HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-9, Page 41 -
liga-:sAvED IlipVS IONS- OF WEEK.
IStotitied Most Terrible
Tering by Getting Her Lydia'
E. Pinkham's "Vegeta.
ble Compound.
e'netron, Pexste, — "lifter my little
iili>d was' borntwo years ago I began safe
fering with female
trouble and coul&
hardly, do my work.
I was very nervous,
t , but just kept drag:
ging on untillast
summer when I got
where I could not do
my work. :L would
Lave ea y..x,c Ner
day' and hot flashes
and dizzy spellsand
my head would al-
most burst. I' got where I was almost
is walking skeleton and life was a burden.
tome until one day my husband's step-
sister told my husband if he did not do
° something for me I would not last long
and told him to get your medicine, So he
got Lydia E. I'inkharn's Vegetable Com-
pound for erre, and after taking the first
three doses 1 began to improve. I con-
tinued its use, and I havenever had any
female trouble since. I feel that Iowa
any life to you and your remedies. They
did for rite what doctors could not do
and I will always praise it wherever I
go."—Mrs. G. C. LOWERY, 419 W.Mon-
terey Street, Deraieen, Texas.
If you are suffering from any form of
female ills, get a bottle of Lydia;.,
Fin -khalifs Vegetable Compound, and,
tee:menee the eatmentwithout; del^yo
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
, Sluggish Liver and Bowels—They
work while you sleep,
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges-
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head-
aches come from a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which cause your
;stomach to become filled with undi-
gested food, which sours and ferments
4lke garbage in a swill barrel. That's
the first step to untold misery=indi-
gestion, foul` gases, bad breath, yellow
lskin, mental fears, everything that is
horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret
eto-ni,;ht will give your constipated
bowels p a thorough cleansing and.
straighten you o'at by morning. a They
work while yon sleep—a 10=cent box
Isom your druggist will keep you feel-
ing for months.
tib — 1
Oue good point
about n thunder-
storm is that it
quits when it
gets through. In
this respect it dif-
fers from many
There is no
use in saving
money, for if
some kind friend
doesn't borrow it
you will bave to
use it for com-
monplace things.
An automobile
is a haughty, ar-
rogant, aristp-.
eratic thing, but
it takes a tum-
ble and eats dnst
••••-.1•01.,..., 44. .r•..•an s.•,
with an oruinarp •
sand bank.
e You can't always tell what a woman
es driving at by the hits she makes.
r Getting up iv the morning and get-
ting out among the crowd may not be
, e-emfortnble, but it.is a fine way to
get results.
el We can any of us break a bad'habit
of we *ant to, but the great difficulty
lies in getting our own consent to do
The Head Boss.
Are you the master of yourself,
The chief director and the boss,
The one who orders things about
And sees; that wires do not erose,
Or are you just a drifting ship,
The plaything of the god of chance; '
Tossed' here and there and everywhere;
The placid toolof circumstance? •
7'o what 'eztest, if i may ask.
Are you the captain and the mate,
The one who guides your daily life
And Heaps it sort of headed straight?
Do you each more as you arise
Say, "I n^ail do Strings thus and so?"
And ttave they when you go to bed'
Keen donne that way, 1'0 nee to anow?
is iri a cinttt tbat you will di
Ton arrow Hint ou pian today,
Lay down a program for yourself
And later♦salt• •t get away,
twat/met the ds.! rri , plain as print,
Put all 3t • +ctr t. tate plat,
Ann at me e.0 it• -:a each is rl.,e
lie on . ;•s:+. • a a pumps to 'men?
You Karns ;l read tits :.,,,t,
omit t i .0 have rr, .
rewardrewardalaectttnr; .43And f. i part . ;Payr
Ir or ell.. -,rini>Utai.
lira,,• a• gr•api:fi.- "•ong,
And sit • ,,,Yti and 1,....
