HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-30, Page 7RUSSIAN PEASANT
SIDE 01'` TF.l TONH.
CLU'ed by Toning the Blood
and Strengthening the
Exploits of "Earless Pete" Illustrative It is the opinion of the beat medical
of Methods and authorities, after long observation,
thilt nervous diseases are More coin-
Suceei a. rnoii and more. serious in the spring
Germany's grimmest .of- all enemies,, than at any ether time of the year.
grimmer even than Winter, is now • Vital changes in the system, after
upon her, writes a Russian mere -
winter 'months, may cause much
I : , more trouble than the familiar spring
apondent, who discusses Germany s
,, wealcliess and weariness i'rom which
"terror" in the rnarsli lands, in it*Mich people le suffer as the result of
- he Zlarrates with a grim humor of his'p p
oiwaatle exploits of a Russianpeas-
indoor life, in poorly ventilated and
aria leafier who is a nevelc:ncling thorn often overheated buildings, Official
in the ,fele of the Germans.records prove that in April and May
Germany's new arena, the caxre- neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy
sponclent writes, is Russia's gaerillas, and other forms a'1' nerve troubles
irregulars andf'ranetireurs. Every -
at their worst, and that then,
where along the 800 -mile. front Ger-
than any other time, a blood -
man outposts are being attacked, sane nerve -restoring tunic: is
tries are being sniped, convoys raid- needed.
ed, trenches pestered at night, and The antiquated custom of taking
every day a toll in death is taken and purgatives in the spring is useless,
a still greater toll in terror. Germain for the system really needs strength -
papers found in captured trenches ening, while purgatives only gallop
use the words "surprised and disor- through the bowels, leaving you
g-anizecl" (ueberrascllt and desorgan- weaker. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are elEN. noouss,
ishiert). That was written after Rus- the best medicine, for they actually French iiirtistcr of 'tViu•, succeeding
Rus -
sta.'s neatest guerilla hero, "Earless
make the new, rich, red blood that aaliteni. ale is an aviasilin expert,
1; feeds the starved nerves,and thus bad this I>Iciure was taken fust as
Pete,"crept; with his band between he r 'as leaving au airship, the white
two disconnected German trenches on euro the ninny farms of nervous Itis- wings or which are in the backgretml.
the Pinsk-Baranovitchi section and orders. They cure also such other
came back with the headgear of forms of spring troubles as head STUPENDOUS FIGURES.
thirty slaughtered Germans. These aches, poor appetite, weakness in the
Germans were surprised and slain limbs, as well as remove unsightly Britain's Annual Income Is Now Fif-
;; ;aom an ambush. SevenRussians kill- pimples incl eruptions. In fact they teem Billion Dollars.
ed and wounded was the price paid. unfailingly bring new health and
Russian Volunteers. strength to weak, tired and' depressed
men, women and children.
Russia's heroic volunteers are Sold by all medicine dealers or by
either local peasants, disbanded sol- mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes.
diens or young risen from remote parts far $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
mostly belonging to the "intelligent" ]iedicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
class, The peasants are now awake.
By encroaching on wholly Russian ARMSHOWS RROMANCE.AROMANCE.and Greek Orthodox sail the invad_ (tIItL' S S 0�
ers have rendered to Russia a special
service. In Poland the population Carries the Nantes of Loved Ones
might be cajoled or terrorized. The Tattooed on Her.
Poles are third parties. The Ger- There is a boom in tattooing in the
mans to -day are fighting among men East end, according to Edward Lov-
of Russian race and faith, and these ett of the Folk Lore Society, says
feel that they are defending their London 1'it-Bits. The boom is not ing of hostilities, nearly all of this
hearths and homes,
it to thcln t:o hla k, iirci'lctaly men-
tioniug ibat elle Wa : t'atl: Ilio ; the .(if-
iicc'r's ai clers, 'l he I,' ,r1 u as ..aloin
' She thc��l i rt>=ri.:t'd t•) tete house taiid
x•iirt•tuily disarmed the, ruldiers, yrh.r,
sunk in heavy altanzhs,r, lay about in
different attitude's,, and hi+: their +VLU-
pnns deop in bile e''Uar.
Maointimc� her i"ath(r was fasten.
