HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-10-21, Page 11District News Tie Beta Sigma Phi Sorority recently had five ladies progress from the Ritual of Jewels to tic Exemplar Chapter. New members spend four years in the Ritual of Jewels before mov- i) to Exemplar where the stay for six years until they make the final step to the Perceptor f. (hapter. The ladies are from left to right: back row, Sheryl Feagan, Cathl Hubick, Pat trowu; front; row, Diann Kellestine, and Sue Cummings. (photo by Ted Spooner) " russels is site of HWTA Fall anquet to be held October 28 The Huron Women Teachers' Association HWTA ) Fall Banquet will be held at russels Community Centre on October 28, eginning with a social hour at 4:30 p.m., inner at 6:30 p.m. "The HWTA Fall Banquet is the first op- portunity of 1987-1988 - for all women teachers to come together 'as a whole, to celebrate our Federation and our. profes- sion," outlines Huron Women Teachers' Association President Marie Parsons. Invited guests include Huron. County Board of Education trustees, superintendents, and director, Bob Allen, as well as the local presidents of Ontario -Public-- School-- Teachers'- .Association -_and_ Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Association. Region One Director, Eva Brophey will also,be at the banquet. It is a special evening to "pay tribute to two groups of teachers - those who have recently retired from the profession and those who have completed 25 years of HAPPY 36th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Keith 'and Vera Miller of Bayfield LOVE FROM THE FAMILY - Joan and Dave - Bruce and Dianne - Janice and John and your seven grandchildren teaching," continues HWTA President Marie. Retired teachers Mary Bere, Mary Huether and Marg- Rogerson will be recognized for their years of service; 25 year pins will be presented to 11 other teachers: In addition, Past President Mary Moffatt will be honored for all her work last year. One of the highlights` of the evening will certainly be guest speaker Elaine Cline, Provincial President of Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario, in Toronto. ' When asked why a teachers' organization exists solelyfor women, HWTA President -IVlarie Parsons explain, "The impetus for every benefit of special interest to women teachers has come from Federation of Women Teachers' Association of Ontario: When we women teachers have a cause of our own, we need a voice of our own and that voice is FWTAO." Medical officer of health introduced Huron County Council was introduced to the county's new medical officer of health at its October session. Dr. Maarten Bokhout was on hand for presentation of the Huron County Board of Health report to council and was introduced by Goderich 'Township Reeve Grant Stirl- ing, board chairman. Mr. Stirling also expressed the board's thanks to Dr. Jaynes McGregor of Wingham, who had been acting medical officer of health since the resignation of Dr. Harry Cieslar. Library Week Minister of Culture and Communications Dr. Lily Munro has declared October 19-25 as Ontario Public Library Week, and public libraries throughout Ontario will mark the event with special activities. The theme for this week is Your Card is the Key - the library card being the patron's key to accessing the library's full range of services. In turn, the library is the key to a vast information network, a repository of materials and information which can spark a user's imagination, and provide inspira- tion, recreation, or continuing education. One of the key elements of public library week this year is a membership drive to sign up new library members between Oc- tober 1 and 25. The library which signs up most new members only patrons 14 years of age and older are eligible - in proportion to the size of its community; will win the framed original art for this year's library week poster, illustrated in mixed media and designed by Carmen Dunijko Associates. The announcement of, and presentation to the winning library will be made by Dr. Lily Munro at the 1987 Ontario Library Associa- tion annual convention in Toronto in November. New board chaplain Reverend Joseph P. Finn of St. Patrick's Church, Kinkora, was officially approved as the new board chaplain for the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board. That approval came October 1 from the. Most Reverend John Sherlock, Bishop of the London Diocese. The school board and the Clergy of Huron and Perth area had approved his appoint- ment at prior meetings.' - _ Reverend, Finn_wd1L.hegin mediately, and will attend board meetings where as Chaplain he will -be consulted on such issues as religious education and fami- --Iy life, child abuse and special education such as Aids, He will present the views of Bishop Sherlock and the , Huron -Perth Deanery. It pays to learn income taxes from H&R Block. Canada's Finest Income Tax Course Learning income taxes now could offer you money -making opportunities and save you money on your return at tax time. Enrol today! Classes start Oct. 20, 1987 . 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