HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-10-21, Page 75PAGE 4A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1987 Entertainment COMMUNITY CALENDAR NOTICE OF POLICY CHANGE Due to space limitations and effective im- mediately, items for Community Calendar, a free service of The Goderich Signal -Star, will be accepted under the following conditions: • Only non-profit events • A limit of information, including date, time, place and name of the event. • Only written items, those mailed to Com- munity Calendar, Box 220, Goderich, On- tario N7A 4B6 OR brought to the Signal -Star office in written form. Absolutely no telephone calls will be accepted For this free service. ▪ Only items presented by Friday at 5 p.m. the week previous to Publication. Please Note: Any events for which an admission is charged or a price is established for a meal, an article or a service shall be deemed to be a profit-making event, and will be subject to regular advertising rates. Please include your telephone number(s) so that you many be contacted in case of questions regarding clarity. OCTOBER 21 - Goderich Horticulture Society are holding their monthly meeting at MacKay Hall at 8 P.M. Wednesday, Oct. 21. If you want fresh tomatoes in the winter listen to an informative & interesting lec- ture on hydroponics by Mrs. Budnark. 'There will be a question & answer period plus dessert and coffee. Don't miss this one' ' OC'T'OBER 21 - Support group meeting for families and friends of those • affected by Alzheirners disease and other related disorders at Maitland Manor on Wednesday, October 21, 1987 at 7:15 p.m. Guest speaker Mr. Barry Flanigan - Ministry of Social Work - consultant. Refreshments will be served. OCTOBER 24 - Saturday, October 24 at 8 p.m. there will be a dance at the MacKay Centre for Seniors. Live music by The Entertainers (Gordon Harrison) OCTOBER 24 - Toys wanted. Local Fire Departments in Huron County will be available to accept used and repairabletoys on Oct. 24 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. These toys will be cleaned and repaired by Bluewater Centre residents and returned to your communities for distribution to needy children. OCTOBER 24 - French Activity Hour at the library, Saturday from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. for children aged 5-10. October 24 is Scavenger Hunt day (weather permitting ). TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 - The Annual Meeting for District 8 Agricultural Societies will be held at the Recreation Complex at Varna with Bayfield hosting. Registration 6 p.m. Potluck supper 7 p.m. OCTOBER 27 - Please join us for Secrets of Egypt and Vivid Cultures of South -East Asia presented for your pleasure by Rob Bundy, Editor, Journalist, World Traveler, Etc. sponsored by Friends of the Library at Goderich Branch Library, 52 Montreal St. 524-9261 at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27, 1987. Refreshments will be served. Be a friend. Bring a friend. Get your free ticket at the library. OCTOBER 28 - Wednesday, October 28 at 8 p.m. there will be a Variety Program at the MacKay Centre for Seniors. The pro- gram will feature The Fog Horns, slides of Haiti and a guest speaker. Free taxi call 524-6594. OCTOBER 28 - Blood Donor Clinic Wednesday, October 28 G.D.C.I. 2-5 p.m., 6:30-8:30, p.m. Free babysitting 2-5 p.m. The National Film Board and Bluewater Centre invite the public to a viewing of the nationally acclaimed film "Tram of Dreams " directed by John N. Smith and partially filmed at Bluewater Centre, on Wednesday, November 4, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. at the Park Theatre, 30 Courthouse Sq., Goderich Donations will be gladly accepted for The Friendship House, Goderich Tickets may he picked up at no charge at these locations: KING'S BOOKSTORE, next to the Goderich Post Office EVERYTHING GOOD, 11 Albert St., Clinton NNW-. • LET YOUR CHILD EXPLORE THE WORLD OF DANCE! Tap Dancing Classes (Ages 6 and Over) Ballet I Jazz Classes (Ages 3% and S Years) Register on SATURDAY, 0T. 2 2:30 p.m. Kinsmen Centre " (*Tap Shoes Avg): FEES are $32. for every 8 week period Classes taught by A NNE MUILLEN of STRATFORD 2731991 NOW YOU C The Foghorns will entertain at the MacKay Centre Variety Program Foghorns to entertain at MacKay Centre The October '28 Variety Concert at MacKay Centre will, as the name implies, present a varied programme. The Robertson Memorial School Choir, under the direction of Floyd Herman, will open the , programme. Lawyer Ernie McMillan, formerly of Goderich and now residing in Mount Forest; 'will speak on estate planning. Doran Rolston of Auburn will show slides of Haiti where her daughter and son-in-law are missionaries. The popular Foghorns, under the direction of Bonnie Dunn, will present music of the twenties, thirties and forties as well as a short musical comedy entitled "Little Bo Riding Hood" with Betty Etue as narrator. Brigadoon played to sold -out houses "The 1987 season, and my last season as Artistic Director at Huron,Country Playhouse, was a great year, bth at the Box Office and on stage," says Steven Schirmer. "Our most popular musical 'Brigadoon' played to sold -out houses nearly every COMMUNITY CALEN DAR OCTOBER 31 - Nile Explorer Group get acquainted meeting Saturday, October 31, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.. For more informa- tion call 524-6302. NOVEMBER 2 - Are you 55 or over and would like to join a fitness group? MacKay Centre for Seniors are offering a 6 week Keep Fit class starting November 2. Classes run every Monday and Friday morning 10 a.m.