HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-23, Page 44 • Jrwati Now in Good Balt 'T' Vegetable of�ydra E. Pinkham's � Compound. Sayy it is Household Necessity. Doctor Called It a Miracle. All women ought to know the wonderful effects of taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on those who seem hopelessly ill, Here are three actual cases: Harrisburg, Penn.—t` When I was single I suf- fered a great deal from female weakness' because my work compelled me to stand all day. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ior that and was made stronger by its use, After I was married I took the Compound again for a female trouble and after three months I passed what the doctor called a growth. He said it was a muscle that it carne away as one generally goes under the ]wife to have than removed. I never want to ae iv thout your C.,e pound in the house."—Mrs. 'I 'oBL. 10:1. F niton St., Harrisburg, Penn. Hardly .bible to Move. ATh - Lea, MP' ° i e' :tee*t . year I had sharp pains across filly back and hip, , was le to move around the house. My heat would ::...,, and I dizzy and had no appetite. After taking Lydia E. P'•-1 hant's Veb;.table Compound and Liver Piles, I am feeling stronger than for Ti yrs. I have a little boy eight months old and am doing my 1N iirk.atl: atone. I would not be without your rexnedies in the house as there are none like them."—Mrs. F. E. YosT, 611 Water St., 1lbert Lea, Minn Three Doctors Gave Her Up.elle ,t Pittsburg, Peun.—" Your medicine has helped k ale wonderfully. y. When I was a girl 18 years old I was always sickly and delicate and suffered from irregularities. Three doctors gave me up and said I would go into consumption. I took- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and with the third bottle began to feel better goon became regular and I got strong and she ::y after I was married.. Now I have two nice stout healthy children and am aisle to work hard every day," - Mrs. CLEMENTTINA De.t emneo, 34 Gardner St.,Troy1Ii11,Pittsburg,Pe.::^. r All women are invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham iledi cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special advice,—it will be Confidential. .- ;x �f ra 1 tri __ F'' . r 0 PSRirt.e. e 45, * ;' el ee VP. CAJ `. •' f riz ifill PERT iARAGRAP lv. le 'Urea' e truth c;t•a::,ht eith tk eels est li, t hie ;it. nee in de - e t•r tth•iri rU tr1 .t.t:t•i•rg ▪ thing that wee ees t' 1 :.. There is l.leel t• ••f time tT do mese: es lege whets eem v rigle rill .11. eget .t ns Anybcxie hats .get enough it •ivantit s se() not eire,lert li thea ho • st. Yqc�� • f ti7"�ry Ha in bor..,b e• zeas but :it titnefi it is tt+ +it. The people a: r veep prax•t+t•d t• from its t'omfrtt•,.; .. the hies shot rt Knowing bin Ireat "ss the gr••. -hoe- the .very tit. Prosperity tsta tIrin, bur it :W weekly an tee, to it t bat tar w1tbo1it It 10 CENT "CA';.,y it �,• TaR' 33I:tL 1 Eve Sick Mee 7 Sluggish Live work *4 Furred Tt'ngo ., axon, Sailor Sic,,:' etches eon'1e f r, *logged bower :toniach to h£ c ' !geeted food, *tele lAike,ga bags it ; IMO first step Bestion, foul gr s tkin, mental lc errible and n:,11 Ito -night 'veli' t 1 dowels r a:tlitoro.t.;.; Atraigb:ton yott out t Werk while you slee --e t-: lfe'om your drtiggist Will 1st;;ct p y;, Aug good for moutils 17. ROUMANIA TO . GOME . IN.. No Further Doubt Remains Regard- . leg ,ler Intentions. L02-11" ON, March 21. ---All doubt as to Roumania's course seems at an encl. 'ln the authority of persons high in allied councils, whose names fur eevious reasons cannot be di- vulged, I am able to predict—so far as it is possible to anticipate events —that Roumania will join the Allies, probably in May. Aridtional assurance ,to this effect f.