HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-4-6, Page 8.h' i i•4'f)t 16 A. STEWART Phone 16 SP INC ..c.LOTH FOR S YS & MEN We ars: t•renered to show you a fine range of British Blue Serges for Boys anci Mt;n. These Suits are made from old dyes, but are tail:•red irr the very newest St) les and are being sold at the old Prices Be sure to see them before choosing your Suit for Spring. Natty Spring Coats Ynai will need put ot1,1 Oor.t for Spring and Stunnaer. Why not melte an early choice. We have aswell range to choose ft ow. iilinery New ,l Hatenew n .. t The tables are full of Spr ng Hn and nes are being added every day. Call and see what we hove to show you. Rubber Boots Keep your feet dry this sloppy weather. Wear a pair of our Red Rubber Boots. They are guaranteed. Price $4,50. Room Rugs At Old Prices in Tapestries. Bruseele, Velvets, and Wiltons, also several Patterns :af Tapestry. Stair Carpet at 50e, 65e and 75c. Wall Papers A few Roils of our New Wall Paper will make a wonderful dif- ference to your ht me. We have a fine range of varnish Papers for Bath- rooms and Kitchens, Misses' and Ladies' Suits Showing several of the very newest Styles, priced at $15, $20. and $25.00, alio several good styles in Blue and Black Serge for stout women. Main Bleached Sheeting This is what they call Hospital Sheeting. It is a good weight, a splendid wearer and easily washed at per yard 40e. Lace Curtains Yon will be teenier.; Lace Curtains this Spring. See our Curtains for Bedrooms at per pair 85e, $L25 and $L5U, Linoleunis If you would wave teener get our prices on Linoleums. We have a splendid range of Na'"eet.eiu New tile and floral effects in 2, 3, and 4 yard widths. Potatoes 7f yon are in need of Good Potatoes, try a bag of Green Mountain Delewares. e47 T Phone i6 The Big Store with the little prices Fi ve 'asser1ger .ruririg Car itodel 83B 65 F.O. B. Toronto • i horsepower motor .Iigh-tension magneto ignition Tires. aa by 4 inches, mon-skid rear • )emou.ntable rims (one extra rine) Two -unit t-lectrie starting; and light- ing with headlight dimmers Left -hind, drive, center control Full :'.t.e,:mline Cody The long, law steoutline body is unmarred be angles or projections. 'roa:g the rounded edge of the radiator to the full curved back, the ere I not a break in the Lines. The hood slopes gently upward and blends ata the beautifully curved cow]. The doors are flush, with hinges conceal - d and handles inside. The fenders are long and sweeptng in their cur- es, wi h gracefully rounded !.ur ae.s. The running boards are clean and .cc from obs'..•ruction-, the s'oz-ige battery concealed, the tire carries laced at thu rear. The windshidd is built-in, and conforms to the curve ' the cowl. --t part of the ear itseI`, not an. apparent afterthought. The car i:, l;c rbiy finished in a rich, deep Brewster green, delicately ripe(' wi:h pare ivory white, and set off in pleasing ccnerast by black emend radiator, fenders and running board shield. model ns 13 enuring car is a beautiful. car. It asks no odds of any ear ; ane price --it, is at home in any company. Imo; s Knight Motor $1575; Big Six $1500; Light Six $1400. Model 75—$e50.00 A number of used Ford Crrs for sale alsa one used Chevrolett. fie3XE fEk MOTOR SALES CO. e. W. SNELL, Sales Agent JOG t'III EDII'q'It Txe $1,00 weekly nen pap,,,. . in inad'.t will 7so3n be a thing of the i:t, Alberta, Sa-.katthewaxt and :annotate have put the price up tt, 1-50 end 13riti-h Co:urnbia, for some me 'Been bee been editing the weak- a t ;'2.03, Tiiie gives the publisher better nmrgin and will help him to mance more etesny. The tresult should • .a tat t newspaper. A poorly rid editor its like a poorly ,maid reacher. 