where extreme methods are used the finish is removed with th dirt, • Stains should be removed from un- finished wood before washing.: Grease stains are the most common. The grease should first be wet with cold water to prevent spreading and then scrubbed with a strong washing soda or lye solution. To bleach an unfinished. surface which has been darkened; oxalic acid, I II t Imade in a solution of one teaspoon- ful to one cup of hot water, may be applied to the entire surface with a brush. This is allowed to dry and then the surface is scrubbed as usual. i For the washing, the surface should be gone over with •a wet eloth, then. scrubbed with tt thrush and soon oe a LOSSES ON SEAQ ARE SIGHT PREY OF SUBMARINES GREAT- EST IN NUMBER. A Naval Expert Says Conditions Are Unchanged by Past Encounters. A naval expert, writing in the Scientific American, is inclined to con - since fallen prey to the submarine, 9 notably' the. Formidable, Majestic, Amalfi and Guiseppe Garibaldi, though - the principal Reid in (teach they ,are feared is in commercial truffle," THE 1DAY �L TO TILL EVERY ACRE. French Minister of Agriculture Warns Nation of Necessity. The cultivation of every parcel of land in France - to assure the maxi- mum agricultural production is the aim of the French Government, and Verse 25. Worshipped -While the to bring this about the Government word does not in itself imply more itself will deb temporarily as a farmer. than reverence paid to a superior by A bill has been prepared under the prostration, It is clear that no Romaa INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APB+„ IL • Second Quarter, Lesson ill. -.The Gospel for the Gentiles -Acts 10. Golden Text : Rom. 10; 12, fine sand soap. In scrubbing, the Sider lightly the loss of 82 major war direction of Jules Meline, Minister of noncommissioned officer would have brush should always go with the grain vessels of the Allies, which have been Agriculture, -requesting the owners of behaved thus to a Galilean fisherman: y sent to the.bottorn since the beginning uncultivated land to begin tillage Peter's interpretation of the act was of the wood, never across the ge ing or in a circular motion. After 'being of the European war. He bases his within two weeks after notice. y perfectly correct. thoroughly scrubbed the surface opinion on the fact that while the f land is not cultivated withiin the 26. Even an angel similarly re- surface should be rinsed off with cleat'' warm. number of Allied vessels lost looms time specified the bill provides that pudiated such worship (Rev. 22. 9). water and then wiped as dry as pos- large, the conditions existing on the mayors of communities have the right The lowly Jesus accepted it (Matt, 8. sible with a cloth wrung out of warm sea remain unchanged after close on to requisition the ground and order 2, etc.). water. •to two years of warfare. Indeed, as its cultivation, the towns to assure 28. Unlawful -According to the iAs little water as will do the work the war continues the grip of the the funds necessary to carry on this rabbis, who had added this and many properly should be used, 11 a great Allies on control of the sea becomes work. The bill further provides for a; other fare'eachiug novelties to the deal of water is used the wood be- tighter and more secure. He states municipal or an agricultural commit- Law. Even to come unto a Gentile tomos water -soaked and darkens. in garb: tee to supervise the cultivation of was forbidden, not to speak of close Thorough rinsing is also essential, as "At the outbreak of the war the such land. intimacy (join himself). And yet- • otherwise the surface becomes gray, preponderance of the Allied fleet was Minister Moline says that there has I The latter word has no right in the and muddy looking. In washing a sufficient to give it virtual control of been a defiicit in grains of 10 per text; see the paraphrase above. Any wood floor care must be taken not to the seas. The Central Powers, rccog- Cent• in 1915, as compared with 1914.!man stands in a very emphatic place splash water on the baseboard. In nixing the situation, concentrated their The minister declares that there islet the end. Doter has learnt the les - washing a table, the edge and under vessels so far as possible in horns nob a minute to be lost if France !son Paul expounds in Co. 3. 11, I'el- the edge must be carefully washed. waters. Those unable to seek this does not want to be surprised by de- I low, brown, or black men -to moder- This under surface becomes greasy shelter, on account of the hazard in- velopments and exposed to the posse-; nue his words -must be regarded by simply from the touch of the hands: volved without adequate returns, ; bility of arriving too late on the ' Christians as simply men, and there- cruised in remote waters less efficient- I economic battlefield. ! fore brothers. Common -Compare ly policed. Here it was possible bol GERMAN VALOR A MYTH. Mark 7. 