HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-4-6, Page 1+tK -'f ld',`0v'-SECoND YEAR._.., NO. 2242 EXETER, urriu.m em+v THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 6th, 1916 flOU[-6L[J\N1N6 TIME 0 IMM[NSE STOCK Of NEW HOUSE iVRNISNIflCS Our house -Furnishing department is extra well stocked, to meet the demands of house-cleaning time: The fact that we bought early, enables us to offer except- aon.al money -saving opportunities ortunites on Linoleums, Rugs, Carpets, Oilcloths, Borderin g,' Mattings, Lace Curtains, Curtain Nets, etc. It will pay gs you to see our'immence stock before purchasing. Linoleum Special E-Eenary Scotch Linoleums, in a wonderful ran?e Spring Millinery at Popular Prices [f you. have not yet selected your Spring Hat, we would advise you to visit our ,.Gkow rooms at your earliest opportunity. New, exclusive styles and shapes are Continually appearing. of colorings at Last Season's Prices. Men's and Boy's Suits at Old Prices In spite of the continued advance in price of clothing we are able to offer hundreds of Men's and Boy's Suits, the celebrated "Stanford" make at absolutely Old Prices. Raincoats for Everybody We offer a complete stock of raincoats for .ladies, men and children at prices that will astonish you. Great Saving Opportunity in Cotton Staples Factory Cottons, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Prints, Shirtings, Ginghams, Dennis, etc. Bought before the advance in price per- mits us to offer wonderful saving op- portunities in these lines. Our Shoe Department wit` elan Shoe Department will be found all the Newest Styles for Spring in such popular makes as the Geo, Slater Co , Envictus, Empress, Queen Quality, etc. We also specialize in Heavy Work Shoes. English Prints at 12, 1.2c per Yard -F.undreds of Patterns of heavy English Prints in the old fast dyes, on sale at 12 %c per yd. New Dress Goods, Misses' ec Ladies' Suits & Coats in great variety to select" from Hasler Ties for Men in all the latest novelty effects, just arrived. See Our New Wall Papers. ?iazHlh,"ei`ii SVGA >s' ,AILS, MAKING SUPPLIES PANS and SPILES at Lowest Prices. Washing Machines 8D. Wringers Make Wash Days Easy Wringers $:3.75 to $6.00 Washers $9.00 to $i 2.00 Galt Tubs, Wakh Boards, etc. FOR S 1' l; I N G PAIN'l1 N(} cr E i fiswve Bens If. en Paints \1Q towa'.oue Chi•Na•tnel in all Colors a pbelis \'att•nish Stains gi•t,,•ec, Varnishes, etc. amtrirrursrammgcx AMAN' HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE PHONES 27 A AND 27 1i—EXETER rffO11E9CAhM%"9eC11®irlfl6mmuz .. . . miusimbien efteeemosomemommoorassemeneemsasenumaavaaaaa 3g 'Plat: :Dominion, Government has o1;ii itr:rl. {-,melting iii all publto taald'rnl:i -under a 'penalty en 1f50.00, panetekeirsl and occupants are requite - 'ed to nee. Hint the law is enforced t A ewe' has 'beer' entered for hear- inn; ear-;l n; at the weenie'. twitting of the IConn- ny Court of 1lrieldiree:t on April the n I, ca ww h `nas of Li dee b:7 Thomas I]'ocJg'a �t7ini Wellington Ilodg:ns :: 'Co., `8, iit'1 era, of Leman, ,Cor $475,91 for Went of a Kent owned by hill, artd Iva iefi the defendants occu.pied f ri4.,feir fatalness in Lttcall. 