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Exeter Times, 1916-3-9, Page 8
TH.E EXETER. TIMES Phone 161 3. A. STEWART Smart Spring Coats & uits Phone 16 We are prepared for the early buyer with a choice range of Stylish and up=to=date range of suits and coats . for Misses and Women. Come in and try then on. FURS This is the month to buy furs if you would save money. Astonishing low values in all Ruffs, Stol- es and Muffs, Get our prices. Linoleums We are very fortunate to have in stock a big range of Nairn's Scotch Linol- eums which we are sell- ing at the old price. Let us show you our new patterns in 2, 3, and 4 yard widths. Sugar Order your Sugar now while the price is low. Extra Stan- dard Granulated Pure Cane Sugar. Look out for higher prices. New Dress Goods 111 sI ite of the advance in prices and the fact that all wool drt.s. illr-icrials are hard to procure. We have an excellent show- ing of all wool serges, At per yard 75c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.5O. Wall Papers We are ready for the early buyer with a splendid range of 1916 Papers for parl- ors, Dining Rooms, Bedrooms and Bath- rooms. In fact any room in your home. The price per roll is 5c, zoo, 15c and 25c. Potatoes Market Report -The following is the report of the Exeter market corrected up to March 84:A. •Wheal 80c to $4,4}9 t 1, Oats 400 • Barley 50 to 55o Buckwheat 60 to 72e Peas $1.00 Family Flour $3,10 Low Grade Flour $1.75, Bran $25 per ton. Shorts $26 per ton_ Eggs 25o to 27'u 13uttele 28c Creamery butter 30,.E Potatoes 2 25, r;, Hogs. $ . 9.30 , Potatoes are scarce these days. We have a limited of Green Mountain Del- ewares. The quality is good. Apprentices wanted to learn Millinery 1 J. A. STEWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices 1011:111116111~— � New Spring FURNITURE Suits for Ladies We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. i Our Undertaking De- partment is up.to-date in every respect and we guar- antee the best of satisfact- ion. R. N. Rowe The Funeral Director and Ft.urnitiare Dealer- PHONE ealerPHONE 20a i ALBERTA SASH and MANITOBA CANADIAN PACIFIC FARM LANDS Irrigated and Non -irri- gated. '"Ready - made" Farms. Loan for Improvements. Advance of L the Stock on Loan basis. pay. Twenty years to FULL PARTICULARS ON .ArPPLICATION Ernest Elliot C. P. F Land Agent +'X ET ER:, Lunch Served at all Hours Fresh Groceries all the time Eat more Parnell's Bread Pi2Oh'iPT DELIVERY Phone 56 Miss D�e,:ase Ha. rtnoll, or l'oro nto is $visitin�t town. 731ac�-Waii1e'1i5"stluls at Exe- ter Opera. -louse, Wednesday, March 15th at 8 p.m. in.aid'oe Patriotic fund. -Reserved coats at Beavers Store :COMING -A calx' Of SEED OATS, American annex from Alberta, which Yielded bus. tla„e,;'.ralcre. (Call at the twill p and ea r leave your l mole .a .. order -Harvey 73ros. On Monday evening the "flus Ultra" clidy or Main S. Sunday School. under the 'leadership or Mr. Tuckey, together with a number of lady friends met at the home of Mr. ..o m S.. J. Bogart'', of Ivrh 1 and Mrs.g Farm and spent a business and :social evening, . On Friday evening, last a number of young people were pleasantly en-, tertained at the home of Mr. -leery Squire in honor of Mr. Geo, Squire, • who left on 11londay Lake, Shoal d , Man. The evening was ,pleasantly spent in games and music after which an oyster supper was (served. There are two ways of spending a dollar, you can spend it at home and gain an easy conscience retake another friend and perhaps get the dollar back to -morrow or you can send it 1 Wilson's Grocery ©*eve®oset•e *****o0***oo**4)o LOCAL e • i •so•••♦ ••••••••. (Read the auction sales on nage 4. Mrs, Arthur Davis is quite ill at her home on ALn street. Mr. Thos. Handford, of Ingersoll, was in towr. this week. Mr. Geo. 