2. It is the antithesis of Useful Hints. prey on the enemy's commerce while consecrated. There is a scavenger When cooking beef in a fireless awaiting conflict on more nearly equal class in Renaies, the Donis for whom !Officers Appointed Without Reference, cooker do not put salt an until the terms. Hinduism has no temple that will ad- p "From ,• I To Their Courage. beef is done. k z om the first, then, the control of: ; mit them, though one shrine there will the has1 d 1 t th All' Asa result of a series of :roes ex- ad it d "h ' i White velevt can be freshened by to sea been conte ec o e les i m a og. L rest anity came an t fez the uerilla warf� aiuinations of German prisoners. a re-, too h kt applying chloroform to it after free - these g are of cent issue of the Journal des Debats,; em all in: and at least one Dom ing the velvet of dust. • these isolated vessels; and the first ; of Paris, prints the following article ! is to -day a Christian preacher." The 1 A teaspoonful of turpentine to a stage of the naval warfare consisted on actual conditions of the German! holy 61 holies is open to every sharer pail of water will brighten faded car- in clearing up the ocean of the daring army :- . - (in that humanity which Christ put on: pets better than ammonia. marauders who temporarily disputed "In regard to the bravery and valor: "God cleansed" (verse 15) all men- the Allied cotttrol.in remote seas, of the German officers, the- prisoners kind potentially by the incarnation. convenience in the summer cottage. Losses Light, Considering Results. 1 declares that the appointments of the 1 30. Four days ago --We say three, They require no ironing. " assistant officers from the volunters' for the ancients counted in the first q g• Phe cont,�letion of this task was ;takes place without iu any way tak- days,Sup - "The If y°u are shortweof part of tied powder nate accomplished not pal u ut loss to the ing into account the actual courage l pose! Cornelius asp eakingoonoa Frida sift togethera Allies. The principal units lost to the . speaking Y and bravery of rite candidates In of soda and two parts of cream of tartar. If any boiled starch is left over, save it and put it into the water with which oilcloth or linoleum is washed. It will keep them new and bright. Gelantine pudding can be made British in this phase were the Good Hope, a cruiser of 14,000 tons, the Monmouth, a cruiser of 9,800 tons, in Admiral Craddock's ill-fated squad- ron on the west coast of Chili, and the . Pegasus, a light cruiser of 2,135 tons,' afternoon: his vision was thus on fact, the greater part of the officers Tuesday. The ninth hour -Except in thus chosen are notorious for their; p cowardice. As soon as a bombard - sixth, Fourth Gospel an2y the third, ment starts they quickly seek shelter.! sixth, and ninth hours are mentioned The patrols, of which from time to I in the New Testament, with the time they form a part, never venture in the New Testament, with the 4;"t= PALPITATIO •E TE wel: Sudden fright or emotion may cause a momentary arrest of the heart's action, or some excitement or apprehension may set up a rapid action of the heart thereby causing palpitation.. Palpitation, again, is often.•the result 'of digestive disorders arising froin the stomach, or may be the result of over indulgence of tobacco or alcoholic drinks. The only way to regulate this serious heart trouble is to use Milburn's Heart and Nerve Tills. Mrs. F. 8, Nicholls, Listoweli, Ont., writes: `I was weak and run down, my heart would palpitate and I would take weak and dizzy spells. A friend ad- vised me to try Milburn's . Heart and Nerve Pills, so I started at once to use them, and found that I felt much strop?er. I cannot praise your medicine too highly, for it has done me a world of good, ' - - Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50e per box 3 boxes for $1.25; at all dealers, or nailed direct by The T. Ivlilburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, IS A MARVEL OF ORGANIZATION AN AMERICAN'S OPINION OF THE BRITISH ARMY. Correspondent Says It Is Becoming Mightier Hourly for the "Great Push." The New York Herald correspond- - ent in London cables to that paper as follows: "I have just returned from a five days' trip to the British front in France and Flanders, during which. I was permitted, through the courtesy of the British Government, to pass through and along the battle lines from a village near Neuve Chapelle - to a point overlooking the trenches, where the gallant Canadians are ce- menting the Union of the Empire with the blood of their heroes. very far. ! eleventh for a special purpose. They "I have heard the shriek over my sunk by the Koenigsberg at Zanzi- ; several mare nourishing by `mixing it with I bar. These naval losses may be con- ca"T ens pr adsoner, er, dho