HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-30, Page 1NORTY-SEooRD YEAR ---No 2242
Phone 32
All the New York Models and Our Own Creations are being shown here in a
ttremenduous display of beauty, The colors this year .are very elaborate and
suits well the season's styles, We are showing our Millinery Early this sea-
son to give every Lady a good opportunity in her selections.
acre ery conspioious this season on all hats. Come and see Our Display before
they are picked over
Smart Spring Suits and Coats
Very Swell Garments
:•►...r at Last year's Prices
Not one of our Suits or Coats are higher
than last year, in fact Our Sping Coats
are cheaper.
Swell Spring Suits
Made in the Very Newest Styles for this
season. Silk braid trimming with the New
Flare Coats, The styles are very becom-
ing and are sure to please you. We
sell the Northway Garment recog-
nized as best in Canada. Light &
I4ark Navy, Black and Green
are the colors
Swagger Spring
We have a magnificent showing ot Spring
Coats Sport Length and very swagger in
appearance. Plain White Wash Cordur-
oy, Cream Blanket Cloth, Palo Cloth
Cream with colored checks and
stripes, Black and White Checks,
Colored Checks, Blacks &Navys
See them and be convinced as
to value and style
Silks at Old Prices
Do you want a Silk Dress or Suit this Spring? If so buy as early as possible. Silks are going up eearly 50
per cent very 3000. We cam give you any silk you want at old prices.
es AND may
IPAILS, PANS and SPILES at Lowest Prices.
Washing Machines ' &
Wringers Make Wash Days
Wringers 3.75 to $6.00
Washers $9.00 to $12.00
Galt Tubs, Wash Boards, etc.
G)Ir xil■�l�►i'
Lowe Brie 1}l::'., Paints
Chi_aTutnei in all t7olors
Danspbell's Varnish Stains
Brushes, Varnishes, ete.
to ain't no use to grumble
mud you're sticking fast,
yon need your .strengtei-'- taws
tht, trouble'll .soon :be abes
3e the fretting for tri ba babies,
it doesn't 'ple,alse the
`the frets must tome from Hades
may take you there at last
;1• triotio League Notes
regular menthle .meeting will
Remains of Rev' Dr.
Gundy interred at Exeter
be held in the Library on Monday
evening, April 3rd.nt belt past seven.
Donations received, Mr. ,L. Hardy
$1,00; Of Bring bo:tes $2.52; Minstrel
rceeipts $151.00.
Mrs. Win. Bowden donated 2 pairs
socks and 2 pairs wristlets; and Mrs,
Ed. Treble 1 pe. hospital !socks
A box of clothing weighing 200 lbs.
has been rent to the Delete Relief
at 1lfontre tl.
We hereby thank all those who.
took part en •, he concert also the
orchestra whirl wes much aptpreeiat-
ell, •
Mrs. W. J. Beer; 'Secy,
The remains ot the tate !Rev. Dr.
Gundy arrived from St. Thomas on
Monday morning and were conveyed
to the Main Street iDlethodist church
where a Memorial service was held.
Dr. Gundy was a superannuated
Methodist Minister and died. onl.
Friday afternoon last at the home
of his 'son. 'Charles R. Gandy, oC St.
Thomas, following a long i11ue.3s.
Dr. Gundy was born, in Ireland in
1853 and was the !son of• a Methodist
clergyman. He was one of the most
prominent members of the London
Conference andwas for more than 50
years in the mitnistry. Ile was sta-
tioned at Owen Sound, Montreal,
Lindsay. Yorkville, London, Omcmee
Watford, Cainsville, Barriston, Exe-
ter, 2tidgetown, Aylmer, Essex Cen-
tre. Sarnia, Windsor, Strathroy.
Wingham: and St. Thomas.
Dr. Gundy's wife predeceased hint
about two years ago and the remains
were interred at the Exeter Union
cemetery. Four sone survive, Chas.