-11 a.m. To register or for more details, call the centre at 524-6660. NOVEMBER 17 - St. John's Ambulance will be holding a Standard First Aid Course November 17, 19, 24, 26 and December 1. For more information contact Robert Bur- roughs. at 524-6638 after 4:00 p.m. All ap- plicants must pre -register by November 15. night and our most talked about thriller 'Corpse' kept the audience guessing who really dunnit."• The Main Stage this season boasts an 80 per 'cent average while Playhouse II is at 57 per cent. The Annual General Meeting is slated for November 21st and at that time more accurate and detailed figures will be released as to the season's overall performance. Next year, 1988 marks the 17th season of Huron Country Playhouse and it promises to be an exciting one with plans well under- way: To date, the Playhouse productions have been seen by more than half a million people. Subscriptions will soon be on sale with more details on the highlights of next year's exciting season. Inspection part of the business • from page 1A The ship's controllable pitch propeller system also received some work. The rud- der was removed and about 26 feet of the tailshaft was drawn out, and the shaft liner and stern tube bearings were inspected. Three damaged propeller blades were replaced by three reconditioned ones. And all this was completed within 10 days. Apparently they don't waste time at Portship. *44 ' The 92 -year-old Iodic on the Canadian side at Sault Ste. Marie was•closed in July following a structural mishap. The Sault tour boat ChiefShingwauk was upbound in the lock, reports state, when a loud,. sharp crack was heard. A fracture 200 feet long and four inches wide opened ROYAL CANADIAN LEMON BRANCH 109 i927-1987 60 Branch 109 1927 - 1987 — PRESENTS — DIAMOND JUBILEE DINNER AND DANCE Sat., November 14, 1987. - In the Jubilee Room, Branch 109 RECEPTION in the Vimy Lounge - 6 p.m. -DINNER in the Jubilee Room - 7 p.m. -DANCING to the Big Band Sounds of Norm Dunsmore in the Jubilee Room - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. DINNER SPEAKER: The Dominion 1st Vice President of the Royal Canadian Legion - GASTON GARCEAU — The Past Presidents of the Branch will also be present — DRESS: Legion and Service Medals TICKETS: $15.00 per person on sale at the Branch canteen on Friday. October 9th. 1987, Last Day of ticket sales November 7th. 1987. NOTE: As seating is limited you are requested to purchase your tickets early to avoid disap- pointment. Branch members to he given a preference. •11.r. LEGION BR. 109 MEMBERS & Tiu::111 SPOUSE OR EscoRT ARE MOST WELCOME t 20" REMOTE CONTROL COLOUR TELEVISION 5649" OR RENT FOR $2595 $3595 P11 MONTH P111 MONTH I MSIO ON 12 MONTHS SAM ON 1 MONTH BUY, LEASE OR RENT YOUR COLOUR TV FROM GRANADA! Granada has them! The TVs you brag about. The one for the big game. The one that does justice to today's special effects and big budget movies. Yes, from the newest flat screen monitors with rich, stereo sound...to the 40" Super Screen model, the newest, most popular colour TVs with remote control are at Granada now All, covered by our no -worry "Granadacover" service. And all, ready to buy, lease or rent. So call Granada today! HAVE IT ALL HAVE IT NOW. HOME ENTERTAINMENT Your Granada Authorized Dealer Is: GODERICH ENTERTAINER 58 The Square, Goderich 524-2321 up between the lock's south wall, which is made of stone, and its cap. The tour boat was allowed to depart from the lock, but officials kept the chamber flooded until divers could deter- minethe extent of the damage. It was feared that the wall might have collapsed had the lock not been full of water at the time. *44 Commercial fishermen and others who follow the fortunes of the many smaller "ships" on the lakes, will be saddened to learn of the death of Ralph Hurley of Port Burwell at the age of 75. Over a career of half a century, Hurley may have built more fish tugs and other small steel vessels than anyone else on the Great Lakes. LJ12En O11 ott. .E The family of Helen and Charlie Love wishes to invite friends, relatives and neighbours to an Open House to celebrate their 50th Wed- ding Anniversary, Sunday, November 1, 1987 2 - 5 p.m. at MacKay Centre, Corner of North and Nelson St. ' Goderich. Best wishes only please. — presents - "THE RAINMAKER" Box Office Open OCTOBER 28 - 10 am - 1 pm; 2 - 5:30 pm 29— 10 am - 1 pm; 2 - 5:30 pm 30— 10 am - 1 pm; 2- 5:30 pm 31 — 10 am - 12 Noon NOVEMBER 2 & 3 — 10 am - 1 pm; 2 -5:30 pm 4,5,6— IO am- 1 pm; 2-5:OOpm •