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Phone 32
A Magnificent Display of Ladies'
& Misses Spring Suits & Coats
Our.showing of Ladies' and Misses' Suits and Coats for this Coming Season
easily surpasses that of previous years. Our styles are the latest as
shown in New York and other large Fashion Centres
Ladies' and Misses
Spring Coats
The New Spring Coats are here in a
great variety of Styles and colorings,
many being shown in the new belt.
edffeets. Sport Coats in white
cloths with colored trinaminge
are, very popular. No two
coats alike. Come early and
get first choice.
• :r
Ladies' •1111sses'
The New Suits are also shown
in a great many, different,
stylesin Gaberditien. Ser-
ges etc, in Navy. Black
Russian Green etc. The
new braided effects
are most popular.
Exceptionally good values
Spring Millinery
You are cordially invited to
inspect our, first eannplete
showing of Spring Millin-
ery, on Thursdayand
.Friday, Maras 19th,
20th and following
done. New styles
direct from N. Y. and Paris.
Jones AND May
Prepared for sap
Order Your Needs Now
Sap Pails = Sap Spiles •• Sap Pans
Kettles, etc.
Royal Purple 50c and $1.50 per package
International 25c and 50c
Ilerbageum 25c and 50c
Salts and 4111plinr. - Zenoleum, all sized cans
77-77 . 9 • HARDWARE AND
P 10 NES 27 A AIM 27 B -EXETER
Arc, John 'Conley old wide, or Tor-
-vont°, visited iXL this vicinity during
Ole week.
• Corporal Leonard Wilson, of Park
till, visited over the eveekeend oe tbe
'fftsomea Board.
The concert in the Presbyterian
ifOlturth next Motday evening. nrortsat-
s (.0 b t rare treat as Beale ex-
oetilent teleet has been ssocard for
hhe ocoleion,
On Tuesday ceeting the themboor:.
petion3, oeurch met at 'the .aa , Have eott retained your eilbeaript-
ore Oa toe !ene. Ot s •
gri Henry PUP= • - kook to, ,the, „rinees t
theirremoval to Exeter and enjoyed
L very sociable evenieg. A program
of music and addreaseis was given,
end Mr. Paeemore and family Were
bpoke ri of in the very highostaterms
of praise, haying been the bast of
neighbors; Arid workers in the chore)),
Mr. Padamore Very feelingly express-
ed his appreciation for the kindly ex-
The, ladies provided sn-
lreshmente and all enjoyed a very
d r
semi evening.
TOM -AI Toledo, Ohio, on March' 12
td Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tam a sm.
FAHNER-At Crediton on March llth
to Mr. and Moo Albert Fahner, a
RENNLE-In tienzali on Sunday, Mar.
5th. to Mr., and Mrs. Milne ,Rennie,
a on,
WHITE --In Stephen on 111,arch 1111
to Mr. and Mra. john, 'White, a
BISSETT-In Winnipeg on March
3rd, to Mr. and Man Grover Biee
sett, a eon.
Mc0..41RTY-In Lucan on March 3rd,
to Mr. and %km. Frank. hfcCarty,
a daughter.
CI,IPSON-At Ingersoll on Saturday
March, llth to Mr. and Mts. George
Clipson, a daughter.
ANGELL-TAYLOR-At Hensall or.
March) 8th, by Rev. B. McL. Smith,
Miss Myrtle Mary Taylor, to Pte.
eginald G. Angell, a the Bewail
HUNTER -SIMS -Ail the Main street
pareonage by Rev. S. W. Muxware
the on liherefe 11th, Miss Laura
May Sims, of Stephen, (to 1 ,Mr.
-Thranklin, !Cheater Hunter.
BRADT-JEWELL - In Bente- on
'Wednesday, March 15th, by Rev. W.
G. H. McAlister, Ares ' Elizabeth
May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. jes.
Jewell, to Mr. 'William R. )3radt
son of Mr. Ned Mrs. S. Bradt,
DENNIS - At ,Ayr, James Den:de,
formerly of Exeter.
IIA.T,L-In Parkhill, an March 16th,
Atise Bessie, daughter of Mr. Iona. -
than Hall.
LAWSON-At Crediten an Merth 6th
Theraas B. Lawaott aged 45 yeam„
month and 3 days. '
Exeter Connell 'Letter From the Fron
A regular meeting °thaw Council.
' wars held in the e,oanciI ebaniber on'
Friday .evening, March, 1.0th, with all
the reember,s. present.
