HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-08-12, Page 20PAGE 6A--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1987
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0,44P,C-Lock Retention System
White Plastic Seawall. A Unique
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(with Elizabeth only)
9 5'
ENDS AUGUST 15, 1987
Communit News
The show
must go on
despite ill
Blyth actress
We've all heard the saying 'the show
{ must go on' - but it took on -a new meaning
last weekend when one of the actors at the
Blyth Festival fell ill and was unable to
perform. In large theatre companies like
Stratford and Shaw, there are
understudies for all the major roles in any
play, but at a smaller theatre company
like the Blyth Festival this simply isn't
Luckily for the Festival, this summer's
Associate Artistic Director, Terry Tweed,
is also an accomplished actor. Terry had
only four hours to prepare for the role of
Ann Easby in "Bush Fire" - and there was
lots to do: The costume had to be altered
slightly, and a pair of shoes had to be dyed
the right colour.
Only two hours before curtain time,
Terry was taken through the scenes and
shown where she should be, and when.
"It's an actor's nightmare to step out on
stage unprepared" said Terry "but I simp-
ly didn't have time to panic. The com-
pany all rallied round in an absolutely
marvellous way, they were tremendously
supportive. Thank goodness it's a small
part; I was able to learn the lines for the
first act before curtain time, and then
learned the second act during the intermis-
sion! "Terry went on stage without a script
at all - a remarkable feat considering the
short preparation time. "I'm glad it was a
performance of "Bush Fire' and not
"Girls in the Gang" -I can't sing a note!
And I would have had to learn all. that
• choreography too," laughed Terry.
In 1979, Seana McKenna make her pro-
' fessional debut at the Blyth Festival with a
bang -literally! During the opening night
of "This Foreign Land" she made a wrong
turn on stage during a blackout, fell
several feet onto the concrete floor of the
orchestra pit and was rushed to hospital
There was no-one to replace her, the play
being an improvised collective without a
script. One performance had to be cancell-
ed - but Seana was back to work within
four days, stitches in her head.
Everything is now back to normal at the
Blyth Festival. This may be the 13th
season, but so far things have gone
remarkably smoothly '(touch wood, a rab-
bit's foot and anything else that might be
handy). .
Sifto Salt Mine Manager Gaston Brousseau presents a cheque for $2,000 to Gary Renaud, of
the St. Johns Ambulance Brigade for the repainting of their community service ambulance.
Sifto feels the organization provides a vital service to both industry and the community and
encourages others to support their efforts. (photo by Rob Bundy )
Photography completed on
'Blue City Slammers' film
Producer Bruce Raymond and co-
producer/director Peter Shatalow an-
nounce the completion of principal
photography on the feature film "Blue City
Cineplex Odeon Films Canada Inc. will
distribute "Blue City Slammers" and has
acquired world rights for this comedy -
drama about a small town women's. soft-
ball team. Cineplex Odeon Films is
scheduling a Canadian fall. release.
The movie was filmed entirely on loca-
tion in the. picturesque Ontario towns of
Blyth, Goderich and Elora. The'film was
directed by award-winning filmmaker,
Peter Shatalow i "Heart of Gold",
"Challenge: The Canadian Rockies", and
"Black Ice").
"Blue City Slammers" is based on the
play by Layne Coleman, originally
presented at the Blyth Festival and
Tdronto's Theatre Passe Muraille. The
screenplay was co -written by playwright
Layne Coleman and director/co-producer
Peter Shatalow.
Adapting the acclaimed play to the mo-
tion picture screen generated un-
precedented support from the business
community. Corporate sponsors of "Blue
City Slammers" include Bombardier Inc.,
Brooks Canada Ltd., Coca-Cola Ltd.,
Hiram Walker Brands Makers of Cana-
dian Club, Labatt Breweries of Canada,
RJR -Macdonald Inc., Shopsy's Foods
Division of Thomas J. Lipton Inc.,
Spalding Canada, Sunoco Inc., and
Toshiba Information Systems Division.
