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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-10-28, Page 16
PAGE 16-GODERICH SIGNAL-STAlt, WEDNESDAY. Oc'I'OBEit 28, 1987 26. Help Wanted 26. Help Wanted 26. Help Wanted 31. Service Directory 31. Service Directory GENERAL MANAGER biYTH FESTIVAL Durres In clude financial planning and control supervision of publicity box office and front of house management grant and funding opplicatoris and volunteer and community relations. Previous ex perience in managing an arts organization is re quired. Send resumes by November 16 1987 to Search Committee Chairperson Blyth Festival Box 10 Blyth Ontario NOM 11-10 43,44ur 8ABYSITTER REQUIRED for two small chlldler, ages 1 and 3' J Monday to Thursday some Fridays in my home Call 524 8153 after 6 p.rn: 43 PART TIME sales help required one cashier soles clerk flexible hours during duy some evening and Saturdays possible Also one Grade 11 and 12 student soles stock clerk to work after school • some evenings Saturdays Apply in person to .Mr Scott. 233 Huron Rd 43or CAREER IN TRUCKING transport d...urs nuudud. Now is rho timer to train for ,uuo class A 'icons . too on, strounlny inturrierw and lob plocnmunt inion motion contact' Moro Orr"s Group. 1 800 705 3559. STAFF REQUIRED must be 18 yrs or over Apply in per ,un at Pizzo Delight 364 Bayfield Rd 43nr Career Opportunity: FULL TIME REPORTER PART-TIME OFFICE HELP - JOB SHARING Busy, processional office in Goderich requires immediately, a people -oriented, neat, reliable self-starter, able to work flexible hours in a non-smoking environment. Telephone com- munication skills a must! Possibly suited for mature individual. Send hand written resume to Drawer No. 64, c/o Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich N7A 486. DOES YOUR BRICK HOME NEED A FRESH LOOK? I rrruru.e Thr ,i(J(Ju.ltdNE;tl Uy Sdad)OslirIg FOR A FREE ESTIMATE W. ADAMSON & SON LUCKNOW CONTRACTING LTD. 528.2113 )OHN MICKEY CONSTRUCTION • New Construction •Replacement Windows •Renovations • Docks •Patios and doors *Rooting. •Sidewalks •Sod *Seed •Trees •Driveway Sealing •Paving *Asphalting Call the professionals at... 4 with writing and photography skills wanted. Darkroom skills an asset. No previous experience necessary. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD P.O. SOX 39 CLINTON, Ontario NOM 1LO (519) 482-9502 28. Business Opportunity CASH IN - CASH OUT! Coke, Pepsi, Libby•s, Heinz World Fomous Drinks you will refill in your new, unique, cold pop, juice vendors with separate price settings. Min. investment of 511.980 secured as we supply freight, equipment install- ed in locations, products fills, supplies, etc. Own your cosh business, your choice, port or full time. Coll. write (24 hrs.) for brochure: Solar Business Centres, 100 East Drive, Suite 200, Bramolea. Ont, L6T 183. Mr. Halbot 1.416.761 •5705. -.35-47 FREE E$TIMATES Licensed carpenter Port 529-7872 _10 years Albert after 6 p.m BABYSITTER REQUIRED to come into my horse References Phone 524 6411 43 MANAGER for Mitchell Golf Club Inc State ex perience and salary expected Apply to Box 38 Mitchell Ontario NOK INO Applications close November 14 1987 43 44. Person for RUSSELL HEATING 266 Huron St. Stratford *A MAN REQUIRED FOR SHEET METAL WORK, EITHER LICENCED OR APPRENTICED. JANITORIAL SERVICES required h1ust be 18 or over. Must be able to drive van. WEEKENDS INCLUDED ( anl,ar 1: Frances Chisholm at Benmiller .inn R.R. 4 Goderich N7A 3Y1 524-2191 .Ext. 257 DRY-CLEANERS All new equipment in plant / store, ready for opening in December. Complete turnkey. New strip mall on corner of Brock and Victoria St. (Hwy. 21). CALL DORIS HALL at 5,19-663-9020 JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Services 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls • , Tax Preparation All or In -Part RT') LAIND/SCA PINO NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE. ASPHALTING 166 Bennett St., Goderich 524-2645 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all •WHIRLPOOL •INGLIS •SPEED QUEEN •ADMIRAL •SIMPLICITY -HOTPOINT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St. Goderich Vtevens C.I . B. B. (London) 1987 INC. Business Broker EMERALD. WINDOW CLEANING Specializing in Residential Window Cleaning SOC per home Commercial Window Cleaning Free Estimates Fully Insured FOR A WEEKEND 524.4144 APPOINTMENT CALL: DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Gold & Rock 'n' Roll ROC COLLINS ELECTRIC Indust , Cs of and Residential MONS 524.93e5 SMITH APPLIANCE REPAIR CaII 273-3293 vet Convenience Stores MANAGER WANTED A management positon has become available at