The minutes et the leet regular
meeting together with those of a
special meeting held Taesday the 29th
were read and approved
COMMUT1100.1033$ were Titad as eon
National SanitarinAlr TOrOnt0-
1 orclereti file&
The Employers Liability Asaerance
Corporation Tordnto, 1
A letter jA. T. Nash, Inspector of
Electricityre regietratioin-Clerit to
make inquiriee,
A letter from David 'Bois's, regards
crushed atone s for roadsadaid over
for further consideratioo.
Mr. L. Day asked for a redaction
in his water rate, datingfloin .April
Lst as .kethtnded to dispose of at t
least 10 head of stocle +/advised to
sign a new .contract withethe clerk,
Mr. Ilawson, Auditor, gate his re-
o e mixers h
Accepted on motioo. of Hind and Har- f
PfVolh°waajelte-A 1.ttrewr /deaaYdRs'' 111-111:14 new33191 E. liheew7attah.r.iin, ail.loduiesdericy", g)orrt fxeeLsr:P
Mr, jaznee Dennis, a former reed- ihn yrozza,3, .or ttiu "(4, the mere_
dent ot Exeter died it Ayr east week bere of the Board of Elealth, ho...spoott4
woo a wagon -maker irt town, SY...siding
en Andrew atreet, Tbe3, removed They' found the taleh cows clime and
the premises in good condition.Sunse
tram tan' a ;several /ear's ago. Tile time ago a government test el the
deceased is survived by his wife and.
eight children, two gilt's rind six
boya, Lottie and Mary, both married piifsariaattay wal!_idotin.upiza.loirelexcioftiLl.the:741,t.ke a.:sIvuaats,
and residing in I3ritish. 'Columbia;
Tom and 'Charles also ini )3. C. l' James. EXETER 6--CREDIT01•1 5
ha A
yr; George, or Eunilton; Jabe
in Gait and heana in Taranto, In, The hockey fans et Exeter were
torment took place last Saturday at given a treat last Friday entente -se
Ayr, when the Orediton and Exeter team*
played a fast, clean game on thp 10,
act ice. Prom the drop of the pnek
thQuIthonna worked hard and the game
was fast. Crediton facored the first
goal with the play around the Exe-
ter nets, Shortly after Exeter aocat-
ed the Creditors nets on a logn irshbt
from centre ice. On another long
shot Exeter scored les second goal and
the first period ended 2 to 1, 1.0 the
second period each side scored two
goats, the score being 4 to 3 in favors
oe Exeter. In the final period Exeter
lei) off with a score both teams work-
ing for all that was in them. The
lead %vas increased to three health
Crediton scored two in, eticceesion.
TO the spectators it looked as tlaougls
the slightest pretext wotild 5tort.1
something. but the gong eounded with
the play in Exeter territory,
Crediton --Goal., 'W. Motz; point, As
AIN ins ; cove; Fahlier; rover, Me
Boltzmann; centre W. Wind; left he,
Boltzmann: right H. Holtzman%
Exeter -Goal, W. Kydd; point, Re.
Rivers; cover, B. Soutlieott ; rover.
Hoffman; centre, M. Sexier; left C.
Pickard;1 right A. Pieltard.
adsof Crediton, gave -goad
The hallowing letter has been re-
ceived by Mrs. C. F. Hooper, or town
it re ly to a note tha va,gt heal
of a email pail of candy that with for-
warded with a box from the patria-
tio Society to the eoldiere at lChrists-
mass thole.
1 No. A. 4219., Sgt. R„ Tetlow
3rd Batt., Grenade Sect,
Int an. v.. )3.E.V.'
Jan. 27, 1016
Dear Mr, and 'Mrs. flooper-
Youe most acceptable girt of 'Pea-
nut Brittle" arrived eafely this morn-
ing and to stow our appreciation the
boys have asked me tocverite and con-
veyndheir many, many thanks.
The gifts of our Canadian, friends,
though we ..Otten do not know them
personally always highly ap-
preciated. This morning the Battal-
on held a Field DaY Whits amounted
sa a long route march. Dinner was
waiting when we landed home after
vhichl your candy was passed around.
Bach man, 46 ie, nurabe.r, received
ist portion. Once more thanking trou
or' your kindness, I reraain
Yours very eineerely
A. resolution moved by Rohnton and
seconded by Mod -that one milt ani ti. Tetlow
the dollar of the total aeseRsament
of the"Municipality he' levied for Pat-
riotic purpeees for 191u.*horned.
1 The account of E. Northe and Ce,
London. for lae tile eured ding: 'We will be looking for the first
the iseason or 19rg15, deferecred-Sloe urfuo. robin oily day Wow.
urs consideration,
* • 0 •
The following accounts were read
and approved, -
Honk I Honk 1 The coal bill is nOL
A. T. Nash $36.45; W. A. Relkweil sooner /laid than the gasoline account
$14.7$; Harry Rowe $49.00 ; Garnet starts,
Heywood $4.10; B. Christie 3.50; 1
• • * * .
