HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-10-28, Page 15c the &Country: GODERLCH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1987 -PAGE 15 CLASSIFIED ANT ADS CLASSIFIED RATES & DATA: DEA:DLtf r1ES "5 p.m., Monday" for Wednesday publication. WORD CLASSIER RATES: '4 75 min. 22 words 20c ea. additional word thereafter Consecutive Insertions: 2 con- secutive insertions, '4.25 ea.. 3 or more con• •,arc utive insertions '3.75 ea. Bold Headings 1 50 In Memoriam: '4.75 min. plus 35a per line of rhymed verse. Cards of Thanks: 4 75 min. 25 words plus 6c for each addi- t,orral word. Public Notice: '20. for 3 inner, tions Notice to Creditors: '30. for 3 inser- tions 25. for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 inser- tion Drawer Number: '3. first week, '1. each addit,onoleweek. Prompt Payment: 50c discount per week for word ads 'paid in +, t It tone of purchase or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at 5.00 p.m.) Display Classified: rates available on request. IT'S EASY! 1 To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM 524-2614 Address mail correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Signal - Star, P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park, G' derich. N7A 486. 1 1. Articles for Sale AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits.. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- rneyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich. 524-7861.-- -ltfar HARDWOOD SLABS by truckload delivered. Call early mornings and evenings 529-7642.-21tf • CHRISTMAS & Anniversary Gifts. Family portraits make the perfect gift. Book Now! Call Walden Photo Westfield 523-9212.-41.48ar UPRIGHT PIANO and bench for sale in good con- dition S450 or best offer. Phone 524-8185.-43 UTILITY TRAILER - 5 x 8 with .18" side racks (new). Snowmobile trailer galvanized frame with tilt bed. Call 524.9332. -43-45 FIREWOOD - Hard Maple, pick up or delivery can be arranged. Call 524.9332.-43-45 FRIDGE in good shape $150; table jigsaw $75; spindle 'lathe 5100: table saw with 4" jointer S175, large freezer $100. Phone 526-7590.--43 ONE TAG -A -LONG .utility trailer. Excellent condi- tion, 'S450.00 or best offer. Phone 524.2496. 3btfnx CHRISTMAS GIFTS - 40% off patio furniture and accessories. Spring layaways. Warehouse open ' Fridays and' Saturdays. 71 King W., Forest, Ont. 1519) 786-4405. . 40.47ar FOUR • ladies' coats size 14, one beige all weather 530.00: two beige wool $60.00 each. One brown leather jacket $35.00, all like new 524-4609. 42tfn BUILT•IN whirlpool dishwasher. 1'/, years old. 5350.00 or best offer. Phone 524-4536.-42,43 SET • Jan Hagora Limited Edition - set of figurines (Chino Child Figurines). Sold only as set. Boxes cards included. 524-9467 after 6:00 p 43nx HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. Call after 5 p.m. 524.8486. '42.43 1. Articles for Sale "A CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE" the com- memorative edition honouring the 100th An- niversary of Champion Road Machinery. $2.00 per copy (out of town orders add $1 .80 postage). Makes greot gifts for former Goderich residents, summer visitors and friends. Available at the of- fice of the Goderich Signal -Star, Industrial Park, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. -1 ltfnx NEW CONDITION obus forme. Cost $80.00, will sell for $60.00. Phone 524-2936. ---43nx ARABIC 6 piece place setting for 6, plus serving set and carvng 'set. Beautiful bone handles decorated in Arabic style. 524-2545 after 6 p.m.---43nx GAS BBQ, rotisserie, motor $75.00. Child's wooden table chairs $25.00. Oval mirror • • sculptured brass frame $25.00. Brass fireplace fan ornament $30.00. 524-6285. 43nx QUAKER OIL BURNER $50. Has new fire pot. Would be ideal for cottage. Phone 524-8529.. - 43tfnx SOLID PINE DOOR with oak inlays. Measures 60" wide x 90" high. A real steal at $100. One pair of ladies blue figure skates. size 7, 530. Phone 524-8423 after 6 p.m. -43tfnx Wooden storm windows • two 29" x 48", two 321/4" x 55'2", one 33" x 60", one 28'," x 55". Also odd sized doors. 