HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-09-23, Page 11Town&C•ountry_
'9 p.m., Monday" for Wednesday
'4.50 ruin./22 words 204 ea. additional word
thereafter. Consecutive Insertions: 2 con-
secutive insertions, '4.00 ea. 3 or more con-
secutive insertions `3.50 ea. In Memoriam:
'4.50 min. plus 354 per line of rhymed verse.
Cards of thanks: '4.50 min. 25 words plus
64 for each additional word. Public Notice:
'20 for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors:
'30. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions,
'20. for 1 inser tion. Drawer Number: '3.
first week, '1, each additional week.
Prompt Payment: 504 discount per week
for word ads paid in full at time of purchase
or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at
5:00 p.m.) Display Classified: rates
available on request.
To place your hard hitting
Classified ad
8:30 AM- 5:00 PM
Address mail correspondence:
CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Signal -
Star: P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park,
Goderich. N7A 4B6
[i. Articles for Sale
AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust,
lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the
.miner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff -
ni ger Plumbing and Heating. Kingston Street,
Goderich, 524.7861. l tfc r
ftARDWOOD, SLABS by truckload delivered. Call
ur ly mornings and evenings, 529-7642. 211f '
WEDDING & ANNIVERSARY. Perfect Gift' Patio
• furniture or accessories at 40", off or more.
Warehouse open Fridays & Saturdays. 71 King
West, Forest, Ont. (519) 7864405. 34.39ar
;ATELLII E SYSTEM - 10's feet black mesh dish us•
,•d three months. Paid $3300, asking $2500.
Phone 1 657-2665. 35.38
WELL SEASONED firewood for sale. 535 per cord.
Ph.,ne 482.5539 or 482.7594.-- 3S -38x
FIREWOOD Dry, split, hardwood, Maple and
• cish. One full cord 028 cu. ft,) 5150.00 delivered.
Phone 524.8735, 36tfn
I'L.A1'ER PIANO, reconditioned, excellent shape,
„king 52950.00. Will deliver. Call anytime Lon
Inn 679 1017 37 38
1'111 UMBERS for pickling and eating. Phone
,24 9054 for orders. 37,38
,hH 1 ES FOR SALE: tody`s`blue suede (Bauer) size
1' • 520 00: lady's size 7, $10.00, boy's size 12, 13
rid I. $5.00 each. 524.4262, 38nx
AMHERST PIANO and matching bench, full size,
,rpright in walnut finish. Very good condition.
AA%ing 5450.00. Phone Mary Lou Henry 524-4396
:her 6 p.rn. 38x
DELUXE queen size waterbed„ mattress not full
,nc,tiori. Excellent condition. Phone
524 8938 38
SEC, 1 ZONAL SOFA with pull-out bed. Salmon in
colour with beige white Heck. 5699.00 524-2089
otter 5 p in 38
ADULTS IHREE WHEEL Bicycle. Coleco games
oom N H L Pio Hockey game. large size
524 9179 38nx
I4EW 7 white bathroom vanity with countertop.
Asking 51.50.00. Phone 524.7791. 38
CHESTERFIELD with two matching chairs and ot-
toman in plaid pattern. $50,00. • Phone
524 4520 38x
MOVING SALE freezer in excellent shape $175.
left Iger ator $160 wood cook stove good shape
550. bookshelf $5 two easy chairs $25, kitchen
rnhle 510 pine dresser $75. Call 526.7590
weekdays 9 3,or Sunday afternoon. 38,39
tit MING IUN301isem; autornatic with scope CcII
,24 2827 38 39
ly 9 , n. 5 I. m Closed Sundays. Specializing in
cauliflower and broccoli 3 miles west of Exeter
nn I Iwy 83 519) 2373442 28tfar
ONE TAG A LONG utility trailer Excellent tend;
tion 5450 00 or best offer. Phone
5242496 33tfnx
24 ELECTRIC while stove and Inglis washer spin
dryer and Realistic turntable oil in excellent con
dolor! Phone 5267217 ' 38x
CAMPER TOP for short box mini truck Best offer
Phone 524 8539 evenings 38
13 TOSHIBA <olour I V with remote 5125 n,
hest offer Phone 5242954 38
LOWREY single keyboard organ complete with
instructinh hnoklets $500.00, swag dining room
lamp 525 00 two bedroom lamps white with blue.
