HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-23, Page 8fi Xt 'r R:. TIMES. 6,41411. TIXT..1'k'tS»A Y,. A1'4R011 xd,, xoi0,t Plaort1 TBWA1 ' • Phone il6 NEW SPRING COATS NEW SPRING SUITS Dont delay buying your slut ar,til later on. The maters are having great difficulty in getting cloths, and the range that weave tow Slowing is most complete. We have a fine range of ,Nifty Coats for Spring wear, as well as a splendid as- surtment, of ,Ladies' arid Misses' Suits. Millinery Our Show ;barn is fu 1 of the very newest creations in Ladies' and Children's Hats fes Sprit g. We'sil1 be glad it you will ca11 u;nd see what we are showing. Men's Navy -Blue Suits MEN 1 If your New Spring Suit is to be Navy Blue Serge, we want you to see the up-to-date Suits we are ohniviug. The d} es are guar- anteed. The price is $20,00. Boy's Norfolk Suits If we had to buy these suits to -day the prices would be easily a dollar more. They were all bought at old prices, That is the reason we can save you money. Standard Patterns April Fashion Books are in stock. We also carry a full range of Standard Patterns. Oall and get an April Fashion Sheet. Wall Patterns Brighten up your home this Spring by papering. Beautiful papers at reasonable prices for every room. Splendid Bedroom and /Kitchen paps ers at 10e, 15c, and 25c. White Voile and Lawn Waists Market Repoirt...: The 1o11,owin6 is the 'report of the Exeter Market corrected up to March, 220,4 Wheat 80o to 92 ' Oats 40o (t.'1 :Baarleq 50 `to 550 Buokwheaatl 60 to 650 Peas :*L00 family Flour $3.10 Low Grade Flour $1,75, 73ran $25 per ton., Shorts $26 per ton Egger 22 to 24o Butter 30c 30 butter Oreame> q u kIoga $9.85. Potatoes $2.50 Some very dainty styles in embroidered and striped. Voiles with - 1 keg eleeves and cc nabination collars. Price d at L00 and 1.50. New Spring Shoes for Ladies We are showing the New Military Laced Shoe for Women, at 4.00, also 3 lines of c ew ponaps, very classy, per pair 3.25. .Er.oleum 2, 3 and 4 yard Linoleum s in the best patterns we have ever shown These are all Nairn's Scotch Lin oleums. Get our prices before buying.= .�. ASTEWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the iittlg,pxices .l Five Passenger rou ring Car, Model 83B P.O. B. Toronto i35 horsepower motor High-tension; magneto ignition Tires, 33 by ,4 inches, non-skid rear Demountable rims (one extra rim) Two -unit electric starting and light- ing with headlight dimmers Left-hand, drive, .center control Full stew inline body The long, low steamiine body to unmarred by angles or projection s. From the rounded edge of the radiator to the full 'curved back, th ere u not a break in the Lines. The hood slope's gently upward and blends baba the beautifully curved cowl. The doors are flush, with' hinges conceal- =dend handles inside. The fenderaare long and sweeping in theiir cur- ves. wt'.h gracefully rounded iurrac:s. The running boards are clean and free from, obstructions, the storage battery concealed, the tire carriers ;'laced at the rear, The si'indshield is built-in, and conforms to the curve 311 the cowl—a part of the car itsel.c,not an apparent afterthought. The car is 1 uperbly finished in a rich, deep Brewster green, delicately striped with pure ivory white, and set off in pleasing contrast by black ..nameled radiator, Lenders and running board shield. Mode/ 83 13 touring ear is a beautiful ear. It asks no odds of any ear tt any price—it is at home in any company. Famous Knight Motor $1575; Big Six $1500; Light Six $1400. A number of used ` a Ford Cara for`sale also one used` Ghevroiett. EXETER MOTOR OR SALseES. CO. W. SNELL, Sales Agent t END STOMACH TROUBLE, • GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Diapepsin" makes Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes. If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested. food, or have a feeling of dizziness, leartburn, fullness, nausea, had taste n mouth arid stomach -headache, you 'an get bloseedrelief in five minutes. ''at an end to stomach d=ouble forever y getting' a large fifty -cent case of `ape''s nlapepsin frbeti rimy drug store. 