524.7739. 43 FILTER QUEEN vacuum, like new. Call after 6 p.m., 524-8889.-43 NEARLY NEW box springs and mattress double bed. 3175.00 or best offer. Must sell; four drawer dresser; coffee table; small desk; two metal shelf stands. 524-2954. 43 FURNITURE REFINISHING SUPPLIES - stripper, stain equipment etc. 524-7825 after 6 pm 37.52 - SATELLITE SYSTEMS. new and used. Lease to own with monthly payments. Service to all makes. L & A Southwest Satellite. Call aytime 524 9595. 38-47ar QUILT TOP, 'appliqued, Sunbonnet Girl Pattern, new material, 73" x 88". Ideal for little girl's room. Phone 524-4641. - 43nx T.V. ANTENNA mast, 34 ft. with rater and signal booster$40.0; dresser and chest•of•drowers $50; maple dresser $50; coffee table with hex. table and square table $60; 48" bar with black vinyl front $50; 39" maple headboard 520; two bed roller frames 515 each; B.S; R. turntable auto. record changer $50;,36" Franklin stove $30. 482-5245.-43_44 SINGER MODEL 700 knitting machine plus table and wool winder, 51100. Phone 524-9995.---43 - -- CHILD'S HIGH dresser and mirror also double bed ' with wooden headboard, like new, mattress and box springs included. Must sell. Best offer 524-5289.--43 ,INDOOR LIGHT -GARDEN on casters, three. ad- justable shelves, complete with six 4 ft. tubes. ,Current price over $400'.00, bargain; $125.00. 482-5254.-43 APPLES: Mac's, red and yellow delicious, spy, russett, Ido red •and empire. Potatoes, onions and apple butter. Special - spy or mac's $6.00 bu., 4 litres cider $2 plus container. Two loca-, tions - Boyes Transport, Clinton and Art Bell Fruit Farm 524-8037.-43tfor GOOD DRY firewood for sale. $140 for 4 x 4 x 8 lot Coll 482-5539 or 482.7594.---42-45 SEASONED FIREWOOD Maple osh. beech. 15" average length, night blocks pole and body wood. You haul $30 and up per face cord. Phone 524.7518.-42.44x TWO FIRESTONE snow tires. whitewall, steel belted radial H78x15. good condition $50 poir. Phone 524-4449 43 ROPER TWO STAGE Snow Thrower 8.26 size. Electric start with chains. Phone 524-6289 43.44nx UPRIGHT PIANO in good working order $500.00. Call 524.7787 after 5 p.m. --43 APPROXIMATELY FORTY square yards jute back- ed copper -gold carpeting with rubber underpad, $225 00. two year old "New Yorker" queen size, pedestal, free flow waterbed in navy velvet, S200.00: fourteen year old Kroehler traditional chesterfield and chair, in cream and gold velvet, good for cottage or recretion room, $125.00. Coll 524-7185 after 5.30 p.m. ---43,44 OVEN READY roosters 7.9 lbs. Phone 529.7152 or 524-9271. 43.44 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We can offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/2 mile south on Hwy. 21. GODERICH 524-7231 ,We even take trades "NO CHEAPER PLACE TO BUY" 4 drawer legal & letter filing cabinets: fireproof vaults with combination locks; 12'' table saws; 15" planers; 60 office Iesks; complete line of woodworking equip: nt: steel shelving; drill presses; 16" Monarch quick change lathe with all the accessories. Full line of tools. NORM HAMILTON Government Surplus Dealer 27 Picton St. E., Goderich 524-8602 GAS FURNACE with duct; dressed pine lumber; dressed cedar lumber. Phone 524-8883.-43nx ONE PAIR steel belted radial snow tires P225 75R1S in very good condition. Phone 524-9588 after 6 p.m. 43 COMPLETE SET of encyclopedias valued at $700, asking $250. Phone 524-4579 after 6 p.m. --43 REDECORATING? Two pair pleated champagne semi•sheers, Tike new, 8 foot and 12 foot widths. Originally over $300 asking $125.00. 524-8521 after 6 p.m. --43 BAUER MOLDED skates, boy's size 2. Used one winter. $20.00. Phone 565-2185.