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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-08-26, Page 25
PAGE 2A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1987 If your name is on the list of Voters, or on a Certificate to Vote, but you expect to he away or unable to vote on Election Day, you can take advantage of any Advance Poll in your Electoral District. BUT YOU MUST VOTE IN YOUR ELECTORAL DISTRICT. Except for those locatruns marked ' ground level locations have been chosen for easy access by the elderly or disabled in wheelchairs. Advance Polls to be held at the locations listed, on Thursday, Saturday, Monday,. Sept. 3rd, 5th,7th 1100a.m to 8;00 p.m. * Advance Poll Voting in the Elections Ontario Office from Aug. 29th thru Sept. 8th. Sundays excluded. In the Electoral District of HURON Senior Citizens Apartments 134 Sanders St., Exeter •McKay Centre for Seniors 10 Nelson St„ Goderich •Maple Leaf Villa Seniors :Apartments 50 Market St., Seifnrth •1'lringha.m Armouries 273 Edward St., Wingham 689 Don Street. Clinton Ballots cast at the Advancc Rolls will he counted at the close of the regular Rolls on Election Duy. PUBLISHED ON BIiFIAI.E• OF THI•. RETURNING OFFICERS FOR THE ABOVE ELECFORAI. 1)IS!RU TS BY Warren R. Bailie. ('HIEN ELL'S' I ION OFFI('E:k Elections Ontario KEEPING YOU INFORMED AP3/34 Commu n it Wrestling .from page 1 afternoon. A woman from. Sudbury also registered at 9 a.m. and by six o'clock, not having been called to the stage. she forfeited her $25 and went home. Yet another lady had the misfortune of breaking her arm in the warm-up and• she lay in the sand for 40 minutes before an ambulance finally arrived. Gee, you kind of hope the organizers don't make their way out to Calgary in 1988. But Anne was undaunted by all of this. As she •took the stage she looked calm, determined and cruel. Anne of course is used to standing in front of hordes of restless people — she works at the Royal Bank in Port Colborne. And she did her home town proud in a 30 -second tussle ( a marathon in this sport) with a woman who had more ex- perience than one match eight years ago. I got a first hand report from a short kid who managed to squeeze' between a referee and a thigh. Anne was tough, tenacious, and unyielding to the bitter end. Hey — she's my anchor banker! And thank God she came away unhurt. She breaks her right arm and I'm out of cash. But arm wrestling as a sport? Let me put it this way — if Copps Coliseum is shopping around for a Saturday night spectator sport to thrill throngs of Hamiltonians — might I suggest boa baiting? News Retreat planned for Bayfield A weekend retreat for senior 4-H members will be held September 18th -20th at Camp Canbay near Bayfield. The weekend will be both educational and fun as well. Guest speakers . will cover a variety of topics, which will be of interest to everyone.. There will also be a variety of recreationalactivities to participate in. You may take part in this weekend retreat for $30. If you are interested, please call the OMAF office at 482-3428 or 1-800-265-5170. 1.. 3 DAYS ONLY (SUMMER END SPECIALS) Thurs. - Sat. AUGUST 27 - 29th its r ail , CUIILDREN`S BOOKS guy. any 2 ;:;,:.and <receirle the cheaper ■ 'at ...a 2 price alt PLUSH TOYS al.; TIMEX WA'TCES FRIDAY AUGUSr • .% SHER-PRI 28th "Do Something Nice For the Friends In Your Life" ' Hilroy � s '140TE TOTE".$4?9 avaiIahIe 11 ; 'poets ' r d to. peci I . r 111+1 ray • $$49 Sase $$$ Acro, Assorted Colors , 1" POLY BINDERS •a• Hilroy, New Pastel Colours! 1" VINYL BINDERS Bic or Papermate STIC .. PEN •r• 0 0 0 Hilrov 120 pages STENO PAD ... 24 pack 99° COLORED199 PENCIL CRAYONS ... 11/2 3 ring VINYL BINDER $179 l' I. S 1 89 pink, hlue. 3/. Mediu. 