R., St. Thomas; J. 73. ,and J. F. booth
oil Toronto and W. E. Gundy, Wind-
On Sunday afternoon a Memorial
'service was held at Grace church, ;St,
At the service in Main :street
churl? on Monday the exercisers were
In charge of Rev. S. 'W, Muxworthy,
the pastor, assisted by 'Rev. G. N.
Hazen. of London, ex -president or the
Conference; Rees. W. G. 13. McAlister'
Dr. Knowles, Walter E. Mii]son, and
Waiters Rigsby. The choir led in the
service of isong and Miss Vera 'Diuxe
worthy sang a solo "The Home Land"
Dr. Gundy's four eons were present
at the ' fu.xteral, as were also •about
twenty ministers•. A. deputation res
presentingt the, Wingham 11,tct:hodist
church along with elev. Mr. Hibbert
were also in attendance.
The pall bearers were ,alar brother
ministers, 'Revs, • ,ltinowlcs, Anderson,
Findlay. Jefferson,, Fear, and Sawyer.
Tho, floral tributes were meat beau -
titer and .`comprised tt blanket of
flowers covering the casket end many
beautiful wreaths wjttah requirt:d a One holstein was sold to Dir. I. Arm
special conveyance. strong for :130. Other.'s ranged in
.00 seem' going
over the ti
see -
Exeter Council
A eegukix rneetiag o4 ibe Council
was held on March 24th, Counsellor
Beavers Absent through illness, Pre-
vious minutes approved.
Commuseicatioons—Re road `ail. Filtrdc
Re $10 lee of Hydro El!e'resee Rene ay
'Associations Paid on •modest of Hind
and Horton. Re Etniployers' •'•.Liability
Rev.preaches Christian brotherhood and sanity!. Irr�
A\ • CollinsPw E v preaches bringing his tninestry to a close in
Exeter he did Iso with sorrow but•
farewell sermon hoped that the change 'would be bet-
ter for the congregation and better
Fox Nearly Ten Years was Rector of for himself and that they might see
Trivitt Memorial Church -• Large the 'hand of God in; the a;ffaire of the
'Congregation at Closing Ser-
vice — Soldiers Attend in.
A. 'Body,
Assuranee Co.'aed Globe 1:nclemeity One of the largest congregations
Co. Laid over for further eonsidera_ that ever assembled in the Trivia
tion, Hydro -Electric Power. Commis- Memorial church gathered last Sab-
sion re construction of line :etc, 'I'he, bath, evening to lesten to Bev. U, W.
cher% to answer, ;, Collins preach his farewell sermon
The reeve reported that the Fire prior to.leaving for bis new charge
Insurance on 'time dwelling ' at the at 'Windsor• The church was peeked
cemetery expires on. the .err: Clerk extra chairs being placed at Elie
instructed to• have same peoe sec. • rear to accommodate the large crowd.
The special. committee wa.:instruct- The soldiers were present in a body
ed to look into having, the retie:Ms ot , and occupied the north wing. A
the T•owtn Hall and also the; electrical bumber of the !soldiers assisted the
fixtures an hared insured, choir,
Thos. Haul:denx handed in lits Estee Mr. 'Collins took for his text the
ice sold oft the river durin,te the sear first epistle of Peter 5: 7 "Casting
son,. The clerk was authorFwd . to alt your care upon Him; for he careth
look after the collections. for you." The speaker said he had
Accau.nts read end ordered paid,— chosen tixi!s text because he thought Edmond took his place.
Hydra Electric Power Co'm, e3e; Lowe that any cloying remarks he might The big effort made last week to'
Martin Co., Toronto 8.39; G.R. Steer see fit to make should' be in 'harmony increase the 'strength of the 161st
1,00; Hawltisas & Son 1.30;: Jones wit]: the conditions surrounding us at Huron Battalion has brought the
the present time. We are passing unit up to a roll of over 750.
through( deep waters, he said, and we
know, .not how far we have made pro-
gress. Anything out of the ordinary
should have something that will fit
in with the things that are trans-
piring at the present.
