HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-10-28, Page 1736. Announcements
Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodge has
equipment for loon. Contact Fred Fritzley,
524-7217.. -18eow
38. Auction Sale
Richard Lobb Auctioneer
CLINTON 482.7898
SAT., OCT. 31 AT 10 A.M.: 1977 Dodge Aspen
car, nearly new Snapper riding mower, 8 HP
snowblower-, Appliances, Furniture, etc. for
Raymond Whitemore and Mable Harvey at
Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton.
SAT. NOV. 7 AT 10 A.M. 1982 Ford Futura car,
49,000 Kms, antiques, furniture and appliances
for the Estate of Maier Youngblutt and Estate
of Dbreen Chappel at Richard Lobb's Auction
Barn, Clinton.
Hwy. 21, 3 miles South of Grand Bend
Next Auction:
SUNDAY, NOV. 8 AT 1 P.M.: We will be
selling the contents of,a local home plus
additions consisting of a nice selection
of furnishings, appliances and
SUNDAY, NOV. 15 AT 1 P.M.: Stock
reduction sale for Grand Bend
Decorating of fine quality floor cover-
ings. All types of carpet and vinyl floor
coverings in room lot sizes and rolls.
Viewing for this sale will be Saturday,
November 14th.
local estate of antique and modern fur-
nishing and appliances.
Consignments welcome every Thursday
9 a.m. - 6 p.m. or call
Pat Lyon
(519) 243-2713
Car; snowblower; riding mower; troller;
furniture; appliances; antiques; piano,
etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auc-
tion Barn, Cllnton,for RAYMOND WHIT -
AT 10:00 A.M.
Car 1977 Dodge Aspen, 2 door, 6
automatic, 56,639 original km., sells as
is et 11:30 a.m.; 5,x1,1Z,two wheel.Ltilt
top trailers; Canadiana 8 H.P. 26"
snowblower w/electric start, rebuilt
engine; Snapper riding mower, electric
start, 2 years old, like new; gas engine;
transfer water pump; Inglis gas clothes
dryer, nearly new; Admiral fridge, 4
years olc,•'small m^^lel Kelvinator
fridge; RC \ fridge; estinghouse
fridge; Gilson chest freezer; two 24"
electric stoves; Hoosier cupboard;
Heintzman piano and bench; dining
table, 5 leaves, 6 chairs; sideboard
w/mirror; washstand; antique rocking
chair; pressback armchair; pine blanket
box; 2 dressers w/mirrors; wardrobe
w / 2mlrror doors; fruit cupboard; Vilas
3 -pc. bedroom suite w/box spring 8.
mattress; treadmill exerciser; antique
dresser w/ large mirror; maple night
table; bed; organ stool; oil lamp; smell
desk 12" portable black 8. white TV;
wringer washer; upholstered chairs;
older chesterfield; chrome table and 4
chairs; modern maple desk; Filter'
Queen vacuum; tredle sewing machine;
modern recliner chair; small chrome
drop leaf table; round coffee table;
guitar amplifier; Sunglow kerosene
heater; propane space heater; end
tables; bedding; crocheted bedspread;
floor lamps; shop vac; pictures; folding
picnic table & benches; floor rug; iron
bed and good double mattress;
McCullough chainsaw; crack; milk cans;
electric drills; vise; skill saw; lig saw;
grinder & motor plus our usual large of-
fering of dishes & glassware; pots 8.
pans; mics., •etc. Something for
everyone. Plan to attend.
Richard & Burt Lobb
Clinton 482-7898
46. In Memoriam
in memory of a loving and devoted father and
grandfather James Rean.
His smiling way and pleasant face
Are a pleasure to recall,
He had a kindly word for each
And died beloved by all.
Some day we hope to meet him,
Some day, we know not when,
To clasp his hand in the better land.
Never to part again.
We'll ail remember him for the beautiful person
that he was. Gord & Shirley Smith and from his
grandchildren Joy, Ricky, Stephen and
47. Card of Thanks
I would like to thank all my friends and relatives
for their lovely visits, get well messages and
gifts while I was o sick little boy in the hospital.
Special thanks to Drs. James and Leslie Rourke
and to the nurses on 1st floor for taking such
good core of me. My daddy and mommy,
Marlowe and Debbie thank you also, tors of
love. Tyler. -43
I would like to thank family, friends and relatives
for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while in
Goderich,and London hospitals and since return-
ing home. Special thanks to Steve, nurses on 2nd
east, emergency, ambulance attendants and
Drs. Walker, Hollingworth and Rourke.
