HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-11-11, Page 6PAGE 6--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1987 QQ ADAY INDD 261T1din_ 139 U.S. FOR INFORMATION CALL, • r HarbourTravel I Judy, Lindi, Johnine or Janet 524®7335 Courthouse Square Goderich Marlin TraietMa.rtin Tr.•avelMarl.in Travel 1. DON'T JUST ser THERE WHILE EXTRA CASH BLOWS AWAY IN THE WIND! SUE THOSE UNWANTED ITEMS IN THE CLASSIFIEDS Goderich SIGNAL -STAR 524-2614 At retirement many people are faced with the important question, "WHAT DO I DO WITH MY REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN DEPOSITS?" A" STANDARD TRUST REGISTERED RETIREMENT INCOME FUND (RRIF) is an excellent option to be considered. A RRIF is a tax sweltered extension of your RRSP. It allows you to pay out your matured RRSP during your retirement years when your personal tax rate is probably lower. A RRIF cannot be purchased after December 31st of the year you turn 71 and it may not continue past December 31st of the year in which you turn 90. However, it can be purchased anytime before your 71st birthday. At STANDARD TRUST, you can set up your RRIF investments and payment schedule to your own liking. And if your RRIF is .invested in STANDARD TRUST CERTIFICATES only, there are no fees whasoevei. ASK YOUR STANDARD TRUST BRANCH MANAGER FOR FULL DETAILS. 138 The Square, G5derich 524-7385 STANDARD TRUST Member - Canada [)cposit Insurance Corporation C o m m u niy Flews Respiratory Therapist, Clayton Hefley, demonstrates a breathing aid to a patient suffer- ing from breathing problems as part of the Better Breathing Program at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Hefley is a board member of the Huron -Perth Lung Association, who fund the program through their Christmas Seals Campain. (photo by Ted Spooner) Christmas Campaign underway The Annual Christmas Seal Campaign is now underway. Each year The Lung Association sends a package containing specially -designed Christmas Seals. to ap- proximat 40,000 households in Huron- • Perth Co ties. Victor Crapnell, an Ottawa artist, su ted the winning design for the 1987 Christmas eals. Christmas Se' is and The Christmas Seal Campaign represent the spirit of giving and helping others. Eightyyears ago when tuberculosis was the dreaded "white plague", Christmas Seals raised money to build sanatoria and later to make chest x- rays available to all. To -day, The Lung Association is dedicated to eliminating such diseases as- lung cancer, emphysema, asthma and chronic bronchitis. It is a community-based organization and the money raised is used to educate and to help people cope with lung disease. "The goal for the 1987 campaign in Huron - Perth Counties. is $70,000;00," says Eileen Beauchemin, Fund -Raising Chairman, "and, in addition to funding medical research, donations will go towards local Family Asthma Programs, Better Breathing Programs, various programs concerning smoking and the LUNGS ARE FOR LIFE School Program." There is an increasing demand for our services in the community," says Mrs. Beauchemin. "We want to meet these needs and your financial support will make it possible.", Before you send it, seal it...with a Christmas Seal! . Roofracks for any car., Roofracks for any sport; BIC • THULE MONT BLANC GODERICH WINDSURFING 47 Church St., Goderich 524-9603 , BUILDING IN THE SPRING...? PEOPLE WHO DON'T NAIL DN APRICEEFORE CONSTRUCTION... GET It's not surprising that the average builder hates to commit to a price before construction begins. There can be weather delays. Material - costs can suddenly increase. Any number of things can go wrong. As a result, the buyer usually gets nailed. Does that mean you should forget about a new house? No. It simply means you've got another very good reason to look into Royal Homes. Royal Homes are built inside — out of the weather'. In a controlled construction environment. And we know exactly what our materials will cost. We know exactly what our labor will cost. And, best of all, you know exactly what your home will cost. Before construction begins. Any questions? Just fill out the coupon. And we'll be happy to fill in the details. {Yes, please send my full colour Royal Homes Catalogue an—di Iprice list. My cheque or money order for %5.00 is enclosed. Name: Address: Town/City: Postal Code: Phone: • r. "ROYAL CATALOGUE SERVICES" I Please make your cheque payable to: ®YAL P.O. Box 64, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. NOG 2W0 1 LqLuiviesmmyi The Simple Solution. CALL NOW AND SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OFF NEXT SPRING'S PRICES!1.80002654040 OR VISIT OUR FULLY DECORATED MODEL CENTRE ON ARTHUR STREET IN WINGHAM Only two AIDS deaths in county Huron County has been spared the rapid spread of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syn- drome (AIDS), county council was informed at its regular November session. The statement was included in a report of the county's medical officer of health, Dr. Maarten Bokhout, which was included inhe monthly report of the Huron County Board of Health. Dr. Bokhout was out of town and unable to attend the meeting, but his report expressed hope that an effective education campaign will minimize the spread of AIDS. The report pointed to recent provincial legislation which makes AIDS education mandatory in schools and the Huron County Health Unit is attempting to work with both the Huron County Board of Education and the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board in meeting the requirements of this legislation. Worldwide, the report said, it is an- ticipated that approximately a million or mote people will die fromthe disease in the next several years and in Ontario, a few thousand people are expected to get the disease within the next five to eight years before the epidemic may abate. This would depend on public education and the presumed introduction of a protec- tive vaccine, the report adds. However, significant improvement in the situation is not anticipated until the early or mid-1990s at the earliest. Closer to home, Huron County to date has had only three exposures to the AIDS virus, two of which have resulted in death, Dr. Bokhout states in his report. • At the present time, only one person in the county is known to have been exposed to the virus, but is not now suffering from AIDS. Have You s e• Lately? We've a totally new look, outside and in. Yet proudly, the tradition of quality, value --and service in Diamond. Gold Jewellery & Watch retailing and repairs (since 1955) continues. Drop in soon. You'll like what you see. JEWELLE 94 THE SQUARE, GODERICH 524-7841 J Win one of Five Trips for Two toYour Very Own P.A.R.A.D.I.S.E FREE Personal Planning Set. When you purchase any Canon Personal Copier between November 2 -December 31, 19g7. Approximate Retail Value $160.00 .x•:sA :{c`:.. Includes 1988 Diary Executive Pen, Key Carrier. Travel Clock and Folding Canon Solar Calculator. Pick Your Own Destination ❑ Honolulu, Hawaii 0 Los Angeles, California Canadion 0 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Canon personal copiers Save $260.00 on a PCSL with Black Cartridge Month of November only HURON BUSINESS MACHINES $1099. (Free Delivery) SO Albert St. Clinton 482-7338