HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-23, Page 5nine. • (nRSIni.nnne MARCH 23rd, 1010. THE EXETER TIMES - • . , - "ate ei . 1 ' VASHwoor,• n _ Pr, sobram. spent SatlardaY la rape- the winter here; has returnee! to bts tOlatt ire Alberta, 4, B 4 u i Intst.t .1; w. be oo 1 ti e ell nosteineifeeenneetetentents , e ne tan * • eetn putt sht0t , 00;4107010040ini pluiln"nosuilPpPvilt4a6111141°19nstIlt , , .. . NJ . „ TO ID PR 0 Ill . . . •tott ers, tall: , late. D. Attc1saae of Crediton spent Sunday in town, ay so . . . held in the Methodist neuron, on Tueln lia,y March 28th, , afternom andi evening. The speaker% will fee Rex, Rev. 4 . y . . airy , Anil; 313 30 noilitqui A Inet13 Moan 'Walla "IS .83111* ElaA°aSrt) °T1B AO "Ill" . , . Effort to Gain Ground Betweon Federal Law Witt Prevei . Avoe u t and Malancourt ping Into Dry Provn • miss ora. Rottman oa Tasistock is V. Langford, of Terento; J.. a 4se nuone, :Sea tglaal Pqa, eretima • Now is the time to visiting eekitives and frierida. here at present. . inevenet of the puling. people et town • Exeter Knight, of Heinen; (Rev, C. alr, De- ken ot 'Woodham; Rev. L. Reid, of Granton end Miss Jean Baird, of earkhill. 6 a dmo!her . Sue eaeoesne nolf pin atoni„ wan wren laig Ste eidienatel elle& P0Inalui tuatnesnunt Jo itooi e inlet Peelann -,----- Preach Meet Advance of Enemy With Artillery, Machine Gmt and Rifle --•------ lioii. C. i Dolterty Introdue to Make :rt a °Online' 0 buy' wire fOnee be=.. . '' ' fore it advances, ill . etteadedsthe skateng ;rink at Thurednef evening.. . A Bed Cross quilting asels held . Tharsdoy afternoon in, the 'basement of elm Evangelical ehareli. .. ZION The Zion • Itteds.Croen Circle of' thevan Manville *Unlit have rsent toithe Red --- m. Gave e Three 4 She .. . Riddles,, 004" I 'PIN ann on s°44. 4c1•1111 W."; °°. a re le s am a hew, • Illths °31-°1 "°"'l Po q • 3 q - ; os aupano ins ao3 panum I eteurom etu pp t, KU '3W/3mq- llOsSlil e e esaJuoa 'tem apierc aati el a Innen) 0 , i kiln Ann ntrialtinInoren On 0tnieeten .. , •Ine • • - ' ' ' te Dove Near Value Falls : sltera . abort of n'reach Line lued Results - t in Henn neaseefon Rlaentat .). neon, Lietior nate a Pea . . .,;tny Use Which. is Prot), the' Law of That Provine Gnvenanients... Will. Enf price. Let me quote yott on .Several from here attended' the funeral. a the infant son of Mr. and .titrn 'Leonard 'Wurin at Zurich., Burn da,y, . ' Crate Society, Lo.ndon, Ont., f. rem the Ft on October to tne present, , dile tollowmg3.80 grey. elannel dAY hits , " By F. A. MITCHEL 1 . • ,,,„,..4,44,nennennewea,senx,44,t, 9113 jiQj 211141°U "AI' eae" .P"13' 51J't 15saulsnq. .3raq79111P°11 4'4113 °1:14 .".11 %log paid 01 pat,q pug 1 tie LONDON, Inareb. 21.-Abandening their attacks. at least for the time beinn on the seetion of the Veedula Law. OTTAWA.," March. 21,-E nehertY, Minister •of .Tustio " ' your needs in the ' following tines,- . All kinds of Lumber iler did ot rough, Messelet Jas. and Valentine , Goss- man and Mrs. Wm. Killiger of Port Huron and Airs. Wm. Westake of Stretford are visiting their mother Mrs. Fred Gosisman, who is seriously in. nt. nresenn . 42 euits pyjamas; 37 anspitainihirtin 10 Itentlese Shirts; 17 mattress covers 32 sheet, 02 pillow eases; 143 pairs tend knit eocke- a ce. may r id , , La t .o 0 . white totton and lime also a num- s • Der of flour and sugar bas. __0„,____ - • taaviug tried various 'ways of spend- ing, the month 1 Put eskle each Year for An outing, 006 tired of them all, an 1 wee casting about fur some DM meth- I saW au adverlisemon a eller fie . jog peena nee 1 tem pause le.negeta peenin peg PUB Den eta nenann nem purl pp ou num wee nue sCI•Le PIP "Aa Ul3W1 'U XI 70°P i ;names. Jo eantiaaaP nalaa nata tnorla "Ilan 'A0.103:1110 u 00 110 :11011:01m1 front lying to the east of the Meuse and aisle on the section on the west- nrn bank between Itethincourt and Mort. Homme, the Germans esSaYs en with a fresh division to gain ground on the three-mile front which between Avocourt Mal- diteed a.' bill in the House mons yesterday • afternoon 'Au Act in Aign of Provinei lation Prohibiting or Restri Sale or Use of intoxicating '. • In moving the first reedit . Shingles Lath Cedar , , Fence Posts, S ft lotg, 9 ft long and 10 ft lon).,c, --. Cement, Wall 13oard and Ready Roofing. '' 1 Too Late for Last Week Bine Kathleen Genge visited in London over Sunday, air. Clarence Heywood, of Exeter spent 'Sunday in town. tifiPt% SGabel, Smith o1 o4u nEcfeyter, visited ii lnsiectioratnjo. 