HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-08-26, Page 16Ttw►in& Country. L GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1987 -PAGE 15 CLASSIFIED "5 p.m., Monday" for Wednesday publication. CLASSIFIED '4,50 min. /22 words 204 ea. additional word thereafter. Consecutive Insertions: 2 con- secutive insertions, '4.00 ea. 3 or more con- secutive insertions' 3.50 ea. In Memoriam: '4.50 -min. plus 354 per line of rhymed verse. Cards of thanks: '4.50 min, 25 words plus 64 for each additional word. Public Notice: '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors: '30. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion. Drawer Number: '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Prompt Payment: 504 discount per week for word ads paid in full•at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.) Display Classified: rates available on request. fFSEAST! To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM 524-2614 Address mail correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Signal - Star. P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park, Goderich. N7A 4B6 1 1. Articles for Sale AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in ,the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff• meyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich. 524-7861. .-ltfar • HARDWOOD'SL-ABS by truckload delivered. Call early, mornings •and evenings 529-7642. 21 tf HOOVER spin washer for sole. 'Phone 524.6462.- 34 • SEVEN PIECE teak wood dining room set - six foot credenza and hutch. For less than half price, like new, $700,00. Phone 524.9407. 34 WEDDING & ANNIVERSARY. Perfect Gift! •Patio furniture or -accessories at 40% off or more. Warehouse open Fridays & Saturdays. 71 King West, Forest, Ont. (519) 786-4405. 34-39ar • MOVING must sell household items his week cheap! .Call 524.5126.- -34 FLIP -OUT SOFA 'BED in dusty rose colour, like new $150.00. 524.8777. 34x 'NINE PIECE antique mahogany dining room suite (Regency style) $4,500.00. Call 524-2285 if no answer call 1-238-2826. 34 - WINDSURFER HI FLY 1200 intermediate. Roof rack, l'i,y a jacket, owner's manual, $650. Phone 524.952. 34 Articles for Sale J NOW TAKING ORDERS for dressed chickens. Phone 395.5062. 34 WESTINGHOUSE frost -free refrigerator. 15 cu ft.. excellent running order, matching Westinghouse stove in excellent condition, $350 for the pair Phone 524.4940 after 5 p.rn. 34nx DOUBLE BED BOX SPRING and mattress. vanity and stool sheet set and bedspread 524.9625. 34 ANTIQUE OAK BUFFET with mirror in excellent condition. Phone 529.7501. 34x PICKLING CUCUMBERS, potatoes, tomatoes, car- rots, zuccini, etc. At Kingsbridge, phone 529.7213 for orders. 34nx A CENTURY OF -EXCELLENCE' the com- memorative edition honouring the 100th An niversary of Champion Road Machinery. $2.00 per copy (out of town orders add $1.80 postage). Makes great gifts for former Goderich residents, summer visitors and friends, Available at the of• fice of the Goderich Signal -Star. Industrial Park, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. 1 1 tfnx GENERAL Instrument 10 ft. mesh satellite dish and equipment for sale. Call - 524-4243 anytime. 44tfnx ANTIQUE walnut dining table, lion claw feet, matching velvet seat on chairs, all in excellent , condition. Moved have no room. 529-7785. 33,34 ONE PADDED BAR, suitable for rec room with foot step on front $75.00 or best offer 524-8573. 34nx CHROME KITCHEN SUITE 4 tub, swivel chairs on casters, oval table 36" x 48" plus leaf. Phone 524.7227. 