'Gillies, or Br,a.ntford, visit- ed in town over_„t,he••ts' ek-+end. "Thl Min t-rgrs" at Opera House on Wedn qday, March 11th at 8 p.m. Several from town attended the carnival at 'Crediton on Friday even- ing. Mrs. Thos. Brock, is preparing to veneer and remodel her residence on Huron street. Mr. John Peart, of Usborne, has moved into the residence opposite the Main street church. The British losses during February in all tLe theatres of war were 739 officers and 17,847 men. Mrs. Powell is in Toronto thin week as a delegate from the W. C. T. U to the temperance meeting in Toronto. 400 Cords of .Codd Wood 'Wanted at the Exeter Salt. Works ICo 4 Ltd.l FOr prices write•'oi• gall upon' the --tanager:--Jos. Sutton, J4rgr, , , Ars NEW BU"1CUE11-Afr. Begg desires to annot;noe that he will call for arid deliver orders to any part of the town.. Your 'patronage in'solicited Phone 103, , 1 A SURE TI-IING Bill -Are we downhearted, Tom -No, but .1'm fearfully tired; nervous exhaustion, I guess. Bill -There's no need stay e to to tired Tom. Go and get a box of Takalce pills. They'll fix you up. Fifty cents a box at your druggists or by mail from theGeorgian Mfg: •Co., Collingwood, Ont. " THURSDAY, 111AIWU 91;11, 1910. 400 Tons of Tine, Land and Cattle Salt' for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 506, per bag. -Exeter Salt ;Works Co., Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager. •_ PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auer. tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders lett a,( Times office will be promptly at- tended to. 'i hone 116, 1 irkton., Ad. dress Kirkton P.O. FOR SALE -Private sale or house- hold fur 'tare consisting of dtn1 p g - room table, set dining -room 'chairs,' leather bottom; two bedroom sets, complete, rug 3x3 1-2 yds.; kitchen chairs„ etc. This furniture is mostly new without a scratch. Will be sold at a bargain for quick sale owing to away, feel that you. 'have sinned, of- enlistment. Apply to Pte. (Wilbur fend the home merchant. and forever . Pfaff at T. Newells after 4.30 pan. lose the dollar and` the blessed in- or Saturday afternoons. fluence for good to yourself and I _ for good to yourself and neighbor. 1llr, (Robt. Dinney i clerking at the Centoet hotel. • TUE EDITOR'S BLACK EYE No ee ntle reader, our discolored Op- ti; is not the result or 'a racket with any cf cur delinquent' • subscribers, nor cued through.ary bodily harm that a displeased reader tried to in- flict on us, but is just one of the little incidentals of a hockey , game when . a hockey stick • accidentally 1a.nded on the wrong spot. BUY YOUR STAMPS PLAIN TAILORED LAND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE rRIPPLE SKIRTS , Spring fashions are arriving and combine in. Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, , meeting the requirements for si-toaat wear and travel. It: is unusual to'present so early in the season so great a variety, but styles( were determined early and the most favored shown. Notice has been received by the patrons of the rural routes that peo- nies are rot to be taken by couriers for postage; and that r.o Jess than 25e worth of stamps 'are i`o be sold to pat- rons at one time. This will prove a blessing to the rural courier, as they formerly took off'r,.tnit to shake hands with the little .copper regard- less of the mercury's depth at the time. • USBORNE WAR ..AUXILIARY A 'branch of Huron County War Auxiliary was recently organized for Usborne township with the following of'icers a( president, Fred Ellering ton ; vine-pres.. Thos. Brack; secy-tress., W. G. Medd; members' or executive, Ward 1-'P. D. Hunter, S. J. Pym; Ward 2-Jchn 'Ratcliffe, John Mor- gan; Ward 3 -John Deibridge, Sam'l Routley; Ward 4-A. Hunkin. W. A. Turnbull. A census of the township will be teke', :as soon as the forms are ready. The number or capable men for ell nurposes will be thereby ascertained. TRANSFERRED O MONCTON Mr. H. J. White, manager or the Canadian Bank of Commerce received word this week that. he had !been transferred to the branch at Moncton. N. B. Mr. ,White has been with the