HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-10-21, Page 5Writer appalled by master plan deeisio Dear Editor: TO BE OR NOT TO BE After serving seven years on the Recrea- tion Board and my tenure on the Master Plan Committee I was appalled by the decision made by Goderich Town Council on Monday, Oct. 5, 1987. When the Master Plan and Feasibility Study was received by council in March, all members had a positive approach towards the future direction of this pro- ject. It appears that the council's attitude has changed over the past seven months. Why must we again wait for it to be a plebiscite on a municipal ballot in 1988 when the people of the Town of Goderich have already made their wishes known? The Town of Goderich, along with -nunicipal grants, has invested 40 thou- sand dollars and much time, in order to give all the townspeople the opportunity to express their views, thoughts and wishes. After public meetings and the analysis of phone and written surveys it is quite ob- vious that such an Aquatic Complex is not only wanted but needed. The Aquatic Centre Committee, under the chairmanship of Dr. Don Neal, presented on behalf of the community a proposal that was asked for by this council who now say they can not support the financial burden on behalf of the tax - LETTERS payers. Councillors," it is the taxpayer whom you say you are protecting who originally asked for this type .of facility! At the presentation of the Master Plan and Feasibility Study in March of this year, council was asked to show their sup- port financially, with a token sum of money in order to generate enthusiasm within the community on a fundraising campaign. That was denied. Again council has been asked to support a $25,000 ex- pense in order that proper conceptual draveings can be prepared for final costing. Again, this has been denied. Local citizens, service clubs and industry have all indicated that they are ready to support this venture. Why then will council not allow this to happen by endorsing the project? • If the decision of council at the October 5 meeting is not reconsidered, it is my feel- ing that our "Prettiest Town in Canada" will never have a complex for use by peo- ple of all ages. Regarding the use of municipal grants and service clubs money, Deputy Reeve Doherty refers to the fact that we would be using taxpayers' money. Should he not consider the many times through neighbourhood improvement grants, the beautification of our beach and -waterfront through grants and the monies committed by• service clubs to our Goderich arena's building program and grandstand were net in his terms "taxpayers' money" anyway? Why was it right then and wrong now? To the people of our community; I en- courage you to make your feelings again known by speaking or writing to your coun- cillors, expressing your views through our local media and, by all means, encourag- ing the Aquatic Centre Committee not to disband, as council has predicted, but to re -group and ask for council to review the proposal in depth, keeping in mind the previously expressed wants. and needs of the taxpayers they are to represent. We cannot, under any circumstances, allow this Aquatic and Community Complex pro- posal to die here, for if it does, our recrea- tional needs will never he filled in this town and the forty thousand dollars, twenty thousand by council, already spent on the complex' future will have been wasted, not invested. Sincerely, Ron Bushell Don't buy war toys church women say Dear Editor, with daily living is questionable. Violent I am writing for the Auburn United toys are bound to effect the way that Chruch Women. We wre shown a film the children play as they encourage ag- other night which made us think. It was gresiveness. There is a game called "Toys are for Fun - Not for Fighting" and "Dungeons and Dragons" with a medieval was produced by the CCAVE ( Canadians warfare setting. This games has been im- c o n e ern e d about v i o l e n c e i n plicated in at least 45 suicides and murders entertainment). in North America. One of these was the dou- We know that practically all children have ble murder of a young brother and sister in war toys. We did not know that between Orangeville, Ont. by a teenaged player. 