• re gin me Saturday by a French official who has jest returned from a mission in the Balkans. He was as confident that Roumania would east hc'•r lot with the Allies as that the C,rmees would be defeated at Ver -- d an, • Roumania is astir^ with prepare- tions for war. Her factories and ar- s/ !ses ere running night and day to eresate tee implements and supplies 'ormerly furnished by the Krupps and the Skodas. Rtiht ads from. Bucharest to Pre - del, on elle Hungarian border, have _raffle. For s.en aeys, say the Havas correspon- dent at Bucharest, nothing but mill tary trains have been allowed to move toward the frontier. Trenches have been prepared and everything made ready for defence. Machinery for shellmakistg and war supplies of all kin being ds is be ng rushed from England through Rus- sel, unimpeded by the countless rT .ticks at frontiers. Verdun has been a. boomerang for tte Germans in the Balkans. The sh u;dertaking was launched prin- c: *<i13 for its effect on Roumania t ;1 t > ace. rt en the failing Turks. It THE EXETER 'TIMES: TIItr13;S1/AY, MAP 11 23rd, 1#1G". NEWS TOPICS OF WEE iMporiant Everits Which Have Occurred During the Week, The Rust! World'e .Happenings. Care- fully Conip;led and Put Into. Bandy and jAttractive Shapefpr the 1ie.iders of On Paper ---A Solid Hour's . Elyjoytdenti WEDNESDAY. Two more batteries are authorized in the first military district. • Winnipeg Presbytery voted sixteen to one b favor of Church union.. France's daily war expenditure was shown to be 87,000,000 francs, Colonel Alban .Atkins, C.M,G., was .appointed director of British supplies and transport, The conditions of the competition to supply a new name for Berlin, Out., are announced. Sir Edward Grey announced that Portugal would not compensate Ger- many for the requisitioned ships. David Mason, farmer, of Sullivan's Corners, was stricken in his sleigh and died in a police station le To- ronto. Sir Robert Borden moved for a committee to reconsider the whole question of pensions for Canada's Idi so ers. The police of Cork, Ireland, on Mondaynightraided the residences of the principal officials of the Sinn Feb party and seized arms and docu- ments. They Made no arrests. The Renfrew iliachinery Com- pany's shell factory was destroyed by fire said to have originated in the ac- cidental spilling of a pot of molten lead. The loss is placed at $100,000. Three new County Court Judges have been appointed—Lieut.-Colonel John S. Campbell, I.C., for Lincoln, G. H. Hopkins, K.C., for Haldimand,. and D. Swayze for Victoria-Halibur- ton. The only constituency in Manitoba ,going "wet" was St. Boniface, North Winnipeg having been found to have had a "dry" majority of 52. The total vote stands: dry, 50,101; wet, 25,506. Saskatchewan Legislature was pro- rogued, after the new Bradshaw 'ebarges were ruled out of order, and those relating to liquor prosecutions ,and licenses were referred to one of the Royal Commissions. , 'TkLuRSDAY.. - It was reported that Austria-Hun- gary had declared war on Portugal. The Nova Scotia Legislature pass- ed a Provincial prohibition bill by a vote of, 2S to, 3, Admiral Lacaze has been. appoint- ed Minister of War ad interim while General Gailieni is ill- - Major Hamilton Gaxrlt's applica- tion for divorce was unanimously re- fused. by the Senate .Con;naittee_ The British Governmentwill ar- range to pay Canadian aviators an amount equalto British airmen o nt t The troopships Missanabfe and Scandinavian, with 202 officers, 47 nurses, :and 2,871 men, have arrived safely in England: The Dominion Railway Commis- sion has ordered the Grand Trunk Railway to interchange traffic with the Canadian, Northern at North Bay, Newcastle business , men, farmers, and fruit -growers have 'decided. establish a clearing house to help to insure the keeping up of production. Reports from Budapest state that distress is becoming