HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-10-14, Page 34PAGE 2A--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1987 Community News Women learn about India from speaker Mrs. Agnes Ferguson and Mr. Donald Mallory from Vulcan, Alberta visited with Mrs. Worthy Fowler recently. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Erie Reaburn were Mr. and Mrs'. Steve Reaburn and fami- ly • from Sunridge, Mrs. Zelma Reaburn from Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs. Rick Reaburn and family of Grand Bend. TIGER DUNLOP W1 Due to circumstances, the September meeting of Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute was held in Colborne Township Hall on Sept. 29 instead of their regular meeting date. The president, Mrs. R. Reaburn, opened the meeting welcoming all who then joined -in the Opening Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect, and 0 Canada with Mrs. A. Stoll as pianist. Roll call "Name a place you would recom- mend to a tourist" brought into view many interesting places near and far but many thought our home Goderich had much to of- fer tourists as well. Mrs. E. Bogie in charge of the topic "Citizenship and World Affairs" introduced her speaker for the afternoon. Mr. Russel Kernighan, reeve of Colborne Township, who gave a very interesting and educational COLBORNE CORNER Gertrude Kaitting, 524-2076 talk on his recent visit with his wife to India to visit their daughter and husband and family who are working in that country. He had high respect for the people of In- dia, a very busy country with a population of 780 million people. The railways in India carry the most tonnage in the world and the 'ox carts are used extensively. They have mission hospitals and are trying to educate their people which in itself is no easy task. Water buffalo is their staff of life and the rice fields are plentiful. For a country that has only seasonal rain, they cope very well with growing vegetation. There are many interesting sites that are special to see and to see and understand how they carry on so uniformally deserves smile credit. Mr. Kernigharrt left albums of snaps taken wtuch members perused later. Mrs Bogie thanked Mr Kernighan for his interesting talk Secretary Mrs. R. Buchanon read minutes of several meetings and announced the Lon- don Area ('invention to be in St. Mary's Community ('entre; ( wt. 15-16. Mrs. A. Stoll will attend as our delegate.. Mr... Erie Rea burn and Mrs. H. Buchanon wi11 attt•iid the Huron County Rally in Lundesborr, as rlelegrites. It was decided to make a donation to ADAPT Alcohol and drug awareness pro- gram for today The program will be presented front (tet 26 -Nov. 6 and is spon- sored liuntly i,' the Huron County Board of Education ,irir11;I r('1_ It wet. ;11 +, >t•lted that Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute will continue to sponsor the' 411 program 1.ea11er,, are available and anyone interested in Joining could contact Mrs. Reaburn at 5'2t- 1.104 or any other members .,f the Wti•1 The next meeting aril be held Oct. 22 at 1;45 pin Homemakers provide range of services Trained Homemakers of.Town and Coun- try Homemakers in Huron County and across the province will celebrate more than 50 years of providing Homemaking ser- vices to i11, handicapped and frail elderly persons during Visiting Homemakers Week, October 18 - 24. The week has been declared by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario in honour of the many and varied services provided by approximately 6,000 Homemakers who work out of 51 not-for- profit, community-based agencies across Ontario. Homemakers provide a wide range of ser- vices that enable young and older clients to remain living in their own homes and avoid or delay institutionalization. "The strength of the Homemaking service is bound up in the value most people place on living in a 'home of one's own' where one can feel independent, useful and secure," says' Jean Young,--chairman-of-the Ontario Association of Visiting Homemaker Ser- vices 1 OAVHS 1. Homemaker services are determinedby individual client needs and may include.per- sonal care, light exercise, emotional sup- port, household tasks and assisting with - • client contact to other community services such as Meals on Wheels. Unlike housekeepers, Homemakers receive skills training from agency and community professionals .on topics such as aging' and attitudes, body mechanics and Alzheimer's Disease. In addition, a 120 -hour training program is currently being offered by 19 ,community colleges in the province. Such training enables Homemakers' to pro- vide services such as nutritional counsell- ing, home management .and personal, palliative and child care. Perhaps the most distinctive quality at- tributed to Homemakers is their reputation for bringing more to their work than skills. Individuals and families who have received