flowers $40 n0 Morse cabinet model sewing
inarhine 5i 50 00 All like new. 524.2417. '38
BRUNSWILK 4' x 8 Boston pool table in good con
dition. Needs rails recovered has slate bed
phone 527.3328 38i.
CANTIING TOMATOES Our own squash pum
"pkln• rnhhnge heaps cauliflower and broccoli
nil available in freezer quantities Also potatoes
and onions gnrden mums TF FM Form RR 1
Bayfield 4021020 14 '17 2
SNOWMOBILE TRAiiFR tilt bed nlsn heavy duty
.linty trailer 5 x ft with 18 sides. Phone
524 9132 37 38
OLDIIMER air tight wood stove. Fiberglass top
per for full size pickup. Phone 524-4810. 37 38
1. Articles for Sale
NINE INCH Beaver table saw $350. Craftsman
bond sow 5215. Craftsman drill press $110, all
like new. 6" dual•wheel bench grinder 51411 in box
585 Zenit 35 rnrn camera in good condition $115
close up and wide angle lenses plus
teleconverter fits many makes $150 small pool
table complete $85. White 6000 professional
metal detector asking $550, occoustic guitar and
case $135. fiberglass doon buggy body $250
Phone Blyth 523-4455 38
UPRIGHT PIANO and bench in good condition
Phone 524 8185 after 5 38
KING SIZE waterbed Phone evenings
5244307 38
FRANKLIN wood stove in good condition
535.00. Phone Auburn 5267219. 38
WINTER WOOD FOR SALE five standing maples.
Cut your own, 510 per cord or , and ' , Auburn
526-7238. 38,39
HEAVY ROOSTERS 7 • 10 lbs. dressed, Free
delivery. Phone 5297632. 38.39x
FRIDGE FOR SALE $100.00. Phone
524-5244, 38.39
Gourds, ' pumpkins, door swag, potatoes.
squash. Farm Gate Prices. Evan's Farrn Markel 2
miles North of Bayfield 482.7562. 38
OVEN READY roosters, 7 10 Ib' dressed. Phone
524-9595. -38,39 .
stain, equipment, etc., 524.7825 after 6
p,m. 37-52
FOR SALE: Wood Stove! Two years old, excellent
condition!. 5250.00 or best offer, Phone 524.4900
after 6 p.m. and weekends! tfnx
..FUEL WOOD FOR SALE • hard maple, $35 a cord.
Phone 482-9286 cr 482.7565. 37-39'
INGLIS DISHWASHER, best 'offer., also complete
guide uniform, size 12, excellent, condition.
