HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-11-04, Page 12+ws PAGE 12 --GODE:H1CH SIGNAL -STAR. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1987 18. Houses for Rent 18. Houses for Rent RENTAL FAMILY TOWNI3®MILS °Spacious 1200 square feet •3 bedrooms Only $325. per month AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 15 - ONLY 4 LEFT CALL NOW RENTAL OFFICE 482-5070 24. Wanted to Rent WANTED A tram to Ierlt 1,4 ,° 1.111.Ily ,vith two children Can help with re'w,arions repair,, us well'as other forming ,tunes Contac r Dirk Par,kel 519 885 9615 44 WANTED HOME 10 RENI responsible profes sionel couple require a home for one: Iwo years three five bedrooms Goderich or eu References available Call c aline t 416 461 6840 44tf 25. Wonted to B y OLD SHEET music you may have In your piano bench Please °vrito to Dreiv,E°r No 66 c o Goderich Signal Stol P 0 Box 220 Goderich Ont. N7A 486 42 44x [26._HelpWanted EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We offer an exerting career with a growing corn pony full training progrurn equal opportunities for Termite or male For your efforts you receive salary & commissions car ullowunce & bonuses full company benefits & the opportunity to earn executive Inn ornr 'to rnkrr aclvri stage of this op portunity toElny I n!I Roily at 1 800 265 3435 or 364 1894. :i'iifni ACTIVE fen•ole senlul r Itiz;N; Iequires middle ag- ed non-smoking live in or live out housekeeper ,and cook. Drtv.c•I5 110E:rlsr• 1equlred. Large fur Wished ono( t iie t r.tnd boor 0 supplied. Call 524-9895 after 6 OU p ni 40tfn MANAGER REQUIRED, Goderich. •Clinton, Exeter stores. Expen.erice preferred but not necessary. Apply in writing - Jo! vis .Photo Inc Clinton, Ont NOM 1L0 43 45ar INTERESTING WORK We are nr E eptiny -1 'tines now, of persons who would like to 'IC' vu os volunteers on our advisory board at 1 he Gorier ich Siynol Ston You 'are well qualified if you have u keen interest to your com- munity• newspupur Business people and adver- tiser5 ate welcome. For details. please call Shirley Keller at 524-2614. .'44,45nx WINGHAM & District Association for the Men- tally Retarded invites applications to fill two port time residential supper t staff positrons at the 297 Edward Streit Residence Qualifications: a suitobiltty for working with people and preferably experience in the Human Services Field. Please forward resume to Marian Raynard, Residential Manager. 297 Edward Street, Box 1042. Wingharn Ontario. NOG 2W0 by Monday. November 9. These vacancies have occurred due to expansion of residrntial services. 44 PART-TIME BUT FASCINATING ' • Like to know what s going on9 like to write? Combine your likes' and work part-tS7 a 05 a correspondent for The Goderich Signal -Star. We're looking4or the right someone to cover the town of GoderKb's husy 'people" beat. Apply in writing only "to The Goderich Signol•Star, ATT. Shirley Keller P.0 Box 220, Goderich. Ont. N7A 486. 44,45nx GENERAL MANAGER BLYTH FESTIVAL. Duties in- clude financial planning and control; supervision of publicity. box office and front of house management grant and funding opplicatons and volunteer and community relations. Previous ex- perience in managing an arts organization is re• quired. Send resumes by November 1.6, 1987 to Search Committee Chairperson Blyth Festival. Box 10 Blyth Ontario NOM 1H0. 43.44ar ;shier TIME soles help required • one sales clerk flexible hours during day. me evening and Soturdoys possible. Also one Grad,p 11 and 12 student sales stock clerk to work after school some evenings Saturdays. Apply in, person •10 Mr. t1Scott. 