1 tql ,.:
hU il
•gag iris ;s'!', and
:.,,d bis
• ^
Important Events Which Have
Occurred Ouring the Week,.
a , i.. 's- • a.. i,
V Care.. l t Busy World's happenings 4.are.
tally Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
tine lic.tde:°.t of Our Paper --A
Ulitl iiout''s Enjoyment.
Germany has laid a large field of
values off the Swedish eoast.
Three dietiuct oartbtluake shocks
were experienced • lax Quebec and vi-
e McCutehean brothers were
greed ot the conspiracy to defraud
• " ' • each, Calgary,
was b,i;.zneti, r u.. $$50,000, largely
covered by insurance.
The remains of Nursing Sister
Elsie G. Ross were given final milit-
ary honors at. Stratford.
A moratorinaaa for married men in
Britain vara enlist under the Derby
seheme is being eausidered.
The Biitisb casualties in all thea-
tres ot war tt,uiug 1''ebruary totalled
739 officers and 17,847 anew.
Bell'evilIe is threatened, by the rise
of the Moira River, with the most
serious flood for several years.
The Italian Government has re-
quisitioned 34 of the 37 German
steamers interned in Italian ports.
Gordon H. Heweuu, a 1.iydro-e1ec-
tris lineman at Peterboro, was fatal-
ly shocked on a role, receiving 2,300
Wurd reached Ingersoll yesterday
of the death at Walton, N. Y., of
qq F obert Kyle. e _ ° many years a resi-
r dent of tha : a re,
Victor Willard, :t.C„ of :Berthier-
ville, and Joseph A. Desy, K.C., of
Three Rivers,. were appointed to the
Quebec Supreme Court Bench.
Eight Guelph lads under twenty
have been sent home by the military
F`scrneer, it L itlo e England, as
tc o young to endure the work of the
Despondent after a somewhat pro-
longed spree, William Bowers of
Chatham swallowed wood alcohol
and died despite all that could be
done for him by physicians.
The operation of Ireland's Home
Rule Act, which was passed shortly
before the outbreak of the war, has
again been postponed by an order-in-
Councir for six months, unless the
war is ended before that time.
A British steamer was sunk and all
ber crew killed neer drowned.
Joseph BIancuard of Richmond
Hill was killed by a C. N. R. express
near that village.
The Commons adopted a resolution
for an investigation by the Govern-
ment into the flax industry.
Dr. Abbott of Philadelphia, just
returned from India, said stories of
'discontent were exaggerated. '
Baron Reading, Lord Chief Justice
of Great Britain, was attacked in
court by an eccentric woman.
Freight service was commenced
on the new Brantford -Galt line of the
Lake Erie & Northern Railway
Over 18,00C troops • marched
through the streets of Toronto and
were reviewed by Major-General Sir
Sam Hughes.
The Dominion Government, at the
instance of Iabor organizations, has
favored a fair wage clause in Imper-
ial contracts platted in Canada.
The debate on the address in reply
to the speech from the throne in the
Legislature was opened by Lieut.-
Col. W. H. Price and Captain J. I.
David Henderson, M.P. for Halton,
and Andrew Broder, M.P. f
das, have been sworn in as members
of his Majesty's Canadia
Mr. Justice. Middleton in Toronto
yesterday allowed the two (eCuteh-
eon brothers to go to the jury, with
the promise of a reserve
defence if neeessary.
'Montreal, was burned; loss,1300,-.
000; cause, believed to be a short cir-.
suit. The G. T. R. station a
also was burned, with cons
express matter.
Private 0, Garvey, found asleep
in Windsor Armory when h
have been on guard, was sentenced to
six months' bard labor and then di
honorable discharge, and Pr
Opie, who /eft bis' beat, to
days' confinement to barracks.
or Dun-
n Privy
e to .the
- R-; at
t Oriilia
e should
ivate H. ninety
Great Britain will not prohibit the
imports of .American soap.
W. S. Lowe's majority in tbe Peel
bye -election is officially stated to be
The British Columbia Legislature
opened, the final session of the thir-
teenth Parliament.
Sir Thomas albite, Finance Minis-
ter, announced amendments in the
new business tax proposals.
