HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-11-11, Page 9School News Brookside students learn about fables PRIMARY NEWS Mrs. Cameron's Kindergarten class has been learning about some fables such as The Little Red Hen, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and The Elephant's Child. We have enjoyed making puppets and acting out these stories. Mrs. Young's KII class has finished lear- ning all their colours. On Thursday we had hotdogs for lunch. Beginning November 9, Mrs. Barb Bakker will be our teacher until March Break. Miss Jewitt's Grade 1 class has been busy practising their adding facts to five. They will be visiting Wawanosh Nature Center to learn how animals and plants prepare for winter. In the Dinosaur Den we made papier mache of things that come in a tree and painted them. We made nests, a pear, a raccoon, apples, a butterfly, and treehouses! We are learning how to write in cursive. Wow! We are finishing up trees, and treehouses now. I wonder what's next? JUNIOR NEWS In Grade 4, our •mystery person, Dr. S., was Mr. Farnell. He really spooked us and brought a mystery bag that really held tomatoes and squashed oranges. He told us ghost stories and we had apple cider and popcorn. It was good fun. This month we're studying the Kwakiutl Indians of the Pacific Coast. Grade 5 is working on poems, stories and posters for Remembrance Day. Four peo- ple are sending poems to the Legion Con- ttst - Michelle MacGillivray, Doug E3ROOKSIDE E3ROADCAST Barger, Sandra Meader and Patricia Robinson. Michelle McClinchey is entering a story. Posters by Amanda Todd, Doug Barger, Michelle MacGillivray and Philip Dickson are also entered. Our class has been playing games to learn about On- tario. Our class and Mr. Spittal's have been selecting the cast for our Christmas Concert Musical. This week the Room 6 Readers have been looking at stories about fighting and solving arguments. This fit right in with a lengthy discussion on Remembrance Day and what causes wars. We then wrote our own recipes for peace. SENIOR NEWS Mrs. Tebbutt's Grade 6 class went to visit George Smith's machine shop. In the shop there were automatic rollers, a crane that can lift almost a ton, and a metal cut- ting machine etc.... When the class visited Mr. Smith, he was making snowblower parts. Other things that Mr. Smith makes are grain buggy's and snowblowers. Mrs. Allen's Grade 7 class have started a study of the North American Indians. They are doing research on different kinds of In- dian groups, and when they are done they will put the information on a mural. Mr. Spittal made the first cuts of the girls volleyball tryouts. They are also doing many projects and writing tests. Mr. Liddle's Grade 7 class is working on rounding numbers and in art they are making Remembrance Day posters. SPORTS NEWS The senior boys and girls volleyball teams are busy preparing for the volleyball tournament which is on Nov. 28 at G.D.C.I. Mr. Spittal is working with the girls and Miss Clynick is working with the boys. The senior volleyball houseleague is. well underway and the junior volleyball houseleague began this week. COMPUTER SNARL-UP Our pilot project has "crashed". The new computer in the office has been returned because the hard disk is not operating correctly. We are afraid that three weeks of Mr. Blake's time may have been wasted. Those pink sheets with statistical information may be coming home to parents again if we are required to start over. The co-operation and patience of parents, teachers and Mr. Blake will be. appreciated. INTERVIEW Miss Jill Clynick has been Brookside's Pys. Ed. teacher for 11/2 years. She has always wanted to be a Pys. Ed teacher. She thinks that Brookside is a great school. Her favourite sport is squash. Her hobbies are playing squash, jogging and cooking. She lives in Brucefield. Miss Clynick has five brothers and sisters. She went to the University of Western Ontario and on to teacher's college in Windsor. Miss Clynick is an excellent teacher. Teddy bears occupy kindergarten students Kindergarten is getting "beary" in terested in bears,'especially Teddy Bears and ars reading bear stories, making bear puppets and learning some bear ryhmes. The Grade One/Twos in Miss St&n- bach's class had a great Hallowe'en. They learned how to carve Jack -O -Lanterns and were very busy writing spooky tales. The Grade Two/Three class really en- joyed all the scary hallowe'en activities in the gym. They are busy learning how peo- ple and animals prepare for winter:' Mr. Sanders Grade Three/Four class have started their own newspaper. They have divided themselves into reporters, photographers, type -setters and editors. They will be writing and editirg stories about their room and using a computer program called "Newsroom" to create a newspaper with pictures. Be watching for (Ta!Is & Oversize Available) INSULATED COVERALLS $5A00 • CHARMANS LUCKNOW 528-2526 COLBORNE CONNECTIONS their first edition in the near future. Grade 5/6s have been extremely busy up till now. The year started with an ap- propriate unit about provincial govern- ment, their duties and method of election. It followed with an in-depth study of trees beginning with a visit to Wawanosh Con- servation Area. Intermingled with these units Mrs. Graham, our art consultant visited Grade 5/6 four times teaching us how to work with still life and abstract and finishing up with mask making in time for Hallowe'en. The pupils have been active in cross country and soccer as well as selling chips, cheese sticks and magazines and are now arranging for soup days once a week. Student's Council are conducting a magazine campaign for the school. Monies raised in this way will be used to supple- ment field trips. Any members of the com- munity who would like to subscribe to a particular magazine should contact ,the school at 524-6252. The Grade 8 class are busy designing and constructing a .float for this year's edi- tion of the. Goderich Santa Claus Parade (Nov. 21, 1987). They plan to include ideas about Christmas Past, Present, and Future. A group of interested Dads were on hand last week to help frame the superstructure for the float. Think of it as a Christmas Gift Every driver on your list will appreciate a C.A.A. Membership. What a great way to tell someone how much you care! When you give a C.A.A. Membership, your friends and relatives will enjoy Personal Travel Counselling, Ex- clusive C.A.A. Tour - books, Triptiks and Maps, dependable Emergency Road Ser- vice and American Ex- press Travellers Che- ques fee -free. Enroll now as a new master member or give a Gift Member- ship and receive a Free 1092'° C.A.A. Bear. Call for more details. we deliver gift memberships festively wrapped. 402.9300 7 RATT9NRURY ST. OAST CLINTON KING'S BOOK & GIFT SHOP Jusit„off:,the;Squ4rfesOri,East Street,, l esitic tI1,d Post Offike. YourZ, Community Card Shop •Greeting Cards •Party Wore •Office Supplies •Books & Gifts •Wedding Stationery c. ” 7 c GODERICH SIGRAI -STAR, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1987—PAGE 9 Hi, I'm Anne Mullen, your dance teacher in Goderich. I have room for four more students from ages 4 to 6 years. If interested please come out to the Kinsmen Centre this Satur- day, November 14, 1987 at 11:30 a.m. No charge will apply if you do not wish to enroll. Anne Mullen Dance Academy at 240 Wellington St. in Strat- ford. My phone in Stratford is 273-1991 or 273-3335. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY FOR CHRISTMAS BUYING! GOING -OUT -OF BUSINESS SALE cone roue, EVERYTHING STOREWIDE -1/2 PRICE A O0n30O,1 OF OARIAHOY! tA0. 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