Vicki. -43
I wish to thank all the friends and relatives for
the lovely cards, flowers and gifts that Vanessa
and I received. We also wish to thank the nursing
staff on 2nd east. Special thanks to Dr. N.
Pearce, Sue Leddy and Anne Gibson for the kind•
ness and excellent given. Thank you is also ex-
tended to the Homecare Co-ordinates and the
excellent early discharge supervision which
Community Nursing Services gave. Betty and
Vanessa. -43
The family of the late Ruth Harris wish to express
their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who
were so kind and helpful to Ruth while at home
and in hospital, also for your love and sympathy
shown us after her passing. Your kindness and
helpfulness will never be forgotten. Howard and
Jim Harris, -43x
I would like to thank friends, relatives and
neighbors for the gifts, flowers and cards I
received while irt,,hospital Marg. --43
We would like to thank our family, friends and
relatives for the party, cards, gifts and best
wishes received on our 25th. Wedding Anniver-
sary. Ray & Pat. -43
The family of the late Wm. Doggett would like to
take this opportunity to extend sincere thanks to
Rev. Peter Baldwin for his kindly ministrations;
to the pallbearers; to those whd called• at the
funeral home to extend their sympathy and to
our kind friends and neighbors: Special thanks to
Dr, Hollingworth and the Goderich Royal Cana.
dian Legion for their service and assisting at the
Fellowship Hour and the Goderich Hospital and
St, Joseph's, London, for all their core. and
kindness. -43x
Many thanks to the men who volunteered their
time at the Ladies Night Out, October 16th. Your
assistance made our evening a success. -43
Cornmunit News
Collage of Colborne sesquicentennial pl . ,nevi
A collage of the Colborne Township Ses-
quicentennial is being planned. It will hang
in the township hall at Carlow, If you have a
picture of any event held during the Col-
borne Twp. Sesquicentennial celebration
that you may wish to donate for use m the
collage, please take it to Bluewater
Photography on West. St. by Nov. 7th. The
Sesquicentennial committee feels that the
collages will bring back many happy
memories of an event that was enjoyed by
many "Colbornites".
The October meeting of Tiger Dunlop W.I.
was held in the Township Hall Oct. 22nd. The
Topic was "Agriculture and Canadian
In the absence of the President, First Vice
President, Helen Stoll presided and welcorri-
ed all Members, and 12 Members of the
Dungannon W.I. who were guests at the
The roll call, "A newspaper clipping about
Agriculture". was well answered.
A letter received from Survival Through
Friendship House Huron County, outlining
their. purposes and facts was dealt with.
The minutes and the correspondence were
read by secretary -treasurer Marie
Ger tr^ude§ Knitting, i5e4.421:378
Marie Buchanan, introduced the speaker
for the meeting, Mrs. Sheila Gunby, manag-
ing Editor of "The Rural Voice" the
Magazine for the Agriculture Industry.
Mrs. Gunby told of the Origins of the
Magazine, and how it serves the rural Com-
munity as a whole. She outlined the task of
her staff to produce this magazine and says
she always tries to keep all articles on a
positive approach. She showed how they put
the magazine together now that tOey are
Mrs. Gunby and her husband, who also
works for her, make their home in Dungan-
non, but their Company Gunbyfield
Publishing has their office in Goderich.
Mrs. Stoll thanked Mrs. Gunby for her
most interesting talk and presented her with
a gift.
Marie Buchanan gave the Report of the
Huron County Rally held in Londesboro
earlier this month.
Mrs. Ruth Brock delighted the audience
with a humourous reading entitled "Sur-
rogate Mother".
A social, hour was held. Bud Elliott was
the winner of the lucky cup and received a
small gift courtesy of Mary Clairmont.
The next meeting Nov. 26, donations to the
Family and Childrens Services will be taken
to help with their Christmas Bureau.
Two Institute Members Mrs. Mary
Brindley and Mrs. Gertrude Kaitting, have
been hospitalized in- the past month. Their
many friends and neighbors all joined in
wishing them speedy recovery.
The 22nd Annual Colborne Township
Christmas Country Fair was held this past
week in Saltford Valley Hall on Wednesday,
Saturday and Sunday afternoon with all the
regular display of arts and crafts.
According to the convenor, the a fair was
successful and despite the inclement
weather on Saturday, it was the best day.
