HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-08-26, Page 2PAGE 2 - GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1967
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Cammunitv News
Agricultural con
from page 1
bought by foreigners," he said, before tell-
ing Mr. Riddell that he took exception to a
story which appeared in the London Free
Press which quoted Mr. Riddell as saying
foreign land ownership was no longer a
Mr. Riddell said this type of land owner-
ship has dropped. to less than, one per cent.
"The real flurry has dropped off because
we closed the loop hole in the taxes which
foreign owners would pay. "We're monitor-
ing the situation and will stop it if it gets out
of hand," said Mr. Riddell.
However, he says those selling the land
are receiving a good dollar for it.
Mr. Klopps spoke to the question as well,
stating, "It has improved but the bottom
line is we have to set up a policy that says we
want people to farm the land. He used policy
which is implemented in Saskatchewan as
an example.
"In Saskatchewan, if you don't want to
come here and farm it, you can't buy more
than 10 acres and that goes for corporations
as well."
The next question asked each candidate if
they would support greater industrialization
of Huron County. was asked of Mr. Peters how he justifies
Mr. Riddell was the first to speak to this free.trade as supported by the PC party. He
saying we need something to keep the young said he didn't support the liberal meaning of
people here, but we should choose industries free trade, but felt it should be called freer
which are compatible with agriculture so we trade or negotiated trade. He said rules
do not damage our present crops. needed to be put in place so everyone
Mr. Peters said 80 per cent of farmers understands where they stood.
hold off farm jobs and was also in favor of Elementary School Funding
more economic development. But to achieve At the present time, each elementary stu-
this, Mr. Peters believes the present Tier dent is under funded $911 compared to the
secondary school student. Mr. Peters was
standing needs to be changed.
The tier one standing does not provide asked what he thought of this.
grants for businesses wanting to locate in "Our children have to deal with a lot less
Huron County and is based on unemploy- than those in the urban communities, and
ment figures. ' that's not right," he answered. He also said
"A company was going to set up in thereis a proposal for 60 per cent funding
Wingham and would have employed 100 peo- for .the school system, bringing it up from
pie, but they were advised to move to the the 45 ,per cent which it has dropped to over
Toronto area because of the unemployment the years.
figures there," said Mr. Peters. "We need a Bilingualism
loud voice at Queen's Park to say, don't look The question, "Should Ontario, with 90 per
at my riding because of statistics, look at its cent English speaking people, go bil-
ingual" saw the microphone passed down
Mr. Klopp said he ' looked at economic the table by the other two candidates to Mr.
development differently than Mr. Riddell Peters. •
and Mr. Peters. He said, "I am against it" but added that
"If people have to work • outside their if it were available to his kids, he would
- farms, they are taking jobs away from so- have sent them to the French Immersion
meone else,. That's why I said we must make classes. "But try and ram it down my throat
agriculture healthy." and it'll come back and hit you."
He also said he felt it was inconsistent to Mr. Klopp said, "I don't recall anyone try -
have a rural. area with industry., , ing to ram it down anyone's throat... I do
"It just doesn't work. It's time we treated believe we should have French and English
in Ontario. It won't hurt anyone."
agriculture as a business."
OMAF Offfice Mr. Riddell was in favor of bilingualism,
The Clinton OMAF office was the focus of saying it would "bring people together as
the next topic of conversation, with the one happy family."
asker wondering if the candidate's party
would get the "ball rolling on a new and big- Town wants to
ger" office.
Mr. Klopp saidltere was a 1.4 per cent in-
crease for the new OMAF office about three
. years ago but the money never got through.
- "That doesn't sit well with me," he said.,,..
Mr. Peters std he can't see a need for .a
larger offi.'de. ' " " " a
"I don't think the OMAF office is as small
as we think it is. When there are meetings
there,' it is full, but that's because there's a
good six size crowd... I can't see a need for
Mr. Riddell told the crowd there is going
to be a new OMAF office in Clinton, and
believes tenders have gone out on property
"There will be a new OMAF office in Clin-
ton and it will be here in the near future," he
Low Income Housing
On the topic of low income housing, or sub-
sidized housing, Mr. Riddell and Mr. Klopp
were in favor of it and Mr. Peters was
against it.
"It's a priority with Mr. Peterson and the
Liberal government," said Mr. Riddell.
"We should push that the government in-
crease spending overall," said Mr. Klopp.
Mr. Peters said, "We should create new
wealth, not redistribute it..."
Free Trade
On the subject of free trade, the question
The Adminstration and Personnel Com-
mittee will be considering a method of
• recognizing the contribution of neighbor-
ing townships to recreational organiza-
tions in the Town of Goderich.
• Colborne Township Council was con-
- sidering a donation to the Goderich Figure
Skating Club at a recent meeting, but tabl-
sed the matter to their next meeting in
order to determine how such a donation
One man in the audience disagreed.
"Why isn't Quebec bilingual'?" he asked;
going on to say he has received documents
from Quebec with not one. single word in
Mr. Riddell said changes are being made
in Quebec as they are now more willing to
talk to those struggling with their French, in
Highway 8 Expansion
The next questionfocused on the Highway
8 expansion, with the asker wondering if it
would open the door for a chemical waste
site in Huron County.
Mr. Riddell felt confident this wouldn't
"No, it won't open doors for chemical
waste sites. The site has already more or
less been selected although they still have to
go through the process."
He did admit that Huron was being con-
sidered for the site earlier, but not any
"What we do need is a better transporta-
tion route to have industry located here," he
Mr. Klopp took the expansion, which is
proposed as passing lanes where needed, to
mean a four lane highway.
"I don't think we need a four lane
highway, we're a rural community, he
said. "But there is a difference between four
lanes and upgrading.
Mr. Peters, like Mr. Riddell, was in favor
of the expansion as said Highways 8 and 4
are vital links to Huron County, moving raw
products in andfinished products out.
"But no money and no dates have been
set, yet they (Liberals) said it was a priori-
ty..." said Mr. Peters.
The final question of the night was about
the $1 -billion debt. Since approximately
$1 -billion was generated, and considered ex-
tra money, why wasn't it used to wipe out
the debt?
The asker put two stipulations on Mr. Rid -
dell's answer. He said, "Don't blame it on
the NDP because you didn't give them any
credit, and don't blame it on' the PCs
because you've had, two years."
Mr: Riddell said, "This is the first time
the debt has been below $1 -billion. •
"We inherited some problems, the health
. care system was sliding•, the Young Of-
fenders Act was given to us and we had to
improve the health and safety standards in
the industries, and how do you do that? Put
in more inspectors.
"There was a long time need to spend
money, and at the same time, we reduced
the debt," concluded Mr. Riddell.
The meeting, chaired by Brenda McIn-
tosh, was sponsored 'by the Huron County
Federation of Agriculture.
could be made with assurance the dona-
tion is received by that organization and
yet receive recogniton from the Town of
Goderich as support to the town's recrea-
tional program from the Township," said a
letter from Colborne Council to town coun-
cil at their Aug. 17 meeting. .
"It's nice to see the townships taking this
kind of .attitude' (toward's contributions to
recreation)," said Councillor John
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