34nx FOR SALE one 54" x 72" wooden bed with box spring and mattress, good condition. Price $60.00 complete. Phone 524-9479, 34nx VISSCHER FARMS COUNTRY MARKET • Open dai• ly 9 a.m, - 6 p.m.. Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. - 8 - p.m. Closed Sundays. Specializing in cauliflower and broccoli. 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 (519) 237-3442. 28tfor COMPUTOR TRS 80 64K colour, excellent condi- tion, includes keyboard,, cassette drive, joy sticks, dust covers and several programs, $359. Phone 524-2769. 34.37nx- RED HAVEN PEACHES; apples. potatoes; plums. apple butter. Two locations. No. 8 Highway Clin• ton at Boyes Transport and on the farm, 524-8037. Art Bell Fruit Farm. 32tfn ONE TAG -A -LONG utility trailer. Excellent condi- tion, $450.00 or best offer. Phone 524-2496. 33tfnx C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We con offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21. GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades 3. Garage Sale.µ,.,_,,.-.9,.•r,m,s,. THREE FAMILY Garage Sate Saturday August 29, 280 Cambridge St 8 a.m. 2. No sales before 8. Kids toys and clothes punch bowl and many other items Ram dote Aug. 30 34 MULTI CAMPER S Yard Sale at Four Season's ,Trailer Comp Auburn August 29 9.1 Quilted cushions home baking toys clothes books anything and everything 34nx GARAGE SALE 181 Britannia Rd W. Sot August 27 9 a m till 1 p.m Miscellaneous household items Bathroom sink range hood. 34nx TE EM FARM PICK YOUR OWN • BEANS •TOMATOES • PICKLING CUCUMBERS Ready Picked Also Available •Lots of CANNING TOMATOES and other fruits and vegetables. Our own Cauliflower and Broccoli R.R. 1 BAYFIELD ,. Open 7 Days 482-3020 - MUST SELL couch, 2 end tables, 2 lamps. ladies Broyhill dresser with hutch. All in good condi- tion. Phone 524-8926. before 10 a.m. 33-34nx BICYCLES FOR SALE new and usbd, all sizes, men's; ladies' boys' & gir,ls'. Will trade bikes & repair. Phone 482-5698. 33-35x YEAR OLD ROASTING HENS. six to eight lbs. Fresh killed. Freezer ready. $5.00 each. Orders taken now for any amount large or small, Coll Auburn 526.7543. 33.35 For Sale Brand new double bed with ad- justable frame, scotch - guarded. Moving, must sell. Call: 5245408 FURNITURE REFINISHING SUPPLIES stripper. stain, equipment, etc. 524-7825 after 6 p.m. -33.36 • THE CLINTON LAWN BOWLING CLUB has the following items for sale: 13 cu. ft. refrigerator. table with steel legs. 36" x 60" plywood top. suitable for workbench; two pressed back chairs, originals; two burner. plug•in electric stove with oven; reel type push lawnmower. 6 rubber link• ed mats, approx. 14" x 24' flood lamp shade. The above items are on display at the Club House. For information and viewing please phone 482.9575. 34 COMMODORE 128 SYSTEM for sale complete Commodore system includes the following 128 Personal Computer, 1902 Video Monitor, 1571 Disk Drives (two), Modem 1200 model 1670, Vic - modem model 1600, Roland printer model DG PR1111A, Telesyn printer interface model Tur boprinter/GT 524.9591 34-37x E.C.R. 360 cash register, wooden store shelving and cabinets. Phone 524-2013. 34 SWOP SHOP Like to trade your marmalade? Let us help you trade those unwanted items for something you want. For advertising information call Theresa 524-2614 weekdays 9 5. A GARAGE SALE Sat Aug. 29 - Sunday Aug. 30 9-4. Miscellaneous items and antiques. 