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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-12-09, Page 18
38. Auction Sale Auction rhytof Hwy. 21, 4 miles South of Grand Bend AUCTION Sunday, Dec. 13 at 1 p.m. We will be selling a nice selection of modern and antique furnishings. Also ap- pliances, plus a liquidation of new toys and giftware. Auctioneer Pat Lyon 243©2713 40. Lost & Found LOST - Man's digital watch in the vicinity of Court House Park or uptown area. If found please phone John Moss 524-8671 .-49nx L4____________ 1. To GiveAvway TO GIVE AWAY - Three kittens, 2 grey, 1 black. Phone 524-6568.-49 TO GIVE AWAY - small female dog, all shots, very good with children, needs a loving home. Call 524-9391 before 4, 524-7737 after 4.-49 46. In Memoriam GAULEY In memory of a dear father and grandfather, John T. Gouley. December brings back memories Of a loved one gone to rest. He will always be remembered , By those who loved him best. Time slips by but memories stay. Quietly remembered every day. A little tribute small and tender, Just to show we still remember. Lovingly remembered by daughter Ruth Ann, son-in-law Don and family. -49 CUDMORE In loving memory of our clear son, Warren Douglas: Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us everyday, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed, still very dear. -Ever loved and sadly missed by Mom and Dad Cudmore.-49 CUDMORE In loving memory of a dear brother, Warren Douglas; who passed away one year ago: 'It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn't go alone, For port of us went with you, The day God called you home. -Sadly missed by Berrierd, Leighton, Michael and Karen. -49 FEAGAN In loving memory of Mildred Feagan, December 9, 1979 and son Elwyn, August 23, 1978. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps you near. Ever remembered by husband Carman and family. -49x MAGEE he loving memory of our dear son and grandson, Jimmy, who passed away two years ago December 26, 1985. Fondly loved and deeply mourned, Heart of my }seart, I miss you so; Often my darling, my tears will flow; Dimming your picture where'er I go; Tis sad but true, I will abide Until some day we'll be side by side. Lovingly and sadly missed by mom and dad and grandparents Jim and Helen. --49 47: Card of Thanks 1 McGEE I would like to thank Dr. Lambert and Dr. Walker, nurses and staff on second floor East while I was a patient in Goderich Hospital. Also to neighbours and friends for cards, flowers and visits. Certainly all appreciated. - E.C. McGee. -49 POLLOCK Thanks to the nurses on 2nd floor 2 Southwest, Dr. Mackie, Dr. Manax, Dr. Barnes and to the dermatology tearn at St. Joseph's Hospital in Lon- don. Thanks to friends and relatives who sent cards, gifts and flowers. Special thanks to my family who were there when I needed them. Bob. -49 FISHER The family of the late Edna Moore, our beloved mother and grandmother, would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbors for the flowers, memorial donations, cards and food sent to our homes. Your kindness and support will always be remembered. Walter, Lorraine, Shelley, Lin- da, Ken and Dorothy. -49 Feature Ontario Arts C Ontario artists will receive support in three categories - professional develop- ment, market access and residency projects - under a new range of granting programs announced by the Ontario Arts Council. Thirteen new programs are made possible by the special, one-time allocation of $2.25 -million to the Council, made by the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, last April. The programs for artists will be funded at a level of $1,800,000; another $250,000 is dedicated for projects to assist arts organizations in developing management expertise; and the remaining $200,000 has been allocated by the Council for the ad- ministration of these new initiatives. These new programs, designed to operate over a two-year period, ending in 1989, are in addition to the almost 100 ongoing programs presently administered by the Council with a granting budget of $25 -million. Chairperson Sonja N. Koerner, announc- ing the new programs, said: "The Council is particularly pleased to be able to provide special support to Ontario artists to increase career opportunities and income as well as build new audiences for the arts." She said that the artists' funds would be divided almost equally among the three program categories; $600,000 for Professional Development; $675,000 for Market Access; and $525,000 for Residency Projects. Mrs. Koerner added that the $250,000 RISSETT My sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while in Victoria and Goderich Hospitals and since returning home. Thanks to Dr. Jamieson and his team and special thanks to Dr. Holl- ingworth, first floor nurses and V.O.N. nurses. Your kindness is very much appreciated. Bessie Bisset. -49 wL USHER Thanks to all merchants of Suncoast Mall who made It possible for me to win the trip to Las Vegas. Doris Glousher.