HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-10-21, Page 13,r. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1987 -PAGE 13 Town&Count ry CLASSIFIED WANT ADS CLASSIFIED RATES & DATA: ;DEADLINES: "3 p.m., Monday" for Wednesday publication. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '4.75 min: 22 words 20C ea, additional word thereafter Consecutive Insertions: 2 con- secutive insertions. '4 25 ea 3 or more con• secutive insertions '3.75 ea Bold Headings '1,50. In Memoriam: '4.75 nun. plus 35c per line of rhyrned verse. Cards of Thanks: '4.75 min. 25 words plus 6c for each addi- tional word, Public Notice: '20. for 3 inser. tions. Notice to Creditors: '30 for 3 inser• tions, '25, for 2 insertions '20. for 1 inser• tion. Drawer Number: '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Prompt Payment: 50C discount per week for word ods paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion. (Tuesday ut 5;00 p.m) Display Classified: rates available on request. IIT'S EASY! To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM 524-2614 Address mail correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Signal - Star, P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park, Goderich. N7A 4B6. 1. Articles for Sale 1 AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust; lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff, meyer; Plumbing and ,Heating. Kingston Street,, Goderich. 524.7861. l tfar HARDWOOD,SLABS by truckload delivered. Call early mornings and evenings 529.7642. 21 tf ANTIQUE pump organ in "good working condi- tion. Asking S400,00. Phone 5242785, 41 .42 125 RECORDS different' sizes 78 and 33" some old favorites. 2 small living room'tables - walnut finished also baby stroller carriage. reasonably priced. 524 4308, 41 43 43nx CHRISTMAS &Anniversary Gifts: Family portraits make the perfect gift. Book Now! -Call Walden Photo Westfield 523.9212. 41 -48ar TWO LADY'S coots size 12. ', length, green leather. fur fabric. full length, Black winter boots. size 8. .Everything like new. 524•7602. 42x FREEZER, FRIDGE, CASH REGISTER Chest Freezer- 2 door sliding glass fridge. Victor Cash Register For more information call • 524.2510. 42x LARGE quantity of nixed wood for sale, split and dried. 535 per cord. No deliveries Phone after 6 p.m. 482.5383. 42 ' •PAUL STEEP PRODUCTIONS Specialised Printing and Graphics. newsletters •rnailing lists, let• terhead. business cards typing computer rental time. creative signs note pods, 524.8717, 42•• BLACK AIRTIGHT Woodcraft stove 27' w 30- h 32' d. 5250 00. Phone 524-6300 42.43 FOUR F15' GM rims at 512 00 three 15- chrome rings at 53 each various 5170 old windows free. Phone 524-4805 42nxe ONE TAGALONG utilify troller. Excellent condi. tion, 5450.00 or best offer, Phone 524.2496. 33tfnx CHRISTMAS GIFTS 40°° off patio furniture and accessories. Spring layawrys Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays 71 Krng W . Forest Ont (519) 786 4405, 40 47nr ONE PAIR steel belted rudinl snrv/ tires P225 75R15 very good condition Phone 524 9588 after 6 p m 42 WHIRLPOOL portable dishwasher three years old. Phone 524 2041 .12x STANDARD ' size beige bathtub Phone 5246276 4i SEARS movie comers with seven unprocessed movies, 580.00 or hest offer Cross country ski outfit navy-blue fully limed for wind resistant two matching sweaters toque sic corks sire 14 540 00 or best offer 574 70ft5 17 WEIGHT Equipment Rolling , rrhme like new, 'one set of dumbbells 5300 00 will negotiate Call between 4 p in and 6 p rn 524 4854 42nx FOUR ladies coats size 14 one Neige all weather 530 00 two beige wool 560 00 each One brown leather Loricet S35 00 all like new 524.4609 4211n BUILT IN whirlpool dishwasher 1 ; years old 5350.00 or best offer Phone 524 4536 4? RUSTIC pine dry sink 5395 dark hrown sectional couch. 