Mb grades of sugar advanced ten
cents per hundredweight in Cameo,
effective 11 o'clock yesterday.
Canadian soldiers will be taxed in
Great Britain only'on the pay they
receive from the British Government.
Premier. Hearst and Mr. N. W.
Rowell closed tbe debate on the
dress in the Legislature, both declar-
ing for advancedtexnperance legisla-
Mrs. Emmeline .'Parkhurst, the
British suffragette leader, was a visi-
tor in.tee House of Lomatxons, bc-
cl.xpying. -a seat on the Boor of the
Francis Neilsen,. Liberal' member
of Parliament for the Hyde Division
of Cbeshire, has applied for the Chil-
tern ITundreds, Nellie.)is equivalent
to resigning bis seat.
An unsuccessful attempt was made
to assassinate Czar Ferdinand of kill -
game on bis journey between Sofia
and Vienna, according ;to reports re-
ceived inRome yesterday.
Ten Austr env; posing kg, Russians,
secured work as laborers' in the Gem,
1R. shops at Stratford recently. Their
disguise was too thief, liowever, aed
they were interned yesterd y..
The Niagara, St,.. Cs,tlaar nes sixid`,
'.eoronto 'Hailevey bill; aud)..the Toron-
to, Niagara & Western Railway bill
were both laid over for a week by
the Comtnons Railway Committee,
after a warm discussion, to give the
centlieting inte,,.sts to chandler to effet:t
a sett1exnextt.
'lire WhiteStar liner Canon/0 `WIII
tape ort armament at Gibraltar.
Canadians in New Yorke have given.
a motor ambulance to the Canadian
Red Cross,
More Gerxx`taxt ships have been re-•
quisitionecI by Portugal in the lat-
tes''s colonies.
A salutation from Italy evoked a
great pro -ataxy outburst in the
French Chamber -
It was officially announced that
there are 11ow 2,834 munition planta
in Great Britain controlled by the
Mrs. Lawrence Kenny of Kingston
has learned she has fallen heir to an
estate of about two and a half mil-
Iion dollars.
King George has presented his
famous stallion Aumer to the Cana-
dian Government for remount breed-
ing purposes.
Some two hundred bars singled
out by the Ontario License Board to
close will remain open as a result of
decision to have a referendurs.
It fa expected that the Ontario
Government and the city of Toronto
will materially increase their grants
to the Toronto -Hamilton highway.
The Ontario Government is ar-
ranging for 15,000 high school boys
to do farm work, so that laborers
may be released for active service.
Eight passengers were injured
when. a fast train on the Grand Trunk
Railway was derailed near Rideau
station, and two ears were ditched,
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott of Westmin-
ster Township, aged 85, was burned
to deatb in bed when her clothing
caught fire from paper with which
she was lighting her pipe.
Vancouver Trades and Labor
Council withdrew from the coming
Provincial election campaign, but the
Socialists have decided to put in a
full ticket of six in the field.
Daniel O'Connor, employed in
Walkerville, and his wife were ar-
rested on a charge of brutally beating
his ten -year-old daughter, following
discovery of her condition by teach-
in Windsor Public School.
Clarence McCabe of Napartee, six
feet six inches tall, has enlisted in
the 146th Battalion.
Hon. Robert Rogers yesterday
urged the establishment of industrial
museums in Canada.
Isaac 0 Proctor, for thirty years
Sheriff of the counties of Durham
and Northumberland, is dead.
President Falconer of the Univer-
sity of Toronto has been authorized
to form a battery of artillery com-
posed of students.
The Swedish Foreign Office in-
forms the Associated Press that a
warning againstembarking on arm-
ed merchantmen has been issled to
Swedish citizens.
Frankfurter Zeitung declares
that the Entente allies must have Iost
during the gear 33 submarines—
Great Britain, 19; France, 8; Italy,
4; ,and Russia, 2.
Cardinal Mercier has arrived at
Malines, the Belgian . city of which
he is archbishop, on his return from
WS trip to Rome, according to a de-
spatch from the latter city.