Target Food Stores, 89 Albert St., Clinton. Target Food Store is a rapidly expan- ding company and is looking for people to grow with them. If you are - ambitious, self - motivated, and would like to follow a definite career path and enjoy working with people, we would like to hear from you now. Please forward resume to - Target Convenience Stores Ltd. 1030 UPPER JAMES STREET, SUITE 206 HAMILTON. ONTARIO L9C 6X6 HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT cte 1c r077 Huron County 1lealth Unit invites ap- plications for the position of a Public Health Nurse tor a period of six month maternity leave., Qualifications: 13.Sc.N. degree or, R.N. and a Diploma in Public Health Nursing. Apply to: 1)r. Maarten Bokhout, Medical Officer of health Huron County health Unit Court House, • Goderich, Ontario. N7A IM2 29. Tenders DISCO POLKAS WAl r2E5 NEV. i A211 DSC MUSIC GOOD RECORDED MUSIC 105 wEDDINGS DANCES' ANNIVIr5ArIES PARI4E5 EIC 10 yrs. •sp•ri.nc. 'No niil•ag• clung. SruSSEIS 887-6159 DAYTI01 ur EVENINGS •Complete In -Home \lohile Service • Fast Efficient Service •Guaramcc(1 Workmanship •Repairs to All \1ajftr Appliances Washers. Refrigerator.. l'reeicis. 1)i i... T)ishssasher. & .Sirires •Journeynuln .Ser‘ iceman DESIGN DRAFTSMAN Expanding municipal engineering firm requires a design draftsman with a, minimum of 5 years of ex- perience in the design and drafting 'of road works, sewers, water systems. and / or subdivisions. Salary will commensorate with ability andexperience. Qualified, applicants invited to send detailed resume to; HURON -MIDDLESEX ENGINEERING LTD. P.O. Box 1365, Exeter, Ont. NOM • 1S0 TENDER FOR HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING WINGHAM AMOURIES BUILDING TOWN OF WINGHAM SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to con- tents will be received by the undersigned un- til 4:00 p.m. local time on, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1987 for the supply and installation of a water source heat pump system for the Wingham Ar- mouries Building. Plans and specifications are available fromthe office -of Maitland Engineering Services Ltd., 449 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0, telephone 357-1521. A bid bond in the form of a certified cheque. for 10% -of the tender price, made payable to the Town of Wingham, must accompany each bid. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. c Corporation of the Town of Wingham c/o Mr. J. Byron Adams, C.A. Clerk -Treasurer P.O: Box 90 Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 CULBERT. INSULATION Sprayed on Urethane Foam Agricultural, Industrial Residential, Commercial FREE ESTIMATES R.R. No. 6 Goderich 529-7571 30. Employment Wanted HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE - vacuuming, scrubbing, laundry, clean your stove, refrigeator, etc. 526.7238.-43,44 ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITIES HONDA OF CANADA MFG.. INC. is pleased to announce that career opportunities are available at our manufacturing facility located in Alliston, Ontario. We require technical personnel who possess varied skills and expertise for our pro- duction departments. The successful candidates will be graduates of a university,engineer- ing program of a 2 or 3 year college technical program in either the Electrical, Mechanical or Chemical field of study. Hands on experience in pneumatics. electrical or hydraulics would be an asset. All candidates will be hired on the premise that shift work will be required once the normal production process has begun. If you feel you have the ability and flexibility to perform in our unique production en- vironment apply in confidence to: - Associate Services Dept. Honda of Canada Mfg.. Inc. P.O. Box 5000 55 Tottenham Rd., Alliston, Ontario LOM 1A0 O 0 • 31. Service Directory FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 524-6482. Free estimates.---02tfar CUSTOM BACKHOEING • drain, repair, erosion control. cellar drains, laser. Call Frank Postill 482.9101.--15tfar WOOD FLOOR FINISHING, hard or soft wood floors, old or,new. Finishing or refinishing. For an experienced professional phone Peter Martin at 529.3107.-32tfn COUNTRY, PLAYCARE - Wholesome family daycare for children 1 • 5 years. Location Hwy. 21 South, 10 minutes drive from Goderich. Receipts provided. Coll John of Janet Jamul. 524.4381, -42.45 EXPERIENCED TUTOR who is also a qualified teacher is eager to assist students on week day evenings. Call Cathy Bennie 524.2974.--43 HURON•BRUCE Tutoring Services • all subjects Kindergarten to Grade XIII. Qualified teachers. Phone 529-7634 after 9 p.m.