5100 Phone 524 4317 42 ARIES snowblower 4 h.p electric start 5425 00 Honda mini motor hike 5?25 00 Rodirl rrm saw 5185.00 gas barbecue 110 trnkl 51500 524.4721. 42 UTILITY TRAILER 5 x 5•.10'trailer with electric brakes, enclosed• double rear doors Phone 524.8980 after 6 p m 42 ZENITH console stereo with AM FM record player and eight track Excellent condition 5125.00 or best offer Phone 524.9435 42 SET • Jan Hogarn Limited Edition set of figurines, (Chino Child Figurines) Sold only as set. Boxes. cards included 524-4967 offer 6 00 p.m - 42 HOUSEHOLD furn(ture for sole Coll after 5 p m 524.8486. 42,43 • 1. Articles for Sale THREE KITCHEN chairs, swivel with casters, heavy green floral vinyl. padded seat and back good condition. Set 590 00 Phone 524-8935. 42x , FURNITURE REFINISHING SUPPLIES stripper stain, equipment etc 524-7825 after 6 p.m. 37,52 SATELLITE SYSTEMS. new and used, lease to own with monthly payments Service to all makes. L & A Southwest Satellite. cull oytme 524.9595. 38-47ar BABY high chair and chunye tuble Phone 524.2284. 41 42 MUST SELL one Upright Piano asking $400.00. or best offer. Phone 524-2284 41-42 TWENTY•FIVE gallon aquarium gravel and underground filter, 528, Call 524-5183 42 GOOD, DRY firewood for sale, 5140 for 4 x 4 x 8 lot, Call 482-5539 or 4827594, 42 45 SEASONED FIREWOOD Maple, ash, beech, 15'' average length, night blocks, pole and body wood, You haul 530 and up per face cord. Phone 524.7518. 42.44x ANTIQUE SILVERWARE Adams pattern; Corn munity plate, 10 place setting plus chest and ex- tra pieces. Asking 5425. Phone 524.5183. 42 'A CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE" the com- memorative edition honouring the 100th An• niversary of Champion Road Machinery. 52.00 per copy (out of town orders add S1 .80 postage). Makes great gifts for former Goderich residents. summer visitors and friends. Available at the of- fice of the Goderich Signal• Star Iridustiial Park; 8 a.m. to 5 p,m, Monday through Friday, 1 l tfnx 8 FOO-, TRUCK camper, sleeps 4, 2 -way fridge, stove, . furnace and toilet, Phone 482.7038. • 39,40,41 42 APPLES, you pick, large, excellent, Macs, Em- pires, Delicious 56 bu. Spys. Ida Reds, S8 bu, Low trees.. windfalls, cider apples, bring con- tainers, any day. Ross and Mabel Middleton's Or- chard. one mile east of Bayfield. north of rover_. 41 ,42 APPLES Macs, Courtlonds - red and yellow Delicious, Spys. Russets, Ida Reds, Empire, potatoes onions. apple,butter. fresh cider. Two locations - Boyce Transport Clinton and the farm, Art Bell Fruit Farm 524 8037. 39tfor C 8r E FURNITURE 'NEW &. USED We can offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21. GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades '"NO CHEAPER PLACE TO BUY" 4 drawer legal & letter filing cabinets: fireproof vaults with combination locks; 12" table saws; 15" planers; 60 office desks; complete line of woodworking equipment; steel shelving; drill presses: 16" Monarch quick change lathe with all the accessories. Full line of tools. ' NORM HAMILTON Government Surplus Dealer 27 Picton St. E., Goderich 524-8602 APPLIANCES FOR SALE -Reconditioned Stoves, Washers and Dryers -Guaranteed 100% by SMITH APPLIANCE REPAIR PHONE 524-4770 SWAB SHOP Like to trade your marmalade? Let us help you trade those unwanted items for something you want. For advertising information call Theresa 524-2614 weekdays 9 - 5. 