branch here a little over a 'year and a half and during that time has made many warm friends who while regretting his departure are glad to know that he is getting a better sit- uation anal will wish tor him and his family suedes in their new tplace. They expect to leave in about two weeks. Mr. A. E. Kuhn, of the'Cred- iton branch will be 'his successor and we welcome him to town. .SALT FOR SALE. -An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt fon' Bale at the old Tennpertnce 'House at the G, T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity, Your patronage satisfaction is guaranteed. - ED, MAGUIRE. Exeter. Have you renewed your subserip' tion to the Times for 1910f • FO'R SALE Wagons, sleighs, cans, and. cverys thing needed to handle milk for a milk business. Everything up-to-date and in good 'condition. A good L\Iilk -Route in connection. Good reasons for Selling. L, Day and Son, Exeter Mr. Marvin Vincent is learning the printing at the Times office. Mrs. Willis has returned home af- ter spending the winter in London. Rev. Locke, a former , pastor of the Main St. Methodist church died in Toronto last week. A. load of young people drove to Iiensalt Wed:iesdaY evening and enoY- ed themselves at the wins. THE LATE MRS. KEYS • G The funeral of the late Mrs. Keys who died at Clinton on Friday last at the age of 88 years was held on Sun- day' from the home of Mr. Jos. Davis Exeter North, interment in the Exe- ter cemetery. The deceased was a resident of Exeter most of her life- time. !She bas no immediate • irela- Uses Miss May Jones very pleaaactlY en- tertained a number of young people on Friday evening of last week. Mr. Jack Snell is drawing the ma- terial for the erection of a house on the old racecourse property. Mr. P. Frayne is getting the ma- terial on the ground for the erection of a new building for his 'harness business. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cundy have moved onto the farm of Mr. 'Firm. Heaman of the 12th concession of Stephen. Mr. Ernest Connor, Of Woodstock_ visited his brothers in • towr. iii s week in connection with the Connor Machine Co.' "Amateur Minstrels" March 15th. TheSeasor event. Proceeds n Patriotic Fund. Mr. Louis Iter who his been laid up for over two months is able to be around again: and has returned to his home on IIuron street. The present time is most advantag- eous fox, buying as all indications poitn•to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES' AND • GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs. Opposite the Central Hotel Several young people from town walked to Hensall on snowshoes last Saturday afternoon returning by train. Mre, L. L. Cochrane, or St. Thomas, returned home Wednesday after vis- iting her daughter Mrs. A. J. Mc- Donald, Mrs, (Rev.) S. F. Sharp is visiting in Toronto. She called. on Mr, and Mrs. Wei.denhammer at Oakville or,. the y wa "t• Rev. W. G. II. land ALrs. (McAlister, Messrs. 5, M. Sanders and John Scott are in Toronto attending the tem- perance rally,. tTt;ealiesday, Musical of 'W'onterf.a Miss Smith of Welland axed Mr. Perry Whetstone, of Kintore, have returned to their homes after visiting Mr. and Mrs, 'Chas. Harvey. Arrangerxients have been made fol. a concert to be held in the Thames :toad Presbyterian church on Mon- day March 20th, Some excellent tal- ent has been secured fox the oecadlon. Messrs. L. IL Dickson and C. TI. Sanderta were in London last Saturday interviewing the Bishop With (refer- ence to n sueee:sar to Rev. ;D. W. Collins who goes to it Ws new e✓harge the firSt Sunday in April, • Mr. John Routteage, of Zurich has been transferred to the Molson's bank in town and commenced Lis du- ties as junior on. Monday. If to stay single you prefer You better stay away from me., Remember this is Leap Year sir, And I'm as bold as I can be. The erection of a public building at Exeter at an estimated cost of $15,000 is contemplated by the De- partment of