painfully -evident in many Hungarian towns. Arad, containing 75,000 inhabitants, was forty-two days without bread or flour. The Orange Grand Preceptory, in session at Brockville, pledged sup- port to the Dominion and Provincial Governments in temperance reform measures to conserve man -power dur- ing the war. The Wolf Bureau, the , German semi-official news agency, announces that Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz, Ger- man Minister of the Navy, has retir- ed, and that admiral von Capelle, di- rector of the Administration Depart- ment of the Admiralty, has been ap- pointed his successor. FRIDAY. All grades of sugar advanced 15 cents per cwt. in Ontario yesterday. J. P. Morgan & Co. and associates loan for Can- ada. Boa a$75,000,000 y t alae. The French ship Patric narrowly escaped being torpedoed off the Al- gerian coast. Premier Asquith and Lord Derby were criticized by the married men. in Britain over recruiting. 1 : tLe opposite result. It has Rev. F. E. Powell, rector of 'St. 41 t t' toumania that the Teuton ' Barnabas' Church, Toronto, gave a pint of blood to save the life of a wo- man in his congregation. Germany has refused to send troops to Mesopotamia and Armenia to reinforce the Turks, according to .==an armies, re -equipped a message transmitted by the Rome ? tto :ed, are awaiting"the wireless yesterday. --. °Inr,ug, In the Balkans' Petitions have been received, by ve gathered through the the Federal Government asking. the Croons at Salonica for disallowance of the Ontario legisla- t of Serbia and the in-. tion establishing the Ottawa Separate School Commission. The. trial of Sir Redmond' Roblin and two of his former colleagues on charges of conspiracy to deffaud the Province of Manitoba will not come up at the present Assizes, An agreement has been reached for the Toronto, Niagara & Western Railway to enter Toronto over the C. N R. North Toronto right >f way, using only steam asmotive power,' Job 1'. Brown., the missing head of the Highways 'Department • of the Saskatchewan Government, has been arrested by Chief Mahoney, Chief of the Provinnraal 'Police, at San An- tonio, Texts s. Artf'1' tried "Made in Oe-- manv" t .. 'otind in the kit bagt4, a cc rtTr.r VI zt'; rr. 300 rif'which ,was t'e- ccrvod •1 r s. •lek ft•om tbe Militia De- taareet.,«., t ' tbe 206th (rrenCh-Cl1-. naclmri:ne • eliou. reiT UR DAY. e : =.reached its crest and split on " i t L of Fre ,eh resistance.. eria's entry, it is believed, timed with the grand allied err all fronts. On the east ;aria and. Thrace. They ommand of •General reser French commen- t', .ne of the few com- e es gone through the, : t'r •i of never hav-- i r.,. -`ir Sam Of Mili- .sterday ,a of the i Ottawa h. for a after a training x Flat& wiffi the Girt,°. titer For havin> ", Met, the famous Fronch dead x Fontana Negro,.. Peak of atter otto add x half melee above the sea, hasbeen captured by the Italians in a brilliant attach, - Klug George accempauied Queen Mary yesterday to the headquarters of the Irlsh-4'uards, where the Queen pwriethenseprigocfh sholfamcerrockand soldier There are igain persistent reports that Turkey is preparing to abandon the e;eutral t t;v'ers arid: sue for peace, according to au Athens despatch to the Exehangia.Telegraph Co. 