HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-08-05, Page 20'Manufacturer 111. PAGE 8A —GODERICH Si,GNAL-STAR. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1987 SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION 234 Main St. N. 527-0104 i GG O ETTLER o 614 N-in FINE FURNITURE J' nffiX II a cDIIC fi. • B-E-D°D°I-N•G SIM MONS ON THE MAIN STREET OF DUBLIN 345.2250 OPEN Monday tt1 S;lt r,..13%. 0:;0-(':00 -1'liur,,Ll;1v' ;Ilial Friday l-'ntil 0:00 PECK .APPLIANCES • ".IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN Y40141 . BOB McKINLEY R.R. 3 CLINTON, NOM 1L0 Representing your TOTAL FINANCIAL PLANNING -NEEDS WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH: Annuities. RRIF's. Business and Personal Life In- surance. Group Life, Health and Pension Plans. Income Replacement Plans. RRSP's. GIC's. Mutual Funds and Debentures. LICENSED WITH: The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company CALL 482-3714 Twin City 1,,t. School of ', Hairstyling Waterloo, Ont. •Hairstyling •Barbering •Ear Piercing • Make-up 55 Erb St., East 886-6305 Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm s$srt est of *wort mf nth SRULES TO LIVE BY ft i. NEVER check your gas tank by lighting a, match, 2. NEVER pet a strange dog. 3. NEVER try to beat a train to a crossing. oo .!::alb °It Elp‘ 0/ .4S,4 Ok IL ii 71M5 SHOP GooiGouT c BUSINES 4. NEVER check a. wire foo live voltage with your bare hand. SIMS SHOP FOR „SALE Sports Take a hike for the hea1tT':. of it One of the best forms of physical exer- cise invented is right under our noses. Ac- tually, closer to the ground, to be more specific. It's walking. Walking can be done anywhere, anytime, by almost anyone and it eosts nothing., except the effort to get from here to there. Walking is the most popular form of ex- ercise in Ontario, and not because we have to do it. A 1988 study conducted by the Sports and Fitness Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation in- dicates over one-quarter of Ontario's 6.5 million adult population engage in walking as a physical fitness activity — roughly 1.7 million people. Experts contend walking rejuvenates both body and spirit, firming muscles, loosening limbs and releasing physical and emotional tension. But the benefits depend. on the way we walk. According to Dr. Roy Shephard, Director of the School of Physical and Health Education at the University of Toronto, many people walk in too leisurely a fashion to help their cardio -vascular systems. As a fitness activity, the ideais to burn up as many calories as possible during your walk, Dr. Shepard says. "But the leisurely walk takes too few calories to get from point A to point B." . What about the commonly -held belief that if you jog, you'll get more exercise Choice of footwear is probably the than if you walk? Not so, says Dr. single -most important factor in preparing Shephard, an active walker himself. '1 ac- for a walking program. "You don't need .tually pass people who are jogging. fancy running shoes," Dr. Shephard says. They'reexpending less energy." The key. is to • wear comfortable, Besides, he adds, jogging puts triple the lightweight shoes which allow for flexibili- stress on the knees. tv. Arch support and cushioning should be Most people, walk at a pace which in- adequate for the bottom of the feet. One - creases the heart rate to only 100 to 110 fourth to one-half inch of space between .beats per minute. For walking to be effec- thelongest toe and tip of the shoe allows tive, "140 to 150 would be a reasonable rate the feet room to expand while walking. for, the average. person," Dr. Shephard Shoes made of canvas, nylon mesh, even says. soft leather, allow the feet to "breathe" "But don't rush into things!" advises Art during exercise. Sainon, Manager of the, Fitness Section of the feet to "breathe" during exercise. Sports and Fitness Ontario. "Start slowly. Clothing is also important. In summer, a Don't expect to go out and walk five miles hat or visor offers protection for the sun's the first day." rays and light-coloured, loose -fitting Before beginning a walking program, clothes are best. In winter, a wool cap, it's best to check with your family gloves and insulated insoles are physician. recommended. The workplace, where most of us spend Proper waren-up and cool -down pro - most of our time, has great potential as an cedures should be followed. Walk slowly environment for walking fitness. for five