Homemaker services speak of Homemakers as caring individuals who are able to make an important difference in home life. Often, Homemakers can alleviate the stress that;may accompany 'unexpected or long-term illness in a family. For frail elderly persons. who live alone, a Homemaker may be the only visitor of the day, who along with doing household chores and assembling a meal that can be cooked later, provides important hours of conversa-, tion and company. For parents who are recovering from an Illness. Homemakers can provide the necessary 'child care that allows the ' parent time to rest and recuperate. BY bringing their valuable service's .wherever they are needed. Homemakers can indeed, make a difference. Towri and Country 1-lornernakers, a member of The -Ontario Association .of Visiting Homemakers Services is 'a non- profit organization that provides a wide range .,t home -h +sett services'to ill, han- dicapped.. and frail elderly persons. across the county of Huron. For more nf,ilri iati in about becoming a Homemaker it receiving Homemaker Ser- vices. please rent lit Town„ and Country. Hornenlaker.; hio residents visit Lochalsh Sharleen Jones of Guelph was home on the weekend with her parents, Barry and. Betty Jones. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb had their daughter and grandchildren. Sandra, Heather and Mark Darling visiting. Weekend visitors with Kae Webster were Cecil and Jim Webster' of Waterloo., and son-in-law Atlee Wise and his friend Jack Arnold'of Richfield, Ohio. This was the first time, Jack had been in our com- munity when there was no snow on the ground. He thought the district looked quite different than in winter when the snow drifts are six feet high. Barry and Betty Jones were in Thorn - dale on Sunday where they attended a LOCHALSH NEWS Kae Webster, 395,-5257 shower and _ visited with a number of Barry's relatives: Max Rieglink and his .sister and brother - in -laic, Carla and Tram Hogan, were in, Ridgetowrl 'recently to attend the wake of his cousin firs. Patricia (Giroux, formerly eif Kcntbridge. JtrS: (;iroux was 26 years of age. '!'tie Community sends its sympathy to the family. 2nd ANNIVERSARY SALE thruway Twin City School of ', Hairstyling Waterloo, Ont. FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER WE ARE OFFERING mufflers installed for... 7j95 We thank our customers for their patronage for the 'past 2 years and look forward to serving you in the future. eaky gas Tank? We now have brand new gas tanks in stock. List price $160.00 (plus installation) Lifetime guarantee for as long as you own your car. We have rads in stock, come in and have .your rad checked before winter sets in. WE HONOUR. COMPETITIVE MUFFLER GUARANTEES! [thruway iq«; ,V 886-6305 - Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm •Hairstyling •Barbering •Ear Piercing • Make-up 55 Erb Si, East Claisos start lit of *very month PRQ-UO. CORE At The 5 Points MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS, * Tune-ups * Brakes *Exhaust *Safety Inspection Station * Propane lsuf�oc_ Gas & Diesel • 524-5358 Can We Talk? Can we discuss frankly what the (:oderich Signal -Star mean' to you and your family! ("di' Cfurlc't 1 hiller thi uttnAr;,- it rh 1 '.1, 11.77 `.‘,'n.rl Star'5ttrrlc•% )h(. ' it.,t'1 T ill 111i mini 74, 7„ 1„ � '1 -oris l r i ori-•j4„11'1� ll� n� ur )r4t ;11 >2J 21114 trrl Irl t,�nl � X17 •n.` n,r'' 'rr •)7, "OPEN LINE” 111.1111 fir 12 ti11 '7 yrnit *')ronin ,rho tit ilio r.,,. 11 , 111111!1. 17,: r.11yir' Goderich SIGNAL -STAR thruway mufftercentre ✓NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ✓ FREE COFFEE WHILE YOU WAIT .. FREE INSPECTION Ewer C ard 191 WALNUT ST., GOD E R 1 C H• OPEN MON - FRI. 8-8530, SAT. 8-2524-4200 REMINDER TO THE RESIDENTS 1836 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE The Third Installment of the Township of Colborne Municipal Taxes are due on Tuesday, October 20th, 1987. MUFFLERS... BRAKES...SHOCKS H. Milburn, Clerk -Treasurer Township of Colborne R.R. 5 Goderich, Ont. 524-4669 i a • • k.....- Mortgagefromus. We'll Account when your October lent efficient an .interest $50* you another Trust. interest, your handle do ,, our Branch until •Offs applies S2o,cx or must be made dupla or tnplex, deposit d properties the 51(10 cash sccount passbook muimum Wellpay you .., i .:„. ,,,, i r'" when you get open a high daily interest for you with $100 already you get a new mortgage existing one to National Trust 31! National Trust Mortgages offer rates and our staff provide.s service. But now, you'll additional $100 earning high for.you in a TOTAL Account. Plus, we'll automatically add * to your TOTAL Account transfer your account balance financial institution to Not only will you get high you can also write cheques TOTAL Account. And we the transfer, so you don't a thing Don't forget to ask for details special offer on loans! Contact your nearest National today. But, hurry, you only October 31! ,,... a. TOTAL in it, or transfer by excel- fast, also get daily up to when from National daily on can have to . about Trust have _ ... 