223 Huron Rd. 43or 44ar STAFF REQUIRED must be,18 yrs. or over. Apply in person at Pizzo Delight 364 Bayfield Rd. 43or 44or 26. Help Wanted CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed Now is the time to train for your class 'A license. For prescreening interview and job placement information contact, Mery Orr's Group, 1 800 265 3559. PARA -MED HEALTH SERVICE otters a complete range of nursing & home support services. We are about to open offices in 5furon County and we have an immediate need to recruit HOME SUPPORT WORKERS As a pyr+mid home support worker you will care primarily for elderly & disabl- ed people in their home. You will receive basic training which will allow you to provide nutritional homemaking & peyr- sonal patient care. QUALIFICATIONS: •baaturity & understanding' with the respect to the needs of the elderly & disabled. •pr-evinus• homemaking -or nurse aid experience !experience caring for patients or fami- ly members in their own home. Interviews will be held NOV. •11/87 Bedford Hotel, Goderich PR para -mei bid HEALTH SERVICES Please phone toll free 1-8(10-265-5768 " for ani appointment 920 Commissioner's Road E. London, Ont. N5Z 3J1 BABYSITTER REQUIRED to conte into my home. References Phone 524 6411. 43 44 L MANAGER for Mitchell Golf Club Inc. State ex- perience and salary expected Apply to Box 38. Mitchell Ontario NOK tNO Applications close Nose nbcr 14 1987 43 44 ^target Convenience Stores MANAGER WANTED A management positon has become avaiiable at Target Food Stores, 89 Albert St., Clinton. Target Food Store is a rapidly expan- ding company and is looking for people to grow with them. If you are - ambitious, self - motivated, and would like to follow a definite career path and enjoy working with people, we would like to hear from you now. Please forward resume to - Tolrget Convenience Stores Ltd. 1030 UPPER JAMES STREET SUITE 206 HAMILTON, ONTARIO L9C 6X6 The Town' of Goderich requires an. ACCOUNTANT / DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR. Applicant should have a strong accounting background, a knowledge of computer ap- plications would also he beneficial. Preference will be given to applicants who have taken Post • Secondary Accounting Courses. Salar, in the range of $20;000 - $23,000 and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. An excellent benefits package, is included. Apph in writing to the undersigned by November 13, 1987. LARRY J. McCABE Administrator Clerk -Treasurer 57 West Street GODERICH, Ontario N7A 2K5 28. Business Opportunity CASH IN - CASH OUT! Coke, Pepsi, Libby's, Heinz World Famous Drinks you will refill in your new. unique. cold pop juice vendors with separate price . settings. Min. ' investment of $11,980 secured as we supply freight, equipment install- ed in locations. products fills, supplies, etc. Own your cash business, your choice, part or full time. Call write (24 hrs.) for brochure: Solar Business Centres, 100 East Drive, Suite 200, Bromalea, Ont, LOT 183. Mr. Halbot 1-416-761-5705. --35-47 31. Service Directory FOR YOUR curpet and linoleum installation Loll Norm 5246482 Free estimates 02tfor COUNTRY PLAYCARE Wholesome family doycore fur children 1 5 years Locotion Hwy 21 South 10 minutes drive from Goderich Receipts provided - Call John or Janet J ..nulo 524 4381 42 45 HURON -BRUCE Tutoring Services all subjects Kindergarten to Grade XIII Qualified teachers Phone 529 7634 after 9 p m 43tfar REPAIRS MADE to Cerum,c and Chino articles Phone 524 2923 44 CREATIVE KIDS - Cunsultant Carolyn Porter Moc Donald Loftus St Auburn 526-7254 Host a home demonstration or fund raiser