--43 FIREWOOD Delivered in Log Lengths, 50 face cord or 1600 cubic ft. Purchased by yourself or in a group with friends, relatives and neighbours. Cut your own and SAVE! Call 529-7856 for immediate delivery APPLIANCES FOR SALE -Reconditioned Stoves, Washers and Dryers -Guaranteed 100% by SMITH APPLIANCE REPAIR PI -LONE 524-4770 Campbells Men's 8 Ladies' Wear Where You Will Find for Nor MR ISONARP PANT MAN For Mier: LEO CHEVALIER RIVIERA 11400 Main Corner. Clinton Open: Mon. - Tour.. 9:30 - S:$'O Fri. 9 - 9r Sat. NII S:00 SWEIP Et TRADE Trade something you have... for something you want... Sample... OAK BUNK BEDS - with linens to swap for double or queen waterbed. Call 555-0000 13. Garage Sale PLANNING A GARAGE SALE? Get your Garage Sale Kit with posters and including one free garage sale ad on the classified pages of The Goderich Signal -Star. Only $6.00. Available at the office of The Goderich Signal -Star, Industrial Park, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. -1 1 tfnx LCars for Sale 1980 FORD PONY 2 door, 4 speed, new metallic brown paint, excellent condition. Asking $1300. As is. Call Diane after 5 p.m. 524-7571.---40tf 13. Mobile Homes 111G. Farm Equipment 1982 JD 4420 COMBINE, qir conditioning, heater, radio, 4 way seat, Murphy shut down switches, Sid grain loss monitoring system, 329 cu. in., bin extension, diesel motor, 23.1 x 26 tires, 600 hours. 1982 10' dummy pickup header with 8' Sunpickup, new in 1985, hydraulic controlled. 1982 4 row 30" corn head, new style low profile. Excellent combine, low hours, stored inside, never pulled white beans. 529-7607 or 529-7995.- 28tfnx 11J. Farm Systems FOR RENT '- 35 acres of drained land between Air- port and Benmiller. Lot 1 Con. 2 Colborne Township. (Fall Ploughed). Phone 524.6348.--42.43nx 12. Real Estate for Sale HOUSE FOR SALE on the river two minutes from Goderich. Immediate possession, four bedrooms, two baths, oil heat, two car garage, very private 296-4447. --43-45 1976 PLYMOUTH Valari Premiere, 318 V-8 automatic, two door, leather interior, needs right front fender. $350.00 as is. 524-5276.-41tf 1980 MUSTANG, 6 cyl., auto., immaculate, cer- tified $3800. Phone 524-9042.-42,43 MUST SELL - 1985 Chevette 2 door, 4 spd., blue in colour. Alpine stereo. Will accept best offer. Call 524-4926, at noon or after 5 p.m.--42,43nxe BUYING OR SELLING a vehicle - then be at John McKenzie Pub.lic Auto Auction, Thursday evening qt 6:30 p.m. 1881 John Street, R.R. 8 London, On- tario. 453-7182 or 1 800 265-1906.-42.50 1980 TOYOTA Tercel in excellent condition. Safe- ty checked $2200. Phone 524.9177.-42,43 1975 DODGE DART Sport 2 -door, 85,000 miles, body fair, power train good, driven daily. $300.00 as is. 524-4278.-43 1984 CHEVETTE', grey, 30,600 km., certified, AM radio. Phone 524-5477.-43.45 1982 PONTIAC 6000, Florida car, new tires, one owner. Excellent condition. Call 482-3883 after 6 p.m. -43 1977 OLDS CUTLASS S, 2 door, V6, engine and body in excellent shape, 85,000 origirial miles, includes snows on rims, asking $1700 Call 524-9567 after 6 p.m. -43 1976 MAZDA - two -door, good condition. $800.00 certified. Phone 524-8409-43 1978 TOYOTA Corolla Hatchback. Real Clean. 524-9332. -=-43-44 1972 DODGE POLARA in good condition, low mileage, best offer, as is. Phone 524-4175.-43 16. Trucks for Sale 1976 FORD '/, ton pickup. As is, best offer. Coll after 6 p.m. 529-7002.-42-45x 1978 FORD Bronco XLT 4x4 rebuilt 351, 4 speed $4200.00 as is; 1979 Chev 3/4 ton 3r automatic $1950.00 as is. 529-7851.-43',44 1974 DATSUN pickup, runs, with topper and ton- neau cover. As is $700. Call after 6 p.m. 524-8423.-43tfnx SPORTS DECREETION CENTRE a(IIPMEMT 7 classifications 7A. For Sale General 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service, Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment 1987 YAMAHA Snowmobile. Model - Bravo, 250 cc. $2100. Call 524-4883 after 5 p.m.- -43 I7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 82 - 2650 A.C. GREW WITH TRAILER PACKAGE DEAL Boat 385 Hrs. mint condition. Loaded • VHF, knot log Meter, digital depth sounder, AM/FM cassette, stereo system. All equipment that meets all Coast Guard requirements plus 800 lbs. E Z load trailer. All must be seen to appreciate. $48,000 negotiable. 