HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-16, Page 8100111619•41MIUM:C=OUZIMVXM,.._..,.123.91=11110=9011111 'nee ennieel.O.neinWeentineereneeent Ph°11° 16 j. A. STEWART Phone 16 NEW SPRING COATS NEW SPRING SUITS Don't delay basing your suit until later on. The makers are having great difficulty in getting cloths, and the range that we are now sLowing is most complete, We have a fine range of Nifty Coats for Spring wear, as well as a splendid as- sortment of Ladies' and Misses' Suits. Men's Navy=Blue Suits MEN! If your NANA Spring Suit is to be Navy 'Blue Serge, we want you to see the up -Le -deco Suns we are showing. The dyes are guar- anteed. The price is $20.00, Boy's Norfolk Suits If we had to buy these sults to -day the prices would be easily a dollar more. They were all bought at old prices, That is the reason we can ave you money, Standard Patterns April Fashion Books are ia stock. We also carry a full range of Standard. Patterus. Oall and get an April Fashion Sheet. •Wall Patterns Brighten up your home this Spring by papering. Beautiful papers at reasonable prices for every room. Splendid Bedroom and Kitchen pap- ers at 10e, 15c, and 25e, White Voile and Lawn Waists Some very dainty styles in embroidered. and striped Voiles with long sleeves end ecmbination coffins, Pricedat 1.00 and 1.50. Silk Crepe per Yard 75c In White, pink, blue and maise. A lovely material for dresses and odd waists. Very Special at per yard 75c. New Spring Shoes for Ladies We are showing the New Military Laced Shoe for Women, a 4.00, also 3 lines of new poraps, very classy, per pair 3 25. Linoleum 2, 3 and 4 yard Linoleuins ia the best patterns we have ever shown These are all Nairn's Scotch. Lin oleurns. Get our prices before buying, J. A. STEWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices mmenenannyee.terffeileXne=ll F NIT We can assist you n selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish yourhome, or if you only want some odd pieces. Our Undertaking De- partment is up•to-date in every •respect and we guar- antee the best of satisfact- ion. R. Rowe The Funeral Director and Feneraiture Dealer PHONE 20a New Spring Suits for Ladies 'LAIN TAILORED AND PITTED BIODELS SHOWING NEW ETA - TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS .Spring fashions are arriving and rmbine in Fabric and Style a unique nd' irtteresting coIlecbion, .meting he ;requirements for suet Wear and ravel. It is enlisted to Drez,rent so early in he season so great a variety, but tyke were determined early and the mist favored shown.' The present time is most adrantag- .otis for buying as all iodieatione nine to higher pricee in the f.uture. Nrn Sheere. LADIES' .A.ND GENTSTAILOR land Vpstairs, Opposite the Ceetral t Hotel THINKING CA PS It is stated that there are 16,270 fewer liquor dealers in the United States than there were a year ago. There were 2.15 gallons les e of in- toxicants consumed in the United States for every man,. woman and child in 1915 than in 1914. Dr. hown said e• "We in Canada, annually spend as mech. on liquor rs would pay the expenses of an army of 200,000 men at the front for one year, provided that they cert $515 a man". The Grand Jury in their presentmene before Mr. justice Middleton in the est -lane a short time ago, isaid that crime had been Jemmied by the early closing of the• bars. and owing to the large number of Teeple who had en- listed,. Almost the unanimous tes imony of the towns that have had experience with Local Option is that they are better off witheut saloons. Trade is brisker. payments are prompter, thcre are fewer crimes and less poverty— Toronto Mail and Empire. According to a desereber, 'Prom Berlin Germany. the German Govern- ment will limit the production of breweries to 45 per cent of the quern- itn produced in peace trues. Lima- ation to 60 per cent. of this peace production has been in force almost a year, 40 per cent, of this amount being reserved for the soldiers in the field. Prof. S. A. Cudmore of the Econ- omics Department of the University of Toronto in. his address before th Royal 'Canadian Inatitute said: "All the 'bars should be 'ciceed during the war arely from an economic stand- point, leaving the moral issues out or the question." He Gelid that $500, 000,000 should be raised by Caned') yearly' during the war for war pur- posesand advocated cicsin.g the bars of a temporary measure for the hes banding of money during the empire's &leen The Board of 'tirade o! the town of Orinia recently passed a r Igelution en - cloning the Federal Prohibition pro- posal ate a war measure. In this resol- ution the Board expressed the con- viction lira one of the moet eefective means of promoting economy and thrift in 'Canada would be the pas- sage by the Federal Parliament of legislation forbidding the manufact- ure and sale of intoxicateng lignor'e during the wan bereving that such le measure would increase the indite env and industrial efficienoy. .....-- Irene you treneWed your elibeeript ion to he Timels? . • 717K. EXETER..„.:TIMES • Market Report—The folloWing is the report of the Exeter market rearreeted ap to Mardi 15t/e, Wheat 800 to 02 " Oats 40c f Baxley 50 Ileelewheat 60 to 720 Peas $1.00 • Family Flour $3,10 1 Low rerade ;Flour $1.75. Bran $25 per ton. Shorts $26 per to Egna 2eo to 260 Butter 28c Creamery batter 36 Hoge $10.00 Potatoes $2.50 , senevegamengale reragrarawmagegiellan Lunch Served at alt Hours Fresh Groceries all the time Eat more Parnell's Bread PROM PT DELIVERY Phone 56 Wilson's Grocery 20,10,110030..,01.010..30,10.1.0Wagent LOCAL • • • • ***ego** ••••••• 4. lead the auction saleon Inure 4. Mr e Thos. Elliott la on the lack list Mr. Nelson Sheere was in London on Monday. Miss N. Tom is visiting her brother Frank at Toledo, Ohio. Miss Mildred 'Wood, who is ill with pneumonia, is improving. • Mr. Will Paesraore, of the Thames Road is i11 with pneumonia. Miss Annie Handford visited in Tor- onto during the past week. I. E. A. Brown, of''Ailsa Craig, id visiting M. S. Qh.azice, Mr. Jos. Bawden, of London, visit- ed in town during the past week, Afr. Wm. Hill, of Toronto, spent Sunday; with his father in town. Mr. .F. W.aladman 'was in Gode- rich on Tuesday attending the aesiees. Miss Bertho. Carrol, hap returned after spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. Powell returned Monday nen ter spending several days in 'Toronto. Mrs. Di Davis is Viaiting be daugh- ter Mrs. Geo. Clipion af agersollee The 33rd Battalion have left Que- bec and are now on their way to Europe. Mrs. John Snell has ;returned home ,after visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. Smith. • Mize Gladys Duncan was the guest of Miss Anna Bell for a few days nail week. The Main street Sunday school' ane nivereery will be held on Sunday', Manch 26th. Mr. Will Atho 1i returned to Londoo after being ill for three- weeks at his home here. Mees -s. E. A.. F'ollien, Rd. Murphy and II. Horton are in Goderich. this week cs jurymen. M:s Planate Atkies-n has aceept- ed a pceition in Lcndon and left for that sissyth's week.. 131r. A. Hamilton left this week for Roland, Man., after visiting his fa- ther, Mr. F. Hamilton. anise on gettine Laxv s flour be- cause its Exeter o —there is none better and few i equal. Bra-, and Mrs. Henry Itundle enter- tained a number of friends to oys- ter supper on Friday even M SS J. J., AL AN. •e Sight Spec- ialist will be Central Saturday, Marc th. One day. Mrs. Schosenburg and two daugh- terS of London, yisited Mr. and Mrs. T. Newell at the New Commercial Hotel, The best letaxiito a £1ourgan be se- cured at the mil1,oil1edt home not at some distant t veneer.. city, by Har- vey Bros. A collection amounting to over eight dollars was taken up in James street Sunday' school last Sabbath in ,aid of Victoria, University. Mrs, W. S. Howey and song Eugene andl Marvin visited tbe former's par- ents, Rev. and Mee. E. A. Fear at Teeswater Wet. week. 