Earn free gifts 44x PAUL STEEP PRODUCTION S Specialized Printing & Graphics Newsletters, Mailing Lists, Let- terhead, Business Cards; Typing, Computer Rental "Time, Creative Signs, Note Pads. Call 524-8717 DOES YOUR BRICK HOME NEED A FRESH LOOK? ire appvarafil8 h. �.r lll'i P.' •�Q FOR A FREE ESTIMATE W. ADAMSON & SON LUCKNOW CONTRACTING LTD. 528-2113 PHOTOGRAPHY ••1x1.1 1-. F.I^ray G:Irnr,.ngy P"•Ira•E. I ,, +.t.vl 1 . Rn.r, Pr.dessounnl Sr'n,i In Gary Walden 52-_ 921 2 . r;f. .1 Auburn J ROB COLLINS ELECTRIC Industrial, Commercial and Residential PHONE 524-9385 MacLyn Car oiling & Driveway Sealing HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 - 3 Saturday 8 - 12 Weather Permitting 395-3352 1' I miles North of Amberley West off Highway 21 ANNUITIES - RRIFS FOR FREE QUOTATION CALL DAVE SHEWFELT TENDER Removal of all snow on Parking Lot, Driveways and Sidewalks at Sheaffer Pen Canada. Areas to be kept clear at all times. Tenders in writing to be receiv- ed at Sheaffer Pen, 520 Huron Rd., Goderich. Attn. N.J. Weir, Materials Manager by Nov. 16/87 at 10 a.m. 30. Employment Wanted i HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE - vacuuming, scrubbing laundry, clean your stove, refrigerator, etc. 526-7238. -43,44' 31. Service Directory Make . it one stop at ,*4 John's Decorating We stock ... IS :. •Wallpaper •Paint •Ceramic Tile & Sundries •Silk Flowers & Trees • Draco Blinds BALLOON -O -GRAMS For All Occasions • We have a number of painting and paper- ing professionals available for bookings through our store. 510Sauth St., 524-&4 Goderich 31. Service Directory Typewriter and Calculator Repairs *Free Estimates IHIttcwatcr OB-FI('I IQo,'IPN1I-ti.I- 1.1D S24.9863 7o East SI Goderich We're Your One Stop Shopping Centre for a Complete Line of Pool and Spa Chemicals and Accessories. 524®9304 BLUE HORIZON POOLS & SPAS 2 Miles East of Goderich DRAPERIES UNLIMITED ! t4711L. uclnm Draperies Balloon Shades Valances Venetians • Verticals Roller Shades Free Estimates - No Obligation 10, Shop al Home Service/ c all 524-2352 Day or Evening / Proprietor Murray CULBERT INSULATION Sprayed on urethane Foam Agricultural, Industrial Residential, Commercial FREE ESTIMATES .. R.R. No. 6 Goderich 529-7571 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all °WHIRLPOOL °INGLIS °SPEED QUEEN °ADMIRAL °SIMPLICITY •HOTPOINT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St. Goderich KINGSPORT CONSTRUCTION R.R. 3 GODERICH •New Construction •Renovations *Roofing, Decks, Fencing, Cottage Repairs Also complete barn renovations, concrete work, welding, air hammer, etc. For more information call BERT KNOOP 529-7058 Compute Construction •Custom Building •Additions•Renovations •Roofing•Siding •Form Buildings HUGH BURGSMA 524-6355 THINKING OF A HOUSE - ADDITION? ALTERATIONS? Interior/Exterior Renovations? or a New Home? Make it a Reality! Cal l KEN KELLER CONSTRUCTION 524-6637 Goderich 37 yrs. experience In all facets of the building trade. We core about your satisfaction CofrrsTRUCT_to$ $5tevens DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Gold Rock in' Roll DISCO POLKAS WALTZES NEW LAZER DISC MUSIC GOOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIVERSARIES PARTIES ETC 10 yrs. experience 'No mileage charge BRUSSELS 887-6159 DAYTIME o, EVENINGS 31. Service Directory GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything large or small FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Services 345 Huron Rd. 3524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls Tax Preparation All or In -Part JOHN HICKEY CONSTRUCTION *New Construction *Replacement Windows *Renovations and doors *Decks *Roofing Patios *Sidewalks FREE ESTIMATES Licensed carpenter Port 529-7872 10 years Albert after 6 p.m PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS DAVE McKEE r cAu 524-7774 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CLEANING %Fully Bonded and Insured CUSTOM BACKHOEING - drain, repair, erosion control, cellar drains loser. Coll Frank Postill 482.9101. 