HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-08-26, Page 14i Religion Church receives BY YVETI'E ZANDBERGEN Father Terrence McNamara, from St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Goderich, compares his role as priest to a conductor of an orchestra because he br- ings tht ongregation together and the work is done by parishoners with his guidance He be :n his duties as priest at St. Peter's C Burch on June 28th and said the community of Goderich seems "warm." Before coming to Goderich, Father McNamara was the parish priest in Bothwe' rid Glencoe, where there were two chias but one parish. He received his elementary education in the military at the Canadian Forces Base in Trenton and attended Nichols Catholic College in Belleville. Father McNamara has his B.A. degree w Sociology from St. Patrick's College in Ottawa and . has a t(eacher's certificate from MacArthur's College of Education of Kingston Ile was•a highschool teacher for. three y end was a social worker with the (' 's Aid Society of Renfrew a new priest County. He was ordained in 1975 and was the director for three years of the John XXIII Centre, an Adult Education Centre in Windsor. He was also associate pastor at St. Theresa's Church and Christ The King Church in Windsor. At the age of 42, Father McNamara said he is the youngest priest to be at St. Peter's in 40 years. Currently, he is "settling in" and hopes to meet more of his congrega- tion in the future, adding that at this time of year, it is hard to distinguish between the tourists coming to mass and the parishioners. While at St. Peter's, Father McNamara hopes to implement and direct the hopes of the Second Vatican Council. , "The Second Vatican Council is far reaching and it involves the changing of at- titudes," he said, adding that the current issue is lay people taking on responsibility in the church. •He has also been involved in the ministries to the people of God program in- cluding COR, a spiritual program for young persons, marriage encounter and parish renewal. 1 .mer saleslady dies at home MRS. EDNA POLLOCK Mrs. Edna Pollock of Goderich died Fri- day, August 21 at her residence at the age of 65. Born in Sunderland, Durham, England on June 19, 1922, Mrs. Pollock, was the daughter of the late Ernest Howe and the former Elizabeth Newland. She was a retired saleslady at Gerrards ( Lees) of Goderich and was employed by them for 17 years. She Vas a member of Knox Presbyterian Church and the Ladies Auxiliary at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. She was married in Sunderland, England on April 26, 1944 -to William Jack Emerson Pollock. . Surviving are her husband Jack Pollock, and childrenElizabeth A. Holmes of Calgary and_ •Arleata C. Patterson of London. OBITUARIES Surviving are children Arnold and his wife Ruth of Goderich and Donna and her husband Terrance Simmonds of St. Mary's, his sister Ellen I Mrs. Harry She was .cremated at Woodland Crematorium. MR. THOMAS ARNOLD MITCHELL Thomas Arnold Mitchell of Saltford, died Saturday, August 22 at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital at the age of 79. Born in Colborne Township on May 5, 1908, Mr. Mitchell was the son of the late Samuel Mitchell and the former Caroline Collinson. He was a teamster at the Goderich Manufacturing Company and was a member of Victoria Street United Church. He was predeceased by his wife, the former Edythe May McCabe. Jenkins) and dear friend of Mare Clairmont, Surviving grandchildren are Darlene (Mrs. Larry Ryan), Janet Mitchell, Bar- bara (Mrs. Dennis Near and great grand- child Lyndi Ryan. A funeral service was held at McCallum and Palle Funeral Home on Tuesday, August 25 with Rev. Bruce Tombs from Victoria Street United officiating. Pallbearers were Leonard Jenkins, Den- nis Yule, Bill McTaggert,°Clare Baechler,'- Bill Glousher and Howard Preszcator. Interment at Colborne Cemetery. Students eligible to vote by proxy Students who art qualified electors and duly registered at a recognized educational institution away from their ordinary residence are eligible to vote by proxy in On- tario's 34th provincial general election on September 10. Whether voting in person or by proxy, it is the responsibility or students to ensure that their names are on the list of electors for the polling division where they normally reside. Proxy voting allows an elector to PRYDE MONUMENTS 310 Victoria Street Centralia SHOWROOM 293 Main Street Exeter Memorial Counsellor STEPHEN FERGUSSON 235.0620 or 1.800.265.3477 Evenings 235.0658 authorize another qualified elector in "the same electoral district .to vote on their behalf. A qualified elector may not act as proxy for more than two electors: Proxy application forms may be obtained from any returning officer throughout the province. Once completed, the form must be presented to the returning officer in the electoral district where the student resides. Upon receipt of the proxy application form, the returning officer may then issue a SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS Clinton Area MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 Goderich Area ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH . 524-7345 STRIKE ... SPARE ... STRIKE ... SPARE ... STRIKE:, STAKE .., SPARE ... STRIKE SPARE PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Before the seasondgets started get your team, friends & family together to come and get in the roll of things. "BOWLING IS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY" Our Hours This Week Thurs. Night 7pm-1Opmor Fri. Night 7pm-12pm _•.,L� .