John F. Lindsay, who was arrested
and later released on bail in connec-
tion with charges against the Saskat-
chewan Government, dropped dead
of heart failure at the breakfast table
at his home in Swift Current.
Proclamations calling to the colors
all married men attested under the
Derby recruiting campaign between
the ages of 19 and 27, inclusive, were
posted in England Saturday. The
men summoned are to report April 7.
A military guard bas been placed
around the jail and Court House pro-
perty at Sandwich, where Charles
Respa, charged with dynamiting the
Peabody factory at Windsor some
`months ago, is confined and will be
tried to -day.
Ontario war tax raised $1,980,000
last year.
Ilon. Dr. Pyne returned to Toronto
yesterday from a lengthy absence in
Forty military men and twenty-
seven naval men arrived on the Pre-
toria at St. John.
'.An arrangement has been made by
wJiich Canada may ship potatoes to
t'ie United,.States.
All youths aged seventeen have
been ordered to report to the Prus-
sian military authorities.'
Neutral ship owners have been
warned by Great Britain against
carrying. coat to Germany.
Wm. L. Horton, one of the most
prominent business men in Godericb,
is dead., at the age of fifty-six.
The third- Canadian and Interna-
tional Good. Roads Congress opened
in Montreal, to be in session all
The Brazilian steamer Principe de
Asturias was wrecked. Sunday off Se-
bastio Point,' near the entrance to
Santos Bay. She struck a rock. Over
400 persons are missing.
The British Brewers' Society has
decided to curtail the manufacture of
beer in compliance with the intima-
tion of the Government that con-
sumption by' the trade of malt, sugar
and hops should be reduced one-
Sergt. lajor• Blood and Private
Schaefer. of ` the 180 Battalion, at
Berlin, OnL, accepting full responsi-
Tility for the attack on Rev. C. R.
al»pert, pastor Of St. Matthew's Lu-
h h
theran church, Saturday turd S a at`
g r
'Were Convicted of assault and . re-
manded to Wednesday for Sentence.
Carmen Sylva Conscious to Last.
LONDON, March 7.—A despatch
to The Times from Bucharest says
the lateQueen-idother Elizabeth
(Carmen Sylva) left alt her property
to charitable instfeutions.
Tire Queen-kt1(5titer, say's the corre-
spoziden:t, maintained cOnsci'ousness
almbet to the last, and one of her
last• aetd was to dictate a reply to a
telegram of inquiry front tate Car-
maz Iltaperor at Verdun. ,
T'IIUIIS])AX'., IIARCII 9th, 101 r
AuctthtP . Sate
Q,''„'01%1 STOOK, te1PLEhIENTS,
1+ Ti'BNIT'U13:E
hos, ,0axueron has received iastruo..
times td se11 by public auetion on Lot
7, couoessiat, 1, Tp, of,.11ay, oat
day, blaroh 17t1, at 12,30 o'olco)e sharp
the following
Horses -1 general purpose Marc 6
gears old in foal to I3erry',s Percheron
1 general purpose gelding 4 years oid
by (Colonel Graham; 1 general pur-
pose gelding 2 years old W. Colonel'
Graham.; 1 roadster filly rising 2, by
Roadmaster; 1 driving pony 8 years,
good, quiet and reliable,
Cattle -1 pure bred Durham 13u11
20 months old; 1 pure bred. registered
cove Shorthorn,, due In May. Grade—
8 sows due at time of sale; 1 cow due,
in April; 3 cows milking, due Later;
1 heifer, due ill Sept„ 1 cow, milking
due in November; 5 steers rising I
year; '4 heifers rising 1 year.
3'3ogs-3 sows due March and April,
Poultry -75 laying hens and pullets
1 pr. dueks.