'on realize in five minutes how need - SS It %I to suffer froth indigestion, exaepsa, or any stomach disorder. , flit euickest, direst stomach doe, in, the worid,. xt'a 'wonderful:. A. B. C. "AT HOME" 1 ,5 Fresh Groceries. all the time Orders deliverd at once.. Produce taken in exchange - —- Choicer lettuce and celery all the time Try Parnell's Bread PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 56 Wilson's Grocery OTPR li,l3O Soldier, Soldier, Iv'e been thinking, 'What would all the papers do if they couldn't print it column Every' day concerning you3 . &loldier., soldier, you've 'been getting Lots of advertising free But the space ire doubled, trebled Since. you ;signed for oversea. Soldier, soldier, I've been wondering Who'd have grabbed old Turkey dough , • If the Russians hadaT t won those Twenty .battles in a !row? • Rustsian, Russian, you're a wonder As A fighter you're a whale; As apuncher you're a master And. your ,efforts :never fail. Kehler, Kaiser, how it grieves me, That we cannot live in peace, And','dicintain our own 'Dominions Oct, mine Got this war must cease. Soldier, Soldier, don't be worried, Harken then tomy retort; Kaiser's men are no actors And. can't win ivithout support; Soldier, soldier, up and hustle For' your livers ;and freedom too, Don't let Kizer get a footing Or a chance to conquer you. Soldier, soldier, how we'll miss you •When, you've sailed the ocean blue, But remember one thing only ' 1 -i, -k the enemy .;through ,and through Solder, soldier, you're our hero. And ti eknow you're in the ;right, Dee to win this awful battle Your must have courage, as well as fight. Soldier. soldier, do forgive me • You; and I must not ;be pore, ' Let'J go out and drill the Kiser That will mean ten columns more. 0. M. Skelton 000000000+.•0•.• +•••••0.0♦ • LO • CAL • • •••••••• ••••••• • 'Read the auction sales On bane 4. The 'Times are renovating their front office. Mr. Oliver Davis, of Zurich, was home for over Sunday. Mr. !Clarence Pickard is visiting with( relatives in Brantford. Dir. Barre Puke of Parkhill, spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. T. linker and Mists Ella Baker 9.penit Thursday last in London. Ootttiriilol; Beavers has been 1ndit 'posed a couple of days thiis week. Mir. and ;Mrs. Fd. Keetle, of TJs- b`oirn 'Arc; lnisiting relative at Bur ford, t Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Willis have re- turned home after visiting in New Yore state. Mrs. IR. N. Rowe. visited het' mother Mrs.. Holloway, of Clinton, during the past. week 1!OBk3I BALE Two bags of good ta.toes. Apply to Themes Elinivilie. 'reale, ARRIVED—That ear of splendid Seed Oats which test 42. Place your circlet at .once with Harvey 'Bros, 400 'Pons of Fine, Land and Cattle Salt tor„ sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 50o. per bag.—Exeter Salt ,Works Po., Ltd„ J. Sutton, Manager. t Miss Ariel Beverley ai' a severe attack of la) grippe. Mists Ida. Wambold very pleasantly entertained a number of friends en Monday evening. Mrs. T. 0. Southcott returned home last Thursday after spending a few weekl in Toronto. Al St. Patrick's euchre was held in the Town Hail last Friday evening for patriotic purposes. Dir. E. Davis has purchaised a lot neer the -station from W. J. Beer'and The Adult Bible Close of James St. Sunday) school held an "At Ifome" in the basemeet of the ;church on Friday evening of last week and a most en- joyable evening was Itipent by the Members of the .clallis and :their frauds. A splendid program was given in two parts and atter the first ,part refreshments, were served at small tables Those present num- bered about 150. The 'basement was beautifully decorated in white and green for the occasion and ever the door! was the Irish motto "Coed Mille Fafte" 100,000 Welcomes. , The pro - grana of the evening eonsi;sled of ad- dresees by Mrs. McAlister, Dr. Quack- enbush and Rev. Mr, Me. Alister; ,solo by Mr. It. Phillips; quartette • by members of the class; elaronet solo by Mr, 3'. BratMad; reading by 410. Mr. ,Redmond; duett by Mr. end Mrs, Gambriel. M'isl3 Quackenbush and TELL THE TIMES ' flat Licensed A PERRY P. ,DQTJ1aE, a, e e tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- oality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be, promptly at- teeded tto., Phone X116, Kirkton,., Ad. dress Kirkton P.O. SALT FOR SALE. -An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at the fold Temperance ';louse at the G. T R. station; Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED, 11MAGUIRE. Exeter, One of the most difficult tarsus in n newspaper -office ifs in getting the facts relative to births, marriages, deaths, accidents and. other happen- ings in the eommunr'ity.