1982-85, the sale of war toys increased 350 Just before.the Los Angeles earthquake, I per cent. Out of the six top selling toys, five heard about the City of Burbank, California of them are war toys. They are ordering that there. be no more sales of Transformer, Master of the Universe, replica handguns. These were so similiar to Gobots,. Voltron and GI Joe. the real weapon that too many hold-ups In the last few years, most toy advertising were being done with them. Now, we have has been for various ,war toys. It is the same thing, only worse. In Brantford, estimated that the average North,American Ont., a police officer shot and killed a young child sees around 800 advertisements of man when he thought he had a revolver. It -•-----vialent .to_ys.on televsi_Qn .a year. --Various was only a toy. Isn't it time they were not • companies have cartoon series on television for sale?-' • • - tllat arerfree advertisements for their toys. Many educators are very .concerned abut The average child sees around 250 episodes the increasing sale of toy military weapons _of -war~ -cartoons --yearly: The- mass- media-_ _.-for:.young_children. .._ They-..noticethat in, the bombards children with images of war toys : classroom and playground 'these toys en - in full color advertisements in catalogues, courage violent, aggressive behaviour and flyers and and on television. -language. They show little consideration, • We feel that these toys have limited play co-operation or kindless in their play. value. Their potential for helping a child Should they have handguns, tanks and space CORRECTION Please note the following cor- rection regarding the BIG V flyer in today's newspaper. The Ultra Pampers at 10.69 includes the sizes listed, not the size shown. We regret any inconvenience this error may have caused. PARDON OUR DUST! As of Monday, October 19/87 we will be upgrading to serve you better. The pumps will be closed un- til approx. Oct. 30/87: Our Service Bays will remain open. We apologize for the inconvenience! PRO -HUT° CORE 'At the 5 Points 524-5358 Fall Fashions FALL HOURS: Wednesday - Friday Ilam - 5pm Saturday • Sunday 1 I am • 5:30 pm Closed Monday & Tuesday weapons to play with': Some countries are already doing something about this war toy sale. In Sweden, a voluntary agreement to curb the sale and advertising of war toys was reach- ed. In Austria, recommendations to ban them has been signed by different groups. Toy dealers in West Germany responded favorably to a request by the Minister of Justice to supporta ban for the sale of them. There was an article in the paper recently about a new television show "Captain Power" the first interactive television. pro- gram. What do the children want - the pricey toys so that they can participate? It shows that "violent fun is okay .for good guys." Isn't that a dangerous attitude? What can we do about this? Parents, grandparents and friends can stop buying violent toys and encourage the children to - 'play- with --other- toys. --Burr--governirren - should follow the example of other countries and ban the sale of some of these toys,, This is something that needs to be brought to the public's attention. Sincerely. - Auburn United Cli'.t.rch Women GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1987—PAGE 5 1983 CAMARO Z-28 305, Automatic, Power Steering, Power Brakes. T -Bar Root, Power Windows. AM/FM Stereo Cassette, Tilt Steering Alloy Wheels, Velour Interior Not Winter Driven! Only 53,300 km Finished in black. locally owned Stock No 801-88 MUST BE SEEN & DRIVEN Call Bruce today at... MW MOTORS 184 East Street, Godorlch 524-2113 VOL V • MAZDA 1 DOfV'7' I�IISS� THIS OPPORTUNITY FOR CHRISTMAS BUYING! 1f GOING -OUT -OF BUSINESS SALE t 1 111111111 ' 1/ PRICE •0,7310,10. ,1o, -„,1C. Thi LLE RY UTLET 31;li B.1.1'FIEL1) 1tl)., t;ODERICII 521-2921 tY('tk“'eeu Mine 1larel%%:uv' .y Mur{/h.''. DOUGLAS A. NORSWORTHY, BSC. (Hons.), D.C., D.Ac. and HELEN J. GIANOULIS, D.C., D.Ac. CHIROPRACTORS ANNOUNCE THEY WILL BE CONTINUING THE PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC FORMERLY OPERATED BY H.B. SUCH UNDER THE NAME OF HURON CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE 107 SOUTH ST., GODERICH Telephone 524-9661 Mon., Tues. & Thurs.... 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday ... 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday ... 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. DISCOVER HOW FAR YOUR IMAGINATION CAN TAKE YOU WITH THESE TWO NEW EXCITING HIGH QUALITY LENSES! 28-70 F3, 5-405 TAmROfl Check these features ... • superior Tamron Optical Quality • super compact design •fast maximum aperture • unique interchangable mount system • macro function • Iens hood • includes 1 mount Reg. $2499° each mm. SAVE OVER 510090 uare Goderich .524-7924