11 Point, Blue, Black, gre% Reg. 35C Save 36e Red $.. ;, 49 ••• save 16C save "2.00 save $1.30 llray- 30. -t 1e1 Northside Shoppers Square Goderich 524-6901 till 10:00 p.m.. Sundays 10:00 a.nr "Lottery ;Machine 649/ Lrettario IUJOKS •ST,4 TIO,\'F.R 1' •(;W TS GAMES • TOYS Tammie Allen, one of the organizors of the Summer Special Events Program and Amy Mc- Cabe, 5; are both, out in a dodge -ball game played at St..Christopher's Beach last Friday as a. Grand Finhle•to the programs The day included.stories, games, sports and a hotdog roast: Aaron Fisher, 8 watches the game. (photo by Ted Spooner) Visitors from Michigan attend Genealogical Society meeting here The June meeting of the Huron, County Genealogical Society was held August 5th at the Board Room, Assessment Office Building, Napier Street, Goderich. Members were welcomed by chairman, Anne Clark and it was noted that one member came from Marysville. Ont and several guests were in attendance from Michigan. Nancy Kale, research co-ordinator, an- nounced she would be resigning in November and hoped that someone would volunteer to take over that position. Anyone interested may contact her al. 345-2908 or speak to one of the executive. Alison Lobb, cemetery and bulletin co- ordinator suggested that to get a getter turnout for cemetery recording, work ses- sions could be held on a week night. This has proven successful in several other branches. She noted that a section of a cemetery can be designated to a person to work on at their leisure. Interested parties should contact her before beginning on their own to avoid duplication of work. Maitland Cemetery. in Goderich is being recorded this summer and due to the size, a great deal more volunteer help is re- quired. If interested you may call Alison at 482-7167. Alison also noted that anyone having contributions for the Bulletin should turn them in to her as soon as possibleefor inclu- sion in the November bulletin Chairman Anne- Clark announced that the Ontario Genealogical Society is begin- ning a new project—locating and listing church records. Anyone interested in assisting in their area should contact Anne at 887-6989. At present they are interested in finning out what records there are and where they are. Mystery prize of the evening. a box .i! everyday greeting cards, was won b EvelynOlde of Clinton. Guest speaker for the evening was Ruth Galbraith. of Brussels and her topic was "First Ainlayville—Now Brussels." Ruth's I, paper was from the family history .of the Ainlay's, granted through the kindness of Lloyd and Helen Wheeler. °' 1 It told how William Ainlay, the pioneer of the Village, was a surveyor. explorer.. farmer and a builder, working for they Canada Land Co. . 4 He came to Canada with his parents my 1819 at the age of eight. In 1849 or 18504 while surveying the road between Grey and Morris Townships, he selected the spot which was to become his future home and he took up 300 acres on the Grey side, He made a small clearing, erected a shanty and returned home to his family, returning with them the next spring to burn off htyy clearing and plant potatoes. The problems of getting there were; many but during that fall nearly :30: families arrived and settled ih the area.; Less that two years later the place ha(ti assumed the air of a promising settlement, and William laid for what is now the southeast quarter of the village in a town plot and named in Ainlayville. Over thct years he and'his sons built a grist mill an( " a saw mill anfl donated land for a park. William's wife, Eleanor, tended the sir of the area as they had no doctor and was al "moving spirit" in the Methodist Church. It was a most interesting and infor mative presentation and the complete tex of the paper will appear in the November issue of Rooting in Huron. H.D. MARINE CONTRACTORS LAKEFRONT EROSION CONTROL •Steel Groyne Walls and Pilings *Armor Stone Protection and Rip Rap available SERVING GRAND BEND. BAYFIELO, ©OIERICH & A ° EA (519)7 5652157e Drye a We k