HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-10-21, Page 14PAGE 14--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1987 18. Houses for Rent GODERICH AREA Two bedroom house for rent November 1 1987 $425 00 per month plus utilities References required No pets 524 8320. 40.111x 42.43 THREE BEDROOM Brick Bungalow L shaped dining -living room broadloom throughout large basement spoclous rural setting. on Highway 8 near Holmesville Available Nov 1 References please 524 7397 41 42 43 TO SUBl9ET Three bedroom townhouse in Vanastra $325 available nninedrotely Last month s rent already pond 482 9645 after 5 42 TWO BEDROOM unit fully carpeted full base meat. fridge and stove included. 5459.00 o month plus utilities 524.7675 42 43x GODERICH AREA Two bedroom house for rent November 1 1987 5425 00 per month plus utilities References required No pets 524 8320 42.43 GODERICH three bedroom house on Bayfield Rd. with 11'r boths fireplace and swimming pool. No appliances no pets. available December I. Phone 5245183, 42 44 IN CLINTON fully renovated. well located quaint two bedroom bungalow. Lorge lot Perfect for retired couple Asking 5350 plus utilities. Toronto (416) 4825653. ,42.43 TWO BEDROOM for rent or for sale close to Square. Suitable for mature couple, available November 1. Phone 5247900. 42 20. Room 8 Board COUNTRY ROAD LODGE - retirement home for seniors and retirees, 24 hour supervision, meals. laundry, bath assistance, foot care. private rooms, etc. For further information call Donold or Dorothy Farrish, RR 3. Lucknow. 395.5283. 39.42x ROOM FOR RENT .with kitchen and bathroom privileges. Non smoker preferred. Call 524.7548 or 5249192. 42x CLEAN comfortable rooms for rent by the month, Close to Square. Call 524-5128, ofter 5.00 p in. 42,43 23. Commercial Property for Rent APPROXIMATELY 1000 sq. ft. main floor office space available. Close to the Square. Available September I. Phone 524-5316. l8tfar SMALL. STORE for rent at 38A Newgate Street. Total fresh renovations. Reasonable rent, available immediately! Contact Ken McGee at 5248391. 27tfar PRIME LOCATION across from the Po,st Office, -Basement 'bf-new building: 1-600- storage '600 storage space. Air conditioned, heat included in rent. High ceiling, controlled ventilation. Call .524.4852 (.days) 524-489.4 (evenings). , 37tfar • STORE FOR RENT 'on Hamilton Street, Goderich. Please phone 524.8735. 42tf 25. Wanted to Buy PORTABLE typewriter. Reasonable price. Phone 524. 2098. 41.44 ,TO BUY old or new cotton lace or doilies, any col- our, Phone 524-6513 42nx OLD SHEET music you may hove in your piano bench. Please write to Drawer No. 66 c o Goderich Signal Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont, N7A 4B6. 42.44x - WANTED: Good three-point hitch post -hole auger. Phone 524.4412. 42 1.22. Help Wanted EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We offer an exciting career with a growing com- pany, full training program, equal opportunities for female or Mole. For your efforts you receive salary & commissions, car allowance & bonuses, full company benefits & the opportunity to earn executive income. To take advantage of this op- portunity today call Harry at 1-800-265-3435 or 364 1894. 32tfar ACTIVE female senior citizen requires middle ag• ed non-smoking, live-in or live -out, housekeeper and cook. Driver's license requireJ. Large fur• nrshed apartment and boord supplied. Call 5249895 after 6.00 p.m. 40tfn BABYSITTER required to come into my home, Send name, phone number and references to Drawer No. 60 c o Signal -Star. Box 220, Goderich Ont. N7A 4B6. 41.42x PIZZA DELIGHT Staff required. Apply in person at 364 Bayfield Road Goderich. 42ar HELP WANTED for night shift in a women's shelter, Send replies to Drawer No. 67, c o Signal Star Box 220. Goderich. Ont. N7A 486, 42 RELIABLE babysitter required for tfh't' a children in town close to Victoria School. Must be willing to work days evenings and some weekends. Call 524.6427. 42 PART TIME sales position. Experience preferred but not essential, will train. Apply in person with resume to Brigittes Fashions, Suncoast Mall, No phone calls please. 42or BABYSITTER for six month old child Monday to Friday 8 5. Reply to Drawer No. 63. c o Signal. StarBox 220. Goderich Ont. N7A 486. 