HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-11-04, Page 39School News School h ppy with Robertson Right Up Robertson Memorial Public School wishes to thank The Signal -Star employees and management for the excellent co-operation and support our school received in our joint efforts to publish the "Robertson Right Up" as a tabloid supplement in last week's r gular edition of The Signal -Star. hank -you to the parents who are organiz- ing a hot dog day for Grades 1-6 on Wednes- day, November 4 at noon. The Students' Council had planned many fun things for the next few weeks. Next week the senior choir is scheduled to sing at MacKay Hall at 7:30 on October 28. On Oc- tober 29, the students council has planned to have a dance for grades 6-8 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. And, last week, we were selling the left over sweat shrts. and sweat pants. On Oc- tober 22, students council also had a spirit day in which all the school was encouraged to wear their Robertson sweatshirts or sweatpants. KINDERGARTEN The Kindergarten classed visited Apple Park last week. It was a beautiful autumn day and we enjoyed walking through the or- chard. We saw men on ladders picking ap- ples and then we walked back to the Packing House where Mrs. Laithwaite told us about the different kinds of apples and gave us one to eat. Thank -you Mrs. Laithwaite. After we visited Apple Park we went across the road to Mrs. Freeman's place and enjoyed an auturnn walk in the woods. There were many trees with pretty leaves to look at as well as weeds, some wildflowers, the creek and stones with moss on them. Everyone is excited aboat Halloween. We arelearning new songs about pumpkins, bats, witches and ghosts and listening to scary stories. GRADE 1-2 On Thursday October 22, the Grade 1-2 class went on their field trip to Fergusons Apiary near Hensall. Since the class has been studying about these interesting littel insects, it was excelent way to see first hand what they had been learning. They enjoyed the bus ride, seeing all the beehives, and all the honey in the barrels. It -was a very ex- citing and educational experience. Thanks to all the parents who went along. The Grade I's have been a very busy group. On Wednesday, October 7, they visited Mr. Art Bell's Apple Orchard. They were shown how the cider press operates and treated to some fresh apple cider. Mr. Bell took them through the orchard where they saw meny kinds of different apples which they had studied. Back at school they had apple cen- tres and baked• apple crisp for Thanksgiv- E ROUND -UP ing. Mrs. Wannemaker, Michelle Rotteau and Mrs. MacDowell helped make the apple crisp so thank you to them. On Tuesday, October 13, we walked to the library to hear a story teller Mr. Dan Yachinsky. He is the founder of 1001 Friday Nights of Storytelling and an instructor at the Story Tellers School of Toronto. He delighted his audience with a funny story about a gunny fox and an intriguing story of a witch and two sisters. He kept the students and parents spellbound. GRADE2 Grade 2'is well into witches brews, frogs, eyes octopus stew and bat-wing sandwiches in preparing for a ghostly hallowe'en! Miss Braid's class has written to author Robert Munsch in Guelph to wish him a speedy recovery from his attack of tonsillitis. We are looking forward to our class trip to Wawanosh on Nov. 9. We wish Trisha Dodd's greetings from Room- 6! As he en- joys his stay in Africa. We will be writing letters to Mr. Dodds to keep up his spirits. Grade 2 has been preparing for a Hallowe'en assembly. Everyone will havea part sing. This morning we were treated to some lovely violin playing by Frank! We have a budding misician in our room. Frank playeda number of times and we guessed what they were! Well done maestro Frank! GRADE4 We have been busy with Art using leaves and seeds. We have had fun experimenting. Also in our Science classes we have been studying plants and leaves and the future of trees. We are learning to find locations on the map using latitude and longitude co- ordinates. GRADE6 This Friday grade six is putting on a few poems for the Halloween assembly. There will be peoms like "Midnight" with a boy be- ing chased by a monster. "The thing and I" with a boybeing