'Mr. H. Phillips occupied the pulpit in the Main. street Methodist church lase Sabbath evening and preached a very acceptable eernme. The Adult Bible °leen of ;lamer, St. Methodist; Sunday school will hold an "At Home" to their friends on Fri- day' evening of thin week. Maes. T. Breent has ;returned home after visiting for several week in Norwich. Her daughter Mrs. Lewin, eecompaniedi her home and is visiting in town. .Snowehoeing has been quite popular with the young people during the pest few weeks. Last Saturday sev- eral snowshoe(' to Herman returning by train. Mr,' T. 0. Southcott eturned Mon- day after attending the funeral of Rev. Rd. Hobbs in Toronto. Mie. Southcott is expeeted home to -der. Thursday. . The trecruiting meeting advertised fon Tue'seloy evenieg did not come pfl liecanqi the Opera Beep was needed for .the final reherear of the "Mine ei Dr. 1.3inWeing drone over tort milesozi londay ehe weather being very) steep. Mr. and 'Mrs. Herb,. llorrell are ou an exter.ded visit to friend's in Tor- onto and the east Brown, of Victoria 'University, Toronto, will epeale in the intoner of leduention in Meit street church next Sabbath evening. Mr. W. H, Passmore is this week moving to town. into the residence he receritly, purohased eoutb, or the Maio staneti eherch„ Tho Exeter Canning Co., have par- ehased. the 80 acre Irani of Mr. Rohn Gilliee knit north of the factory, Mr, Gillen( will 'continue the "Bimini" busi- neein Mr. Passmore, who supplies ilensali with their electric light eervice, has been offered $500 by the 'council for all of his plant outside of the power Louse. COMING—A car of SEED OATS, American Banner from Alberta, which yielded 100 bus. per acre. Call at the mill to see sample and leave your order—Harvey Bros. Miss F. Burdon, or London, was the guest of Ming Kathleen Stewart dur- ing the past week. On Friday Miss. Stewart entertained to an afternoon tea in honor or Miss Burdon. Chancellor Bowles, of Victoria. Uni- versity, Toronto, will occupy Japies 1 street Methodist pulpit next Sabbath morning in the interest"; of eductition. In the evening he preachedIn Heneell The W. M, S. or .lames ;street Meth- odist church will hold o. social even- ing ou Monday, the 3rd or Mee Gray, a retuned m'esionary, will epealc. Tea served in connection. Mr. Ern Rivers returned to the West last week after spending the winter here with his parent. He was accompanied as far Ofil Toronto by his sister, Mien Irene, who spent the day with Miss Madeleine Carling. Corp. M. Pfaff, and Ptes., H. Bis- sett and Lloyd Rivers, who are tak- ing a course of instruction at Clin- ton, accompanied by some lady feiends drove down and spent Sunday in town. BLANSHARD CARRIES 13Y -LAW Blanshard on Monday voted in fa- vor or the Hydro Radial by-law bjy a majority of 23. The vote was 165 for end 142 against. The vote on Jan. 3rd stood 102 foei and 158 againne a majority against of 56. ST. MARYS .FUND OVER $20,000. The eaiaraea n2 St. Mame for rands for the Pee: ides Society met with a hearty response and over $20,000 wep realized. Me committee aimed at $12,000. The tewn (council decided to give. $350 a month during 1916. , PRESENTED W.TH WRIST WATCH On Mend: y csning the residents oe the 2nd concession of Stephen met at the home of, Mae J. Sims anditen- toeed a social eeenipg. Speechre and musid formed a paet of the program in the course of which Mr. William Sims. who hen enlisted with tire 161st Batt., at Exeter, was presented with an andrees and a ;wrist yatch, Mr. H. Powe reading the a:dnrese. Pte Sims made a very snitetie reply. The evening wee much :enjoyed. en; FIND 'WEATHER 'MEV:AILING In renewing his -eel:inscription to The Times Mr. W. King. ;1:0f Etamiote, Mane write: "I might say that we are getting lovely weather up here the trust few weeks. Part of last month was something like Ontario winters, but to rani, of 'course. We are getting a 'cold ;spell j; se% tow. It bas been from 25 to 40 degrees below zero. Owing to the wet harvest Ice: tall the threshing wcs not finished in thee parte'. Several have a lot of stookes standing out and. revere' have slacks which have to be left 'until spring. Wishing The Times success." PRESENTED WITH WATCHES Mr. Harley Sanders, of Exeter North entertained a number .of friends to an oyster supper on Fri- day evening last. In the eounse of the evening Pten Wm. Kydd and Ira Taylor were presented with wrist watches, a sureceiption having been taken up by their friends. The light tantastic, toe was tipped until the wee sma' hours of the morning under the able supervision or rage Sanders and Ruben Smith. The music was furnished by Sam. Smith, of Sodom. Tke evening was a most enjoyable one. OFFICIAL VISIT OF ID.'13:G.11. (D. D. G. M. Baker, of Stratford, paid his official writ tok Lebanon Forest Lodge, A. F. A. "IL ,on Mone day evening. Wor. Mae. Dr. J. E. MoGillicuddy and his officers con- ferred the first: degree end weis hig'hly' complimented by the D. ID. G. M. After the business of +the even- ing a banquet was held and several toast's( responded to. 