Ja.meand :w
s Wekpe$e2rCo.00:83
One mat at any rate, thought the
$7.00; Arthur Sandere $1.60; ,' Thos. was a go
Exeter Mfg. Co $1.25; Thos. Hoiden idea of podrinotnien,g the -assessment roll
annroo.okoSr101.4$03;7,07: .T300.
3. Bissett $43-75;
si * * •
Jos. henitern,i0r1112.-51): 'iere were just about to remark
that the maple syrup season is not
II P IF it
so very far away.
ere would be little regrets frora
readings, etc., will be giver• in the ,
of instrumental ad vocal : mesas.
An interesting and varied hrograna
• • ' t :
most of us if the coal in the bits
, would only linger imager.
Thames Road Presbyteriaaa Church toe i * *big
spurt in rewirieg or lionises for
Monday, March 20tif. The folio -wit -al- One of these days there 'will he a
NelLson elocutionist of West Hill, and
W 4 H. HaY,s, soloist of Seaforth. Mr. 1
• I* • •
hydro and sonteoze will be disap-
Admisgon 40c; children under 15, aoo. fvoiftee.nstisotr,,,,7at 1odagoemehel)altisrtirtic teovehnit Hahn was recently favored with an
audience by the Duke and Duchess Wad has upset many customs. Ir.--
or )Connaught and won great favor. stead of the Jou.eband explaining his
• * 5 0
Ans., Geo- Cornish Underwent' A' Teiy
severe operation on Monday. At pre-
sent he is doing ad well as can be exe
The riot 'in To'ron.to while the tem-
.Perende pri5C'eaSion Witt Mader way,
will forewarn the temperance forces
against lawless actions when the re-
ferendum is 1beieg taken.
American c i
The shatiintgesersiteing this white
0 * * .
Rev, S. B. Nelson, pastor or ItNnvoux1
of the hall rooms being turner
invaded the
Presbyterian church, Hamilton,
This wint r the
address a patriotie and recruiting
itmneawton:Irhinakssn.'t been patroenized az.si muci
on Tuesday evening, March 2let. -
meeting in the Eozeter Opera House
as usual. Its another case at
Mr. John Shute, of Farquhar met ing its way to the citiess.eetiee5 lindlie-
, good things of the rural
with' a nasty accident which will lay(
la :aelis vt , toff a:y.1a:: Thursday
arceadnayapepvreeaciniagt e
bag across a drift of snow whea the
him' up for isome tirae. He was driv-
, jj:tt awhfeawt. - • • *
sleigh upset and he was thrown. out
soeucronwdastmeOvir'oer.ks:d t'hsyesftixeme
thigh bone.
resulting in a bad fracture of the
at tk.e Commercial hotel would have
1 been beyoett control anti with. the
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rawkithigh wind blowing from the south -
M. Sheere and Mr. Geo, II. Hockey at-
s, deirs.
west the chancor savicg the bussi-
tended the funeral Of Miss Bessie Hall nem seeder. on either ide of the
in Parkhill on Tuesday.
lilies Hall street would have been e:ini. Those
was taken down with pneumonia and
who helped pull the hose etc., through
after a few days illness she passed the snow will 'mow something what
away on Thursday last. She was a it would have meant to haul the fire
daughter of Mr. Jonathan Hall and engme not considering getting ip
has a number of friends in town, steam.
* * vr
having visited here on several occa- •
sions. It may sound a little strange to
the ratepayers &some money. It ia
• mention anything about laying the
dust. but a hale foresight miglot save
The Heinen- and Exeter members not too early to considext the naeane to
of the 161st Battalion marched to
te Olken to keep- down the dust in
Dashwood on Saturday last where sanPler- 'We think the eitize.os, were
last year as it not only laid the, dust
citizens. The boys were met about a
the Y were royally entertain.ed lah the satisfied with the ail we Main street
but kept the road in good coedition.
mild out by about 50 mounted towase
peop:e and near the village the school Is the system of oiling to be carried
children under Principal Shore wet-
out this year? If so, will the same
corned them with patriotic songs. An
portion be oljed ar will' the system be
o ot LI. etreete. The pros -
address of welcome was given by 1Dr. -
1 h5, peas are that oil will advance in
Schram and was responded to
Major Beaman. The women Of the price. g he larger towns and onee
village toed district provided thee
are already
ready piecing their contracts
quet dinner which was awed in Me-
for oil. St. Marys have secured a
Isaae's store, Following the dinner p.
contract for 9 ceats.
