HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-9, Page 5iiniftlESDAY, MAInOit 9th1 1916. Fanners! Now is the time to buy wire fence be- fore it advances in price. Let me quote you on your needs in the following lines, - All kinds .of Lumber dremd 01 rough. Shingles, Lath, Cedar Fence Pots, 8ft lor.g, 9 ft long and 10 ft long. Cement, Wall Board and Ready Roofing. A. J. CLATWORTHY GRANTON .GRyiN04. • ARE YOU GOING WEST? 'The Grand Trunk Railivay Systeml • will rim tiomeseekers' sions Excur= EACH TUESDAY Starch 7th to Oct. 31St (Inclusive) tificketsz valid ire return within two months inclusive of date of sale Winnipeg and return $35 Edmonton and return $43 IProportionate low elites to other points in Pdanitoba, Saskatchewan & Alberta Full particulars and tickets an applic- ation to agents. :)ocENTRAL Av,•ei,yosy z ennegn, t nenetea, F46. t 4.1 -0 • t You can secure a • 4, . . „.. , • ..i. . • Position• * * • * • .. If you take a course with us. The ". demand upon us for trained, help e •410 # elle, is many times the number grad • 4 elating. Students are entering t : each week-. You may enter at any I ile time. Write at once Mir our free i en a tei catalogue of ICommerciai, Short-, $ band or Telegraphy depertmentel AP D. • en At McLachlan, Principal e nh, * .0 0111110400041.**4644.00.s..0 . 000 . oanno .11EENINAN•11 MESSAGE TO WOMEN. you are troubled with weak, tired iselispe headache, backache,'" bearing lbws seosations, bladder weakness, cons - Won, catarrhal conditions, pain in the regularly or irregularly, bloating ye unnatural enlargements, sense of jilting or misplacement of internal organ; nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation, bot nashess.dark rings under the eyes, *I/aloes of interest in life,.I invite you *o'er:it* and ask for my simple method of neon. treatment, with ten days' trial asithrely free and postpaid, also references ne Canadian ladies who gladly tell how �y bive regnined health, strength, and es* by this method. Write to -day. : Mrs. M. Sumner., Box.. see • . Oat le Crediton Freemen nfo2oe1 ft4itelsistien Albert Morlock ae tne • automobile Mnese0 Hearn Stenic and Win. Vow - men eriene lase Tieueseay at London. Oen Bilber who had the talefort- line o leaving a ,pike nun in the piam of his hand, haa again istart- ed to work, The e..arnival held at the inrednou rink Friday night was a gocd niecess. The manager had the toe tn firet- olaso trim. Martba• Wind bas treturned horne after spending a few months/ at Detroit, She was accompanied by her rater% Mos, Mistele, Mos. Ed. Westentt event Sundlay with her paretns, Mr. and Mrs. J'ohn Palmer. Miss Clara Holtzmann, of Exeter, pent Sunday at home. Ptes. Lloyd England and Garent Eau, who are training at Exeter with the 161st spent Sittadey at home, The farmers are busy getting in, their supply of ice for the sunnier. They say the ice ie in good shape. Mr. Dan. Maarten was laid no for L few days this week, The anniversary serviette ot the Evangelicaf churoh were wen attend- ed. BisLop Sprenz, a Napierviln, Ill., preached two very interesting sermons,. At 2.30 he gave a iselendid address to the echool. On Suaday evening the Methodiat church with- drew their servioe and went to Iliear the Bishop.. The neuron was almeet filled to the dears. Oa Monday night he gave his famous lecture on "The Gift of Seeing Things. .A. goodly nunaleer were present. The Young men of the °bun% took tbe place of the choir and sang several hymns., stosen on Monday was eeme- thing similar to the one a week ago. The mads were again blocked and made traifin very heavy. Aloeut four oecicole a report ot thunder \ was heard. This is semething unusual for thie time of the year. Mr. Sylvester Wuertb is 'working at latex Bros. for a few weeks. Ms e Martha Ocreicher of Do.sh- weed ;spent Sunday and Mo•d.nay in toe-. IDASTCWOOD Mess Lena Steil-I:igen Kent Sunday in Exeter. , • Mrs. Chan Hintz of Washington Mich., called on frieods ene day 1es week. Set -reran from here attended a gain- ing, held at Mrs. Robert Mayter's Greenaway one