HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-08-19, Page 91. Articles for Sale 1 GODERICH AUTO SALES & SERVICE n : Country CLASSIFI D GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19. 1967 -PAGE 9 ANT ADS SSIFIED' ES & DATA: "5 p.m. publicat Monday" for Wednesday n. a; '4.50 minV22 words 204 ea. additional word thereafte. Consecutive Insertions: 2 con- secutive insertions, '4.00 ea. 3 of more con- secutive insertions '3.50 ea. In Memoriam: '4.50 mn. plus 354 per line of rhymed verse. Cerds3f thanks: '4.50 min. 25 words plus 6c for rach additional word. Public Notice: '20. fc 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors: '30. fir 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. fir 1 insertion. Drawer Number: '3'. first week„ '1. each additional week. Prompt Payment: 504 discount per week for cord ads paid in full at time of purchase or thin 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.) Display Classified: ra4es ava able on request, '0 place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM 524-2614 address mall correspondence: ILASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Signal - der. P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park, oderlch. N7A 4B6 . Articles for Sale AITOMATIC.Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, line and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner ..of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- neyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich. 524-7861r -1 tfar ' HARDWOOD SLABS by truckload delivered. Call tarly mornings and evenings 529-7642.-21tf R SALE: 12 ga. power shear $695.00. 4 x 6 utili- t c ttrailers $496.00/595.00. New 16' tag -a -long t oiler, hydraulic brakes $2495.00. 2 1" Baker rill press $5.95.00. 2 high capacity gas burners $200.00 each. 2 new 8:00-14.5 trailer tires $65.00 each. Phone 524-2352 after 6 p.m -.-32,33 HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Beds, chesterfields, chairs, etc. Phone- 524-9683.-732.,33x FIVE OFFICE dividers, twe brown, three tan. Ap- proximately 41/4' x 6'. Call 524-2138.-32,33 PATIO SETS - 40% of or more. Wide selection. Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays. 71 King West, Forest, Ont. (519) 786-4405.-25-33ar /ISSCHER FARMS COUNTRY MARKET - Open doi- ly 9a.m. - 6 p.m., Thursday and. Friday 9 a.m. - 8 r.m. Closed Sundays. Specializing in cauliflower cnd'proccoli. 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 01.9) 237.3442.-2Stfar • COMI'UTOR TRS 81 64K colour, excellent condi- tion, iincludes keyboard, "cassette drive', joy sticks dust covets and several programs, $350. Phone 524.2769.--31.34nx CUCU 8ERS for pickling and eating. Phone 524.9 4 for orders. ---31-32;33 RED AVEN PEACHES; apples, potatoes, tomat s; pluns, apple butter. Two locations, No. 8 hwal Clinton at oyes Transport and on the far . 5248037. Art Bell Fruit Form.-32tfn ONE T'4 •A-IONG utility trailer. Excellent condi- tion, 45000 or best offer. Phone 524.249-?3tfnx 2 WOO EPI FOLDING DOORS, 2 fluorescent lights, 3 itches. Homemade apple juice press and cam ing gas stove. Phone 524-7560,-33 ONE 12 OT and one seven foot orange vinyl coated anvas awning. Phone 565-2104 anytime. 33 MUST SE couch, 2 end tables, 2 lamps ladies Broyhill esser with hutch. All in good condi- tion. PIo e 524-8926, before 10 a.m.-33-34nx REFIGEA OR $250.00; Inglis washing machine $275.01. Both in excellent condition. Phone 565-527.- -33-36 --- CHEVTRANSMISSION 350 turbo (long tail); 4 Camco or Novo rally wheels (r4x7). Phone 524-738 or 524-9089.-33 ' BIC/LES FOR SALE -- new and used, all sizes, mers, 'pdies. boys' 8 girls". Will trade bikes 8 retail-. Phone 482-5698.-33-35x YE,R OLD ROASTING HENS, six to eight lbs. Freh killed. Freezer ready. $5.00 each. Orders talon now for any amount large or small. Call Aourn 526-7543.-33.35 , PIKLING CUCUMBERS, potatoes, beets, etc., 10 btes of R12 insulation (batt -type) at $12.50 each. A Kingsbridge - phone 529-7213.-33nx 7' ADMIRAL TV Super Solac Colour, asking 500.00 firm, Phone 524.4370,-33x URNITURE REFINISHING SUPPLIES - stripper, tain, equipment, etc. 524-7825 after 6 ,. m. -33.36 APPROX. 250 stone faced building block $200.00; six solid wood interior doors, 30" x 78" $10.00 each. 524-7825 after 6 p.m. -33 BICYGLES FOR SALE. Older style standard bikes suitable for boys or girls 5-10 years old. Call 529-7571. -33nx MUST SELL - fridge, stove, TV, exercise bike, choir with ottoman, plus other articles. No reasonable offer refused. 