11'tiss Jennie IlleTnnis, of Minnea- polis, D.iinn., is lesctfng 'with Mr. and Ura. !!Donald nieinnirn. A G. T. !F°t fri•;lal; boxcar loaded with baled ivy in i Dine mysterious manner' 'caught ;ire, tnd gave fin firemen a z4zn en rr:d,ty lent, at St. Mary.:. 7 ii e 'car w.rs os the track at a'r the G. T. B. J~rei;'ll'ell .de. The root and l;a,rt,•ol' the trier Willi bu-r rn.:wcl, end the greater hay c g' cat_ l:wrt of the b y wa • . ko Con:aimed' bt ere wV at,w wa, thrown en it, It 'c^ e'te,l ccnt;:d,rable Patriotic League Notes The regular monthly meeting was held in the Library oa Monday ;event ing, April 3rd. Donations received were 7t Total Minstrel receipts. $178,25 Relay teas $50.00; Council 3 months rent of tea room 15,00; Miics Fanny Bisisett 1.00; Mrs. C. Harness 1.00; Mos. Jos, Sweet, 50c. • . \We have forwarded <$1O.00 to the Belgian- Relief at Montreal, $5.00 do- , noted by Mr. Win. Bag'Ishaw and $5.00 received from Afro. G. .Tones. - Mrs. W. J. Beer, Secy. 1 MISCELLANEOUS A miI=!celleneous ehower was held at the home of Miss Beatrice IIowey on Wednesday Of ;last week for Miss 'Birdie Boyle whose marriage will take place shortly. Miss Boyle wars completely taken by' eut•'prise. She/. wale the recipient or nlany beau- tiful kind tilsefui presents and a very enjoyable evening was spent, 11TA'SSIO.NA'RY TEA 1 `1'lre '\'Vonaens' Missionary Soci: ty of nnwc.; street Methodist enureli gavel t sgccessfui • missionary tea on : Monday evening. Refredunents were served in one el! the c1:'s.sroom.s after I SHOWER EXETER SCHOOL REPORT Rocan 4 --'Sr, 4—Honors, E. Daws 5? V, Imes 86, M, .[Harvey 83, C. Rea-- man lea -main, 81 T. Connor 81;, M. Harvey 80 C. Sanders 77, B. Senor 77, V. Rewr- eliffet 75: Pass, E. Yellow 74, C . Har- ness 74,.Ci. Harness 73, W. lleddri. 72 P, Collins 71,' E. • T.lylor 70, V. Sweet 70 1). Knight 68, S. Sanders 67 H, Willard 66, C., Fora 65, S. Me - Falls 65. • ' Jr. 4—Pass, 'V. Hodgert 72, V. Wal- ker 72, M. Kuntz 72, G 1 -finds 70,'11. No on roll 34; average✓: 32. C. Vosper, teacher, Room 5—Jr, 4—Honors, E. ilartleib 85 M. Johns 84, B. Aci•ttstrn h3, 0, Halterr de. s 78, Vincent Halter 7;a F. , b 75; Pass, P.Sanders O tie•dden 71, B. Broen 71 'A1 Andrews s 70, J. Davis 69, V Law- son. U7 J. Bowey 64, P. ;Harness 62 5 ;Morley 61, IC., Heiden 61, M. Nor- ry 61. Sr, 3—Pass, R. lafrlo. 69, 11, Cookson 64, R, Davis 63, '..M, Elworthy 62 C. Davis 62, V. Vale el, V. Har- ness 60. No. on roll 31; average at- tendance 28. J. S. Murray, teacher, Room 6—Form 3, Jr.—•11ontw'rs, 0, Creech 87, S. Stanbury 84, M. Scott 80 W. Webster 79, G. Bedford 76,M, Elwbrthy 76, F. Norry 75; Pass, B. Russel 74, R. Lankport 72, i-1, Selden 72, M. Gladma:n' 72, C. Ua..ris 71, F. rlartleib 70, M. Role 67, C. Salter 65. Form 2, Sr.