The question has often been asked
or risen in the human heart. "Does
God) care?" and 'sometime or other in
life it beoomee the supreme question
that) all human hearts have to meet.
We see so much of the apparent in-
equalities of life,—tbe good and the
bad. thee seem so near to cachl other.
The high place has always had the
t hurett and human life; In sone
clad= Mr; aCollins used the final
words of Paul to the Corintatiaxstt
"Finally, brethren, farewell. Ile pest -
feet. be of good comifort:, be of one
mina. lave ]n peace; and the .God of
love and peace !shall be' with' you'',
With the Boys in Khaki
Enlisted thus week,
Thomas Appleton
Erie Burdon
'W. A. Smith, Centralia
Edmond Oke
W . +` est Neib
Lieut. Torrance 'visited at bis horse
in Clinton over Sunday.
Three of those who 'signed up last
week were not able to pass the rm'od+
ical examination.
Gordon Oke, of Usborne, 4signed up
last week but not being 'able to pass
the medical. examination his brother
& May 2.04;; G. Powell, Hamilton lil•UU
Thos. Fisher, $5.95; Mrs. W. ";T. Beer
Jos. Sen:er, Clerk
The. Board 'met in the Library on
Meech 22nd, with Mr. - Wood, mid Mr.
Fuke :absent. It was •'decided to have
the flag pole erected when .veatitex
became suitable. The Grounds Com-
mittee reported that certain trees
near the school have been. rerpoved
Messrs. Martian. and Gladman were ap-
pointed to interview the janitor re•
low to give it •contrast. W e have
increase of his salary, and to repeat, t come in touch in one way or another
Inspector Tont's report was -react a,rd with the distress caused through
en motion ordered to be , filed, flood, famine. disaster or bereave -
The following accounts were ;ordered ment. We hear of tbe ,sufferings
to, +be ;pad, T. Hawkins, locks 80c., caused by the present war, and the
Sanders Bros., cutting trees 5.00; The question, often arises. "Does God real -
Grigg Stationery Co., $8.50; Employe! ly care for his people?.
Liability' Co., 5.00. It was decided to There are two methods by which
secure a supply of coal. A quarterly i we midst approach this question if
audit o: the books was decided and we are to find the answer of God.
?dr blawsar: was engaged. He bas made two great revelations of
K. �faeI'ausl, Sec. himself. He has revealed himself in
�___,� ____ his word and he has revealed himself
in his great nature.
MB. RICHARD GOULD BASSES S Nature would neem to teach us that
AW -A.1: SUDDENLY'. God does not care for the individual,
said the speaker. Take the pages of
Sudden death meant su•dd' .,'nry history, and. things that have seemed
fail' Mr, •'l zahard Gould of .la'me's _Silt evil) base turned out for good there
on Tuesday morning of thee week.,teas never a war, there was never a
Dl r. Gould had been in his ureal pestilence, a tyeanny or a disease
that did not have some characteris-
tics the day previousunand had been
tic't in connection with it, haroduetive
up town and around retired as of some good.
usual.. In the morning test before Wesoknow that in the hiutorY of lin
time for rising 'some commonplace re- humen racew phogress hes had as much
marks 'pa -°sed 'between Mr, and 14Irs. to do with the daraside as the bright
Gould and without any warning he side. We know that the Napoleonic
breathed a few deep breaths end tears resulted in a peace that lasted
loaned peacefully away. It was a for years. But how did it scent to
stoat shook to the family and the the man who left his wife a widow.
news' was heard with 'regret by his How. doe's it seem to the, men in the
many friends a pwn. Mr. Gaul. trenches. Can they see the bright
was horn in the n.pariah' of Meath. side. .41I progress bas been won by
married ro hisEn'
whereedhe was pain. Liberty, bas been brought a -
married to his bereaved widow.