Public Works, Ottawa. -St. Marys Journal. Mr. Garnet Iieywood has purchased Mr. Geo. Sne11'a residence and thirty i acres of land on Huron street and Mr. Snell has purchased Mrs. John Snell's residence on Andrew street. St. Marys have organized a cam- paign to raise $12,000 for the Pat- riotic society. The town council will be asked for $4,000 the balance to be raised by private donations. Mrs. Brown, of Main street, re- ceived word recently that her father had died •at his home in Kilmarnoch, Scotland. Mrs, Brown visited her fa- ther about two years ago., The engagement is announced of Miss Lena Mande, daughter of Dar. and Mrs. John '>ilohafry, Ilihbert,' to Mr. Austin Ailing, of T'uekersmitL, the marriage to take place quietly in March. CURLERS AT PARKHILL Three rinks or curlers went to Parkhill last Friday evening and en - toyed a friendly game. but were down In the count. The boys were, banquet- ed by the home players and speak very highly of the excellent way in which they were entertained. PLEASANTLY ENTERTAINED A very pleasant evening was spent at the (Coven. Presbyterian manse on. Monday when a few friends were en- tertained in. honor of :Rev. D. 'W. and Mrs. (Collins, who are noon to re- move to Windsor. Supper was ser- ved after which several toasts were responded to. Mr. J. A. Stewart re- sponded to the toast fir• "Our King and Country";; o spoke of the guest of the evening as a minister; Mr. R. G. Seldon ',poke of, his social life; DLr. J. G. ,,Stanbury his citizenship, and Mr. S. Fitton hs patriotism. Mr. Collins made a very fitting reply. The evening was' a most enjoyable one. E. L. AND S. 5. INSTITUTES Epworth League and Sunday Schoot Institutes in connecticn %vith the Methodisit church will be held on the Exeter District as follows: Granton cn March 27th; Greenway on the 28th and Centralia on the 29th. Bev. F. Langford, of Toronto, General -Edn- cational Secretary, 'Will Le the chief speaker. 'Bev. C. 'W. , Baker will speak on "The Child: and Public 'Wor- ship'* and (Rev. J. 1?..,lnight, District Secretary of Social Service and Evan- ge'ism will also give an address.' bir. W. G. Medd and Mark Lindsay give addresses at Granton; Miss J. Baird t Greenway,,and Dr. Roui ton and Rev L. 'W. (Reid, at Granton. Mr. Oliver 'Davis left !donday for Zurich where he has taken a posi- tion with the Maisons banik. Oliver is a bright steady young man, and will no doubt make good in the line he 'has chosen. Publio meetings have been 'held in Blowhard township during the past week on 'behalf of the hydro -electric railway, preparatory to the re -subs mission of the hydro -radial •by -lav to a vote of the electors of; that town- ship. Mr. and Ins. 'Milton Hooper and Miss Ella Hooper, of i3lanshard, v:s ited Mr. And Mrs, ,Chas. Hooper over Sunday, A.t the Sabbath school :ser- vice in carnes street chnrcbl it. the a(- ternoon Miss Hooper sang a very ac- ceptable t3010,. ,, House for Sale Comfortable frame house, ;the ruccs• pro- perty pexty oP the late rs. 'Mary G Dalrymple in Tietnsall; contains rooms and good cellar. Tere is one acre of land, good stable and small fruits; 3 cords split hardwood and kindling and 2 ton 'coal 'in cellar to, go with property. Terms 10 per sent oash and balance in 30 days. 'fenders to be oen.t' to Gladman ,.. or Henson. or Exeter, on Stanbury, Hen before March 15th. highest or any tender rot necessarily. accepted. Mr. J. D. Stewart, Hensall, will show' prospective purchasers the property upon {request, GLADMAN Sc STANBTJ(RY Executor. t0X sfo xe u Solicitors PASTURE LANDS FOR SALE TO!WNSHIP of HAY Being -7th son. -Lots 12 and 13; 8th Con. -Lots 13, 14, E 1-2 15. W 3-4 24. Immediate Possession. Easy Tennis. The (Canada Company, 1170 Youngs, et., Toronto GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE Four Horse Power Gasoline Engine for sale at a bargain, only been used a short time. For further particu- Lars, apply THE JACKSON MANUFA(CT GilING CO., LTD., EXETER, ONT. 2t. IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATE' (1) Look Mother! if tongue is coater cleanse Little bowels with "Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs." - Mothers can rest easy after givinllk "California Syrup of Figs," because, i* A few hours all the clogged -up waste: sour bile and fermenting food gent.