HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-11-25, Page 43School News Grade 3 finishes Tree Unit BY JENI HAMILTON AND ANGIE HARRISON Grade 3 is busy finishing their Tree Unit is anticipation of the "white stuff" for thier next unit. We were very proud to be a part of the Remembrance Dy Services held last Wednesday on the Square and at North Street United Church. GRADE 4 Hello there, guess what we're doing in grade 4 math? We have just learned double- digit multiplying and we are practicing the multiplication tables with drill sheets. In science we are studying fish. Mrs. Mason caught two rainbow trout and he cleaned them to show us the inside of them. Mrs. Graham, the Art Consultant for the Board of Education, showed us how to make fish mobiles. We are learning about our provinces in social studies. GRADE5 Mr. Currie's Grade 5s have just com- pleted an excellent field trip to the Wawanosh Nature Centre where they studied three different communities: the wetlands, the field and the forest. Because the day was cold and damp they did not see a lot of animal life but they did find signs that they had been there. The class is now working on individual projects related to their visit to Wawanosh. The grade fives are also starting up a pen- pal exchange with a school in New York Ci- ty. They hope to find a lot about New York City and meet new friends by exchanging letters. GRADE6 Mr. Scratch's grade 6 class has decided to do some songs and also we have chosen the book The Night Before Christmas. We will draw pictures and the pictures will be taken and projected on the wall. GRADE 7A Marilyn Clarke, Ryan Lawrence, Amy Albrecht and Mike Vessey applied their ar- tistic talents to sketching our portion of the Christmas mural for the Santa Clause Parade. The class pitched in to paint it and it is a wonderful sight. Thank you to all out ROBERTSON ROUND -UP artists. You did a super job. First term reports are out to the homes now and we are hard at work on second term reports. In our writing, we are looking at homonymns and there's -theirs a lot at steak -stake. The Intermediate Regional Enrichment workshop for Brookside, Colborne, Holmesville and Robertson will take place at Robertson on Wednesday, Dec. 2 to Fri- day, Dec. 4. The topic is "The Student and the Law" and guest speakers include lawyers Heather Ross and James Grant, Judge Carter, Sheriff Jewell, Carl DeGran- dis of Bluewater Centre, and Probation Of- ficer Tom Ewer. It looks like an exciting three days. GRADE 7C Have you ever had one of those days where nothing goes right? Sometimes, for superstitious people, these days occur on Friday the 13th. 7C has begum writing short books to reveal their ideas on this topic. We have also begum an individualized novel study where the students choose their own novel to read They will complete a variety of activities having to do with the novel. GIRLS VOLLEYBALL The girls' volleyball team is practising hard for the tournament on Nov. 28. They have already played an exhibition set against Blyth Public School. They won all three games with totals of 16-14, 15-4 and 15-11. HOT DOGS AND PIZZA Robertson School has had two very suc- cessful events - a hot dog lunch for grades 1 to 6 and a pizza lunch for grades 6-8. We hope the parent volunteers will do this again for us. Thank you Mrs. Jane Hindmarsh, Mrs. Dorothy Venkiteswaran and Mrs. Deb- bie Livesey. Kindergarten students make mice from construction paper BY TERESA JEFFERSON, RHONDA DICKSON AND JOEL WRIGHT PRIMARY NEWS This week Kindergarten I talked about mice and made cone-shaped mice from construction paper. We learned about traf- fic lights and laced our own paper shoe for the Nursery Rhyme about The Old Women who lived in a shoe. Grade 2 Rm. 3 have been discussing ways in which people and animals get ready for winter. We have geese in our room who are preparing, to fly south. In the Dinosaur Den, our "Special Me" is going to be Samara Fairbairn: We are studying about potions. We had a salt and water experiment and we tasted it! Everybody is finding clues to change a frog into a beautiful princess. Our first in- gredient is pencil shavings. We are very excited to find out if the frog will really turn into a princess! JUNIOR NEWS On Monday Grade 3, Room 10 got their report cards. They hope they did well. To- day they planted flower bulbs called paper white narcissus. They should grow fast. Mrs. Graham came and taught them how to draw people. Room 9 got another mystery letter but they haven't solved it yet. They are mak- ing Kwakiuti Indian homes from wood. They say "Thanks Mr. Culp". Room 9 got some gerbils in their classroom. They eat anything, even cardboard. The class is en- joying volleyball in houseleague too. Reporters are Krista Ritchie and Mark Hunter. Grade 4 Portable 2 is learning how to write conversation using paragraphs, with Archie comics. It's a lot of fun. They have done activities with comics that Mr. Culp has made up for us. They have done one Archie story where the Andrews family go on a trip to Uncle Howie's farm. The se- cond one is about Jughead getting a job at the Pizza Place. Mrs. Webster's grade five's are making pinatas.