155 Ox- ford St, 34nx SATURDAY. AUGUST 29th. 182 Picton Street West. No sales before`B a.rn. Household items. toys. accordion, ping pang table and more. 34 SATURDAY, AUGUST 29th 8 o.m. till noon. 83 Napier St. Goderich. Two aluminum doors stan- dard sizeone dresser and miscellaneous household items, 34 MULTIFAMILY yard Sale August 29 8:30 • 12:00, 147 Mary Street. Smolt appliances, furniture, out- board motor, toys, lawn mowers,'tires,, clothing, knickknacks. 34nx 1975 TOYOTO Corolla will trade for any of the following - lawn mower. TV, TV aerial or building materials. Please call 529-3117 or 524.4948. 19tf • SATURDAY, AUGUST 29. 164 Elgin Ave W. 9 a.m. to 1 p.rn. Numerous items. 34 • HURON HAVEN RESIDENTS Garage Sale Saturday August 29, 9 a.m' - 2 p.rn. Located 2 miles north of Goderich on Hwy 21. Anything and everything for sale. . 33-34x HOOVER COMPACT WASHER: tricycle suitable for 2-3 year old child. Will trade for crock pot or hand mixef. Phone" 524.7604, 34 3. Garage Sale 5. Cars for Sale I FOR THE SPORTS -MINDED person, '84 Pontiac Fiero. Fuel injected, 4 speed, 4 cylinder; luggage rack, stereo cassette, tilt steering. Excellent con- dition, Finished in white. For details phone 524-5408 after 5 p.m. 25tfnx '86 MUSTANG GT - White with red interior, fuel injected 302, 5 speed. Air conditioned, cruise control, tilt wheel, intermittent wipers, tinted glass, adj. seats, console, posi-traction, axel, aluminum wheels Goodyear Eagle tires, under• coated, transferable extended warranty. Ap- proximately 20,000 kms. Price negotiable 482-9438 or 529-7912. 28tfnx 1980 FORD PINTO 2 door, 4 speed, new'metallic brown paint; excellent condition. 51700 certified. CaIl,Diane after 5 p,m. 524-7571. 29tfn. 1974 MERCURY CAPRI, new tires all around new brakes, new exhaust, Pioneer stereo, good winter car, $800. Phone 524-T3133.-33-34 NEWPORT CHRYSLER '76, 2 dr. 400, ps, air, pb, tilt wheel, deluxe interior, self•levelling hitch, sway•bar. Good shape, recently certified. Best offer.,-- 34nx:. • 1978 CHEVETTE, automatic. $1000.00. Phone 524-4894, 34ar 1962 CHEV CAVALIER car for sale. Hatch -back, excellent shape, $3500. Phone 529-7250.--34 1982 CHEVETTE, approximately 92,000 km, ex- cellent condition, asking $3500. Phone 526-7121. 34 PLANNING A GARAGE SALE.> Get your Garage Sale Kit with posters and including one free garage sale ad on the classified poges of The Goderich Signal -Star, Only $6.00. Available at the office of The Goderich Signal -Star Industrial Pork, 8 a.m. to 5, p.m. Monday through Friday. l l tlnx CLOTHES (8-10). dishes skins ironing board. weedeater. phonograph tube records. swag lamp. sink, 4WD Subaru, more - 3 miles east of Nile. Sot. Aug 29, 34nx TWO FAMILY GAR."GE SALE Saturday August 29 193 Widder St 8 a.m. to noon. Household items and many items too numerous to mention. 34nx GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug 29 9-7 south end of Dungannon across from church. Exercise bike wooden TV stereo stand boy's bicycle. lamp plus numerous other items. If raining, sale to be held in shed. 34 1986 HYUNDAI PONY 1600 GLS, 21,000 km, fully transferable warranty 8 months old, certified $6500. Phone 524-4901.-:-34.37 1983 PLYMOUTH HORIZON ps, pb, automatic, 4 -door; 46,000 km, excellent condition, $4100.00. 524-7946 anytime. 33-34 1977" AMC GREMLIN, low mileage, tion, best offer 524-6936. -34 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc. good condi- TRAILER 8' x 6 with 14 tires. mugs. $275 00 Two Suzuki Quad Runners 125 cc's one 1984 one 1985, good condition. $2.500.00 for pair 524-6486. 3334 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 16 FOOT aluminum boat with 3,5 h.p electric start Evinrude motor. Good trailer steering wheel. $1.895.00. Call 524-4779. 