'rhe• Sw edisb ste.attier Ask bas been 'dSim a ed near the NoordhindeV Ligltship,off which the. `I'urbantia was sunk, and has been ,towed into port by the Norwegian steamer Lies; beth. Dr. Von Bethtuann-1Iollweg, the imperial chancellor, May follow Ad- miral Von ,Tirpitx into retirement, according to a despatch from Gen- eva to. The Daily Express, quoting Berlin reports. A. W. West, G. T. R. brakesman who was picked up unconscious near the railway tracks in Toronto Thurs- day night, died in Grace Hospital without regaining consciousness. West lived near Belleville. A, far-reaching order-in-Caunell which will. totally prohibit importa- tioninto the United Kingdom of a large number of articles which come under the general heading of luxuries will be issued by tbe British Govern- ment at an early date. MONDAY. Cardinal, Gotti, Prefect of Propag- anda, died in Rome, The Prince of Wales has gone to Egypt to join the troops. there. All the troops in Ontario may train at one big camp during the coming Summer. - The Dutch steamer Patembang was sunk by a torpedo, but all the crew were saved. The military parade in Hamilton on Saturday was participated in by more than 8,000 soldiers. Baron Porenz,, arrested- in Porcu- pine last May, has been released from the Fort Henry internment camp. J. P. Morgan, who arrived in New York from London, said Britain was not suffering' from any lack of money. Corporal' Pascal Rousseau, 69th Battalion, Montreal, was fatally stab- bed in the: neck by a stranger, said to be a Pole. . Turkish ;troops were repulsed in an attack on a British outpost at Imad, near Aden, ,on Thursday, it was offi- cially announced yesterday. The Agencia NazionaIe states that organization of an Italian- Aviation Ministry` with Guglielmo Marconi . at its head is ablaut to be effected. The 224th;•(Foresters') Battalion, armed; with • broadaxes instead of rifles, waperevi,ewed at the Ottawa Drill ' Hall • Saturday by the Duke of Connanglat. qa ; Despataealetoea Athens state that Greece' is -ag• h' in financial straits, and, that if , Britain or France -does - not. give more financial aid soon the Cabinet may be compelled to resign. • TUESDAY. General Leckie is progressing fav- Touquet,is not orabl at Le ou net but Y 4 , ex- pected to be removed to England for some weeks_ Six biplanes of the first United States aero squadron, under COM - mend of - Captain B. D. Foulois, ar- rived to -day to scout in the moun- tains for Villa. Recco Manzano, an -Italian living at 1065 York street, London, Ont., is in Victoria Hospital in a critical con- dition with four bullet wounds in his chest as the result of a row. A German aviator has dropped sev- eral smoke bombe near a French -bat- tery, it is reported' from the front. This is the• first time since -the war began that, such . bombs have been used. The new regulations in regard 'to distribution of butter and potatoes went into effect to -day, and the peo- ple of Berlin are now able to pur- chase these supplies.: only on presen- tation of cards. "Immediate peace is in sight," is one sentence in a cablegram received to -day from London by - a. Galveston shipping . firm, canceling arrange- ments made' for chartering a consid- erable amount of tonnage. German and `. Austrian subma- rines in the Mediterranean respected the Mauretania and`permited her to pass untouched when she was being used• as- a hospital ship, carrying wounded British soldiers from the I D:trdanel es:. Lady Paget,accompanied by 54 English doctors and nurses, who re- mained in the Uskub (Serbia) hospi- tal when Bulgarian troops entered the town, arrived- in Bucharest from Sofia, and was received in audience by Queen Marie. yesterday. Auction Sale, CHOICE DAIRY COWS, 1•IORSES AND YOUNG STOCK' There will be sold by public alto •- aaction at the stable of L, Day & Son Exeter, on TUESDAY, MARCH 28th 1916, at 1 o.'clock sharp, - the follow- ing property ;--- Horses-1 Percherom filly, rising -3, Voltaire, broken to harness; Percher - on .filly, rising 2 years, by Volatire. Cattle—IN'ewly calved cow; cow clue May eche cow due Aug, 20th; 2 cows due time of sale; cow due May. 9th; cow' due. Sept. 27t11; cow due may 2; cow due June 4th; farrow• cow; cow .supposed to be in calf; 2 2 -year old heifers ssupposed to ble in calf; 2 1 - year old heifers; 4 :ltieifer calves, ris- ing 1 -year old; number young calves. The above cows are - all young, fest- class dairy cows, having - been selected by the owners for some time past, weeding .out the undesirables; and are very heavy milkers. The above stock w 11 ;positively be sold as the proprie- tors are riving up the, Dairy business. Terms -6. mouths' credit on approv- ed joint notes. 