The Fair is sponsored by the Blue Water
Chapter of the Eastern Star No. 284
Garceau to speak at Legion dinner
Goderich Legion Branch 109 will hold its
Diamond Jubilee Dinner and Dance in the
Jubilee room on Saturday, November 14 at
7 p.m. The guest speaker will be Gaston
Garceau who is the 1st Vice President of
Dominion Command of the Royal Cana-
dian Legion.
Comrade 1st Vice President Garceau
comes to our Branch from Legion head-
quarters in Ottawa and will be giving us
the latest information on present condi-
tions, the major problems and the future
outlook of the Royal Canadian Legion.
This dinner dance will be preceded by a
reception in the Vimy room of Branch 109
at 6 p.m. All past presidents of Branch 109
have been contacted and as honoured
guests of the Branch we have confirmation
of attendance from sixteen former Branch
109 presidents: namely Clarence Mac-
Donald (a World War I veteran who was
Branch President in 1948) ; Leslie Riley
(1955) ; Ralph Kingswell 0952); Gerald
O'Brien (1954) ; Jack Seaman (1955) ;
Garnet "Bud" Mathieson (1956) ; Eric
Johnstone (1957 and 1977-78); Neil Shaw
(1960) ; Frank Reid (1961) ; Harold
Chamber (1967 'to 1971); George Low
(1971-73); Robert, Chapman (1973-75); Ed-
ward Tonks (1975-77); Roy Mugford
(1978-80) ; Walter Sheardown (1980-81) ;
and John A. MacDonald (1984-86). All the
remainder;: listed iidtrp !o• d War II
veteran's"' except' 'coi:1•ira 1e John A. Mac-
Donald, who Was the first Branch 109
Associate member (son of a war veteran)
to serve as 'president of Branch 109. Com-
rade MacDonald is now the Deputy Zone
Commander of Legion Zone C -I.
elastictttmrim #IITwog" ow inow =IP
40. Lost & Found
LOST: white, male cat with cream coloured ears
and blue eyes. Wearing a collar. Phone
524.9512. 42,43
LOST • One diamond engagement ring • possibly
in downtown area. Reward. Phone 524.2384 after
6 p.m. 42tf
FOUND • White kitten 4 to 5 months old. Phone
524.7638. 43
41. To Give Away
7 WEEK OLD kittens, litter trained. To give away
to a good home. Phone 524.9056,-43x
TO GIVE AWAY - One neutered male dog, 9 mon-
ths old with dog house. Phone 524-2879 before 5
p.m. • 43,44
PUPPIES TO GIVE AWAY - Mother died • urgent
horns needed for part husky, 4 weeks old, very
cute pups. Phone 524.9522 days, 524-7243
(OIC G°3MMgg
Classified Ads will slide you
in the right direction
A•Z PRE.ENG. BUILDINGS. New types, steel&,wood,
quonset, clodding. For true volue, action 8 answers
(416) 626.1794 Leave -message or collect alter 6 p.m.
weekends, Ask for Wally. Free brochures. --0.16t1
POULTRY, Pigeon, Pheasant Nationol monthly
newspaper. Years subscription $12. Includes bee
Avian mugozine and book, catalogue, when sent with
this ad. Write: Feather Fancier, 5 Lakerood, Forest,
Onl. NON• 1JO.--43
GREENHOUSE & Hydropunic equipment, supplies.
Everything you need. Best quality, super low prices.
Greenhouse $175, Halides 8115. Over 3,000 products
in stock! Send $2 for info puck a Free magazine to
Western Wafer Forms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver,
B C. V60 3N9. 1.604.682 6636.-43
MIRACLE SPAN all steel buildings left over from Nu.
Lionel Show, many sizes to choose from. Call toll free,
STEAL•A•DEAL • Building Clearance • Save thousands
while steel supply lasts • limited time offer due to
summer steel mill increase •" all styles available
Pioneer Econospan, 1.800.387.6896 (24 hours). -43
88 SACRIFICE SS Buildings priced for immediate le
quidation. All items In stock. 28x40x14 $3,996;
40x60x14 56.500: 46x80x14 59,250, 70x90x24 821,789,
Various sizes ovoilable up to 120 ft. wide. Fu;tory
direct clearunce. Serious buyers only. All buidings
priced for immediate delivery. Call toll free
1.800.387.2115, or 1.416.858.2446.--43
work pants $3.50; work boots 815. Send 82 for
catalogue (Reimbursement 1st order). Military
Surplus. Box 243. St•Tirnotheo. Quebec. JOS 1X0.-•43
PIANOS • from 5495 Refinished $995. Beautiful Ouk.