'Living from hand to rnouth nes not get the ibed'(t out of a man. Zen your newspaper goes up to 1.50. if it doers not suit you telt (the litor se and give him pointers .as I 'what he is missing that is of vital •teretst to yon end your neighbors, win, do him goad to jog hien glome t,( it wi 1 heel) pine uer, one the 'bit, `ten a 1 oor' new.pa.per 'could be tdc' a. good newap•ip•7r if its patrons ,re clindid with. the ,editor and: told Lim he had fallen into a rut. Show him you have the right to receive value( for your money. If Lyon do tlria You will be helping the community a7y well as yourself'. and the editor. BRUCE Lla'ADS, ItIThtON SECOND During the lest half. of ,'March a total of 1„476 new accruitt.s were ad- ded to oil unitfa in No. 1, Military d s- trict. The 100th, Bence 03attalion, Lae the (best record with. 143 men ad- ded to the roll, • the 1617st, Hurons, seeing next with 138, CEIINA. SzavvE'R; A china ehower was, held aronday evening . i t the ,home opt Mirrs. A. Sheere for Mies rdery Davis, bride- to'-.bc, Many beautiful pieces of chinas, were received by the you're lady and a very eociable everting wail spent, Afarket Report --The .ral•loari•ng is, the -report of the Exeter; market ooianeeted up to Apria nth . 'Wheat' 80 to 95''e. c Oats 40e r t 1;3axle)' 50 to 55o Buckwheat: 60 to Oso Peas $1.00 i anally ]`lour $3410 it 1 Low Grade Flour $1.75. Bran ';26.00 per ton, Shorts $27,00 per ton, Egg+ss. 20 to 22e Butter, 28 to 30e Creamery Butter 35 and 86te Boger $10.25 I'otatone $2.00 to $2.25. rssaurzgargaf:Xasaamaiat 1 Fresh Groceries all the time Orders deliverd at once Produce taken in exchange camaccreeagamaaarom Choice lettuce and celery all the time Try Parnell's Bread PROMPT DB1,IVBRY Phone 56 Wilson's Grocery 1 000O7+00900 00.47.00O.0.000.300®0 LOCM, • e 0004004* 4.0004,00 Mr. and Mr's. Kuhn spent Sunday at Crediton. I •i arts% Blanche Qtaance was in Lon- don on Tuesday. Pte, J. W, Mallett was in Guelph. on Saturday lalst. • Mr. Thos, Fisher is preparing to erect two new barns. - Dr. A. 'R. Kinsman was in Toronto tv few days last week. Miss V. Neil Las accepted a posl- tion'wit-h E. A. Follicle. Mrs, C. Delo, of St. Thomas, is vis- iting :at the ;Central Hotel. 11irs. Thos. Harton is quite ill at her home on Andrew atreet, 'dies Stella Sauthcott entertained to an afternoon tea on Tuesday. Miss Ella Jones has accented a position with Mxs. W. D. Yeo. I\Lr. Oliver Davis, of Zurich, spent the weeks -end at hue home he.ne. AIr, Herman Elliott of Sareia, vi-- ited his parents in town this wseIc; Mr. J. A. Wambold, of ' London. visited at his home here over Sun- day. • `Mrs. W. T. Acheson is ill et the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Wal- ter. Mi ,n Lillian Kay, of Farquhar, vis- ited, for a few days with Miss Olive Prior. The next few weeks should be busy one i for those who are rewiring houses, Mini Myrtle Hunter, of Brussels, is visiting at the home of Mr. tCharls Northcott. • 111r. Percy Gillies his rented cnc of •W, J. Beern new eesidencas ,and h• :5 moved in. Iats. Elmo 1I..Wt:Y, et t_.. 2nd Field Anrbul•nee, Icr.;?in. wan, he me oe,7r tLet week -end. 4'ri !t, Tent's Cabin was 'played to fa?I: '.iu in tl'i 0,.,(7,r¢, atXouse ori•. Saturday evening Iast.. A. new piano hae been installed. (for the Pritnery Dcpartm eat of the. Jeme.1 street Sunday school. Mr: and 3Xrs, IT. Phillips and little .-on left 11lond.sy for their home near Kindersley, Sask., after spending the whiten in town. Communim service will be held in 'Garen Presbyterian church next Seb- •bathl Preparatory eervice will be held Thursday evening conducted by Rev. Dr. Fletcher. Mr. Geo. 