Ing with. roj c+s the Brill,, of, the in-
st;n th1" Germania
Having aecomplassh•_al her I ab l•. with
the p}'iynlic l s the g.a l 1 } ac a eded to
find her way to the lt.;riin positions.
l"ollowin;; force b p th•; oral making
her wny through swamps, she finally
reached a Siberian outpost,
' 1 have disrrme d and• tied up twen-
ty German soiciit re and ane nit'iver;
hasten and tai.( i le rn 1Lrisoazc r e,"
were the excited �� o la which the
girl addressed to. the head ofriccr of
the Siberian Rifles. V6h,•n they rcnch-
cd the farm they found the Germans
still fast locked iii : th . it drunkeli
sleep. sa
Several pails ut' lee c:olcl water
flung in the faces of the sleepars soon
roused thorn to the grim realities of
their situation.
Nova Scotia a
National Preparedness
doe; not come from guns
and dr'ead'noughts.. alone, but
from men who are fit for the
day's work, The making of
men is a question of food and
rational exercise. You can't
build stalwart men out of
an unbalanced "ration.
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
contains all the arn,a.tezial
needed. for building; the .per-
fect human body. It is the
whole wheat grain made
digestible by steam -cooking,
shredding and baking. One
or more Shredded Wheat
Biscuits for breakfast with
milk or cream snakes a man
fit for work or play. It
is ready -cooked and ready—
! to-s
to-s rve.
Made in Canada.
War Haat Forced Thousands in Eng -
ast' •I land to Give p Estates.
Good Ins Thousands of stater homes in
England arc changing hands, accord -
to the real estate authorities. The
' old owners have in many instances
A CURE FOR HIS RHEUMATISM. if been forced by increased taxes to seek
' I more moderate places, and some of
States (}tit. of His Own Experience the estates are being purchased by
persons sons vho have profited by war con -
That Dodd's Kidney Pills Are a coa-
r Sure Relief From fain. 1 There is tall•-, of wholesale migra-
Great Britain's annual income has ! tion and predictions that country life
increased by 21100,000,000 since the Greenfield, Queen's Co., N.S,, March }will undergo a revolution, Many 02
beginning of the war, declared Sir `27th, (Special).—"To anyone who suf- ?the estates may even be cut up and
George Paish, the well-known Finan- fees from rheumatism I say: "Take . parcelled out among disbanded sol -
warauthority in a lecture recently on Dodd's Kidney Pills. They will i,e : diets.
war fi}.ance before the Royal Statis- sale to give you a release from poise"I In diseu.sing the effects of the war
tical Society, London, and the total This is the message of Cornelius on the landed gentry, Francis Hirst,
has now reached £:3,000,000,000.
The nation, said the speaker, has
nearly succeeded in maintaining its
productive power, despite the with -
a widely known economist, said' that
near here. Mr. Iiirtle suffered from it was only a natural result, and that
rheumatism for foul years and found 1 these people would feel the pinch
Iliftle, a well known farmer living
a cure in Dodd's Kidney Pins,
drawal of approximately 4,000,000 `I was in bad shape for four years,"
men from its industries. It had call- Mr. Hirtle says in giving his experi-
ed in half a billion pounds of its
capital from abroad since the open- so much that I was not able to do
much without suffering, I also had
stiffness in the joints, my muscles !
enee. "My back and hips troubled me
Neither bribes among soldiers and sailors but however, having been used to make
threats avail among girls of the East end, it being fresh loans to foreign countries and
"Earless Pete" is Germany's terror. colonies. cramped and I felts heavy and sleepy
a rapidly -growing fashion, when a after meals. I had a bitter taste in
His name suggests tefror, though he local belle walks out with a young If allowance were made for the in- my mouth, especially in the morn- I
is not earless at all, but can hear a m ln_ i n have his name tattooed on crease in the country's gold stocks, ing. My appetite was fitful and I
Sir George declared, the nation was often dizzy.
German sentry sneezing a verst away.