The movie stars Tracy Cunningham,
Mary Ellen Mahoney, Paula Barrett, Fran
Gebhard, and Eric Keenleyside. "Blue Ci-
ty Slammers", a Shatalow/Raymond
Production, has been produced as a
feature film in association with CITY -TV
and with the assistance of First Choice
Canadian Communications Corporation,
The Ontario Film Development Corpora-
tion and Teleftlm Canada.
Of which all persons are asked to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. In obedience to Her Majesty's writs of election,
directed by the to the Returning Officer' er' in each electoral district, for the purpose of electing persons to represent the inters
in the Legislative Assetnbly of Ontario, public notice is hereby given of the following in each electoral district.
Those persons who on Election Day have attained 18 years
of age, are Canadian Citizens, have resided in Ontario for
the 6 months preceding Election Day, are eligible to vote
if their names are on the NEW LIST of VOTERS or on
CERTIFICATES TO VOTE issued by the Electoral District
Returning Officer, or if they are Vouched for in Rural areas
on Election Day.
must be made before
8 p.m. of Wednesday, September 9th
Eligible voters, missed during the Enumeration who wish
to make sure of their vote, must visit their Electoral
District Returning Office to obtain a Certificate to Vote.
Monday to Saturday inclusive
10 a.m. to 8 p.m. beginning August 20th
The Phone Number of each Electoral District Returning
Officer is available from Directory Assistance when it is
requested by Electoral District name.
in the Returning Office of -each Electoral District
Thursday, August 27th, 2 p.m.
Voting Hours 11 a.m. until 8 p.m.
Sept. 3rd, Sept. 5th, and Sept. 7th
at locations which give access to wheelchairs, or at the
Office of the Electoral District Returning Officer from
Saturday, August 29th to Tuesday, September 8th,
Sundays excluded. •
Advance Poll locations will be advertised at a later date.
September loth, 1987
Voting Hours 9 a.m. until 8 p.m.
One hour earlier in the Electoral Districts of Kenora and Rainy River.
Marie Park, 529-7719
Joe and Teresa Courtney of R.R. No. 1,
Dungannon, have returned from a three
week camping trip through Northern On-
tario and the Western Provinces.
In Calgary, Alberta, they spent 14 days
with their son Brian, and his wife Jean-
nette, and grandsons Ryan and Dale. They
visited with Ralph and Cathy Austin and
family, Eugene Austin, Pat Courtney, Leo
and Claudette Redmond and daughter
Tara, Anabel Befus, Barbara Adams and
other friends.
They attended the Calgary Stampede. At
the closing ceremonies on Sunday, July 12,
they were invited to take part with 10,000
others in the Olympic Torch Relay in the
lighting of 10,000 Olympic candles
heralding the beginning of the Calgary
1988 Winter Games.
Given under my hand, at Toronto, Ontario
Published by the Office of
the Chief Election Officer of Ontario
The Dungannon Womens Institute met
at the home of Marion Zinn on Thursday,
Aug. 6, with a good attendance. President
Elmira Finnigan welcomed all and read a
The roll call was "Something I would
like to see done in honour of Ontario W.I.
90th Anniversary".
From the correspondence came a re-
quest from Diana Nursery School to which
we gave a $25.00 donation.
The 4 H club for the fall will be "Taste of
Ontario Fruits & Vegetables".
An invitation to attend Wingham's 85th
Birthday on September 24th to which
several will attend. A syrnpathy card was
sent to one of our members, Willetta
McWhinney in the passing of her brother.
The highlight of the meeting was a
report from secretary Alrna Black, who at-
tended the conference and 90th birthday at
North Bay.
The Institute had their picture taken for
the Tweedsmuir History Book.
President Elmira thanked Marion and
the hostesses, Peg Purdon "and Myrtle
Kerr, and anyone else who,helped with the