HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-16, Page 4• THE EXETER TIMES
:CuAn'ioth., 19i'Ge
,To 1414.44. E . txlk t e4i
eine Co.
Wanten who are well often ask ".dire
ehe letters which the Lydia E. Pinkhann
Medicine Co. are continually publishing,.
�en'tli'rte�'"' °tA:re they trutaf'ul?
"'Why de women write such letters? fF
In answer we say that never have we
published .a fictitious letter or name.
Never, knowingly, have we published
n untruthful letter, or one without then
hill and written consent of the woman
who ie. u °..
The reason that thousands of women
front alt parte of the country write such
grateful letters to the Lydia E. Pink -
ham Medicine Co. is that Lydia E. Pink -
banes Vegetable Compound has brought
'health and happiness into their lives,
once burdened with pain and suffering.
It has relieved women from some of
the worstforms I female fits, from dis-
placements, iadamtnation, ulceration,
irregularities, nervousness, weakness,
Iatocaaelt troubles and from the blues.
It is impossible for any woman who
fes eve l and by o ,
has never suis •-ed ,.s
to realize how these
poor, suffering wa-
rtime feel when r -
:Stnred to health;
terry!. keen desire to �
1celp Wthcr wt ,-. t �1i`As),1+= Who are suffer in e. L. `
they dids
lawn 2- is rre:hem
:H t0'l, a.a t rS�2AIR.
tQsirlsl? Try SU Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful—Get a 25 cent bottle
` L`ynderine,
If rola care for heavy hair nett el, -
tem?, with beauty and is radians witit
life; bas an incomparable softness and
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.
J'us't one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
d ate to dissolves every pastiele of
dandraaL You can not have nice
;heavy, healthy hr.`, if you have
daandraff. This den, active scurf robs
the hair of its lustre, its strength and
its very lie, and if re. overcome it
produces a feverishness and itching of
• the scalp; the hair roots famish,
loosen and die; teen the hair falls out
fast. a Surely get a ' - lent bottle of
linewIton's Danderine from any, drug
retore and just try it.
isn '" and
MEE New .Year's resolution
. Will shortly be o: deck,
When man will sign a paper
To save hint fro's' the wreck,
When Ye will gayly promise
Ills habits to amend
And all his small shortcomings
To ' alitaz to send.
Thera by his stuw'b;; whiskers
Most loui..iy h- will swear
That he will quit his meanness
And soon a halo wear,
That he will cut out capers
That lead h r* to zu,ze
And be from ivat •ne rt.rward
A credit to the piece.
With patent Y..-ach.aons
He'll put e e past
And in the , :rnace
Securely t.r a can,
Give doubtful c-wus the go-by
And henceforth be a man.
Teo, these are hie inte:st.ons,
And let us hope he may
Be able to- trill!! them
And mend his c:•ool*cd way.
We know that all t:,e cliff noes
For winning our ,re shy,
But that's n• oioor.sin • easnu
Why he str- uipa ce ,se to try.
elf the ;et r 'tit•. • •tom: lir;tea to
their ss t v t ' -
-Teen were c g- . . 'r::l better,
warz eie e ;hes '
.`Wed t tS . ,42 t •. , :i sviAst I was
;erhtg i* ees
" 31111V
+Inn r
is it3a
Important Events Which Mare
Qcclsrrect Durinx the Week,.
The l3ttsy World's Happenings Care -
'tune CentPil'ed `''end Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the, l,le.iders of Our Paper—d
Solid Hong's Enjoyment.
The Alberta. Legislature Monday
night gave a third reading to the wo-
man suffrage bill,
The Woodstock Public Library will
be open to the pubiik on Sunday af-
terntoons tri future.
Almost all the Austrian and Ger-
man troops which had been colleen-
trenel ee the teee ,.*l `rozlt have left
for the western front.
Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Lord
Privy Seal, is confined to his resi-
dence suffering from a fractured left
elbow, the result of an accident.