onon oncf these. are absolutely vague, and are best head in places where Britain's gun - milk instead of water; but be sure sidered light for.the results obtained,prendered by forenoon, noon, and after- ners are returning two `tits' £or each that the milk is not too hot or it will! "As the Teutons have not felt in- I cometoan saidearly baltyont he pretext noon. Only the observant John German `tat'; I have glowed with re - curdle. :lined to major operations, the sue- that it would be useless to continue speaks of hours that needed a sundial fleeted enthusiasm as I gazed upon In making ices in which you u>''I eeeding Allied operations, with one further. Especially asnthis true on to fix them. The three prayer times Britain's soldiers marching on the m "oat; sherry wine for eight or ten hours of restraining raids and submarine 59, just south of Ypres. An officer had Evening and morning and at noon will high spirited and hopeful, toward fresh fruit, let the fruit soap " c exception, have been with the object one occasion in the vicinity of Hill No. are those implied in the psalmist's roads and over the fields of France, Freezing will not harden fruit treat- : ed in this way. 1 • THE HOLOCAUST OF VERDUN. Incidents of the Great Battle Which Fill One With Horror. activity. The exception consists of the Dardanelles- campaign, where sec- ond line or predreadnought battleships' were employed out of their normal sphere to reduce fortifications which events subsequent ti c its )ro � . proved weremore 1 oz capable of 'resistance than anticipated. I A modern vessel, the Queen Elizabeth, j was frequently mentioned in the bone - barely not escape the observation of the priv- i barely reached the outskirts of the I pray." German barbed wire entanglements, 31. Thy prayer- The petition just when lie proposed to return to head- offered. Thine alms. -The practice of quarters and give an account of some charity, the motive of which God fantastical observations that they could read; apply Matt. 6. 3, 4, and would have made up and agreed upon. remember that the American Version this patriotan Of course received Iron Cross, openly there is spurious., "This attitude of the officers does: 33. In the sight of God, as in verse ` The world has grown • so familiar I bardments that occurred; but it is i ates.."-(Feem an examination of a I with the tales of wholesale slaughter 1 probable that owing to the range of prisones from the 2iOth regiment of Isince the war began that nothing ! her 15 -inch guns it was, not necessary ,reserve infantry.) 1 short of hecatombs of slain suffice to' and presumably never intended that j HOW TO GET UP EARLY. move it to its depths. If the Verdun j she should conic within range of the ! - carnival of fire and blood has not so { forts, or that she should be exposed ;Alarm (lock That• Throws Man Out stirred it nothing else will. The nar- Ii to the floating mines and possible tor-': of Bed. ratives bristle., with points of horror. ; pedo attack in the straits. Here it is of bloody fragments of "[ "Of these vessels engaged within ‘ A remarkable clock which not only unrecognizable humanity hurtling i the clanger zone, the Allies lost heav- awakened its owner in the morning, through the air where the great ex-' fly The battle 'hip- I re i t•bl but dumped him out of bed and lit his � b a rs s ee,•• 31, makes all human witness pass into forgetfulness. The Lord, on the lips of the still„ unevangelized Roman, means Jehovah. 44. It is of course implied that this company of earnest seekers -Jews in 'faith because they knew nothing bet- ter -accepted the Gospel of which Peter's presentation has just been summarized. Note Peter's statement in Acts 11. 15, that he had hardly more titan begun. battlefields upon which the destinies of the world are to be decided, and I have raised my hat in solemn homage to thousands of wasted, war worn, wounded `Tommies,' each of whom, having done a man's full share in the `Great Adventure,' is returning confident that those who follow after him will wrest final victory from the foe. Britain and France United. "My journey to the front was made while the issue of the great battle at Verdun was in the balance -it may still be -and when all the thoughts of Britain's army were with, and its prayers for, the success of General Joffre's gallant French, and my thrills over a few shells that burst within plosives had descended, and falling on ;Ocean, Goliath, Triumph, Majestic, fire, is now in the possession of the ; 45. Was poured out -So in Acts 2. my line of vision or far over my Wisconsin State Historical Society's 33. Thehead seem ludicrous when I have had the French soldiery in the adjacent 1 Bouvet and Leon Ganibetta were the gift -A recurrent term. See +;,„ + ,. a and digest thenews of trenches, and there of the veil of I major rnits lost; but the losses also Museum at Madison. _.. the fateful happenings near the gate- way of Lorraine that leads to Paris. "But though that titanic conflict overshadows the sounds of war that The road to Douamont was strewn i important ships will be jeopardized in University and found it hard to wake ; Spirit by measure"! Joel 2 28 might grated upon. my untrained ears, I feel smoke lifting from the snow-covered 1 included a number of submarines and The clock was the property of the ; We Bind its source in the Master's own slope and showing up the ground transports. late Mr. John Muir, the eminent ward, Luke 11. 