'Godholt announces the en- gagemenri of hi sister Laura to Mr, Harold V. Pym. ('on of Mr. and Mrs, Wi<n. Ilan. Science Hill, Ont,, mar - triage to take place in April. The carne of assault which was Lcard before Magistrates Sanders and Moir on Thursday last resulted ir- fhef defendant being fined $10.00 and cowls,. Mr. ,and Mos. Abe Isagshaw and Gamily of Morin, Alta., are visiting relative i in and around Exeter, Mr. Ungshaw has disposed of bis farm and effects in the West and intends lo-, eating in the ea. -t. Mr. and arms, Geo. Snell have mov- ed! into the residence on Andrew St. t 'eentiy purch:a,,ed from 111rs. Joht; inch; lair. Garnet Heywood lits mov- ed euito the farm on Huron p treet va- cntadi by Mr. Snell, ',Mils. 3. Snell has mnved, into the uresideuce vacated by Mr. Heywoodt trke, Hensall members of the 101st Battalion 'came dowse by train on Tuesday to drill with -the Exeter member:$ prior to going to Clinton 'Thursday where the Battalion wild mebolize end go through tome roan- oeuvres, the eccasion being (Clinton's ,'".spring fair. . Mr. and 1C.ra Wm. tr.drew and. family, of Herniate, Man., are vis- iting the former'',s brother, b1'.r. Geo. ;Andrew .and other r elat:ive.vs in this 'vicinity. We understand ifr, Ane drew; has 'rented one of Mr. 13edford,'s ckoutsev, en William street and will melte his home in town, We welcome them to our Initiat._ E KET R" TI] )•A,Y, AE'BIL 0th{, x9.10 •-i t. g frs, John aalurtcey in seriously 111, nee, ler, D. Clarke wan in London over Sunday, t Tlat& 'hisses C:zdmore of town have eaurehaised Lbe house on North St. from Mr. Thomas 'Cavin, Mr. Cline a Diving), actedent, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Trivia Mena - oriel' church last Sunday, Mr. 'Wilfred tC.amun who has spent the winter vilsiting h a uxtole, Mr. D. tG. Melanie, hes returned to Regina. Mr. J. G. Dow lee been busy dun - big the palet few weeks buying up honseai in this section end in ,the last three weeks has shiped 109 horses. Mr,. Holloway has returned to her Lome in Clinton, Mins Vera tli,owe ncenm'parrled her and will vililt for rt few days. Archie 13, Eowedif fe, eon of Mr John iRoweliffe of the London Road North; left on Monday for 'Winnipeg where he hue secured a position on the Bank of !Commerce !staff, DIED AT TORONTO On March 291h, 1916, death claimed lfe ,ter Ann Kerr, beloved wife of Bev. John Russell, of 348 Gladstoae Ave, 'Toronto. Mrrs, !Russell was 'torn. near Brookville, Leeds Co,, 72 years ego, where *the lived until her mar- e -lege e9 years ago to Rev. John Ruse hell, a member or the London Con- ference of the Methodist church. 1117ry cf cur :reader* wilt remember them •: a they were stationed on the E inrvil'c• circuit :some years ago xenon: •.L' was beloved by all who knew Lci-. For the past five years Le- ham: has been in Toronto. :She ;heave, to mourn, besides Ler aged Lu:b• nd, two sons, Dr. J. W. and Dr. 1v', U., of Toronto, and five daughters, Mrs. A. Sheppard and Mrs. !, Watterworth, cf Wardissille; Mrs. (Dr,) Morgan, aliases Minnie and Jean, of Toronto; two brother., Rev. G. J. Kerr, of Darei:eater; Jcs. ph of Leed3 Co., and r'Lr•s, A. M. 'Wilson, Greenway, Day old Chicks for f ale 'White Wyandotte, (Martin laying strain) and Barred IZock (Model Farm laying strain) day-old chicks for sale through the 'season. Order ear- ly, if wanted. Aliso custom hatching done. Leave order with C. B. SNELL Exeter. Ont. Auction Sale OF IIOtSEIIOLD EFFECTS On North Street, Exeter, on Sat'y April. 22nd, t , re p:cn. Household ef- fects conn st r.,g a:f „parlor, dining-, room and 1.i•:chen utensils; stoves. crockery, e. china, carpenter tools, shce nakexs tools and dozens of other art • e:,. Lea bills. Terme—Caen. nor particulars ap- ply on premises or B. S. Philips. Thos. Cann, Prop, 13.S.Phii'lipas, Auct. Auction Sale OF HOOSE AND LOT 'AND HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS ON G:DLEY ST. Mr. Thos. 