—Homes, L. Prinia- combe: 84, M, Ford 83, M. lic-ney 82 N. Hardy 81, R. Davis 78; Pas:,, 1", H.ea•man. 74, C. Webster 73; 11. J)ig- nan 71, R, Northcott 67, h itoulzien 67. Number on roll 37; average at- tendance 34.5.-H. M. Kinsman, tea: herr ROOM 'VIII CAM VTI—Verne 'Roast= 100; E. North•oott 92; H. 1Tartleib and E. Res - sell. equal 90; R. Bloomfield 89; M. Murphy, 88; O\I. Johns 87; J. B1oome field 76; H. Sanders 74• T. Cookson 60 iClae.Is VI=G, Collingwood 100; I. Lane 100; M. Clark 100; IX, Salter 98c G. Beaver 78; G. IXiroclt 73; G. Fells 66. ass V—Fred West 100; V. Ken ;tett 94; 0. !Connelly 89; J. Kuntz 80: (G. Webster 78; iClatss IV—G. SsoE. (Ian -1 nat93; B. Gambril2ander73; i0n. A98udrt:w 0 8: LGlanville 60. gift to the bride wvai; a pearl neck - ,Class III—F, Hunter 60. Cases II— 'axe; to the bridesmaid acid to the D. ,Connelly 65; 0. .Lamporte 63. Venni: a pearl brooch and to the Malan 1—J. Gambrill 60. No. on rGti grocnx.7naa a tie grin. Mr, and llrs. 45; average daily attendance 31 lieywvood left the tame evening for Anna L. Dow, teacher. •London and 'Woodstock the; 'bride knack „picture Lat to neatela. On travelling ul a Merck velvet suit with '. !ROOM DTII GOLDEN 'WE1l;OIN'G nir, and bine Wm. Weatcott; :or Huron St., .celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniveruary on Wednesday *availing or lout week when • their children and a number of relatives and friends en,j•,yed a very pleasant evening, They were presented with a beautiful mantle clock and two leather upholstered chairs and the best wishes for many more year of health and happiness were tendered 'iv them, G\'INS $400 St:HOLM:WH PS Dir. iReginald D. Turnbull, Aon of Mr. and '1M1:e=. W. Ae T'uraubull, or Far- quhar hats carried off the coveted honors of Knox (College, Toronto. Ile was awarded the Post -:Graduate Scholarship comprising the !David Smith Ross Sehol irship of $200, the Jane hunter. Schalartship of $175 and the M.a•eWiiliam Scholarship or $25, Mr. Gardiner a few weeks ago en- listed with ' the Guelph Battery and ie., .already in England. Ile was awarded his third year owing to 'en-• listing, nit. 'W. A. Gardiner, also of Farquhar ha. completed his third year with 1second-class honors. Mr. Geo, B. (Ratcliffe, also of that::section has completed his second year, H.EYWOOD—KRRAFT WEDDING- Ai EDDINGA: very pretty wedding took place ea the 'home of Me. and nL s. ".1'efaei' Kroft, of Daishwvood, on Wednesday, April 5th, at high. noon, when their daughter+ Miss Lucinda L. was united fit rua,rr iag e to 11r. Albert .\ ictor Heywood; ' on of Mr. and 'nlrs. Joshua Heywood or the 3rd 'concession oP Ltsborne. The bride entered the ilar- los& en the art. of her father to :the strains of the wedding march 'played by Mit s Lila Sanders, cousin of the ,v; roan)! She was attired in a. wed- ding! gown of duchess satin trimmed with reed pearls and looked very becoming. The brideynaaid was Miss Dora; kraft, 7 -inter of the (bride, ;while Mr. D.zniel 13. Santini -et supported the - groom. After, the ceremony a Qum- ptuoni wedding dinner wail s.rrved in the dining -roam the decorations of which were in yellow and white. The guec.ta numbered about one hundred end twenty -(five.. Th,: bride, wan the recipient of many Landseome and costly wedding lrreseats. The groom's Sr, II—Honors,' 0. A'chesoa 80; pass ;E, Kuntz 74; A.Aei.etson 70; M. Con- nelly 70; M. Neliion 67; A. 