1975 TOYOTO Corolla will trade for any of the following- lawn mower, TV TV aerial or building materials. Please call .529-3117 or 524.4948. 19tf 3. Garage Sale 1 PLANNING A GARAGE SALE' Get your Geroge Sole Kit with posters and including one free garage "sale ad on the classified pages of The Goderich Signol.Star Only 56,00. Avoilohle at the office of The Goderich Signal•Stor Industrial Park 8 a,m. to 5 p m. Monday through Friday. 11 tfnx GARAGE SALE 247 Britannia West, Saturday Oc sober 24. Barbie dolls. games, doll furniture, clothing, puzzles. books sports equipment. 42 GARAGE SALE (MOVING) Saturday October 24 10 o.m. • 2 p.m 219 Cambria Road North (near Hospital). Book shelves. some furniture rind morel 42 3. Garage Sale YARD SALE. 219 Cambria Rd• North, 10 • 2 Satur day October 24 Moving. 42 FRIDAY October 23. Saturday,. Oct,; 24 Sunday Oct 25 8 a.m.. - 7 170 St David Street Last sale for 1987 La-Z'y Boy chair. child's snowsuit size 2, other items. 42 BASEM4NT SALE, side door. 98 Lighthouse St,,.. Saturday, October 24, 1987 9 a.m. Toys, books ping pong table and neat lurk 42 5. Cars for Sale 1980 FORD PONY 2 door., 4 speed, new metallic brown paint, excellent condition. Asking 51300. As -is. Call Diane after 5 p.m. 524.7571, 40tf 1972 PLYMOUTH Fury II, two door, 318 VB. ideal second car or winter vehicle, Includes snows and HMS 5600 as is or best offer 482-9457 after 5 p.m, 42 1976 PLYMOUTH Valor' Premiere 318 V•8 automatic, two door, leather interior needs right front fender. 5350.00 as is, 524.5276, 4111 1984 HONDA Civic hatchback, standard. cer tified, economical, $400Q, Phone 524-4715 after 5 p.rn. 41,42 1978 CHRYSLER Newport. 4 -door, hardtop, air and light package, as is. Phone 524-8486- 42 1980 MUSTANG, 6 cyl., auto., immaculate. cer• tified 53800. Phone 524.9042. 42,43 75 FORMER Ontario Government Vehicles and others, 16 1980.85 cars; 38 1980-86 1‚ ' r , 34 and 1.5 tonne trucks, pickups, crew cabs, cube vans; cab and'chassis and stake dumps; 2 1980.81 4x 4s, Ram Charger and Eagle; 5 1980 vans and sta- tion wagons: 14 Van bodies, utility bodies and stock rack, MIGHTON'S TRUCK AND CAR SALES, 4 miles west of Durham on No. 4 highway or 6 miles east.of Hanover on No. 4 highway. Phone 369.3136. 42 • MUST SELL". 1985 Chevette 2 door. 4 Sod., blue in colour. Alpine stereo, Will accept best offer. Call 524.4926, at noon or after 5 p.m. 42,43nxe 1984-- HONDA Prelude ,__70,000_ -km.,. 5._speed, cruise, warranty, rustproofed, 510,000. Phone 524-9177, - 42 1980 BUICK Riviera, loaded, good condition. Phone 524.4114. 42 BUYING OR SELLING a vehicle • then be, at John McKenzie,Public'Auto Auction, Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. 1881 John Street, R.R. 8 London, On- tario. 453"7182 or 1 800 265.1906, 42.50 1980 TOYOTA Tercel in excellent condition. Safe• ty checked 52200. Phone 524.9177, •42,43 1977 CHEV Impala Wagon, power steering, power brakes, power windows, body and motor ,in excellent shape $899."pChone 524.7493- even- ings, 524.2648 days. -39,42 1980 LINCOLN VERSAL.LES 4 door, excellent condition, 55,000 miles. ONLY 5699500 PHONE (Days) 524-9522 (Evenings) 524.7243 Gather together unwanted clothes, odds 'n' ends, house- hold items and hold a garage sale. List time and place in a classified. Be prepared to sell, sell, sell! GOlderich SIGNAL -STAR 6. Trucks for Sale 1982 CHEV Beauville 12 passenger von, Flip -out seats rear heater, May be seen Friday evening or Saturday Phone 524:7501 after 7 p,m, 42nxe 1981 GMC four-wheel drive pickup V8, auto equipped for snowplowing 524.7917 42x 1976 FORD ' , ton pickup As rs best offer, Call after 6 p,m, 529.7002. 