1, gave the pluasit7 ffiPCiall'onliv el Y EuicrILLE , ,•; • I • Messes. Will and Alden Johns ate tended the wedding of thetr brother in. Listowel last wee'k. . 1 ; • 212=01..1.P.rzhoidaiss,t 7,151,yurnerh nyteiotttoeiriatollezapeol,c:eTionrotahteo.iettestsi;33! od when of cabin situated on an island on the coast 0 Maine. 'the price wits so. yea sonaele that it attracted my intention - . I entered into correspondence With the and en,enged it. ImMilyerreason nor doing ter wags that I smiret soed tom'griollyw Pe ople,at home that I de. bere I would Foe no one. 31°0Sca au 1.1'00 It 2upacid • us) nesSul Petard GS car Pvg ja.A8K VaPanclulaP "AI 1 *smog ealam3 to:4RA . na4,4 apatu an WHO 0111LIV pOUTV.IIIS 13 aot.1 Rey *ARE:tn.:odd° oaotu auo amm pegs nnool a;ntiolgtutipte4 so.31projuoano.gitue.cz.elttouttou4croa ansal atn Ao .saltnau attop aant1 no,S clams :a2uSsom E amq reelect; PO. Saar; Stu Inns papuodserma i extends and aneourt, west of Betnincourt, and about ten to twelve miles north-west of Verdun, and they were repulsed, 'rise attack only made slight progress a - a point in the easterthnepaardtvaonfeitnhge t Ma4,aitzeoaFurretnNevhoocda.ught Geemanrasawe iituhea bguainnifeirreaarstillewreyllflares and a h with infantry volleys, bi•eaking the bill the Minister. said that: OE ince had ample jurisdiction i own borders to prohibit oi tbe sale and consumption c eating liquors in such Ina itnhilail:otehs4eies to it desirable, f't rivr Ye n elsas 3 e ;I:1%n puitenit..t.?ipini•oxi. ey e odfe,theetilote It was, •tberefore, better f • .. CLATWORTHY . A. J. GRANTON week. . Mist George Schroeder sold his farm to G. Oestreiclaer for a figure. . 1, . handsome Mine Vera Brokenshire has retarn- en home after spending ;some time in London. • • ciose sublscriptions and ( collectione were" taken in aid of the college, The W. an S. held their annual •gent tertaintoeue 9n March 17th, te:ng St.. Patrick's Day. Rev. G. A. Barnard acted as chairman. The program . , .., ., . - consisted of I-ong, eentaeons and in strurnentals, Rev. -Baker, gave a e I was bounded be per All day lone sons eager toreget a word with me to , etlene and in the evening sail rue soM is. . I was, engaged in various social met! ters. A cabin bidden in a wood with .. a 'new of the ocean appealed to me. To lie at- nigbt listening to tbe break- eaten no Jaded a la pup splint or sod noon, pini pioriesnoq en .esnaleas 14 Illise real I tlraP 0.1030e &Wogs elate] 'wen •sy *amuse lies daap autos OJ 'cm 110 naPreSIP al feign:tante nal 1 , eno past I nequa Stu snow; literenin sun ds 'menet . force of then. onset and inflicting heavy losses Up011 tem. The attack was earefully prepared division topT ferneesmh ytromawreams obtreoupgahrtt bayndthae of the front to effect what Was to be ow. was begun en. blow. It b with a surprise, it b Province to deal with the lb .blem iustead of attemnting wide prohibition. tion Unwfoatstuanptatteolyb,e innu-olviiifinectliall terferenee of persons outsid • ' Province, who at present e - , , • . . Mr. Theodore Redd' has Purchased very interesting. talk on Motherhood. - the beech was 1 ' A as* f 1 c on e s e nug i n one 0 o4 toil cregreat p P ' - - 13 . x' . k . yatlence and was attendtd 1 a Y flame. The to ship or carry in liquor to , the farm Of Mr. Paul blessner of the There was sin iter by eight young g ers • . 1 3'. I found the location What I bad eamompoft Sem Sul mon Ines annour, 'Sup the use of jets of liquid object of the attack, according to the winch had declared the tr con.sumption, of liquor to be GRANDIRUNKIA.-- - I Y Goshen Line. Mee. F. Rinker wee called to De- Saturday to the serious boys led by ales. Medd, winch was.. . very 'appropriate; readings by Miss N. Medd and reading and solo by Mats dreamed it. Tbe cabin was well . . ' enough, but the furnishings were ex - en 1° adxa len pip i estris exact age, Anent eel en Kinn sttepeag atirettus Sq panowo r n h War Office, enlarge F e e e, was to the German front. -, - This condition Of affairs 1 Federal legislation and tne .situation. ARE YOU GOING . WEST ? . The. Grand Trnnk Railway System will run es. s lloineseekers Excur= • troit owing ninon of aer tester. • Mrs, Mary Pope, of Rennin visit- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1, Graybeil, Sr, over Sunday. • Ptest Wilbur Pfaff, of Exeter, and Wes. Geiser, of