day last week Miss Salome Tiernen. who inn spent the past two menthe with relatives Lere. returned to London Friday. Miss A. McDonald of Woodatock, Las arrived to take charge ot the mil- linery department of G. Kellerman and Son. The petriotic dance held in Mr. P. neelsaac's furniture shop, Friday night was a grand enemas and large- ly attended. Proceeds nii to the pat- riotic; fund. Mr. E. M. Bookenstiee, spent Bat- Tn Zurich on. lint:ion:0n A; very interesting event; took plate at the Lutheran parsonage, Daenwood on March the 1st when tbe pastor Rev. Giraugner pronounced the words that made Mis-e Ida Becker the bride of Mr. Edward Stire, noth of this place. The happy couple left on a short honeymoon, re turning Sat- urday. They will /reside in town. Best wishes are extended to the noung couple. GEEENWA Y -Mr. Shelbourne English, of Landon, spent he week -end at home, , Mr. J. Foster, of Hayfield, spent the week end with his mother. Mr. Eat. Arm,stroxig. of Parkhill. spent leen week visiting- friends' here Mr. John Sheeran oe Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Webb., of Park- hill. visited at Mr. Aaron Sheeritt's over Sunday. The Home Guard of Greenway. bas been organized with the following on ficers and ruemberet William Nich- olas, Captain; George Marks, Lieut. William Hicks. secy.-trees., Elgin Steeper, Harold Pollock, Joe Car- nuthers, jaineS • MePherison, John Metall; Robt. 'Carruthers, Chas Monet. 'Walter English, John Illeroit, lacIther.son,, Milton Hayter,Mer- ton MtneY, Erva Eggert, Chas. Ma- son.. Jr.. 'Edward Bullock, Enamel Baynham. Next meeting in Parsh Hall, Greenway on Thursday, March 9th, 1916. Homeseekers Excursion.s Every Tulesday, March to October "All Rail" Every Wednesday' Poring Season Navig'ation "Great Lakes Route" forriewlerc out on the prairies wheee last year Canada's Gmatest Wheat Crop was produced there is a home Waiting for you. .The CANADIAN PACIFIC will take younitere, give you all the information about the best places, awe help you to success. :: t:55 Particulars from. ono Canadian Penile 'Ticket Agent, or „write W. B. linwardi Ilietrfet Passenger .eigenti Toronto. 1 1 THE EXETER TIMES STAFFA MM. 0. Tann, Sr. ieserloosin lit 4 Frieate Neil Park,who ins been leid up for 4 chuple of weeks at his home here is recovering. ; Lieut. Bootle of the 11011 baetalinti 11111-c1ell was in thie village nest week in the interest of xecraiting. Mr. atcl Mos. Nelson Owning and ttnee children, or Talmage, Sask,vtleo spent iLe winter With frientla in D tie bert, Oave returned to their home in the Weet. Mr. Jimmie I3orbour has been eon - fined to the holm with nn al tack of the mumps anti later pleurisy and pneumonia ret in but we are pleased' to state that he ie now on the Toad to recovet ,y. . ' The minden of the late Dtoacan Kennedy who died at his borne at the Soo were brougnt to Stafta and in- terred in the Staffa cemetery last Friday. Tin deceneed oas a brother of Hugh Kennedy. The peopn of this village and vicin- ity are asked to k:nidly save alletheir papers, 'magazines, pasteboard box, rags, rubbers etc. mail about the lst of Aprel, when the Red Cross 'Commit- tee here, expect to nrike a shipment. preset t. Messre,t Sniitn ancl 11 Phillhp Yisited friend0 le Stratford, bet week IICIPPEN Mr, Issaao jaerot of Knipen lost a fine two-year-old steer. • Miss Jennie McLean is spending a few days visiting in McKelop. Mr. George E. Thompson is :Lot as well as hi i friends would like to see Lim, Mr. and Men Alfred Ferry •ane daughter, who have been visilieg friends here for some time left for their western b.ome lest week. Miss Vine Wetzel, wt.* has been, staying at the home of her sister, Mrs. 3. Detwi:ler, for sometime has returned to her home in Moorefield. On Tuesday meting" of nest week Mae and ales. Robert Diesciale, of tl.e Town Lien Stanley, entertained the soldiers of the 161st Battalion, ' of Henson, to an onster supper. It wets certainly ajpreciated by the boys. Mr. and MM. William Anderson and Miss Mann' et Watson, till of our v illage visited Mr. john .)