-49nx SPARLING We would like to thank Dr. Rourke and the nurs- ing staff on second floor east for their wonderful, warm care. A special thank you to all those who visited us, sent flowers, cards and gifts. A special thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. They aro greatly appreciated. Tammy and Melissa Sporling.-49 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, pECEMBER 9, 1987 -PAGE 17 until FEATUrIE REPORT budgeted for the development of manage- ment expertise within arts organizations will fund a number of special initiatives, in- cluding research projects, seminars, and the provision of management consulting services, Council's Executive Director, Christopher Wootten, said that the aim of all 13 pro- grams is to impro a the status of the artist, creatively and financially. "The Council has placed its priorities," he said, "on direct as well as long-term benefits; on broad regional impact and on the kinds of arts activity which can par- ticularly gain from a 'shot -in -the -arm' injec- tion of funds." • Six of the 13 new funding programs are be- ing introduced now. The remaining pro- grams have been approved by Council in principle, with details to follow in the next few months. The current six programs include four professional development projects, one resi- dent artist project, and one marketing initiative. The Professional Development projects THINGS Big Things ... Little Things ... Expensive Things ... Inexpensive Things ... Lost Things ... Found Things New Things ... Used Things ... Ordinary, Everyday'Things ... Hard To Find Things -.. 3 3 CLASSIFIED WORD AD SALE The:: Tar tow cue Priivat+ Ad plan that gets results. ring Run your Private Party Ad Plan for 3 Consecutive Issues and if the item is Not Sold your ad will run again for 3 More Issues At No Charge. Sale in effect until Dec. 16, 1987. Callfor details as some restrictions do apply. Classified Customer Service 524-2614 MON. - FRI. 8:30,- 5:00 Need a dealer for your squealer? We can help) 41110 ARTICLES FOR SALE $$ SACRIFICE $$ Buildings priced for immediate li- quidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 $4,750; 40x50x14 56,950; 46x70x16 59,850; 60x80x20 516,900. Various sizes available up to 120 11, wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buidings priced for immediate delivery. Coll ' toll free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858-2446.-49 MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work- shirts $2.75; work pants 53.50; work boots $15. Send 52 for catalogue (Reimbursement lst order). Military Surplus, Bdx 243 St-Timothee, Quebec. JOS 1X0.--49 GUN BARGAINS - Save up to 40% = by subscribing to "The Gunrbnner". The Canadian monthly newspaper listing hundreds of new, used, modern and antique firearms for sale or trade. Subscription 520 per year to Gunrunner, Box 565T, Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 3Z4. Sample copy 51.50.-49 WELL WATER PROBLEMS? New Advanced Technology for efficient treatment of problem water, offering pro- tection throughout entire water system. Rusty ... Smelly ... Bad Tasting... Water, hardness, staining, bacteria and more. No Salt or Messy Chemicals ...maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our six month trial offer. Call toll-free 1.800.307.3423 or write Aztec Purification Systems. 6380 No. 5 Tomken Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L5T 1K2. "The lowest cost system that really works." Area code (807) call (416) 672.2300.-49 COLLECTOR PLATES, Doulton Figurines, Bossons, Precious Moments, Pendelfin, Hummel, Wildlife Art Prints, etc. New and back Issues, Save from 17% to 57% on all items. For more information on a specific collectible, sand SASE to The Homestead, 3905 Route 147, Lennoxville, Que. JIM 2A3 or telephone between 7-8 a.m. when rates are cheapest. (819) 564-1274 or (819) 569.2671. Authorized Bradford Exchange dealer and Quebec's largest collectible store, --49 GREENHOUSE 8 Hydroponic equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality, super low prices. Greenhouse 5175, Halides 5115. Over 3,000 products in stock' Send 52 for info pack a Free magazine to Western Water Forms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V68 3N9. 1-604.682.6636.-49 STEEL BUILDING Year -End factory clearance. Straight wall or ('Jubnset styles. Odd sizes and types of steel at tremendous savings, spring delivery possible, save thousands. Pioneer Econospon 1-800-387-6896. 24 hours. -49 MIRACLE SPAN Year end clearance on all -Steel BUILDINGS. Huge inventory, immediate or spring delivery. Call toll Tree 1-800-387-4910.-49 VACATIONS FREE '88 Brochure on scenic Rideau and Trent Seven Canol Cruises aboard comfortable cruise ship Kowor- the Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway Cruises, RR 3, Peterborough K9J 6X4. (705) 748.3666.--49 WANTED TO BUY OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED - Men's only - Old Rolex and Potek Phillip- wristwatches wanted. Also wonted Eatons "Quarter Century'' Rectangular wristwatches (25 years service), Will pay 51000 & up for this watch. Phone (416)345.7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ont. MSA 152..