`It was a gooey, yucky job - but they are going to turn out beautifully! They are also working on French Projects eg. Paris, France, Nice, French foods, etc. They just finished their "Guess Who" con- test. The "Guess Who" contest was when you had to guess whose baby picture it is. The winners were Michelle MacGillivray, Michelle McClinchey, Michael McNee and Josh Foster. The volleyball houseleague has started. The Room 6 Readers spent three days with their classes held in the front hall. They had walls put up to make it look like a little room. These are some comments from the boys when they came back to the classroom: Luke - I like the classrom better. I didn't like being in the hall. Chris C. - It was too noisy and too cold. I wouldn't want to be there forever. Dennis - It was all right. Nathan - I wouldn't like it for a room. Chris M. - It was ok. BROOKSIDE BROADCAST They all agree that it's better in the classroom! SENIOR NEWS On the 17th of November, Mrs. Tebbutt's grade 6 class went to the Wawanosh Con- servation Area. They went orienteering and they had to find different control points. The class was divided into two groups. One group did orienteering on soil, and the others had to do wildlife. Mr. Spittle's grade 5 - 6 class made some fables. Then they made them into plays and put them on for the grade 1 students. They are also making winter art with con- struction paper. OFFICE NEWS Reports cards went home on Monday, November 23. Parents are encouraged to contact the school to arrange for a parent - teacher conference on Wednesday, November 25. Parents are reminded that the report card is only one method of reporting progress. Interviews, notes, telephone calls, etc. are also valuable means of communicating student achieve- ment. The report card may be kept at home for future reference but the envelope must be signed and returned to the classroom teacher. SPORTS NEWS On Friday, Nov. 20, the senior boys and girls will be playing the Colborne Volleyball teams in preparation for the Nov. 28 tournament. On Monday, Nov. 23, we played a Goderich Baseball team in volleyball. We are at the final games in senior volleyball houseleague. The junior volleyball houseleague this year is a big success. It involves only grade 4 and 5 students. Many players have already mastered the underhand serve and bump and games involve some good rallies. Keep up the good work juniors! ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Brookside hosted a three-day Enrich- ment Program on Monday, Nov. 16 to Wednesday, Nov. 18. There were 17 girls and boys in grade 5 and 6 from five schools. For the three days they were lear- ning about their senses. Mr. Farnell and Mrs. Sygrove took care of the planning. The first day started out with an introduc- tory speaker. They had Mrs. Ruth Anne Steffan in for a guest. She has no taste or smell. Mrs. Valerie Anderson who is blind spoke to them on Tuesday. Wayne Hunter from Brookside said that they were learning how to get along with and without their senses. David Holl- ingworth liked tasting food; so did Arthur Mullin. The Enrichment Program ended with presentations. Maple Leaf IODE holds meeting The November meeting of the Maple Leaf Chapter IODE was held at the home of Mrs. Linda Murphy with Regent Cathy Boddy presiding. The math item on the agenda was the an- nual allocation of funds to National and Pro- vincial IODE projects and to local organiza- tions. A total of $846 was approved by the members for disbursement. Mrs. Jean Smith reported that the Oppor- tunity Shop enjoyed a busy fall season, resulting in increased sales. The 1 r.(.. roster of volunteer helpers will be distributed at the next meeting and Mrs. Smith once more reminded everyone of the importance of this major fund-raising project. Mrs. Lynne " Edward, Ways and Means Convener, reported that the recent Tea and Dessert held at the Legion was very well at- tended. Guest speaker Constable Robin Shrive of the Waterloo Regional Police Department spoke on "Policing in the 80s", covering a wide range of topics, including sexual assault, purse snatchers, obscene telephone calls, and safety in the home. The audience enjoyed the speaker and the homemade desserts. The Chapter's annual Christmas dinner party will take place on Tuesday, December 1 at 0 p.m. at Bailey's. Members always look forward to this special meeting which is usually very well -attended, and to Santa's annual visit. A reminder to bring a $3 ex- change gift to make Santa's job easier. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1987—PAGE 11A SAVIN(.IS lOWN IN 11IIS AO BAST() CSN CURRFNI METRO TORON fO A&P RE' OULAR RF: (AILS E O PRICES EFFECTIVE MONDAY NOVEMBER Zird SATURDAY NOVEMBER 28TH. 1987 .”;•V /0„/ town*'•�£iiL;S�'%(f CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A' BEEF, BONELESS BLADE EYE OR Cross Rib Roast 6.59,g Ib •� CEREAL Post Bran Flakes 400 g BOX YOUR BEST CEREAL BUY PRODUCT OF U.S.A., DELICIOUS IN SALADS Fresh Spinach 10 OZ CELLO PKG WITH GALRIC, NO GARLIC, POLSKI OGORKI Bicks Pickles 1 LITRE JAR 1.99. 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