Parkhill, spent Sum- day with their parents here. Mr-. L. Kleinistiver, Sr., had the misfortuue to fall down fstairs Fri- day and as a reeult broke her arm. May 'Clarke; singing by the .eboin. Proceeds amounted to $30.00 johns -Edwards - A happy event took place Thursday afternoon, Mar. 16th. et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra, atiehm, Wallace St„ when Mns. atiehnota sister, Miss Margaret Vera Edwards daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. _ • Wm. na. A. Edwards, of Saskatooe, a former student of the Listoeved -. - -- . • • high school was united in marnage to Arr. itenry Edward Johns, of Exe- ecrable. A cheap bedstead, a rickety b ' tableh' h t t k nreau, a on w le o era_ . a coo end a lot of cheap dishes cern- stove a pleted die furnisbings. There was no de neer me but scattered other abo , about were slimmer cottages, some of Mika Were fairly pretentious. I saw no reason vray I sholikl be troubled by t aimat s of an of th m o I. as nee e y e s ong I let them alone, which 1 proposed to do. . - eisetu tia.nap sust 1 pau uoeuet sie elm am palm remain atp neen •atu node Pannasan Ilan./ Pull 100 ssaultnin 0111 eod. Mann sa5n10 0q) Puu Jell 31017114, al, noes nom act tenon 1 nen int pains _se I ene VIP 1 sit °twin 11111-111 11. Me e opnoa 1 _mne aq nefl ne paau tenon. Inn sem/nese sun setnetenee elm en ' n ' ennee ma en ate "nip al tam pang pun nioneejeuar; Stu 0.1 senten lia , 4 1.22'°4 St° Pmsaadx° 1 *3111t° °in "la . The vermeils resumed the attack at Vat= Saturday without changing the Tee attack, like the vio- lent assaults which marked the earlier efforts of the Germans to take this sector, was preceded by an in- tense bombardment. But on this oc- easion the infantry forces used to carry home the attack were small. Using these emaller .forces, the Ger- mans made a series of assaults against the line between the Vain village and the wood to the south of' was introducing prohibited portation of intoxicating lie any Province to be dealt wit Province in any manner ; by Provincial law. The thi carrier, and the receiver woi liable under the Aet to crirc secution. The law, he went on to st take effect immediately upo: sage and be of universal ap If a Province did not forbid consumption of liquor, n SIOIIS s, EACH TUESDAY March 7th to Oct. 3ist !Inclusive) • Tiekets valid to return within two montbs inclusiye of date of sale , . . Winnipeg and return $35 Edmonton and return $43 Proportionate low rates to other points in Manitoba, Saskatenewan & Alberta ---......-4...- 1 THADIES ROM) . Mr. John Allison had a successful wood bee last Saturday afternoon. Miss Jennie Palsemore visited her grandmother, Airs. S. Passraore, in Exeter for a few days recently. Me. Will Passmore who hae, been ill with pneumonia is able to be up again. His man.y friends hope to see him out again soon. . • The soldier boys from Exeter will march back and attend Divine ser- vice in the Presbyterian charch next • . ter. The beide was prettily gasyned in white silk crepe_ She wore the customary veil, Lthuraed with pearls and flowers and carried a bouquet ot pink and white carnations. The , • ceremony took pa ce under an arca of flags and the officiating clergy- man was Rev. Mr. afitlyard, pastor h rch The wed- of the Methodist c u . . I-• I ding march was played by Itine Ma- th bride and ncl litiehms nejaa . (Pr --2 • during the signing ot the register Miss Mabel Rielen .and Meister Bar- v In lim gave instrumental dueta r- ° • . an ‘ asway by hes The bride was „inject)! tel. of Mit- uncle, Mrt a, M. il :W. a as I had spent a week with only my- Gann nesteee ont en4)es,0 01 neer nue self for company when one day, after tettnenee. etn en teleteee irqs *news - - • . a long tramp. on returning to my cab- _ . in 1 stood on the threshold astonished' 11410P 01X1W0'12-111munti Olii III -aanalsis -sr roan> enc./spin mow Sta cq num t t • f ) • t• e interior. a a tans c nes ion of lb . ern no. pals:pen 1 put) 'nal actj Papetorcl Disorder had been accumulating ever Dm m y z Is a n es Set . . i ' 'vel• tb I 1 bad 1 - I ' . u'' '11°' 71 tu'e 81 - . since tny . rn . ,, e iec never anent eel mum . been made: the dishes had not been , „,, neennen e ee ee,e' „ae,nt „ ee . I) d Th • . eh f the "- - '-'-'---- d''' nn"---- ''''' nil; NW'S e . . ere were enough 0 - - -Plant 1 an1at111 tenon Inellaaa 31. ad11-'14 linter to.lnet one person a week with- -ISS4" 3o0 P13100 