42,43 MANAGER REQUIRED. Goderich. Clinton. Exeter stores" Experience preferred but not necessary. Apply in writing - Jervis Photo Inc. Clinton. Ont. NOM 1LO. 43.45ar LABOURERS required for concrete forming firm. Call 482-3119 evenings offer 8 p.m. 42 PERSON TO WORK ON 360 SOW Farrow to finish breeding stock operation - BRUSSELS AREA. House Available. Wayne Fear Monoway Farms 519-887-6477 26. Help Wanted CAREER IN TRUCKING Transpori drivers needed. Now is tfie time to train tor your cio55 "6' license. For prom screening interview and job pincement information contact: Mery Orr's Group. t 1300.265.3559. Carey & Ottewell require a LEGAL SECRETARY. Litigation experience preferred. Send resume to: Drawer No. 65 c/o Signal -Star Box 220, Goderich N7A 4B6 RUSSELL HEATING 266 Huron Ste Stratford *A MAN REQUIRED FOR SHEET METAL.. WORK, EITHER LICENCED OR APPRENTICED. Cali 273-3293 COUNTY OF HURON SOCIAL SERVICES SOCIAL SERVICES FIELD WORKER VACANCY (6 month Contract) Our office requires a field worker commencing January 4, 1988 for six months to replace a worker on maternity leave. Duties include completing assistance applications under the various programs ad- ministered by our Department and maintaining a monthly caseload of 75-100 cases in southern part of Huron County. QUALIFICATIONS: Com- munity College Social Services Certificate or equivalent and/or Income Maintenance experience. Knowledge of all income maintenance programs and local social service agencies. SALARY RANGE: $21,970.00 - $27,040.00. Monthly car allowance - car and valid driver's licence required. Reply in writing by noon, November 13, 1987,, with full resume to: J.A. MacKinnon, Administrator County of Huron Social Services Courthouse Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 26. Help Wanted PART-TIME OFFICE HELP - JOB SHARING Busy, professional office in Goderich requires immediately, a people -oriented, neat, reliable self-starter, able to work flexible hours in a non-smoking environment. Telephone com- munication skills a must! Possibly suited for mature individual. Send hand written resume to Drawer No, 64. c/o Signal -Star. Box 220• Goderich N7A 466. EXPERIENCED CUB LEADER REQUIRED for the 4th Goderich Scout Group (consists of a small group of 10 boys) -Assistant Leaders Available - CALL: DON GARD 524-7992 • Full -Tune Dishwasher position open Days, Evenings & Weekends Included PHONE 524-2191 Ask for Jayne or Derek The fidlos%int; sacancy exists EFFECTIVE Uli'IEDI,`► I'EI.V at the IIURON COU'N'TY BOARD OF EDUCATION. - DIRECTOR'S SECRETARY / SECRETARIAL DEPARTMENT HEAD This pusition is the most senior secretarial position at the l neation ('entre. to addition to acting as the (Director's Secretary, this position also requires the in- dividual In act as recording secretary at Board meetings. As secretarial Department Head, this successful candidate Mill supervise the receptionist plus fitadditional,conliden- tial secretaries. Applicants must hate the follossing clerical skills: -Shorthand -Word Processing -Superior Secretarial Skills The ideal candidate should have super- visory skills and should also be familiar with the carious components under the supervi- sion of the Ilururt County Board of Education. This is a NON-UNION POSITION and has a 12 -month Murk year. Interested and qualified individuals should submit a letter of application Marl resume prior to NOON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1987. Applications should he sent to theltttlention of: LINO (:1ANNANI)REA Superintendent of Personnel Huron County 'Board of Education • 103 Alpert Street Clinton, Ontario NON! 11,0 R.B. ;'Ilan Director A. ('lark Chair e have opening to fill. McDonald's is currently.seekrng: DAYTIME STAFF & PART-TIME STAFF We're recruiting people of all ages, with or without work experience who need a lob to fit their schedule. We can offer you • flexible schedules, training, experience and opportunity for • advancement. You'll be part of a great group o1 people who work %r" hard and still find time to have tun together. To fill one of these openings, contact your local . McDonald's Restaurant today. •.' %' McDonald's Restaurant 354 Bayfield Rd. Goderich, Ontario 27. Wanted General WANTING to share living accornrnodotions with responsible mole Call Gront at 524-2507 42x 28. Business Opportunity CASH IN CASH OUT, Coke Pepsi. Libby s. Heinz World Famous Drinks you will refill in your new unique cold pop luuce vendors with seporate price settings Min investment of $11 980 secured as we supply freight equipment install ed rn locutions products fills supplies. etc Own your cash business your choice part or full time Call write (24 hrs.) for brochure. Solar Business Centres, 100 East Drive. Suite 200 Brarnulea, Ont. L6T 183 Mr, Halbot 1 416.761.5705 3547 Need a dealer for your squealer? We con helpl SIGNAL -STAR 524-2614 29. Tenders ego Public Works Travaux publics Canada. Canada INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services listed below, address- ed to the Financial & Administrative Officer, Ontario Region, Public Works Canada, 451 Talbot St. P.O. Box 668, LONDON, Ontario, N6A 4Y4 will be received until 1500 hours on the specified closing date. Tender documents can be seen or obtained through the Tendering Office, same address as above, telephone number (519) 679:4323. PROJECTS PROJECT NO. 621081, SOUTH PIER REPAIRS, BAYFIELD, ONTARIO Work Involves: CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE Please Note: Tenders will be available starting October 16, 1987 CLOSING DATE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1987 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Canada