The Mounted Police are satisized
that the explosion whfeh resulted in
the burning of the barracks at Stet=
tlLr was due to coal gas in the furn-
Official notiecation has been re -
ea e ' at Winchester (Eng.) jail
that Georges Codere, condemned to
death for killing Sergt. Ozanne, has
been reprieved_
Rumors are in circulation in
Athens that Enver Pasha, Turkish
Minister of War, who was wouaded
in an attempted assassination at Con-
stantinople, has died of his wounds.
TIIP. German camiherce raider
Moewe eluded British patrols on her
return to a German port by cruising
northward around Iceland, First
le 73 of the Admiralty Balfour told
the House of Commons.
Charles Respa, a German from De-
troit, was sentenced yesterday at
Sandwich, Ont.. to the Kingston
Penitentiary re life, Respa was
found guilty of ::;: ' uniting the Pea-
body Sates Corpu.ation, Limited,
plant at WalkervflIe and of attempt-
ing to blow up the Windsor Arm -
The commander of the raider
Moewe was decorated by the Kaiser.
Berlin manufacturers suggest as
the new name for that city, "On-
tario," or "Ontario City."
Hydro power for Central and East-
ern Ontario has been decided upon
by the Ontario Government_
One of the Zeppelins which raided
England last Sunday was badly dam-
aged by British anti-aircraft guns.
Major-General Sir Sam Hughes Is
going south for a few weeks' rest
meet to going to England and
The twin eleven -weeks -old chil-
dren of Mr. and Mrs. T. Burk, Mont-
real, were asphyxiated by coal gas
last night.
Prof.o,e,R.-.`��I - are o•
African War baro, has beetssada an
Honorary Lieutenant-Colonet'bf. tale
148th Battalion.
Lizzie Bell, aged eight, err Palmer-
ston avenue, Toronto, wan °killed by a
motor truck, and the driver :i;3 being
sought by the police.
Premier Hearst told the great pro-
hibition deputation in Toronto yes-
terday, that the proposed bill would
carry on a bare majority.
Col. A. E. Ross, C.M.G., has de-
clined the appointment to the head of
the Ontario Hospital at Orpington,
preferring to stay at the front.
British Columbia's population has
deci 1•:-d 25 per cent. since the war
began owing to enlistment, cessation
of railway work, and other causes.
A. mounted policeman, six students
and several others were hurt when a
mob attacked the temperance parad-
ers in the street in Toronto yester-
Sergi. -Major Blood and . Pte.
Schaefer were warned and Iet go on
suspended sentence In. connection
with the assault upon Rev. C. R. Tap -
pert in Berlin.
By a vote of 26 to 6, more than the
- -- a insure its
paseaec, tie Uu,u.;s equal suffrage
bill passed the Senate of the State of
Kentucky yesterday afternoon after a
half-hearted fight was made against
1•KIDAY. L .
The death occurred in Guelph yes-
terday of Rev. James Walker, in his
81st year. He had been a Methodist
minister for 53 years.
The Greek Government l;as decid-
ed to proceed to tbe complete finan-
cial and administrative assimilation
by Greece of the Provinces of North-
ern Epirus in Albania_
The impression prevails in London
am. what is known of conditions in
Turkey tbat there is a strong proba-
bility of an early move in the direc-
tion ,.: a separate peace.
Revolutionists on a launch from
the Portuguese dependency of Macao
vecterday attacked the gun -boat Sui-
Wo near Canton with bombs and
title • The etteck faired.
A ddressing tie British 'Parliament
-t Leo aviation service this afternoon
Mor taga o; ;fik;aulieu urged the
;tion of , separate ministry to
`gar;' o1 t"rv+ air service.
enteay feet refit declared war
. curt+'-; 1, having been forced
eneomp. omising posi-
f i':; ; .l a L nn in Africa.
a. •..'ta country to
ed Mexican
.5 territory
e attacked
16 Anseri-
ngs before
the Inter-
'f Lieu ten -
ad vanred.
hi. the Kit-.