1 lull3 2111113.13u003PoP ont being used more than once, and 1. - . II"' .t4no Pa•larni 01)ini-11 Annn;191 had eboat fleished the lot. I toned on .., - ' ' euTear 2alre t1.131010I0 ;1400 ..MIE[1' MP'S My intern the bell node. tbe• dishes .t1111Inte alit Panddris tens rater -inn mist wastrel 11-1° ee'lailg "le"sfin maned' seen app maim 3 p•nsatians seen 41 the Rendre-gout farm. The French artillery, inau.w.ne guns an ries, • ' d11that threw out the customary fire cui•tain and at no point were the enemY troops able to reach the Preneh lineis, - .Heavy bombardments occurred in the course of the day in the Verdun sector. The German artillery directed an especially heavy fire against the line Montsville-Bois Bourrus, on the •weittern bank of the Meuse, south of Chattancourt. The French guns were also active on the whole front, Particularly' in the Woevre. A Ger- or ' b would be committed Y se P ' 1 . quer into rovince o consumption. If the Province did forbi • the sale or consumption of both, then it would be unl import liquor into teat Pri into any part of that Provin. such sale or consumption wt den by law. Replying to a question, i ister said that the Federal ment would not attempt tt the law, but would- leave tb Provincial authorities. • ,)Fell particulars and tickets an apphe7 ation to. agents. Sabbath morning when , en a special sermon will be preached- by the . e pas- • tor. Rev. Dr. Fletcher., Service 11 b . chell. he groore's gitt to the r je, T was a near' .necktece and to the. - a ' ' run/ hanging spiek and span on the wee, ..tetnenm, nil „nee eta se !renege° __ _ ahem's.• napT SW13 trepan:en in paean sum 1 pm f - ' ,. man munition depot was blown up in the Moranville woods south-east of • Damlonp. TURKS SURRENDER) , . , . , . at • • * - - '. • - - • • 1 • 1.1 pianists, Mies Mabel and. et aster ar- laroeck 'and site- 1 It elf t I ill I f fairy e men . .. 0 le e tem o . a .e,q.n.„Ten enteneeme, „x4 .nnj story andrilmest exrceltel to gee a lit- Information that German troops Large Proportion of Officer e . . •CENTRAL , • eteknOtta / 1 4 .nallan inentilen. 'nen, 4 on can secure a : • n S. • • • Position . • • . . If you take a cona-se With us. The ; demand union us foir trained help, ? ' :is many. timee the nuMber grant. t Students are entering * -eating. S each week. :You may enter at on s time, Write at once far 9',..r ' ' ,- - i s , • elm 1haines Road Farmers! Club held! their regular meeting oMarch n 13th. Mr, Wm. Moodie toOk the sub- j ., • a ectl tot _ evemeg and gaye very 'male nd heiplui address onnsorder "Feeding Beef .Calf to Maturity." The club -ed to meeton March 27th. The extend.s an ievitation td anyone in L!d to become mem- bers. The ocincert given in the Presbye terian. church on Al_nday night was a decided success. the stormy wehths en no eoub- ono ratin,g ti. number from enjey , a treat :but the at' tender - .• ,..s good I. • s late when .., ' e ' to th the•ing •e : p ana`"111a "nt- -• • t.o.it, of the. • rain brit, 1. n . the enter - tainers. le., . a 1 1... .i Toronto seven se , 1, ,e, . eweet mune ry 0.tiehma a eignet net sing nespectleilly,. Following Use ceremony a dainty baucaeon was served, the table decorations being roses and melee Guests were pre- , suit from antehell, Exeter, nordwich Saskatoon and Listowel and included in the matt' presents were 'several gala coins.The bride's travelling suit was a black and white check tweed Norfolk, with large 'black satin hat to match. After a brief stay at the home of Mr. apd Mrs. 'Mehra, the beide apd groom will• leave for Exe _ tea to make their residence at "Sun- ... nybrooke F,arm." The many friends 0 i.he bride in Listowel will wish tor o ' e h happy and Mr. and Mrs. o ns a„_... and prosperous wedded. Idea-- lass towel Banner. On their arrival home on Saturday evening a number of ten- e,„,jT, p.m;0„,is .roaa noAa pee tte ola woman drop clown the chimney' '-' otn ann nee sun a.t.rd aawora pozi tem tat srt MR .ulinnt the ' 'MIL e t • , ,_ Sur inn 4 fIrr "OOS-7,4I7 "•"0"4"" "I' ratnn (J Several aye po tuning which esoupten peewee inn 1 /1:0 2up:101 3 W1'4 .1' ° • • nein t . e up about .ut)m 30n .211110-10 litttaltald It luada I me. where r" t asent.e. I returned -sseatime reeto tc• find ne • his. as before. Still an, _ rap' 0) ..., e T11.T.T0p.711 Si. 1 IlliitOON MOM . rot fnal„ inev. I wrote on a -awn on apom aris -mop: :Limp Pupa°TY piece of ennui:lel n message and r Mt fitalptiods sox: 1 mon pia! 111fIll.) attl Nunes; a ge, enee .