'Willard 66;' E. Keys 61; F. Walters 60. gntermedi,nte II—Honors, K. Stan? bury 80; G. Sandere 86; T. Stewart 85; L. Snell 83; F. Scott 83; I. Lam- tpfou't 76; pans. E. Homey 72: D. Bed- ford 65; 'W. Spencer 6.1; L. McDonald 61; C. Gla dman 61. Jr. II—Honors, C. Mitchell 89; R. Creech, 83; W. VonWasrinski 83; M Hornets% 80; G. Beavers 75; pass, E. chaplets 73; E. Sanderson 70; R. El- wo,rth•St 69; H. Wefst i68. Sr. 1—Hon; min H. Nelson 85; M. 'Bissett 83; pass aver- age 73. I. Quacke bushNo. on nail 2teacher 38. BUCCESSF"+3L 1The Relay Teas and 'Grand Finale which were held during the month of March were very (successful, There were in .all 185 honit,s in. which a aught to have one, but further w the pimple were entertained and there) auawat joint one rea.sou wrliy wetvcan't were. 904 gueet ,, +; ,a 91 la their return 'they N,11 reulde en the gieenne i.rrin 'ii1 ''Lsboine.'' '('heir many friend,. will juin with The Time; in extending congratulations. Pointers We wonder if the twaola'rs have realized at yet just how near the tnid'eunrmer exuaus are. there money in hens? hits often been :;asked. There certainly is, but only a few ever get it out, again. ,. e * * �4t; mins the lively "runic or the 'band. It [seems as though there is l'otnething doing when the band xsbyts• w * • • It's en easy thing to convince us that we need an automobile. We .know a it hole lot of reasons why we dies gave 50c; 4 ladies lave }1.00 and. 1 hey gave 1.50 instead or enter- taining; girls teas raised 590; the total proceeds amouilting to .$160.05. 160.05. The proceeds were divided on Sritur- d•iy among the three ori, ini raiicn, namely the Womanly lnstititec:, Sol- dier.; Aid and Patriotic League -a:50 00 each. Expen.e0 were $5.00. e ante of }5.05 wilt be giv'e. oyer to lased to :Ippear in "'!'he Times" de - the 'W. 1C. T. Li, for' Paulin le pui•po_es i 'scribing in a most fl eorgeou eras and will be used for the Cocoa and manner the exquisite nessts Souls fund for the L:oldier s in the . Nathin' doiin g now l r the tzt;yles41have trenches, panned the power of our limited vo- Dl`ED AT SOLITII.11, I:RofIVF OREGONphe, c.ebulary t0 do them justice. They were, on parade last Sunday. DTi. l3ich'rrd IlSten, r.- • . • • ce£ved the sad news on Inienday ,of Spe:skin 0f: edtlaatigx, wouldn't i.t the death :or his brother -le -law. Mr, g p,i 'e nl:arming• d1r, nIatnB,ug [seas boa grand thien ii every vhi.ld could working ;:a tiro nun.'