Implements—Lumber wagon, bob
sleighs, bay rack, gravel box, binder
mower, hay rake, cultivator, new
Massey Harris fertilizer drill; roller
rubber tired buggy, cutter, double
harness, single barmen, one Beaver
gang 2 furrow riding plow, 1 two -
furrow gang plow; 1 walking plow,
disc, harrows, puiper, corn Sheller,
tanning mill, new cutting box, gaso-
line engine new; cream separator,
quantity of tile, rook elm and .hard
maple lumber; cement post mold;
ladders, incubator, quantity of hay
and roots, forks, shovels, chains, bar-
rels and other articles too numerous)
to mention,
Household Furniture—Dominion or•
gan; glass cupboard, small cupboard,
estension table, 1 wood cook stove,
2 beaters, hanging lamps, etc, etc,
The grass term is composed of W.
half lot 15, con. 5, Tp. of Hay; water
by never failing spring; well fenced
will be offered :Cor rental for season,
Terms—All sums of $5.00 and un-
der, cash; over that amount 10
months credit on tarnishing approv-
ed joint notes, or a discount of four
per cent off for cash on credit a,
Thos. Laing, Proprietor
Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
There will be sold by public auc--
auction at .the stable of L. Day & Son
Exeter. on TUESDAY, MARCH 28th
1916, iet 1 o'clock sharp, the follow-
ing property :—
H6rses-1 Percheron filly, rising 3.
Voltaire, broken to harness; Percher -
on filly rising 2 years, by Volatire.
Cattle—Newly calt.ed'cow; cow due
May 4;th: d.aw due Aug. 20th.; 2 cows
due •time of sale; cow du;; May 9th;
cow. due Sept 27th; cow due May 2;
CO'iltdue Jube 4'tia•; farrow cow; cow
sunnon d toe be in calf 12 2 -year .old.
heifers ssupposed • to be. in calf; 2 -1-
year old hie ers; 4 Welker calves, ris
ing 1 -year old; number young calves.
The above cows are all young, first-
class daery cows, having been selected
by •the owners for some time past,
weeding- out the undesirables; and are
very heavy na)lkers. The above stock
will positively be sold as, the proprie-
tors are gi sag`; up the, Dairy business.
. Terms -6 morels' credit on approv-
ed joint notes. 4 per cent. straight
allowed for cash,.- Calves cash.
Proprietor Auctioneer
•C: H. SANDERS, Clerk.
"Pape's Diapepsin" makes Sick, Sour,
Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine
in five minutes.
If what yon just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
in mouth and stomach -headache, you
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty -cent case of
Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store.
You realize in five minutes how need-
less it is to suffer from indigestion,
yspepsia or any stomach disorder.
''' the ouiekest, surest stomach doe-
the world. It's` wonderful.
WHVnot give your lad
1 the same training ?
"When I was agrowing' ad,artacame
upon many words list niy'ieading that
I did•stot nnderastand, my mother, in
stead of giving me the definition when
1 applied to her, uniformly *tent me to
the Ilictionary to Yearn it; and in this
way I .gradually learned many things
besides the meaning of the individual
word ingnestion•—among other things,
how to nsc a dictionary and tie great
pleasure and advantage there might
be in the use of the dictionary.
Afterwards, when I went to the village
school, my chief diversion, after les-
sons were learned and 'before they
were recited, was in turning over the
'pages of the `Unabridged' of those
days. Now the most modern 'Qua.
bridged--thcNEW INTERNAT1oNAIr-
gives' me a pleasureof the same sort.
So far as my knowledge extends. it le
at present the best of the one.velums
dictionaries', and quite- sufficient for
all ordinary uses. Even those Who
possess the splendid dictionaries in
several volumes will yet lied it it great
.convtatience to have this, which. le so
compact, eo full, and so trustworthy
ne to leave, in most cases, little to be
Professor of the EngiishLanisuageazid
Literature, Yale Univ. April 28,1911.