-talins, of Elimville a few days age and found Mr. Jones ,wetn i .-oll- aelear.ced .in life, looking remark -by even; Mr. Jones likes to pee h s old Kippen friends once in a wanie. ,CHISEentURST ; Mrs. John Mitchell is this week visiting her dlughter, Mrs. Jarvis Horton, near Brucefield. One day recently as Ford Spriggs tittle on of Mr. F. 3. Spriggs, nierch- ent was playing outside, he had the misfortune to slip and fall, breakino Lis mini- bone. But Ford has lots of pluck- and was zoor. around as usual. Our Red Cross Society ie. now fully organized with the following oWc- eras President Mrs. Frank.knyckman; ,tirstovice Bins. George Eyre; second vice; Mrs. Wm. Pybus; third vice, Mrs. Wm. Kinsnom; fourth one. M Grant itycleman; secretary eire. Ern • est Dinnen; treasurer. Mrs. Joni Var- ley; executive committee, Mrs. Frank Ryckman, Mrs. G. Eyre. airs. -Ernest Dinnen, Mrs. jno. Varley, Mrs. Pat- terson, Mess Maude Glenn. Over $50 worth of goods have been bought and distributed, and the ladles are making their sewing machines and knitting needles fairly hum with activity. A gold literary entertainment was recently given in One Methodist church in 'connection with the Bible Study Class Among those woo arsine ed with the programme were Miss Gertie Mitchelin i violin selecnons; Misses Olive and Edna Cann, soles; Mrs. Miller, a good temperance read- ing. Rev. and Mrs. Knight also took part, the former's readings and sing- ing being .received with great ap- plause. Mr. Samuel McLean very ably fined the chair. At the close a collect- ion was taken up for the . Young People's Forward Movement for Mite sions. Quite a number of our recruit. wore present. and were heartily cheer- ed. , ZURICH Mrs. Henry Demuth, of Port Arth- ur is visiting relatives here at pres- ent Mrs. George Innes, who has been visiting relatives and friends in this section ha e left for her home in Moos ejiw. Sask. . • Mr. Peter 13rennerman, has sold Lis house and lot in Bloke to - Mrs. Caroline Oesch, widow of the late Joseph Cesch, 14th con., lfoy. Pos- session wili be given 'some time in March. Mr. W. H. Bender through', his sol inner. L. E. Doncey. oe Goderich has issued a writ against Mr. J. Hey, Jr. for $1000 damages, for malicious prosecation, false arrest, false im- prisonment. trespass and e!ander. Mr. Solcmon Jacobe has sold his 100 acre farm on the 15th coo. tents son, Mr. Garnet intoner, ivho gets posession April lat. Mr. Jacohe hes since purchased the 50 acre farm of ' the estate of the late Joseph Oesch, Sr., also on the 151h con., and gets pos,session aorne time in April. Enehusiasm ran high at tiro big recruiting meetings held at Zurich. March 2nd afternoon and evening. Crowds came from nem y miles around At a meetiog held in the open in the afternoon, the Olinton band and pla- toons or soldie's from liensall and Exeter pee Help:nett in fi. big parede. The teboo l children of the town were ante preeent, in large nuenbeis The speakers were Mr. J. W. Metter, M. P. for South Boron, and Copt, Daneey, of London. The evening meeting was held in the town hell. which only ac- eontoode Led about one-balf the crowd which sought anoint/ince. Stroeg ad- dresses were delivered by Capt. Den- eey and Cept. J. L. Cantle, of London: Rev. Mr. Brown, Mr. Merrier and Rev, Mr. Ilibberd, of Wingbarn. Solos Were ailing by Mr. Pine, of London, and mo- no was furnisned Inv the nand. The meeting cloina with "God Save the lining" Minh the Zenith people tieing 'With rciatarkekee nothunittatieneryon WHALEN Mr, on inert and mraile hain moved, to Exeter to Nee. Nein Ashoury, ot Laotian tePent ounclay here the guest of Blinnie eon./ nere, David Long and. nitentiennehie RenklaY are visting at Mrs. hos, Morton. Janne Archibald, oe Seaforth, and W, E, Elliott, of Centralia, were 'aroend last Friday /meting up heave !tortes. t Mr. Toni Jonreston, of "Woodnan'i. left last Wednesday for Manitoba, taking with him a carload or neanY drought horees. ners. Drank. Gunning is indispotied from an attaolc of the grippe. Wm Hodgson is ;also