1987, fot a mortgage of draws, fust advance appliatioos on single familyy, lenders qualify for the 51(10 mortgage do not qualify for account by giving us your balance uanstcrred, to a J -NATIONAL.- �. TRUST A National victoria and Grey Trwtw Company. GODERICH 100 Kingston'St., 524-738.1 to ayyliwnons received from September 15 ihrrntgh October 31, mote• All funding must be completed by Dccemba 31, 1987, IU progress tkcember 31, 1987,1 Offerapplies to residential Pint mortgage owner.occupied homes being purchased Transfers from other meet the above entero Renewals of existing National Trust deposit Normal local lenduix entero will apply •Ttanster your and we wdl credn your new TOTAL Account with to% of the of 550 Offer is limited to one account per person Community News Women learn about India from speaker Mrs. Agnes Ferguson and Mr. Donald Mallory from Vulcan, Alberta visited with Mrs. Worthy Fowler recently. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Erie Reaburn were Mr. and Mrs'. Steve Reaburn and fami- ly • from Sunridge, Mrs. Zelma Reaburn from Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs. Rick Reaburn and family of Grand Bend. TIGER DUNLOP W1 Due to circumstances, the September meeting of Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute was held in Colborne Township Hall on Sept. 29 instead of their regular meeting date. The president, Mrs. R. Reaburn, opened the meeting welcoming all who then joined -in the Opening Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect, and 0 Canada with Mrs. A. Stoll as pianist. Roll call "Name a place you would recom- mend to a tourist" brought into view many interesting places near and far but many thought our home Goderich had much to of- fer tourists as well. Mrs. E. Bogie in charge of the topic "Citizenship and World Affairs" introduced her speaker for the afternoon. Mr. Russel Kernighan, reeve of Colborne Township, who gave a very interesting and educational COLBORNE CORNER Gertrude Kaitting, 524-2076 talk on his recent visit with his wife to India to visit their daughter and husband and family who are working in that country. He had high respect for the people of In- dia, a very busy country with a population of 780 million people. The railways in India carry the most tonnage in the world and the 'ox carts are used extensively. They have mission hospitals and are trying to educate their people which in itself is no easy task. Water buffalo is their staff of life and the rice fields are plentiful. For a country that has only seasonal rain, they cope very well with growing vegetation. There are many interesting sites that are special to see and to see and understand how they carry on so uniformally deserves smile credit. Mr. Kernigharrt left albums of snaps taken wtuch members perused later. Mrs Bogie thanked Mr Kernighan for his interesting talk Secretary Mrs. R. Buchanon read minutes of several meetings and announced the Lon- don Area ('invention to be in St. Mary's Community ('entre; ( wt. 15-16. Mrs. A. Stoll will attend as our delegate.. Mr... Erie Rea burn and Mrs. H. Buchanon wi11 attt•iid the Huron County Rally in Lundesborr, as rlelegrites. It was decided to make a donation to ADAPT Alcohol and drug awareness pro- gram for today The program will be presented front (tet 26 -Nov. 6 and is spon- sored liuntly i,' the Huron County Board of Education ,irir11;I r('1_ It wet. ;11 +, >t•lted that Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute will continue to sponsor the' 411 program 1.ea11er,, are available and anyone interested in Joining could contact Mrs. Reaburn at 5'2t- 1.104 or any other members .,f the Wti•1 The next meeting aril be held Oct. 22 at 1;45 pin Homemakers provide range of services Trained Homemakers of.Town and Coun- try Homemakers in Huron County and across the province will celebrate more than 50 years of providing Homemaking ser- vices to i11, handicapped and frail elderly persons during Visiting Homemakers Week, October 18 - 24. The week has been declared by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario in honour of the many and varied services provided by approximately 6,000 Homemakers who work out of 51 not-for- profit, community-based agencies across Ontario. Homemakers provide a wide range of ser- vices that enable young and older clients to remain living in their own homes and avoid or delay institutionalization. "The strength of the Homemaking service is bound up in the value most people place on living in a 'home of one's own' where one can feel independent, useful and secure," says' Jean Young,--chairman-of-the Ontario Association of Visiting Homemaker Ser- vices 1 OAVHS 