34.35 OPEN HOUSE Lake Huron Rod and Gun s big gest sole of the year goose and duck decoys over 700 guns and many in store specials. Lake Huron Rod and Gun. Underwood. 368-7182. Open seven days. 34-39 1985 NISSAN MAXIMA Fuel injected V6 automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, AM/FM cassette, equalizer, digital dash, automatic air, power sun roof with wind deflector, 2 tone silver paint, cruise, tilt, power seats, power windows, power locks. Only 36,000 km.- Luxury cruising vehicle. $1 6 200. For Only � G CALL BOB OR JIM TODAY 524-2131 GODERICH AUTO SALES & SERVICE 10. Pets for Sale SIAMESE KITTENS for sale, $50.00 eoch. Phone after 5 p.rn. 524-7716. 33.34 FEMALE COCKER SPANIEL, one and one half years old, Purebred, no papers. Spayed, blonde in color. 529.7758. 34 FARM MARKET 11 classifications 6. Trucks for Sale J '1976 DODGE V8 window von. Factory finished in• side. $600 or best offer Call Vernon Glenn 526-7238. 34x - SPORTS fi 'ECREATION t:ENT ®(IIPMENT 7 classifications 7A. For Sale General 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 71-1. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service, Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies 11A. For Sale General 11B. Wahted To Buy 11C.. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11F. Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Systems 11K. Farm Real Estate 111A, For Sale General CORN SILAGE for sale, 35-40 tons, out of tower silo. Colborne Tw,p. Coll P. Schuttel 524-2955. - 34 7D: Bicycles 11E. Livestock FOR SALE: Serviceable 'age boars - minimal disease - 50 boar inventory of York, Hemp, Duroc and Hump X Duroc • backfat as low as 8.8 mm. Aged to 200 as low as 126 days. Sound, ag- gressive, fully guaranteed. Delivery available. Priced from 5250.00 call Bob Robinson; Walton, 345-2317.--32,33,34 16. For Rent ONE CHAROLAIS BULL for sale. Phone 523.4260. --34 11G. Farm Equipment BICYCLES FOR SALE Back to school savings on boy s BMX and girl s bikes also ladies' and men's, all in excellent condition Phone 524-7855. 34,35x MI ill %Raw ��irri�r�ilf holiday rent -a -car system We have a full line of: CARS -TRUCKS -VANS •WEEKEND RATES AVAILABLE •12 or 20 FT. MOVING VANS AVAILABLE STRICKLANDS 344 Huron Rd.- Goderich 524-8311 $24,95 INCLUAtNG 140 KM Free on cars only 1982 JD 4420 COMBINE, air conditioning, heater, radio, 4 way seat, Murphy shut down switches, Sid grain loss monitoring system, 329 cu. in., bin extension, diesel motor, 23.1 x 26 tires, 600 hours. 1982 10' dummy pickup header with 8' Sunpickup, new in 1985, hydraulic controlled. 19824 row 30" corn head, new style low profile. Excellent combine, •low hours, stored inside, never pulled white beans. .529-760'7 or 529-7995. --28tfnx 1600 BUSHEL CORN CRIB: spiked tooth cylinder for Massey Ferguson 410 combine for white beans 35 ft. Allied grain auger; Massey 165 diesel with quick attached loader. 523.4260. 34 11H. Farm Services CUSTOM PLOWING and cultivating. Phone 357-1379 or 357-1375. 34tfn M. Farm Systems . Let the rest of the world goo buy... • RENT & SAVE 1 wn1dfl Dental ecU p(1)er.,t _'lir) 14,\11'11 l I) RI) . (,OI)I RI('ll 52-1 r.cH..._,....,..., -c�11 .4 `r4 t al I � [0111 Li Tdriti tt 4-0 - 55 - PRIME RETAIL SPACE .AVAILABLE IN SEAFORTH • 1500 sq. ft. store •55 Main Street South •High traffic area, across from the Post Office . •Excellent condition, new wiring, attractive store front, separate back entrance, staff parking, private washroom •Terms negotiable and very reasonable •Primary trade area + 6,500 people •Tourism trade potential (central location between Stratford, Btyth & Bayfield) •Part of Heritage Canada's national Main Street project area. •Contact T. Lemon 527-2070 (Home) 527-0160 (Office) 17. Apartments for Rent BENNETT APARTMENTS now taking applications on 1 bedroom apartment. Phone 524-6653. 