'Rt. Won L. 11/ •Dickson very ably filled the .nosition, • of toastmaster when the following toasts were proprz'd : The King; That Empire, by Ttt. 'Wbr. D. W. Col- lins; The Gmand Lodge and District D.D.G.M. Baker; Lebanon Facet Lodge by V. 'Won.. "Michael Eacrett and Wbr. G. A. K4BroLeod., FIRE AT 'COMMERCIAL HOTEL 'What might have been a very ser- ious( fire occurred nt the Coramercial Hotel on Thursday evening dr lase week. About ten o'elock at night fire broke out in 'the laundryroom in. the basement. The building was quickly filled with intense 'smoke. A number .of soldiers and several of the inmates 'had retired for the even- ing and they rushed downstairs and out into the open in their bare het and' night robes. The alarm was responded fo promptly bat before the firemen' errived the fire was ;shooting out' of Ile basement windows several. feet high. Owing to the intensat smoke it wes difficult to get at the fire but 11; wasn't long before the firemen had water pleyieg on the flames and got it under control. Only in one or two plates did' the fire come through the floor. There was, a lot of damage done by 1 -he ;smoke and wa- ter. Had the fire been later in, the evening and get beyond control there ta no telling whet damage might have been done an there Wee a strong southt wind blowing at the time. 400 Cords Or Cord Wood Wanted at the Exeter Salt Worcs (Co iLteir For prices welt° or eall upon;libe Mariager,--rloo. Sutton, .111131, NEW BUTCHER—Mr. "Sem desires to announce that he .wil/ call for aid deliver orders to ,any part of the hewn. Ten= leatrodage le solicited Phone 103. • Arlieli011 Sak OF 110USSIII01,D EFFECTS At the residence of Moe Herb. Axt William 8 t „ Exeter. on Saturday, March 25th, at 1.30 P.m., consisting of Dining 'Room and Kitchen utensil's, Bedsteads and springs, linoleum 9x12 ft., rug 9x13 ft.; range end 'coal err stove, table's, dishes, pictures, etc. See bills. Terms Cash. Mire. Herb Axt, Prop.; 13. 5. Phillips, Auct. AUCTION SALE OP HOUSE et LOT The house and lot on William St. owned by Rose -Taylor Co., now °te- mpled by Mrs. E. H. Axt, will be offered for sale on Saturday, March 25th at the close of Mrs. .Ant's sale. House open for inspect:lion. Partion- lars on application to Ross -Taylor Co. FOR SALE • Choice Seed Grain O.A.C. No, 3, a thin hulled early oat highly recommended for sowing mix- ed with barley. O.A.C. No. 72 Oats the leading late variety. 0.A.C. To 21 Barley. These varieties are true to name and came here direct from the Agricultural College in 1913. 'Call and see them. . Also a bunch' of thrif- ty logs a few weees old.- Arthur Gardiner, Lot 21, N.T.R., Usborne. CALVES FOR SALE—Ten Durham Calves, one week old, will be offered for sale at the Central Hotel stables next Saturday, March 18th, commenc- ing at one o'clock.—J. Herbert, Bid- dalph, Prop. RELAY TEAS The ladies of town are holding "Re- lay Teas" for patriotic purposes. The teas started by one lady being hestese to four other ladies. Each guest In turn holding a tea to which four oth- ers are invited, the circle growing each week. Ten cents is charged each teal netting fifty cents. ICKS' FORECASIo A Regular Srtorm Period is central. on the 16th, covering Tuesday the 14th to Sunday the 191h. Disturbing causes and things to expect. This period le within a few days of the tenter of Earth's Vernal equinox. The Moon is on the celestial equator on the 18th, and in opposition with earth and Sun. or at its full owthe 19th. The full Moon at the spring eq- uinox is always on on melte the celeste iat equatine together with the Earth and Sun, hence violent , and peculiar storm's. and other disturbances are natural at such times. Watch the movements of your berometer at the approach of this period. In western section it will commence falling on the 14th and 15th, cloudinese rain( and snow will quickly ensue, and during Tbursday, Friday. Saturday and Sunday. the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th, these storms wilt increase "into eome:hng worth whi'e," re'c.h- ing each section of th" country in due