;Ound ';rea
fin Mar,:h
,'s Of tit(
Pen ;liaise `jai
y t•
s a Las : Stere au
end d s.
Those ren ..: diary sor-
V''.%e will nereattet 6.,\ envie a .,mite,
to wear.
McCutebeon brot;;ers were declar-
ed not guilty by a jury in the Crim-
inal Assizes in Toronto.
Cape F. Carroll, M.P. for 1r31'e-
ton South, hat, enlisted in the 1ts5th
(New Brunswick) Battalion.
St. Mary's, Ont., alined at $12,000
for the Canadian Patriotie Fund, and
180 •
collected � QO,�# two days.
Joseph Batten, ex-Aldurnraii of
ra ge-
r and aprominent Orange-
Peterboro, `z d p g
man, is dead, aged sixty-seven.
Grey and Bruce publishers decided
to advauce the subscription price of
weeklies to $1.501, front Jury 1.
The King of the Belgians has con-
ferred the (grand Cordon of the Order
Robert of Leopold en Sir alae Barden
Calgary Presbytery voted 29 to 4
yesterday to ask the General Assent-
bIy to put Church Union into effect
by January 1, 1918.
From 3,000 to 5,00D unmarried
menand childless widowers were re-
gistered in Winnipeg; on the first day
of enumeration by a citizens'' commit-
The plans of the Federal Town
planning Commission for the beauti-
fication and replanning of the Cana-
dian capital were presented to the
The Telegraaf states that it has
received reports of serious rioting
to Cologne on Tuesday last in conse-
quence of the heavy losses of Ger-
man troops in the battle of Verdun.
The Ontario Government an-
nounces that arrangements have been
made to take over some twenty east-
ern and central Ontario water powers
In connection with the extension of
the Hydro to that part of tbe Pro-
Rev. F. M. Bellsmitb, pastor of
Langford Avenue Methodist church,
Toronto, has enlisted as a private.
Navigation was opened from Al-
pena port, the Sylvia, a tug, setting
out nets 25 miles front Thunder Bay
One hundred and twenty-five ves-
sels, of which thirteen are American,
have been blacklisted by the Britisb
Rev. James Walker's wife died at',
Guelph on Saturday two days after'
he passed away, so a double funeral
is being held to -day.
Dr. Lachlan McAlister, Nottawasa-
ga Township Clerk, died at Dunt-
roon; aged 73 years, having been in
public life more than 40 years.
A. gasoline tank wagon in Windsor
overturned into a ditch, burying one
of the horses drawing it, slowly
smothering the animal to death.
No more lieutenants will be taken
on until the Iarge number of super-
numerary officers now on the
strength at Toronto camp are placed.
Lily Langtry, the famous actress,
fel/ on the 'sidewalk in Chicago on
Saturday night while leaving the
Blackstone Hotel, and her left fore=
arm was dislocated.
Soldiers of three battalions in
London. a^ - u .-ul^i"r5TMster
a billiard parlor and' serious-
ly interfered with business in a block
during the bttsfest hours of the week.
Sergt. Allan H. Rae, of the Glen-
coe detachment of the 135th Battal-
fen, died last night from drinking
an, excessive (quantity of wood alto-
lioL Rae was a ' South African : vet-
The sentence of three years with
hard labor was meted out to T. W.
Harrison, a mail clerk on the T. &
N. 0. Railway; this morning by
Magistrate Wager for stealing letters
containing money, mailed on his run.
. It was shown in ' Washington that
Portugal eriterefl the war at the re-
quest of Great Britain.
A declaration of war against Ger-
many by Italy is imminent, according
to The Berliner Tageblatt.
Blanchard Townsuip carried by a
majority of 23 the Hydro -radial by-
law it formerly defeated by 56. '
Steamers from Russian. Black Sea
ports are to run to Montreal after the
war, according to Mr. R. Martens of
As an outcome of disturbances in
Toronto, a company of 250 soldiers
are to act as military police on down-
town streets each evening.