attacked by a slime and a 'Halloween Indignation Meeting" with some halloween spirits getting angry that kids aren't frightened about them anymore. Yours truly, Colin Pickell, grade 6. GRADE 7A "Codename .Icarus"...sounds like a spy novel. Well, it is!' Seven A is viewning and discussing a visual novel called, "Codename Icarus." It will be useful to learn about plot setting, characterization, symbolism, etc: Novels can be lots of fun! The Legion poster, poetry, and narrative contest for Remembrance Day is coming soon and we will be working on our entries very soon. We were really excited and pleased about the "Robertson Right- Up."We are published! Did you enjoy see- ing our work? If so, hug a kid today! Mrs. Susan Chan is our French volunteer again this year. She helps us with extra help, marks our books and is generally nice to have around. Welcome back, Mrs. Chan and thanks. We appreciate you! Grade eights are hard at work in French classes. Grade eight has at least 10 min. of homework in French every night. Oral work is being stressed this term. Some ex- tra special results come from extra work! GRADE 7C 7C is rightin the swing of Halloween mak- ing haunted hottses with trap doors and writing very spooky stories to go with them. Have you ever seen a green ghost, a red bat or a blue jack '0' lantern? Well if not, you haven't seen the unusual halloween mobiles which hang all aroung their classroom. 7C is proving that they are very creative! GRADE 8C VOLLEYBALL • This year our school is taking part in volleyball. Mrs. Crocker and Mr. Yeats are coaching the boys and girls to learn more volleyball skills to become .practices at lunch and boys after school. This year the volleyball tournament will be on Nov. 27. Good Luck! GRADE 8C WAWANOSH TRIP On October 20, 8C went to Wawanosh Con- servation Area. We want to thank Mr. Campbell and Mr. Hosack for coming. Also we would like to thank Jayne and Esther for showing us how to name each kind of tree. In the afternoon, we plotted trees in a 10 m. square onto a graph. We also played some games about fire, erosion, deciduous and coniferous insects, and how they kill the dif- ferent kinds of trees. The class would like to thank Mrs. Crocker for taking us. MR. STECCA'S CLASS Mr. Stecca's class has begun a unit on computers. We hope to master a new pro- gram each week with the help of a parent volunteer, Mrs. Venkiteswaran. Mike Clarke and Steven Saunders have started a hockey corner where they will be keeping stats on all the teams. Jody .Berry will giv- ing a presentation to the class, on astrology. Each student will have his horoscope done. Cat tests occupy Grade 5 students • KINDERGARTEN 1 . We decorated baskets with orange tin foil . for our Hallowe'en treats. On Thurs- day we had our costume parade. RM. 1OGR. 3 Our class is having Hallowe'en centers. Mrs. Graham was here on October 28. We slid a Hallowe'en picture with wax crayons and watered-down paint. This is called crayon resist. We also;;have drawn and cut Jack -o -lanterns and are making pumpkin tarts. GRADE 4,PORTABLE2 Colin Becker won $10 from the Lucknow Slogan Contest. Two days later he found out he won $15 'more. Colin's slogan was "Let's celebrate in '88". He wants to buy a car for $20 with his money and put $5 in the bank. Our class is impressed. GRADE5 Mrs. Webster's grade 5 class has been busy doing cat tests! We loved doing a scene of Hallowe'en pictures. The Food Festival is closed up again for another year. On Friday, Mrs. Webster is going to put our, baby pictures up so people can guess who we are. Today we made castle poems about castles and ghosts. On Fri- day, Oct. 30, grade 5 will be having hot- dogs. Mrs. Webster will provide dessert. We started a book called The House With the Clock on its Walls. On Wednesday we started Ontario centers. PORTBLE{, 3; GRADE 5/6 On Friday, Oct. :30, Mr. Spittal's grade 5 BROOKSIDE BROADCAST and 6 class is having a Hallowe'en party all afternoon. We are having games and preparing hotdogs and desserts. We say thank -you to the people that are organizing the games. In Environmental Studies we are studying the Earth, maps. and globes. ROOM 7, GRADE 6 Mrs. Tebbutt's Grade 6 class is doing a monster unit for Hallowe'en. Some ac- tivities require us to do