519-524.7083.-33-34 "A CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE" the com- memorative edition honouring the 100th An- niversary of Champion Road Machinery. $2.00 per copy (out of town orders add $1.80 postage). Makes great gifts for former Goderich residents, summer visitors and friends. Available ap the of- fice of the Goderich Signdl-Star, Industrial Park, • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. -1 ltfnx GENERAL' Instrument 10 and equipment far sole. Coif 524-4243 anytime.-44tfnx ft. mesh satellite dish ONE PAIR of twin beds: dresser. All in good con- dition. Phone 524-4572.--33 ANTIQUE walnut dining table, lion claw feet, matching velvet seat on chairs, all in excellent condition. Moped have no room. 529-7785.-33,34 QUEEN SIZE, 1 year old box spring, mattress and frame in excellent condition. Also a 20" girl's bike and highchair. Phone 524-6957. --33 TE -EM FARM PICK YOUR OWN •BEANS *TOMATOES •PICKLING CUCUMBERS Ready Picked Also Available •Lots of CANNING TOMATOES and other fruits and vegetables. Our own Cauliflower and Broccoli R.R. 1 BAYFIELD Open 7 Days 482-3020 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We can offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21. GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades SWOP SHOP Like to trade your marmalade? Let us help you trade those unwanted items for something you want. For advertising information call Theresa 524-2614 weekdays 9 - 5. 1975 TOYOTO Corolla will trade for any of the following - lawn mower, TV, TV aerial or building materials. Please call 529-3117 or 524.4948.-19tf 3, Garage Sale PLANNING A GARAGE SALE? Get your Garage. Sale Kit with posters and including one free garage sale ad on the classified pages of The Goderich Signal -Star. Only $6.00. Available at the office of The Goderich Signal -Star, Industrial Park, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday ,through Friday. -11 tfnx YARD SALE - Saturday August 22 8 a.m.. noon 130 Quebec St. Small appliances, lamps, fur- niture, lawn chairs, tires, snow scoop, knick knocks etc. Rain date Sunday A ug. 23.--33 YARD SALE - Sat. Aug. 22- 138 West St. 9 o.m. - ? lots of junk. Rain 8 shine.-33nx ---- GARAGE SALE (moving) 294 Lakeside Dr. Goderich. Dishes, furniture, tools, linens, miscellaneou's household goods, everything must go. Make us an offer. 8 o.m.-33nx HURON HAVEN RESIDENTS Gorage Sale Saturday August 29, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Located 2 miles north of Goderich on Hwy 21. Anything and everything for sole, -33-34x SALVATION ARMY BAND Youth and Adult Yard and Bake Sale, Saturday, August 22, 1987, 8 a.m. - 12 noon, Salvation Army Church Grounds, 18 Waterloo St. Goderich. Proceeds to purchase brass instruments. Donations Appreciated. Peo- ple Helping People.-33nx GIGANTIC YARD, SALE - clothing, furniture, tools, sports equipment, toys, lights. bikes, anti- ques, tires books and much more. Saturday, August 2249 a.m. - 5 p.m. 11/4 miles south of Londesboro on Highway 4.-33 GARAGE SALE -- 116 Bruce St. East, Saturday, August 22, 1987, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. (weather permitting. -33 5. Cars for Sale FOR THE SPORTS -MINDED person, '84 Pontiac Fiero, Fuel injected, 4 speed, 4. cylinder; Luggage rack, stereo cassette,.tilt steering. Excellent con- dition. Finished in white. Far details phone 524-5408 after 5 p.m.--25tfnx - '86 MUSTANG GT • White with red interior, fuel injected 302, 5 speed. Air conditioned, cruise control, tilt wheel, intermittent wipers, tinted glass, adj. seats, console, posi-traction, axel, aluminum wheels Goodyear Eagle tires, under• coated, transferable extended warranty. Ap- proximately 20,000 kms. Price negotiable 482-9438 or 529-7912. 28tfnx 1980 FORD PINTO 2 door, 4 speed, new metallic brown paint, excellent condition, $1700 certified. Call Diane after 5 p.m. 524.7571.- •29tfn 1978 MONTE CARLO, 6 cylinder, automatic, silver with red in.terior, power steering and brakes, block heater, rear defogger, extra snows on rims. As is. Good winter transportation. Phone 524-2435. -32,33 1976 BUICK CENTURY, 2 door, red, 8 cylinder, automatic, many extras. Very good condition, one owner. Reasonably priced. Call 1-565-2574 ask for Bill. --32,33 • 1978 GREMLIN, Good condition. Call •524.7516, or contact Morgan at 44 Lighthouse Street, Goderich.-32,33 1974 MERCURY CAPRI, new tires all around, new brakes, new exhaust, Pioneer stereo, good winter car, $800. Phone 524.8133.