HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-09-09, Page 24PAGE 4A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1987 COM UNITY CALEN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15"- Circle City Toastmasters invites you to an open meeting to let you know what our club is all about. The ineeting will be held Tuesday, Sept. 15 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at 77 Montreal Street, Goderich. Come and have some fun and learn all about Circle City Toastmasters. Flitl ..Y• SEPT 1425•T '1 :frit- -- Tht• 1987 Rural Youth Connection will be at tlw Western Fair in London. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 to SATUR- DAY, SEPTEMBER 19 - The International Plowing Match will be held at :4leaford in Grey County. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 to SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 - There will be a weekend retreat for Senior 4-H members in Huron County at Camp Canbav near Bavfield. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 - It is 4-H Achievement Day at Lucknow Fair for .Huron goat, Lucknow calf and North West Huron Poultry. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 - It is 4-H Achievement Day at Brussels Fair far Brussels dairy, Brussels beef, Hailrice dairy, senior management and Brussels horse. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 - A service of induction, conducted by the Huron -Perth Presbytery, will be held in North Street United Church on Sunday, September 13 at 7:30 p.m. when Kathi Urbasik becorpes associate minister with Rev. Robert Ball at North Street United Church. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 - The Arnabilc Youth Singers, a girls choir from London, -.Ontario, will be performing at North Street United Church on Sunday, September 13 at 11 a.m. The choir has recently returned from the International Choir Festival in Holland where they placed fourth among 84 choirs. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 -. The first meeting in the fall season for the members of the Hospital Auxiliary will be held Mon- day, Sept. 21 at '2 p.m. in the Auxiliary Room. A good attendance is requested as we plan for the coming year. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 - There will be a card party at The MacKay Centre for Seniors at 8 p.m. Admission is $1. Lunch included. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11- There will be a dance at the MacKay Centre for Seniors at '8 p.m. Live music by Duster. Admission $2. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 - There • Enjoy the glamour and excitement of -Garden Bros-Cireus- Saturday Sept. 12 & Sunday, Sept. 13 at 2, 5 & 8 each day. • TV buffs can see & listen4o Marie Osmond Wednesday, Sept. 16 at 7 & 9 • Thrill to the New Orleans blues of Trumpeteer Al Hirt on Saturday, Sept. 19 at 7 and 9 - both on the 'tree grandstand • Soap fans won't want to miss Gary Morris Friday,' Se.t. 18 It's down-home country -time at the fair Marie Osmond Al Hirt • Marie Osmond centre stage. for 2 shows, Wednesday, Sept. 16 8&93 Country -- Roads Show, • Saturday, Sept. 19 on the grandstand • Horse Shows e Pig Races Texas Flood ' Instant Gothic Tom Wilson & the Florida Razors • Southern Pacific with Terry Sumsion on stage at 7 & 9 on Monday, Sept. 14 • Gary Morris entertains Friday, Sept. 18 a17 & 9 on the 'free grandstand Get your half-price admission coupon from any participating EMA Food Store with $50 purchase. • Try Sports Canada's skill tests on the grounds o Cheer on the Superstars of Wrestling, 8:00 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 17 on the 'tree grandstand. • Friday, Sept. 11 join the excitement of the Auto Thrill Show. (at 4:00); the . Demolition Derby at. 8:00 p.m. • Watch the spine - chilling Figure 6 Demolition Derby Sunday, Sept. 20 at 2:00 • Molson's Canadian Tour '87 & CKSL 141 present , . Sheltered Life Tragically Hip McRorie ON 1'F1E MIDWAY Giant Mrd waihaover Kiddietandthem-i1' you - 50 rides. try' rides New dare midway o and lames. 009tons of Farr•Food Pay One Price Midway Option - Friday, Sept. 11 & Sunday, Sept. 20 only. A $16 passport admits you to the grounds and lets you ride anything on either Midway (Just $13 for children 12 and under). Midway 2 for 1 Sale. All day meaday, Sept. 15 and all day Thursday, Sept. 17 you can bring a friend and both ride on the Giant Midway or in Kiddieland for the price of one. • Youth Talent Searc • Old Time Fiddling • Magic • Step Dancing • Silvertones • Forest City Gymnastics • Phil Murphy's Big Band and Kim Mitchell • Kim Mitchell, 8 p.m. TLesday, Sept. 15 on the 'free grandstand • The Box, Sunday, Sept. 20 at 8:00 p.m. on the 'free ,.grandstand • FM-96/Labatt's Blue Rock stop featuring Colin Linden, Pursuit of Happiness, Double Blues Band, the Knockouts, Prairie Oyster, Blue Rodeo & Spice Animal Lover's Heaven Heavy horse exhibition drives, livestock shows and parades, Horse Shows, Pig Races. Livestock Exhibits, Circus Animals, Petting Zoo. 'tree with the price of admission N B All pettormances subject 0 confirmation General Admission $5 Labatt's Blue Olympic Caravan • exhibits • commercial displays • the Petro Canada Safety Show • Strolling musicians • novelty acts • Middle Earth Marionettes – reduced to $4 before 4 p.m. weekdays Children 5-12 – 52.00; under 5 yrs. FREE R will be a Crafts Meeting at the MacKay Cen- tre for Seniors at 1:30 p.m. Seniors wishing to join a crafts group are invited to attend. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 - There will be a brown paper bag lunch at the MacKay Centre for Seniors at 12:30 p.m. This will be followed by Bingo at 1:15 p.m. Admission $1. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 11 - Support night for Ned Stapleton to be held on ,Fri- day, September 11 at the Lucknow Com- munity Centre at 8:30 pm. Music by Betty Lou's Country Roundup and refreshments will be served. Ladies, please bring lunch. Donations at the door. