HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-30, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES O'IIUBSBAYs MARCH 30th,1916. J. A. STEWART SPRINC CLOTHES FOR BOYS & MEN Phone 16. We are prepared to show you a fine range of British Blue Serges for J3oys and. Men. These Suits are made from old dyes, but are tailored in the very newest Styles and are being sold at the old Prices. Be sure to see them • before choosing your Suit for Spring. Natty Spring Coats You will need an odd Coat for Spring and Summer. Why not make an early choice. We have aenell range to choose frow. Millinery The tables are full of New Spring Hats and new ones are being added every day. Call and see what we have to show you.• Rubber Boots Keep your feet dry this sloppy weather. Wear a pair of our Red Rubber Boots. They are guaranteed. Price $4.50. Room Rugs At Old Prices is Tapestries, Brussels, Velvets, and Wiltons, also several Patterns of Tapestry. Stair Carpet at 50c, 65c and 75c. Wall Papers A. few Rolls of our New Walt Paper will make a wonderful dif- ference to ynur home. We have a fine range of varnish Papers for Bath- rooms and Kitchens. Misses' and Ladies' Suits Showing several of the very newest Styles, priced at $15, $20. and $25.00, also several good styles in Blue and Black Serge for stout women. Plain Bleached Sheeting 1This is what they call Hospital Sheeting. It is a good weight, a Ksplendid wearer and easily washed at per yard 40c. s Lace Curtains You will be needing Lace Curtains this Spring. See our Curtains yard widths. for Bedrooms at per pair 85c, 1,25 and $1.50. Linoleus • If you would save money get our prices on Linoleums. We have a splendid range of "Nairns" in New tile and floral effects in 2. 3, and 4 Potatoes ' If you are in need of Good Potatoes, try a bag of Green Mountain Delewares. J. t> tomRT, '� : �`.Phone 16 !The Big Store with the little prices Market Reports -The rolloeringe is the report of the Exeter Market corrected up to Marchi 29th? Wheat 80o to 92 Oats 40e I t. t 9 ! Barley 50 to 550 • ' Buckwheat 60 to 65o Peas $1,00 Family Flour $3,10 Low Grade Flour $1.75, Bran $25 per ton. Shorts $26 per ton Engel 90 to 22e Butter' 28 to 30o Creamery Butter 35 and 30o Hoge 10e Potatoes! $ .00 to $2.25. rr Five 'asserlger :wring Ca r ',odd 83B $965 F.O.B. Toronto orsepower motor Two -unit electric starting and light- ': ?t -tension magneto ignition ing with headlight dimmers pi 1. 3.3 by 4 inches, non-skid rear Left-hand. drive, center control t ?imitable rims (one extra rim) Full steamline body The long, lot steamline body is unmarred be angles or projections. the rounded edge of the radiator to the full curved hack, there ,t a break in the tines. The hood slopes gently upward and blends . the beautifully curved cowl. The doors are flush, with' hinges conceal- nd handles inaside. The fenders are long and sweeping in their cur- .si'h gracefully rounded iurfac,s. The running boards are clean and -from obstructions, the storage battery concealed, the tire carriers d at the rear. The windshield is built-in, and conforms to the curve ;e cowl -a part of the car itsel`., not an apparent afterthought. :1-.e car is i:uperbly finished in a rich, deep Brewster green, delicately ed with pure ivory white, and set off in pleasing contrast by black zeled radiator, fenders and running board shield. 1:ode1 83 13 touring car is a. beautiful car. It asks no odds of any car t y price -it is at home in, any company. .us Knight Motor $1575; Big Six $1500; Light Six $1400. Model 75-$850.00 _, number of used Ford Cars for sale also one used Chevrolett. EXETER MOTOR SALES CO, APRIL W. SHELL, Sales Agent net ye April on your way - •vas . she grave or was she gay- -"e a eirimroee 'h iplet fair :her tangled, wind -tossed hair ? dad erre on a myrtle green, .t e, test` 'robe was ever seen : t ye April on your way. 'eyes Ike dove's breast meek • and gray? met April, un my wee '.sorrow and part yesterday- ise went laughing -elle was sed ird end pensive, grave and glad. ,x't',rrintt fabric of her gown. i,'leratd green, in '•h:idy brown. ^y as dove's breast were her (Tee, test blue or t uninnr skies. E'.eTi leer step upon the groins, Fresh Groceries all the time Orders deliverd at once Produce taken in exchange Choice lettuce and celery all the time Try Parnell's Bread PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 56 Wilson's Grocery At un meeting of the congregation or James street church after the .close of the public- service last Sabbata Morning it was decided to hold a congregational meeting .the last T>inxsday in April. Mr, 'Cline, :Har- vey Was appointed to attend the meeting of the Dominion Alliance in Toronto. The charge against 'W. Bender., of Zurich, of bringing liquor illegally in- to a 'Canada temperance act county, also a -second charge of storing liquor illegally in a '0.T,.d., eonnty, was up for trial last Friday before -Police Magistrate Andrews, of tClinton and adjourned for one week. ;Counter Crown Attorney Seager is proeecut- lug for Inspector 'Torrance. 