4 per clvnt• straight allowed for cash.: Calves cash. L 'DAY & SON - B. S. PHILLIPS, Proprietor Auctioneer •C, H. SANDERS, Clerk. • nummisasoussor BATTLE FOUGHT IN AIR. Married Recruits for Defence Corps. LONDON, March 21.—Field Mar- shal Earl Kitchener, Secretary of State for War, issued an army order yesterday announcing that the 'King' had authorized the formation of a corps entitled the ,Royal Defence Corps, with, pay the, same as that of regular infantry. The order does not explain its objects, but it is believed to he connected with the efforts to solve the problem of recruiting mar- ried men. . The Central News says it under stands that the War Offiee had dead - ed to call vfi - all the • remaining groups of attested men without de- lay, and that ,it .is probable they will be 'notified for 'service with the colors: before the end of March or early, in April. The Government is reported virt- ually to have solved the question of providing for the liabilities of en rolled men, such as rent and insur- ance. Canadian Girl Decorated. LONDON, Mareli 21.. ---At an inves- titure Saturday the King decorated with the Royal Red Cross Miss Vr visit Tremeine of . Montreal, acting inntron of the Daughters Of the Ern tare Canadian Hospital for officers a e is the nurse who was obtained quite fortuitously to attend upon Abe King When his `Majesty met With his recent accident in France. She tra- veled to England `.in charge Di the iit°yet petiezit. Great Aerial Conflict Occurs Near Muelhausen. •LONDON, March 21.—A raid by a French aeroplane squadron compris- ing 23 machineson upper Alsace Saturday night resulted in one of the greatest aerial battle fought in the war. The number of German ma- chines taking part in the engagement is not announced, but the two squadrons appear to have been fairly evenly matched. Four French aero- planes were driven to earth, and three German machines. Two of the German machines fell in flames. The raid which precipitated the battle was directed against Muelhausen and Habsheim, on the edge of the Hart - weld, just to the east of Muelhausen. Altogether 72 shells were dropped on the Muelhausen freight station and the aviation camp at Habsheim. The German squadron, which rose to drive off the invading French, gave battle at once. One of the most dramatic incidents of the engage- ment was a duel between a French and a German machine, which re- sulted in each of the two machines being so- riddled by the bullets of the other's machine gun that both were compelled to descend. Three other French aeroplanes were so seriously damaged that they were forced to land in enemy territory. The off.cial announcement of the aerial battle gLve,e out ,yesterday in Berlin says thatthe occupants of all four of the French machines which descended are dead. The German statement 'says that seven -inhabitants were killed and - thirteen injured at Muelhausen by bombs dropped by the h^ French machines, and that one sol- dier 1 Habsheim. was killed at Habs elm. Another raid of small proportions was made by the French about the same time on Metz, Chateau -Satins,. to the south-east of Metz, and Dieuze, just east of Chateau-Salins. The tar- gets in this raid, in which five double -motored aeroplanes took part, were the balloon station at Metz, the ammunition depots near. Chateau- Salins and the aerodrome at Dieuze. Twenty large shells were dropped on the station at Metz, and ten more were divided between the other two objectives. FRENCH DESTROYER