Winne,. Mahogony. We buy. we restore. tuna &
repair,. Always best guaranteed. Village Piano Shop,
Elmira (519)669.2280. 43
010 WRISTWATCHES WANTED • Men's only • Old
Rolex and Potek Phillip wristwatches wonted. Also
wonted Eotons "Quarter Century' Rectangular
wnstwoiches (25 yenrs service). Will puy $1000 & up
for this watch. Phone x416)365.7240 or write B, Walsh.
173 Queen St Eost, Toronto, Ont. MSA 1S2 -43
WANTED Wall clocks and Grandfather clocks
manufactured by The Arthur Pequegnat Clock Com•
pony in Berlin or Kitchener. Ontario, Also wanted
other antique wall & mantle clocks. Write Bux A, 309
Mutual St . Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1X6 or call (416)
365.9411.- 43
POSTCARD collections wanted. Top prices pard for us-
ed or unused pro 1960 picture postcards Write for
Iree information Neil Hayne, Bath, Ont KO!)
100 - 43
LARGE EASTERN Oratorio Weekly Newspaper requires
Assistant` Editor Minimum 3•yrs experience es
reporter and solid references We oflor good crampon•
sation excellent working environment Write to
Gerry Huddleston, Editor. The Record News P 0. Box
158. Smiths Folls Ont K7A 411 43
TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future .. with Tri•County
truck Driver Training. Job search assistance
available. Kitchener 720 King 8.,1519)743.5011, Brant.
ford 300 Colborne E ,(519)756.0223 . 43
200 JOBS availoble for single poople interested in
foreign agriculture, Form work positions availuble.
Denmork. Germany, Norway, Sweden, and the U.K.
Applicants must be between 19.28 years of age, hove
2 yrs min, farrn experience. Contuct: I.A.E.A., c/o
Angela Morton, Watro Apt. 8, RR 2, Guelph, Ont. N1H
6118. Phone: (519)b21.3277 between 12 30.3 p.m -43
RESTAURANT, TAVERN licensed in yeor•rourid tourist
village. Seats 160 year•round business Showing pro•
fit. Fully equipped ... $169.000 Cull x/05)457.2700
Must ho seen! •-•43
DYNAMIC Business Opportunity) Leaders` B
Distributors 'needed. CALORAD family of weight con•
Irol products. Colored is sweeping the country. For
free information package contact House of Sherwood
- Calorod, 3345 North Service Rd., Bnrlmgton, Ont.
L7N 302 (416)332.5000. -- 43
GROW FOR ITI $58 Riese bailworms at home.
Guaranteed market. Odorless, Low Investment, Wo
Train! Representatives throughout Ontario Early Bird
Ecology (1975) R.R, 1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0
(416)643.4251, 856.2248,(705)435.7463.-43
DATES GALORE: For all ages and unuttached.
Thousands of members anxious to meet you, Prestige
Acquaintances call loll. frrle 1.800.263.9163. Hours
noon till 8 p.m. -43
FREE' 1988 guide to studyat-home correspondence
Diplome courses for prestigious coreers• Accounting
Airconditlonfng, Bookkeeping Business.
Cosmelalogy, Electronics Legal Medical Secretory,
Psychology, Travel. GI moon ISA) 263 Adelaide West
Toronto. 1.800.268.1121 43
A TRADITION thats growing becnuse people keep go.
ing! Tho 9th Annual London Arts 8 Crofts Christmos
Show 8 Sale returns to Centennial Hall. 550 Well-
ington 'London. Fri Oct. 30 Neon ra 10 pm Sat. Oct
31 11 am • 10 pm Sunday Nov. 1. 11 am • 6,rrn Admis•
sten SI 75 Over 100 croli people in a spectacular
Show & Sole organized and promoted by Olga Traher
(519) 679.1810 43
The Only wayato get
ad in 2.5 million homes
in Canada for
or iris 1,241,807 homes
in Ontario for
Place Your Blanket Classified Ad by call-
ing one of our helpful classified advisors
at your nearest weekly newspaper office
for details. Lucknow 528-2822
Goderich 524-2614 Kincardine 396-2963
Clinton 482-3443 Walkerton 881-1600
Seaforth 527-0240 Mitchell 348-8431
w se's on. atom ®stes.4 rim srea me ®Oe.