4-******** o LOCAL • o fr 4 6.46,8•• 6•66a>46• t, Read the auction sales o'c nage 4. Inspector' Torrance, of Clinton, was int town on Saturday. Mrs. J. 'W. Mallett ie confir.ed to her bed through illness. Mr. McIntyre, of Hensel]. wan in town during the past week. Mr. Chas. Lindenfield, of Parkhill. visited in town on Tuesday. Mr. Jos, 13awden, of London, was in town the forepart of the week. Mrs. Holloway, of +Clinton, is vis- iting her daughter. Mrs. R. N. Rowe. Mr. and 'Dirs. Herb, Horrell have returned home after visiting near Toronto. This is the 005th day that the 'Bri- tish Empire has been at war with Germany. Mr. end Mrs. Andrew Rieke, of Centralia, visited Mrs. W. Essery on Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Holman and daughter. Mise Sadie. of Eomondville, visited in town last week. Mrs. Thornton, of Sarnia, visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. IIand- ford, for a few days. - Mr. J. H. Pedlar, of Oil Springs re- turned to his home lest week after visiting in th:s vicinity. Messrs, Walter Poole and Pte. Ed- mund Poole, of London, were up on Tuesday attending the sale of L. Day eel Son The best'D anitol�a r can be e - cured at the •11 • t led at home not at 'cme dietan own or city, by IIar- veyt 131 -os. Mr. Itobt. l'i k,rd and song Clare and Allan left Mondav for Frobyshire Sash-.. to get reedy for spring opera- tions en their farm. A. pane of glees was broken in W. IIowey's drugstore window Monday evening while some young fellows were scuffling on the !street. LOST -A ladies' black nd bag, on Saturday last be reen ernes street church' and the s • 'ion. Finder please leave at Ti 's office. Mrs. B. Wellwood, of Wingham, at- tended the funeral- of the late Rev. Dr. Gundy on Tuesday and while here was the guest of Mrs. T. 0. Southcott. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradt returned from their wedding trig( Saturday evening. They will leave shortly for Thedford where Mr. Bradt has pur- chased a business. Messrs. Asa and Luther Penhale last week purchased 175 acres of pas- ture land, being part lot 7 and lot 8 on the 5th concession of Hay from the Canada Land Co. Miss White returned to her home in Woodstock last Saturday after visiting with Mr. and Mns. W. W. Taman. Mrs. Taman accompanied her as far as London. As though a fairy queen did pass: Her hands were cold, yet full of flowers, Her loose hair wet Mtn pattering showers Strung daisies for a girdle white, Yea wound about her bosom slight - Opera Hour s-:- Exeter Just One Night Saturday, April l st Mr. Wm. Reap presents niers spectacular production of ACCIDENT' Mrs. John Cole, of Usborne, had a bad fall on some (steps recently in.' luring her back very badly. As a consequence -yule will be confined to her bed for some time, IIer many friends hope for a more speedy re- covery thau has been promised. PRESLNTATI0 On ]Friday evening or east wee an oysten supper and social evening seas held at the home of )'tr. Barley San- ders of Exeter North. In the course oil the evening rte. Sidney Smith, of ` Sodom was presented Ni ith al wrist 1 watch! -and addre•es, The pra.sen,tation wee eetee. by Miss Cornish 11Ir. John 11 uvea .•ng a solo. Mr. Jas, Sanders w.. chairman. A social bop was nf- tc.ai euj3yed with Reuben Smith as floor manager. BABY CHRISTENED tax ee ednesday of .Last week a very, plet,s.ut evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas, Harvey when their grandchild, Lawrence Harvey White, young son of Mr. -and Dirs. L. • 1F. White Was christened by !Rev. W. .G. H. McAlister. A num ber of friends were preselit for this occasion. Mr. and Mrs.. White. and little son leave this week for their home at Flaxcornbe, Sask., after spending the winter here. GRANT? FINALE Friday evening, March 31st at 7.30 o'clock there will be a social evening in the Town Hall as a "Grand -Finale" for, the Relay Teas -which have been given during the month of March. A good musical program is being pro- vided which will commence at eight o'clock sharp. Those who have - not had the pleasure of "contributing 100 for teas, will be rabid to 'give ,thein 100 Friday evening. Admission IOc: Come one. 