bout by the prison and the cannon
About 47 wears ago they Cama to ver since. on the battlefield,,. The cross is the
Canada, setave tling inen s Ent* e„ where Symbol, where Jesus Christ gave his
During most eof thane years Mr.Gouldlife that we might live.
was a carpenter and contractor.. un- Nature teaches the 'lesson that hu -
til he retired a few years ago and nxanity, is always higher than the in-
since that time hair acted as Janitor dividual man. There is a doctrine
themknown! as the survival of the fittest
and th doctrine is revealing of James street
church, Be Was vealin itself
well known throughout the district the is oe rine of aEurope.n ToIt be
and was held in the highest esteem, told that our pain will be comforting
For fortr years he taught in the to those that come after us is not.
James street Sunday school and fill-
ed many offices in the church. '13e -
sided his sorrowing widow he is sur-
vived 'by five children- two sone and
very ex
Thank God we are not 'left only to
the lawn of nature as our guide and
three daughters_ 'William of Mcama- counsel: said the speaker. The o
Man„ and Harry, of Exeter; Mrs. Jae, revelation of God—the T3ible—tells' us
Shtapton, of Stephen, and Mrs. M. L. a far different lesson. The individ-
Salter and Miss Olive at borne; also uall care of God ialways ddeclare
a daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. C. Gould the bible. Theprophets
oC Galt. The deceased was 77 years, God dces care for the' least of his chit -
3 months and 6 days old. The funeral dren. 'Christ taught that God was
will be held on Thursday afternoon nor Father and if he cares for the
at two o'clock ioterment in Exeter birds of the lair and the grass of the
cemetery. field. how each more !shall he care
tor you. If Jesus !Christ, )looking out
from a life more troubled than our
'BAZAAR AND ENTERTAINMENT lives. could see tbet God is love, then
we looking out upon our. problems
The Logic Missionary Society of must see that GodG is love.
Caren church will hold their annual anLook n bey kas cipe e1 Pel !:rook g can
Bazaar and Entertainment on Friday
April 7th. In the afternoon alt 3 our lives we seem to have the feeling
o'clock in tbe Town Hall a. sale of that when we mi-`cthteinkeat bi-
useful articles; home-made cooking tions of our live,
and candy will be held. At 8 p.m. docs not care. Men have sometimes
in the Opera House one the !same even- argued that all are not treated alike,
ing an. entertainment will be given than the evil triumph while the just
consisting of a play entitled "Cron- have tribulation. God does care,
berry 'Corners"; a comedy drama in: we will never ece the •oare of God if
four acts, by the young people of r we look for it in earthly • posSessions.
l;Iensall, Hanna Symphony Orches-;, What is the best? Is it houses, lands
tra will furnish the male rAfdm s- fame or
with horses and Shall heareward
sion to. l3aznar including
ments 10e; admission to entertain"' weeny with Alyce or gold'? It is not
went 25c; reserved seats 35,:; pinr, of ble:scd are the pure in heart for
hall; will open Saturday, April 1st at' they -re the illwbe wealthof y who work iteelf Cor
B, W. F• leavers store. I God.To be honest !has in itself a
�► - measure of reward. God dogs care
SELLS BUSINESS T' for tbe individual. He cares so mucic
than he will on.Y reward our spirit-
ual cervices by �::piritual gifts.
DON THEKHAKI TTLe epcaker s.,id :that ha wished ,to
After being in tbe dairy basinesa leave as his parting words that the
in town for about fifteen years, Nes, be•:it that sloe world can give ie mere
axe. L. Day and Son .disposed of their cleat to they. a lath that
God nor has
fine dairy herd of Holstein oattie on in Stox'e, `
Tuesday in order that L. Day, Jr, heard, ueitrn: 1111 it entered into
might' join already
signed Battalion. ti d will Gold bee pxepared,fob thosetge who which
Day has alrea Y g p
report for duty ,next week.. This ie him,'.
