HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-23, Page 1VoitTY-SBooxp YE.A.R---No. 2242 EXETER, ONT. JONES Sz Phone 32 ••••••••••••••,,mme44,44.14,40. 44giommovon4lornsoon040,000 MAY SPRING MILLINERY DISPLAY 1111113111=11111111111111M111111111=111111111111.01111111111.11•11111.10 READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION .M1 the New York Models mad Our Own Creations are being shown here in a tremendpous display of beauty, The colors this year are very elaborate and suits well the season's styles. We are showing our Millinery Early this sea- son to give every Lady a good opportunity in her selections, FLOWERS FOLIAGES RIBBONS are very conspicious this season on all hats. •Come and see Our Display before they are picked over • Smart Spring Suits and Coats Very Swell Garments at Last year's Prices Not one of one Suits or Coats are higher than last year, in fact Our Sping Coats are cheaper. Swell Spring Suits Made in the Very Newebt Styles for this •season. Silk braid trimming with the New Flare Coats. The styles are very becom- ing and are sure to please you. We sell the Northway Garment recog- nized as best in Canada. Light & Dark Navy. Black and Green are the colors We have a magnificent showing of Spring Coats Sport Length and very swagger in appearance. Plain White Wash Cordur- oy, Cream Blanket Cloth, Palo Cloth Cream with Colored checks and • . stripes, Black and. White Checks, • Colored Check's,4Blacks &Navys See them and be convinced as to value and style Silks at Old Prices Do you want a Silk Dress or Suit this Spring? If so buy as e arty as possible. Silks are going up cearly 50 per cent very soon. We can give vou any silk you want at old prices. Jones AND May 1.....wassimmosausomm, A••••1110 'tee a e Prepared for Sap Making Order Your Needs. Now Sap •Pails = Sap Spites Sap Pans Kettles, etc. USE THE BEST STOCK AND POULTRY FOODS Royal Purple 50c and $L50 per package International 25c and 50c Herbage= 25c and 50c Salts and t:uiphur. - Zenoleum, sized cans PLUMBINC & TINSMITHINC HEAIVIAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE PRUNES 27 A AND 27 15—EXETER 311111111111111111111111111 'THE WORK TITAT'MUST BE DONE it's not the work you'd like to do, 'The work that a:At:ante Most, aOr represents tbe beet fn you', which you really boast; Xt's work thane dote Leona loyalty, 'Viet means a triamph won; Ann WIC's beet worknansi ever be The work that Must. be dont, :Vor time and tido wa1t! for no man, And Duty's clarion daft /flings mit; you do the best you den; see On year heart and all; , Thoughoft the heart is full of tears, And widaeobe the sun, The world will judge you. it appears By work that must be done. What though the task heartbreaking be. Ott searee "tamer 'Worth the while The painted clown ytiti sometimes see fight mason in thio style. His entrows—evaat, are they to 3ann His to provide the fan Allan:hue he doen an eou mast do, The, Wen.* tbAginst be one . Minstrel Show a Locals Success Mrs, Eli King, of Crediton, is re- covering .from a bad attack Of any- • A large crowd greeted the Blank sine/is. . and Wkate Minstrels la the Exeter ptes, yred Hopkins and A. !Bice Opera Howie •on WeIttlendae evening event e. few da ya is London twat of last week under • the aulepleeri of week. theer ticrsetterorriaitrikoitliRei Lrertatguone. byIt tiovotatsi szaresticohitsr attrqs.atateleodr vac rootvelotsi:epieutry. talent and the artiste made a name poses. ' I for themselves. The first number ' The Landoll Out. 'Red Cross awe '' was "Sounds from he Battle Field" . pledgee which secure it tan inecune of ' by the company, opening witineeverai ?explosions th$100,000 for 1916. m at aounden like shotl froma cannon, end several dietant Mrs. (Rev.) S. F. Sharp returned' voices in Apng. The eine or the cur -I Tuesday after spending a couple or tain revealed the circle* or Minstrels,' weeks ie Toronto. cevoithuliorreeo,dawrk.iej7. 