., sit Sautbi-rf:i i yt <ie ea5tuiu to 1 l d\Iusioiis Direll oI tial Oregon !and while at week on Mtn,' li Lez ,rt. and .how dch �'htfui it is day, March the 13th, Iva., by f g' oa, gravel elide and a,,Lli.augh •soon re' on bot old end rA zd young ggto mend an leaned, 1,e was sol unsay hurt inter-; tin ...1,11,...y ar.d died the fndowvin:; '.rants- I'1'ino. AA. trwv fortnnatc onei arc able tis ,< e'Le leiwde, toe 8:701111 lois loss .a f t.i go aLvead with t.hc 1-,tudy of zrrusic wif.0 e;lnd dattght' r at 11')111,1'is Van- couver, but it itl �a well lid7olvu hast t,Lat a enc ,' 011 in 5.101,1e1., Greece : greet malty iw'itt out .lal talent never ' •• 3. trill n h'd a chance. Mary public. and • nave one. • ,. • e C:can up . Cleat up ae01ne. more And then :'0010 And then what Then some more * * • 'Itemer,lben those long columns that h h' 'splendid1 1 i t• u':ie ; :i 13.1i end i p.rotiram was gv givon. .Trod ,niwe i - 1 An eaciulcat 'iddreoss was given by e ti uning its N. i \L t;• i:r.naa i r, 1 m Leen 1a,1t 1;a1 w 01 tai to � cleLysi2 Mi s Gray a missionary at Pt. Nefson, ! PIs,•, '11•::ening wll'1 • li:or'n t n tri liar ni : w.Lcy eel{ tt ::;114.1 (.heli p1:LCo at, the T3.0, 1 once an furlough: The ,aver n-' now c•cc upicd by 1A, i C%7 a . Harvey c) i Sot the un - dance wva•?.otalr. , nausea 1138 l,uty ear tang and (eft iLi:. gait .7k:a�t :, your, at;o t gets:taitmeet nal 'tir,m0eives and others. TILE l.. 7I, at.., S, IDl At'1 lT it,-,oi,,u gt, It Jong wan to ptovicling t . ;: E'X•D'RCI, WIRE AND 'f.IIIANSFORMERS TIME The it n .fora . s , 4. riCr Ind. , machinery Cor the hydro electric 'power i station arrived lent wc.•Jt and are ixin t in- st,a,lJed. The wire has also arrived. for the mina dine from hire to .Lucan. Some of the ,wird ite also at Luean The line will now be attuned ,to com ,pletion and it, is exported will b e enc •me=lt in thehove instead of Mr. Alexander 5:1) 11'111 1'a s'd 7•c uaai:l; slat truce e. the argument, Tett a1 znan n Geo ,street t the n,.,ais have too y 0 L t 'ti.ironi t t •iwvay at Tau. xituiday teinn111 ▪ pr 1st at the ':t dte-, rt. •111;;, tti tis as strung a.rgu- age of 70 ycal.s, 1. 11tai,: h ea:. IJ d., 3 e• .> ti, tw u.e. ,t. e lxmini be introduced in- 'Tse deco and nail ben ill for ,sevt sal 1 10 tlt0 rstu.'.'.' . Those fort:Armei weeks with a cumput. 1011 or ti scow..! citoul;la ,,.1. ,'ty Lliu±t0 "sunt do 50 in A5b'cul rt year a,;, .Aix, rl)cawitt ww a.a 1 ,,,tldrt.io1, w „+,er lattttlteb tu1U. it i, taken ill and 7t wv:u. Lit,.i,�ht then ytt,y ate l.rrtlt>wil tvlao will dOVOL:: tl tt'J:c covet 11 t t 1; . bui. he 54)1 (1.,u r,t.: •.=„-,t' "v 6”' Li ached,. ready about the beginrning of A1'ay around again. 1: 1)..tt.,.1 'Il11, born 1uua01 ,:.A,ci ,,...a... i1 ia•••410 tt'urc au* r 1 Tai ;i d at I',ci:er,n,;, Ont. 3313114. t deci iv ,.rue <'.L,,tult111 Latue would be F.'L1,:LaI.YI'rLl'IUN and ' A number of .n i. there e .e �i he ,we; lnarr•LL.c 1.G ,r,..,. y illi" Sui:t11 a,itat,.e4 1.w+ w,l ila,J}.0 Le t7 lrt'rs' Is n I .I rails • l g a1;1_erccri at: Llie home of Alt,. A1r131. Lis sorxiwv1Bg ww,•,.:.,1 X1,(1 .r ,,111 r 1 rtl1e;, ,u ::u.,utt= wet: 'st•"artud Jo1.11 of the I.,ondon lid., eoutli °can