He is called 'tearless" because he has
no ear open to his country's foes.
her arm. Mr. Lovett gives the fol-
lowing amusing description of a
scene which he recently witnessed in
-- "Pete" slays no unarmed or disarmed the shop of a friend in the East end,
man, but in battle he neither gives who, among other avocations, is a
>v takes mercy. Earless Pete has tattooing artist:
never commanded more than seventy Two girls entered the shop. One of
a• men, but he has killed or put. out of them took off her jacket, turned up
befound hsucceeded
would . ounc to have
virtually the whole of its "I suffered from eliortness of
draw upon Its de 1 d 1 spirited.
without needing to. d v p
n . breath, I was often dizzy and I was
war expenditures out of its income,
presses an ow splrltec .
accumulative capital to „ an extent "I took six boxes of Dodd's Kidney
worth mentioning. Official calcula-
tions of the new taxation imposed up I that I am recommending them to all
her sleeve, at the same time sitting to the present time amounted to doctor."
mans. "Pete". wins because with all d a table on which was ('l97 531000 and Sir George esfinrat-,
small electric apparatus. The artist vas a symptom of kidna. disease. In the canteen of a certain military
i my frielicle They are better than any 1
action at least three hundred Ger-
their technical perfection the Kaiser's
own near
r * of 11I1. Hi •t1 s m toles
•a cel the taxation in the corning year 1 e ti oney p !
wooden battalions lack the scouting, then made some design on the arm would reach nearly y , ,
more than the poorer classes for
many years to come.
"The mere economic effect of the
loss of hundreds of thousands of
young men in the prince of life and
vigor is almost incalculable," said Mr.
Hirst. "We may safely assume that
by November we had lost through the
war about a tenth of all the wealth
we possessed before.
"The present public expenditure of
the Government is believed to be
about equal to the whole of the pri-
vate incomes of the inhabitants of
the United Kingdom put together.
"We are now adding to the na-
tional debt every five or six weeks
what we added during the three years
of the Boer War."
A Born Trader.
On the whole, the speaker said
the burden of taxation was light con-
sidering the circumstances, and com-
pared with. the burden the country
bore during the Napoleonic wars. The
national debt before the war was
2707,000,000. It would be 22,400,-
000,000 by the end of this March, Sir
George added, and if the war con-
tinued another year it would not be
far short of £4,000,000,000.
sporting instincts needed for coping with the electric needle. When the That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills cured
with guerillas.
"Got" 70 Out of 100.
"Pete's" allies are the Winter
snows, still more the Winter thaw. He the arm, upon which, near the elbow,
operates only in marsh land. In the were the words: "I love Joe Smith."
Pinsk marshes once thaw sets in ma- "Of course, it wasn't .Toe Smith," says
laria comes. "Pete's" men are in- Mr. Lovett, "but that is a detail."
tired. They know the country; they Naturally Mr. Lovett wanted to
are familiar with narrow lanes of know what happened should the girl
traversible land in the illimitable wish to get rid of this somewhat
marsh. "Earless Pete's" newest ex- plain statement. "That is quite easy,"
ploit is this:-- replied the tattooist. "Should the girl
He made a feint attack on a strong change her mind, and find that she
German outpost and pretended to loves Bill Scroggins instead of Joe
flee. The enemy pursued. "Pete's" Smith, I touch up the old name and
men took the longest, narrowest convert it into a new design, usually
patch through the swamp. When the a bunch of flowers. It is a bit diffi-
pursuers were crowded on a narrow cult at times, especially with a long
road, bordered by swamp land with name, though I generally manage it
.jiotten ice, "Pete" turned and attack- somehow. Why, one arm I know has
ed. Simultaneously others of his men twenty-seven names on it. At pre -
appeared on either flank. The Ger- sent it has `I love' at the top, then fol -
mans could not deploy. Those who low twenty-six bunches of flowers,
left the road crashed through the finishing up with the last love, say,
melting ice. A terrific rifle fire cut for instance, Bill Adams."
up the Germans. Thirty out of a hun- "What a romance," remarks Mr.
dyed got away. The rest perished. Lovett, "is locked up in that arm!"
Yard deep snow which hampers
German movements is "Pete's" friend.
Swathed in white sheets, moving sil-
ently on skis, the guerillas approach
and snipe or pour in volleys. Germans
dash out, shoot wildly, try to charge
and flounder in the snow. In darkness
these attacks again and again have
succeeded in causing the Germans
loss and spoiling their nerves.
Midnight Snow Ghosts.
"Midnight snow ghosts" is "Pete's"
name for his followers. Near Bar -1
anovitchi the Germans, with enormous i'
labor, have had to clear from snow at
belt of land a hundred yards wide be -1
fore their trenches. On an earth
background at least the "ghosts" will I
, be seen.
- Further south disbanded Russian
'�iers are cutting the enemy up.