MUTE far 6pealmen Pages, XUnatratlan,l, Ste.
attnasTEE'5 NEW ul$xait.TioxtAr, hlonort'AEit
' leex;dver ss' Yeerseezellrhere•et
The Genuine Webster's Dietionarles,
9?ittteele'teerti 141 28,1i• ll A
(MAW.'EDItCx t
HOLD V l•7'1 1 T lath'
There will be sold by public auction
on Lot 28, North East 13ouidarY, Us -
borne, on Wednesday, Marcia 15th,
1915. at one o'clock sharp the follow-
Horses—Pr, *filet -cines gelding's. 7
years old; brood mare,, gen. pur., sup.
posed to be in foal; sueleing colt, gen.
purpose.; driving mare, quiet and re-
'Cattle-3bigh-class grade cow due
in March and April; fat ,heifer 2 yrs,
old; 2 stoeis 2 years old; 2 ieirers
rising 2; 2 calves. •
Hogs -2 brood sows due in Marsh;
10 store bogs.
Implements, lumber wagon, nearly
new; top buggy, cutter; Massy -Bale
bis disc drill nearly new; 3 -horse cul-
tivator; Massey -Harris diet, set iron
harrows; walking plow nearly new;
2 -furrow plow; steel land roller, taw;
mower, horse rake, wagon rack near-
ly, new; set double work harness, set
.angle harness; 2 round water tangs;
large wire fence stretcher, tete; new
logging chain, whiffletrees. neckyolces
chains, shovels, forks, robes, barrels
boxes and other articles too tumer-
ous to mention.
Also a quantity of ash and elm
lumber, dry ; about 35 tons timothy
hay; come household furniture,
Terms—;65.00 and under cash; over
that amount 12 months credit on
furnishing approved joint notes; 5
per cent. off .tor cash on credit amts.
Positively no reserve os proprietors
have sold and rented their farms,
11. 13, & W. N. GLENN., Props.
THHOS, CAMERON Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
There will 'be sold by public auc-
tion on Lot 16, concession 9, Stephen
on Tuesday, March 14th, 19,16, at one
o'clock the following
Horses -1 mare rising 8 yrs, in foal
Tatler; 1 heavy draught mare rising
5 yrs., in foal by Voltaire; 1 heavy
draught gelding rising 4 yrs; 1 gem
purpose mare 10 years old in foal ,by
The Eel; 1 gelding gen. purpose, ris-
ing 3 years; 1 heavy gelding colt; 1
gen. 'purpose gelding colt.
(Cattle -1 cow due to calf in April;
1. cow due in May; 1 cow due in June
1 cow due in Aug.; 1 cow due in Sept.
1 cow due in March; 1 cow with calf
5 weeks old; 1 cow due in Oct,; 6
steers rising 2 years; 11 calves from
2 to 12 months old; 1 registered Ab-
erdeen Angus 'bail 2 years old if xeot
sold previous to sale, ,
Hogs -2 blood sows with litters 3
weeks old. 90 chicken.
• Implements — Binder nna mowea
Massey Harris; bay loader, bay rake
seed drill nearly, new, 3 horse culti-
vator; disc, set of ! harrows, side
scraper, manure spreader, Dorn King;
fanning mill, ;root pulper, i scuffle,,
2 one furrow walking• plows, 2 two
furrow walking plows, medium height
wagon with box and spring seat,
truck wagon, sleigh, cutter, carriage
3 seated with pole and shaft; 2 bug-
gies, roller, 2 hay raoks, bog rack,
gravel and manure box, wheel bar-
row, eream separator, churn, butter
dish, 3 sets whiffletrees, 2 nerkyokes,
2 set team harness, 1 set light driv-
ing harness; single harness, saddle,
4 horse blankets, whip, bells, robe,
3 ladders, grindstone, 2 barrels, cane
hook, ,chains, feed basket, shovels,
hoes, pick, crowbar, cross -cut (saw.,
ditching outfit, back -saw, hay fork,
hay knife, about 60 ft. orf hay fork
rope, grain !bags, a quantity of rotate
and hay, barb wire and fence staves.