crosswords, to make analogies, to write poetry, to create stories., and to read articles. Some of us are working in the library, the front foyer, and the classroom. THE ROOM 6 READERS We have been busy reading spooky stories and writing descriptions of monsters. We even created a two -meter tall green monster with five eyes and two horns for the hall wall. We finished our Ghoul School Folders on the last day before Hallowe'en. Next week we're going to cook pumpkin recipes. SURVEY What is your favourite television program? Shane Hartman - Transformers Lindsay Williams - Alf Danielle McClinchy - Family Ties Keith Todd - MacGyver Tanya Hodges - A Different World Mrs. Jewitt - The Cosby Show Meeting at Colborne school COLBORNE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1987—PAGE 3A DEEP RELAXATION STRESS RELEASE WORKSHOP A HANDS-ON WORKSHOP SPONSORED BY THE RECREATION DEPT. Workshop Leader: Rita Loftsgard R.M.T. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1987 9:30 atm. 0 4:30 p.m. at the Victoria Public School Gym (use southeast entrance) Workshop Fee: $35.00 per person PLEASE PRE -REGISTER AT THE GODERICH RECREATION OFFICE 166 McDONALD ST., GODERICH BY NOVEMBER 6, 1987 Please wear loose fitting clothing and bring a towel or mat. For more information contact The Goderich Recreation Office at 524-2125 NOTICE BAN ON OVERNIGHT PARKING There will be NO OVERNIGHT PARKING from NOVEMBER 1.5 until MARCH 15 between the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. on any street in Goderich. —Goderich Traffic By -Law Stan Profit, Councillor, Chairman, Traffic Committee i 1 Employment and Immigration Canada Emploi et Immigration Canada O••• e••• 1)•000 e•• e e e 0•• m e s e•• e• e•• e e••• e• e e 1 e• e• e e e• s e m e e e e e e e • 1e • • • • • Here is a way to help the unemployed as well as yourself. If you are a business, non-profit group or individual willing to hire unemployed workers — who have difficulty getting • ® and keeping ajob — you will want to learn more about the • federal government's Job Development Program. • • You provide the required training and practical work ex- perience and we provide: Hire and train workers your way wdota 410 • e • • • • • • • CONNECTIONS • Colborne Central Public School will be holding a meeting Tuesday, November 10 at • 7:30 p.m. at the school for parents and com- munity members interested in learning more about Adventure Playground • equipment. • The meeting will consistnf a film called • "The Serious Business of Play" as well as • guest speaker, • Mr. Paul Bradley, a representative of Henderson Recreation. • He will discuss the features of the playground components manufactured by his company. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting and to bring their ideas with them. • up to 80% of gross wages •up to $40 a day for training costs •up to $10,000 for structural changes to accommodate disabled trainees Before you do any hiring, contact your local Canada Employment Centre for specific information: Contact: BOB McDOUGALL ' 524-8342 or 1-800-265-5185 The Canadian Jobs Strategy w- ' riloYerg • • • 6 e• • • • • • • • • e m • • • e e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • e • OR FALL BONGS SPECIALS ARE FADING FAST '' $100 OFF* $200 OFF* $300 OFF* A MII) OR HIGH EFFICIENCY A NATI'RMI. (AS Fl'RN ACE NATI'RAI. GAS n'RNACE :LW CENTRAL- AIR CONDMON1NG PACKAGE A CONVENTIONAI. NATI'RA I. ;AS FI'RNA(.F: OR CENI'RAI. AIR CONDI11ON1NG As you can see, our Fall Bonus Specials on modern home comfort equipment are fading fast. And as of December 4, 1987, they'll he gone. So if you're in the market for a new natural gas furnace. central ail• -condi tinning, or a worry-free'natural gas rental water heater, don't wait too long. With home comfort equipment from Clare, Duomatic Olsen, Grimsby Stove, Honeywell, Lennox or Roberts fF NO PAYMENT ON EQI1PMMENT PI'RCHASE\ OR \LATER NEATER RENTAI. I'N'111, APRIL 88 WHEN S'\1TCHlN(; TO A NATI'RAI, GAS FI •RNACE FR01I 011. OR ELECTRICITY Gordon - you can't go wrong. Give me a'call today I)nn Petteplacc 1-800-265-4173 union CHS We bring the energy ' \P1,111•• L, rr.�drlm.il �yluilmlrw �.rJ1 Duh n 1.ihJ 'w"'��� ,..0.1111Nrr4 mA1a,1mh1.r • I''M 11.1.8111,1 h1 1,777.711 ,I :•"". .. \\N1 ,ppn1111 n11i1