These are "okhotniki"—that is, chas-
sears, the best Winter troops in the
world. They were, given rifles, anamu-
nitlon, matches and blankets, nothing
else, and sent into the trackless for-
ests of Olonetz to shift for them-
selves. Last summer, during the re-
treat from gest-Litovsk, five hun-
dred got cut off. The Germans never
captured them, and now in small
bands, which sometimes reunite, they
roam the country, 'snipe, cut railways
and generally terrorize the country.
They cut the culvert at • Gulevitechi
and wrecked a German train, Long
ago they changed their uniforms for
peasant garb, Sympathizing peasants
shelter them and give information to
them. •
The world is half. full of people who
have no interest in their work because
they are riot fitted for it.
operation was finished Mr. Lovett
asked if he might see what the de-
sign was. He was allowed to inspect
Ever Eat
Grape Nuts?
(Made in Canada)
There's a vast army of
physical and mental work-
ers who do not.
One reason—its delicious
nut -like flavor.
Another—it is easily and
quickly digested — gener-
ally in about one hour.
But the big reason is—
Grape-Nuts, besides have
ing delicious taste, sup.plies all the rich nutriment
of whole wheat and malt-
ed barley, including' the
"Vital" mineral salts ne-
cessary for building brain,
nerve and =sole,
Alwayys ready to eat
direct from the package,
Grape -Nuts with cream fi�tt,
good mills is .kt well bd.awedaed notion--4ho utmost
in sound nourishment.
There's a Ron'
.--sold by Grocers,
French Horticulturists Raise Lilies
Germans Used to Send.
The lily of the valley, first flower
of the year and emblem of good for-
tune, will soon make its appearance
,x.on the corsage of the midinette,
BABY'S OWN TABLETS ! whence, says the Paris Figaro, there
is every likelihood that it will find
GOOD AS GUARANTEED' its way to the coat lapel of the sot-
_ diet on leave from the front.
Mrs. L. Isbell, Kingston, Ont., This year the lilies of the valley
found in Paris will he truly French.
Hitherto—excepting last year, which
was one of eclipse ---they came from
Germany, where the horticulturists
grew them in profusion or retarded
ands of other mothers. Once a mother them according to the condition of the
has used Baby's Own Tablets she Paris market. French horticulturists
will use nothing else for her little neglected this flower almost entirely
ones. The Tablets are sold by media until the dearth in 1915 showed them
cine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a how easily they could capture the
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine market for themselves.
Co., Brockville, Ont.
writes: "I am using Baby's Own Tab-
lets and find them as good as adver-
tised. They are certainly a wonder-
ful remedy for little ones." Mrs. Is -
bell's testimony is like that o.0 thous -
-- _
Wife (icily)—"You needn't speak to
Twenty Captured in a Russian Fau-m- me for a month!"
house. Husband- —"Then you expect to
Among a party of Letts who have have finished talking by that time'?"
succeeded in escaping from a village
in Courland, Russia, now occupied by
the Germans, is a girl of 17, who has
been awarded for a great deed of bra-
very by the Czar with the St. George's
nrinard'e Liniment Relieves Neuralgia,
Stole the Soldiers' Socks.
At the Central. Criminal Court , in
London, England, before Judge Ren- i
cross. tool, Herbert Read, 41, carman, was
A small German detatchment sentenced to eighteen months' impris- 1
marched on to a farni owned by this ,
girl's father. Sentries were left out-
side to keep watch on a hill quite
close, while the rest entered the
house and prepared to have a good
The young German lieutenant
turned to the girl with the order to
get wine at any cost, as their supply
had run short.
She was bold that unless she ful-
Relied the order the house would be
set on fire and she herself subjected
to violence.
There were two barrels of heavy
old liquor made of spirit and berries,
the cellar, and a bright idea struck
the girl. Before giving them the
cordial sho dropped into ib some
powder, made of bluebells, which
brings on heavy drowsiness.
The first barrel was soon emptied,
and the demand came for more.
The second barrel contained a
double portion of the powder, and the
Germans soon began to roll onto the
floor, one after another.
Seeing her enemies helpless round
the barrel she filled a bowl with
liquor, took it to the sentries, who
stood freezing in the cold, and cave
anment with hard Iabor and John
Crack, carman, to six months' im-
prisonment in the;econd division, for
stealing and receiving one thousand
pairs of socks which were in course
of conveyance from a railway station,
to an army clothing depot.
To whom it may concern: This
is to certify that I have owed MI- ?