coarse, in the'r daily and hcur]y progrese from acs: to ere. Don't he caught 'unawares by tropical, torn - edict storms in the snith, or by elle- zardous snow and high cold wind's from the northwest. We will point out Saturday and Sunday, the 113:11 and 19th as days of greatest danger If the preceding days are warm and bright do not suffer yourself to be deceived. keep your eye on your ber- ometeras well as other ihdicatioes. A very low and fluet-aating barom- eter hera day ox so before 'should I; et you on your guard, on and next to the 18th and 19th. Storms and weath er changes at this period will, meet probably assume the 'character of what may be called the "Eastertide" disturbances—dangerous winds. thun- der and rain with blighting high bar- ometer and high gales and sharp cold following. THURSDAY, MARCH; 10th, 414 400 Tons of Vine, Land and Cattle Salt for wale. All grades $5.50 Per ton; 500, per Ing.—Exeter tralt‘WOX*9 Coe Ltd., clt Sutton. Mfanager.1 PERRY P, DQUP.E, Licensed 4u0- tioneet, Sates conducted in ittnY lo- enlity, Terms moderate Orders lett at Tinaes office will be promptly at- tended to. 'Phone 116, Kirkton., Ad- dress Kirktoo SALT FOR. SALE.—An excelleni quality of Sarnia made salt for eale at the 'old Tempe:deuce House at the G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED. MAGUIRE: Exeter. • ..r FOR SALE ., • Wagons, skieles, cans, and everen thing needed to handle milk tor a milk blusineen. Everything tep-toedate and in good condition, A good Milk (route in connection. Good reaeons for Selling. L. Day and Son, Exeter rASITIRE LANDS FOR SALE TCYWNSHIP OFHAY; Being-7tla Corr—Lots 12 end 13; 8th Con.—Lots 13, 14, E 1-2 15. W 0-4 24. Immediate Possession. Easy Terme The tCanada Company, • 1170 Yoange, 6t., Toronto GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE Four Horse Power Gasoline Engine, for sate at a bargain, only been used a short time. For farther partial - tars, apply THE JACKSON IVLANTJPACT CUING CO., LTD., EXETER, ONT. • 2t Ilave you, reviewed your subserlpos tion to the Times for 1.91.61 . House for Sale Comfortable frame house, the Ogee veiny of the late Mrs. Mary Grace, Dedronaple in Heneall; contains rooms and good cellar, Tere han. acre of land, good stable and sinal fruits; 3 cords split hardwood area kindling and 2 ton (coal in cellar to go with property. Terms e 10 per cent cash. and balance in 30 layen Tenders to be trent to Gladinan Stanhury, Hensel' or Exeter, on or before March 15th. Highest or any, tender Apt necessarily accepted. J. 1). Stewart, Hensel', will ;show, prospective puroleaserer tbe property,. le.Pfen treingollt. t GLADMA.N STANBUIrrir eve Solicitors or Executor.. GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delloloue "Fruit Laxative" can't hams tender little Stomach, liver and bowels. Look at the tongue, mother! IV coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, stomaeh sour, breath bad; haw sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the four. constipated waste, undigestee food and sour bile gently moves out of ite little bowele witlaout griping, and you. have a well, playful child again.eAsIc your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle cit "California Syrup of Figs," which cone tainsefull directions for babies, chit- etren of all ages and for grown-ups. ...nanexnerroantal, FURNITURE 66 °NTS" Don't hope to get high grades at low prices. Dont put your money into so=called "Cheap" Furniture. Don't expect to be able to find a store that can surpass us in value=giving. Don't look any where else for newer designs. Don'tThin that by buying from out of town people that you can get more for your money. You cant. Don't forget to call and see HS. ‘1111111111111•11111311111% J. BeeRuev T EW McLAUC H L.13 Model D-45 1.14 inch Wheel Base, Six Cylinder Valve in -head 45 horse power Motor; very easy ridirm Cantilever Sp ings; 4 inch Tires (non=skid on rear wheels); Delco Ignition, Lightirg and Starting Device; Number One'liand Buffed Leather Up- holstering' (,ver Genuine Curled. Hair Filling, Etectric Horn; Stewart Speedometer; Stewart, Wkrner; Vacuum Feed; Double Tire Irons; high grade Mohair Top, one. man ttti Mk/ ne- _Rain :eea Ventilating NV/nth/Wad. - - - ' e ngcnts in Exeter if . Milo Inteaged