-49 WANTED: Wall clocks and Grandfather clocks manufactured by The Arthur Peguegnot Clock Com- pany in Berlin or Kitchener, Ont. Also wanted other antique wall and montle clocks. Write Box A, 309 Mutual St., Toronto, Ont. M4Y 1X6 or call 1.416-365.9411.-49 HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A JOB with o futurq ... with Tri -County Truck Driver .TriSining. Job search ossfstance available, Kitchener 720 King E., 0519}743.5011, Brom- lard 300 Colborne E., (519) 756.0223.-49 MULTI-MILLION Dollar International firm offers ex- citing new program for two top notch individuals. Money potential is unlimited, we have reps making in- comes up to 51,500 plus weekly Recession- proofindustry, set your own hours, training provided. Call (416) 756-2111. Park Avenue Productions. -49 AIRLINE/Cruise Ship Jobs. All positions. Amazing recorded message reveals -information. Guaranteed to get you hired or no fee. (416) 482-4100 X201 Days/Evenings /Weekends. -49 CASH BUSINESS - High Profits. Top brand name soft drinks (Coke, Pepsi, etc.) dispensed from the most ad- vanced cold drink vendingmachines on today's market. $14,975 required for equipment in proven concept. (416) 966-5060.-49 • GROW FOR IT! $$$ Raise baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless. Low investment. We Train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR 1, Smithvllle, Ont. WR 2A0 (416) 643-4251, 856-2248, (705) 435-7463.-49 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DYNAMIC Business Opportunity' Leaders a Distributors needed. CALORAD family of weight con- trol products. Calorad is sweeping the country. For free information package contact House of Sherwood - Colored, 3345 North Service Rd., Burlington, Ont, L7N 3G2 (416)332-5000.-49 PERSONAL DATES GALORE: For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free 1.800.263.9163. Hours noon till 8 p.m. -49 FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or ore not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today, Appointment times available to process '87 tax returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants 2109 Oxford St. E., London N5V 2Z9. Call toll free 1.800-265-1002. In business year-round for 36 years. -49 EDUCATIONAL LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class Jon. 16 -23rd. Box 145cn, Innerkip, Ont. NOJ IMO. (519)-469.3936, (519) 537.2115.-49 CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1980 guide to study -at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers. Accounting, Aircondltioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretory, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5AI 263 Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-800.268.1121.-49 r- wel The Only way to get YOUR ad in 2.5 million homes in Canada for $749.°° or in 1,241,807 homes in Ontario for $250.°° Place Vour Blanket Classified Ad by call - Ing one of our helpfu1,01ass'ifled advisors at your nearest weekly neikapaper office for details. LucknoW 528-2822 Goderich 524-2614 Kincardine 396-2963 Clinton 482.3443 Walkerton 881-1600 Seaforth 527-0240 Mitchell 348-8431 sae new tree ea tt W err ecce term MEM sate ren sees nounces new include: • $250,000 to an 18 -month program designed by the Council's Film/PhotographyNideo Office to en- courage new media art forms in Ontario, with a focus on the individual artist in smaller centres; • a special $100,000 reserve fund for senior artistic personnel of companies supported by the Dance Office, to develop new skills through observation and participation op- portunities not normally available; • a one-time program of $125,000 developed by the Music Office to support innovative, training initiatives for Ontario musicians - to seek new audiences, improve stage presentation and explore new areas of musical expression; . • a one-time program of $125,000 created by the Theatre Office, for individual profes- sional development, .primarily designed to allow theatre artists to develop new skills and benefit from exposure to the work of ar- tists in other cities and countries. A major President Artist program of $150,000 has been developed by Council's Arts/Education Office. This program will provide support for individual, professiohal artists to work over a three-month period with local educational authorities in developing and implementing arts activities with students and teachers in specific regions of the province. In the category of Market Access, the Council's Touring Office has designed aone- time, $125,000 program for individual ar- tists, groups, ensembles and companies in music, theatre, dance, mime and puppetry ts to have videos made for the purpose -of marketing touring performances to com- munity sponsors throughout Ontario. Programs scheduled to be fleshed out in the near future include $250,000 for a pro- gram dedicated to the encouragement of