'Cameron has received in- ft,ructione to- sell by pubiio auction, en Gidley Stree- Exeter, on Saturday, rlext, March 8th, at two o'clock p.m, the following • Frame Hoene, enc ane a half stor- ey, eight room. and 'wood ahed, all in good rep ir; Lard and Loft water; iron -roofed '.table and ch cic n haus:: hail acre of land, number c.f trui :, trees, grape tines and berry bushes. Hon.ehold iuen,ture—lunge ceo..- stove,, l:c:t-r and Liths; 2 side -hoards exten ion t hl •, cool -leaf, table, L age tahCe, drti•: sing teb.i ; 2 bed- ate=mss, wecden; 3 w'a :.'stands, wal- nut, out •, whoa :u.,t, l:all stand; hen dozen dining, rcom cli ine; camp cot, hanging lamp, I mall lamps, d.nner- set, wishes, 'suit se tiers, sofa cush- ions; mirrors, pictures, ceapet and linoleum, mattress all in good repair. 1 good robe, teething machine, wringer, boiler, ..ewing mach:ne; Lawn -mower, buggy, hand cart and othee articles too numerous to. men- tion. One -dozen; T.taode Island Jled hens and rooster. Terms made known. on day of sale, MRS. A. S. DEAVITT, Pxoprietreas. THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer CHAS, HARVEY, Sale Manager. New Spring Suits or Ladies PLAID' TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SIIOWING NEW FEA- TL'1.tES IN SLEEVES WITH EINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, . meeting the requirements for stee. t wear and travel.- It ravel., It is unusual to present se early in the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early and the nest favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as ail indieations pone to higher prices in the future. o Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs. Opposite the Central Hotel Tenders Wilt be received by th undersigned ant to Monday evening, April 10th at 5 o'eloek for the 'po 'tion of Janitor in Jameis Street church, 'Duties to commence forthwith, S. MARTIN Secy. 'Trustee Board, Men, women and children of every fund 'Mesal! Orderlies a per,:eet laxative. Sold only by iRexalt 'Urug 15e and a5c7 boxers: W. S. Kole, Agent, Exeter, ':PICKS' FORECAS'Ies A: Regular Storm Period is central on the 8th, extending from the 0th to 11th, 'Disturbing causes and things to expect, A( in tlr,r preceding periou, the combined influence of earth, Venue; and Mercury, bear directly oa thita period, the Moon ils ,at extreme north cieclinattort on the 7th, in apogee on the 9th. and at first quarter on the 10th. Chit period will open With weather growing u.nr a.onably warm In western states, chid in the same .sections the barometer will fall to unusually low readings. Very threat- ening storm clouds will develop, and from about Saturday, the , 8th, to Tuesday the 11th, storms of vioent to dangerous character -twill sweep from; west to east aerosigs'the eonntiy. 1)o not forget that a falling barom- eter ,advance's from west to east over the countey, and that these barom- etric. indicat.on.s always reach loeaI, t:- ie,s. ilroma' few haulrlAto a day or, two in advance or the actual storms. Should the barometer fall very fast on and next to the day,: named above. with warm, southerly winds, - and high humidity, storms or torn$; adio force need !surprise no reader of these forecasts. The astronomic combination bearing on this per.od, ca11l almost cert tinily :or destruct,ve Len stomas in many localities, if the approaeh.ng storm a:ouds are fraught with, vicious lighten:ng and thunder; and cast a Icopperish glare over the sky and surrounding objects, make what preparation you can for de- etructive Lail. The spring equinox being ;still prevalent, blending with, the Mercury and V011.11i eq, inoxes, are aimesi a guarantee of wild and deadly hail storms. In our "Planet- ary Storni Prophets' published and ccp,S righted in 1884, we raid; "At lanae Vulcan periods during a Venue equinox, the mot violent storms oce'.tr. Wild. copper -colored clods ''use. ir. higher and lower strata, an difi;erent directions• across the sky, attended by the most vivid and atari,- ling