not a case .of balling a business but Mr. CoLtne sad he had been going
giving it up and disposing of the in and out Lonc,:ngi tJ3u. people 1f: Betteh
herd and such loyalty is commend- ter for ne. r Y years.
able. The sale on xuresday while learned ' to respect ct and honor them.
bringing. good prices did not realize 1 -le and his teen iyy hadn the congregation
any more than it shoho gt some lin- butwse nthroc.gheuty,he community. Ms
oi' cati:le offered, all,lEou;,h s
dividual cows tyald tor fancy prices. relation:eliite with ehc different re-
iigiou�i bother w.::3 .,incere, Brat:ng and
izpiritunl. 1Ie' had not nlways seen
Brice from X70 up, sae eye to eye, but In L pine, at tenet, they
h :100 Two horses and acv. ha.d hecn ub] to work in cOzUi1 ctiort
Seal head of young cattle segs. also .n. h been
oleos to w int of the king••
clave you aenewetl your subpeript- sold.. 'Che roll! realized abotxi 1.fii00, don of God on cattle The A4)11111011
lost to the, C%mes!$ . - „t AA -a,.-....- j Mr, 73. S, Phillips waw the 'auctioneer
of this problem he believed to be in
The soldiers did not march to the
Thames Road Presbyterian church
church last Sabbath morning owing
to the bad condition of the roads.
Pte. Archie Davis, of the 71st Bat-
talion, Gait, was home on. Friday last.
Tie expected this would be his last
trip home before going overseas.
Mr. W. G. Mitchell, eldest eon of
William Mitchell of the Metropolitan
Hotel,, has enlisted at Guelph. Tbis
is the third son to don the )khaki.
The monthly payments of assigned
and separation allowaaaees ta► tae.ativelo
or dependants of the mot at the
front now averages more Oran
We understand that Peter Lateen*
leas enlisted and is ready to go ;forth
to fightfor Mug and Gotsotry. Peter's
action ought to shame •the scores of
quitters in tine keotioaa.—Henetxll Ube
The school of instruction for non-'•
commissioned officers was re: opened.
at 'Olinton Iast Friday after the
four days recruiting campaign. Those
attending from Exeter are Corp. M..
Pfaff. Ptes, 11. Bissett, and Lloyd
The 161st Battalion will moboiize
at Clinton on Thursday of next week
April 0th,, being the, day of the ,,Cline
ton Spring Fair. The boys will march
to Hensall and join the lien3a11 m'sn-t
hers and march to Clinton where it
is expected they will !,pend a l:ew
Pte, Barry Windsor, o]' tate C. 24L
It. Hamilton, visited h:s parents the
forepart of the week. This wee Pte.
\rvindsor's last visit some as he is;
going overseas shortly with a detach-
ment. The Exeter boye eescortt d
Harry to the depot a.nd gave him e.
Whirlwind Sale
Saturday, April ist
10 Handkerchiefs for 25c
3 Boxes Hair Pins for 10c
Collar Buttons 1c each
Ends of Laces and Embroideries, half rale
Women's Flannelette Night Gowns.
Caps worth 50c to $1.00 for 35e.
Men's Fleeced Shirts for 25c.
Men's Wool Shirts for 75e -
Men's Ties for toe.
15 Sweaters for $1.00 each.
14 Pairs Wonten's Cloth Rubbers 35c pair.
18 Pairs Men's Jersey Rubbers reg 8.50 for $1
These Prices are for Saturday only
Bat e R
if its a pair of Trousers,, an odd
Coat and Vest or a Suit you want,
come quick, before the other fellow
gets the hest°
nds for odd Vests.
nds for odd Coats and Vests.
nds for odd Trousers•
nds for a Suit
e will tailor any of these ends to
your ,order at very low prices to
clear them out.
'1l411i•,••.4/P44.,RtiI+l4►4•w4,414♦440v►*4a* ..s,a»0•14