confined to the house daring the poet week with' the grip, Mr. and Mrs, neorge eliinote ter. and Mrs. Albert Quoting and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire, opent Weduten day of last week with the !intern laughter, Mot. Albert Scott, at Sun- shine. Several new names were added to the recruiting list at Kinkton laat week end AIR. Paul, Jack Nixon, Earl Roadhouse, Rod. Gardiner, Jim Howe and Axthur Cottam went to St, Marys Monday to be examined for overseas service. ; S. RNE The following is the neport ot S. S. No., 2. Usborne, tor the month of reSbrV ril. IV-:11.1ric 81101 60; Jr. IV-Itte, to Pollen 72''Wilfrid Turobull 69; Elsle Knight 66, Cecil Stewart 56, Sr. 11I -Arthur Rundle 67; Madge noun; 66; Laura E. -night 66; Gertie Stewart 60. Sr. II - .Arabella Hunkin 69; Carman' Doupe 61; Marie Cottle 58 Gordon OloDonald 43. Jr. Il -,Willie Mitten. 65; Sbelcion Francis 64; Sim Pollen .61; Ethel Stewart: 48. Jr. II A -Wilfred Alien 78; 'Charlie 'Camp- bell 67; [Charlie Itodgert 55; Ger- trude Knight. 48, Edgar Rundle 42. Sr. lst--IlarveY Pollen 82; 'Robbie Turnbull 66. Jr. lst-Rey Cottle 85 Charlie Stewart 67; Bland Campbett 65; Penner -Beta Cottle., No, on reit 30; average attendance 25. 'Ree'SSEliDetnan' - Mk: AlY1'en ark Las finished drow- ing graven...for a large silo which he intends to .erect this coming summer. Mr. and Mrs, M. 'Dave), or Staftfa, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mire. A. Hodgert on Thursday. Pte, Art. Farr of the signelling corps..Weodstock. spent. Sundae- with friends in ekes vicinitY. Mr. John Sawyer is prepaeing erent a 'beautiful Zed br.ck residence Mx. David Foster also oropiee.s to veneer his hewn iviith brick. • Ai succensful sale ot Zarin /stock and implements. the property of Mr: Dar - id Hanson., wee held cu Friday, which drew a longe crowd oe farmers. Hors- es sold Mr fair pricts. One yearling etegistered±illy brought the hedn ome sum of -$200,60. Cows averaged trom $75 to If9e. The steak was good grade Durham. et. . IfEeTSALL Mrs. E. D. Bell has moved into her new and up-to-date house in the east end of ouryillage. Mos. (llen) Smith 'has been at Lucan during the past week or Live owing to the illness of her father. Dr. Hossack. . Mr. It 3. McDonald is rnaking ar- rangements for the erection or a fine brick dwelling east of LLe 'post office. Invitations are out for the marriige of Miss Mary Myrtle Taylor • to Reg- inald G. Angell, in !Carmel Church, on March 8th at 9 ann. Mr. and errs. Milton Stewart, of Seaforth, have this week moved on to the nue term of 111r. Ches. McAlester. which they trecently purchased. Mx. Jas. Johnston's anoint sale at Willow Hail Farm was largely at- tended and good pries were realieed. Mr. Johnston intends going West to look after some land there. Mrs. J. Brown and little daughter left for their horne in Dowagaie, this weekand' were Iccompanied to St. Thomas, by Mrs. J. Scott, Mrs. Brown's aunt, where Mrs. Scott in- tends remaining for a fewdays. Miss Irma 'Rennie left last week for Detroit to train as nurse in Grace Hospital. Prior to leaving she was presented with a handsome silver purse, filled with silver coin, by her lady friends, by whom she will be greatly messed. Sir. Etobert McArthur and family have also moved into our village and exe at present occupying a pert of Mr. A.letc Sparks large brine resid- ence until such time on they can get possession of the neat dwelling which they purneased from lien W. ern. 