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 – Bluewater Shrine Club is holding a Fish Fry on Sun- day, September 13 from 4 to 7 pm at Auburn. Community Park. SEPTEMBER 1 -25 -the Huron Historic Jail is having its Third Annual Prison Art Ex- hibition courtesy of the Prison Arts Founda- tion of Canada. This exhibit features all new work. For information call 524-6971 SEPTEMBER 9, 'WEDNESDAY – The 4th Goderich Scout Group Registration Night for Beavers., Cps and Scouts will be' taking place on Wednesday, September 9th at 7 pm at North Street Church. Registra- tion fee is $25 per boy or a Family Nate of $45 for two boys or $50 for three boys or more. SEPTEMBER 10, THURSDAY – Would you like to square danceA beginners night is being held on Thursday, September 10th, 8:30 pm at the public school in Clinton. Square dancing is a good form of exercise or referred to as"friendship set to music." All ages are welcome, bring a partner and give it.a try. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 - The MacKay Centre for Seniors is offering a bus trip to its members October .7 to "Ragtime Revue" at St. Thomas. Bus, show and dinner included. For details call 524-6660. Meals on Wheels of Goderich is looking for volunteers to help co-ordinate this worthwhile service in this area. If you are interested or would like to volunteer as a driver please call The MacKay .Centre for Seniors -524-6660 between 11 am and 3 Ism. SEPTEMBER 16, WEDNESDAY – The next meeting of the Goderich La Leche League will be held Wednesday, September 16, at 9:30 am at 302 Gibbons, Street, Goderich. The discussion will in- clude suggest -ions -about nutrition for nurs- ing mothers and their families, as well as information about weaning the breastfed baby. For further information call 524-6661 or 524-2390. . SEPTEMBER 10 -1,3 – Auburn and District Lions Mens Slo-Pitch Tourna- ment, September 10,11,12 and 13, Auburn Community Hall: Dance 9-1 Friday and Saturday. Music by Sound Trek. Held under authority of special occasion per- mit. Age of Majority Card, please. No minors,. ,Al.i.,pcoe eds.w go .to , .playground equipment. . SEPTEMBER 13, SUNDAY – The 6th annual Doll Show and Sale, sponsored by The Maple Leaf Doll Club, will be taking place on Sunday, September 13 from 10 am to 4:30 pm at Preston Arena, Hamilton Street, Cambridge. Admission is $2 for adults and $1 for children. Displays -in- clude sale of dolls and doll -related items, information and supplies for doll making, patterns and sewing needs, books, door prizes, and a catered dining area. SEPTEMBER 16, WEDNESDAY – The Goderich Horticultural Society will open the fall season with a slight change ,of format–coffee and special dessert before the meeting. Special speaker Nancy Lee Colibana of the Royal Botanical Gardens– her topic Indoor Plants for Year-round en- joyment. The program includes slides, display material, hand-outs and a plant sale. It will be held at MacKay Centre at 8 pm, September 16. SEPTEMBER 1-25 – The Huron Historic Jail is having its Third Annual Prison Art Exhibition, courtesy of the Prison Arts, Foundation of Canada. Far information call 524-6971. Entertainment Steen reappointed to term. The federal goverrunent has reappointed Stan Steen to a second two year term as Chairman of the Canadian Egg Marketing Agency, I CEMA I effective August 8. Mr. Steen, an egg producer from Ariss, Ontario, has previously served on the CEMA Board, and on the Ontario Egg Pro- ducers Marketing Board. He has also been active on the International Egg Commis- sion, based in London, England. The federal government appoints two members of the agency's 12 person board of directors. the chairman •.nri riirru•tnr•.ot_ large. Other members are selected by the provincial egg boards in each province. With powers granted through a federal act and a federal -provincial agreement, the -Canadian Egg Marketing Agency is one of the oldest supply ntattageuuu.t a; eBraitt .I&d. Canadian agriculture. The agency establishes the farni gate price for eggs, sets national production levels, administers a surplus removal system and promotes the use of eggs through it's "Get Cracking" campaign. Lions Monster Bingo $10,000.00 Cash Prizes 3 SPECIALS '10000 EACH 10 REGULARS $400. EACH JACKPOT $3000000 9 Cards Per Sheet Package $25.00 AT WALKERTON COMMUNITY CENTRE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 AT 7:30 P.M. "All Proceeds For Community Work" Tickets Available at: Kieffers Men's Wear and Bells Mini Mart. For more information call 881-2453 • STAG & D0EIISTAG I & DOEfor JOANNE MCCLINCHEY and EO BRUNK Saturday, Sept. 19, 1987 8:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. GODERICH Tickets: $3,00 Lunch Provided FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 524-8498 or 524-8406 Happy Retirement Dad! Love, from your family. Retirement Party- for George DeJong Saturday, Sept. 12 at Legion 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Jackie Mer•iam and Dave Lake Saturday, Sept. 12, 1987 8:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. GODERICH Tickets: $3.00 Music by: SOUND TREK Lunch Provided FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 524-9865 Mr. & 11irs. Harold JeffreF- and Mrs. Jean Denom v invite friends & neighbours to join then in celebrating the marriage of their children Jennifer & Jeff The reception will he held in. Holmes'ille at 9:00 p.m. 011 Saturda ,, Sept. 19, 1987 HAMBURCIER$119 CHIIE$[BURCIER$139 * A masterpiece! * A sensation! * A triumph! McDonald's presents the great taste of Double Features for a return engagement. It's the taste Canadians love again and again. Double Hamburgers, with two 100% pure beef patties. And Double Cheeseburgers, with two 100% pure beef patties, plus two slices of process cheddar cheese. Two incredible tastes, two incredible deals! McDonald's Double Features... back for a return engagement. But they won't be here for long. J U S T T 1 L 0 C T. T N