The organization has been approv-
ed of a French-Canadian battalion,
the 230th, in Ottawa and vicinity,
with Colonel De Salaberry in com-
All troops in training at London
were forbidden. by Colonel Shannon
to leave camp for two nights, to ob-
viate a repetition of Saturday night's
It was announced in London that
£2,000,000 worth of U. S. securities
en route from. Germany to the United
States have been seized in the mails
by Britain.
Capt. L. B. Gilham perished in the
fire which broke out a second time
in his ship, the New Zealand Liner
Matatua, at St. John, N. 33., at 4
o'clock in the morning.
Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz ' has
been ill for several days, says a de-
spatch from Amsterdam, and the
business of the Ministry of. Marine
has been handed over to the oldest
ranking officer.
Sir Thomas White has given notice
of a resolution in the Commons giv-
ing authority to the Finance Minister
to borrow $75,000,000, "in addition
to sums now remaining unborrowed
and negotiable of the loans author-
ized by Parliament by any Act here-
tofore passed."
Americans Cross Border.
WASHINGTON, March 14, — In
three columns, American ; cavalry,"
under command .of Major-General
"Fighting" Fred. Funstan, the ad-
sttnce guard of a punitive expedition
of 20,000 started across the Mexican
border yesterday and began the Pur-
ursuit eV Francisco Villa and bis ban-
dits. The mounted colunxns started
from Dotmglas, Ariz., Columbus, N.
el., awl al Paso, Texas. Tim ad-
eazice wz s made simultaneously,
Villa, with his bandits, isbelieved
so be h ::'ng for the fastnesses of
,11e S' • "afire, further 'south. Ile
i se get into a wild country
'''110.11/$1 very foot and
b. :, ,o American
titre,• meet d.rlie.ult9
v�♦ r- s 9 P 1♦ 9♦ 9♦ r♦ .
a dpi'1°P9�PTw�WMH°fro*t9:44Plpw�w�wP«,P ,ap♦w♦ep♦wppo:! �.YPP'.
The War Will Not Last
Much Longer Now,Sa
Foreign Minister Sazonuft
♦ P .T 9' 4 9t pf♦y/1.9 1..p! N !, V ! ! T,
St GIUS SA.ZONO.Ple, the Rus-
, Sian Minister of Foreign At-
.fatrs, a Few days ago received
.a deputation of journalists to
wbom he gave a general re-
trieve of,.tlte Balkan 'situation. His;
most interesting retDarlss coneerned
Roumania, whose .relations with Rut-
sia, 'he 'said, remain perfectly sath-
factory'and amicable. Be admitted
that some time ago the attitude of
Roumania was uncertain, owing to
her fear of 'hostile' acts on the part
of the Central powers, but that he
was tee* cgn.vinced Roumania would
not fall into a German trate
"1 repeat that the Austro -Germans
persiet. In their• Roumanian cam-
paign•but Xis not producing the ef-
fect desired on practical Rouman-
ians," said M. Sazonoff. Ile added
that:.the whole Balkan situation -
would ,fired. its solution only after the
war had 'ended. '
Speaking of the improved rela-
tions betweetz Russia and Sweden, M.
Sazonoff said:
"It ie evident that in Sweden, as
elsewhere, there bas been a ChauvIn-
tette movement. It is possible that
Sweeten may feel.tb?'fir ed of taking
meae..res for the defence of her fron-
tiers, but we can declare categorical-
ly that she will not have • to defend
them against Russia and that this
side 0f , her frontiers is perfectly se
Regarding the Entente allies, the
Fo'rLign Minister declared that their
interests` were growing closer and
closhr from both a military and poli-
tical 'viewpoint. He considered the
projected visit of the members of the
Duttsa to ,England would lead to new
nnd'erstendings, and he paid a tri-
bute in Great Britain's efforts in the
,Asked for his opinion of the dura-
ti'on bf the war, the Minister said he
did• not think it would last much
Ionger, and that Germany would be
the first to give in for economic rea-
sons. '
."Nevertheless," he added, "we
must continue to make intense pre-
parations for the summer campaign."