spoken -word audio publishing in the pro- vince. Developed by the Council's Literature Office, this one-time fund is aim- ed at major initiatives in the production and marketing of tapes of works of contem- porary fiction and poetry by professional Ontario authors. Another marketing initiative to be detail- ed in tull, is a special commissioning pro- gram of $150,000 for independent choreographers. Developed by the Dance Office, this will fund Ontario producing organizations (not limited to dance com- panies) to commission new work from in- dependent choreographers, assisting these artists to find new markets for their work. Artist Residency will include: a Com- munity Arts Development Office program to support artists working up to six months in a special interest community, such as labour; two Visual Arts Office programs designed to provide an exchange of tem- porary studio space and residencies for ar- tists from across Ontario and further afield; a program by the Council's Franco- Ontarian Office to support the professional, Franco-Ontarian artist's market visibility and capacity for self-expression. It is anticipated that details of all remain- ing programs will be available by January of 1988. OFA rejects free trade At the Ontario Federation of Agriculture convention this week in Toronto, delegates passed a resolution rejecting the bilateral trade deal recently negotiated with the U.S. While turning down this particular deal, delegates want the OFA to continue to work for trade liberalization at both the bilateral and multi -lateral level. Delegates also condemned the federal government for its failure to provide the legal text of the agreement in time to be openly discussed and analyzed by the agricultural sector. Delegates were disappointed in the failure of the Honourable John Wise to pro- vide any concrete information on benefits of the free trade deal in his keynote ad- dress on Tuesday, November 24. They were also displeased that Wise offered no new solutions for the problems being ex- perienced by the Farm Credit Corporation. NEW EXECUTIVE ELECTED Also during the convention, delegates returned Brigid Pyke, OFA President, to office by acclamation. They elected Roger George, of Powassan Ontario as First Vice -President of OFA, and Bill Benson of Wellington County to the position of Second Vice -President. At the Board of Directors' annual meeting immediately following the con- vention, the other members of the Ex- ecutive were elected. They are Doug Gar- niss of Huron County, Ken Kelly of Bruce County, Earl Saar of Renfrew County, and Ed Segsworth of Halton County. POLICY RESOLUTION Delegates re -affirmed their desire to work with the pork and cattle commodity groups to hold a referendum concerning marketing practices. They also voted to pressure the Ministry of the Environment to make it mandatory that municipalities dispose of their garbage through a com- bination of recyling, incineration and disposal of ash in properly designed land- fill sites. Considerable discussion took place con- cerning the problems with farm financing. Policies that were discussed included pro- viding debt review boards with a mechanism for imposing binding set- tlements and maintaining pressure on the federal government to resolve the Farm Credit Corporation's problems. A resolu- tion was carried to pressure the provincial government to take immediate steps to provide a level of support to Ontario pro- ducers, equal to that provided by other provinces. Another , resolution that was passed asked that pressure be put on the federal government to provide long-term credit at interest rates comparable to farmers' return on investment. North Street UCW meeting The Evening Unit of North Street United Church held their November meeting at Maitland Manor. Rev. Kathi Urbasik opened out meeting with a story called the "Cobbler and the King." Edith Walker, Jean Hanly and Lou Bundy entertained us with music and song with everyone having the opportunity to sing a long. Kim Bruinsma performed by doing the "Highland Fling." Rev. Kathi Urbasik led us in the Lords Prayer followed by Lou Bundy and Jean Hanly singing "Blest Be The Ties That Bind." The evening closed with everyone enjoy- ing Christmas goodies provided by Jean Bettyer and her group. A business meeting followed, conducted by Win Ferris. Drysdale's of HensaII Warehouse Clearance of .All 1987 Models Subject to prior sale Over 500 appliances in stock MOFPINT Over 30. models in stock from x68995 with tradll! MOFFAT RANGES 38 models in stock from '4E4 495 with trade Refrigerators OFFAY Microwave Ovens Over 50 Moffat Micro ovens in stock from $27995 Includes tree micro school Not exactly es Illustrated All prices Include our service delivery set up etc. except micro oven Also Specials on washers, dryers, gas ranges and gas stoves We Service What We Sell DR'SkI'1'L1E MAJORCE�J'iREpLTD. HENSALL 262-2728 Ontario O'EN 'MONDAYS IN DECEMBER )PEN FRIDAY TILL 9 p.m. 'THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES 0