they ;f..rwr:a 105 I e err, 5 ,is. 11.03 i.,11w:.t. "._ +s c. . csud acart,s cif \VCd�lc:d':y 'CVenln' or .last wFee`li, give alp the Lr1,1xt 41, . w,, :gel. tI)Caiw'itt, to latee:—en., ...ICU Las al true :arty In vitt c0 It'lae ar ghe evening 'met, we ltt in tO in l: .,....ii t t[t, it=; 11 U. Ej, ryt`,1tu l'''''�i.. tt ti ,it b"`;''''La iri " 'Rum' William Walker and Norman 7oLnk aetintr a w "gen at : twww t. :rid 01060,. , bLt utt : �:.1tu alai:e.1°' e teat are we're px`cl:cntezl Witt• 6 wr8'l: watch Si:rathroy 1 rix ; mini i,. 10 . 1;:ct ter i taecel.Is, : a . 4 48 also '3)-h ac (111. acrd for7ntaiu izen• rl'l.e a:lore-t was twvicr, 13 folluscc",:! ;h 4,^111 lino. cl.uldrei, e.e yawn; that the provider read ley 111 Victor Snexl and the IGVhilc at Litetowvel ,lir, 11), anict served or at latah y..er.isiutsr vita heavy aut.- ley pre'.erne tion, made by Metiers. 1€ay • the town in t11' 'cs 1, y f in= 3 l;ly lei ni nee'. i rostrums:tit and les- •en bail f t c. ;,s 1, w heal tri h ,r ,ui w .,1'r f L VebbLi send C. McCurdynl.cCurdon behalf cf For t.uveraf yeas ,•,;sins ..w, d .n Y t1.e iici{;libort>,. ,ili•. '1, .r;u1;c•t win of Exeter sine , t w,.s.:u tre la'e•' i:linc'ssi tL•,lid h:.{,.,' ,,.:t3•, r, •rod a,rr 7r.iitrumcn4 +1`-'r' t: :, i.r. ^ • mall Car[` i, tr, 'li 1,'. .. Na .i 1 e- been eeeui'ed• It is too' late to CL ii lrai! Cf lie CCen:n�,. A rn1.i31Ca.1 wV tl ,, line excitement :,t -one tame•, two :car's l ciitcr•tainment wars given and refresh- ns. IDcavitt is trite eo'e .tirwiw or the ,rtes viae r+ ..Iris -.3. t, ua.ght: be rwell loaded with o:1 were nixie to the 1 )lento staved. 000 evening 7vers a funeral, private, 33:y4t r,.,,i wt Jwlcnday� Cor the .ie donee Institutes to cleat 'bul`iailig car, with the question et their gatherings. fleet enjoyable one. £ntermer't in .slit ox, tett cemetery. BAZAAR AND t,,ZTIai,l'l:`.A IN":1121-1T' T! 1* 1 Ara SAMiUBL V1,»M471i:E f' The Loge DI's=•ixnar,, See.ety of The panning cf 13fra Saxe an/ Ou41-4 C vez i Wig i = : a n ch uoh w i l 170.X1 "the.r c r. uzJicor,, Bazaar and Entertainment; ; T;C:1S.1:' cf t.,ta r atlr cone Torn nal?: Cisshax?r April 7th. lxt the i€ier'a�zcxa <t ; ora ;.1cn�1:'+;, April 3rd reaxtove:3 oxie Of o'clock in the 'Town Trail : o, vile of I,"sbe'ne'•a 1 rniria.cnt and supe4,tis$utl r.... usenet artier+ee, ligan ,...a,',,de c+., . 7 �, 2.:. :M., re ww one rtn reaatinelY yoori In and candy will lac 1 :,>:d. Y' c' `r: i b:!'::,. "The dc,t 1S,,cd 33.0a token .11.1 in the Opera Irou -e one tin e.:11 zea c ; ing' an entertlr'i:.n rill 10 ;.r> ;:th r'1'perl. atl= and, as a :las'0. itsµ consisting of a play erstitJ' t "::r;an-! berry Corners''; a Crr,• , y drama In Cour acts, by the: e ,, .n; peep..? 0 Mensal'. Hatti_,, eninenu.y latera>.. tra will reran' :3 the 7nuele. Adan:::- sign to Bazaar iaslud:rig re fre-•L•- ments 10c; admission to erruertain.. went 25e; reserved seats 35o; Plan of hal will $ vill ala en Saturday,r' 1.a April t at p i B. W. F. Beavers store. • (COMMUNIC4.TION Td the Editor of the Timeis We undeaxJstand that the Band boys are ehaving a meeting on Thuneday evening. This is a move in the ¢lght direction. We think that it IS the duty of every man in. town or in the neighborhood, who ever played a Band( instrument or 'beat a drum to get together and do what they can towards getting the bald in action .'gain. 