• the wan tor my 1 , . vamp. 3,:n no? 1 sp11 ,to Jar) o.ntrAttoo ol. next n„,„. .., . anew ID '0,)/0.3,13. non ans unsaall a • • • i t -• • 111 , . Fair. . • "! !...tk you very much for yo StAl °T18 31413 linnannl aq 01 am Paaali . 3 ,.-. I only one thing. WM rc • . : me' If so, leave word nq aes ;um ams ellimba sett 1 pig when nt 1 • A -me and I will make it *a:it:astir Sui n3 panset pee aqs Terme known. anent floated mit roi am name aes I went • e . • etnet vey soon, and etre) mappnea pipit) net I •atu °pig wben I ro •'.• 'nen t h went I had -ail pn tits 0111) papopl oils ippisi rattans_ wen w 1 ... • tl in •• t rs a Slturn r ono 0r0 111'41030 .10C/locantr-' 1 en i •• • e In • n • - s' ' • - - ' parently in a. -glint et an eld person ,erpq Sus pansas 44•2 pre 1 aaljr: uoes were being brought north of Verdun front from the eastern part of the St. Mihiel salient caused the French guns to keep up a heavy bombard- ment Saturday night of the road be- tween Apremont and Vigneulles. 'ate afternoon communique told of hea French artillery fire on. Hill 265 and the Corbeaux wood, to the west of the Meuse, to which the Ger- . mans matte no response. After their repulse Saturday the German's apparently decided to take a breathing spell, as Sunday passed quietly without any infantry attacks. Even the bombardment by the artil- lery decreased in violence . The French bombarded German trenches in Cham.pagne and German depots north-east of St. MihieL Up to the Russians PETROGRAD, March 2' three weeks of suspended an main Russian forces beyon rum, which have been waitir developinent of operations Black Sea and in the Lake gion to make their positio against possible flank attacl Turks, have again resurot westward march. toward Sivg Although the Russian ad yielding a constantly growl ber of Turk prisoners, thei reason to suppose that th have begun to offer seriou once to their pursuer. .cc unofficial reports, the large of prisoners is accounted 1( Turkish discontent • 'catalogue of Commercial, gt earn hand or Telegraphy delete. mi.: ‘. , 7 se c' •• • • eanh the ,autnenee - d r ' i ..6.013. He wee very attlY the by Miss the groom's nearest relatives dered them a reception. After a Wad spent in the following: •2111Sni4) sum 1 enel alp laarlsns menu you,. single „.13.,,, ,,, , .,,,,,...i; nu • e it. s.topujeneci Sul 40n3 mi.rua4 ',311turois TElli SEIVESSI. with c prevailing in the Turkis which has resulted in a gra ja. At, McLachlan, Pelt. et „ organ ." r -.organ, the organist of the - ech. Miss Neincon. elocutionist of splendidteaROUTED the everdng mune and social chat. i Before going at e e -eh! 1 v.,r1,1e: -two amen 0.4 palatal -tamer 1 nevem] Some one te love- ,3. 11Ii.11 7S.1 100J u no du patltioad 511.11 an --a-- British Auto Squadron Performed Remaz•kable Exploit in Egypt. Position of the soldiers to s in this connection it is Intel ••••••••••••••oetonise arest Hill, was linable to tome ,oa accourib of illness, but ker -substitute delighted her an- • RUSSELDALE • The answer to thi. as , -nu eparipeids„ Ste -papuraeo sun 4no Love is not singular: : ••., *4-.;1.1. 'slip 1)3 analap 04 peptiaiard 1 •ptinoj LONDON, March 21. -An. official . statement issued by the War Office note that an exceptioeally 1 t g f ffic - h v b een a e o o els a e e • Some them IlliGNOR ROLL FOR 16tst Battahon , Maj. W. .7, Beanean. Lieut. Edgax Torramee Sidney Smith', Bey po. Fred Tucker, Exeter Miss Drumniond, dience witl. her selections, giving two numbers with music accompaniment ere vrbich were especially good. . Rapt of Seaforth. was the ;soloist for the evening and gave pleasing num- hers which. were much appreciated. The entertain•ers received great ap- emany plause and were encord responding each Min an d Mrs. Gleason Gilt Ispenti Sunday and Monday wi th friends in , Granton. nsor. of Detroit, 15 ,Capt. Thos. •Tta fr‘ nits ip tills at present visiting le 1 , vicinity. etr. lienry Balfour de livered a handsome well matched roan team to , aq peusa atm up inoinea ol einooleu I found en the ruil, “taillel of my • • . ' n nin0.1% I 'temp emmitill sun ;1 03111S cabin a skein of tine thread, tangled, °- -•• • • . P P i 1 a i ,.. .i D ,I I 00131 and pinned to it the words: uu • 0111 0 a 1 eta uo • o s 1 ,our on suit\ 0.10113 ttall am patu.10,1111 .CpIll Unravel this and you shall havey wish. . aspie atu, *alit:awl .1011 0.1013 .10114p01 This f • b ' if sum e.i.itii .103 •sespno.al e113 110 anctre airy tintless was not grat y - ing ray curiosity. 