013'nea•evistrliserwas,,aft. acisd, is • IA; Wm. Nem -ream, of the Thamea improving after a severe at- terlocutor filling that. ,position mot Melo of pneumonia. riceeptably. The end men were «1311V' Statham and Tom •Nelson and the Mr. H, Saunders, or %ornate, vie- . . other black races were:W. Martin, 0,, ited at the home of Mrs. A. Sheere been accepted for service erk the Royal ea le Wilson, Earle Sonthpott and F. one day last week. Army 'Medical Corps and leavin Wells and during the fist part 3ne iof , Insiet on getting Harveflour be- a few weetta for overseen. the program with their. jokes and ae- f cease its Exeter flour—there ie none Corp. Edgar ECOlney, othe A.M.C. floes kept the audiencein gusto of better and few its, equal, London, violated his parents in town laughter. •The fleet solo VAS sung by xpect a to V T. Martin, "Alabama jabilee" the Mr., and Mrs. Melvin, Gould who re- over the week -end. Ile e blacks joining in the chorus, witb cently sold their farm int Usborne are go overseas in the near future. tie:03041ms, It was 13014 that Wib moving to Winghara to 'reside in fu - Arrangements are being made for all of the men of the 161st Battalion to assemble in -Clinton on April 6th, the day of the !Clinton, spring fair. With the Boys in Khaki Enlisted this weekt Nelson Staceda • Norman' Johns Wilson Culbert ..Tes. G. Walker i Louie Dan, 3n. • • r GCohra edDobbso .4,e R. Cornish' • Bert Piper John IL Tonto; Daehwood W. H. Dixon The results of the first two days recruiting In the county for the 11l Inattanon was 120 recruits. Dr. 3. Gunn, or Ansa: Craig, has could sing beomese he • hold tbe Sin- ger sewing /Maine. "When Old Bill Bailie 'plays the Ukelele" wan next titre. ntr. John Franye of the Thames 'Road, who haa been iadispoeed for seug by W. J. Stathant, iseem- some time has not been als veU dar- ed in his glory awl eertaiefly rgna ' filled his part to perfection, "Eireite Ltbe 'Lie Past week. I Day in:Dixie" was the hit of the even- Mr. Boles, of Victoria aueversitee Mg s• ng by "Jack" Southeott. Jack Toronto, occupied the pulpit in Main is in hie element es an naxiateer au- street) °buret'. last Sunday evexing in tor. T. Nelson eang "Oysters and ' the interest of Education. • and Clams" Tom had the donkey off Mr, .Tames Lawson hale putalaased te perfection and created a good many •laeghs. . Tia a jokes and the llarth s'tare of Mr- G. Bedford now oecupied by F. Begg, butcher. taraborines kept things lively. The Them will be no barge made at Coon songs were intereatesed with a • &Atom solo by F. G. Klippert; a present. daett by Messrs. Kinsman and Phil- Bev. D. W. !Collins, who is leaving lips; and quartette by Messrs. Kies- town for Windsor, will eorramence his nan Senior.. Phillips age •Gillies, nein duties tbe fixst Sunday in April. each number receiving e hearty en- He will conduct his farewell en:vices core. - in the Trivia Mem.orial church eext The second part opened with a Sabbath. quartette by Messes Kinsman, Senior, Phillips and Galles, followed by a Mr. P. T. W. 'Madge, of Usborne, military quartette, Cornish, Tucker, ,' recently installed a tsemn horse power • Wells and Gatnbriel The twat .sol -1 Premier gasoline engine with which ection was an illustrated song "Just t to run a gripder, punier, cutting box Before the Battle, Mother; a 'violin' cream separator and pump water solo was given by Mr. Perritt. Bothl The installation or the engine and quartettes sang a wooed selectiot. sleaftinglavae made by Mr. Clayton The grand fin.ale was Aunt Hanna's of the ttprior Machine Co, golden wedding celebrated by the I I Bev.Chancellor Bowles, of Victor - de rkies in which blessrar Stathara, . la. University, Toronto, occupied the Nelson., Southeott and. the military I Pulpit in jamas street • nifethodiat church last Sabbath morning and preached a most acceptable ri,rrnon in the interests of Education. He preached, at IChisellaurst in the after- nooa and Hensall in the evening.. CLINTON 10—EXETER 6 The Exeter hockey team accom- panied by a number of "fans" went to Clinton on Thursday ot last week and enjoyed a game with the Clin- ton team. Exeter was beaten 10 to 6. Although beaten they enjoyed the success on the evening. • the trip, receiving splendid treatment --is.