Included as guests of the head table will
be former Branch 109 Padre the Rev. G.L.
Royal, M.P. Murray Cardiff and M.P.P.
Jack Riddell.
Tickets for this Branch 109 60th birthday
dinner and dance are available at the
Branch 109 canteen and guests are also
welcome. Tickets may also be reserved by
phoning 524-8488 before November 7 which
is the last day of ticket sales.
Following the dinner the evening will
continue in the Jubilee room with dancing
to the big band sounds of Norm
Dunsmore's orchestra.
Resident celebrates 99th birthday
Port Albert area, resident Agnas Foster
celebrated ,her 99th birthday. Throughout
the week various members of her family
and friends honoured her with luncheons
and outings. '
Mrs. Foster is the offspring of two area
pioneer families, the Bqgies and the
Hawkins. She is the great granddaughter of
John Hawkins, founder of Port Albert.
At present, Mrs. Foster resides at
Maitland Manor in Goderich where a caring
staff see's to her every need. A note of
gratitude for the gifts, best wishes and
especially the visits which are always
Another special celebration was attended
by some local people Saturday, October 24
at the Dungannon' Senior Citizens Hall in
honour of Mrs. Pearl Congram's 90th
The residents of Port Albert wish to ex-
tend their deepest sympathies to the family
of the late Glen Kemp.
Youth wished a speedy recovery
Get Well Wishes are extended to Bradley
?ark, 13 year old son of Bill and Marie
Park, who is receiving treatment at
University Hospital London for a diabetic
13 tables enjoyed the weekly Wednesday
night euchre at the Dungannon Senior
Citizen Centre. High lady -was Evelyn Err-
ington with Barbara Pollock, winner of the
low prize.
Cecil Pollock walked away with top
men's prize while Clarence Allin was
honoured with the low men's prize.
Sweetened by the door prize was Pearl
Congram and Gordon Pollock, winner of
Panda Bear Honey.
Nine members of Dungannon Senior
Citizens attended the Zone Rally held at
Holmesville recently.
The C.G.I.T. girls and their leaders Pen-
ny Hodge and Kathy Curran took part in
the service of Dungannon United Church
Sunday. The youth group conducted a sale
of baking and served coffee following the
service. Bible study classes are meeting in
Dungannon Church on Monday afternoons
at 1:30 p.m. Evening bible study meets
Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at Trinity Church.
Pearl Congram, who celebrates her 90th
birthday on November 5th was honoured
Saturday October 24th at the Dungannon
Senior Citizens Centre. Many of Pearl's
friends, relatives, neighbours enjoyed.
afternoon tea, renewing acquaintance.
Family members had supper entertain-
ment at Nels and Gloria Pearson.
Mrs. Ivan Emmerton, Deep River, On-
tario, was the guest of her niece Ruth and
Jim McKenzie and family for the weekend.
Lynda Bradford of Thunder Bay is
visiting her sister Sally Wright and Bob
Wright and family for a few days.
Holmesville worship service well attended
HOLMESVILLE - The worship service at
Holmesville United Church on Sunday mor-
ning was very well attended. Rev. James
Bechtel officiated. He spoke to the children
before going to their classes.
UCW Bazaar
Don't forget that the Holmesville UCW
Bazaar is on Saturday, opening at 11 a.m.
with their usual booths of Christmas
goodies, produce, and bake table. Lunch is
to be served this year as well as tea tables.
Everyone is welcome.
Senior's News
Enterprising Seniors will meet November
5 at 2 p.m. in the community centre in
Holmesville. Seniors note: the group is now
Blanche Beeves, 482-9536
in the afternoon meetings.
Left at the craft show in Holmesville in
October - a parcel from the Middleton
Church. If yours please call 482-9536.
Big Things ... Little Things .••
Expensive Things ,..
Inexpensive Things ...
Lost Things ... Found Things ..,
New Things ... Used Things ,..
Ordinary, Everyday Things ,..
Hard To Find Things ...
ith Our i hrtstmes Budget
thfa year?
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tv watt Private Pall y
'Ad piton jtheit g"tts mount.
Run your Private Party Ad Plan for
3 Consecutive Issues and if
the item is Not Sold your ad will
run again for 3 More Issues
At No Charge.
Sale in effect until Dec. 16, 1987.
Call for details as some restrictions
do apply.
Classified Customer Service
MON. - FRi. 8:30 - 5:00