• 1\4. Sazonoff concluded with the de-
claration that the Entente allies were
absolutely confident that they would
Mr. BIrrell's Dream.
Mr. Augustine Birrell, the Secre-
tary of State for Ireland, is among
the prominent civilians who have re-
cently paid a visit to the front. Al -
through one of the most matter-of-
fact men, M. BirreIl has told of a
curious dream which has troubled
him repeatedly for years. "I have
been haunted," he says, "ever since
1 was almost a boy by the constant
repetition of one and the same
dream. It comes to me again and
again. I dream I am walking about
somewhere in some plain or desert,
and I suddenly encounter the agitat-
ed ghost of Sir Isaac Newton. He :p -
preaches me, his eyes almost start-
ing out: of his head; he tells me who
he is, •and.how ignorant he is of all
that has happened in the world of
science since he Ieft, 'Now,' he says,
'I want you to tell me in a few words
--for, I have only a quarter of an
hour left—all that has happened to
the race; the progress. How is it?
I know what it was when I left it.
What is it now?' My heart sinks,
and covered with confusion, I stum-
ble, I stutter, 1 stammer, my ignor-
aiice bet omues more and more appar-
ent) ,and. at Iast the unhappy ghost,
throwing up his hands, leaves me in
dismay. That dream constantly
comes to, me. The only difference is,"
ednclttdes Mr, Birrell with a smile
when 'he tells' the story; "that the
moment the unhappy Sir Isaac New-
ton sees me now,he says, 'Oh, that
old ignoramus,' and departs."
r r
HIIN you interfere with other peo-
ple you might as ; well matte up
yottr `mind to take your raps good na
tured1y, for you will have to take
them from both sides.
Sometimes there is but one reason
why a true story is exciting, and that
is simply because it is true,
if you are bound to cry over milk
of any kind, by ail means let it be split
milk, for then the teardrops can do it
no barm,
Auction Sale
Theme will be sold by public enc. -
auction at the stable of L. Day & Son
Exeter, on TUESDAY, MARCH 28th
1916.;utJr o'clock sharp,efollow-
propertyroperty :-- th
Horses -1 Percheron filly, rising 3,
Voltaire, broken to harness; Percher..
on fifty rising 2 years, by , Volatire.
Cattle—Newly calved cow; cow. due
May ;tth_; cow due Aug. 20th; 2 caws
due time of sale; caw du!c May 9th;
cow due Sept. 27th; cow due May 2;.
cow due Tune 4th; farrow cow; cow
asupposed to be in calf:; 2 2 -year old
heifers ssupposed to late in calf; 2 1 -
year old heifers; 4 heirfelr calves, ris-
1 -year aid; number young calves.
The above cows are all young, f first-
class dairy cows, having been selected
by the owners for some time past,
weeding out the undesirables; and are
very heavy milkers. The above stool:
will ,positively be sold as, the proprie-
tors are giving up then Dairy business.
Terms -6 months' credit on approv-
ed joint notes. 4 per cent. straight
allowed for cash. Calves cash.
Proprietor Auctioneer
C. H, SANDERS, Clerk.
Job Not In It.
14That man has the patience of Job."
"What man?"
"The one with the baby."
"Job nothing! He exhausted Job's
supply hours ago and now has begun
on a supply equal to that of a suffra-
Knew Better.
9 hear you had an affair of the
heart this summer."
"I thought so at first."
"Didn't it prove to be?"
"The lady assured me it was only
an affair of the gall."
Just the Excuse.
"How did you like the eclipse?"
"I didn't see it."
"But I thought you sat up just for
"Ob, no! I sat up to give John a
chance to propose."
Had Found it So.
Ho dropped from an airship, and, falling.
He lit with a terrible thud.