1 spent no time try. on sun 0.10114 0.1 OS annb sun- 1 ',eon e ing to unravel the thi•eatl, but spent ...ernes1 aes to Pm) ujapoo 044 up wee Saturday tells of the exploit of an armored automobile squadron under - the Duke of Westminster on the western frontier of Egypt. It ap- pears from the wording of the state- ment that the Duke is present in per- son on the Egyptian front. The armored -car squadron bearing his name was presented by him to the prisoner. of were oneer o theyunable 1 e t German control of the arm3 The capture of Mamahatt shows that the Russian fo within 60 miles of Erzinjal road to Sivas. Sivas will mark the first organized resi the Turkish armies. . John Kendall Gornish, Elimville. . Hector Heywood, Exeter. times, graciously time.vox) Mr., Vance, of Mitchell, on attendee. 'fuer- eem Jo apItioa 0 st 4 1 • . • wenn considerable thought in laying a plau s _, Am 04 am 0,43.4p 03 elio emos iisu 04 find was my fairy Government early in the war, and . . . . . - - A MYTHICAL BATT] Fred Hopkins, -Whalen Sylvanus Cann, Exeter • Wilbur Pfaff, 1 . 1 .1 - 1 ;.! Milton Pfaff . - a Harold Biseett ' : Fred Wells Lloyd Rivers . Arustin A. Riee ' Ernest Collingwood. Albert S. Bolton Wilfrid 0.• Steteart E. M. Williaros, Farquhar Grant Hooper - ' Thos. Herold Wilkinson, LureleY tCyzil Tuckey ' -••-• t . GREENWAY . Mr, Garent Sherritt has gone west fon: the summer, Master 'Carman Woodburn is re- covering from the grip. spent the week- Mise W. Swearer'mon end at her home in Thorndale. ReveL. Smith, of Teronto, spoke in theetiethodist church bet Sunday af- ternoon in the interesbs of Victoria College and the Educational society. by all. • Ptes, Walter Shipp and John; ling of the elith Battalion, ,Galt, spent the week end with friends here. Airs. Jos. aloes bus been called to the bedside of. her sister, Mrs. Rob- inson, of Wiiadson who is seriouslyi R 13- ill. At the time of writing Mrs. o • ' . . is very m itch improved. , • WilA.LnN trat ord Nor- Gordon Morley, of S f mal was home over Sunday.. Myrtle Squire epent the tveek to out who god' _ 1 eastward a uo aletnae mother. I did not doubt that It was °Awl 1111119 . In • . • ' some girl from one of the cottages- ir aarel noS 31 nun,. *plus 1 antral 1„ possibly several girls who were (terns 'ammo atel 1131s1 ing a lot of amusement In playing OTO 0.) euiraistintu epos suet aes pm; 'oJe.i Sur a neanco 1.. u fairy. Tbe only plan I could think of *.mq jo nowt= . P 1 II d ante 1 • •SisereteaSs Jo auo el Sun am32 was to go away early in the day and ' aeuasard Stu pr. seralasuaun Jo uoissaad hide near by. This I did. There wasThe uu atinaa ne o asua aul in a dense thicket a short distance from •na •1013 P . II .1 I . . notruatae 0 a um 1 •aain me til a puu my cabin, and one morning, having - - P breakfasted at 5 o'clock, taking a book, anwa -"non anus I Put; nau nulaae 110 Pa alias eils •aeg 001400 o.) ion pepueierd d t b d lunch 1 went ' pipe and o acco an a , • to tbe tbleket prepared to wait and 1 4ng 'Mu 0uau,') earnomPon' ener 0111 111 ,tauSsua distinguished itself at iveuve Cha- pelle. According to Saturday's statement the 'squadron was used. to dispose of the Senussi gun defences in the pur- suit of the tribesmen near aollum - ' n the EgY tian-Tripolitan frontier. o p gunners in the machines shot d own the gun crews of a gun and two machine guns which sought to gSunday's stay the pursuit, and the action fin- ally resulted in the capture of all the tribesmen's artillery. The British advance totalled 150 miles. Parmans Claim Victory on - Front to Cheer hp Peo LONDON, March 21. -In offset the news of the rept feats of the Germans at Vei Berlin °facial re ma' ort is P . ing victories on the Russia report contained nouncement: "Eastern *ar theatre: t d Russian'- • peeted attacks on t eNe: DbortishvisaitdyePLa , . . Fiat oddree was enjoyed !Ralph W. Baleen, Wi,nchelseai A week ago last Sunday the mem- eo. Edwand KellettEliravlebees of Grace church areIse t d Pte. ana.vid G. Appleton 1/Vill McPherson, And Pte. Fred Me, , nearnet Daus Creditenlure Phersop with wrist watches. Mayor Jameslit• AGOIrahan " 0 riton was present and spoke a few Bruce H. Matthews, Thames Ind. I a • • IC John. A I-ang, London lid. • . kindly , words. - • .. . W. 