'Come all. SOME LEMON Ont Mcrday of this weak Mr. Wal- ter Wer..ea:t brought into the office a lemon thet measured 12 1-2 by 10 1-2 in -'.'s which made an ordinary lemon look small in comparison. What was even meet" interesting, however, was the £act that the lemon was grown in town by .Mrs. Geo. Easter - brook. It grew on a tree that stands from tiwo to three feet high and is kept in the house during cold weather. The tree had several blossoms but only two lemons grew on it, the other being much smatter. Mrs. Tomlinson and Miss 'Lizzie Frayne, of London, visited their bro- ther Mr. John Frayne on Saturday last. Mr. Frayne'a condition does not improve very rapidly. The W. M. S. of James street -Meth- odist church will hold a social even- ing on Monday, the 3rd or April. Miss Gray, a returned missionary, will speak. Tea nerved in connection. Mr. G. I.. Graham of Parkhill, has been transferred to the Exeter branch/ of the Bank of Commerce as junior, Mr, 'Wilfrid Northcott is be - 400 Tons of Vine, ;,andand tattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 50o, Per bag, -Exeter Salt Works Oo., Ltd., J, Sutton, IManager.1 PERRY E. ,DOur,E, Licensed Auer tioneer, Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly at+ tended to, 'Phone 116, Lirkton., Ad- dress Kirkton P.O. SALT FOR SALE. -An . exeelle10. quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at the 'old Temperance 'Rouen at the G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. - ED.. MAGUIRE. Exeter. Uccle Tom's Cabin With ail the added Features that have made the C empany fatuous. LEFT FUR :1IONCTON Mr. H. 5. White and family left town on Saturday last Mr. White having been transferred from the branch of the Bank of Commerce herel to the branch at Moncton. Mrs. White and family will visit at Toron- to for some time before joining her husband, They will be missed in town having made • many warm friends during their re_idence in town. The best wishes of all will follow them. Mr. A. E. Kuhn, of Crediton, has commenced his naw duties as manager cf the branch here. We welcom-: i:ni to town. ALMOS,P 4 FIRE •\'hat might have been a ser:cue fire started in the workroom of Mr Geo. Manson's shaestore on Tuesday afternoon. A botelc of polish that was behind the ,stove fell and :the contents exp:oded and filled the place with flames. The room is small and there were several in it at the time and in the rush for ;the door one man tripped and fell in ' the flames. Orville Cann, of T -shorn', who was present at the time took off his coat and fought the flames' until water was brought when the fire was got under control. The fire whistle was sounded and a crowd soon gathered. S. S. ANNIVERSARY Sunday and Monday were special days in connection with the Main St. Sunday school. On Sunday morning the pastor, 'Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, preached a special sermon to . the scholars and inthe evening Rev. bxr. Redmond preached a very acceptable sermon. The' echolars tilled the choir Loft and led the singing. On Monday evening an entertainment was held in the 'bai+ement of the church which was filled to capacity. The different classes provided numbers for the program and consisted of dialogues. music, readings, etc., which were Well received. The proceeds from the twe days amounted ito nearly $50.00. TIIE $1.50 WEEKLY Yehr I met April on my way, ing transferred from the branch here And swift she stole my heart to -day, to Winnipeg. Mr. S. Stahl, of Hnileybury, who iv` to the -=----�•----- 'tan owing to Crede • s called g ata death of his mother, called on friends in town on Tuesday. Mr, Stahl start- ed his apprenticeship on The Times under. the late John 'White. Tee 4 -year-old son of Wan. I'3irtch of Aventon, Downie Township, was bitten xecentiy by a mad dog. A pose of neighbors was immediateaty organized and went in pursuit, trac- ing the maddened animal to the Mitt clicroad and finally capturingreng1P at 'Motherwell, - Ftillarton township: where. it :hid bitten a big dog before it was desitroycd. The boy was sent may for treatment and the bead of the dog has been heat to Ottawa for examintltiO13 _. - , i ; i The household furniture of 1,Irl% Chas, Amy, of Burford, arrived "in town on Monday and has been tak- en to the home of her brother, Mr. Mr. E. Kest le. of T7sborne. Mrs. Amy will visit for awhile with fxieltds at Burford before coming to Exeter where she will make hex' home in fu- ture. . • Special Prices 15 and 25 The publisher of a weekly news- paper finds that be is compelled to increase the cost of the paper from $1.00 to $1.50 per annum. The reason or it is 1 be increase of to many met, erials entering intio the cost of pro- duction. White paper has advanced in price. Metal has advanced in price. Type that once could be purchased for 48 cents a pound tceseae •costs 93 cents. The war hes had itt+ eftc'ct upon all