-33-34 1980 BUICK SKYLARK LTD, 2.8 litres, V6, ps, pb, 2 doors, well maintaintd, reliable, certified $2700. Phone 529.7261.-33 1980 CAMARO - new tires, battery, rad 8 paint. Phone 524-7138 or 524-9089.-33 1983 PLYMOUTH HORIZON - ps, pb, automatic, 4 -door, 46,000 km, 'excellent condition, $4100.00. 524-7946 anytime. -33-34 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Back To School In Style ... .:.rr r aN.�? 1983 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME 4 door, 305 V8, power steering, power brakes, AM/FM cassette, velour interior, sport wheels, only 69,000108.: Great, family transportation, n$���5. One owner car. ONLY CALL BOB OR JIM TODAY 524-2131 6. Trucks for Sale 1976 CHEV 1/2 TON in good running condition. Asking $900 or best offer as is. Phone 524-2800 anytime. -32,33 1977 DODGE TRADESMAN VAN, 58,000 original kms, insulated with interior heater, engine, brakes and transmission all A-1. $1,200. Call 524-5443 after 6 p.m.-33nx SPORTS & ECREATION CENTRE oaIPMENT 7 classifications 7A. For Sale General 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles. 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service, Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies [7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc. 1982GS300L SUZUKI Lady -driven, in excellent condition. Call Joanne at 348-8976 after 5:00 p. m. -30-33nx 1985 RZ500 YAMAHA, excellent condition, in- cludes: Leathers, Custom Steering, Damper, etc., Por viewing and price call Brent at 348-8757 or 348-9376 anytime.-30.33nx 1984 SUZUKI mptorbike - low mileage, ex- cellent condition. Phone 524-7138 or 524-9089. -33 TRAILER - 8' x 6', with 14" tires, mugs, $275.00. Two Suzuki Quad Runners, 125 cc's, one 1984, one 1985, good condition, $2,500.00 for pair. 524.6486.-33-34 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine ALBACOR SAILBOAT Built by Skeine Boats No. 7042 Storer Sales, excellent racing record, good beach boat. Weekdays cull 1.800.265-4119 ask for Tom, weekends 1.565.5073.---32,33 14 FOOT Peterborough fishing boat; 16' sailboat. fibreglass; 14' canoe. Phone 482.9223. --33 10. Pets for Sale SIAMESE KITTENS for sale. $50.00 each. Phone after 5 p.m. 524.7716. -33-34 Plant a Classified Ad® Harvest cash! Ff1RM M II RKET 17. Apartments for Rent , ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT available Oct. 1. Phone 524-9445.-33 11 classifications 11A. For Sale General, 11B. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11F. Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Systems 11K. Farm Real Estate 11A. . For Sale General FOR SALE 2ND CUT alfalfa hay in square bales. Call 529-7020.-32-34 COB CORN for sale, 1986 crop. Phone 529-7615.--33,34 118. Wanted. to Buy WANTED TO RENT - small barn and small acreage for horses. Close to town, or board for horses. Call 524-9673.-33nx 11E. Livestock FOR SALE: Serviceable age boars - minimal disease - 50 boar inventory of York, Hemp, Duroc and Hump X Duroc - backfat as low as 8.8 mm. Aged to 200 as low as 126 days. Sound, ag- gressive, fully guaranteed. Delivery available. Priced from $250.00 call Bob Robinson,' Walton, 345-2317.-32,33,34 111G. Farm Equipment 1982 JD 4420 COMBINE, air conditioning, heater, radio, 4 way seat, Murphy shut down switches, Sid grain loss monitoring system, 329 cu. in., bin extension, - diesel motor, 23.1 x 26 tires, 600 hours. 1982 10' dummy pickup header with 8' Sunpickup, new in 1985, hydraulic controlled. 1982 4 row 30" corn head, new style low profile. - Excellent combine, low hours, stored inside, never pulled white beans. 529-7607 or 529-7995.-28tfnx FOR SALE - two wagons with gravity boxes. ' Phone 529-7795.-32,33 - 11H. Farm Services CUSTOM PLOWING and cultivating. Phone 357-1329 or 357.1375.-20tfn 112. Real Estate for Sale WINGHAM AREA - three bedroom two storey brick and siding, attached garage, large lot. $59,900.00. Call 1-528-3038.-32,33 THREE BUILDING LOTS, Bennett St. and South St. Phone 1-395-5667.3tf 13. Mobile Homes PRIVATE SALE of Huron Haven Village situated on a well treed lot size 145' x 55' a 1978 Nor- thland Mobile Home 68' x 14' on a cement slab, with sun deck, porch over both doors, carport on cement floor, forced air electric furnace. 524-8025 at noon or after 5 p.m.-32x,33x 16. For Rent SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - Lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, moving, painting, clean- ing, sanders, Doupe's Equipment, 3 miles East of Kincardine on Highway 9. Phone 395-2685.