15tfar WOOD FLOOR FINISHING. hard or soft wood floors, old or new. Finishing or refinishing. For on experienced professional phone Peter Martin at 529.3107. 32tfn Salisfetclion Guaranteed" -weekly niaid service -spring cleaning -window washing -house sitting ()PEN rill 8:00 P.M. ELITE DOMESTIC SERVICES Doug & Laurie Falconer Dan MacKinnon 524-5170 momeiewo,, s.,ne° ,-.enver.r CARRICK CARPENTRY CALL 526-7006 524-8647 FREE ESTIMATES •Homes, Additions, Roofing Siding •Aluminum Application, Eavestroughing, Replacement Windows, Kitchen Cupboard Installation •Garages, Carports, Sundecks, Drywalling ALL REPAIRS...ANY SIZE JOB 6Vedidi(29 a Saeid ,Refturtaa6f4 , , • Sod ®Seed •Trees *Driveway Sealing *Paving •Asphalting CaII the professionals at... IRTV) LANDSCILEDINCii NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE. 166 Bennett St., Goderich 524-2645 RENOVATIONS Reasonable Rates er ee Estimates EXTERIOR • Roofing *Siding • New Additions • Eavestroughing • Fencing •Siding •Decks • Soffits • Fascia INTERIORS •Painting •Drywall • Woodworking Specializing in Kitchens 6 Vanities by Oakdale & I ENTERPRISES Goderich 524-6257 BOOK NOW! SNOW PLOWING or BLOWING •Commercial 'Residential Parking Lots, Service Lots and Private Drives. No Job Too Big or Small. Most Drives S120.00 per season. Fully Licensed, Insured and Bonded. FREE ESTIMATES CALL NOW 524-9522 OR EVENINGS 524-6257 or 524-7243 operated by SMITH'S FARM $t GARDEN CENTRE - Goderich and D & I ENTERPRISES - Goderich 1 12:1. Personal IS ALCOHOL a problem in your family? Al Anus. can help. For time of meetings call 524-6001. •4ltfnx I LOST •85 LBS. without dieting Call anytime 523-9407. 42tfor CONGRATULATIONS! After thoroughly consider ing it for five years Wayne finally bought his truck. All bets settle up. 44x TO THE sweetest mom on her 20th birthday Binky.- 44 I35. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HELEN'MARGARET McMANUS DECEASED' All person's having claims against the Estate of HELEN MARGARET McMANUS, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron who died on or about March 3, 1987, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before November 25, 1987 after which date -the aforementioned' estate will be distributed by the undersigned having regard only to the claims then filed. ' DATED: October 14. 1987 CAREY & OTTEWELL Barristers and S'olicitui ° • 50 North Street Goderich. Ontario N7A 274 Solicitors for the Estate 42.44 38. Auction Sale Richard Lobb Auctioneer 'CLINTON 482-7898 , . SAT. NOV. 7 AT 10 A.M. 1982 Ford Futura car, 49,000 Kms, antiques, f urniture and appliances for the Estate of Major Younghlutt and Estate of Doreen Chappel at Richard Lobb's Au( tion „Barn, Clinton. t1� Auction Erb Hwy 21, 3 miles South of Grand Bend Sunday, November 8th 1 p.m. We will be selling the contents of a local home plus additions. This sale consists of a nice selection of furnishings and ap- pliances. Also, a collection of old bells and baseball cards plus many more interesting items. Auctioneer: Pat Lyon 243-2713 Next Auction: Sunday, November 15 at 1 p°,m. Floor Coverings - Thousands of yards of first line quality carpets and vinyls. Let's see you do ' it! -00