Phone 524-2422. 37-39
SEWING MACHINE - Free -arm automatic, but-
tonhole, good'condition • has 24 decorative and
stretch stitches. Best offer, Phone
262.5392, 37.39 u
WOOD STOVE • ' very effective heater, top
fe,eder,$250. Phone 524.6956. 37.39 •
LADY'S WINTER COAT • red wool, like new. Site
8 10. Phone 524.7120 37.38,39rix
SATELLITE SYSTEMS, new and used, Lease to own
with monthly payments. Service to all makes.l. 8
A Southwest Satellite. Coll oytime
524-9595. 38.47
BOYS MEDIUM pair Cooperalls ' and girdle,
shoulder pads, elbow pads. helmet 'with wire
mesh, 550.00. CaII 529-7773 after 6:30. 38nx
HORSE TRAILER for sale - refurbished, step up,
storage compartment, roof ' rack. Phone
1.396-3174. (Kincardine). .38nx
UPRIGHT PIANO and bench not used anymore. In
good condition. Phone 524-4937' or
524-2365. -38,39
SKLAR RECLINCER, burnt orange $90.00, Brown
velvet swivel rocker 570.00 RCA 20" Color TV,
5110.00. All in excellent condition.
524-4619. 38nx
memorative edition honouring the 100th An•
niversary of Chompion Rood Machinery, $2.00
per copy (out of town orders add $1.80 postage)
Makes great gifts for former Goderich residents,
summer visitors and friends. Available at the of•
Tice of the Goderich Signal -Star, Industrial Park,
8 a.m. to.5 p.m. Monday through Friday. l l tfnx
NATIONAL tool toblesow - sturdy steel base with
18" x 36" table, ' . horse motor ,and 8" blade
fence etc. included 5170.00. Also heavy duty
bumper jack - great for shop or garage 550 00
Call 5248766 after 6 p.m. 37 38
FOR SALE • RAVEN five•string banio and case in
excellent condition. Remo head $180 or hest o'
fer. Phone 529-7312. 37,38nx
APPLES: Macs. Courtland, Empires Red
Delicious, fresh cider, red potatoes, onions. op
ple butter, pears. SPECIAL one bushel Mar s
56.00, half bushel, 53.25, four litre, 51.50. six
quart, $2.00 plus container. Two locations,
Orange tent at Boyce Transport. or at Art Bell
Fruit Farm, 524.8037. 37tfnar
We can offer
'/, mile south on Hwy. 21.
We even take trades
"No Cheaper Place To Buy"
4 drawer legal & letter filing cabinets; 3
drawer legal filing cabinets; office desks
& chairs; fireproof vaults & safes with com-
bination locks; steel shelving.
Government Surplus Dealer
27 Picton St. E., Goderich 524-8602
1915 TOYOfO Corolla will trade for any of the
,following 'lawn mower TV TV aerial or buddino
rnntr„ak Please call 529.3117 ',r
524 4940 19tf
["Garage Sale
Sale Kit with posters and including one her•
garage sale ad on the classified pages of The
Goderich Signal Star Only $6 00 Available of
the office of The Goderich Signal -Star Inde strinl
Pork S a m to 5 p m Monday through
Friday 1ltfnx
YARD SALE 144 Rich St Saturday, September 26
9 a.m. to •1 p.m. Rain date October 3 Stereo
baseboard heaters and miscellaneous 38
3. Garage Sale
IHREE FAMILY Garage Sole and Friends Satyr
day. September 26, 8 a m. until 9 163 rind 169
Suncoast Drive Fish rank. girl s bicycle clothes
lots of lieu-.ehuld ileitis 38x
GARAGE SALE Saturday Septernber 26th 58
Market Street Goderich No sales before 9 00
a in Two solid pine doors (new, one•nlo,nmun,
combination door (new) scythe dishes topes
records eight track tape player with speakers
bicycles rnisrelluneous items 38nx
END OF SUMMER sur 11 .<le it Blur•wnte-r Beu<i,
Rod on Hwy 71 i,r, Saturday 'Septeteber 26 from
9 1 38
YARD'SALE Friday and Saturday September 25
and 27 ut 1 70 St David St 8 u m % Inside dour
32 x 80 boy s skates size 7 Luzy Boy choir and
other items 38
GARAGE SALE Saturday September 26 corner
of Albert and Clara St Dungannon
Miscellaneous sterns. 38
5. Cars for Sale
1980 FORD PINTO 2 door, 4 speed new metallic
brown paint excellent condition. $1700 certified
Call Diane after 5 p.m. 524-7571. 29tfn
1975 OLDS CUTLASS 4 door. 350 V8. Ideal second
car or winter vehicle. Includes snows on rims
Only 90,000 original miles, 5895 as is or best of•
fer. Call • 524.2131 days, 524.9484
evenings ..35th•,x
1982 CHEVETTE. 80.000 kin certified. Phone
523-4359 or 5234846." 36tfnx
1977 CHE.V CAPRI station wagon, power steering
power•brakes radio power windows. Body and
motor in excellent condition. 5899.00. 524-7493
evenings. 524.2648 days. 37-39
1975 V8 CHEVELLE, 4 door,. body excellent condi• .
tion, oiled every year, 2 seasonal and 2 snow
tires, just like new: mokes excellent winter car.