— from: the Clinton sports. THE LATE JOHN PYM $11000 FOR HOGS On Thursday of last week one of the oldest residents of Usborne pass- The hog \yes king last week when, ed away ithe person or Mr. tLe price reached high water mark at n Sofelty. proach to this price paid in Exeter n $10,00 per cwt. The nearest ap- ng Pym., following an illness of a days. The deceeesn04, neari ed was $9.90, Those having hogs ready 1 ninety years of age being 89 years; for market brought them in and 0 months and 13 dans old. Daring ninny' returned home with a bank an - his lifetime he had been a 'strong ro- count a little larger than before bastl main and. up to bile last sickness while others squared up Some Obli- %WS enjoyirg fairly good health and . nations they were wanting to meet • • ds°Tiursdey I lion. The oilier is Bev. Franke- 'Tar .is soon ale thtestplittsorrarne naan The that keaw very little sieknen.es THE EDITOR'S AIM Merle 17horti, Dean of the School of Journalism. at the lanivereity of Kansas, says: "Every editor has four principal aims, They are: to make a living, unify Ris d'estrict, prevent: dissension, and create local pride by making his community the best pos- sible. He will do the laza three with- out pay if the merchants will re- lieve Lira ot the worry of a hand -Me mouth) ceistance by a proper patron- age of las advertising columns." PROHIBIT LIQUOR BEING SHIPPED INTO DRY SECTIONS Al bill designed to protect the dry provinces and counties in the Do- minion of ICanada has been introduced in the Dominion Parliament. In a few' weeks it will be against the law quartette took part pulling • off a number of jokes and songs to the amusement or all, The Exeter Or- chestra furnished a.11 ember .of ex- cellent selectierna Mice aneargaret Muxworthy .aceompenon'envee74 Mine strele; Miss Kinsman tan qtartette, and Mrs. Gambriel the military qua.r- tette. The costumes fax the darks were very eleberate. The proceeds of the evening amounted to over $150. The Patriotic League and those tak- ing 'part are to be 'congratulated or Ttis is "catch my pal" week and the boys of the 161et Huron Batta- lion, are spending several days recruit- ing' endeavoring to bring the battal- ion up to detrength. The boys will lose a good friend in Rev. D. W. 'Collins when he leaves town. Mr. Collins -came in for very complimentary remarks at the re- cruiting meeting on Tuesday even- ing. The boys will march. to the Thames Road Presbyterian church next Sab- bath, morning and listen to a sermon beo the pastor, Rev. Dr. Fletcher. In the evening they will attend the bi- vite Memorial church The conduct of the soldiers ic. town was complimented b3r the Chairman of the local War A.uxiliary, 3. A. Stewart. As yet not one complaint has been registered against the boys and Exeter is proud or them. On Sunday morning last the boys In kharki attended Divine worship in M,ain street 'Methodist church in, the morning and in Zanies Street ehurcli in the evening and listened to two splendid ;sermons from the aquae text: 2 Tim. 2, 3. "Thou therefore eadare hardness as a good soldier of taken first steam engme tanuppty the pow - Jesus 9iristen The 'thoughts, iver Specian effort is being made to en oas„ .4 hn for 'the Ships at sea were bayeeted . 