• Many peo- ple take it for granted that when a person dies: the editor is familiar with every detail of the life of the deceased and his activities, when as a fact he sometimes knows absolute- ly; nothing about him, but he has to get( his imformation from other tour res, Same as other persons would have to do. It is the (same with marriages on other. tree...! cr lest important hap- penings in the community. In almost every c se thl editor has to dig up the partibtt ars or Satisfy himself and the readers with a meagre and inac- curate ac. o' me. The,' patrons can hafdly overestimate how much he appreciates try efforts, they make in furnishing the faces 'for news items. Send your items of new to The Times. Have you" •trenewed, your subecript ion to the Times - 'ul C1 s' F ORISCAS1.s A 03egular Storm Period iso central orr the 27th, extending -from the 25th ey lis fatale + he to the 31st, Disturbing Causes and things to expect. '''•' This period its flea' -the center of the March equinox. The Moon is at extreme south declination and in per- igee at the beginning, and on the celestial equator at the clow of this period. Both the Mercury and the Venus periods are also present be- fore the end of this period. For thin will period h intenSificd and prolonged beyond > its normal time. This period w'.11 come in with cold. northerly winds, but the barom- eter will begin to feltin Westernintends erecting a house. extreme., by the 2eth, and during Mr. Frank Bawden, of Toronto, v's• Wedne-day, Thu:•s3ay 'and :Friday; tted ifs parents. Mr. and. Mrs. P. the 27th, 28th, and 29 h, it ori 1 grow I?atvden during the p^s'; weel.. much warmer, progre.si'vel;y ' from M -s. 3. Inwood and 11.1:1 -le dauehter. the; west to ecst; the barometer wi'1 Kathleen of Lcndon. vis'ted Mr. S fall in the same progressiva order; Sande -s tl:e forepart of the week. CALVES FOR SALE—Ten Durham Calves one week' old, will be offered for, sale at the Central Hotel 'stables next Saturday, Maroh 25th, commenc- ing at one o'clock.—J. Herbert, Bid dulph, Prop.. 400. Cords of Cord Wood Want`edi et the Exeter Salt Works Co,iL4d.i' For prices write or gall upon the Manager,—Jos. Sutton, Mgr, A debate and social evening will be held at the Janus street Epworth League service next Tuesday evening. The best Man'toba flo an be sc- oured at the mi 1, mil at home not at some distant to or city, by Hare' veyi Bros. Miss Matthews, of St. Thomas,. visited her mother at the Commercial Hotel during the past week. She left Tuesday morning to. visit at Goderich. Mrs, E. H. Axt and family intend leaving soon for Detroit to join her htsband. She will hold an auction sale of her household effects on Sat- urday. , Mr. H. 0. Southcott, atter travel•: ling since the fust of the year .in the Dliaritine provinces Spent , several days during the week at hits home here. Messrs. A. D1eFauls and Ed. Kentle of Usborne recently 'purchased a pasture farm of 100 acres on 1:be 0th concession of Hay ,frons the Canada Land Co. • 0 , Mrs. Wm. Hawks -haw (nee MDliss.. Alfretta Hodgins) of Exeter, is visit- ing .relatives and renewing old ac- quaintances in -village and vicinity. -- Liman Sun: r threatening clouds will appear, an general' storms of wind and rain will pees across the country from west to east. These storms will twee to snow and sleet on the western ranks of the storm center, bringing change to much( colder, only a few tares behind the area of warm rains that• fail in the forefront of the storm eenter, The barometer will again fall sudden- ly on and about the 31st,xaPid ,change to. warmer will ensue, and wicked gusts) of thunder, rain and wind will strike many localities., These dlbturb anees promise to treach into April, bringi.n•gt a prolonged spell of threat- • ening weather, with many violent and destructive' storms. NEW BUTCHER—Mr. ;Begg desires to announce that he will call for and deliver orders to any -part of the Euavn.. Tour patronage, is solicited Phone 103. r Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At the residence of Mrs. Herb. Axt William St., Exeter, on Saturday, NJareh 25th, at 1.30 p.m., consisting of Dining' BRoom and Kitchen utensils,. Bedateadia and springs, linoleum 9x12 ft... ;rug 9x13 