'William Moir has kindly donated the three and a half acres on the West side of the railway track, now used. o play ground, to the corp. option for a park and recreation grounds Ile councilhas accepted the kind and generous gift Intel thanks and named it "The Witham Moir 'Re- creation Park '. Recruiting still goes on briskly Lere and our company win seen be fifty streng. Five of our boys in ,the persons el nose Deugnit, !Inane John- ston. Thos. 1aerrit, Syditey Mc- Arthur mid eteginild Angell have gone to Elinten to I atiCe a course of turther 11%4'1110g ter sergeann, whne John McLaren and jaunts Parle nave also gone to Chninn to jinn the mile nary band of the 161,st Battalion. Tto recent recruns are Leonard David:tom Mr. Hildebrandt and W C. Stone. lelr. and •111.rs. Ches. Men' incr have goitre to their new home in Toronto. Mr, McAlister recently eold hie fine fa.rin en the Peer Line to Mr. Milton Steivare of Seaforth, and decided to move Is Toronto as hie Atm ie attend- ing unieersity ihete, while h a &nein ter is tow terichieg in that City, They will be much missed trom Carmel Admen where Mr. McAlister had been oil elder and manager for many years. tiers. McAlister wits aleo Loper it the different: eocieties. , SLAVS NEAR TREBIZOND Grand Duke's Army Occupies TwoMore Towns. Atina is Entered by Troops Landed IerOmt Transports on the Black Sea Under Cover of Fire Venn the Ineet--Advance Guard Pur- suing the Enemy Takes Mapravit --Russians Took Rich $poilts et Bitlis. , PETROGR,AD, Martel 7. none Russians nave won yet another im- portant victory over the 'Turks. On March 4 troops landed fxben trans- ports under the cover of are from the fleet and occupied the town of Atina, on the Black Sea coast to the east of Trebizond. Deploying rapid- ly southward, they forced the Turks to evacuate their positiens. Detachment's of the- Czar's troops, continuing the porsinti Occupied the village of Maprava, midway be het en &tine and Riza, the morning of tbe 5th. The following ()Male' communica- tion regardiug the capture of 13itile was issued by the War Office: "Details of the capture of Ditlie show that our troops attacked the po- sition withoot firing a shot. The at- tack was made at night duriag a snowstorm. About 3 o'clock in the morning a bayonet charge was order- ed, and the Turks after a desperate resistance were dislodged. The Turk- ish artillery position was stormed after band -to -hand figbting, as the result of wind' the defenders, who fought with the greatest desneratioxi, were all killed. -ee "On the position and in pursuineof the enemy we captured 20 guns of the latest Krupp type, all of nbich were in good condition. We also captured on the positions a huge quantity of gun and rifle cartridges, and in Denis itself a large depot of artillery munitions. During the piir- suit numerous Turks were sabred. The number of ,•prisoners bas in- creased, and Includes 40 ofecors.” Two Turkish' tillriSIDUS, reinfained by troops that bad fled from :Omer - um, are the forces that bed been op- erating against the Russians on tee 'line running througli Musb; Halle, and Van. With the occupation of Blain it is pointed out the entire Van rogion passes under the control of the Rus- sians, while the Russian success sep- arates the two Turkisb forces oper- ating in the regions of Mush and Lake Urarniah, respectively-. With the Ios„ of Hints, it an - nears, Turkish reinforcements corn- ing from Mesopotamia would be compelled to travel by roundabout routes in order to reach the third Turkish army_ Russians Took Terrible Revenge. LONDON, March 7. -The Russian soldiers at BitIle, according to a Pet- rograd despatch to The Morning Post, took a terrible revenge on the Turtle/1 troops tor the cruelty whin) the Turks were alleged to bave prac- tised toward the Armenians iu that district. The correspondent says: "A terrible slaughter followed the capture of the Turkish position at Bit/is. The Russian troops bad wit- nessed at Van, Mush, and many other places an appalling sight, the mas- sacre, namely, by Turkish fanatics of tens of thousends of Armenian Chris- tian men, women, and children. It was unlikely after such deeds that any quarter should be given. The colossal killing completed the de- struction of the Turkish third army." ENVER PASHA ATTACKED. Turkish War Minister is Said to 13e in a Critical Condition. LONDON, March 7. -Rumors are recurrent of internal trouble in Tun fley and of a movement towards peace. As the reports mainly eman- ate from Rome and Athens, they must for the iresent be regarded at east as doubtful. The Athens correspondent of the Daily referring to a reported ttempt to assassinate Enver Pasha, ays it is stated that the Minister of War was gravely wounded, and that is condition is critical. An Athens despatch to Reuter's elegrara Company says: "Adviees from a diplomatic source n Constantinople are to the effect hat an attempt has been made to ssassinate Enver Pasha, the War inister, who was wounded. The 1 a a Duke of Mecklenburg, in view of the gravity of the situation,' has tele- graphed the German Emperor urging him to sencl reinforcements to Con- stantinople. Noted Professor Dead. LONDON, March 7.