524-2578.-43x 10. Pets for Sale PUREBRED eight month old Miniature Poodle. Blonde in colour, very affectionate and good with children. Must go to o caring home. Price $100. Phone 524-5249 after 6 p.m. -43 FEIRM MARKET 11 classifications 11A. For Sale General 11B. Wanted Tb Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11F. Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm-Syystems 11K. Farm Real Estate Even The Classy est People In Town Use Our Classified Section GRAND BEND Pineview Mobile Home Park Adult Community - We now have Northlander dealer- ship. Come and see our new models ready for oc- cupancy. Also used homes and lots available. Rent $114.00 per month. Phone 238-5584 or 243.2294.--42tf FOR SALE - 68' x 12' Bendix with carport, fridge, stove, rugs and drapes. Large lot, very good con• dition. Lot 6. $17,000.00. Phone 482-7066. • 4243 FORRENT - two bedroom mobile home, available November 1st. References required! First and last months rent in advance. Phone 482-7066.-42,43 16. For Rent SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - Lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, moving, pointing, clean- ing, sanders, Doupe's Equipment, 3 miles East of c Kincardine on Highway. , 9. Phone 395.2685. -42tfar MOTORIZED woodsplitter for rent, $A0.00 per day. Phone 524-4877 after 6 p.m. --42tfnx MOTORIZED woodsplitter $25.00 per day. Call 524-8110 after 4 p.m.--43tfnx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with . Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 Let the rest of, the world go buy... RENT & SAVE - Layman Dental eq.uienf 2(ri) BAYHEL.l) RI) . tiODE:RI(•H 524-2659 117. Apartments for Rent 17. Apartments for Rent FURNISHED ONE or two bedroom efficiency units. All utilities included, monthly. Gardiner's Motel 524-7302. - 37tfar MODERN,, two bedroom apartment. Carpeted throughout. Phone 529.7888.- -38tf ONE BEDROOM apartment, redecorated, quaint, sky light, beautiful drapes, hardwood floors, located above Photo Pros store Clinton. $350 mo. Phone 482-9494.-39-44 AVAILABLE immediately, two bedroom apart• ment. Security entrance, fridge and stove includ- ed. Washer and dryer facilities available. Phone 524-5293 or 524.6612.-39-44x . SINGLE BEDROOM near the Square. Pay hydro only. References please. Phone 524-2664 bet- ween 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. -43 TWO BEDROOM upstairs apartment for rent. Newly decorated, centrally located, lots of par4c- ing, carpeted, fridge and stove supplied, $400.00 a month.„ heated, irr a private home. Coll 524-8837.-42,43 THE BROWNSTONE 250 Hincks St. One & two bedroom apartments available for immediate oc c upanc y. -fully carpeted • refrigerator -stove -no-‘4,1x- -controlled no-' ax -controlled entry -outdoor parking '� Laundry Facilities - 1st & ird Flr)or Model Suite Hours: Monday - Thursday 1 - 8 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 1 - p.111. For Rental Information call Margaret 524-5183 Ready Soon! NOW RENTING NEW APARTMENTS: in Clinton 12 units • 2 bedroom, 800 sq ft. Fridge, stove, laun- dry facilities. Also included in rent are all • utilities plus cable TV. FOR INSPECTION APPLY AT Mason Bailey •• Req.! Estate 82 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-9371 TWO BEDROOM apartment, availoble im• mediately. Fridge and stove included, fireplace. References, for appointment call 524-2802.-42.43x __ •_ _-_ • BENNETT Apartments now taking applications on two bedroom apartment, available December 1, 524.6653.-42tfar FOR RENT: 14' x 68' Northlander mobile home located on Hwy. 21 north of Goderich (5 miles north). Available immediately until June 1, 1988. Fridge, stove, washer and dryer included. Rent $300 per month, hydro, phone and heat extra. Phone 524-7206.--42tfn - TWO BEDROOM apartment in Blythground level, like new, two baths, spacious. Phone 482-9371.