3 along dinferent r ' . roll! everyone in. his, or her local War: in the British isles and ar Gerinany, Anxiliaxy, and the co-operation is dee had, to fight with her awn Innen/enema sired of all the Womea's 'societies; she would have to go to sea in ganoea. such as Red Cross, Patriotic sock- He spone or the liberty and frcedoxn ties and Womea's Institutes. Itat- enjoyed under the British flag hand - tons are sold which denotes mem- ed. down to us ber the loyalty bership, thus if you etre interested and sacrifice of our 'forefathers and be sure to secure one. Every phase , htneniepoprealedstrong_ly to the yonog the object of the Auxiliary, ...,t_h:ssit the good old flag stands for - it Neeleades, a returned name, an. military age to uphold all of work that will help enlistraeat is Two members or the Huron Pres- so spoke as did also Itev. Mn. Caine. on the public platform before leav- nig was Mr. Collins' lot appearaace 'chaplaincy pn the rT/tli nlattarion, Simcoe CountY. lattrPer la join"' ing the colors with the men of his ;own tOu.ray,. The non-commissioned officers •and men now in training win be allowed furlough for one month to '1.13,1b4.0 theta to take part in ploughing, seed, - on the teem. It is granted for farm work alone and each man witl be required to produee eerti- ficate from the person or person:, for rahom he has been working. The boys will wear their working Bella Pay, and allowances will be withheld during the period but will he paid when satisfactory evideace iis pro- duced! that he was bona fide engage& on farm work. Exeter Audience favoured with laasteray Address Tr.co...5 who remained away from the recruitilag meeting in the Quern House on Tuesday evening panned ono of the great treats of their rives xis seldom if ever, has an Exeter aud- ience listened to a 'more tnifertaine ing, thrilling and instructive e.dcirese than that delivered by Rev. Dr. Nelson of Knox Presheterien church', Ham- ilton. Dr. Nelson was introduced by Rev. S. F. Sbarp, the two having Cormed warm friendships while pa - tors in Rochester, N.Y. c.hurehee. Dr. Nelson dealt with tbe attexiatrit of the German theological studeate to wrest frete, the seripturee many or the important parts abet aimed at the very foundation of Christiaiiiitne After years of hard studying and thinkng by preachers, in thin and oth- er lands Germany had to back down and admit her failure. Ile dealt yank: the war tram the standpoint of a race war exploding the theory that Germany as a, race are the superione of other natione. He showed that all the modern appliances or war were the inventions of the Allies and copied bY Gernaiany. The repeating rifle wan invented in Canada and taken to the. United States where a German workman got ahold or it and took it to 'Germany; their huge siege guns are, copied from the British howitzer only' made la.rger; dynamite an& lyeldite, was a discovery of the allies; the efectrie light used for lighting Purposes and sea.rehliglats was zot a German icvention;, the telephone and. the wireless telegraphy were invented by' Bell and Marconi; the d beer. a King and countu. nev. E. M. Wes- iryneegsairdsEenxaetntdeorfa. uErilixneegtetib.adff be had rstaeane bytern have offered their services fax IgerYa.nEtetlealeof Wroxeter has.bre bsebeeinmann warm friends and the years bad. congregatioa until the end of the war been pleasant ones fax both bfaAlis hnnteelf and family. Bev. W. G. II. ter proposed a vote of thanks to the was able to be around. e pri e and Friday last mere busy days at per. or Willis Presbyterian 'church and has enlisted in the Inlet Bette- speakers, ae- condecl Ron- Fletehen Maj. Haman made an ap-- . peal to the young men. • Mr. J. A,- Stewarb ably occupied the entail'. during his lifetime. He he bee bed) about a week with la prippe but it was not thought to be 'serious, although his age wee against him. On Thursday hie life flickered oat like a candle and he passed to the great d ased was bore. in beyon Dwvonshire aed came to Canada over 60 years ago. For a few years he in ten bogs that realize $ worked at Darlingtor. and then came tet Usborne. He was afterwards mar- ried to Jane Balkwill, or Darliegton Tp“ taking up liouse-keepitg Oil lot 2 conceseior. 