-Williara An- gus Knight, professor of moral philo- sophy in the University of St. An- drews from 1876 to 1902, died Sat- urday at his residence at Keswick, Cumberlandsbire. In recogn.tion of his eminent services to English lit- erature, Dr. Knight was pensioned by the Government about six years ago. He was born February 22, 1836. Earthquake at Sivas. ATHENS, March 7. -It is reported bere that Sivas, in Asia Minor, is afire, following the explosion of mu- nitions caused by an earthquake. Siva e is some 430 miles east of Constantinople, and a hundred miles South of the Black Sea, with whieb it is connected by railway. New French Marine Chief of Staft. PARIS, March 7. -Vice -Admiral Ferdinand Sean Jacques de Ban has been appointed chief of the general Staff of the marine, replacing Vice - Admiral de Jonquieres, who has been made a member of the Council a the Legion of Honor. , Cholera Breaks Ont in Austria. GENEVA, March 6.-In4orteation has been reeeived hem from inns. brink to the effect tbat cholera has broken out anew in tbirty-seven ell -- loges Mid towns of AUSfria. M vtirg of Presbytery of Huron The Presbytery of Duren m t i regular session ia WilIiach4reti Tue day, Pen:Nary 291.11 with atevi Nihe thaefarlarae as moderator, aria Re Jes. Hamilton as clerk. Tile electio of Ron HUI Vends an moderator fa the ensuing ,six months wee approve( Dr. C. Fletcher, Messrs. Carswell. an niarailtoo were elected as miaisteri connaissioners to the geueral mem' lent at Westmin'oter onerchoWinnipe on June the Ith next. Tile seon of Varna, Seaforth and Exeter are appoint commissioners for the elder The following stand'ng committee were appointed for 1916. Home Missions-Meeers prnith Harper and johnsten. nand hei eldetenn Foreign Missions-M'eserg. :Johns. ton, Boss and reenter. Religious Edueationneelestere. 'Harp- er, Argo and Richardson. I Social Service -Messrs. Macfarlane Woods and Sharp. Systematic 13eninceece-geenrs Turner, 'Carswell nod Larkin. Students artd Iteoruits-111e,ssre Ross, Fletcher and Sharpen, Ernergency-tlessrs. Argo, Haraa- ton end rilacfarlaniet .Confereece-elesers. Lag Thin r and Larkie. Statistics - blesses, Hamilton, Sharp and Carriere. Ministers ir. each case !trying tire elders from their chirges associated with, linein. A hearty and unanimous tali from Londesboro aed Huiiet was present- ed by itev. W. D. Turner the ieterOn- moderator of sealon iin favor of 'Rev. Jas. Abery of 'Grantor.. The stipend 000mised $1000 with free manse and al months holidays, The call was sas- tented by the Preebyttry ited ordereft to be presented r.ext week at the Presbytery of Stratford by Rev. W. D. Turner to represern the Presby - tern, Pro -visional arrangemenn for the induction were made in the event or Mr. Abrey's acceptance: the inter- im-moderatior to preside, Rev. F. C. Itarper. to conduct public worship, Rev. John Richardson to address the menis ter and Rev. R. Laing the, e n -rogation according to the Pie o : n ,sage. This call es remarkable in that it is only six weeks ago thet the pulpit 'was render- tred vacant by the translation or Rev. John G. Reid to Intense, and nev. Jas. Abery was the unanimous choice in both megregations in the charge out oh five ministers heard. The 'Report of the Committee of Systematic Beneficience presented be Rev. D. Johnston showed that this Presbytery has three charges that. raised more than their allotment of the Budget, thaugh the Presbytery raised over $9,00) out of its allotment of $24,000. The report of the committee on religious education roade ty the con- vener, 'Rev. It. 