NARD'S LINIMENT my;elf as well
as prescribed it in my practice where
a liniment was required and have ne-
ver failed to get the desired effect.
C. A. KING, M.D.
The truth cannot be burned; be-
headed or crucified. A lie onthe
throne is a lie still; and a lie on the
throne is on the way to •defeat, and
a truth in the dungeon is an the way
to victory.
SVliifard'ti Liniauent for ante evar6+vrl
depot, cracked eggs were sold at a
reduced price. An Irish soldier, mar-
keting for his mess, entered the can-
teen with a basket and said:—"Gim-
me two dozen best cracked eggs."
"Cracked eggs all done, Pat," replied
the orderly. "Sure, an' they're not
then," said Pat, giving the egg -crate
in the corner a violent knock. "Hand
me some ov thim cracked ones, quick."
Waterless Remains Hot
for 12 Hours
�t ottieLasts a Lifetime
ICanadian Woode Only. ,
Not very long ago Lard Sbaugh-
nes:y announced that so fax' as pos.
rabid Canadian woods only would be
used in -connection with the on
rtruction • and interior finish of all.
Canadian Pacific buildings, railway
(ars, ate., an Announcement which -
was: hailed with• great satisfaction by
the ,iuntber interests of the Domin-
ion That ouch a programme was
possible. was known to the . forestry
experts who have supplied to the
various Canadian (Government ex-.
hihits in' Europe and the United
States magnificent samples of hard-
woods with beautiful grains and at-
traeti\ t finish. It would seem that
Linea! woods are not being exploited
sufficiently, but, no doubt, now that,
it is known there will be a good de -
mend for it, manufacturers will give.
the matter greater consideration.
Growing Old.
They had been engagea to be mar-
ried fifteen years, and still he had.
not mustered courage enough to ask
her to name the happy day. One
evening he called in a peculiar frame
of mind, and asked her to sing some-
thing tender and touching—some-
thing that would "move him." She
sat down at the piano and sang,
"Darling, I am growing old!"
6ranulaied Eyelids,
Eyed inflamed by e�xp�o-
sure to un Dust
and Ind
quickly relieved by Murices
EyeRemedy. No Smarting.
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. It/urine Eye
SalveinTubes 25c. For Book oi1be[ye?reeask
; Druggists or Hurley Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Footing the Bill.
Mr. Newman had just recovered
from an operation and was talking
to a friend.
"The surgeon," he remarked, "said
he'd have me on my feet again in
three weeks."
"Well, he did it didn't he?" asked \vii a for catalogue. Dominion Nurseries
the friend.
"Ile did, indeed," responded Mr.l
Newman, "I had to sell my motor ,°
car to pay his bill."
Wrl4a•CAl GYAM111A..,Y"l Y".li1.YK%
6'L�'7 COMPANY j nnvxtA
Used for making 'q
hard and soft soap, for
softening water, for .clean-
ing, disinfecting and for over
500 other purposes.
Raruea suesn•ruTae.
E.W.ellsitrthererr mem
Jones—"I believe in early rising,
don't you?" Smith—"Well, there's
an abstract excellence in early rising;
it all depends on what you do after
you rise. It would be better for the
world if some people never got up.'
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete.
h biers, Deleware, Carman. Or-
der at once. Supply limited. Write for
(ruotations. H. W. I'.:arson, Brampton.
Jt. foxes, trade for used car. Reid
1 Brod., Bothwell. Ont.
buy and save middleman profits;
Ntinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff
The age of reason depends alto -
(Smith, Reed & Co.) St. Catharines, Ont.
lett in their locality. Dominion
Works, Toronto.
LI, SAL1 COAL (1l I. AND t:Ai$ta-
gether on the man; some men never I line Buckeye 'traction Ditching
attain it.• Machine; only did about three months
! work will sell right on account ut i11-
I nese. 13. Phillips, C lresle Pant.
She—"They say that an apple a day ; —
keeps the doctor away." He—"Why i eELP WA1v'T?1TM;.
stop there? An anion a day will keep i A N T E la—U1'I-toLSTEI1ERS,
every=body away:' r aleehiue-hands, c`nbin,et maskers
and boys, steady work, highest wages.
( -'•pPiy Lippert Furniture Co., Ltd:, per'
.� lin, Lint.
346 Broadview Ave., Toronto, Ont.
�+ p� 1�i�IItt ,tr}�rp �t !