Household Effects — 2 bed -room
suits, ;chamber set, 4 bed steads, 2
leaf tables, 3 email tables, 2 uphols-
tered chairs, 3 rockers, 6 kitchen
chairs, side :board, cupboard,; box
stove, Edison Phonograph with twelve
,records, cook stove with pipes, copper
kettle, 2 iron kettles, ice cream freez-
er, milk pails, and cans, cream can;
42 gallon steel coal oil barrel with;
quantity of oil, lamps, 1 hanging
lamp, kitchen °look, 4 dozen fruit
jars, linoleum 11 ft by 14 ft. •
No reserve as tke proprietor has
sold his •farm.
Also a Hudson. (Car, 7 -passenger,
1916 Model, will be sold privately at.
•a big bargain.
Terms—All sums of $5.00 and under,
cash; over that amount 9 months
credit will be given on furnisW,ng ap-
proved joint notes; 5 per cent off
for cash on credit amounts.
• john K. Schroeder, proprietor
Frank Taylor, auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Thos. tCnineron has received in-
structions to sell by public auction
on Lot 8, concession 11, township of
Hibbert on Tuesday, March 14th, 1916
at one o'clock sharp 'the followicg:
1 brood mare 8 years old, sup-
posed to be with foal, agrlcultural;
1 brood. mare 9 years old, draught;
1 mare 0 years old, draught; 1 geld -
leg 6 years old, draught; 1 mare 5
years old, agricultural; 1 gelding 5
years old. agricultural; 2 geldings'4
years old, draught; 2 mares 4 year..
old, agricultural; 3 fillies 3 "years old
agricultural; 4 geldings 3 years old,
agricultural; 1 general purpose
matched team, mare and gelding; 3
fillies 2 years old, agricultural; , 2
gelings 2 yearsold, agricultural; 2
good fai•reers' drivers; 1 pair drivers
rising three years mare tied gelding.
The above mentioned horses are a
choice .selectionf oclear-bonied, well
fitted horses. Oar Mora wanting hare
ess will do well to attend this sale
as Mr. .Gardener's past record. el
sales is a guarantee that the horse
offered will be up to the marl:.
Terms -8 months credit will 1;a
given.or. furnishing approved jo nt
notes;' a discount of 5• per cent per
antrum eft for vise.
• David C. C aed't es), Proprietor
• • Thos, elaliierolt r luctioreer,
96' Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Interest crowed at highest current rate
W. C1. CLARKS., ,MateageC. Exeter- Breracnt
SIR EDMUND WALI{ER, C.V.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President'
JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES. Asst General' 5frnuge„aaj
CAPITAL, $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND, $13,50100g
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank'
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive thQ.. + ,me -
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Banks.
business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. S5
Exeter Blanch— H. J. WHITE,('Marlager
Auction Sale
Mr. B. IS. Phillips has xeceive•d( in•
struetions to sell by public auction
on Lot 9, 'concession 2, 'Hay on iiri4
day, March 10th, at one o'clock sharp
Horses -1 general purpose mare 13
years old in foal to (Colonel Graham;
1 mare, agrie., 7 years old in foal 'to
Colonel Graham; 1 general purpose
mare rising 8 years; 1 gelding rising
3 years old.
Cat..le-1 mi k cow, 2 yearling calves'
1 2 -year old steer..
Implements -1 Massey -Harris bin-
der; 1 reaper; 2 mowers, pea hare
vester; 1 land' molter; disc barrow; 1
Massey Harris lshoe 'drill; 1 combined
seeder and harrow; 1, cultivator; 1
lumber wagon, hay wank, stock rack
l.pair .'l;obsleigtis,. 2 set of •harneiss; 1
Cockshutt riding Blow; 3 ,calking
plows, set diamond harrows ' turnip
sower; hay rake, fanning eel; -2 top
buggies; 2 cutters, 1 car., bay fork
car rope and sling chain; 1 copper
kettle, weigh scales 1200 lbs. capacity
1 cream separator; a quantity of ce•d-
as posts, lumber, barrels, forks hoes
and other articles too numerous to
Also one manure (spreader and one
Maple Leaf grinder.