ft.; range and coal' oil stove, tables, dishes, pictures, etc. See bills. Terms Cash. Mrs. Herb. Axt, Prop.; B. S. Phillips, Auer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE & LOT The house and lot on William St. owned by Rods. -Taylor Co., now one cupied by Mrs. E. H. Axt, will be offered for sale on Saturday, March 25th at the close of Mrs. Axt's sale. House open, for inspeetiion. Particu- lace on application to lR'oss-Taylor Co.. Mr. A. E. Andrews is leaving thin week} for Saskatchewan where he in- tends spending the summer. Mr. An- drews will be misted in the James street Sunday school w'here he Led the; singing. Mrs. J. Snell has vented Sir. Esli 1ieywood's house on Andrew street to .be vacated next week by Mr. Garnet I{eywood. who tit ill move to the farm oat Huron street he recently purchas- ed from Mr. Geo. Snell, Makeke (pronounced take -ache) is the surebt and safest cure for a'heu- neatism, he atica, lumbago, sleepless nesa end all forms offs nervous exha.us- tion. Tektite pills are fifty cents a box from your druggist or by trail from the Georgian Mfg. CO., Coiling- wood, Ont. Next :Snbhat:h"willthe Sunday School; Das in 1;be Main! street Metho- dist church, The pastor, Bev. S. W. 11Iii'worthy will 'preach: special ser - Mons lead th? day. The scholaxie will lead the service or song. On Mrs. Milo Snell provided music dt i '1\,leinday 'evening an entertainment ing' tan,'ch.... r , ., r r.... , 1.' %•Will ?6:e givens , New Spring Suits for Ladies FOR SALE • (Choice Seed Grain ' 0.A.C. No. 3, a thin hulled early oat highly recommended for sowing mix- ed ixed with Turley. 0.A:C. No'. 72 Oats the leading late variety.,0.A.C. No ill Barley. These verse ole. tel'. to name and came here direct from the Agricultural College in .1913. Call and see them. .Also a bunch of thrif- ty hogs a few weeks old. Usborne. rrthur Gardiner, Lot 21, N.'r.�kl„ PLAIN TAILORED iieND FITTED MODELS• SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN. SLEEVES WITH FINE ;RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring fashions are arriving • and combine in'Fabric and Style_. a unique and interesting 'collection; meeting the requirements for ateeet wear and travel. It; is unusual to 'present 57 early lit `he season sogreata variety, but •tty.leer were determined early and the' most favored shown. • The present time is most edvantag- eou1l for •buying es all indieatione poitn to higher prices in the future. N.-heere. LAJSI es, AND GENTS' TAI101t Stand Upstairs. Of polite the Central FWNITURE! We can assist you n select'rg yt lir .furniture if you are going to furnish your home, c r if you ony ward some odd i ieca•s Our Undertaking D- partment is up to -date in every respect and we guar- antee the best of satisfact- ion. R. N Rowe The Funeral Director and Frarriittere Dealer PEIONE 20Ja en of Huron Face the Issue.... SQUARELY --Yourself You are wanted NOW to Fight.. for Your King and Country=—=A Year from Now May be Too Late The Stu enduous Issues of the War Now Stand out in a Blaze of Light Before the Whole World. To -day the call conies from those who are holding the lines in France; in Flanders; holding the lines against the mightiest armaments the world has ever yet borne on its surface. and the call to all who will hear. COME= -ENLIST TO -DAY Join the lfilst, Huron's Own Battalion, and show by your example that Our Country is not to be a lag- gard in ilii Great Fight for Freedom. FURNITURE "DON'TS" Don't hope to get high grades at low prices. DortP ut your money into so -:called `Cheap" Furniture. Don't expect to be able to find a storethat. can surpass us in value=giving. Don't look any where else for newer • designs. Don't think that by buying from -out of town people that you can get more for your money. You cant. Don't forget to call and se us. J. BEVERLEY THE NEW McLAUCHLIN 186 - ix Cylinder orse • Valve in head 45 horsepower Motor; 1 t.52 lnch. Wheel Base, WS y p very easy riding. iding Canti. leser Springs; rings; 4 nc h Tires s (nai-i kid on rear r wheels ); Delco Ignition, Lighting and Soltin Device- Number Oie Hand Buffed Leather Up— holstering ovf.r or.GEr.uinaCutle:d Hair FillipgTEtectric Horn; Stewart Xeedometer; Stewart Warner; VacuuFeed; Double Tire Irons; high grade Mohair Top,one- Agents in Erelino�0,anman type; R9.in Vision Ventilating Windshield. 1AStewart ter