* moves out of the bowels, and you have( a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed $n take this harmless "fruit laxative:' Millions of mothers keep it handy be, cause they know its action on the. stomach, liver and bowels is prompt. and sure. Ask your druggist for a 50 -cent bot- tle of "California Syrup ofFigs,'• whlek contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups. ODDFELLOWS DEFEATED • The Oddfellows and a pickedteam from town played a game of hockey at the rink last friday evening, the latter winning out. 7, to 2. The game. while not as fast as some that have been played in Exeter was never-thtt+- ham was therewith t s his individual ting. Bill tr'ushes and if he. didn't get a goal he usually got something. Bi11's spectatular stunts won for him great applause. Derry Boyle played a wing, but witgs were never meant for Derry. Of course, Derry- is fast in his Class. Ye ;Gimes Editor played centre and almost scored the first goal. ' He was award- ed a black eye in the second period. The line tip was:• Picker team - goal, T. Elliott; point, C. Pickard; cover point, E. Southcott rover, E. Harvey; centre M. Senior; right Clair Pickard; left A. Pickard. Oddfellows goal, W. Kydd; point, 'Bert Ris; cover 0. Atkinsoc; rover, E. me centre, J. AI. Southcott; right F. M. Boyle; left W. 3. Statham. REV. RD. HOBBS PASSES AWAY IN TORONTO Word was r'ecei;ved in town on Taesday evening that Rev. Richard Hobbs Lad died in Toronto following a stroke on Monday. Mr. Hobbs had not been well for some time and his c death Was not altogether une.�d e t ed, p Mr. Hobbs was former pastor of James street Methodist ohuroh leav- ing eav- in . here nearly four years ago for gh' Toronto'. 1!c is survived by widow. one son wand three daughters. Allan. ttith a Ilattaiion nt ''WinniPeg. who had jus` returned after a. vi it with his father; Mrs. fi. Hutton, of Brantford; Mrs. T. 0. Southcott.01' town and Delight at home. Southcott was in Toronto at the time. and Mr.' ,Southcott left for Toronto on Wednesday morning. The deceae- ed was 70 years of age. The fnner ti will take place on Thursday, inter- ment at Niagara gage., One (son,, Will. was :buried a couple of months ago. The bereavedill •have (the s Ympatl:y of many fWt"ep A, STANDINGCONTEST IN E PItANO The following is a 'cosy of the bul- letin in 3. Beverley's Piano contest showing the standing of 'the contest- anta for the week ending Mar. 1st. 1-5400 4-330( 00 0-0650 10-14(1.00 22-10(1()1(0 23-31(40 28-160t)O - 29-41£150 86-5001(1 80-50655 41-78.325 48-7875 49-181000 52-236800 96-100000 108-601100 117-6101Ki 139-7350 151- 50000 154-12000 157-506(1 164-1:341 171-115000 184-9430 189-10000 03-1230 3-12341) FLRNITUFE "DON'TS" Don't hope to get high grades at low prices. Dont put your ; money into so=called "Cheap" Furniture. Don't expect to be able to find a store that can surpass us in value=giving. Don't look any where else for newer designs Don't think that by buying from out of. town people that you can get more for your money. You cant. Don't forget to call and see us. V.13' McLAUCHLIN THE NEW 11.. 5 >L: inch Wheel SaAP, Six Cylinder Valve in-hea d 45 horse pow er Motor; ' very easy riding Cantilever Springs; 4 inch Tires (non-skid on rear wheels); Delco- Ignitiono Lighting and Starting Device; Number One Hand Buffed- Leather Up- holstering p- hulsteriig.over Genuine Curled Hair Filling, ElectricRom; Stewart Speedometer; . t5teyart Warner; Vacuum. Feed;Double 'Fire Xrons,hi h grade Mohai Top,one. . , indshield. man a: type; Rain Vl�icVision`�eiutilatiing W Stewart in. Exeter M1 o e1i 1. 1: .1