'With" our soldier boys doing their bast to get up their drill a. tittle music in the evening or .at each• 'times tnat the band could get out would do mu'oln to encourage tit' boys in their work: If you can't enlist you! can at least help the boys that have done so .and 'by sa doing you will be doing your bit. . 'We Lope that the meeting will ba a suceesr and that .o man will (stand back— Join and join now. tort • n rneration win performed at the 1)1nde or Da. Alsore, or Londoni col 1)^'..Ilyndr.axa, cf town can nurse: d, y of 'a't week. iifr, 'Ci;draort' wan 2 ye •rs and 4i m,ontf s o:1.. Fre bar ` leen ;a resident of L'sbc'no pa`at�tir� .,11 hie life and was welle1neoyvm: :.t d lai • � � a Ha n high y aA.Isi rr t d. owvned two .hundred acree ail I.tb,:l and ran a, cement tila y I.z l in connection. The deoealsed was the eldest eon ..o` the late 'Thoma{s £ludlnore, 62e 10 sur— vived urvived by. rias soirrowing widow, whose maiden name wale Miss Alice, Daley, or Seaforth, and four l.mall sons, Gordon, Mervyn said Harold, Wit youngelst being only six weeks old_ He is also survived by one brother and three Sisters., Alfred, of !Crystal City, Man., 'blab, I1y,.. 'H Harvey, of Elaxcombe, Sack-, and Misses •G,raca and (Rose or Exeter. The deceased was a Reformer in polities and was an official member or the saleclash methodist( church. The b,reaved will kfave the sympathy of the .t'ntire community, 4 The Heir Tonic which h'1•a, gained aur canfidenc.e L'It :ill "113" flair Tonic, 4.11 Qlexall Stores is..1l it under po:itivei guarantee, — 513c and *1.11(6 bottle.. W. S. Pole, Agent, Exeter'. THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE IP •4F1 Erb 1 N T i NC We have some excellent values fa ready ;o `Wear sults .just arrived. Our special order samples for Made to measure elothes are here and we invite you to see our patterns, and styles The price will please you. Some good values in lac' S an.' embroidery. Boots and Shoes a Specially ,raga. 0rit1,„e,.„9.OA a.I.I,, W. +78s00004004*":.'000800- i`t*fs¢1•O0' 0. L',t .rt'3•0000•0tr0001-t'0150' .00•' 000 • A O �¢r Alar a 0 • 0 e 4 O • b 0 a • 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 • • 0 • 1 0 ♦. 0' • ••w •• • • ••••••4110.0."04 ,000044404.4400.4 41a41**4 0016)44O1 10446660,04 �4.1V '1 its a pair of Trousers, an odd .�£ Coat 'tG. n t� Vest t o i a Suit yo i.$ want, come quick, before the .other fellow gets the hest. ods for odd Vests. ods for odd C rats and Vests. ds for odd Tirousers. ids for a S• 1 tailor any. ',•�: Eel': l r a ♦1 e r at 4 '� till, i O "+''. order. � �'. ; A i .� � clear i A out. 1-i 4. Ta t r. n. 11t A N L..I, 1 JJ • is