-43tfar Coil plate Construction PRODUCTION OPPORTUNITIES HCNDA OF CANADA MFG.. INC. is pleased to announce production opportunities are cur- rently available at our Alliston. Ontario facility Candidates should have mechanical or electrical aptitude and will welcome the opportunity t0 participate in several areas to increase their knowledge of the manufacturing processes and be able to work with people in a harmonious manner • All candidates will be hired on the premise that shift work will be required once the normal production process has begun If you free you have the ability and flexibility to perform a multiple of functions within our uni- que environment and are prepared to learn. train and grow •with our modern facility and pro- cess. apply In confidence to Associate Services Department Honda of Canada Mfg.. inc. P.O. Box 5000 55 Tottenham Rd. Alliston, Ont. LOM 1A0 Previous applicants are invited to update or renew their resume 0 © •Custom Building •Additions•Renovotions •Roofing•Siding •Form Buildings HUGH SURGSMA 524-6335 We're Your One Stop Shopping Centre for a Complete Line of Pool and Spa Chemicals and Accessories. nag Coderich 524-4770 SMITH APPLIANCE REPAIR 524-9804 BLUE HORIZON POOLS & SPAS 2 Miles East of Goderich KINGSPORT CONSTRUCTION R.R. 3 GODERICH •New Construction •Renovations •Roofing, Decks, Fencing, Cottage Repairs Also complete barn renovations, concrete work, welding, air hammer, etc. For more information call BERT. KNOOP 529-7058 MacLyn Car. Oiling & Driveway Sealing HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 - 3 Saturday 8 - 12 Weather Permitting ' 395-3352 11.1 miles North of Amberley West off Highway 21 GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything large or small FREE ESTIMATES 524.2421 PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS DAVE McKEE CALL 524-7774 RENOVATIONS -, Reasonable Rates it'. , rae Estimates j •, ,y •,,i„rr t fr _ EXTERIOR Y r/ •Roofing *Siding t` ,-i1•New Additions :, r •Eaysstroughing �� -Fencing .siding .Docks \,'• Soffit. • Fascia im INTERIORS AV • Pointing • Drywall `_iiiiIg/ • Woodworking Specializing in Kitchens A9 a Vanities by Oakdale 147i & I ENTERPRISES Goderich 524-6257 BOOK NOW! SNOW PLOWING or BLOWING •Commercial •Residential Parking Lots, Service Lots and Private Drives. No Job Too Big or Small. Most Drives S120.00 per season. Fully Licensed, Insured and Bonded: FREE ESTIMATES CALL NOW 524-9522 OR EVENINGS • 524-6257 or 524=7243 operated by SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE - Goderich and D & .1 ENTERPRISES - Goderich 34. Personal • IS ALCOHOL a problem in your family') AI -Anon can help. For time of meetings call 524.6001.- 41 tiny "I LOST 85 LBS. without dieting"; Call anytime 523.9407. 42tfor DRAPERIES UNLIMITED ustnm Draperies Balloon Shades Valances Venetians • Verticals ot Roller Shades Free Estimates - No Obligation For Shop at Home Service can 524-2352 Day or Evening / \ Marine Murray t Proprietor Typewriter and Calculator Repairs •Free Estimates Bluewater , OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD. 524-9863 56 East St., Goderich :.,▪ ./RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL r •CLEANING Fully Bonded and r• .� nsured f, 'Y Doug 8t', Laurie Falconer :::if•• Dan MacKinnon 524-5170 'Satisfaction Guaranteed" -weekly maid service -spring cleaning -window washing -house sifting OPEN TILL 8:00 P.M. 35. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HELEN MARGARET McMANUS DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of HELEN MARGARET McMANUS, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron who died on or about March 3, 1987, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before November 25, 1987 after which date the aforementioned estate will be distributed by the undersigned having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED: October 14, 1987. CAREY 8 OTTEWELL Barristers and Solicitors 50 North Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4 Solicitors for the Estate. 42.44 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the ESTATE OF DAVID ALEX- ANDER MacKENZIE, late of the Town of Goderich, who died on or about the 14th day of June, 1987, must he filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before the 20tii day of November', 1987, after which date the Estate will be distributed hoving regard only to the claims of which the Executrix then shall have notice. DATED at Kincardine, Ontario, this Sth day of October, 1987. ELITE DOMESTIC SERVICES Beverly Alice Harris, Executrix by her solicitor, GRAHAM E. MAHOOD P.O. Box 388, Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2Y8. -41-43