Asking 5800.00 or best offer. Phone Fronk Alton
529 7218. 37,38x
1981 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. In exc llent
shape, ...telly loaded. 65.000 miles. Phone
524-2594 7,38x
CERTIFIED • ,1983 Plymouth Horizon 4 door, auto.
4 cyl., clean, like new, low"mileage, dependable.
54150. Phone 524.7946. 38
1984 CHRYSLER New Yorker • 4 door luxury car. .
Many power. options. Black w red interior. Pric
ed at 59295.00. Stock No. 20729. Call Carl at
524-7383. 38ar
1974 CHRYSLER Newport V•8, power steering,
power brakes, 4 door, selling as is. 5800.00; 1978
Ford Granada 6 cylinder. auto. power steering,
power brakes, -AM FM radio. selling as is.
52000.00. 529 7103. 38 39x
1981 PLYMOUTH Horizon - 2.2 auto. local trade
in, mint condition, red' h th ef'ath and vinyl trim.
54295.00. Stock -No. , 87241-1. Call Don at
524-7383. •.38ar
1983 CHRYSLER Fifth Ave., 4 door V8 auto, rear
wheel drive, this unit is fully loaded with options
and priced to sell at $10950.00 with warranty
Stock No. 20731. Coll Carl at 524-7383. 38ar
1986 TOPAZ, four cylinder 'four door, automatic_
undercoated, simonized, Scotchguarded, sun
roof, Michelins, Pioneer cassette. 25,000 miles.
57,500.00. Call 524-8546. • 38,39
1975 PONTIAC 4 door station wagon. good
motor, body and trans., new brakes, priced for
quick sole. Phone 482.7509 38
1981 TOYOTA Tercel front wheel drive. 4 speed.
AM FM radio, asking 51700 certified. Call.
523.9481 after 5.30 p.m. 37 388x -
1980 CONCORD in excellent condition certified.
best offer. Phone 524.8793. 37-39x -
1966 VALIANT 4 door, slant six auto runs good
very clean, exceptional ,body never driven in
salt. asking $1200 or best offer 524 6543. 38x
1983 PLYMOUIH RELIANT' wagon. Blue velour in.
tenor, excellent condition inside arid out A C
power steering power brakes cruise AM FM
toss., 53500 cert. Call 'after 6 p m
524.6471: 38x
1978 DODGE ASPEN. 2 door slant 6. For quick
sale 5900. 565 2800. 38nx
2 door automatic, power steering,
power brakes & %%inclines, air con-
ditioieing, Pioneer AN1/I'•\1
Phone 482-9941 after 6 p.m.
267 V8, automatic, air conditioning, cruise
control, sport buckets, sport rims, finish-
ed in maroon
ONLY $6695
Ails 8(' 111l1C
6. Trucks for Sale
19bu F250 FORD 4 x 4 4 speed 80 000 miles new
canopy good shape 55000 or best offer Phone
524 6482 37 38or
1981 GMC four wheel drive pickup VB (Jure
equipped for «r,nw plowing 524./917 38
983 DODGE PICKUP full size ti uck Witt, 6 Cyr
engine A fuel ,nrzei pi iced ut 55995 00 Stock
Nu 8614/ 1 Call Don at 524 7383 38ar
1981 DODGE RAM Excellent condition tow
rn,lenge roll 524 9283 after 6 p in 38 39x
7 classifications
7A. For Sale General
7B. Wanted '1'o Buy
7C. Wanted To Rent.
7D. Bicycles
7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc.