42.45x SPORTS fi CENTRE j7ECREATION m•EGUIPMENT 7 classifications 7A. For Sale General 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted 'Ib Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment 7G Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 711: Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service, Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc. 1984 NIGHTHAWK S, 52400 or best offer Serious enquiries only. Phone 524.9601, 40-42 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 14' 2' MUNRO fiberglass 25 h p Evinrude elec- tric start trader; 12 Springbok boat and troller 10 h p Chrysler•Iong-shaft motor electric 51011 5248980 42 10. Pets for Sale PUREBRED Siberian Husky pups Purebred Norwegian Elkhound pups one purebred • Pomeranian male pup. Unregistered Reasonably priced. 529.7278;. 40 42 PUREBRED Lhassa Apsos puppies Brown with block and white markings, 7 weeks olcf Phone Blyth 523.9628. 42,43 FEiRM MARKET 11 classifications 11A. For Sale General 11B. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11F. Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Systems 11K. Farm Real Estate 11G. Farm Equipment 1982 JD 4,420 COMBINE, air conditioning, heater_ radio, 4 way seat, Murphy shut down switches Sid grain loss monitoring. system, 329 cu. in., bin extension, diesel motor, 23.1 x 26. tires, 600 hours. 1962 10' dummy pickup header with 8- Sunpickup, new in 1985, hydraulic controlled. 1982 4 row 30" corn head, new style low profile. Excellent combine, low hours, stored inside. never pulled white beans, 529-7607 or 529-7995. 28tfnx , FRONT END LOADER assembly and bucket for smaller tractor, was mounted to a Ford 8N - $600700 16"'4"` auger With -new -electric-motor- 5275.00. Call evenings 524-4963. ,42 11H. ' Farm Services 1 CUSTOM PLOWING and cultivating- Phone 357-1379 or 357 1375. 34tfn LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD., RR 1 Kincar- dine. for all your manure, feed and grain handl- ing requirements. Call 395-2615 or 395-2616 or see us in Amberley. We handle everything' - almost. 36eow 11J. Farm Systems FOR RENT • 35 acres of drained land.between Air• port and Benrniller. Lot 1 Con. 2 Colborne Township. (Fall Ploughed). Phone 524.6348. 42,43nx 11K. Farm Real Estate FARM FOR SALE Approximately 15 km West of Lucknow. Property has some frontage on Hwy.. 86. SW '/4 and E'/2 of Lot 12,' Concession 14, Ashfield Twp., W.D., Huron County. 148 Acres with approximately 120 workable. Farm partially tile drained. 1'/ storey house, small equipment shed. Land leased out for 87 crop season. A certified deposit of 55,000 must ac- company the offer. Offers must be received by October 23. 1987. For further information contact: Form Credit Corporation ATTN: Jeff Hietkamp Suite 203, 21 East Street • P.O. Box 155 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2 Telephone: 524-8381/7911 Please refer to Loan No. 39870-589 113. Mobile Homes 1 GRAND BEND Pineview Mobile Horne Park Adult Community We now have Northlander dealer- ship. Come and see our new models ready for oc cupancy. Also used homes and lots available. Rent $114.00 per month, Phone 238 5584 or 2143.2294. 4211 FOR SALE • 68 x 12' Bendix with carport. fridge stove, rugs and drapes, Large lot, very good con- dition, Lot 6; S17 000 00 Phone 482.7066. 4? 43 FOR RENT two bedroom mobile home available November 1st. References required First rind last months rent in advonre Phone 482.7066, 42.43 FOR RENT - Three bedroom unfurnished Marlette trailer, four miles south of Goderich S250 per month plus propane 524.6300 42-43 16. For Rent SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS Lawn and garden concrete, automotive, moving, pointing, (lean- ing. sanders,.: Doupe s Equipment. 