HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-08-12, Page 22PAGE 8A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNNSDAYAAUGUST 12, 1987 744(44 To all the scorekeepers, the bantam boys ground crew and especially the Goderich Umpire Association and others who volunteered their time and ef- forts at our Squirt and Pee Wee Boys Softball Tournament a whole hearted Thank You! Special thanks to Ray Hurd and Zehrs for their trophies and awards, Phil Petrie and Garb and Gear for their donation and their help, and McDonalds for the coupons. The Goderich Minor Softball Association THURSDAY -� DIGHT -� (August 4 3) 7:30 p.m. The Ontario Sires Stakes two-year-old colt pacers are at Goderich Raceway. This promises to be a major confrontation of Ontario's best colts. Goderich Raceway is located on McDonald St. in Goderich. EVERYONE WELCOME! Phone (514) 524-6641 for further information 11 1` '.1 Family Paradise Snowmobile Club presents ... COUNTRY WESTERN JAMBOREE j Sunday, August 16, 1987 1 p.m. - 8 p•rn. $4.00 per person * HOT FOOD AVAILABLE * J House Band .:'COUNTRY COMPANIONS' Featuring ••• Nashville Bound and Amavillo —atthe— ' FAMILY PARADISE. DANCE HALL * Proceeds to Ontario March of Dimes X11. *Help the Disabled Co-sponsored by , the Family Paradisel' Campground t, /iii. `;- •1 r •• -r Occasion Permit..'' Held under t i the authority (( of a Special GG GQETTLER M. h FINE FURNITURE / '1 mAX II o €DIC ` `,0'117111 1 B•E•D•D•I•N•G SIMMONS ON THE MAIN STREET OF DUBLIN 345.2250 OPEN Monday to Saturday 0: Thursday and Friday night Until t):tah Sports Equipment • from page 7A he was allowed to park himself of the other team's blueline. The three point shot in basketball has many saying it will change the game. The new rule will make basketball better, because it allows more players to become involved. Five years ago only huge, tall men who could play the inside power game were effective and guards were becoming useless or at least a liability. The outside shot has quickend the pace and opened more fast -break opportunities. In addi- tion, if your team is down by six, you are only two shots away from a tie, the three pointer has made the game more exciting. I would like to see the rule come to Cana- dian colleges and high schools. I am short and white and I have a soft spot in my heart for a pure shooter. It takes years of dedication and practice to excel at any sport .and it takes in- telligence. and mental toughness to con- tinue to compete at a high level, equipment or rule changes will never alter that. Spoonerisms : Wilf Denomme won the draw held by the Jr. C Sailors for a trip for two to Cleveland , to watch the Indians play Boston on Aug. 28, 29. Mrs Williamson pulled his name out of the hat. I am looking forward to watching the Blue Jay's new pitcher 48 year old, knuckleballer Phil Niekro. There is never a dull moment with a knuckleball pitcher on the mound. Wild pitches, passed balls, stolen bases and batters walking around scratching their heads are the order of the day when you have a pitcher who can make the ball dance. I recently received game sheets for some sort of female baseball league. Try as I may I could not figure them out. In one set of sheets it was a game between Goderich and Vanastra and I figured out that Tammy went three for four and had a great game. However, I don't know !Tammy's last name, I don't know what type of ball she was playing–fastball, hardball, baseball or slowpitch, I don't know the name of her team and I don't know if she is a child, a girl, a woman or a elderly lady. It iS difficult enough trying to write an interesting report from sheets and I need as much information as you can give me. Call me at 524-2614 ex 17 and tell me about your team Slow pitch tourney a hit BY EARL PENNINGTON When was the last time you went to a ball game and saw one of the teams dressed in hard hats and ties, or saw people swimm- ing in right field at the Fastball diamond? If you had been at the Men's Slowpitch Tournament on the August long weekend, you would have seen these and other hap- penings going on all weekend. Forty-eight teams from across Southwestern Ontario played a total of 92 games for $5,000:00 in cash prizes. This year's tournament was run by the Goderich Elevators ball team and work assignments were given to each team in the league. The league should be proud of how hard its teams worked to help make this one of the most successful tour- naments the league has held. The dance on Saturday was standing room only and Marty Rivett from Dungan- non was the D.J. He kept the crowd jumping. The Black Apple Reproductions from London won the "AA" division worth $550.00. Mom's Kettle from London won the "AB" division worth $350.00, while the Port Albert Bulldogs won the "BA" and also collected $350.00. The "BB" division was won by the Buzzards of London who edged out the Chiefs for the $250.00 cash prize. Altogether, it made for a great weekend of baseball and just having fun, which is what slowpitch is all about. - The Elevators would like to gide a special thanks to our wives who helped out at the tournament. Without their help and patience our job would have b en tougher. Goderich hosts OSS event for pacing._ colts Goderich Raceway will host a $35,250 Ontario Sires Stakes event for two-year-old pac- ing colts Thursday, August 13th. Post time is 7:30 p.m. A total of 27 colts wea entered here today splitting the big purse into four divisions. Featured among the entrants is the top OSS colt Skip Killean. Skip Killean, who has earned $37,927 already in this his freshman campaign, had been undefeated in the five OSS previous to last week's Woodstock test. However a difficult post position, odd fractions and a tough trip ended that as he finished second. His owners are sure to be looking to improve that performar.ce this Thursday. The problem for Skip Killean is that he has drawn the seven trailing post position and that he is up against some other tough colts. Facing Skip Killean will be Woodstock OSS winner Bando Phoenix and two time OSS victor Gerabell Pat. Lesters Dream, ownedby Kevin Carter of Clinton, Ont., won a quali- fying race in 2:06.3 last week over the Goderich track and he has also drawn into this division. Another division is highlighted by two Woodstock OSS winners going head to head. These are the colts 1 m Herb, now three for three lifetime ( Woodstock was his first stakes start) and Bio Time. Bio Time has been racing the province wide OSS circuit all season, but that Woodstock victory was also his first in stakes company. Bob Hamather of Zurich, Ont., will see his highly thought of colt Caught Foolin race in a division also. Hamather, who owns -car dealerships and several bgsinesses in the Ex- eter areas, said recently that this colt was given his name because he was foaled on April Fools Day. Hamather is a well known owner having conpaigned Willow Wiper and No No Abby. Goderich Raceway extends a special invitation to everyone to come out Thursday night and see these exceptional Ontario Sires Stakes col .s perform. Thursday's raceway entries GODERICH RACEWAY THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987. O.S.S..2 Y 0 COLT PACERS RACE 1 PACE PURSE: $8850 ONTARIO SIRES STAKES 2 Y O COLT PACE ROYAL RED W Fritz DEVON DIVIDEND G Campbell MR TERMINATOR D Graham BIO MAKER N Jones CLUB CHAMPION K Quirie BLAZE SKIP N ZIP R McLean BABY BOOMER T Kerr RACE2 PACE PURSE: $575 CLAIMING HANDICAP $2000-$2500 WITH ALLOWANCES BYE BYE TIDE VELLASSIMOES ' RIGGETTE AIRBOR.N ACE BRADASH HAPPY LADY DALLAS IRONIC STAR AEI DEEP RUN SUPER W McLean AE2 BYE BYE MOON R Windsor RACE3 PACE PURSE: $8700 ONTARIO SIRES STAKES 2 Y O COLT PACE "IM HERB K Quirie BIO TIME N Jones GEOFFREYS CHOICE G Dustin PHANTOM FIGHTER W Fritz NO DONUT N McKnight FANCY PHIL 13 Before RACE4 PACE PURSE:' $550 N/W 2 RACES OR $750 LIFE MARY LOU HERBERT T Kerr, COLOR MY DREAMS W McLean LINLOR TRULEE B Vanstone FARLANE ANN • K Quirie KAMI HERBERT G Darnell K M SPRING FEVER A Sadler NEVER ENDING ROAD W Fritz AEI SUPER HONEST R Daer AE2 GOLDEN FRED R Battin RACE 5 - PACE PURSE: $575 CLAIMING HANDICAP 82000-$2500 WITH ALLOWANCES SALES TAX R Windsor HES SPECIAL A Shelton WOODROW RDaer ' KASUWI A Sadler SOUTHERN ROMEO D Windsor GHERKIN G Darnell I.IAS VAI. T Ksrr G Gaynor C Ger,man T Kerr R Battin K Quirie \ AE1 IE WII.I,COX Xl 2 S EET NOBLE R