The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-10-14, Page 25Page 9
1968 •Kinsmen Safety Campaign a huge success
1969 •Goderich Kinsmen donated -1200 to the new Kinstnen \ational4lnstitute for dental Retardation
in 'Toronto
70 •Celebrated 50th Anniversary of Kinsmen Clubs of Canada
•Completed new addition to the :adult Training Centre on South St.
1 • Kinsmen Snowmobile Races at-Goderich Race Track
• Rest of planned Tinter Carnival cancelled due to storm
•'1:)0( raised for C.F. by "\lar4 Chun 99.... a 99 mile snowmobile trip - starting :it tiunset Golf
19 ! 2- a Donk'v Baseball zeball gams - Kinsmen vs. Firenien - was rained nut' cog
• 25th :Anniversary Dinner and Dance held at 11<u•h0urlite Inn
• Received National Attendance :Award
1073 •"_'olio to cioderich Arena as part of an -"UtJO pledge
',Kinsmen Bicycle Rodeo
• Lile Membership awarded to Doug Cruickshank
.1974 •Goderich Kinsmen pledged support for newly chartered Lucknow Kinsmen Club - presented new
club= banner to first President -Tony Johnstone
• Last instalment of '8000 given to arena
• Life Membership awarded to Harold (Doc) Hibbert
1975 -•Pell! Dawson Award for District 1 won by Bob McDougall. Stan Connelly. John Schneiker and Paul Baec
•Building fund established for Kinsmen Centre
•Construction began on Kinsmen Centre
1976 •Goderich Kinsmen played Goderich Lions in C.F. Benefit Hockey Game and won 3 - 2.
Kinsmen Bill Kirkey scored 3 goals:
•Kinsmen Hockey Pool
•Zone B Maple Leaf Award presented to Gerry Paolin
1977 •30th Anniversary of Kinsmen in Goderich celebrated by opening Kinsmen Centre
*.First annual Ski-a-Thon for C.F.
1.978 •02000 to G.D.C.I. track fund
•'2600 raised for Cancer research by Kinsmen -and Kinette Bike-a-Thon
1979 •Gerry Paolin became Deputy -Governor of District 1. Zone K
i980 •Goderich K-40 Club chartered by Goderich Kinsmen with Charter President. Fritz Basler
•Life Membership awarded to Bob McDougall
1981 •Dungannon and District Kinsmen Club chartered by Goderich Kinsmen Club
•Goderich K-ette Club chartered
•Goderich wins Zone K Senior Bulletin. editor Gerry Paolin
1.982 •`10.000 given to hospital for new ICU
•35th Anniversary Banquet and._Dance at arena
•Life Membership awarded to Ray Cook
• Mortgage burning for Kin Centre
1983 •`2000 donated to the Arts Foundation for Livery restoration
• *10,000 donated to arena for Ice Machine
•Christmas decorations begun on the Square
•Ron Blue elected
1984 •Kin -Centre gets face-lift
*Terry Fox Run by Kinettes raises ;2346 for Cancer -research
1985 •Lowdown -Dance at arena
•`3000 raised for Cancer Research in Bike-a-Thon
• Day Care Centre. opened
1986 •Matt Pearson named Deputy Governor of Zone K
•Kinsmen Vacation Draw
• I lospital new tenants of Kinsmen Centre