3 miles East of Kincardine on Highway 9 Phone 395.2685, 42tfar MOTORIZED woodsplitter for rent S40 00 per day Phone 524-4877 after 6 p m, 4211nx MOTORIZED woodsplitter S25.00 per day Coll 524.8110 after 4 p.m 43tfnx Let the rest of the world go buy... RENT & SAVE Layman !Rental equipment 2119 HAYFIELI) RD.. GODERICH 514 2659 16. For Rent FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It 'yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 holiday rent -a -car system We have a full line of: CARS•TRUCKS•VANS •W.EN AVAILABLEEKEDRATES •12 or 20 FT.MOVING VANS AVAILABLE STRICKLANDS '344 Huron Rd.. Godench 524-8311 $2495 INCLUDING 100 KM Fret an cars only 17. Apartments for Rent FURNISHED ONE or two bedroom efficiency units All utilities included monthly, Gordiner:s Motel 524-7302. 37 if or MODERN two bedroom apartment. Cur peted throughout, Phone 529 7888 38tf ONE BEDROOM apartment, redecorated,. quaint sky light beautiful drapes hardwood floors. located above Photo Pros store Clinton: 5350 htn. Phone 482.9494 39 44 AVAILABLE immediately two bedroom opart anent. Security entrance, fridge and stove includ- ed. Washer and dryer facilities available, Phone 524.5293 or 524.8612 39:44x TWO BEDROOM apartment close to Square. available December 15. Phone after 6 p.m. 524.4226. 42x SINGLE BEDROOM near the Squore. Pay hydro only. References please. Reply to Drawer No. 61 • o Goderich Signal•Star, P.O. Box' 220, --Goderich, Ont, N7A-4B6,-- 4-2_ .._ TWO BEDROOM upstairs apartment for " rent. Newly decorated,` centrally located, lots of park• ing, carpeted, fridge,ond, stove supplied, 54.00.00 •a month heated: in a private home, .Coll 524.8837. 42,43 TWO BEDROOM apartment, available im- mediately. Fridge and stove included, fireplace. References for appointment . call 524.2802. 42,43x BENNETT Apartments now taking applications on two bedroom -apartment, available December 1, 524-6653 42tfor FOR RENT: 14' x 68' Northlander mobile home located on Hwy. 21 north of Goderich (5 miles north), Available immediately until June 1, 1988. Fridge, stove, washer and dryer included. Rent S300 per month, hydro, phone and heat extra. Phone 524.7206. 42tfn TWO BEDROOM apartment in Soltford $295 plus utilities, fridge and stove. Available immediate ly, Phone 524.2384 after 6 p.m. 420 TWO BEDROOM apartment in Blyth • ground level, like new; two baths, spacious, Phone 482.9371. 42,43 BLYTH = one bedroom, ground level apartment available now, Phone 4829371. 42,43 REFINED senior lady seeks same to share ground floor two bedroom furnished apartment, Reply to Drawer No. 62 c o Goderich Signol•Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont, N7A 486. 42,43 LOOKING FOR a horse, apartment. Register ear- ly. Call First Choice Horne Locators 273.5883, 42,43 THE BROWNSTONE 250 Hincks St. One & two bedroom apartments available for immediate occupancy. -fully carpeted -refrigerator -stove -nn-Wax floors -controlled entry -outdoor parking Laundry Facilities - 1st & 3rd Floor Model Suite Hours: Monday - Thursday. 1 - 8 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 1 - 5 p.m. For Rental Information Call Margaret 524-5183 Ready Soon! NOW RENTING NEW APARTMENTS: in Clinton. 12 units • 2 bedrooms, 800 sq. ft. Fridge, stove, loun• dry facilities. Also included in rent are all utilities plus cable TV, FOR INSPECTION APPLY AT Mason Bailey Real Estate 82 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-9371 GO�deric SIGNAL -STAR Be in touch ... Subscribe Today! 524-2614