13. flow appropriate thickly dotted with the corpses of the "From the experience gained in this I naturalist and explorer, who made it . is that verb tbat speaks of the lavish men who had fought their last fight. , adventure it is extremely unlikely that himself when he was at Wisconsin' profusion of Him who "giveth not the with dead; whole regiments had been similar campaigns. early after late nights. ' have taught these Jewish Christians'1 certain that readers will be i wiped out upon it and the men lay in 1 "The Allies' problem, henceforth, He made a bed of pine boards with ; to be so surprised. nter- ested in the news that I bring as the thousands where they had •fallen. became one of repressing an German three legs, two at the head and one 46. Speak with tongues -See Les- result « of my observations. First -That France and Great There was a brown line that attracted : naval activity. This took two forms, at the foot. The leg at the foot was' son Text Studies for January 9. Of the attention of the French gunners. one, the raid in force, the other, the so made that if a peg was released course this was only the "outward Britain are indissolubly united as a They opened on it with their l6)s and ;war of attrition by the sowing of the bed would drop bo an angle of 45 and visible sign of an inward and result of their joint sacrifices. spiritual grace"; the overflowing ecstasy of a Divine possession pro- ` duced these snatches of praise. ' 47. The greater has been given - how could prejudice itself refuse the less ? See Acts 1. 5, quoted when Peter defends himself in Acts 11, 16. Notice how there Peter emphasize the overwhelming predominance of Divine agency: a few words from the nes- sager who had come so Tar were quite enough. This verse should saw large numbers of bodies spring mines and torpedoing by submarines, degrees. A strong cord, fastened to into the air. That was in the evening. the peg, led to the clock. On the end When the morning light spread "the Second Raid in Force. of the cord near the clock was a large brown mass, was a mass of German "The second raid in force, with a stone. corpses, that had been annihilated he- squadron of powerful high-speed bat- Before Mr. Muir retired the cord tween the two hills, and the bodies ' ole cruisers and cruisers, encountered was attached to the clock, and at were so closely pressed together that Admiral Beatty's battle cruiser squad- five the clock would do its work. the majority of them were standing ron. This resulted in the loss of the While teaching in a country school - upright. There was a fierce struggle , Blucher and serious injuries to other house he used the clock to start a for a little wood that the French were German vessels. fire before ire arrived at school. The holding. While they fought for it "Important injuries occurred to clock upset a tube of sulphuric acid they mined ib, and when all was ready • the British vessels notably bile b tttle into a mixture of chlorate of potash they permitted themselves to be driv- cruiser Lion, in this engagement, but, -and sugar placed under the firewood en out of it. It was immediately ,the damage inflicted upon the enemy the night before. Instant combustion rushed by the enemy. Then a button raiders was sufficient to prevent a re took place. was pressed that conbrolled a series currence of raids by sea up to the of electric wires. A boom sounded, present bime of writing. In this in- 1 t . " 't;;' and forthwith "trees and debris•were flying about and there were terrible cries. The Boches had forever finish- ed their bawling, and those of our soldiers who had feigned flight were in hysterics of delight." Thus in a long series of grim and lucid word pictures the agonies are piled one upon another, Relatively, these may have been smelt, but in such a hades as Verdun has been they can have been nothing else than terrible. And, whatever be the sorrows and the re- grets, and the butchery of gallant men by bhp thousand and by tens of thousands, all that can be said of it is that war is war, and this particular war is more than anything else a war of attrition, and that the one and only way to stop the Germans from fighting is to kill them off! That is what it comes to, and if ib be so, then the more of them that are slaughtered the more