7F. Snowmobiles & equipment
7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers
7H. Boats, Motors & Marine
7J. Service, Parts & Repairs
7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies
7D. Bicycles
BICYCLES FOR SALE: Junior boys 10 speeds boys
BMXs. 16" beginners boys with tr lining wheels
ladies and men's bicycles all 1n excellent condi.
tion 5247855. 37 38x
THREE BIKES FOR SALE • girl's 20" blue. boy's 20
red, boy's jr; 10 • speed. black, 24'. excellent
shape. Phone 524.9232. 38nx
L7E. Mbtorcy'cl'es, ATVs, etc.
DIRT BIKE • 1980 Suzuki, P.E. 250. Phone 524.9265
after 6 p.rn. 35tfnx
7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers
& Trailers
1980 TAURUS 2Q ft , add-a-roorn also available.
54000 or best offer; camPer style truck topper fits
8 ft. box 524.2084. 37,38 -
197.4 WINNEBAGO. loaded„ 516,000.00 certified.
Phone 529.7281'. 38x
31' AIRSTREAM loaded air awning. deck. sh-
ed, A•1 tires. at - Maitland Marina., ,Pjhphe
1.662.2077. 38.
22' TRAVEL trailer for sale. Excellent condition.
Phone 5244112. 38
7H. Boats, Motors & Marine
OPEN HOUSE ' Lake Huron Rod and Gun's big-
gest. sale of the year, goose and duck decoy.
over 700 guns and mony in store specials. Lake
Huron Rod and Gun. U,3derwood,'368.7182. Open
seven days 34.39
SEVENTEEN FOOT DEEP V Runabout boat and
trailer with new bottery"and points with trolling
motor mount. skr rope, life jackets, etc. Excellent
for fishing or skiing. Will consider selling
separately No reasonable p.ffer refused. P -hone
524.4941. 38
10. Pets for Sale
30 PET BIRDS for sale Variety of cages. Budgies
Cockatiels. Finches and love Birds. Call
524.6066. 37.40 '
MALE POODLE Toy sized. 18 months old, white.
lovable, to good home, Adults or older children.
$125, oriibest offer. Phone 524.6650. 38.40
CHOCOLATE POINT Siamese kittens for sale
575 00 Phone 5297382 38tfnx
EXCELLENT HUNTING breeding stock. Two
registered Brittany spaniels 4 yr. old female. 6
yr. old mate preferred sale as pair 5400.. 5250
each. Phone 5248654 38-40
11 classifications
11A. For Sale General
11B. Wanted To Buy
11C. Wanted To Hire
11D. Employment Wanted
11E. Livestock
11F'. Farm Produce
11G Farm Equiprnent
111-1. Farm Services
11J. Farm Systems
11K. Farm Real Estate
7 8 ARAHI'.N 4nA,,1 1
Must ser' 52•-1 3126 .id
11G. Farm Equipment
1982 JD 4420,_UMIflIiF oir conditioning heater
radio 4 way rein Murphy shut down switches
Sid groin 1,,• • ii., •q system 329 'Cu in bin
extension dips..; in,•tor 23 1 x 26 tires 600
hours, 1982 10 d•, •„„y pickup header with 8
Sunpickup new ,n 1985 hydraulic controlled
1982 4 row 30 tor, hood new style low profile
Excellent combine . w h'ours stored inside
never pulled while beans 529.7607 or
529 7995. 28tfnx
11H. Farm Services
CUSTOM PLOWiNC, n' ii'' - ,'
35/ 1419 nt 357 1375 34ifn
YNN LVWR( 3ARM SY'..1EMS LID RR 1 Kin( (ii
dine for all your manure feed and grain hondl
mg ,erlurrements Coll 195 2615 or 395 2616 or
see us ,ri Amberley We handle eve;yrhing
almost 36eow
G°J NOKC G°3MM 9 8 g
Classified Ads will slide you
in the right direction
12_ Real Estate for Sale
FOUR BEDROOM house for sale 1 , sto,.- hair