• • • •
concert wee, given. The stores were •
It has bean intimated that the B-
elched between 11 and 2. The Credi-
quer interests may favor the enact -
ton band was present and enlivened
mint of prohibitory legislation during
the proeeeditgs. Tho boy were more
the war 'without submitting it to the
than delighted with the proceediegs.
: people. This would be a good move
BRADT-JEWELL for the 'province and might not be a
The home or Arr. and Mrs. jams had stroke of busincsi for the liquor
Jewell, Gidley St.. was the seene of hatereste. The tempereecd fore, a
a pretty wedding on Wednesday have spent a good deal of money and
March 15th, when their eldest datigh7s time to try to get the sentiment of
ter, F.dizabeth May, was united in the whoa, province on thea knee, the
marriage to Mr, Willia.m. . it 'Bradt, results of which far earpassed the
son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Bradt, of t'se4 best hopes of the tenaperance torees,
ter'. The ceremony took Deice at The demonstration in Toronto, alone
higfol neon, the Rev. W. G. If. McAl- represents a geodly eum of money,
aster, of senses street church, °triplet- everything considezed, • It augurs
ing. The bride, who MIS given away that in a final contest nothing will be
by/ her father, wore a becoming wed- lacking in organization, labor and
ding gown or brosvn silk trimmed funds to earry the thiug to a success -
with -creom hes. with corsage boo- fol conelasion. A 'relendum can on-
citiet of roses. Meer the ceremony A JY be submitted at a great cot te the
dainty luncheon was vrved. Gueete country, The history of the liquor
vee preterit from Parkhill, Thedford party shott*s it dies hord and in the
nd Toronto. The newly wedded ten- event of a referendum their coffers
ole Ieft on the 5 ehlock train, the will be' drained considerably, the ex-
ride'a trovellina eeit being or malty tent of 'which lo beat ki30Wil to them -
blue Serge svith rose-colored cod black selves. The guns eon resolves itself
at. They will visit Sarnia, Detrodt into the wisdom of running the
nd London before proceeding to guentlet in ioce of the expressed tem -
heir Mine itt ThAtord, where the veranda sentiatent. You can rest ss -
groom has purchased a business. awned however, that money till be
hat many friends it hewn will jo;sn the last coneideration it a ;ray at
with the Times in extending con- hope con be tliteerned takYwhel`o•
ratu1atOn j anyhow,. 1 k. .s, lit
The :1?irinaary Department of the • e
Janice street Sunday othool have this
week added small ,chaine for the pu-
replacing the long wooden swats,
The chafes will add a great deal to
the comfort of the little tots. The a
thinlety elites lane a membership oh t
aver 80, with an average ettendanee
of over forty. The teethera are Mrs.
T. 0. Southeett and Miss Stella South- w
The ladiea of town and country are
being invited to "Relay Teas' for
patxiotic porponee. They intend giv-
ing five relays. The Livid relay will
be completed Wednesday hot lerekene
it ifflealt dor some ladies to
get those they are acquainted with
to make up the number as some do
nob wish, to eatertaina ate lady may
accept ass mauy invitations as she
washes*, but will not be required to
give more than or..e tea unless the
wie.hess to do so. IL' you cannot get
the required number of ladies invite
two or three ladies and two or three
gentteraer., or if yea wish yea may
nvite a raunbe.r of gentlemen and
ntertain them for your father, hus-
band or brother. The teas will he
continued for the month of March
niy, ending Friday March 31at. So
nvite your neigh/Kora. arid friends and
pend a social afternoon or evening,
ach paying 10e. The proceeds will divided evenly among the three
cieties, Womerhe Inatitute, Patriotic
engue and Soldiers' Aid for patrio-
io supplie,a-Mrs. Yeti, Convenor,
Just Arrived
30 pairs of Ladies' Black Glazed Kid Shoe;
patent tip, Goodyear welted soles, Blucher
eat, sizes 2-1 to '6, worth $3.50
On sale for
Our Stock
of Boys' and Girls' Shoes
is complete and the price is much Jess than it
we were buying now. We anticipated. the
raise in price and filled our shelves at old pri-
2 Cases Men's Heavy Shoes
at last year's prices.
All Winter Goods Reduced
We R
ese•0***......0*(4.00-0-ipeoeo**** eohessesseestea,0414.04,40-4>enneeeeehir
1 A
If its a pair of Trousers, an odd
Coat and Vest or a Suit you want,
come quick, before the other fellow
gets the best.
nds for' od Vests,
ids for od C .ats and Vests,
rids ftr,ftr TP.oi sers.
rids for :. -ail
clear thv,,in
es to
rices to
W. W. 1 A N