1. Homemaker services are determinedby individual client needs and may include.per- sonal care, light exercise, emotional sup- port, household tasks and assisting with - • client contact to other community services such as Meals on Wheels. Unlike housekeepers, Homemakers receive skills training from agency and community professionals .on topics such as aging' and attitudes, body mechanics and Alzheimer's Disease. In addition, a 120 -hour training program is currently being offered by 19 ,community colleges in the province. Such training enables Homemakers' to pro- vide services such as nutritional counsell- ing, home management .and personal, palliative and child care. Perhaps the most distinctive quality at- tributed to Homemakers is their reputation for bringing more to their work than skills. Individuals and families who have received Homemaker services speak of Homemakers as caring individuals who are able to make an important difference in home life. Often, Homemakers can alleviate the stress that;may accompany 'unexpected or long-term illness in a family. For frail elderly persons. who live alone, a Homemaker may be the only visitor of the day, who along with doing household chores and assembling a meal that can be cooked later, provides important hours of conversa-, tion and company. For parents who are recovering from an Illness. Homemakers can provide the necessary 'child care that allows the ' parent time to rest and recuperate. BY bringing their valuable service's .wherever they are needed. Homemakers can indeed, make a difference. Towri and Country 1-lornernakers, a member of The -Ontario Association .of Visiting Homemakers Services is 'a non- profit organization that provides a wide range .,t home -h +sett services'to ill, han- dicapped.. and frail elderly persons. across the county of Huron. For more nf,ilri iati in about becoming a Homemaker it receiving Homemaker Ser- vices. please rent lit Town„ and Country. Hornenlaker.; hio residents visit Lochalsh Sharleen Jones of Guelph was home on the weekend with her parents, Barry and. Betty Jones. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb had their daughter and grandchildren. Sandra, Heather and Mark Darling visiting. Weekend visitors with Kae Webster were Cecil and Jim Webster' of Waterloo., and son-in-law Atlee Wise and his friend Jack Arnold'of Richfield, Ohio. This was the first time, Jack had been in our com- munity when there was no snow on the ground. He thought the district looked quite different than in winter when the snow drifts are six feet high. Barry and Betty Jones were in Thorn - dale on Sunday where they attended a LOCHALSH NEWS Kae Webster, 395,-5257 shower and _ visited with a number of Barry's relatives: Max Rieglink and his .sister and brother - in -laic, Carla and Tram Hogan, were in, Ridgetowrl 'recently to attend the wake of his cousin firs. Patricia (Giroux, formerly eif Kcntbridge. JtrS: (;iroux was 26 years of age. '!'tie Community sends its sympathy to the family. 2nd ANNIVERSARY SALE thruway Twin City School of ', Hairstyling Waterloo, Ont. FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER WE ARE OFFERING mufflers installed for... 7j95 We thank our customers for their patronage for the 'past 2 years and look forward to serving you in the future. eaky gas Tank? We now have brand new gas tanks in stock. List price $160.00 (plus installation) Lifetime guarantee for as long as you own your car. We have rads in stock, come in and have .your rad checked before winter sets in. WE HONOUR. COMPETITIVE MUFFLER GUARANTEES! [thruway iq«; ,V 886-6305 - Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm •Hairstyling •Barbering •Ear Piercing • Make-up 55 Erb Si, East Claisos start lit of *very month PRQ-UO. CORE At The 5 Points MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS, * Tune-ups * Brakes *Exhaust *Safety Inspection Station * Propane lsuf�oc_ Gas & Diesel • 524-5358 Can We Talk? Can we discuss frankly what the (:oderich Signal -Star mean' to you and your family! ("di' Cfurlc't 1 hiller thi uttnAr;,- it rh 1 '.1, 11.77 `.‘,'n.rl Star'5ttrrlc•% )h(. ' it.,t'1 T ill 111i mini 74, 7„ 1„ � '1 -oris l r i ori-•j4„11'1� ll� n� ur )r4t ;11 >2J 21114 trrl Irl t,�nl � X17 •n.` n,r'' 'rr •)7, "OPEN LINE” 111.1111 fir 12 ti11 '7 yrnit *')ronin ,rho tit ilio r.,,. 11 , 111111!1. 17,: r.11yir' Goderich SIGNAL -STAR thruway mufftercentre ✓NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ✓ FREE COFFEE WHILE YOU WAIT .. FREE INSPECTION Ewer C ard 191 WALNUT ST., GOD E R 1 C H• OPEN MON - FRI. 8-8530, SAT. 8-2524-4200 REMINDER TO THE RESIDENTS 1836 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE The Third Installment of the Township of Colborne Municipal Taxes are due on Tuesday, October 20th, 1987. MUFFLERS... BRAKES...SHOCKS H. Milburn, Clerk -Treasurer Township of Colborne R.R. 5 Goderich, Ont. 524-4669 i a •