'C. Harper, showed gratifying results or the work of the year. There was an increase of 6 new societies in Y. P. work, end three helpful institutes were held. The Sunday schools of the Presby- tery raised $1,205 dor the Budget. an increase of $1,50, while the twen)- eynkree Ye -P. societies rained $e69, anIncrease of $66. The recommend- ation of the cominittee of Presby- tery was anlopted that the institutes o n religious education be repeated th:s year with seezial reference to tho rural schools. leen. Jas. Hamilton presented the report of the committee on statistic.; shiewitig growth of members and f m- ines throught the bounds. The vote on the basis of union was taken at the close of the afternoon sederunt of the court, 'there being sixteen in favour and seven against. Rev. Dr. Baird of Winnipeg was nominated for the naoderatorship of the ,General assembly and (Rev. F. H. Larkin of Seaforth for the moder- atorship of the Synod of Hamilton and Londen. Env. A, Laing reported Ler the tome mine° on conference. recominending the subject of "The Relation o: Legs- lation to Good Citizenshp" for the conference at the meeting in Clinton on Tuesday, May the 9th next. The recommendation of the committee on conference was adopted, the after- noon sederunt on May 9th after' 2 p. ne. to be given for the discussion of the stinjecti • t CROMRTY The Reb Cross. -The workers of the Red Cross Auxiliary are uot grow- ing weary of well doing but on the contrary, are putting forth greater efforts than ever. The Auxiliary has been weeny encoureged and assist- ed by the co-operetion of the Men's Patriotic Association. At the annual meeting on Octnber 26th. the balance on hand was $40.56 The following sums have been eeceived from that date to February 29,b; Mao's Associ- ation $126.95: Concert, 528.20; Coun- ty Grant, $25; Women's Fees and Do- nations, $50.80: Miicellaueous; $2.80; Wood bee $15: Total. $248 25. 100 pairs of socks and 81 flannel shirts have been shipped recently and a furhter shipment of garrnente fit al- most ready. Nine 'webs of flannel and 76 pounds of yarn, with seyeran webs of flannelette and cotton will keep the ladies engaged for a little while. Everybody's old rubbers are supposed to be saved up and donated to the Red ()toss for disposal. A number of relatives assembled at the bonne of Mr, and Mrs, Donald McKellar, 32th, concession. In view of the approaching marriage of their third suivivieg daughter, Mies Bella, the guests showered tbe bride -elect, with congrattilations, end a 'Very tentseantial erre y of household furnish -kegs. A very jolly evening was spent an, was „evidenced by the lateness of the liner at which the guests dis- persed. Mr. jatob Weltzmate of Niagara Fain, spent a tew days with Ins, relative s in this vicinity. There was tether a ninon intend - mice at church, Soeday owing to the snow stern). Seethe of our citizene claim this sterna was the worst of the season. Mr. W. 3 Robertson leaves this Week for hs home Vicoubt, Bask after at intended visit in the earn Imunity. Tuberous Begonias their Culture Pei Inins there is no flownienn. that gives the wegith of bloom to th amount Of SPaCe OCCuPleil 155 TIWberOOS Renoenasi They ^ flower trontiolimpi*,, to October, of until) frost tills them. Tbe flowers are single and double from three to elic inches in diameter and all colors from white to dork red. it is one of tbe few flowering plants that has really no enemies. Tbey are suitable for either pot or garden, I prefer the garden. and -Sitilation for Begonias -.lie best site' uetion is the north Fkle Of the bouse, or the went side of a fence, not to touch shaded hy trees. A very hot nanny position is not gond, .Any place where the son will Plane on them in the morning, then sbaded dr wall or fence is'good. How to make Use bed. After eel. iecting your position, dig out the soil the size ot the bed require to the depth of 011e fant then fill within" the following; One third good gar, den soel; one-Lhird real