32tfar SINGLE'S APARTMENT completely furnished and equipped. Parking, utilities' included, central location, September or October. Phone 524-6082, 34x TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment all utilities paid. Call 524.7302. 34tf YOUNG TEACHER seeking'fernale non-smoker to shore two bedroom apartment neor Suncoast Mall beginning in September. Apply to Drawer No. 50, c'o Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont N7A 4B6. 34x LYNN LOWRY Farm Systems Ltd. R.R. 1 Kincardine, Ont. FOR ALL YOUR Manure, Feed & Grain Handling Requirements CALL 395-2615 or 395-2616 Or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - Almost. 12. Real Estate for Sale THREE BUILDING LOTS, Bennet St and South St. Phone 1.395-5667, 33tf 13. Mobile Homes RECENTLY REFURBISHED 2 bedroom Marlette in Huron Haven. In excellent condition. Carport. fridge and stove, dishwasher and all drapes in• cluded. Must sell, moving. $13,500.00. Phone after 5 p.m. 524.2266. 34-36 SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS • Lawn and garden concrete. automotive, moving painting, clean- ing sanders Doupe s Equipment 3 miles East of Kincardine on Highway 9 Phone 395.2685. 42tfar ' MOTORIZED woodsplitter for rent 540,00 per day Phone 524.4877 after 6 p.m 42tfnx MOTORIZED woodsplitter'S25 00 per day Call 5248110 after 4 p m 43tfnx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do if yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 THE BROWNSTONE 250 Hincks. St. One & two bedroom apartments available for immediate occupancy. '-fully carpeted -refrigerator -stove -no-wax floors -controlled entry -outdoor parking Laundry Facilities - 1st & 3rd Floor Model Suite Hours: Monday - Thursday 1 - 8 p.m. Saturday &.Sunday 1 - 5 p.m. For Rental Information Call Margaret 524-5183 Houses for Rent [18. THREE-BEDROOM mobile home washer. dryer, fridge and stove included. 5375 per month, first and last months, phone *672-5797* or 524-6384. 32.35x 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Ducharme Estates. Bayfield. Available 1st of September Phone 236-4230. 31tf TWO BEDROOM HOUSE for rent first of October. Phone 524-8735 33 34 ONE BEDROOM HOUSE for rent November 87 • May 88. $350.00 per montf. Heat furnished cen- tral location in Goderich 524.7946 " anytime. 33,34 FOR RENT two bedroom house 304 Regent Street Goderich Phone 482 1705 34x THREE BEDROOM HOUSE for rent available September 1st Centrally located in Goderich Recently redec...roted Fridge and stove included driveway and garage 5.475 00 plus utilities References required Phone 5'94 9344 after 7 p.m 34-36 • THREE BEDROOM large two storey workshop "immediate possession Call 529 7483 34 35 SINGLE WORKING WOMAN seeking some to shore rent on two bedroom ground level house with attached garage washer stove fridge. col. our TV 4 pc both fully furnished with all dishes linens etc 524 6275 :14 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE Port Albert area S400 monthly plus utilities October June referees required. Call Kim Elliott (416e 963 3766 days (416) 444 8313 evenings 34tfn TWO BEDROOM UNIT fully carpeted full base ment fridge and stove included 5445 o month plus utilities 5247675 34 Plant a Classified Ade Harvest cash!