1 The only College in Canada
leaching all Typewriter Keyboards
Oa rate« are half these prevailing e? awhere
tele stt
Y.wn.._ rR �•
'^�- 1'efore piac-
9s ing your order for y°ak
seeds, see our 1916 Gold- a
tlen Jubilee Catalogue it _,y free
Gov't. Stan. Bus.
No. 1 Red Clover ',Fancy) $16.15
No. 1 Alsyke
No. 1 Timothy 6.66
AIlow 80c for each cotton bag
We pay railway freight in On-
tario and Quebec over $25.00
STAYS 90712'10URS
Muskrat Handler
Is the old firm of
Limited, 410 St. Paul
St. W., Montreal.
Ship all your furs
there and obtain full
.) pad and slip diner work. State
, experience. Factory running ten-hour
day: Owen Sound Chair Co., Ltd..
Owen Sound. cant.
furniture experience preferred;
steady employment. Address: The 31eaa-
for,1 Alf g. Co.. Limited, Meaf,rd, Ont.
`i and Finishing Departments;
good wages. Apply Kingston. iloisery
Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont.
C spinners and weavers 1't'e will
pay inexperienced help whip itu!ii.1g
weaving, Good wages paid in all these
departments and stead, work fur
months to come. For further- particu-
lars, apply to the Slingsby Manufactur-
ing Co., Ltd., Brantford. cant.
lished ten years. Sickness forces
me to sacrifice. Bennett, ,,:.n 1'undas
Street. Toronto.
T HITE LEGHORN e'i's'li0tt1-LS;
' Leghorn Rhoda island: laiaak
Minorca. Buttercup hatching eggs.
Cecil Meehan, Portneuf Station, c,ubec.
NEWBI'IsS?:-.773,s POE s10.a,sl.
ji Offices l'.re saw in good (.11,1 ark,
tCatt'tl.^-. The most useful and ra ter,,st1ng
of all busin„s,s. Pull ir,iteeteitien ..n
application 10 \\'11500 1 r; }'•:i C0111-
g'r'ay. 73 W. -e1 :1.ie}uidc: Street, 'eee i,te.
,Sf1 ANC Kit. Ti'1ic.,its. 1.7: , N hiT(`.,
internal and external. , ,e.i wfth-
Ont palm by c:nr h"iIle trot.t4i, ot. \\•rite
Us before ton lute. Ira. i L ... , Medical
co.. Limited, C011ingwoo i.
It is made of metal, nickel
plated, of a convenient size.
Simply boil the "Thermor” for
ten minutes only (no longer) and
it stays hob for full twelve hours
at an even temperature of 126
deg. Recommended by physi-
cians on account of the steady
beat and sanitary metal case..
No trouble --- no filling --- no
danger of scalding the hands—
no leaks—no expense and one
purchase Iasts a lifetime.
In sickness,, such as Neuralgia,
La Grippe, Rheumatism, Neu-
ritis, Inflammation—in fact all
aches and pains, the "Thermor"
is invaluable. As a ;,ed -warmer
and a foot -warmer it has no
"The "Thermor" measures
ata" across and is ].Ifs" thick,
yet it weighs less than a filled
two quart rubber bottle.
The price is $4. (10 sent Postpaid
anywhere and sold under an ab-
solute guarantee from the mak-
High-class representatives
wanted in some territories.
9 Youville Street,
We furnish cans, pay express charges
and guarantee highest prices
Write for . rt Sealers.
Any Banker
(riept.. W)
The Ideal Winter Resort
ieautiful liteV
, Saddle Riding,
Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Visiting
and Sera Bathing. ri•eslnt (Iar-
risen of the Ottawa ;3$1.11) Regi-
And How b:F+eeed
5is led free to any addrerc; by
firnsrica's the Author
Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVP,R, V. S.
hog Remedies 118 West 3rstSirs t taen York,81.011/1=1.121.....,..=0
.:w, wt,:
is open from DECEMBER to HA1
Situated on the Harbor of
Hamilton, Accommodates 100.
Pates ; 325 per week arts; upward,
!Bermuda is reamed by the st,aio
et•S of the (amebae S. S. Co..
32 Broadway, New fare..
Kills friction and
makes profits.
Dealers .Trrrrillrltcre
The Imperial Oil Company
;MANCHws Iti ALL C14ips
), • 7, ISSUE 1,l_.-.164 •