-42,43 BLYTH - one bedroom, ground level apartment available now. Phone 482-9371._ -42,43 - RIPLEY • two bedroom ground floor apartment in modern sixplex. Parking, laundry facilities. sound proof. Phone 1-523-9696 Blyth. --43-45 ----- - REFINED senior Lady seeks some to shore ground floor two bedroom furnished apartment. Reply to Drav'ver No. 62 c/o Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486__42,43 LOOKING FOR o house, apartment. Register ear• ly. Coll First Choice Horne Locators 2_73-5_883.-42,43_____ _ ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent. Fridge and stove included. Phone 524.7605.-43.44 DECEMBER SPECIAL - Sublet new two bedroom apartment in "The Brownstone". Will negotiate rent. Move quick. Won't last long. Phone 524-5475 any time. -43- 44-45x APARTMENT FOR RENT Above Baechler Kitchens & Interiors Appliances Supplied Inquire in person to: ROBERT BAECHLER " Beachter Kitchens 150 The Square, Goderich )8. Houses for Rent GODERICH AREA. Two bedroom house for rent November T, 1987 5425.00 per month . plus utilities. References ' r°quuud No pets. 524-8320. , 42 , 4340,41x TWO BEDROOM, unit fully carpeted - full base merit, fridge and stove ux luded, 3459 00 a month plus utilities 5247675. 4' 43x GODERICH AREA. Two bedroom house for rent November 1, 1987 5425 00 p'r month .plus utilities. References ' ruquuc'd No pets 524-8320. 42,43 GODERICH - three bedroom house on Bayfield Rd. with 1' , baths, f,replace'und swimming pool No appliances, no pets available December 1. Phone 524-5183 4244 IN CLINTON • fully renovated. well located. quaint; two bedroom bungalow. Large lot. Perfect for retried couple Asking 3350 plus utilities. Taranto (416) 4825653 42.43 TWO BEDROOM house for rant or for sole close to Square. Suitable for mature couple available November 1. Phone 5247900 42 43 THREE BEDROOM house with double lot in Dungannon Avuilahle now Phone 529-7107.. "43 45 AVAILABLE Nov 15 87 two bedroom house close to schools. 3400 00 per month plus utilities Must have references and first and last month s rent. 524.8674 after 4 p m. 43,44 20. Room & Board CLEAN comfortable rooms for rant by the month Close to Square. Coll 524 5128 after 5 00 p.m. 42,43 ROOM TO RENT kitchen and living room privileges. Phone 524 6934 43 123. Commercial, Property for Rent APPROXIMATELY 1000 sq ft main floor office space availoble Close to the Square Avn,lahle September 1 Phone 5245316 18tfnr SMALL STORE for rent at 38A Newgate Street Total fresh, renovations Reasonohle rent avoilable immediately' Contort Ken McGee at 524.8391. 27tfar PRIME LOCATION across from the Post' Off ice Basement of new building 1600 sq ft plus storage space. Air cond,t,oned heat included rn rent. High ceiling controlled ventilation CaII 524-4852 (days) 524 4894 (evemngsl '37tfar STORE FOR RENT on Hamilton Street Goderich Please phone 524-8735 42tf I25. Wanted to Buy OLD SHEET music you may have in your piano bench. Please write to Drnwer No 66 c o Goderich Signal -Star P 0 Box 220 Goderich Ont. N7A 4B6 42.44x 126. Help Warmed EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We offer an exciting career with a Wowing cam pany, full training program equal opportunities for female or male For your efforts you receive solary & commissions car allowance & bonuses full company benefits & the opportunity to earn executive income To take advnntnge of this op portuntty today call Harry of 1 800 265 3435 or 364-1894 '32tfor ACTIVE female senior citizen requires middle aq ed nonsmoking live in or live nut housekeeper and cook Drivers license requ'red Lnrgn fur nished apartment and hoard suppled Coff 524-9895 after 6 00 p m 40tfn . BABYSITTER for six month old child Monday to Friday 8 5 Reply to Drnwer No 63 r 'o Signal Star, Box 220 Goderich Ont N7A 486 42 43 MANAGER REQUIRED Goderich Clinton Exeter stores Experience preferred hut not necessary Apply in writing Jervis Photo Inc Clinton Oht NOM 1 LO 43.45ar