PACE •N/W 3 RACES OR $3000 LIFETIME. AE CLAIMING $6000 AE N/W $700 L 6 STARTS WILLOWAY WENDY GYPSY RIP • POWER,OF LOVE WINDOW 1PER' KEEN CONTESSA ROSEYS.IPDE RACE7 PACE ONTARIO . IRES STAKES 2 Y 0 COLT PACE CAUGHT F' OLIN CRAFTY SENOR EPITONE REBEL TO1V1 FLIGHT RECORDER GREYSTO dE JIM SPRING SUPREME, RACE8 PACE MAIDENS HATTIE D KE DUCHESS YNAS'IY AMROCK LIGHTNING TARA T V LENTINE MR SCRA SPRING J BILES HISTORIC L[.Y AE1 JAQUI'I'RIPPER AE2 TEN ER MERCIES RACE9 • PACE ONTARIO SIRES STAKES 2 V 0 COLT PACE GREYSTONE DAVE [.ESTERS DREAM TOUCH OCASH BANDO P O'ENIX FARLAN ' FIDDLER GERABELL PAT SKIP KI[.LEAN RACE 10PACE CLAIMING $1500 WITH ALLOWANCES ""HY CRISTA "'BI.ACK13R0 MIKE TIERRA DJEI. FUEGO .JOEL1.A$ KNIGHT 'CARA 1,, MANS WARRE EAGLE HURST IN TIME AEI LADY SCARLET • AE2 SLICK FERRA R Henry PURSE: $675 R Graham R°Battin R Windsor • A Shelton W McLean M Horner PURSE $8850 B Hodgson J Ainsworth D Wall F Sadler BVI Fitzgerald R Robhlee R McLean PURSE $500 J Lester R Hodgins K Quirie R Henry R Campbell A Shelton R Battin W McLean G Gaynor PURSE $8850 W Langille G Darnell F Sadler..R Battin K Quirie B Henry J Ainsworth PURSE $500 W Preszcator R Daer A Sadler D Windsor R Windsor R Sparling R Mathers G Gaynor Honorary life member dies The members of the Maitland Country Club wish to express their sympathy to the family of the late Mrs.IDolly Bruce, who passed away last week in her 100th year. Mrs. Bruce was a charter member of the club and later became an honorary life member. She was an avid golfer until in her late 80's when for health reasons she regretfully had to stop playing. However, she left a legacy m the love of the game, - which she passed along to her family. There were 43 men out to golf on Aug. 6th Dave Cornish shot 34 on the first nine RED HAVEN��'� PEACHESsk Are Ready! Perfect for Canning & Freezing (Free Stone) Pick Your Own JUICY FIELD TOMATOES Great for Chili Sauce & Canning, etc. *LA GE CANTALOUPES (Muskmelon) ET CORN *SUMMER ER APPLES Fort Siting and Cooking Also Available... 5 Spanish Onions New Potatoes Pine River Cheese New Crop Honey Maple Syrup Apple Butter BrinYour Own Containers" 1Farm Nut tiff Market and Orchards 5.6 mites south of Goderich (Past the Drive -Int -concession 3 & 4 of 4AssattN1EGoderich 1 ,p. Follow the Signs FA0M,nd T KH ORCI4AMS OO 4.7772 OPEN: Mon. -Sat. 8 a.fn.-6 pm.; Sundays '1 p.m. -6 p.m. ONI THE BALL t the Maitland which tied him with Jim Collins for first. Low net, but he continued and shot another sizzling 34 on the back 9 for an even par round - congratulations Dave. Closest to the pin was Al MacDonald. Other winners were John Stringer, Dave Almasi, Tom Moore, Fred Jewell, Gerry Morgan, Ralph Neville and Bill Graham. On ladies' night, the competition for points on "Bingo-Bango-Bongo" was a game everyone enjoyed. Top winner with 13 points was Auleen Curry. Tied for 12 points were Marie Huff and Jean Hanly. Then a three-way tie for 11 points was won by Ardith Brissette, Pauline McKellar and Edna Looker. Maxine Martin and Jean Bell played in the Wingham Invitational last Wednesday. Maxine had the honour of being loss gross winner for the field, while Jean was first low net for the second flight. Congratula- tions to you both. Fourteen couples were out for a two -ball on Friday evening. Top winners with a gross score of 39 were Irla Stewart and Bob McDougall. The next two winning tearns were Jean Hanly and Dave Johnston, followed by Mary Lapaine and John Stringer. The next two -ball, which is a guest night, will be Sunday, Aug. 16th come along and bring a guest couple and be ready to tee -off at 4:30 p.m. Soccerteams lose games Last Thursday the Goderich Mosquito and Squirt soccer teams lost on the road. The Mosquitos dropped a 6-2 decision to Grand Bend and the Squirts were nipped 1-0 by Seaforth. Jeff Klages and Jeremy Penn scored the goals for the Mosquitos. Despite the one- sided score, coach Mike Cicchini felt the goaltending by Penn in the first half and Donny Rivers in the second, was outstanding. Danny Smith was the .most dangerous forward for the, Squirts, but lacked support at crucial times. Tim Powell played a strong tiro -way game and Brad Black was steady in goal.