He broke several bones in the mixup
And spilled several gallons of blood.
While doctors were stitching and cutting
And trying to get him in trim
He said from some close observation
It seemed like a hard world to him.
Probably Were.
"She is eternally bragging on her
husband." r
"She says he is too good to be true. -
"Maybe she is referring to the sto-
ries he tells her .when lie conies home
late.at night."
Likes Soft Colors.
"1 jnst love the couutry in the au-
tumn. ,:
"Do yotr?"
"Yes, indeed!"
"If you can lore autumn why can't
you lore me?"
• You:"
"Even me."
"But your verdure is so brilliant and
Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000
grains food, ending all stomach
misery in five minutes.
Time it! In five minutes all stom-
ach distress will go. No indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
gas, acid, or eructations of undigested
food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
breath or headache.
Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its
speed in regulating upset stomachs.
It is the surest, quickest stomaehir•em-
edy in the whole world and besides it
Is harmless. Put an end to stomach
trouble forever by getting a large
fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin
from any drug store. You realize in
five minutes how needless It is to suf-
fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. It's the quickest,
surest and most harnllesa3 stomach
doctor hi the world.
IIllJ r Imissunnnnnmm�numnmmanuunImI
pIh h
not give .your
boy and girl an td
opportunity to E.
study easy and
themettvef the same
motion and success
as the lad having the n.
advantage of
�Illn IIP' nllpn,,, ,,unulille ` E STIT! E R'S
. Dictionary in his ?tome. This new
• creation answers With final author
ity all kinds of puzzling questions
in history, geography, biography,
spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts,
and sciences.
400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages.
▪ Over 6000llluetrations. Colored Plates.
The only diodone* with the Divided Page
B The type matter is equivalent to that
▪ of a 15 -volume encyclopedia..
More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient,
▪ and Authoritative than any other Eng.
lish Dictionary. -
WR:IDL for
illustrations, eto. 0
FREE, a set of Pocket
Maps if you name this
0. & e. Mll'1RIAM CQ',
Iliutittestainlinist tonsIinmaItuatum
•......•....M. INCORPORATED 5 .........-'•.......'.....
g6,,��.3>ranc�hes >l� ��.n�#�
si ess Transacted
A Geeerel Ganic�rl Gu ra v.)
I r��
Interest mowed, at highest current rate
r Exeter- Braine s
W. D. 4;LARIwCie, Manager,
SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O., LL.D,, D.C.L., President
JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Ass't GeneratManagnert
CAPITAL, $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND, $13,500,110D
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers ever, "
facility for the transaction of their banking' business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales off'
are supplied free of charge on application.SS&
Exeter Branch— A, E. Kuhn, manager.
Auction Sale
There will be sold by .public auc-
tion., on Lot 12, Coin. 9, USBORNE,
? !tme North of Winchelsea, on
FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1916
At 1 o'clock sharp, the, following
property, viz.
Horses—Pereheron geletiung, rising 4;
IPercheren gelding ening 3; gelding
rising 2 sired by Chlorodine.
Cattle -3 renewed cows, 2 caws due
at time of sale; cow due April 28,
cowed -de 'May 11; caw due Sept 2nd;
cow due Oct, 22; farrow, cow; 3 two-
year 'old steers; 3 two-year old hei-
fers; 4 ;goad beef heifers; 3 yearling
steers, 1Z last Spring calves , 7 young
Bulls—Hereford, rising 3 years;
Registered Durham, 4, months old.
Eiogs-8 sows due April 8th to 20th
15 store hogs; thoroughbred York-
sbrire, boa_.
This is 'an. ,extra choice bot.
Positively pp reserve.
Terms—$I0 and. under Cash; over
that attiount 7 'months' credit on ap-
proved joint notes. 6 per cent., per
annum off for cash on credit amounts.
Proprietor Auctioneer
F.' COATES, Clerk.