LOST. The Renaudin is Sunk in Adriatic by a Submarine. PARIS, March 21, The French torpedo boat destroyer Renaudin has been sunk - in the Adriatic by a sub- marine. Three officers and 44 of the crew were lost. Two officers and 34 of the crew were saved. The Ministry of Marine made the following official announcement last night regarding the loss of the de- stroyer: "The squadron torpedo boat Renaudin was sunk in the Adriatic by an enemy submarine on the morn- ing of March 18. Three officers, among whom were the commandant and second officer, - and 44 seamen were lost. Two officers and 34 sea- men were rescued by a French tor - Delo boat which accompanied the Renaudin." - - PJnilltillillitillllllllilllillllllltlinlfllthhfll11tihlIlintutitulnni;IiuiltnnlininmnL 1 Here is the Answer, m WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL CONAL _ EI�1 T = THE MERRIAM WEBSTER e E. Every day in your talk and reading. at ▪ home, on the street car, in the office, shop - and school you likely question the mean ▪ ingg of some new word. A friend asks: FA What makes mortar harden?" You seek E. Li the location of Loch Katrine or the pronunE. - _ ciation of jujutsu. Whitt is white coal? • El This New Creation answers all kinds of E. questions in Language,tlistory,Siography Fiction, Foreign Words, Trades, Arts and • Sciences, with final authority. ▪ 400.000 Words. , 6000 illustrations. el Cost $400,000, 'A11;14 2100 es. � � g= ▪ The only ▪ the nets dividedpagc,•-char- - actcrized as "A Stroke of • Genius." • India Paper Edition: - On titin, opaque, 'strong, _ India paper. What a stitis- _- faction to own the Merriam Webster In forrn so light • and se convenient to met _• One half the thickness and • weight of Regular Edition. Regeilar Edition :• On Strong book paper.:Wt. ▪ ieiellas. Site l2;aij•x M,x • Linc nes. • trite for epeolteinpsgs,, iliq.trMIon., 60x: g It.ntlon hila pabileceIve 7 lied tees.* = limas** n Of packet wisps. G.& C. ▪ MERRIAM CO", Isriegaeld,MISS. M41461i14144101W MUM INCORPORATED 1855 .r.aorroaee.e• erne E MOLSONS.A1C CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 '' °Iiraiiinhes in Canada A General Banking Bitsines Transacted :IRCULAR;M,BTTERS OF CREDIT BANK,'MONEY ORDERS: SAVINGS BANK' DEPARTMENT Interest stowed at highest current rate W. D. CLARKE, Manager. Exeter Branch THE CA11TADIAN BANK F COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.Y.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President - !OH:Y AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Asst General Manasee.• CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 tL SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT'`' 11 Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits' of $1 age' upwards. ` Careful attention is given to every account. Small account' are welcomed, Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withi- irawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. : Exeter Branch— A. E.. Kuhn, Manager. EREDl'SON BRANCH A. E. KUHN, Manager. ' EXTENSIVE Auction Sale OF CHOICE YOUNG HORSES Tkos. Cameron - hes received in- structions to sell by public auction on Lot 7, Icon. 12, Hibbert, on FRI- DAY. MARCH 31st, at. one o'clock sharp the following s 1 brocd mare, 4 Sears old, ; with foal., agric.; 1. brood mare 8 years old. svith! foal, agric,; 1 mare 6 years yid; draught; 2 geldings 6 years old, draught; 2 mares 5 years, ` agric.; 2 geldings . 