HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-10-28, Page 33PAGE 10A--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1987 TOWN OF GODERICH PRIDE PROGRAM - PHASE VI TO ALL RESIDENTS AND OWNERS LOCATED IN THE FOLLOWING AREA: TOWN OF GODERICH B.I.A. AREA NELSON STREET WATERLOO WEST STREET LIGHTHOUSE ST. �� ELGIN AVENUE The Town of Goderich and The Goderich B.I.A. Board of Management invites you to come to a meeting . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 AT 7:00 P.M., Council CbOmbers, Town Hall 57 West Street To discuss your Neighbourhood Improvement Services such as: Sewers, Roads, Sidewalks, Parks & Recreational Facilities. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND As residents your input is essential. FOR MORE INFORMATION • • CALL.THE TOWN HALL AT 524-7308 Service Clubs Legion prepares for anniversary BY NEIL SHAW PRO It has been, and still is, the custom of relatives of the war dead, who make a tour of Europe, to visit the grave of a son or father or brother or uncle who fell in battle during World War I or World War II. In Europe over -100,000 gravestones, each with a simple maple leaf identify those Canadians who fell in battle, 68,000 in World War I and 45,000 in World War II. As Remembrance Day approaches again, we of Legion Branch 109 think of those over 100,000 and complete our plans to mark November 11 with our poppy cam- paign, our Branch church service and the parade and service the cenotaph an Cour- thouse Park. The church parade, this year, will be held at North Street United Church at 11 a.m. on Sunday November 8th. This parade will form up at the Legion hall at 10:30 a.m. and all Branch members, Aux- iliary members and non Legion veterans are welcome to parade. The dress is beret and medals, if available. The distribution of poppies to the citizens of the community will follow this parade at 1 p.m. from the Vimy room of the Branch. On Wednesday November 11 all members of Branch 109 and any veterans, who are not Legion members plus the members of our Ladies Auxiliary will meet at the Legion hall by 10:30 a.m. and parade to the newly refurbished cenotaph in Courthouse Park for the service of Remembrance and the laying of the wreaths purchased by various concerns and organizations of the town and area. The service will be conducted by the Rev. G.L. Royal, recently retired as the minister of Knox Presbyterian Church and the immediate past Padre of Legion Branch 109. Branch 109 Past President Ralph Kingswell will again act as parade marshall. Both Padre Royal and Comrade Kingswell return to action on this the 60th anniversary of Goderich Legion Branch 109 which received . its charter on November 8, 1927. This November 11, 1987 Branch 109 will commence the observance of sixty years of service to our country, our community and our comrades. All citizens of our town and the surroun- ding area are invited to also join with Branch 109 at the Remembrance Day ser- vice at the cenotaph on this the Diamond jubilee of Branch 109. Immediately following the cenotaph parade the Branch will stage the release of a mass of blue and gold balloons from the front of the Legion hall. This event official- ly initiates the 60th Birthday celebration of our Branch which will hold at least one major anniversary event until next Remembrance Day 1988. "It's often more productive to talk about banking on your farm rather than in my office.' ... 9:.. _ ♦ {.,.. �.. y .... w H..! sa a.>::::Ncwwa.»c ooeo...�. �,tr�-^«,...., Agatik As Farm managers you face intense pressures to make,sound financial decisions. Your banker's job is to take the complex business of farming and help make your banking arrangements as straightforward as possible. Therefore. it is important that your banking needs are handled by a banker with agricultural banking experience and know-how. • George Zolob 44 The Square. P.O. Box 188 Goderich. Ontario N7A 3Z2 (519) 524-2611 Scatiabank The Goderich Legion Branch 109 presented the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital with $5,000 worth of new equipment recently. Here, from left to right, Legion member Gene Baker, Legion president Alvin Blackwell, Auxiliary president Marg Baker, Poppy chair- man Howard Carroll, Legion press officer Neil Shaw and hospital administrator Ken Engelstad stand in front of a laboratory incubator purchased with the money. Also purchas- ed was a blood warmer for the operating room and a whirlpool attachment for the chronic care patients on second floor. (photo by Lou -Ann DeBruyn) A bus will be available at the Legion at 10:30 a.m. on November 11 to transport and provide shelter from the elements for those members and vets who wish to at- tend this service at the cenotaph but whose health does not permit them to parade. If you wish to use this bus and need a ride to the bus and home again please phone Com- rade Ray Barker at 4-8849. A hot lunch for those personnel on the November 11 parade will be provided i,n the Jubilee room by our Ladies Auxiliary following the launching of the balloons. A prize will be awarded to the person who returns the balloon found thef'urthest from Goderich Branch 109 by November 1988. . Following the church parade on Sunday, November 8 all Branch 109 members, Or- dinary, Associate, Fraternal and the Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 109 are re- quested to report to the Vimy room, secure their poppy box and area to be canvassed with poppies and be part of the house to house blitz from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun- day, November 8. This annual distribution of poppies is the only time that the Legion makes an appeal to the public for funds, -which are held in the branch poppy trust account and limited in their use by regulations laid down by the Dominion Command of the Royal Canadian Legion. The Legion poppy fund is used to provide emergency aid to veterans and their depends; for hospital comforts for veterans permanently confined; bursaries for local students going on from high school to higher education; prizes for the annual student Branch literary contest; equipment of the local, hospital; and sup- port of the legion service bureau that assists veterans to secure disability pen- sions and needed health care. The poppy is the symbol of sacrifice and your donation to the Branch poppy can- vasser may be large or small — whatever your conscience dictates; but we of Branch 109 trust that you will give generously when the Legion canvasser calls at your door on the afternoon of Sun- day, November 8th. The town and area will also be seeing the distribution of poppies on Friday, November 6 and Saturday, November 7 when Legion members and the Ladies of our Auxiliary will cover the strategic loca- tions in town. For,those who are missed on the canvass there will be poppy boxes in various businesses of the town and outly- ing areas so that each person has an oppor- tunity to contribute to the Legion poppy "fund. If you wish to make a major con- tribution please contact the Branch 109 poppy chairman at 4-7969 or phone the Branch. Receipts for tax purposes will be issued for any donation of $5 or over. Let us all wear a poppy during Poppy Week from November 4 to 11 and attend the service at the cenotaph, where together we will remember. DEEP RELAXATION STRESS RELEASE WORKSHOP A HANDS-ON WORKSHOP SPONSORED BY THE RECREATION DEPT. Workshop Leader: Rita Loftsgard R.M.T. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1987 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at the Victoria Public School Gym (use southeast entrance) Workshop Fee: $35.00 per person PLEASE PRE -REGISTER AT THE GODERICH RECREATION OFFICE 166 McDONALD ST:, GODERICH BY NOVEMBER 6, 1987 Please wear loose fitting clothing and bring a towel or mat. For more information contact The Goderich Recreation Office at 524-2125 gel • 199"x%✓r M i./1/,/r' fir/ �f�i.✓,:.