Auction Sale
Thos. Cameron has a•eoelved instruc-
tions to sell by public auction on Lot
7, concession 1, Tp. of Hay, on Fri-
day, March 171h, at 12,30 o'clock sharp
the following
Horses -1 general purpose mare 6
years old in foal to. Berry's Percheron
1 general purpose gelding 4 years old
by Colonel Graham; 1 general pur-
pose gelding 2 years old by Colonel
Graham; 1 roadster filly rising 2, by
Boadmaster; 1 driving poey ti years,
good, quiet and reliable.
Cattle -1 pure bred Durham Bull
20 months old; 1 pure bred registered
cow, Shorthorn, due la May. Grade -
3 cows due at time of sale; 1 cow due
in April; 3 cows miikiag, due later;
1 heifer due in Sept.; 1 cow, milkicg
due in November; 5 steers rising 1
year; 4 heifers rising 1 year.
FIogs-3 sows due March and April
Poultry -75 laying hens and pullets
1 pr. ducks.
lmplements—Lumber wagon, bob
sleighs, hal' rack, gravel box, binder
mower, hay rake, cultivator, new
Massey Harris fertilizer 'drill; roller
rubber tired buggy, cutter, double
harness,single harness, one Beaver
gang 2 furrow riding plow, 1 twos
furrow gang plow; 1 walking plow,
disc, harrows, pulper, corn shelter,
tanning mill, new cutting box, gaso-
line engine new; cream separator,
que.ntity of tile, rook elm and hard
maple lumber; cement post mold;
Ladders, incubator, quantity of hay
and roots, forks, shovels, chains, bar-
rels and other articles too numerous
to mention,
Household Furniture—Dominion or•
gan; glass cupboard, small cupboard,
extension table, 3. woos; cook stove,
2 heaters, hanging lamps, etc, etc.
The grass farm is Composed of W.
half lot 15, ton. 5, Tp.' -of Ray; water
by never failing spring; well fenced'
Will. be offered for metal for season,
Terms—All sums of $5,00 toad un-
der, cash; over that amount 10
months credit on furnishing approv-
ed joint notes, or a discount of Lour
per cent oft for oast on credit a
• `,Clads. Laing, Proprietoz
Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer.
Embalmer and Funeral Direeto*"
Phone 74a. Night Cal174Ie
KAI f", 11'l, r.
425 RICHMOND ST., LOli t71ONn,
Honor Graduate of Toronto Unoli-gatt
site. Office over Dickson s& ;.
hug's Law office. Closed Wedmore
. day afternoons. Phone Office it
�tesidenoe 5b.
r: k
Lit, •A, R. KINSMAN L.,D",$r 11.10,4,
honor Graduate of Toronto U
eth extracted without pain, on
any bad effects. Offioe over Gilsat
roan & Stanibury's Office uteri 4413
. le b, Graduate Victoria Univ
sity Office and residence, Domlinia
Labratory., Exeter, 10l4
Associate Coroner of Huron j
Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Okir
veyanoera Commissioners, Sokatelft
for the Masons Bank etas W' , Lal
Money to Loan at lowest rates o8 jsVi
1, R. Carling B. A, L. B, Diaksor
We have a large amount of Dim
ate funds to loan on farm and viii
lage properties at lowest rate o4 iter
Barristers, Solicitors, gain legi
Exetern i
Toe Usborne ane tfiboerL
farmer's Mutual Fire lugurT
ante Compaq'
Head Office, Falquhsr, 9L74.
President ROBT. NORMA',
Vice -President THOS. i3Y4l
WM. 13RU.CK . • WM.. Hag
JOHN ESSERY Exeter, age UP
borne and Diddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent 104
Hibbert Fullarton and Logan. a,0
Secy.Treas. Farciall it
Solicitors. Exeter.
C 1 rado Marls aoglatoruu;
The Harmless but Effi
cent remedy for Headache.,
lessness, Nervous Ex-'
Ito, to
60e AT ALL DRUGAI9Trt, or by mala re""*"