Also some household furniture cots-
sisting of 1 cook stove; 1 coal heater
1 wood heater; 1 cupboard; 1 Union
piano, bedsteads, springs, stands
lounges, chairs, tables, A. quantity of
sap pails and Ispilea.
Terms—All sums of $10 ,and under,
cask, over that amount 8 months'
credit will be given on furnishing ape
proved joint notes. A discount of 4
per cent straight will be allowed for
cash on credit amounts.
'No (reserve as the proprietor has
sold kis farm and is giving up farm-
ing. _•e_:elkt!!1:
Auction Sale
There will be solid by public auc-
tion, on Lot 12, Con. 9, USBORNE,
- grille North of Winchelsea, on
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1916
At 1 o'clock sharp, the, fallowing
property, viz.
Horses—Percheron gelding, rising 4;
Percheron gelding rising •3; gelding
rising 2 sired by Chlorodine,
Cattle -3 renewed cows, 2 cows due
at time of sale; cow due April 28,
cow due May 11; cow due Sept 2nd;
cow due Oct. 2Z ;; farrow, cow; 3 two-
year old steers; 3 two-year old heit-
l:ers; 4 good .beef heifers; 3 yearling
steers, 12 last Spring calves-, 7 young
Bulls—Hereford, rising 3 years ;
Registered Durham 4 months old.
flogs -8 sows due April 8th, to ZOth
15 store hogs; thoroughbred York-
shir•e boar. -
"This is an extra choice lot.
Positively no reserve;
Terms -$10 and under cash; over
that amount. 7 months' credit on a,p-
proved joint notes.' 6 per cent: ner
annum off for cash on credit amounts.
Pa op:eetor Auctioneer
F. COATES Clerk.
For Infants : and Childr'ea
Lit Use For
relwey.s roars
t .
i_..a d..
, i-
Ern b al me r and Ftineral Directeer
Phone 74a. Night Call 74b
C J. W. KA i< , M . I' . C M,.
423 RICHMOND ST., LUnklOnie
5EnCrArase I e
ER,' G. F. ROULSTON, L.dla9„ 'f1 i11!
Honor Graduate of Toronto Univegye
I site. Office over Dickson 'dc pip:
ta s in '
Law aw office: Closed Wedneor
day afternoons. Phone Olfaaa Sad
,Residence bb. 1
Lh. A. R. KINSMAN L:D,a, D.D,iil,
Honor Graduate of Toronto Unnlit
sett extracted without pilin, 6iI
any bad effects. Ofiioe over Glade
Man & Stanburre Office Mein No
Exeter, 1
J W, BROWNING ilk D., M. gy
e P. 5, Graduate Victoria Uni.e
sity Office and residenoe Douai 31
Labratory., Exeter, .14
.Assooiate Coroner of Huron. J
Barristers, Solieitore Notaries
veyanoers Commitssioners, eiolepsit
for the Molsona Bank etc, 14
Money to Loan at lowest rates of bir
I. R. Carling B. A. . R Dickaad
We have a large amount of MIR
ate funds to loan on farm and elie
lage properties at lowest rate of MP I
tereat, .
Barristers, Solioitora, Maid.
The'Ubbortie anti tfiMurt
farmer's Mutual Dieu lana
ante Gompanp . 1
Head Office, Farquhar, VW
President ROBT. NORRIS
Vice- P.reeident fid. RYA*
•DIRE,OTORS!nil' 1
Wel, BROCK , ' WD1. nog
,t` L. RUSSELL J, T. ALL150A'i
JOHN ASSER! Jlxeter. agent U
borne and liddulph. i)
OLIVER RABBIS Munro (me't f+if
Hibbert Fullerton and Logan. , wy
Va. A.
Sercy.7`reas, p'arquhA
Solicitors, Exeter.
•GEO,,%.•,traRG,- tIA+!_.Yt• Nik tdM,a.F rotGer.o; l Ci .. .: „ • ; ti?.IC'_ OLLINhileaGsTuWshnrtaOloOHsiarm:0:al
s lab
6fo ATcAnDremssoorfr mdo 1,-•