'W. Millson,, Exeter . ear. Lloyd Stewardson la t recently Lloyd England,. )Crediton . , •for his home in Saskatchewan alter Gordon 0. Culbert, Centralia ' visiting his parent for a few menthe. • Eas•1 Henry dieddern Credited Itin Geo. Sherritie who: has event leydd MisS ,. xi 0 el no allee no Iipeald enod with her sister, Mee Albertwatch. • , Sctt, of larq a r. About 11 o.cloct In e morning1Jpun esnoi aro 04 402 1 eoiupals • stens nu rate mint paitiastwe Spui pee, rd a child's voice cam Mies Nettie McNaughton has re- beard calling, "-' . . s . , e 1peeped tbrou h an o enine •• am) uo limn 1... In 04 am none turned home after taking a course goner g p . . 1 s s s , at nursing in 'Buffalo. and saw a girl about ten years old "1.1P11-11 MAI 1.° 31 a" 40E13 -11" -u"° • • 1 eans me, •poransul 1 „nu 'on„ Mr. enct Mrs. 'Wright visited on near tbe cabin beckoning to some one Friday lest with Me, and airs. Ale I could not see. • Presently I saw a ...asnoll arn 03 Pal-mua oq 380111 3102iu bert Scott at Farquhar. • , gin of perhaps twenty concealed from 'Altni 0113 Plus ..'diall ilua Ilim I. Herb Langford has lost tWo fiae the hut by e tree,. but' visible ,to Me, enuttu uatop tines put: dals Coen recently winch means quite a evidently fearful • of advancing. . Bnt )00 two ..enneene papcientri lime tins time a 'the. • out .pso,ii; 1 si eainguu 4uto tan - 3rps SmashPaper Office. VANCOUVER, B. C., March 21. - Japanese recruits in this city, who have been training for about two na nths al expectation of being util- ° 1, , . ized by the Canadian military author- ities, and have become dissatisfies, because they have not been supplied with uniforms, demolished the news- f The Canania News paper plant of - - 11 t owned by Rev. Goro Kaloura i Sat- • oonr sLoafk aarnedez with the greatest violence, enemy was everywhere with extraordinarily heav3 Before our positions on boa Lake Narocz we counted, 9,. , Russians. Our losses art mane, Neither the Saturday or Petrograd official report eon reference to these ' alleged Saturday's report does, how • aViillane , • • -g •33ext Rivers g ' • ;Sidney West , , • IF Vim CHILD IS CROSS , - , ,• Ernest Hervey FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED • Lea Taylor , • loee. year. the child into the cabin arid „appal] 'Peofne agnin, beekimed eagerly, and the young nom; telop 1 Spaaptit 13 ag ejet 'unary A number Of ' our young• 'spent a pleasant time at the home of women timidly left her biding place emu y.. anus 1 .eaums Orman teno . . . •Ohitttek, near -ran . Mrs. Archie in ton euiddes 100.12 aainu pauloaIS 1: Amen and went into the cabin.d Clarence - Malaita who hes' neen Now I did not propose to give away a. inu 'V 1 1 urday night, in revenge for an article in the paper in question deprecating - , th assaults by e Japanese as an out - .-• . come of their dissaustaenon. Police . - reserves were called out, and ten fer to the explosion ot a mix it Germans north of La e 1 an to the repulse of two c by the enemy. . „Ian Willis . Elmore 'Willis •. ,. John "W. Mallett e ' 'Look 'Mother! . If tongue is coated, "Cali- . vaccinated i1 -b a n•ua r . of the the ndvaotaee I held by colln.ing my 110.1(7 peg 1 31 Payne eqes, acme :enema other the. 15th .3a. ellenboys of 3 a tt ' . e 04 tagous ai puu oet! ags d inin patiamwl , fairy goatuother. I waited till she haau is home 'this week' duty. Japanese were arrested, after a stren- u, figlat. , Convicted of Mannaugl MONTREAL, March 21.- 'Wetter Harness • cleanse little bowels with Alfred Gahriel ' forrila rup of Figs." 1Wil1iem Nunn Pertain,: off , e... t 1 le e.' 'l. then stole ,c• I no sly Mra. Geo. Jones ireturnen to her after her. my. object Leine to locate home at Kenton, Man., last week af- au ler corn. • 11 I f 1 . d I eqe -enure auos am 40peon atis 41 . I pue 'MUD e'PIM 'P 0 3 .;• ;tea a. • ei q 13 eui I', 0 pa • 1 ' ina a S again a To Stay in America. To NEW YORK, March al. -Francis Lauzon, drieer of an anira Which struck and fatally terve Oudmore ' tRobt. Hy. Fenimore Mothers cati rest easY after giving 111. Earle entithcott '' nnalifornia Syrup ref Fige," becanse IA CLarles Camerota ' a fear hours all the dogged -up waete, Garnet Fern soar WO and fern:ler-03g. 