� Sat. 10-4, 7-12 r Sun. 1-4 Bowler's Hotline 524•BOWL 2 6 9 5 LITTLE BOWL NOTE: Youth Bowling Registration Saturday 10am-lpm ERegistration Fee: $14. bowling shirt included $6. without shirt m t/) tt'E 7 3► . STRIKE '... SPARE ... STRIKE ... SPARE ... STRIKE certificate to the proxy voter who will, in turn, present it at the polling place to ex- change if for a ballot. Persons eligible to vote in this election are those who, on election day, are 18 years of age or older, a Canadian citizen, and have ,resided in Ontario for the six month period.. prior to election day, and whose names are on the list of electors or on a certificate to vote inthe electoral district where they reside. GOE)ERICH SIGNAL -STAR. WE)NF,SDAY. AUGUST 26. 1987—PAGE 13 BREAKFAST 9.99 .99 2 NEW YORK SIRLOIN DINNERS FOR8116.95 * * LUNCH AND DINNER SPECIALS * * PLAYING THURSDAY, FRIDAY 8. SATURDAY New Orleans Country LIVE ENTERTAINMENT THURS.-SUN. FROM 5 P.M. ON HARBOUR LIGHTS RESTAURANT & TAVERN HIGHWAY 21 - BAYFIELD 565-2554 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 A M 1 A.M. North Street United Church 56 North Street, 524-7631 WORSHIP & JUNIOR CONGREGATION 10:00 A.M. each Sunday Worship Leader: Aug. 30th REV. DONALD PARSONS, Central United, Welland, Ont. Mr. Paul Howe — organist — Knox Presbyterian Church Interim Moderator Interim Minister The Rev. B.A. Nevin The Rev. R.W. Johnson Lorne H. Dotterer. Director of Praise Sunday, August 30 SUMMER SERVICES ARE 10:00 A.M. Mr. Johnson will preach (Nursery Facilities) Lemonade On The Front Lown After Service Enter to Worship Depart to Serve Calvary Baptist Church BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET PASTOR: TERRY WOODCOCK Phone 524.6445 Sunday, August 30 Nursery Facilities available •Sunday .School •• 10:00 a.m. Mornirig Service - 11:00 a.m. Evening Service • 7:00 p.m... 'Prayer Meeting - Wednesday 7:00 p.m.' WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH St. George's Church Anglican - Episcopal North and Nelson Streets Goderfth Organist ' Choirmaster David Hamilton, A.R.C.T. Sunday, August 30 8 30 a. in, Holy Communion The Rev. Douglas Pitts 9.30 a.m. Morning Prayer at Christ Chur<h Por, Albert - The Rev William Craven 11:00 a.m, Morning Prayer and Sermon , the Rev. Douglas Pitts. —You are always welcome - The Salvation Army 18 Waterloo St., 524.4341 Capt. 8 Mrs. Walter Clark 9:30.Sunday School for all ages 11:00 Morning Worship Service Evening Service 6:30 p.m. SEVEN DAY BIBLE READING SCHEDULE: AUG. 26 = Psalm 70 - 'The Prayer Of A Good Man Suffering From Persecution AUG. 27 - Psalm 71 - Growing Old -Gracefully With God AUG. 28 - Psalm 72 The Coming King (Jesus) And His Kingdom AUG. 29 - Psalm 73 - The Solution To The Perflexing Problem Of The Prosperity Of The Wicked: Their End AUG. 30 - Psalm 74 - The Psalmists Distress At The Withdrawal Of God's Hand From•Hns Sinning People . AUG. 31 - Psalm 75 - God Is Sovereign In The Affairs Of Men SEPT. 1 - Psalm 76 - God: The Champion Of Tho Good. SCNOOL IW The Huron -Perth Catholic School Board Student Registration Kindergarten - Grade 10 Parents of Catholic school ago children who art nett• to the area may register their children on Tuesday, September 8, 1987 8:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at t Ira closed Intal .t hrml KINDERGARTEN children need to he J tear, of age on' or before I)ec•ornher :11. 1987. ('lease hring.proof of ago 1liirth ('tr•tifienio and Certifit Berl, n In ttnrri.tnt r• with now legislation. proof of immunization is also required before children mai attend school, FRENCH IMMERSION tlasse..'n being altered ;it tit. \larv's School. (itiderith. Please contact \lr. Jim \IeI )ado. Principal. 711 lien, nett Street. E.. Goderich. Ont arin..i2 1•119(11, •ST. MICHAEL SE('0NI)AItY S('I1(J)1. is ;, ('atholir' Secondary School -erv'ing Stratford and arca, 'I'o r :;i for nem' (iriolo 9 or 10 students. please contact \1r. )i,n Bishop. Principal. Si. Michael Secondary School. ri (;range Street. Stratford. Ontario. ',714o<90, (1I'III:Ii III'1{(1\ ('Ol'\'I'1' :1I{1.:A SCIIO()I.S .\RI: • St. Joseph's School Mr. James McQuillan. Principal R.R. 3 Goderich, Ontario N7A :3X9 529-7646 St. Columban School (Kindergarten to (Trade 3) Mr. George Van Slyck, Principal R, R. 2 Dublin, Ontario NOK 345-2086 Our Lady of ,.Mount Carmel School Mr. Laurie it raft check. Principal R.R. 3 Dashwood. Ontario NOM 1 NO 237-3337 St. Joseph's School Mr. Ed Cappelli. Principal 169 Beech Street Clinton. Ontario N0\1 11,0 482-7035 Precious 13Iood School Mrs. Msfrgaret \ledve. Principal Sanders Street. \V.. Box 789 Exeter. Ontario N0\1 150 235-1691 D. Durand Chairman of the Board School will begin St. Mary's School Mr. Jim McDade. Principal 70 Bennett Street, East Goderich, Ontario N7A 1 A•l 524-9901 St. James School Mr. Gary Birmingham. Principal Chalk Street, 13ox 100 Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1 WO 527-0321 Sacred Ileart School Mr. Jim Steffler. Principal Cornyn Street Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0' 357-1090 St. Boniface School Mr. David Sharpe. Principal Mary Street, I3ox 128 • Zurich, Ontario NOM 2T0 236-4335 *St. Michael SECONDARY School Mr• Dan Bishop. Principal 6, Grange Street Stratford. Ontario N5A 31'6 271.0890 Tuesday, September 8, 1987 W. Eckert Director of Education A.,