lightning and thunder. Observ- 1 utions 'will el.cw that almost all violent hail atoms occur during the eclatinoxes•of Venus and Vulcan coat-. bitted." Not only de we have V ,•nuc' and Vulcan combined at tai.; period; bait E•tr,h, and a Mercu Y diatneb_nce at lt.; center will throw greatly augmented force in on s.orm d vel.:p- rnents. Again we warn you—watch roar+ barometer and all other indicat- ion,a of gaatherng storms,' from about Friday the 7th, to 14icnday the 10th of April. Another high barometer; change to much colder and frosts will fo;loiv ac, a sequel to theY41 storm" tten E tAC can s7-si,t y -"at iia st!entir• ) our ietrt itt r': if you etc auiracf tea furnish d, ) our t earn, r ;( y•:•u can ), watt 51 rel::, e td titcts ;} Our Undcrtal.ing D.- irartrnent is up to date in every respect ant we guar- antee the best of satisfact- ion c .szrc.:•tee•^-r., - :w=r,--. .,,,,,.- - - d3 N Rowe The Funeral Director and Fera-rsitaare H er�t;er- FIIONL 2'ta &P ria nenneenn— The attention of the members of Exeter Lodge No. 67, I. O. O. F, is called to the :regular meeting to be held in the lodge room next Tuesday evening wleen the :3rd degree will Ine exemplified.—C. L. Wilson, N.G, —-0---- SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at the ®1d Temperance house at the G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity, Your patronage is solicited •and satisfaction.' is guaranteed. — ED, MAGUIRE. Exeter. �x`°�r" 'a : er=3Z Dl ° A (v C. ER S RTTENTION We have a speciaaitr select- ed Stock of N. 1, Gend Standard Red ('lover .1•1eike, Timothy. A felfa. h ...et ()lover. Orc•tta., d ,.' .1 15 vie - grass, Seed ('..t n, eic, Just received ;a ehapment of No. 1, Inn;potaed Alisike at $12.50 per t;Irthei. Special prices given on Club Orders of $10 and up- wards, We Imre a quantity of FIRST CLASS PoJ�TOEs for Sale. A Call Solicited Ce ZWi(' ICK.iiiIds. CRED!TON - - ONT moormermsmiomar PEERT P. JOUPE, Licensed Au tioneer. Sales conducted in any roe cality, Terms moderate Orders lett at Times office will be promptly at.' tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton.- A.d, dress Kirkton P.O. NEW BUTCHER—Mr. 13.egg desires to announce that he will call ,for and deliver orders to any part of the town. Year tatronage, is solicibeitt Phone 103. ete 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattfe Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 50e. per bag.—Exeter Salt ,Worms Co., Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager.) s prticyiI". THE WORLD'S GIIE '.TEST SCI The only method ever dioeoverect for eradication of disease by going directly to the cause. , A NEW 'ROAD TO HEALTH r . No greater event in the history of the human race has y.'t been record- ed. Its discovery and its applicatiorb are destln d to replace 7evcry other" method now in vogue for t.h' eradica- tion of di -ease. This method is sure.. certain, and metre direct. No drugs or: .-urgery. The release of an impinged nerve„ caused by a subluxation of the vertebra of the 'spine, and Ra-" ture doers the rest. For fur=ther Ina formation Wee Dr. 3. M. Jones Oateopatbrand 'Chiropractor who miff visit. Exeter Mondays, Wedaesdayy and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 pensee Office at the residence of Mrs. Si. A, Harnelcs, Main Street, opposite lyre !Stoller mills. Consultation and exam* inatio.n free. •�" w,�a• c+�..{,v�',,�a tin g We are ready to demonstrate the new 1916 Me Laughlin six cylinder cars. These cars are absolutel the last word in high e'ass automobiles and an.... y yprospect -ive purchaser will make no mistake in examining these cars. We have two demonstratingcars for sale; a D 60, and a D 45 both are y 1916 Models. Prices of these ears on application. Phone or call for demonstration. g3� J. Stewart Milo Snell Agents in Exe!er -s a