Public Works Travaux publics Canada Canada INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services listed below, address- ed to the Financial -& Admiriistrative Officer, Ontario - Region, Public Works Canada, 451 Talbot St. P.O. Box 668, LONDON, Ontario, N6A 4Y4 will be received until 1500 hours on the specified closing date. Tender documents can .be seen or obtained through the Tendering Office, same address as above, telephone number (519) 679-4323. PROJECTS PROJECT NO. 628801, NORTH FISHING WHARF REPAIRS, BAYFIELD, ONTARIO Work Involves: CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE Please Note: Tenders will be available starting October 16, 1987 CLOSING DATE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1987 The lowest or any tender notnecessarily accepted. Canada TENDERS for the SALTFORD VALLEY HALL Contact: SALTFORD VALLEY HALL SALTFORD 524-6845 30. Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED mother will babysit in own home. Monday to Friday daily 8, a.m. • 5 p.m. Phone 524-6228. 39.42 • MOTHER of two will babysit in my home Monday to Friday. Quiet area of town, with fenced yard. References available upon request. Phone 524-9133. 41,42 . LICENCED CARPENTER available for carpentry and decorating work. Phone 524-4443. 42 RESPONSIBLE mother of three will do full or part time babysitting in my home. Close to Robertson School 524.4957. 42 31. Service Directory FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 524-6482. Free estimates. 02tfor CUSTOM BACKHOEING - drain, repoir, erosion control, cellar drains, laser. Call Fronk Postill 482-9101. 15tfar • WOOD FLOOR FINISHING, hard or soft wood floors, old or new. Finishing or refinishing. For an experienced professional phone Peter Martin at 529.3107. -32tfn . COUNTRY PLAYCARE - Wholesome family daycare for children 1 • 5 years. Location Hwy. 21 South, 10 minutes drive from Goderich, Receipts provided.; Call John .or Janet - Jamula 524-4381. 42.45 Complte Construction f....... ®Custom Building •Additions•Renovations •Roof1ng•Siding •Farm Buildings HUGH BURGSMA 524-6355 DRAPERIES UNLIMITED `Maxine Murray 1 Proprietor Custom Draperies !,•..vn,r,,rt!,,v,,wrn,vor ,n Balloon Shades Valances Venetians • Verticals Roller Shades Free Estimates - No Obligation For Shop at Home Servir rail 524-2352 Day or Fvcning / Typewriter and Calculator Repairs •Free Estimates Bl ticwat.cr OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD. 524-9863 56 East St , Goderich of Go 1- ,,.w •: L r ,r4� ,4- Y1•'/ . _ oA„tib TOWN OF GODERICH TENDERS for SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT Sealed tenders will be received by the Town Administrator until 12:00 noon, Monday, October 26, 1987 for the suPp= ly of the following equipment for the loading and the removal of snow from roadways within the Town of Goderich for the winter of 1987-88. -One only rubber tire loader -Two only tandem trucks Quotation should be stated per hour in- cluding operator, fuel, etc. The suc- cessful tenderer will be on 24-hour, seven-day per week call. The size of the equipment should be stated. Further information may be received from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Kenneth C. Hunter, C.E.T. Commissioner of Works Town of Goderich 57 West Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 2K5 Phone: 519-524-7308 _ 30. Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED mother will babysit in own home. Monday to Friday daily 8, a.m. • 5 p.m. Phone 524-6228. 39.42 • MOTHER of two will babysit in my home Monday to Friday. Quiet area of town, with fenced yard. References available upon request. Phone 524-9133. 41,42 . LICENCED CARPENTER available for carpentry and decorating work. Phone 524-4443. 42 RESPONSIBLE mother of three will do full or part time babysitting in my home. Close to Robertson School 524.4957. 42 31. Service Directory FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 524-6482. Free estimates. 02tfor CUSTOM BACKHOEING - drain, repoir, erosion control, cellar drains, laser. Call Fronk Postill 482-9101. 15tfar • WOOD FLOOR FINISHING, hard or soft wood floors, old or new. Finishing or refinishing. For an experienced professional phone Peter Martin at 529.3107. -32tfn . COUNTRY PLAYCARE - Wholesome family daycare for children 1 • 5 years. Location Hwy. 21 South, 10 minutes drive from Goderich, Receipts provided.; Call John .or Janet - Jamula 524-4381. 42.45 Complte Construction f....... ®Custom Building •Additions•Renovations •Roof1ng•Siding •Farm Buildings HUGH BURGSMA 524-6355 DRAPERIES UNLIMITED `Maxine Murray 1 Proprietor Custom Draperies !,•..vn,r,,rt!,,v,,wrn,vor ,n Balloon Shades Valances Venetians • Verticals Roller Shades Free Estimates - No Obligation For Shop at Home Servir rail 524-2352 Day or Fvcning / Typewriter and Calculator Repairs •Free Estimates Bl ticwat.cr OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD. 524-9863 56 East St , Goderich