'toed g0ntfr Williams Sims ' nieves out of thetowels, and you. have rl b el oleo 1)110We Ter ter spending the winter with: relatives - ' d • b • it panioo for two iniles an saNV el g here. Her mother Mrs. r Phillipage tanoks still tontintiee ill, with ns tilt° a cottage sitheted on a bluff even . Then I rettirped te sign d of improving. looking the ocean , ' t see Inlet was he; Quite a number from around here inn bribnatm" o ‘ " ,attended the auction sale or Aix. same last message. na • * prim atis in aniSuel sun mew 73 8 , 1 et st set AOT III .10 OPTI: MI 0 M Se 1 . 3 xi p . p ti mg enip eiu, .aaniontpaa nnu3 Stu e • , tan am env:ant oe th. aungeed gen 3 P 11 . el. -113 • , 1 linen 0403011 ;stn.' •attnnaen la011 eqn. • N '1 ' tither playwright, end Lib - el S011, a , m i o ear la- I be • f the British P I* era me t f • the Hyde division of .Che - Men 01 •,, shhe long promineat as a land re - ' ' . former, who came here xecently, an- dyesterdaythat h nit d nouitee e 1 elide Edwin J. Elliott, tWentYsone ou the night et Dee< ' was convicted iii the Court r Bench Saturday of mans d will be sentenced b tai a..n ' y • Lanergtie next Thursday, ... • Atva. E. Itrakenefilre ". .st Well; planfill child agato. e• t be to Drone on 'Friday Whist week. Need- ' 1 had left the tangled skein on the • • , . „ nno, mean naltaaeli ,, .04kotti to maae his home in America. War Police" Appecteei coaxed William netfrey BiCk children needn' . , . , , lake this harmless: "fruit laxative." _...e....- it handy be- less to nay prieee 'Went a wa Y., Mit of table and near It a Sbeet Of writing pa, nebt. orilty the 31:,enithy farmer ran per on which I had. sprinkled drops of ''6 ' iso Vectp' tlannt rox.0 nO peel Isretl4in 4no Imo 0) 313041, 03 40s x n ' • ' ' , . )3i•itish Lose Three Mine Craters. ROME, March 21. ---The f + + 0 Millions of mothers keep ' r.a" age they know Its action ort the If you really ?believe in Safety Fitst -- -- - ' - . er and' nowele Is „prompt box Taktike , gnomon. lin iJ . k t I th ' d, ea ee at - "Tv " - d b I 11" 181 " end ans. water a...e. ern en -ears du e oWt, A ' Fairy ,,odroother-x ern wearing Mysbit Outliving to unravel the skein. (Ave Mit • ' netsereen neentato/ em tiod,:otis 01 .1ap ' 406 .tiod (Vt.:imp/2n -atrial emits toll * ToT ,p97 LONDON Vaunt 21-B rye • ,, .- . e a re- ports the recapture of Sotne groand ' train •tife British north-east ot Vert D pare 1 D. e i s, a. -he connes o stormy sension Saturdan tiin " to eat/port tlao GoVernnaent Vet a of pills for your , Itheurnatiem, neuralgia, or • Weeping's- and 'sure' 50-e t b 't Arran far . they tire ,alieloluteln ,haritt- I Ask rem drugglet for an n.ti _ jean roof- tent's a box at your drugs tie of "California SY-114101 rgs,.,_Nyiptio, :gists ot by mail front the Gan -elan ecentains directions for bablea entlaren - - • ' something easier. . Children Cry. A reply to this had been written AO FOR cl. C ' ' the "tear', bespattered paper: . ET HER S - - --- sen 4..1.4 kintifts. thmn \ . . . , au 70100$' 3011 purl x . .11 y lusttload ercituesni tio 0P19111 ' ' 2, , . 3 , ,,,,4, Mrs t1 noua zWallri I At& try 4 tree 2.,,v,rts r om !loop jo.tlentraltli Ott pee males, In the region of La Bassee, , .. . . • ' CI l ' chants the ea ture b the Lon al a . P 7 , Germans of three mine crater% at the Aoheitteliern redoubt: 'solution in winch appreval ,T et tttent 6 3. he "Qv el n policyni t unresereedly expressed was tar a vote of 394 to 61. Mtg. Co Collingwood, Oita. i A• u have your wiah. TION t Ship Cs, es a Kill Vence to enee for bited by e-e-nOcat rce the au. 0, J. , intro - of CoM- ertitiod al Legis - eine' thi 4141.10M," g of the eh Prey- ethie ite restrict f intexl- tier as deci for upon the ality in operate. or each uor pro- nation- regula- Y the in - e of that ere free Provinces file and • 'legal, alled for bill he the im- uors into h in that orbidden pper, the Id all be inal pro - y, would o its pas - plication. the sale o °Renee nding sale or d either liquor or awful to vine() or e, where s forbid - he Min- Govern. - enforce at to the NG. Giving .-Aftier ivity thet d Desna . g forttlie• on the Van re - secure s by the d their s. vance is g num- -e is none --- o Turks resist- rding to number ✓ by the nditions h army, ing dis- rrender. esting to igh per - en taken say that tolerate n bridge rces are , on the probably stance of Eastern le. order to rated de - dun, the ufactur- front. this an - The ex - he front airy and e began but the repulsed, tosses. sides of 70 dead re very Stinday ains any attacks. ever, re - ie by the risviaty, ffensives ter. omobile, injured. Years of mber 5, f King's aughter, . JUStiee 1. Chamber 11 Of a t, Voted A re* of the War Watt adopted