5 years agric; 2 geldings 4 years, draught; 2 mares 4 years agric.; 3 fillies 3 yearn, agric„ 4 geldings 3 years., agric.; 1 pr. tna.tch- ed general purpose mare and gelding; 2 good farmers drivers, 5 years and 7 years old; 1 pr. drivers, marc and, gelding 3 years old. The•abova mentioed horses are a. fine "selection of clean boned, well fitted horses. i'ar ers vaniwg hor- ses will do well td attend tilts Bale as the proprietors last sale and pre vious record of 'sales is a guarantee, that stock will be up to the mark and sold without reserve. Terms -8 month's' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes at 5 per cent per annum. - DAVID !C. GARDINER '& JOHN G. SCOTT, Proprietors. THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer. i Auction Sale OF (CHOICE COWS The well known Jas. Ferguson has Instructed Thos. Cameron to sell by public auction at the METROPOLI- TAN HOTEL, EXETER, on THURS- DAY,. MARCH 30th, at one o'clock sharp the following: 6 high gradecows,of milking !strain with calves at their sides; 6 high grade cows of milking strain due in March, April and May; s 6 choice Holstein cowls with calves at their sides; 0 choice Holstein cows due in March, April and May ; a ;number of young calves; a few two -year! -old heifers. Some of the above cows have a very high record and all cows will be sold under a guarantee. TERMS -6 months' credit on fur- nishing approved joint notes. ,A dis- count of 6 per cent per annum off foci cash. ' JAMES FERGUSON, Prop. THOS. CAME'IRON, Auctioneer. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Haire Get a. 25 cent bottle of Danderine right now --Also • stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair Is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff --that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the, hair etits lustre, its ,strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish- ness and . itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die—then the hair,falls out fast. ;, little Dandertne tonight-now—any time --will surely save your hair. • Get a a5 cent bottle of Ktowiton's Danderine from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful hair and lofs of it if you will just try a little Dar. derive, . „Save your. hair! Try itB JAS. BEVERLEY FURNITURE' DEALER Embalmer and Funeral Directet:c"' Phone 74a. ,' Night Call 74b EXETER, - ONTARIO •C J W. <Ar N, Mn, r. c. an� 425 RIO -MOND. ST., LOTTDOIC. ONTARIO. SPECIALIST .IN ' -' SURGERY AND ESA 0-IIEINg,, 1 DISEASES liF AND WOMEN. DB G. F. 'ROULSTON, L.D.B., OHM DENTIST Honor Graduate, of Toronto Universe site. Office over Dickson '& flies%+ c d wcr� ling's Law office. lose day afternoons. Phone Office Ra$ Residence 5b. LR. A. R. KINSMANL'.D 8, D.D,L Honor Graduate of Toronto Un4p eraity , • DENTIST - stll• extracted without pain. 01 any bad effects. Office over Buis Man & Stantbury'e Office Maim Oa Exeter. 1 W, BROWNING M. D., M. L 1 P. &. Graduate Victoria UIlp+ aity Office and. residence Domini,* Labratory., Exeter, • .:u - Assooiate Coroner of H•uro D ICRSON & CARLING _ Barristers, Solicitors Notaries !1W veyanoers Commissioners, iriolioittaI for the Molsona Bank etc, Iia Money to Loanat lowest rates et kee tereat, ' OFFICE—MAIN STREET ENNUIS 1 I. R. Carling B. As' U, Hie Dielmaai MONEY TO LOQ We have a large amount of ygilr ate funds to loan an farm and SIP lage properties at lowest rate c fM ter_sta GLAD,MAN & BTANSUB Barrilters, Solicitors, ktfain fit Exeter, Tda Usborna and #libtiart Farmer's Mutual Fire lusur` abue Company Head• Office, Fatgtufiiir,SMD President ROBT. ROBE Vicer'Esesident i THOS, RYA ' DIRECTORS I ,.1 WM, BRO,CK .. WDL WV, L. RUSSELL;', ,T. T,'.ALLISO AGENTS• ' JOHN ESSERY Exeter. agent U* borne and ,iddulph, '1 OLIVER HARRIB Munro agent fait Hibbert Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TUR'NBUIIJJI 1 Seoy.Treaa. F"arpuhdU' GLADMAN & STANHVBX Solicitors. Exeter. - 'PA 11 rack► IMerk itet,sierea) QKORGIAN MFG, CO., • The, liermless pu lemic' cent remedy Idetteedaohee N e u r a l lei at;Lrtetlrm ra,Sle0P'- le:ssrtoas� T4erliotus Etit . hAuation; t,C - dW' t set A'r MkG tutuac Is` eopt tilelida •fres~+ CO LINCWOOGQ.ON`I`c • _. ��rrtgri