HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-09-16, Page 29PAGE 6B--GODERICH SIGNAL: STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1987
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Community News
Support night
held for
family in
A ' tremendously' successful Support
Night was held for the Stapleton family on
Friday evening Sept. 11 at the I,ucknow
Community Centre. Neil Stapleton wa,
severely injured in a farm accident last
February and since that time has made
tremendous strides on the road to
recovery.The newly formed Father Mc-
Cormick Council of The Knights of Colum-
bus, under the leadership of Grand Knight
Don Frayne, conceived the idea of holding
a Support Night for Neil,and the Stapleton
family. An overflow crowd of family.
friends and neighbours turned out to
demonstrate their support and showed, in
the process, the high esteem in which the
Stapleton family is held.Betty Lou Dalton
and the Country Roundup very capably
provided the music far the evening, while a
lunch, supplied by all the ladies present,
was enjoyed by all. Before the evening
ended Neil, his wife Nancy and their five
daughters, Heather, Christine, Mary
Katherine, Maureen and Patricia were
called to the stage and presented with
donations from the evening which totalled
well over $11,000. Neil thanked everyone
for their generosity and support from the
time of the accident up to the present on
behalf of himself and his wife and
daughters. Afterwards the Stapleton girls
entertained with several songs and Ray
Dalton sang a song he -dedicated to Neil.
Grand Knight Don Frayne thanked
everyone for their generosity and presence
there that evening.
Classes for the new school year got
under way very,successfully on Tues. Sept.
8 with new principal Sandy McQuillan at
the helm. The school staff members are as
follows: Mrs. Jackie .Simpson -
Kindergarten; Mrs. Barb Eedy - Grade
1/2; .Mrs. Jo -an Bullen - Grade 3/4 along
with Mr. Sandy McQuillan; Miss Tracey
Devlin - Grade 5/6; Mr. Phil Antonio
Grade 7/8; Mrs. Cathy Drennan - Special
Education, Teacher Librarian, Mrs.
_ Marianne Mogan_:- .Musie;_Mrs, Teresa_
Hickey - Secretary; Mrs. Jean Van Rooy -
Custodian; Father Ed. Dentinger - Pastor.
A school mass was celebrated 'on- Friday,
Sept. 11 for all students, parents and
Juice is once again being sold at lunch
time to help raise money for school trips,
Several new families were welcomed to
the school for this new school year. They
are Brian Lahey, Nicholas Knoop, Bridget
Hogan, Jason Boel and Jesse Collins who
are in Kindergarten and Katrina Collins',
Jesse's big sister, in Grade 4.
• Many parents are interested in continu-
ing the Play School and for this reason an
organizational meeting will be held at St.
Joseph's Community School on Thurs.
Sept 17 at 7:30 p.m. The Play School is for
ore -school age children.
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The Knights ut Columbus. Father Nagle Council 5420, Goderich, recently donated $1,117 in
profits from the group's annual Lobster and Steakfest to the Goderich and District Pro Life
movement. Here, Knights of Coluinbus Financial Secretary Al Erb presents a cheque to
Pro -Life Teasurer ;Martin Kuipers. I photo by Patrick Raftis1
Pro-life activities discussed
at St. Joseph's
On Monday Aug. 31 St. Josephs C.W.L.
held their regular monthly meeting in the
Parish Hall at 8 p.m. The meeting was
chaired by President Denise Dalton who
opened the meeting with the League
Prayer. Minutes of -the last meeting were
read by Secretary Diane Lalonde and '
•'Treasurer Elsie. Dykstra_.gave the finan-
cial report.
Clarice Dalton gave a report on recent
Pro -Life activities and on the Family
Coalition Party which has candidates run-
ning in the current Provincial election
race. She mention• s well the apprecia-
tion of staff a residents of Maitland
Manor in Goderich for the time the ladies
of the parish take each month to devote to
the residents. Clarice also mentioned that
at the end of September the staff would
like four cars to take the folks on a tour to
view the fall colours.
A `membership report was given by
Pauline Nicholson while Teresa Courtney
reported ,for the Community Life Con-
venorship. Teresa also reported on visits
to sick and shut-ins and displayed a pic-
torial summary of the summer's
A report on ,cards. baby gifts and wed-
ding gifts sent out was given by Betty
Frayne. Dolores Van Osch reported on the
fall session of the 4-14 club and the'need for
leaders and members, while Betty Lou
Dalton gave a report on the Girl Guides.
A thank you was extended to the C.W.L.
by Teresa Courtney on behalf of the Wm.
O'Neill' Committee for the donation .of 'a
Memorial .wreath. , .
C.W.L. members were reminded of the
upcoming Support Night for Neil Stapleton
to be held at the Lucknow Community Cen-
tre on Friday, Sept. llth. Ladies were
asked, to please bring lunch. •
Several ladies volunteered to look after a
lunch booth at the Gilmore Machinery Sale
on Sept. 21st.
Betty Lou Dalton suggested members
should visit the Country Road I.odge on 'a
regular basis as well as Maitland Manor.
CWL meeting
Louise Martin
Suggestions tor guest speakers for the up-
coming months were made as well. A sug-
gestion was made that we :should become
more aware of the needs and respond to
those of the residents of Huron County'.
Denise gave a report on the C.W.L. Na-
tional Convention which was held in Lon-
don and attended by herself and Tina Van
In his remarks, Father Ed gave a report
on the pilgrimage to St. Marys and invited
members of the League to imitate The
Blessed Virgin Mary as a role model. For
the current Marian year Father encourag-
ed Rosa%y devotion in'the home and men-
tioned that every First Friday there is a
Marian Holy Hour which precedes the
Mass. As well the Rosary during October
will be for the Holy Year.
The meeting adjourned with the Prayer
to Our Lady of Good Counsel. The next
meeting will be Oct. 5th.
Ready or not, teachers and students
have now resumed another year's school
Another successful year of baseball
came to an end at the end of August for
boys and girls aged seven. to „12. The
Kingsbridge team coached by Mike and
Joan Courtney and Eileen Wilson played
teams from Brookside and Lucknow on
Tuesday evenings in Kingsbridge. If there
was no game a practice was held instead.
The,season began at the end of .lune and
every Tuesday evening. Between nine and
17 boys and girls participated. A thank you
is gratefully extended tb the coaches for
their time and effort and all are loukins
forward to next year's season.
A Special Thank You to everyone
in Huron who worked so hard on
my election campaign. Your
generous support is gi 'atly
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