expeditiously and wholesale it is done, the sooner we shall have peace, But it is, nevertheless, a sorry road to a desirable end, a struggling along a Via Dolorosa red with human sacrifice towards victory -`-it May be over wah itself, stance important results were accom- plished without loss of vessels to the Allies. "The destruction incident to mines, navigation and the dangerous explo- sives carried form an imporbant part of the total, and there is a part of the unfortunate losses which must be counted upon in the vigorous prosecu- tion of any war. The proportion of this damage to the whole is much greater in the present war than it would be in one where the control of rho 'sea was distntted In th" te- gory has Colne the principal loss of the Allies, so far in the war, through the sinking of the dreadnought Auda- cious off the Irish coast. The King Edward,. Bulwark, Natal and Bene- detto Brin were also lost in this way. The remaining method of harassing the Allies, and the one that continues, is through the use of the submarine, "Naval opinion§ received an impres- sive shoal: when the news of the tor- pedoing of the cruisers Hogue, Abou- kir and Cressy was flashed round the world. This event undoubtedly modi- fied the Allied scheme of sea patrol. Numerous other'. war' vessels have Ai membered when eccesastieal pedants ' would tie the Holy Spirit to sacra- , ments and orders and red tape gen- erally. "The fruits of the Spirit" are I the One sufficient proof cf His Pres - "Second -That the soldiers of the French and British armies, froin the generalissimos down to `Tommy' and the `Poilu,' aro sworn friends, For the "Final Push." "Third -That the British army to - clay is a nighty machine, becoming mightier hourly, a marvel of effi- ciency, and that behind ib, as it con- tinues to grow, move forward and fight, is an amazingly scientific or- ganization, developed in less than twenty months, which provides the best of foodstuffs for the inner man and warm clothing and all other es- sentials fur the outer man, the while it. is ever frrwarding troops, guns °g ence, and when that is manifest:. "the munitions and other accessories a.� a ^ra water" is only the poor leunian re against that „rent hour when the Aro Caused By �t�i*���'��•r�:urr��lo cognition of a fact registered in final `great push' tomes that will When the bowels become constipated the stomach gets out of order, the liver does not work properly, and then follows the violent sick headaches, the sourness of the stomach, belching of wind, heart- burn, water brash; biliousness, and a general feeling that you do not care to do anything. Keep your bowels regular by using Milburtt's Lam -Liver Pills. They will clear away alt the effete matter which collects in the system and make you think that "life is worth living." Mr. B. W. Watson, St. John, N.13., writes: "I have been troubled with constipation, for the last three years, and during that time have tried several remedies, all of which failed to help me. A friend recommended blilbunt's Laxa- Liver Pills, and after using three or four vials, I felt like a new man. I am now stili taking them, and am positively sure that I am on the road to recovery. I strongly recommend lelilburn's I,axa- Liver Pills.. Mllburn's L ere. -Liver Pills arc 25e per vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all drug stres or dealers, or will be mailed on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. heaven. 1 trier the veer 43. Ile conn iauts'd--•So Peter left' the recognition rite to be conducted! -`--- k`"'-�'-"-" by others. Just so Paul was "sent . . Industrious. . not to baptize, but to preach the gospel" (1. cor. 1. 17). And the Master .:Mandy, is your husband sober and industrious?" "himself baptized not, bitt hi dts' "Y-eo, ma'am, he, shorely is. When ciples"" (John 4. 2). In this way from , the ter; t was emphasized the second- hes sober dere ain't a man in de ary importance of the rite as against world will wo is harder fo' de price. the preaching of Geed News. It was of a drink clan he will." a yarning against that purely magical ---___..-4+...-...--_ view of "baptismal regeneration" into Fair Division. which the church so soon fell, and Scene: Police court duiiu; disputer largely holds ti' day. In the came of • Jesus Christ --The invariable. formula over eight-day clock" of the apostolic age; except for 3 Magistrate- I award the • elk to!; . g . PMatt. the plaintiff. • 28. 19. The Triune Name is but the Defendant -Then what do I get'? logical sequel of the primitive ('reed, Magistrate--1'll give you the eight "Jesus Christ is Lord." No Knockout. Maud --Is it t)ue, dear, that your engagement with young Oiotrox is broken offlt days. Trouble with most handsome wo. - nien-•--they think it's all they need. Ethel• --True? (holds alit her hand.) 'You can see for y;ra;•-e,r that I am still in the ring.