minutes at the start, gradually Even if you work in a confined office, building up speed. This allows body you can engage in workday walking. It's a temperature, heart and respiratory rate to good idea to plan for it even before stepp- rise, thus reducing the risk of injury. Don't ing out the front door of your home. forget to stretch your lower back, legs and Walking can be h convenient five feet before starting. minutes of exercise every morning and When you're just about finished your evening. Over five business days, that's an walk, gradually slow down. Brief stret- extra 50 minutes of exercise per week. All thing exercises will pump blood back up to one has to do is leave for work five minutes the rest of the body. earlier. FEATURE REPORT T same study showed 27 per cent of the pro- vince's adult female population walked as a form of physical fitness, compared to 17 per cent of the male population. Experts offer one reason for the gap — the family car. In one -car families, especially in large and urban areas, the man of the house often has first call on the automobile, for work and leisure travel. Women are more likely to use other forms of transportation — usually public transit, which means a twa or three -block trek to and from the bus or subway stop. Once at the office, men and women can benefit equally by taking advantage of walking opportunities. One way is to take the stairs, which offers more than one life saving benefit. Besides ,improving your physical condition, you'll also become familiar with the fire escape route. If "stair -climbing" isn't your style, con- sider a brisk lunchtime walk before eating. Not only will you burn up calories, you'll likely end up eating less. The operative ward in this exercise is "brisk". After the walk, examine your feet for For example, walking a few extra blocks tenderness which might signal the beginn- to the bus stop in the fresh morning air can ing of a blister. If problems persist, see get you prepared for the new day. your doctor. Statistics from Sports and Fitness On -,By the way, if you're reading this on the tario indicate that women walk more than wayto work, get off the bus one stopearl men. "Ten percent more women walk early more than men," Mr. Salmon says. The and walk! Dating has rules too Thousands of people will take to the waterways of Ontario this summer in all manner of boats - canoes, dinghies, catamarans, powerboats and yachts. It's great fun and looks easy - if you know what you're doing. But do you know - - that waterways have "rules of the road" too? - how to steer a canoe without switching your paddle from side to side? - how to double,your chances of survival if you fall into cold water? - how to help someone whose boat has "turned turtle"? If you want to join the fun of boating this summer but are not familiar with basic water safety, the wisest thing to do is take a boating course. The Ministry of Natural Resources ( MNR) can help you find a course that suits your boating interests. MNR's office of Recreation Boating, established in 1984, pro- vides information about boating regulations and facilities, and promotes boating, safety. MNR staff have investigated the causes of boating accidents and identified the main skills needed to reduce the risks of mishaps on the water. Then, to insure as many peo- ple as possible learn those skills, MNR helps fund water safety programs administered by both the Ontario Division of the Canadian Red Cross and the Ontario Safety League. "The ministry supports these programs fur one very good reason - teaching proper boating skills and accident prevention techniques is the best way to make Ontario's waterways safer," said Natural Resources Minister Vincent Kerrio. 5. NEVER n today's market place. you need to tell your customers that you want their,business. Newspaper Iathertisrng is the most efficient medium for getting your message out to your priniary market Your home town market. Studies prove it! And results prove it again and again! So what is the lith Rule 'lb Live By'? NEVER pass on calling the Goderich Signal -Star -wh`en you want your business to soar' .fust ask 'Jim What's -his -name' or call ° 524-2614 ed�� 1C�GZc1 try to save money by not advertising your business. Stryker's defender, Kevin Body tries to keep the area iiifront of his goalie Glenn "Buzz" McLean gt0played is Tuesday and Thursday at Goderich Memorial Arena and games start at 7:0r ' (photo by Teel Spooner) A