trades, but few have felt it as ' heavily as the newspaper. Receiving $1.00 for a paper newer w,.s a paying proposition but the increase alb along the line now costs the pro- ducee $1.74 for each paper. The fall- ing profits from advert s'ng leave; a deficit to the producer and he is compelled to raise tie price of the weekly newspaper. In Perth and Huron counties the raise will be to $1.50. However all who ply their sub- scriptions in advan:e and before the 1st of July, 1916, ;sill receive tbo it paper at the old rates of $1.00. Af:er that it will be $1,50. Necessity com- pels the publisher to take ih's step which he should have talieu long 6g0. The attention of the members of Exeter Lodge No. 07, I. 0. 0. -P, is called to the regular meeting to be held! in the lodge ,room next Tuesday evening when the 2nd degree will be exemplified. -0. L. 'Wilson, N.G, Mr. and 'Mrs, Thomas F. Boyle an- nounce the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Birdie, to Mr. W. Stevely Thompson, eldest son of Dr. and hers. Ainley Thompson, of Lon- don; marriage will take place in April xt1GES' F ORECAS'1.i A Reactionary Storm Period is central' on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. New Moon or Moon's conjunction with! Earth and Sun !Palls on the 2nd, The conjunction of the great planet Jupiter with Erarth and Sun is on the lst and with the Moot, on the 2nd The 'combined disturbances of Mer- cury and Venus and Earth bear directly on this period. This ib a time of probable storm and weather activity. that ought to arouse the in- terest? and watchfulness of our read- ers. We predict that sultry conditions falling barometer, threatening clouds and storms of rain.. wind, and thunder will prevail generally through this period. It .win ibe wise to anticipate excessive downpours of train at this time. Look out about Sunday, Mon- day and Tuesday, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. for rainfalls amounting to local freshetis and floods, with probability o$ dangerous wind, storms and torn- adoes. `Close on the heels of these storms, expect change of winds to westerly. rising barometer, dashes of snow and sleet over centraland northern sections, with much colder weather and killing frosts generally. r1PAF HERS A1TENT1ON We heCP a specially select- ed Stock of No. t, °nnd Standard Heti Clover Atiille, Timothy, AIf.lfa, Snset Clover, Orche-rd. snd Him - grass, Seed ()eta, etc. Just received a eistennea,t t,f No. 1, Imported A:sike tat $12.50 pee tansteel. • Special prices given on Club Orders of $80 and up- wards. We hese it quantity - FIRST CLASS PO(IIdOEt4 for Sale. A Cali Solicited C. ZWICKEEZ CREDITON - ONT INEMINENEWOMMIMIMMIMEMINIMMI FURNITURE We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. Our TJndertaking De- partment is up.to-date in every respect and we guar- antee the best of satisfact- ion. Ro N Rowe 400 Heidi of {Cord Wood Wtalateet at the 'Exeter Salt 'Worcs ipoe Ltd}. For Prices Write or scall Upon the Ilianager,--Jos. Sutton, "&tgr, The Funeral Director and EII IFr.st-eeiita.ere 03keEttlea- PRONE `90a 'U3 W i3UTCUE1t-3ex, Pegg desireo: to announce that be ,will ()all for and deliver orders to any part of the fawn. TOW' OAtkore'a'ge is ' liciteJ Phone •103, r New Spring Suits for Ladies PLAIN TAILCYRED !AND FITTS* MODELS SHOWING NEW PEA., TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE 'RIPPLE SKIRTS i r eel 't Spring fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, electing the !requirements for street Wear afar travel,; Iii is unusual to 'present so early h$ ,lhe season so great a variety, but atyleaa were determined early and the most favored shown. rtlffl"a The present time is most adVantage- eous for buying as all indication l poitn to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand trpstairs. Oppose a the Central Hotel Don't hope to get high grades at low prices. Nut put your money into so=called "Cheap" Furniture. Don't expect to be able to find a store that can surpass us in value=giving. Don't look any where else for newer designs, Don't think that by buying frcm out of town people that you can get more for your money. You cant. Don't forget to call and se us. EVERLEY nirodsrTHENEW:McLAUCHLIND-45 i lz inch Wheel Base, Six cylinder Valve -in -head• 45 horse power r Motor; very easy riding Cantilever Springs; 4 inch Tires (non-skid on rear wheels); Delco Ignition, Lighting and Starting Device; Number One Hand Buffed Leather Up- holstering over Genuine Curled Harr Filling, Electric Horn; Stewart Speedometer; Stewart Warner; Vacuum Feed; Double Tire Irons; high grade Mohair Top, one- • man type; Rain Vision Ventilating Windshield. Stewart Jlr A. Agents in Exeter