-42tfar MOTORIZED woodsplitter for rent, $40.00 per day. Phone 524-4877 after 6 p.m.-42tfnx MOTORIZED woodsplitter $25.00 per day. Call 524-8110 after 4 p.m.-43tfnx Let the rest of the world go buy... RENT & SAVE Layman Cental equipment 209 BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524-2659 FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 5246231 17. Apartments for Rent BENNETT APARTMENTS now taking applications on 1 bedroom apartment. Phone 524-6653. -32tfar IMMEDIATE POSSESSION • One bedroom apart- ment, ground floor, close to The Square, stove, aerator and heat included. Tenant to pay drb and water. Contact John Banter between a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at 524-8376.-32,33 THE BROWNSTONE 250 Hincks St. One & two bedroom apartments available for immediate occupancy. -fully carpeted -refrigerator -stove -no-wax floors -controlled entry -outdoor parking Laundry Facilities - lst & 3rd Floor Model Suite Hours: Monday - Thursday 1 - 8 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 1 - 5 p.m. For Rental Information Call Margaret 524-5183 LARGE; ONE BEDROOM apartment located on se- cond floor, centrally located, newly decoroted, new appliances, air conditioned, available im- mediately. Phone 524-7346 from 9-5.-33,34 18. Houses for Rent THREE BEDROOM mobile home, washer, dryer, fridge and stove included, $375 per month, first and last months, phone *672-5797* or 524-6384.-32-35x 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, Ducharme Estates, Bayfield, Available 1st of September. Phone 236-4230.-31 tf TWO BEDROOM HOUSE for rent first of October. Phone 524-8735.-33,34 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in Goderich area. Couples only. References required. Phone 482-1705.-33x ONE BEDROOM HOUSE for rent November 87 • May 88. $350.00 per month. Heat, furnished, cen- tral location in Goderich. 524-7946 anytime. -33,34 120. Room & Board FURNISHED BEDSITTING room close to The Square. Available July 1st. Phone 524-7409 or 524-4234.-24tf ROOM FOR RENT. Kitchen and living room privileges. Phope 524-6934.---32 ROOM TO RENT: Female nonsmoker to share the house with one person. Phone after 3 p.m. 524-9619 or 524-8713.-33 FOR RENT: light housekeeping room equipped with stove,fridge, TV, all cooking utensils "etc. Phone 524-7516.-33 23. Commercial Property for Rent • STORE FOR RENT on main street. Phone 529-7888.-16tfar APPROXIMATELY 1000 sq. ft. main floor office space available. Close to the Square. Available September 1. Phone 524-5316.-18tfar SMALL STORE for rent at 38A Newgate Street. Total fresh renovations. Reasonable rent, available immediately! Contact Ken McGee at 524-8391.-27tf4[r PRIME OFFICE OR WAREHOUSE SPACE Available September 1, Hensall, Ont. Air auditioned commercial building with finished executive offices from 200 to 3000 sq. ft. Storage space from 100 to 10.000 sq. ft. with fork lift, shelving, in- ventory control and fulfillment services available. Competitive rotes, will subdivide. For Information contact: Adrian Bayley (319) 473-3300 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT On The Square First & Second Floor Standard Trust Building For Inquiries �! Please Call 524-73856 RENTAL SPACE AVAILABLE Retail or office space available in basement, newly constructed build- ing. High ceilings, well in- sulated. Ideal location across from Post Office. 1.700 sq. feet. 524-4894 [24. Wanted to Rent 1 WANTED TO RENT - Young reliable family re- quires a house in or near Goderich, by September 1. Call 524-6355.-30tf IMMEDIATELY in Goderich area, 2 or 3 bedroom home for young family. Please toll 524-6013.-33-34 I25. Wanted to Buy WANTED - screen or screen frame for 6' sliding glass door. Phone 524-9515.-33 WANTED - Single snowmobile trailer or motor• cycle, reasonable 524.2887.-33,34 OLDER BRICK HOUSE - 4 bedroom on quiet street. A. Webster, Woodbine Ave. RR 2, Gormley, Ontario LOH 1G0. 416-477.8099.-33-34 USED GUITAR AMP. Phone 524.9859,-33-34x 26. Help Wanted EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We offer an exciting career with a growing com- pany. full training program, equal opportunities for female or male. For your efforts you receive salary 8 commissions, car allowance 8 bonuses, full company benefits & the opportunity to earn executive income. To take advantage of this op- portunity today call Harry at 1.800-265-3435 or 364.1894,-32tfar e