6. the farm on which he died, having resided there for 54 wears. lie wan well knowe and high- ly respected by a large sairele of frien.ds. lx. religien he 'wee a Meth- odist( and in politica was a -Reformer. Lie is 'survived by his sorrowing wi- I 'one and the station and banks. On Thurn Clinton who has been offeredthe day over $7,000 was paid out and on Friday $4,000 more went for bogs. Mr, Wes. Jones on the townline„ Me- Gillivrey -received $518 for his bunch. ****4,00cep000000000e,o****** cec0000etepooG0000mooateresoOaorf Mr. Jas. Creery, of Ustorne, bronght • • • • • Pointers The bill for snowploughing . this winter has been away below that or last winter. * * • into a province, county or municipal- dow and seven 'chi c , Tuesday was the firat day of for a railway, express or other trans -1 ity winch has declared against the Marys; alre. jannif)aoinre'krklien,12°Liallvs'biso'raSoetf: stePrriarit a NtVhein:a,oxif tjlitl)elv liquor traffic. Nova Scotia, Prince3 daughters, Mae. passpecnk of wina portation company to carry liquor are giving every indication of going theDereivalt cemetery Baska lobe- I Ilsb()rne ; Mr. *T. -'ea Albert of West Cerrievale, Seek. The homestead; Cephars of Usborne and wan and Alberta have gone dry. rl a Vinilliam. of Fullerton; Samuel on the Edward Island. enaitelea, a. 4, • a remaining four of the nine provinces general. was held on Saturday inter - 1n i i i i . . dry, • DIED IN -IOWA BORN e The Reinbeck Courier, of Gauntly FRANCIS—IN Ustorne, to Mite and County, Iowa, of March lOtla contain.- Mrs. Amos.- Irene', a daughter. irg thhanders Peet n,ow. The building prospects, for this eoramienity are i he best for "several veers—Thane saying something. • * It's eta the ehortage of work, but the shoet "ere of labor that is worry - ed a very leng•tby obituary of the late aN At Di hwood an 3fir 11-h IE • • for citis end gall etenes. Mr. Gardiner to Mr. and Mr. Tice:Ian. a daughter.: • Maas sine a ate Easter betokens . KELLERMAN—At Fenwick on Mon Robert Gerdiner, mho died at the hospital, in Toledo Ohio on/ March 71h. following an operation for append', v b r t Bibb rt 22 d IR and alas. IL A. 'idler - 1865. When he was nine year's. of mere a eon, ])titeh" trate" ' age his mother died arid be moved ‘vith his fathern family to a farm BEIh'R—At 11( w Itemburg on Man- ' lir and anrs. ne late Apring. Ceiese is rig , the farmers were making maple syrup thie time lest epx • c. 0 • • • • 40 • • • 4.4.• 4.• • • • • • 4.• • two beothens, nine Geo. Dew, of asiadrecrtillie!ra iswsiduTvviv:nddbye=irini er lAtix-)rd. j%Iv.1,1132ngeicata:tra,ritge,),er,,It4eur.)/riss Vilira'elhl'irbe.'fr'le;t1!1;:;'-i!'11815ocann(litealest Thurs ' dey mornien cu nnilliam street, 4.• near Morrison, Iowa, in 1878. 13c- day, Marcha • Reinbeekt Moses Gardiner, et Regina Sask., and James Gardiner of 'Wet- 3014118--EDWAIIDS At Listowel, .y. he • io •"si; b' erica, arrive. He has ale° rt number ,on natirany, atareli 16tb, at the or relatives in th!is, vicir•t T e. y sidenee of th, s Olerlae • ••$.r!genlo.nt of the the purpose of 'eX- ntont. soil unless a ed the henna 0 3 I A IN UR TAILORING OPARTMENT • • • e ct if its a pair of Trousers, an odd El It Coat and Vest or a uit you want, E. come quick, before the other fellow E gets the bust° • in irst 1» bit tbotxgbts ot4in a;)s.Ee estsii ;roir;;;:11:11;.: v7E811:0w6%;1:9rg'i'cl:ino: Ile v Vera. Ed it. aminian tie env - Ceurier sayre in pain: "Soon after cora- ' — tds 41* innate n• irira f' 1+ ' • 'Mri • t cl te Tteinbeelr bent one or the II church et - se at than Eliniville. * 0 • elaitned e finst idose in his mind. Ito •weis an elder in the 'United Prev, byterian church of IReiribeek, Ile was interested la mutsie and led kis church dolt" DIED UsLor xis rn Tberaby, %far. 16th. John Pyro, aged £9 years* 9 months and 13 daYs. •Vire t.eirN .tne of the littlios in OA 'ere hod the anticulty tel eatnotei :ew together to an aftean a it is they have been expetieneing diving the post week. • • 1 veqs. • :tES MO Vests. • • • • 4. •