well decayed cow manure; onenbird fine bush soil with Rome fine sane. Mix thoroughly and fill bed six incline above level of ground. If yoo rano' voue he early enought to mix a second thine, so mach the better, when your ,ed is fully settled t wiIl be eboute four inches above the groud level Starting War Plantslemong ne- cur ed your eubers, start them about en April let, in the hot bed, (but must be shaded from sun), by planting them oee-half inoh below the sur- face about one ineh apart, or a good woy for a limited number is to take a box the size required, about, five Mines deep, place mobs two inches deep in bettoni of box. Put your tubers in the moss about one inch apart, cover one, ench deep with moss. Water, and keep them quite nacriet, and in a wenn place. limy will soon mart, and when danger of spriog frost is over, put in your previosly prepared bed, about fif. teen inches apart. Keep the soilecul- tiyatednloose and fine. Water free. ly after the sun ceases to shine in the bed. Thus treated you will hive a grand show of bloora flora June 15th, to 4 me of frost' Caae of Tubers. After first frost sake up the bulbe, (tubers), with; ad. hearing soil and put in a box or bask- et, and keep in a dry warrn place, dente the soil oft Lefore planting again. Action for Libel Gonnoacet, March 2-s the result of an article published by A T. Cooper of Olinton, in the London Free Press and The London Advertiser on the 24 clay of February, 1910, in which it was stated that Witliana 13er, der, a hotel. man ut nuncio was untili now out on I all on a charge of perjury, it being claimed that Beedin bad given false te-tirnony In eases in v.hien he was the defendant, and that sneer:jury cha. rge bad been ordered againstelitno and, that he is out ou heavy -ben. Mr.Ben,. der has brought an acternalimolibelin the Sum eine Court of Ontario against Cooper, claimie g $5000 damages, as Bender claims th et tbe article is un- true and libeloue glad that there never was a charge of perjury preferred against Mtn, and tie ie now on bail on a perjury charge, and he was never charged with having committed per- jury in any cam against him. The iase is stated for the Huron Assizes. Mr. L. .E. Dancey, of this town, is acting forMr. Bender' HONOR ROLL FOR 161st Battalton Maj. W. J. Beaman. Lieut. Edgar Torrance Sidney Spaith, Hay Pete Fred Tucker, Exeter John Kendall /Cornish, Elinavillee Hector Heywood, Exeter. Fred. HOpkine, Whalen Sylvanus Cann, Exeter Wilbur Pfaff, e 1 1 • Milton Pfaff Harold Bissett Fred Wells • t , • Lloyd 'Rivers Austin A. Rice Ernest ICollingwood. Albert S. Bolton Wilfrid 0. Stew/eft E. 31. Williams, Faxquhar Grant Hooper , T.Los. Herold Wilkinson, Danner ICyril Tuckey 4' Ralph, W. Batten, Winchelsea nt Geo. Edwand Kellett, Elimvilln I David. G. Appleton ti Gornet Rau, Ozediton ' James it, litaeohall int Bruce H. Alatthew-s, Thames Etcb I John D. Lang, London Rd. • l W. W. _Unison, Exeter Lloyd England, ICrediton Gordon 4C. Culbert, 'Centralia Berl Retry- Redden, Ereditpn !William Kydd Bert lEtivere Sidney nne,st : Ernest Harvey Ian Taylor , jolen Willis kimore Willis JOhn Medlett Welter Harness ' .i.e .Alfred dramblriel .- - Wi1liain tee Nunn , Loroe Cucimore ), e, ;Hien% Passmore ' karma Southcott ; TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hair! Get a 25 cent nettte of banderine right now -Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scrannn hair Is mute evldenee of A neglected, gene); of dandinff-that a.nnti evert There 18 nothing so destruct/net tee the hair as dandruff. It robs.tlie•Itaio of its 'Mitre, its strength arid ite Venn life; eventuallY Producinga feverish' nese and itehing of the seelp, which if not temedied cansee the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die -then the hair falls Out fast. A little Danderine 'tbnight-tow-any tirae--Will surely SaVe your hair. Oet 4 25 tent bottle of IenowItonn banderitie trent auy dna store, nod ettrely cen nano beattiful halt Mid lob) of ft If Yeti will Suet try a little Date derizte, Sane yotzr hart Try itt