,n good condition fully 'If suloted gos hear wry:
kach<-,' uird living room single car gouge eV11 1
, r�e•ii 11..E•wuy L:xutE•d rr 14n ri,,, ; , .4,, „i L- t
size 66 . 120 f'l,,,ne 524 2246 36 J9
13. Mobile Homes
FOR SALE 356 Genurul inoLilrr h., ,i, 1U x r4
two br•droorns 10 x ! ' F'ond•, roc.rn fully u,
ui.rt,•,1 riot heated . Four •ippl,.,nc,. • I,,,le•r
524 4972 35 38x
MUST SELL NORTHLANDER 12 x 52 with nrdditic,i,
of 12 • 4.) Two bedrooms dr'n 3'idq-• ',rove
remodelled bathroom some drapes ,n, hided
shed Excellent condition Huron Hra,e' Vrli(1gc
524 2071 .35 36 37 38
FOR RENT 14 x 68 Narthlander mobile home . 1
bedrooms large kitchen .wisher .,nd dryer
Located on Hwy • 21 5 miles north of Goderich
Available September 1 $375•per montfs plus pay
own heat and hydro Phone 524 7206 37rf
16. For Rent
concrete automotive moving painting clean
Ing sanders Doupe s Equipment 3 miles East of
Kincardine on Highway 9 Phone
395.2685. 42tfar
MOTORIZED woudsplitter for rent 540.00 per
day Phone 5244877 after 6 p m 42tfnx
MOTORIZED woodsplitter 525 00 per. any Call
524.8110 after 4 p rn 43tf'nx
Do it yourself with
Deep Steam Extraction
Let the rest of the
world go buy...
IiYman Uentall
ecus ornerit
221') 13.1)1111D RI) . 601)i RI(H 524 _'1,59
Vtl NItL v
111111 Tar
rent -a -car system
We have a full
line of: ,
•12 or 20 FT.MOVING
Free on cars only
344 Huron Rd.. Godench ._
17. Apartments for Rent
ONE BEDROOM apartment with hedge and stove
included. Phone 524.7605 37,38
AVAILABLE immediately two bedroom apart
rnent for rent. Security entrance. nice luccitron.
clean. Call 524 5243 or 524-8612 36 38x
THREE BEDROOM apartment for rent 'references
required. Call 524.9411 before 6, 524 9691 after
6. 37tfar
NEW APARTMENTS two bedrooms 66 Albert St
Clinton 5485 00 monthly includes nr•w fridge
stove washer and dryer. all utilities in. luding .
cable Avarloble November Apply ut Mason
Bailey Real Estate Ltd. Clinton or phone
482.9371 37 39or
FURNISHED ONE or two bedroom efficiency
units All utilities included monthly Gurdrner .
Motel 524 7302 37tfar
NICE CLEAN UNIT in fourplex ,u Clinton Three
bedrooms 1 : baths hardwood floors in living
room large finish, d rec room first and lust mon
the rent references required no pets c:vndrtble
October 1. 3573721 37 38
AVAILABLE One bedroom upnrnnent itt C hnton
with good parking, fridge and stove included
Rent $235 plus utilities Phone 524 8422 or
4827928 nights 37tfn
UNFURNISHED ground floor apartment
bedroom sewing room Irving room kitchen and
both Located in seniors triplex I block from
Square 5350 00 monthly including heat anti
Coble TV Phone 524 7415 38 39x
MUUERN two apartment Carpeted throughout
Phone 5297888 380
ONE BEDROOM lower apartment close tc,
square rr•fr , e i es required available int
mediately Phone 524 4948 38
250 Hincks St.
One & two bedroom apartments
available for immediate occupancy.
fully c .Irpelc'd
no-war floors
-controlled entry
-outdoor parking
Laundry Facilities - 1st & 3rd Floor
Model Suite Hours:
‘londay - Thursday 1 - 8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday I - 5 p.m.
For Rental Information
call Margaret 5 24-5183